Improved estimates of fixed reproducible tangible wealth, 1929-95.
Katz, Arnold J. ; Herman, Shelby W.
This Article presents revised estimates of the value of fixed
reproducible tangible wealth in the United States 1929-95; these
estimates incorporate the definitional and statistical improvements
introduced in last year's comprehensive revision of the national
income and product accounts (NIPA's).(1) The mod important of these
improvements in the wealth estimates, which cover the stock of privately
owned and government-owned equipment and structures ad durable goods owned by consumers, is the use of an improved methodology for
calculating depreciation.
The improved methodology uses empirical evidence on prices of used
equipment and structures in resale markets, which have shown that
depreciation for most types of assets approximates a geometric pattern.
Previously, the depreciation estimates were derived using straight-line
depreciation and assumed patterns of retirements.(2) For equipment, the
new depreciation rates are faster than the old ones in the early years
of an asset's life and slower in the later years. For structures,
the new rates are slower throughout an asset's life. As a result,
the revisions to depreciation and to the net stocks of equipment are
relatively small, and the revisions to depreciation and to the net
stocks of structures are relatively large; depreciation is lower and net
stocks are higher.
The first section of the article describes the methodology for
estimating net stocks and depreciation and provides a table of the new
depreciation rates and services lives by type of asset. The second
section discusses the effects of the new methodology for depredation and
other improvements to the estimates of net stock Summary tables of
revised estimates of reproducible tangible wealth are presented at the
end of the article.
The improved depreciation estimates presented in this article also
are incorporated into the revised NIPA estimates of consumption of fixed
capital and related series beginning with 1929 that appear elsewhere in
this issue of the Survey. However, there are two fundamental differences
between the two series. First, government consumption of fixed capital
in the NIPA's differs from depreciation of fixed tangible
reproducible wealth owned by government, because NIPA depreciation does
not include the adjustments made to general government capital for
natural disasters and war losses. Second, depreciation on purchases of
durable goods by consumers are not recorded in the NIPA's, because
such purchases are treated as consumption, not as investment.
A complete set Of BEA wealth estimates for the years through 1994
will be available in Fixed Reproducible Tangible Wealth in the United
States, 1925-94, which will be published later this year. (See the box
"Availability of Data.") This publication will present annual
estimates of net stocks and depreciation in historical-cost, real-cost,
and current-cost valuations for the types of assets shown in tables 1-15
in this article, for private assets by industry and legal form of
organization, and for government assets by type of equipment and
structures; it will also provide the average age of net stocks, the
investment data used to derive the wealth estimates, and a detailed
statement of the methodology underlying the estimates.
Methodology for Net Stocks and
The primary measure of the value of fixed reproducible tangible
wealth is the net stock, that is, the value of the stock adjusted for
depreciation. Depreciation is the decline in value due to wear and tear,
obsolescence, accidental damage, and aging. For business and government,
in addition to its use in calculating net stocks, the same depreciation
-- consumption of fixed capital -- is presented as part of the
NIPA's.(3) Consumption of fixed capital is a charge for the using
up of fixed capital, and as such, it is, along with compensation of
employees and other components of gross domestic income and gross
national income, one of the costs incurred and the profits earned in the
production of gross domestic product (GDP) and gross national product
(GNP). Consumption of fixed capital is deducted from GDP and GNP to
derive net domestic product and net national product. In addition,
government consumption of fixed capital is a component of government
consumption expenditures (and GDP) as a measure of the value of the
services of government fixed assets.(4)
The net stock estimates in this article are presented in terms of
two valuation -- current cost and real cost. Current-cost (or
"replacement-cost") valuation expresses all assets in the net
stock in terms of the prices that prevailed in the period to which the
stock estimates refer. For example, the yearend 1995 net stock estimate
in current-cost valuation shows the assets that were in the stock at
yearend 1995 expressed at the market prices prevailing for those assets
at yearend 1995.(5) The real-cost estimates are expressed either as
quantity indexes or in "real" dollars, with 1992 as the base
Overview of methodology
Estimates of net stock and depreciation -- under both the new and
old methodologies -- are derived using the perpetual inventory method,
which is based on the accumulation of investment flows.(6) With this
method, both the net stock and depreciation of any given type of asset
is a weighted average of past investment in that asset. Specifically,
the net stock is calculated as the cumulative value of past gross
investment less the cumulative value of past depreciation. The initial
calculations are performed in real terms; current-dollar values are
estimated by reflation.
