A Preview of the 1999 Comprehensive Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts.
Moulton, Brent R. ; Parker, Robert P. ; Seskin, Eugine P. 等
Definitional and Classificational Changes
IN OCTOBER, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) will release the
initial results of a comprehensive, or benchmark, revision of the
national income and product accounts (NIPA'S). This revision is the
11th of its kind; the last such revision was released in January 1996.
Comprehensive revisions differ from annual NIPA revisions because
of the scope of the changes and because of the number of years subject
to revision. Comprehensive revisions incorporate three major types of
improvements: (1) Definitional and classificational changes that update
the accounts to more accurately portray the evolving U.S. economy, (2)
statistical changes that update the accounts to reflect the introduction
of new and improved methodologies and the incorporation of newly
available and revised source data, and (3) presentational changes that
update the NIPA tables to reflect the definitional, classificational,
and statistical changes and to make the tables more informative.
Comprehensive revisions, and to a lesser extent annual revisions,
provide the opportunity to introduce major changes that are outlined in
BEA'S strategic plan for maintaining and improving its economic
accounts.(1) The plan emphasizes efforts to provide new and improved
measures of output, investment, saving, and wealth and to increase the
consistency of the accounts with international guidelines.(2)
This article on the definitional and classificational changes is
the first in a series of articles about the comprehensive revision. An
article in the September issue will describe the new and redesigned
tables; subsequent articles will describe the statistical changes and
other aspects of the revision, including estimates of the effects of the
definitional, classificational, and statistical changes.
In this comprehensive revision, the following definitional and
classificational changes will be introduced.
* Recognize business and government expenditures for software as
fixed investment
* Reclassify government employee retirement plans
* Modify the treatment of private noninsured pension plans
* Reclassify certain transactions as capital transfers
* Redefine dividend payments by regulated investment companies to
exclude distributions that reflect capital gains income
* Redefine the value of imputed services of regulated investment
* Reclassify several government taxes and transfer programs
* Reclassify as financial transactions the implicit subsidies
associated with Federal direct loan housing programs
* Reclassify directors' fees
In the following sections of the article, each change is described,
the reason for the change is given, and the effects on the accounts is
provided. With the exception of the change related to software, for
which rough estimates are provided, the other changes will have little
or no effect on gross domestic product (GDP) or on gross domestic income
(GDI). Among these other changes, the reclassifications of government
pensions and of capital transfers will significantly affect the
estimates of personal saving and of the government current surplus or
deficit, and the modification of private noninsured pension plans will
significantly affect the estimates of corporate profits and of net
interest. Estimates of these effects will be provided in subsequent
For each change, table 1 shows the aggregates and components from
the current NIPA five-account system (see table 2) that will be affected
and the initial year of revision. A technical note at the end of the
article describes the methodology that SEA has developed in order to
implement the change that recognizes software expenditures as
Table 1.--Major Definitional and Classificational Changes
Change Components affected Initial
year of
Recognize business and Private fixed investment 1959
government expenditures for in equipment
software as fixed and software, government
investment, consumption expenditures
and gross
investment, proprietors'
income, consumption of
fixed capital, corporate
profits, subsidies less
current surplus of
government enterprises,
personal saving, and
government current
surplus or deficit.
Reclassify government PCE, government 1929
employee retirement consumption
plans expenditures and gross
investment, employer
contributions for
social insurance,
personal contributions
for social insurance,
other labor income,
personal saving,
personal income,
personal outlays,
personal dividend
income, dividends
received by
government, personal
interest income, net
interest paid by
government, transfer
payments to persons
from government,
transfer payments to
the rest of the world
from government
(net), transfer
payments to the rest of
the world from persons
(net), and government
current surplus
or deficit.
Modify the treatment of Corporate profits, 1946
private noninsured pension dividends, rental
plans income of persons,
personal dividend
income, net interest,
and personal interest
Reclassify certain Corporate profits, 1929
transactions as capital subsidies less
transfers current surplus
of government
enterprises, personal
tax and nontax
payments, personal
saving, transfer
payments to the rest
of the world from
persons (net),
transfer payments to
the rest of the world
from government
(net), government
current surplus or
deficit, and net
foreign investment.
Redefine dividend payments Dividends, 1946(1)
by regulated investment undistributed
companies to exclude profits, personal
distributions that reflect dividend income,
capital gains income. and personal saving
Redefine the value of PCE, government 1959
imputed services of consumption
regulated investment expenditures and gross
companies. investment, personal
interest income, net
interest, and net
interest paid by
Reclassify several PCE, S&L government 1938
government taxes consumption (Fed-
and transfer programs expenditures and gross eral)
investment, employer (1973)
contributions for (S&L)
social insurance,
personal contributions
for social insurance,
subsidies less current
surplus of government
enterprises, transfer
payments to persons,
personal tax and
nontax payments,
personal saving,
government current
surplus or deficit,
and the statistical
Reclassify as financial Net interest, subsidies 1968
transactions the implicit less current surplus of
subsidies associated with government enterprises,
Federal direct loan housing and net interest paid
programs. by government.