Calculations of net stocks and depreciation are based on real
investment data at the type-of-asset level of detail, which generally is
the same level of detail as that presented in NIPA tables 5.7, 5.9, and
5.15, and real consumer purchases of durable goods, which generally is
the same level of detail presented in NIPA table 2.7. At this detailed
level, real investment in a given type of asset is obtained by dividing
current-dollar investment in that type by the price index for new assets
of that type, expressed as 1992=100, multiplied by 100. (Real investment
for higher levels of detail shown in the NIPA tables is calculated using
BEA's chain-type annual-weighted indexes.)
Under the new methodology, most assets are assumed to have
depreciation patterns that decline geometrically over time. For a given
year, the depreciation charges on existing assets are obtained by
multiplying the prior years charge by one minus the annual depreciation
rate.(7) For each type of asset, depreciation is cumulated over all
vintages, and net stocks are estimated by subtracting cumulative
depreciation from cumulative gross investment.
As is the case for real investment, year-to-year growth rates for
both depreciation and net stocks on a real-cost basis for higher level
aggregates are then computed using the annual-weighted Fisher index.
These rates are chained together to obtain cumulative growth rates,
which in turn are used to obtain estimates of levels expressed as
indexes (1992=100) and as chained (1992) dollars.(8)
Current-cost estimates (in dollars) are obtained by
"reflating" real estimates at the type-of-asset level.
Depreciation is reflated to current cost using indexes that reflect
average prices of new assets for the year; net stock is reflated to
current cost using indexes of prices of new assets for the current
yearend. Current-cost aggregates are obtained by directly summing
current-cost estimates for the various types of assets. Finally,
estimates by type of asset are adjusted for the net value of assets
destroyed in wars and natural disasters.
Investment flows
The investment flows in new equipment and structures by type and
the transfers of used assets used to implement the perpetual inventory
method come from the revised NIPA's. For privately owned assets,
investment by type of asset is distributed by industry and by legal form
of organization, primarily through the use of data from BEA's
benchmark input-output accounts for 1982 and 1987 and from the 1987 and
1992 Economic Censuses. These flows are modified to account for
transfers of used assets between sectors of the economy. (Because of the
lack of information, transfers of used assets within sectors are not
accounted for in the wealth estimates.)
Depreciation patterns and depreciation profiles
In the perpetual inventory method, the pattern of depreciation
charges for a given asset is determined by its "depreciation
profile." The new methodology for estimating depreciation uses
depreciation profiles that reflect a geometric pattern and that replace
the previously used profiles, which were based on straight-line
depreciation and on assumed patterns of retirements.(9) The depreciation
profile for a given type of asset describes the pattern of how, in the
absence of inflation, the price of an asset of that type declines as it
ages. Although the profile for a given type of asset is assumed to be
constant over time, different vintages of a given type of asset may have
profiles that differ from those of other vintages of the same type of
The new net stock and depreciation methodology uses depreciation
profiles that are based on empirical evidence on used asset prices.
Ideally, the profiles for each type of asset should be estimated using
prices for used assets in resale markets, but such studies have only
been conducted for some types of assets. However, the available studies
suggest that, in general, depreciation profiles are more closely
approximated by a geometric pattern of price declines than by a
straight-line pattern. Consequently, in the revised estimates, the
depreciation profiles for most assets were assumed to be strictly
geometric, and the appropriate rate of declining-balance depreciation
was taken from empirical studies of similar classes of assets. The
depreciation rates for specific types of assets were then determined by
dividing the appropriate declining-balance rate for each asset by the
assets assumed service life. For autos and for computers and computer
peripheral equipment, two classes of assets for which information on
used asset prices makes it possible to estimate the underlying
depreciation profiles, the actual empirical profiles were used. For
computers and peripheral equipment, the profiles were taken from studies
by Stephen Oliner.(10) For missiles and nuclear fuel rods, depreciation
was estimated using a straight-line pattern and a Winfrey retirement
pattern, which is essentially a bell-shaped curve.
The new geometric depreciation rates and the associated
declining-balance depreciation rates and service lives used by BEA to
derive the new estimates of net stocks and depreciation are shown in
table A. Except as previously noted, BEA's depreciation rate equals
the declining-balance rate divided by the service life. The rate of
declining-balance depredation is the multiple of the comparable
straight-line rate used to calculate the geometric rate of depredation.
For example, a 1.65 declining-balance depreciation rate refers to a
geometric rate of depreciation of 1.65/L, where L is the service life of
the asset in years and 1/L is the straight-line rate. Separate service
lives are used for each type of asset and for the estimates of fixed
private capital, separate service lives are also used in different
industries for certain types of assets. Most of the service lives are
held constant over time because the information necessary to estimate
changes in them is not available. The lives themselves are based on a
wide variety of sources and for most types of assets, are the same as
those used for the previously published estimates.(11)
Comparison With the Previous
The new methodology for net stocks and depreciation differs from
the previous one in several important respects. As noted earlier,
depreciation patterns had previously been assumed to follow a
straight-line pattern with service lives distributed about the mean of
assumed retirement patterns. Destruction of government assets in wars
and natural disasters has been accounted for differently. In addition,
estimates of gross stocks of fixed capital are no longer prepared, and
aggregate series are now prepared using BEA's newly featured
chain-type annual-weighted indexes rather than fixed-weighted
(Laspeyres) indexes.
The remainder of this section provides additional information on
these changes in methodology and describes the revisions to net stocks
of private and government assets.
Depreciation profiles
Previously, all assets were assumed to have depreciation profiles
that declined to zero in a straight-line manner. However, all assets of
a given type were not assumed to have the same life. Instead, each
vintage of a given type of asset was divided into several dozen cohorts,
each of which was assumed to have a different service life. These lives
were assumed to be distributed about the mean according to one of
several Winfrey retirement patterns. Consequently, the net stock of an
entire vintage of assets of a given type declined over time in a manner
that was somewhat more accelerated than that given by the simple
straight-line pattern.
The differences between the typical depreciation profiles used in
the previous and new methodologies are illustrated in charts 1 and 2.
The comparison is made for a typical type of equipment in chart 1 and
for a typical type of structure in chart 2; both charts are for an
entire vintage of investment in these types. In chart 1, the equipment
is assumed to have a mean service life of 15 years. (All three of the
depreciation profiles shown on the chart assume this mean life, though
the profile for strict straight-line depreciation would be appropriate
only if all assets in the vintage had a 15-year life.) Because of the
use of the Winfrey pattern, the depreciation profile in the previous
methodology is seen to be slightly more accelerated than the curve for
strict straightline depreciation (that is, below it) except in the last
few years of the asset's life. A depreciation profile is also
shown on chart 1 for 1.65 declining-balance depreciation, a
declining-balance rate that is used for many types of equipment in the
new methodology. In the first 10 years of the profile, this depreciation
profile is more accelerated than the one in the previous methodology. In
later years, the profile in the new methodology yields higher values of
the vintage.