Reclassify directors' fees Proprietors' income, 1929
other labor income,
the statistical
discrepancy, and
personal saving
(1.) This change will affect the estimates through 1981 (see the
section in the text). PCE Personal consumption expenditures S&L
State and local
Table 2.--Summary National Income and Product Accounts
Account 1.--National Income and Product Account
Compensation of employees Personal consumption expenditures
Wage and salary accruals Gross private domestic investment
Supplements to wages and Fixed investment
Employer contributions for Nonresidential
social insurance
Other labor income Residential
Proprietors' income with IVA Change in business inventories
and CCAdj
Rental income of persons with Net exports of goods and services
Corporate profits with IVA and Exports
Profits tax liability Imports
Dividends Government consumption
expenditures and gross
Undistributed profits with Federal
IVA and CCAdj
Net interest State and local
National income
Business transfer payments
Indirect business tax and
nontax liability
Less: Subsidies less current
surplus of government
Consumption of fixed capital
Less: Receipts of factor income
from the rest of the world
Plus: Payments of factor income
to the rest of the world
Gross domestic income
Statistical discrepancy
Account 2.--Personal Income and Outlays Account
Personal tax and nontax Wage and salary disbursements
Personal outlays Other labor income
Personal consumption Proprietors' income with IVA
expenditures and CCAdj
Interest paid by persons Rental income of persons
with CCAdj
Persona/transfer payments to Personal dividend income
the rest of the world (net)
Personal saving Personal interest income
Transfer payments to persons
Less: Personal contributions
for social insurance
Account 3.--Government Receipts and Expenditures Account
Consumption expenditures Personal tax and nontax payments
Transfer payments Corporate profits tax liability
Net interest paid Indirect business tax and nontax
Less: Dividends received by Contributions for social
government insurance
Subsidies less current surplus Employer
of government enterprises
Less: Wage accruals less Personal
Current surplus or deficit (-),
national income and product
Account 4.--Foreign Transactions Account
Exports of goods and services Imports of goods and services
Receipts of factor income Payments of factor income
Transfer payments to the rest of
the world (net)
Net foreign investment
Account 5.--Gross Saving and Investment Account
Gross private domestic Personal saving
Gross government investment Wage accruals less disbursements
Net foreign investment Undistributed corporate profits
with IVA and CCAdj
Consumption of fixed capital
Government current surplus or
deficit (-), national income
and product accounts
Statistical discrepancy
CCAdj Capital consumption adjustment IVA Inventory valuation
Business and government expenditures for software
Business and government expenditures for software will be
recognized as fixed investment, beginning with 19519. This change
represents another step in the effort to improve the NIPA measures of
investment and saving. Software will be recognized as investment
because, like other assets currently included in fixed investment, it
produces a flow of services that lasts more than 1 year; BEA estimates
that the average service life is 3-5 years, depending on the type of
software. The new treatment also eliminates an inconsistency in the NIPA
estimates of investment, in which "embedded," or bundled,
software is included but software purchases by both business and
government are excluded. The change will provide users of the accounts
with better information on the important role of software in the
economy, reflecting the rapid growth in software purchases in the past
decade. In addition, it will make the NIPA'S more consistent with
the economic accounts of most other countries.(3)
Currently, except for software embedded in equipment by the
producer of that equipment, business purchases and the costs associated
with own-account production of software are classified as inputs to
production, and government purchases and own-account production of
software are classified as government consumption expenditures
("own-account" production refers to software produced by a
business or government for its own use).
As a result of the new treatment, GDP will be increased by business
purchases and own-account production of software, by government
enterprises purchases and own-account production of software, and by the
depreciation, or consumption of fixed capital (CFC), on general
government purchases and own-account production of software. For general
government, the depreciation represents a partial measure of the
services of the stock of government software.(4)
Based on preliminary estimates for 1996, this Change will increase
GDP by about 1 1/2 percent, or $115 billion--about $95 billion in
private fixed investment and about $20 billion in government consumption
expenditures and gross investment.
The effects on NIPA components due to the recognition of software
as investment by business and by government are described below,
followed by a section on how the recognition will affect the NIPA
tables, including the five summary accounts.(5) For a summary
description of the methodology used to prepare the newly developed
estimates of the output and prices necessary to implement this change,
see the technical note at the end of this article.
Business.--Business purchases of software will be added to fixed
investment and thus to GDP. Currently, these purchases are treated as
intermediate inputs; as a result, they are omitted from the calculation
of GDP as the sum of final expenditures, and they are subtracted from
gross output in the calculation of gross product by industry.(6)
Business own-account software production, measured as the sum of the
costs of production, will also be added to fixed investment and thus to
GDP. For the calculation of industry gross product, own-account software
production will be redefined as part of gross output and thus will be
added to the gross output and gross product of industries engaged in
producing own-account software.(7)
The recognition of software as investment will also affect the
business incomes and private CFC components of GDI. Business incomes
(proprietors' income and corporate profits) will be increased by
the elimination of the deductions for the purchases of software and by
the addition of the value of the production of own-account software as a
receipt. These effects will be partly offset by the deduction of the CFC
on both purchased software and own-account software production.
Government.--Purchases of software by general government agencies
will be reclassified to gross government investment from government
consumption expenditures. In addition, as is the current convention for
all government investment, the services of purchased software, measured
by depreciation, will be added to government consumption expenditures
and thus to GDP.(8)
Own-account production of software by general government agencies,
measured as the sum of the costs of production, will also be
reclassified to gross government investment from government consumption
expenditures, and CFC on own-account software production will be added
to government consumption expenditures. As a result of the
reclassification of the costs of own-account software production, the
compensation of employees engaged in own-account production and the
related costs of production, such as rent and utilities, will be
classified as investment expenditures rather than as consumption
expenditures. The gross product of general government, which is measured
as the sum of compensation of employees (including compensation related
to own-account production) and CFC, will increase by the value of the
CFC of software investment.
For government enterprises, purchases of software and own-account
software production will be added to gross government investment and
thus to GDP.(9) Government consumption expenditures will not be
affected, because the current purchases of government enterprises are
treated as costs of production and thus are deducted in the calculation
of the current surplus of government enterprises, a business-type income
component of GDI. The effect on the current surplus of government
enterprises is similar to that on proprietors' income and corporate
profits discussed above; that is, the surplus will be increased by the
elimination of the deductions for the purchases of software and by the
addition of the value of own-account software production as a receipt,
and it will be reduced by the deduction of the CFC on both purchased
software and own-account software production.
Effect on the five summary accounts.--The recognition of business
and government expenditures for software as investment will affect the
following major components of the five summary accounts of the
In the national income and product account (account 1), GDP will
increase to reflect the amounts of purchased and own-account software by
business in private fixed investment, of purchased and own-account
software of government enterprises in gross government investment, and
of software CFC of general government in government consumption
expenditures. Purchased software by general government agencies will be
reclassified from government consumption expenditures to gross
government investment. Within GDI, the components proprietors'
income, corporate profits, and the current surplus of government
enterprises will increase for most periods, because the elimination of
deductions for purchased software and the addition of the value of
own-account software as a receipt are expected to exceed the deduction
of software CFC. The CFC component of GDI will increase to reflect the
addition of the software CFC.
In the personal income and outlay account (account 2), personal
income and personal saving will increase for most periods by the amount
of the change in proprietors' income.
In the government receipts and expenditures account (account 3),
government consumption expenditures will decrease for most periods by
the sum of the amounts of general government purchased software and of
general government own-account compensation and other production costs,
less the amount of general government software CFC. The current surplus
of government enterprises will increase by the sum of the amounts of
government enterprises purchased software and of government enterprises
own-account compensation and other production costs, less the amount of
government enterprises software CFC. The "government current
surplus or deficit" will increase for most periods by the amounts
of the change in government consumption expenditures and the change in
the current surplus of government enterprises.