For structures, the differences between the previous and new
depreciation profiles are substantial in all years. Chart 2 illustrates
the aggregate depreciation profile for a vintage of structures that has
an average service life of 36 years and that in the new methodology is
depreciated using a 0.9 declining-balance depreciation rate. With the
previous methodology, 56, years after the initial investment, the entire
vintage has been fully depreciated and has a value of zero. With the new
methodology, after 56 years, the vintage retains 25 percent of its
initial value, and after 112 years, it retains more than 5 percent of
its initial value. Thus, for example, nearly all the office buildings
that were constructed in 1887 have been torn down or otherwise destroyed
(their average service life is 36 years), but the new depreciation
pattern assumes that about 6 percent of the initial value of all such
construction is still in the net stock. However, the effect of this
assumption is minimal: Because of the substantial growth in investment
in office buildings, the value of this vintage of construction
constitutes less than 0.01 percent of the total value of the current net
stock of office buildings.
Gross stock estimates
The previous methodology used to calculate net stocks and
depreciation allowed BEA to prepare two other wealth@ measure -- gross
stocks and discards. Gross stocks are the cumulative value, not adjusted
for depreciation, of past investment still in existence -- that is, the
value of past investments less the cumulative value of investment that
has been discarded or retired. The estimation of gross stocks and
discards requires a methodology that assigns a specific service life to
each of the assets distributed around the mean service life used by BEA.
The new methodology uses a depreciation profile that is applied to all
investment in a given cohort, and thus consistent data are not available
on discards for each of the discrete service lives for investment within
the cohort. As a result, BEA is no longer producing estimates of gross
stock and discards.
Destruction of assets
In the new net stock estimates, the value of assets in the general
government sector is written down to reflect the destruction of military
assets during wars. (As previously noted, these write-downs are included
in depreciation in the wealth estimates but excluded from the
consumption of fixed capital in the NIPA's in order to avoid
increasing the value of the output of government services, which is
measured by consumption of fixed capital, when there is war damage. In
the previous methodology, service lives of military equipment were
shortened during wars to account for their destruction.)
Calculation of real estimates
BEA's improved method of calculating real output and prices
also improves the measures of aggregate stocks and depreciation. Before
the recent comprehensive revision, BEA featured estimates of real GDP
and its components valued in terms of a single base period (fixed
weights), which resulted in "constant-dollar" estimates. Now,
BEA features estimates derived using chain-type annual-weighted indexes;
these indexes also are used for the improved estimates of real net
stocks and depreciation.(12)
The new chain-type measures allow for the effects of changes in
relative prices and in the composition of output over time and thereby
eliminate a major source of bias in the previously featured
fixed-weighted, or Laspeyres, measures of real GDP and prices. As
described in the article "BEA's Chain Indexes, Time Series,
and Measures of Long-Term Economic Growth" in this issue, the new
indexes are more accurate, but they are also computationally more
complex than the fixed-weighted indexes that converted to
"constant-dollar" estimates that were additive and therefore
easily manipulated. The new indexes have been converted to "chained
(1992) dollar" estimates; however, as BEA pointed out when these
estimates were introduced, they are not additive and may work well only
for periods close to the base period. Moreover, calculations of
contributions to the growth of aggregate measures, such as total private
nonresidential net stock, may produce increasingly misleading results as
one moves away from the base year. Consequently, BEA Will present
chained (1992) dollar estimates of selected aggregate measures (see
table 15) beginning with 1929 and chaine (1992) dollar estimates for all
measures beginning with 1982. (Chain indexes win be presented for all
periods.) For users who rely on chained (1992) dollar estimates, a note
accompanying the chain-index article demonstrates how to prepare dose
approximations of contributions to real growth or relative changes for
any period.
Comparison with previously published estimates
The overall effects of the changes in methodology can be gauged by
comparing the new estimates of the major components of fixed
reproducible tangible wealth with the previously published estimates. In
table B, this comparison is made for growth rates of the
"real" measures of net stock. Except for the growth rate for
government net stock, which is revised up from an average annual
increase of 3.1 percent to 3.5 percent, the changes in methodology
resulted in relatively small revisions to growth rates for 1929-94.