In the foreign transactions account (account 4), receipts from the
rest of the world and payments to the rest of the world will not be
In the gross saving and investment account (account 5), personal
saving, undistributed corporate profits, CFC, the government current
surplus or deficit, gross private domestic investment, and gross
government investment will change as described above. Gross saving and
gross investment will increase by the same amount as the sum of the
changes in gross private domestic investment and in gross government
Changes in series titles.--The recognition of software as
investment will result in the following changes to series titles for
major NIPA tables: The title of the nonresidential producers'
durable equipment component of private fixed investment will be changed
to "equipment and software"; the title of the residential
producers' durable equipment component of private fixed investment
will be changed to "equipment"; and the title of the equipment
component of gross government investment will be changed to
"equipment and software." In addition, annual and quarterly
estimates of private investment in software will be published.
The next article in this series on the comprehensive NIPA revision
will provide additional details on the specific tables affected by these
Government employee retirement plans
Government employee retirement plans will no longer be classified
as social insurance funds within the government sector. The
reclassification will cover Federal civilian, Federal military, and
State and local government retirement plans and will treat these plans
similarly to private pension plans.(10) It will also achieve greater
comparability with the treatments by other countries.(11) The change,
which will be carried back to 1929, will not affect GDP, GDI, or
national saving, but it will increase personal saving and decrease
government saving by offsetting amounts.
Under the new treatment, employer contributions will be
reclassified to personal income (in other labor income in compensation
of employees) from government receipts (in contributions for social
insurance) and current expenditures (partly in compensation of general
government employees in consumption expenditures and partly in
compensation of government enterprise employees in the expense,; used to
estimate the current surplus of government enterprises). Personal
contributions will no longer be included in government receipts (in
contributions for social insurance) and as a deduction from personal
income (in personal contributions for social insurance). Interest and
dividends received by the retirement plans will be reclassified to
personal income (in personal interest income and in personal dividend
income) from a deduction in government current expenditures (in
government interest and dividends received).(12) Benefits paid by the
plans will be treated as transactions within the personal sector rather
than as transfer payments from government to persons. Benefits paid to
beneficiaries living outside the United States will be treated as
transfer payments to the rest of the world (net) from persons rather
than from government.(13) The administrative expenses associated with
the plans will be treated as personal consumption expenditures (PCE) (in
expense of handling life insurance and pension plans in personal
business services) rather than as government current expenditures (in
consumption expenditures). As a result of these changes, the savings
associated with the plans will appear in personal saving rather than in
the government current surplus or deficit.(14)
Effect on the five summary accounts.--The reclassification of
government employee pension plans will affect the following major
components of the five summary accounts of the NIPA'S.
In the national income and product account (account 1), GDP and
national income will not be affected. Within GDP, government consumption
expenditures will decrease, and PCE will increase, by the amount of the
reclassified administrative expenses. Within national income, other
labor income will increase, and employer contributions for social
insurance will decrease, by the amount of the reclassification of
employer contributions.
In the personal income and outlay account (account 2), personal
income will increase by the amounts of employer and personal
contributions, dividends received, and interest received, and it will
decrease by the amount of transfer payments to persons. Personal outlays will increase by the amounts of the reclassification of administrative
expenses (affecting PCE) and of the reclassification of transfer
payments to the rest of the world (net). Personal saving will increase
by the amount of the difference between the increase in personal income
and the increase in personal outlays.
In the government receipts and expenditures account (account 3),
government receipts will decrease by the amounts of employer and
personal contributions. Government current expenditures will decrease by
the amounts of reclassified administrative expenses (in consumption
expenditures) and benefits paid (in transfer payments), and it will
increase by the amounts of interest and dividends received. The
"government current surplus or deficit" will decrease by the
amount of reclassified savings associated with the plans.
In the foreign transactions account (account 4), receipts from the
rest of the world and payments to the rest of the world will not be
affected. An increase in transfer payments to the rest of the world from
persons (net) will be offset by a decrease in transfer payments to the
rest of the world from government (net).
In the gross saving and investment account (account 5), gross
investment and gross saving will not be affected. An increase in
personal saving will be offset by a decrease in the "government
current surplus or deficit."
Private noninsured pension plans
The treatment of noninsured pension plans as it relates to the
measurement of corporate profits and to the recording of property
income--rents, dividends, and interest--will be modified. The corporate
profits that are associated with the plans will be recorded as zero; the
property income will be recorded as being received directly by persons
in the corresponding components of personal income. Currently, the
profits of these plans are negative because they are defined to equal
net dividends (paid less received), and all sources of property income
are treated as imputed interest paid by business to persons. This
modification in treatment will increase profits, will increase rental
income of persons and personal dividend income, and will decrease net
interest and personal interest income. The increases in rental income
and in dividend income will be offset by the decrease in personal
interest income, GDP, national income, personal income, personal saving,
and business saving will not be affected.
Capital transfers
Certain transactions now included in the NIPA's will be
reclassified as capital transfers. These transactions, which mainly
represent transfers of existing assets and so do not affect the level of
disposable income in the current period, will be removed from the
NIPA'S, which record only transactions that reflect current
production and the related income and saving.(15) This reclassification,
which will be carried back to 1929, will not affect GDP, but it will
affect national saving.
Capital transfers are transactions in which one party provides
something (usually cash) to another party without receiving anything in
return, and these transactions are linked to, or are conditional upon,
the acquisition or the disposition of an asset.
The classification of a transaction as a capital transfer is
sometimes difficult because a transaction may represent the acquisition
or disposition of an asset to one party and disposable income to the
other party. For example, estate and gift taxes are linked to the
transfer of assets and therefore are capital transactions from the point
of view of the household; however, from the government's point of
view, these taxes represent funds that are available for spending and
would be considered as current transactions. In general, BEA will follow
international guidelines in which a transaction is classified as a
capital transfer if it is viewed as a capital transaction by either
party to the transaction. As a result of the reclassification of these
transactions, the NIPA'S will be more closely aligned with the
international guidelines for national economic accounts.(16) In order to
facilitate comparisons of NIPA measures of saving with other measures of
saving, estimates of capital transfers will continue to be published as
part of the NIPA tables (see the upcoming article on presentational
changes to the NIPA tables).(17)
The following transactions will be reclassifiedas capital
transfers: (1) Federal Government investment grants to State and local
governments for highways, transit, air transportation, and water
treatment plants (now part of Federal Government grants to State and
local governments); (2) Federal Government investment subsidies to
business, that is, maritime construction subsidies (now part of Federal
subsidies); (3) estate and gift taxes (now part of personal tax and
non-tax payments); (4) immigrants' transfers to the United States
(now part of personal transfer payments to the rest of the world); and
(5) Federal Government forgiveness of debt owed by foreign governments
(the forgiveness of original principal amounts is currently excluded
from the NIPA'S as a financial transaction; the forgiveness of
accrued interest is currently part of government transfer payments to
the rest of the world).(18)
In a related reclassification, the capital transaction
"capital grants received by the United States (net),' which is
now a NIPA category in the foreign transactions account, will be dropped
from the NIPA's; this change is consistent with international
Effect on the five summary accounts.--The reclassification of
capital transfers will affect the following major components of the five
summary accounts of the NIPA's.
In the national income and product account (account 1), GDP and its
expenditure components will not be affected. National income and
corporate profits will decrease by the amount of Federal Government
investment subsidies to business (maritime construction subsidies). GDI
will not be affected; the decrease in national income will be offset by
a corresponding decrease in subsidies, which is subtracted in the
calculation of GDI.
In the personal income and outlay account (account 2), personal
income and its components will not be affected. Personal outlays will
increase, and personal saving will decrease, by the amount of
immigrants' transfers to the United States; these transfers are now
classified as negative entries in personal transfer payments to the rest
of the world (net). Personal tax and non-tax payments will decrease, and
personal saving will increase, by the amount of estate and gift tax
payments. On balance, personal saving will be higher.
In the government receipts and expenditures account (account 3),
total government receipts will decrease by the amount of estate and gift
taxes, which are now part of personal tax and nontax payments.
Government current expenditures will decrease by the amounts of Federal
Government investment subsidies to business (now part of Federal
subsidies) and of the accrued interest included in debt forgiveness (now
part of transfer payments to the rest of the world from government
(net)). In addition, both Federal Government current expenditures and
State and local government receipts will decrease by the amount of
Federal Government investment grants to State and local governments.
These grants are now part of Federal grants-in-aid to State and local
governments, which are current expenditures for the Federal Government
and receipts for State and local governments, but they are consolidated
in the total government account.
In the foreign transactions account (account 4), receipts from, and
payments to, the rest of the world will decrease by the amount of the
presently published capital grants received by the United States (net)
category. Transfer payments to the rest of the world from persons (net)
will increase, and net foreign investment will decrease, by the amount
of immigrants' transfers to the United States. Transfer payments to
the rest of the world from government (net) will decrease, and net
foreign investment will increase, by the amount of the accrued interest
included in debt forgiveness. Net foreign investment will decrease by
the amounts of the capital grants and of the immigrants' transfers
to the United States, and it will increase by the amount of the accrued
interest included in debt forgiveness.
In the gross saving and investment account (account 5), gross
investment and gross saving will decrease by the same amount as net
foreign investment. Personal saving will increase, and the
"government current surplus or deficit" will decrease, by the
amount of estate and gift taxes. The "government current surplus or
deficit" will increase, and undistributed corporate profits will
decrease, by the amount of Federal Government investment subsidies to
business (maritime construction subsidies).
Dividend distributions of regulated investment companies
As part of the 1998 annual NIPA revision, dividend payments were
redefined to exclude the distributions of regulated investment companies
(mutual funds) that reflect capital gains income.(20) In the annual
revision, the estimates were carried back to 1982; for this
comprehensive revision, the estimates for 1946-81 will be revised.
This change will affect dividend payments of mutual funds and the
aggregates that include them. Personal income (personal dividend income)
and personal saving will decrease, and undistributed corporate profits
will increase, by the amount of the capital gains distributions that are
excluded. GDP, GDI, corporate profits, and gross saving will not be
Imputed services of regulated investment companies
The value of the imputed services of regulated investment
companies--that is, mutual funds--will be redefined to equal operating
expenses; currently, the value of the imputed services is defined as net
property income received. This redefinition, which will be carried back
to 1959, will affect GDP and GDI but not national saving.
In the NIPA's, an imputation is made to account for the
implicit service charges of financial intermediaries. The output of
these intermediaries is equal to these charges plus any explicit
charges. The imputed service is allocated among GDP expenditure
components based on each sector's share of deposits with mutual
funds. The imputed services of mutual funds that are allocated to
persons and to governments are included in GDP as part of the component
"services furnished without payment by financial intermediaries
except life insurance carriers and private noninsured pension
plans" in PCE and in government consumption expenditures. The
imputed services allocated to businesses are treated as intermediate
inputs and thus are not included in GDP.
The imputation is in GDI as an interest income payment, which is a
measure of the income associated with the production of the implicit
service.(21) In domestic net interest, a component of GDI that equals
interest paid by domestic business less interest received by domestic
business, the total imputed payment is included as interest paid, and
the payments received by business are included in interest received. The
payments to persons are included in personal interest income, a
component of personal income. The payments to government are included in
net interest paid by government (as a subtraction), a component of
government current expenditures. The payments to domestic business are
included in net interest paid by domestic business (as a subtraction).
Currently, mutual funds are classified as depository institutions,
and the value of the implicit service charge is defined as the
difference between property income received and property income paid.
In the mid-1990's, the source data that had been used to
measure this net property income showed unusually large increases. In
the 1997 annual NIPA revision, BEA determined that the underlying source
data had a number of practical problems, including the effects of
significant lags between the receipt of income by the regulated
investment companies and its distribution to shareholders. Consequently,
BEA changed its methodology for estimating the imputed charges of these
companies and began extrapolating their charges using operating
expenses, as measured by "total deductions" reported on their
income tax returns.
Under the new definition, the value of the imputed service charges
will be defined as operating expenses; it will be measured as
"total deductions" plus implicit charges by securities dealers
and "services furnished without payment" by other financial
intermediaries. The effect of this redefinition will be to increase GDP
and GDI in some years and to decrease them in other years. Within GDP,
PCE and government consumption expenditures will be affected, and within
GDI, net interest will be affected. Personal saving and the government
current surplus or deficit will not be affected. For personal saving,
the change in personal interest income will be offset by the change in
personal outlays. For the government current surplus or deficit, the
change in consumption expenditures will be offset by the change in net
interest paid by government.
In addition, beginning with this comprehensive revision, the
consumption of the imputed service charges of regulated investment
companies by State and local governments will be recognized, and the
allocation to other Or)P expenditure components will be revised
Government taxes and transfer programs
The following paragraphs describe the reclassifications of several
Federal tax items and State and local contributions and transfer items.
None of these reclassifications will affect GDP; except for a
reclassification of certain excise taxes, GDI and national saving will
not be affected.