Table B. -- Real Net Stock of Fixed Reproducible Tangible wealth:
Revisions to Average Annual Rates of Change Over Selected Periods
Pro- Non-
ducers' resi- Resi-
Total durable dential dential
equip- struc-
ment tures
Previously published 2.6 3.4 1.7 2.3
Revised 2.8 3.6 1.9 2.5
Revision .2 .2 .2 .2
Previously published 2.0 2.7 .3 1.7
Revised 2.4 2.8 .9 1.9
Revision .4 .1 .6 .2
Previously published 3.1 4.0 3.0 2.9
Revised 3.1 4.3 2.7 2.9
Revision 0 .3 -.3 0
Gov- goods
ern- owned
ment by
Previously published 3.1 4.0
Revised 3.5 4.1
Revision .4 .1
Previously published 4.2 3.0
Revised 5.0 3.3
Revision .8 .3
Previously published 2.2 4.8
Revised 2.3 4.9
Revision .1 .1
In table C, current-dollar levels are compared for selected years.
The revisions to the levels of producers, durable equipment and consumer
durable goods were relatively small (revisions to consumer durable goods
were largely due to revisions to the depreciation rates for autos). The
revisions to the levels of net stocks of nonresidential structures,
residential capital, and government capital were large. For example, the
revisions raised the levels of these three aggregates 44.3 percent, 26.6
is percent, and 35.2 percent, respectively, over the previously
published levels for 1994. These large increases primarily reflect the
new depredation patterns for structures.
Table C. -- Net Stock of Fixed Reproducible Tangible Wealth For
Selected Years
[Billions of dollars]
Pro- Non-
ducers' resi- Resi-
Total durable dential dential
equip- struc-
ment tures
Previously published 279.4 32.3 73.7 97.3
Revised 331.2 34.4 100.2 118.8
Revision 51.5 2.1 26.5 21.6
Revision as a percentage
of previously published 18.5 6.5 36.0 22.2
Previously published 1,328.0 186.2 225.5 408.8
Revised 1,620.9 187.6 364.6 524.4
Revision 292.9 1.4 139.0 115.6
Revision as a percentage
of previously published 22.1 .8 61.7 28.3
Previously published 17,647.2 2,800.2 3,260.6 5,856.4
Revised 21,603.3 2,863.3 4,704.1 7,412.6
Revision 3,955.0 63.1 1,443.5 1,556.1
Revision as a percentage
of previously published 22.4 2.3 44.3 26.6
Gov- goods
ern- owned
ment by
Previously published 37.4 38.8
Revised 41.5 36.2
Revision 4.1 -2.6
Revision as a percentage
of previously published 11.1 -6.8
Previously published 318.5 189.0
Revised 377.4 166.9
Revision 58.9 -22.1
Revision as a percentage
of previously published 18.5 -11.7
Previously published 3,240.3 2,490.8
Revised 4,389.1 2,234.2
Revision 1,148.8 -256.6
Revision as a percentage
of previously published 36.5 -10.3
Presentation of the revised estimates
Tables 1-15 present the revised estimates of fixed reproducible
tangible wealth. The odd-numbered tables (except table 15) present
current-cost estimates in dollars and the even-numbered tables present
real-cost estimates in terms of chain-type annual-weighted quantity
indexes that are set equal to 100 in 1992. Tables 1 and 2 present
estimates for total fixed reproducible tangible wealth and its major
components for 1959-95 Tables 3 and 4 present estimates for fixed
private capital by detailed type of asset for 1959-95. For the period
1985-95, estimates for fixed private capital are shown in tables 5 and
6; fixed nonresidential private capital, in tables 7 and 8; residential
capital, in tables 9 and 10, government-owned capital, in tables 11 and
12; and durable goods owned by consumers, in tables 13 and 14. Table 15
presents the same chained 1992) dollar estimates for total fixed
reproducible tangible wealth and its major components comparable as in
table 2.
Future Work
The release of these improved estimates of net stock and
depreciation represents a major step forward, but much work remains. As
noted in BEA's Mid-Decade Strategic Review, BEA plans to conduct
empirical studies of used asset prices for more assets.(13) In addition,
such studies will be conducted so that information on the quality
differences between vintages of assets reflected in BEA's prices of
investment goods is accounted for in estimating depreciation profiles,
as reflected in the profiles for computers. In addition, BEA plans to
update service lives and to develop depreciation rates that are
appropriate for government assets.