The refunds under the Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA)
will be reclassified as negative contributions for social insurance;
currently, the FICA refunds are treated as offsets to personal income
taxes. As a result of this change, the treatment of FICA refunds will be
consistent with the present treatment of FICA payments, which are
treated as contributions for social insurance. The change, which will be
carried back to 1938, will increase nonwithheld income taxes and
decrease contributions for social insurance by the amounts of the FICA
refunds; Federal receipts and the current surplus or deficit will not be
The excise taxes related to private pension plans, such as taxes on
pension-plan "reversions," will be reclassified as business
nontaxes; currently, these taxes are treated as personal nonwithheld
income taxes. This change recognizes that these excise taxes are more
like fees than like conventional taxes and that they are paid by the
employer. The change, which will be carried back to 1982, will decrease
personal nonwithheld income taxes, and will increase business nontaxes,
by the amounts of these excise taxes. GDI and the statistical
discrepancy will be affected; the increase in business nontaxes
(indirect business tax and nontax liability) will not be offset in
corporate profits, because excise taxes are already deducted in the
source data used to estimate corporate profits. Federal receipts and the
current surplus or deficit will not be affected. Disposable personal
income and personal saving will increase.
The food-cost portion of the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program
for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) will be reclassified as State and
local transfer payments to persons and added to PCE; currently, these
food-related expenditures are classified as State and local consumption
expenditures. This change recognizes that the food benefits associated
with WIC are similar to those in the Federal food stamp program, which
are classified as transfer payments to persons. This change, which will
be carried back to 1974, will increase State and local transfer payments
to persons, personal income, and PCE, and will decrease State and local
consumption expenditures, by the amounts of these expenditures. State
and local current expenditures, the current surplus or deficit, and
personal saving will not be affected.
Payments for foster care and for adoption assistance will be
reclassified as "other" public assistance. Currently, the
federally funded portion of these payments is treated as "family
assistance,' and the State-funded portion of foster care assistance
is treated as "other" State and local transfer payments (the
State-funded portion of adoption assistance was not previously
estimated). The change will combine both types of payments--regardless
of the source of government funding--into one category, recognizing that
the current classification of the federally funded portion as family
assistance is not consistent with the definition of the items in that
category, and it will include estimates of State-funded adoption
assistance. As a result of the change, family assistance will decrease,
and "other" public assistance will increase, by the amounts of
the federally funded payments. "Other" State and local
transfer payments will decrease, and "other" public assistance
will increase, by the amounts of the State-funded foster care payments
(beginning with 1973). State and local transfer payments to persons will
increase by the amounts of State-funded adoption assistance not
previously captured (beginning with 1985). State and local government
consumption expenditures will decrease by the amounts of federally
funded payments (beginning with 1982) and the amounts of State-funded
adoption assistance (beginning with 1985); previously, only the
State-funded portion of foster care assistance had been removed from
consumption expenditures.
Implicit subsidies associated with Federal direct loan housing
Implicit subsidy payments and offsetting interest payments that are
associated with Federal direct loan housing programs will be
reclassified as financial transactions back to 1968; as such, they will
be removed from the NIPA's. Currently, the difference between the
contract interest and the interest actually owed (depending on certain
income conditions) on these loans is included in subsidy payments to
homeowners and, as an offset within government expenditures, in interest
received from them by the Federal Government. The change will eliminate
both of these payments and will result in consistency with the treatment
of interest subsidy costs of other direct loan credit programs. These
costs are classified as financial transactions and thus are excluded
from the NIPA'S, because transactions in financial assets represent
the exchange of existing assets rather than current income or
The reclassification of the implicit payments will increase net
interest paid by government, and will decrease subsidy payments, by the
same amount; thus, government current expenditures and the government
current surplus or deficit will not be affected.(22) GDP will not be
affected; in GDI, the decrease in subsidy payments will be offset by a
decrease in net interest. Rental income of persons will not be affected,
because the removal of the subsidy will be offset by the reduction in
interest payments. National income will be reduced by the amount of the
decrease in net interest. Personal interest income, personal income, and
personal saving will not be affected.
Directors' fees
The fees that are paid to outside directors--that is, directors who
are not employees of the company on whose board they serve--will be
reclassified from other labor income to non-farm proprietors'
income.(23) This reclassification, which will be carried back to 1929,
will not affect GDP, but because it will eliminate a double-counting of
these fees in the NIPA's that began in 1979, it will affect GDI,
the statistical discrepancy, and national saving, beginning with 1979.
Directors' fees will be reclassified to proprietors'
income for two reasons. First, in 1979, directors were instructed to
report the fees as part of business income on Schedule C of their
individual income tax return Form 1040. As a result, these fees are
included in the estimates of nonfarm proprietors' income, which are
based on tabulations of business tax returns; currently, these fees are
also included in other labor income, where they are derived
independently on the basis of the compensation paid to corporate
officers that is reported on corporate income tax returns. Second,
Schedule C does not separately identify these fees, so they cannot be
measured and used to estimate other labor income.
For all years, the change will reduce other labor income by the
amount of the current estimates of directors' fees, and for years
prior to 1979, the change will increase proprietors' income by that
amount. Thus, prior to 1979, personal income and national income will
not be affected; beginning with 1979, personal income and national
income will be reduced by the same amount as other labor income.
Technical Note
Methodology for Estimates of Software
One of the major definitional changes that will be introduced in
the upcoming comprehensive revision of the NIPA'S is the
recognition of software as investment. This note describes the
methodologies that BEA has developed to prepare (1) annual estimates of
business and government purchases of software, (2) annual estimates of
own-account production of software, (3) price indexes that are needed to
prepare the real estimates for both types of software, and (4) estimates
of consumption of fixed capital (CFC) and business incomes. The
methodologies used to prepare the estimates for the most recent periods
are described at the end of the note.
More detailed information about the methodologies and the
historical quarterly estimates will be available after the release of
the comprehensive revision.
Current-dollar estimates
For 1987 and 1992, the estimates of business and government
purchases of prepackaged software and custom software are based on
estimates from the benchmark input-output (1-0) accounts. For other
years, estimates are prepared using the commodity-flow method in which
directly measured output is allocated among the various expenditure
components, primarily using relationships from the benchmark 1-0
First, the estimates of the total output of purchased software are
derived. Beginning with 1985, output is based on industry receipts data
from the Census Bureau's service annual survey.(25) For 1960-84,
output is based on trade source data on revenues for software and
computer services, and for 1959, output is based on a judgmental trend.
Second, estimates of purchases by households are derived, beginning with
1974. For 1977-91, these purchases are estimated using data from the
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) consumer expenditures survey; for 1992,
these purchases are from the benchmark 1-0 table and are based on Census
Bureau retail sales and services receipts from the 1992 Economic
Censuses, and beginning with 1993, these purchases are based on data
from the Census Bureau retail trade surveys. Third, net exports of
software are derived, beginning with 1960, from data on trade in goods
from the Census Bureau.(26) Fourth, estimates of business purchases of
software that is embedded in other equipment and of the change in
business inventories of software are prepared using benchmark 1-0
relationships of these transactions to total output.(27) Fifth, total
investment is estimated as the difference between total output and the
sum of the estimates from steps two, three, and four. Finally, the total
investment estimates are divided between business purchases and
government purchases, using benchmark 1-0 relationships of business
purchases and of government purchases to total investment.
For own-account software, newly developed estimates have been
prepared to measure this type of investment in software.(28) Own-account
production of software is measured as the sum of production costs; in
general, these costs consist of the following: Intermediate inputs;
factor incomes, such as compensation of employees; nonfactor charges,
such as indirect business taxes; and CFC. Because of the lack of
available source data, these costs are limited to intermediate inputs
and compensation of employees.
Beginning with 1985, total output of own-account software is
calculated by multiplying the number of programmers and systems analysts
in selected industries times a factor to account for the share of time
spent doing tasks associated with software investment, times the median
wage rate in those industries, times various factors that cover nonwage
compensation costs and intermediate inputs. Data on the number of
computer programmers and systems analysts by industry are then used to
provide estimates of output for private employees, for Federal
Government employees, and for State and local government employees.
Data on the number of programmers and systems analysts are
available from BLS by occupation and by industry.(29) In order to avoid
double-counting the work performed by some of these employees to create
embedded software or to produce software for sale, an adjustment is made
to the total number of programmers and systems analysts that reduces the
number of employees from the mining, manufacturing, and business
services industries. This adjustment is made judgmentally on the basis
of unpublished BLS data on the employment of computer programmers and
systems analysts as a share of all industry employment.
Data on the proportion of time spent by programmers and systems
analysts on the development of new software are based on a private
Wages are derived from BLS data on median weekly earnings for
computer programmers and systems analysts.(31) The other production
costs are derived as follows: Nonwage compensation, on the basis of the
relationship between compensation and wages derived from published NIPA
data by industry;(32) and intermediate inputs, on the basis of the
relationship between intermediate inputs and compensation derived
primarily from the Census Bureau's census of service
For years before 1985, this methodology is modified to reflect the
availability of source data. For 1972-84, the modifications are as
follows: Trade source data are used for the total number of programmers
and systems analysts; the NIPA measure of wages and salaries per
full-time equivalent employee for the business services industry (SIC
73) is used for the median wage rates of business; and price indexes for
compensation of Federal nondefense employees and for compensation of
State and local noneducation employees are used for median wage rates
for government. For 1959-71, a different methodology is used; the
business and the government estimates of own-account software production
are extrapolated back using NIPA measures of business purchases of
computers and peripheral equipment.
Currently, the information available on the prices of prepackaged
software is limited, and no information is available on the prices of
custom software or of own-account software. To estimate real software
investment, BEA is developing quality-adjusted price indexes in order to
better reflect the rapid technological changes in these products.
Prepackaged software.--The price indexes for prepackaged software
are based on information from-the following sources: BEA hedonic price
indexes for 1985-94 for business applications; matched-model indexes for
selected types of prepackaged software, including spreadsheets,
databases, and word processing; matched-model price indexes for 1985-93
that were developed by Steven Oliner and Daniel Sichel;(34) and
beginning with December 1997, a BLS producer price index (PPI) for
applications software that is also based on prices of matched models.
For 1985-93, the quality-adjusted price index is estimated by
combining the BEA-developed hedonic price indexes and the Oliner-Sichel
matched-model indexes. BEA developed hedonic price indexes for two types
of prepackaged software--spreadsheets and word processing.(35) These
hedonic price indexes are estimated using a methodology that is an
extension of earlier work on software prices by Brynjolfsson and Kemerer
and by Gandal.(36) The price index estimates are based on regressions in
which the logarithm of prices of prepackaged software is a linear
function of selected quality characteristics and of dummy variables for
each year of the price observations. The resulting indexes are
"regression" price indexes in which the coefficients of the
dummy variables for each year are used to construct price index values
for the sample periods of the regressions.(37) The individual hedonic
price indexes for the two types of software are weighted together
equally to produce a summary hedonic price index for prepackaged
For 1985-93, the quality-adjusted price index is estimated using an
unweighted average of the percent changes in the Oliner-Sichel
matched-model index and the BEA summary hedonic index. This approach
reflects the concern that the hedonic index may overstate price declines
because over time, the characteristics of high-priced packages with
limited sales are incorporated into lower priced packages that have much
greater sales.
For 1994-97, source data to prepare hedonic indexes are not
available, so BEA is using private source data on retail prices and
quantities sold to develop a matched-model index that covers only
business-oriented software. This index extends the Oliner-Sichel
matched-model index to 1997; the BLS PPI series is then used to extend
the matched-model series to the current period. In addition, an annual
bias adjustment is made because it is likely that the matched-model
indexes understate quality-adjusted price declines; quality
improvements, such as enhanced power and performance, tend to be
introduced in new versions of software, so they are not captured by the
matched-model estimates. The bias adjustment is equal to one-half the
6.3-percent per year difference between the matched-model index and
BEA'S averaged index for 1985-94.
The price index for prepackaged software is extended back from 1985
using an indicator series that is equal to 60 percent of the annual
change in BEA'S price index for computers and peripherals. This
percentage corresponds to the average difference for 1985-97 in the
annual rates of change in the computer and peripherals price index and
the annual rates of change in the prepackaged software price index.
Own-account software.--The price indexes for own-account software
investment are input-cost indexes that are calculated from a weighted
average of compensation rates for computer programmers and systems
analysts and the intermediate inputs associated with their work. (These
intermediate input costs vary somewhat, but they average slightly more
than half the total costs.) Compensation cost indexes are estimated
separately for government and for business own-account software
investment because the compensation rates for computer programmers and
systems analysts in the two sectors have moved somewhat differently over
For 1972-96, chain-weighted indexes of input costs are calculated
using estimates of compensation of programmers, compensation of systems
analysts, and intermediate inputs. The compensation rates for 1987-96
are based on BLS estimates of median usual weekly earnings for
programmers and systems analysts; for 1972-86, they are based on NIPA
estimates of wages and salaries per full-time equivalent employees in
the business services industry. A single intermediate input index is
used for business and government for 1972-96; it is based primarily on
detailed PPI'S. These own-account price estimates are based on the
assumption that the productivity of computer programmers and systems
analysts does not change; thus, increases in their compensation rates
pass directly into higher prices. This assumption is the same as that
made elsewhere in the NIPA'S when prices are based on costs.