(1.) The previously published estimates of fixed reproducible
tangible wealth ending in 1989 appeared in Fixed Reproducible Tangible
Wealth in the United States, 1925-89. (Washington DC: U.S. Government
Printing Office, 1993). Revised estimates for the periods 1990-92 and
1991-93 appeared in the September 1993 and August 1994 issues,
respectively, of the Survey of Current Business.
(2.) The improved methodology for depreciation was summarized in
Robert P. Parker and Jack E. Triplett, "Preview of the
Comprehensive Revision of the National Income and Product Accounts:
Recognition of Government Investment and Incorporation of a New
Methodology for Calculating Depreciation" Survey 75 (September
1995). The empirical and theoretical literature supporting BEA's
use of geometric patterns and the selection of specific depreciation
rates will be described in a forthcoming Survey article by Barbara Fraumeni, Professor of Economics at Northeastern University, who served
as a consultant to BEA for this project The previously used methodology
was described in Fixed Reproducible Tangible Wealth.
(3.) Prior to the recent comprehensive revision, government purchases
of fixed assets were not classified as investment in the NIPA's;
all such government purchases were classified as consumption
expenditures. Consequently, the NIPA's did not include depreciation
of government assets.
(4.) It should be noted that consumption of fixed capital does not
provide an estimate of the full value of the services of government
fixed assets, because the net rate of return on these assets is assumed
to be zero. See Parker and Triplett, "Preview of the Comprehensive
Revision" 36.
(5.) The yearend price for a given type of asset is estimated as the
average of the price for the fourth quarter of the given year and the
price for the first quarter of the subsequent year. For periods prior to
1995, yearend prices are estimated as the average of the price for the
given year and the price for the subsequent year.
(6.) An alternative to the perpetual inventory method is to use data
on the number of units of each type of asset in the net stock. This
method was used for autos because the number of units in the md of each
vintage is available from registration data. For all other assets,
methods based on direct measurement of the capital stock were not used
because of the limited availability of the required data. Stock data are
usually stated as book values, which do not provide the detailed
information about the vintage or types of assets necessary to derive
stock estimates on a current-cost and a real-cost basis.
(7.) New assets are assumed, on average, to be placed in service at
midyear, so that depreciation on them is equal to one-half the new
investment times the depreciation rate.
(8.) For a discussion of BEA's chain-type measures of output and
prices, see "BEA's Chain Indexes, Time Series, and Measures of
Long-Term Economic Growth" in this issue.
(9.) For a description of the previously used methodology, see Fixed
Reproducible Tangible Wealth.
(10.) A general description of this work appears in Stephen D.
Oliner, "Price Change, Depreciation, and Retirement of Mainframe
Computers," in Price Measurements and Their Uses, Studies in Income
and Wealth vol. 57, edited by Murray F. Foss, Marilyn E. Manser, and
Allan H. Young (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, for the National
Bureau of Economic Research, 1993): 1961. The depreciation profiles used
by BEA were taken from that article and from unpublished detail provided
by Oliner.
(11.) In the new estimates, State and local government equipment are
assigned the same service lives as those assigned to privately owned
assets of the same type. Previously, all State and local government
equipment was assigned a single service life. Using information obtained
from the Department of Defense, service lives for military equipment are
also assigned at a finer level of detail than in the past. For a
complete description of the data sources previously used to estimate
service fives, see Fixed Reproducible Tangible Wealth, M-16 to M-18.
(12.) Estimates will no longer be published in fixed-weighted
dollars, but will be made available on the Department of Commerce's
Economic Bulletin Board.
(13.) For a detailed description of the strategic Plan, see
"Mid-Decade Strategic Review of BEA's Economic Accounts: An
Update, in the April 1995 Survey.