Beginning with 1997, a fixed-weighted index (1996 weights) of
compensation rates and intermediate input costs is used. In the next
annual NIPA revision, a chain-weighted index will be incorporated for
Prior to 1972, a fixed-weighted index (1972 weights) of
compensation rates and of intermediate inputs is used. Source data to
calculate weights are not available for these years.
Custom software.--Custom software consists of both new programming
and existing programs or program modules, including prepackaged
software, that is incorporated into new systems. Therefore, the price
index for custom software is constructed as a weighted average of the
percentage changes in the price indexes for business own-account
software and for prepackaged software. The weights, which are selected
arbitrarily, are 75 percent for changes in business own-account software
prices and 25 percent for changes in prepackaged software prices.
CFC and business incomes
The CFC estimates for software are derived from BEA'S capital
stock estimates, which are prepared using the perpetual-inventory
method.(38) In determining the depreciation pattern, a 3-year service
life is used for prepackaged software, and a 5-year service life is used
for both custom software and own-account software; the 3-year service
life is the same as that used in current tax law. (These service lives
roughly correspond to annual geometric depreciation rates of 55 percent
and 33 percent, respectively.) For business, the capital consumption
allowance (or tax-return-based depreciation) is calculated using the
same service lives as the CFC; it is distributed by industry based on
the distribution of the capital stock of computers and peripheral
For consistency with the recognition of software as investment, the
business incomes (proprietors' income and corporate profits) for
each industry having investment are changed as follows: The costs of the
production of own-account software are added as a receipt, the
deductions for the purchases of software are removed, and the
depreciation on purchased software and own-account software production
is deducted.(39) The estimates of own-account software production and
purchases of software by industry and by legal form of organization are
based on the investment data from BEA'S capital stock estimates;
the estimates of depreciation are derived as described in the previous
Methodologies for recent-period estimates
Except for the estimates of the prices of prepackaged software, the
estimates of software investment for the most recent quarters are
prepared using methodologies that differ from those just described. For
current-dollar purchases of software by business and by government, the
last annual totals for these estimates, which are based on Census Bureau
receipts data, are extrapolated using total wages for the computer
programming services industry and the prepackaged software industry--the
two industries whose receipts are used to extrapolate the most recent
I-O benchmark estimates.
For current-dollar own-account production of software, recent
trends in the business purchases and in the government purchases of
computers and peripheral equipment are used to extrapolate the
own-account series.
For prices of prepackaged software, the estimates are based on
changes in the PPI for applications software.
For prices of own-account software, a fixed-weighted index is
calculated using the weights of the most recent year for which source
data are available. The costs of compensation of computer programmers
and systems analysts are based on the BLS employment cost index for
private industry white-collar employees. The costs of compensation of
government programmers and systems analysts are based on the NIPA
chain-type price indexes for compensation of Federal nondefense
employees and for compensation of State and local noneducation
employees. Estimates of prices for intermediate inputs are based
primarily on detailed PPI's, as described earlier.
Price indexes for custom software are calculated as a weighted
average of the percent changes in the prices of prepackaged software and
of business own-account software.
(1.) The BEA strategic plan is available on our Web site at
<www.bea.doc.gov>; click on "BEA'S mission."
BEA'S plan was presented and discussed at a conference of major
users of the economic accounts in March 1995; see "Mid-Decade
Strategic Review of BEA'S Economic Accounts: An Update" SURVEY
or CURRENT BUSINESS 75 (April 1995): 48-56.
(2.) For detailed information on the international guidelines for
national accounts, see Commission of the European Communities,
International Monetary Fund, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development, United Nations, and the World Bank, System of National
Accounts 1993 (Brussels/Luxembourg, New York, Paris, and Washington, DC,
(3.) As part of the 1993 revision of the international guidelines,
the definition of investment was expanded to include the following types
of intangible assets that are expected to be used for more than 1 year:
Mineral exploration, computer software, databases, and literary and
artistic works. The NIPA'S previously had included mineral
exploration as investment; the recognition of databases and literary and
artistic works as investment was not considered for this comprehensive
(4.) The service value of an asset should be measured as the
reduction in the value of the asset as a result of its use in the
current period (measured by the depreciation) plus a return equal to the
value the asset could earn if it were invested elsewhere. Source data to
estimate this return are not currently available.
(5.) For both business and government, purchases of software will
consist of purchases of both prepackaged and custom software.
(6.) Estimates of gross product by industry that reflect the NIPA
revision will be released in the spring of 2000. For information on
gross product by industry, see Sherlene K.S. Lum and Brian C. Moyer,
"Gross Product by Industry, 1985-97" SURVEY 78 (November 1998): 20-40.
(7.) This treatment is the same as that for own-account, or
"force-account," new construction and major improvements,
which is currently recognized as investment in private and government
structures in the NIPA'S.
(8.) For a discussion of the treatment of investment by government
agencies, see "Preview of the Comprehensive Revision of the
National Income and Product Accounts: Recognition of Government
Investment and Incorporation of a New Methodology for Calculating
Depreciation," SURVEY 75 (September 1995): 33-41.
(9.) For a detailed discussion of the treatment of government
enterprises, see "Recognition of Government Investment" 34-35;
and Government Transactions, Methodology Paper No. 5 (November 1988),
which is available from the National Technical Information Service,
accession no. PB 90-118480, and on BEA's Web site at
(10). The reclassification covers unfunded retirement plans, such
as the military retirement plan as it existed before a trust fund was
established in the fourth quarter of 1984, The change will not affect
the Federal Government employees' Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), a
tax-deferred retirement savings plan that is similar to a 401(k) plan
and invests in a variety of financial assets; the NIPA'S currently
treat the TSP similarly to a private noninsured pension plan.
The treatment of other social insurance funds will not be affected;
these funds include old-age, survivors, and disability insurance (social
security), hospital insurance (medicare), unemployment insurance, and
workers' compensation insurance. Social security has features
similar to those of government and private employee pension plans, but
it also has other features that make it different from those plans. For
example, social security benefit payments are not directly proportional to prior earnings; low-wage earners receive a much larger proportion
than do high-wage earners. In addition, social security benefits are
provided to society at large rather than to specific groups of
(11.) The System of National Accounts (SNA) recommends that both
private and government employee retirement plans appear in a subsector
for insurance corporations and pension funds; however, BEA is deferring
a decision on sector reclassification, pending a review of differences
in the classifications between the NIPA'S and the SNA.
(12.) Interest paid by the Federal Government to Federal employee
retirement plans will be included in personal interest income and in
Federal interest paid. Currently, this transaction is within the
government sector and is not shown in the NIPA'S.
(13.) Data are not currently available to estimate benefits paid
from State and local government plans to beneficiaries living outside
the United States.
(14.) These savings equal employer contributions plus personal
contributions plus interest received plus dividends received less
benefits paid less administrative expenses.
(15.) The NIPA investment flows are used to prepare BEA'S
accounts of the stock of fixed assets presented in Fixed Reproducible Tangible Wealth, 2925-94 (forthcoming). A new table, which will be
described in the forthcoming article on presentational changes, will
provide an integration of the estimates of the stocks of fixed assets
and inventories and the associated investment flows. SEA intends to
continue its work toward developing integrated accounts of the stocks
and flows of nonfinancial and financial assets, with the objective of
developing national balance sheets. When that objective is reached, the
capital transfers will be presented as part of a capital account.
(16.) The U.S. international transactions accounts were recently
restructured to show capital transfers to or from the rest of the world
in a separate capital account; this change brought the U.S. accounts
closer to existing international guidelines for balance of payments
accounts. For more details, see Christopher L. Bach, "U.S.
International Transactions, Revised Estimates for 1982-98" SURVEY
79 (July 1999): 63-64.
(17.) Because some data users are specifically interested in the
series on estate and gift taxes, quarterly estimates will be made
available through STAT-USA as "unpublished detail."
(18.) In future comprehensive revisions, BEA will consider
reclassifying additional transactions as capital transfers. For example,
a portion of Federal disaster assistance programs and Federal Government
investment grants to foreign countries might be classified as capital
transfers. To date, BEA has been unable to complete the conceptual and
statistical work required to implement these additional
(19.) This category consists primarily of allocations of special
drawing rights (SDR'S), which are international reserve assets created by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and allocated to its
members, but they are not considered to be liabilities to any
organization. Allocations of SDR'S by the IMF are not therefore
considered to be transactions between two parties: The United States
gains an asset, but the IMF does not acquire a liability.
(20.) See Eugene P. Seskin, "Annual Revision of the National
Income and Product Accounts," SURVEY 78 (August 1998): 29.
(21.) The imputation of income payments to depositors is made so
that the imputation for implicit service charges by financial
intermediaries does not affect national or sector measures of saving.
(22.) For some years, there will be additional effects because the
amounts of the implicit payments recorded in interest and in subsidies
were not the same.
(23.) Director's fees paid to employees who serve on their
company's board of directors are classified as wages and salaries.
(24.) For a description of these accounts, see U.S. Department of
Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Benchmark Input-Output Accounts
of the United States, 1992 (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing
Office, 1998). For a description of the commodity-flow method, see
Benchmark Input-Output Accounts, M-5.
(25.) Beginning with 1990, the receipts data are derived from data
for the following two industries: Computer programming services (SIC
industry 7370 and prepackaged software (SIC 7372)- For 1985-89, the
receipts data are derived from data for the computer and data processing services industry (sic 737).
(26.) The definitional change does not affect the current estimates
of consumer purchases of software or exports and imports of software, so
these estimates are used in the new methodology.
(27.) Annual estimates of software inventories are available only
from the benchmark 1-0 tables. For the calculation of investment in
prepackaged software, it is assumed that the inventory changes for all
years except 1987 and 1992 are zero.
(28.) Federal Government agencies provide data on obligations for
information technology to the Office of Management and Budget; however,
these data do not provide sufficient detail to estimate the costs that
are solely related to own-account production.
(29.) See Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Employment by
Occupation and Industry, 1983-96" in the National
Industry-Occupation Employment Matrix (unpublished).
(30.) Barry W. Boehm, Software Engineering Economics (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1980: 533-35, 548-50.
(31.) See "Median Usual Weekly Earnings of Full-time Wage and
Salary Workers by Detailed Occupation and Sex, 1996" Employment and
Earnings (January 1998): table 39. The estimates in this table are based
on data collected in the current population survey.
(32.) See NIPA tables 6.2, 6.4, and 6.6.
(33.) The relationship is primarily based on data in the 1987
Census of Service Industries: Capital Expenditures, Depreciable Assets,
and Operating Expenses (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office
(GPO), 1991) and the 1992 Census of Service Industries: Capital
Expenditures, Depreciable Assets, and Operating Expenses (Washington,
DC: U.S. GPO, 1996).
(34.) Steven Oliner and Daniel Sichel, "Computers and Output
Growth Revisited: How Big Is the Puzzle," in Brookings Papers on
Economic Activity vol. 2 (Washington, Dc, 1994): 299-301
(35.) The data on prices and quality characteristics used to
estimate the regressions are obtained from published editions of
National Software Testing Laboratories' Ratings Reports. These data
are available only through 1994.
(36.) Erik Brynjolfsson and Chris F. Kemerer, "Network
Externalities in Microcomputer Software: An Econometric Analysis of the
Spreadsheet Market," Center for Information Systems Research
Working Paper No. 265 (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, November
1993), and Neal Gandal, "Hedonic Price Indexes for Spreadsheets and
an Empirical Test for Network Externalities," Rand Journal of
Economics vol. 25, no. 1 (Spring 1994): 164-70.
(37.) For a discussion of the construction of quality-adjusted
price indexes using hedonic methods, see Roseanne Cole et al.,
"Quality-Adjusted Price Indexes for Computer Processors and
Selected Peripheral Equipment" SURVEY 66 (January 1986): 41-50.
(38.) For detailed information on the capital stock estimates, see
Arnold J. Katz and Shelby W. Herman, "Improved Estimates of Fixed
Reproducible Tangible Wealth, 1925-95," SURVEY 77 (May 1997):
(39.) The changes reflect BEA'S use of business income tax
returns as the primary source data for these NIPA estimates.
Consequently, the actual amount of the change reflects the extent to
which businesses have been treating software purchases as investment for
income tax purposes and have been deducting depreciation and not the
value of the purchase; a special BEA analysis of income tax returns of
large corporations indicated that the amounts that were depreciated were
small. For additional details, see Seskin, "Annual Revision"