Integrated economic and environmental satellite accounts.
Landefeld, J. Steven ; Carson, Carol S.
The existing systems of national economic accounts--including
national income and product accounts, input-output accounts, and balance
sheets--are without question premier tools for analysis and
decisionmaking. Since their origins over 50 years ago, they have been
refined, extended, and updated to reflect changes in the economy, and to
respond to changing analytical and policy concerns. Continuing this
evolution, this article and its companion "Accounting for Mineral
Resources: Issues and BEA'S Initial Estimates," beginning on
page 50, present new work by BEA on an accounting framework that covers
the interactions of the economy and the environment. To do so, this
framework provides new breakdowns that are relevant to the analysis of
these interactions and extends the existing accounts' definition of
capital to cover natural and environmental resources. The framework
takes the form of a satellite account--an account that supplements,
rather than replaces, the existing accounts.
This article presents the analytical and economic accounting
background for the new work, an overview of the satellite accounting
framework, and a long-term plan to implement the framework. Because it
introduces a topic that has both economic and environmental dimensions,
some Parts of the article may appear elementary--perhaps even
oversimplified--to readers familiar with the economic (and economic
accounting) dimensions, while other parts may appear elementary to those
familiar with the environmental dimensions.
The second article discusses the conceptual and methodological
issues in mineral resource accounting and presents estimates of mineral
stocks and changes in those stocks for the past several decades. It is a
technically oriented article that describes in some detail the
alternative valuation methods and the source data and estimating
procedures used to prepare the new estimates.
Over the years, the national economic accounts have benefited from
discussion and critique of concepts, source data, and estimating
methods. The same is to be expected for the IEESA'S, as BEA'S
new integrated economic and environmental satellite accounts are being
called. I invite your comments.
THE ECONOMY and the natural environment interact at many points,
and these interactions raise analytical questions.
* The Nation's wealth includes natural resources,
such as oil and gas reserves and
timber, that are used in production. At what
rate are these resources being used?
* The income of producers in the mineral industries
includes a return to the drilling rigs,
mining equipment, and other structures and
equipment engaged in them and a return to
the mineral. What share is attributable to
the mineral?
* Economic activity adds to the proved stock
of natural resources by exploration and technological
innovation. How much of the use
of natural resources in production has been
offset by these additions?
* Households, governments, and business all
make expenditures to maintain or restore the
environment. What share of their spending
is for the environment?
* The economy disposes of wastes into the air
and water, and the resulting degradation of
the environment imposes costs, such as lower
timber yields and fish harvests and higher
cleaning costs. What are these costs? Which
sectors bear them?
The answers to questions such as these about the interaction of the
economy and the environment are often based on partial and sometimes
even inconsistent information, suggesting the need to identify and
quantify the interactions within a systematic framework as a basis for
more informed analysis and decisionmaking. This article introduces the
integrated economic and environmental satellite accounts (IEESA'S),
which are meant to help fill that need. The IEESA'S are a
supplementary set of accounts structured to show the interactions of the
economy and the environment more fully than the existing economic
accounts. While the IEESA'S build on the existing economic
accounts, they do not replace them; likewise, IEESA measures do not
replace measures, such as gross domestic product (GDP), from the
existing accounts.
The Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) began work leading to this
article--and to the companion article about mineral resources, which
begins on page 50--in 1992. At that time, as part of a long-term program
to modernize its economic accounts, BEA began research on two sets of
accounts to supplement the existing national accounts. One of these sets
of supplementary accounts, called satellite accounts, focused on the
stock, and changes in the stock, of natural resources.(1) (The roles
that satellite accounts can serve and their general structure are
introduced in the accompanying box.) Work on the natural resources
satellite accounts was given added impetus and extended in scope in 1993
when President Clinton, as part of his April 21 Earth Day address, gave
high priority to the development of "Green GDP measures [that]
would incorporate changes in the natural environment into the
calculations of national income and wealth." At that time, BEA
committed to producing initial estimates of natural resource depletion within a year.
The first section of this article discusses the analytical and
economic accounting background of the IEESA'S and concludes with a
summary of a United Nations system of satellite accounts for the
environment, after which BEA'S accounts are fashioned. The second
section introduces the main features of the IEESA'S, presents an
inventory of available data sources, and considers uses of the new
accounts. The final section describes BEA'S long-term work plan for
developing the satellite accounts, the first phase of which is completed
with the presentation of the two articles in this issue of the SURVEY OF
CURRENT BUSINESS. Bibliographic references for both articles begin on
page 62.
The Background for Integrated Economic and Environmental
The analytical background
It is, of course, a simplification to speak of the economy and the
environment as two distinct realms. It can be argued, for example, that
the economy is part of nature because the economic activity of human
beings in producing food and shelter parallels the similar activity of
animals. In this simplification, the economy is defined as the human
activities relating to income, production, consumption, accumulation,
and wealth (although there is a continuing discussion about the scope to
be given, for example, to the term "production"). The term
"environment" refers to the environment of human beings, which
is made up of the biological resources, subsoil resources, land and
related ecosystem resources, water, and air. From the standpoint of the
economy, the environment can be thought of as consisting of a range of
natural resource and environmental assets that provide an identifiable
and significant flow of goods and services to the economy.
The economy uses these productive natural assets in a wide range of
ways. Crude oil pumped from proved reserves, for example, is used in the
production of petroleum products, while clean water in lakes and oceans
is used in the production of fish, paper products, and electric power.
The economy's uses of the goods and services provided by these
environmental assets can be grouped into two general classes. When use
of the natural asset permanently or temporarily reduces its quantity,
the use is viewed as involving a flow of a good or service, and the
quantitative reduction in the asset is called depletion. In that class
of uses, biological resources, for example, are used as food, as raw
materials for clothing, and as building materials and fuel. Water is
used for drinking, cooling, processing, and irrigation.
When use of the natural asset reduces its quality, the qualitative
reduction in the asset is called degradation. These qualitative uses
include the conversion of land from one use to another, such as the
partial development of forestland. The development of forestland results
in a reduction in the economic value of the land as forestland because
of the reduction in the flow of recreational services associated with
its degradation as a wildlife area and tourist destination. In another
kind of qualitative use, natural assets are used as a sink for the
disposal of residual pollutants that are byproducts of production.
The use of natural assets describes only part of the interaction
between the economy and the environment. There are also feedback
effects. Materials balance and energy accounting highlight both the use
of the natural assets and the feedback effects from the use; thus, they
capture the full interaction between the economy and the environment.(2)
In the case of natural resources, oil pumped from reserves today reduces
the quantities that can be extracted from existing fields in the future;
similarly, overharvesting of fish stocks today reduces yields in the
In the case of environmental assets, the feedback is more
complicated, with effects that often fall on other industries and
consumers. For example, when businesses use environmental goods and
services along with labor and capital in production, residuals--such as
lead and cadmium, or carbon monoxide and sulfur oxides--are also
produced and are then disposed of into the environment. Up to a point,
the environment is able to assimilate these residuals; beyond that
point, however, significant environmental degradation affects the
ability of the environment to provide raw materials to the economy (and
to assimilate residuals). Degradation of air and water quality, for
example, may lead to economic feedback--for example, lower timber yields
and fish harvests, higher rates of depreciation in plant and equipment,
additional cleaning costs, and increased health expenditures. In
addition, either because of governmental regulations or the need to
dispose of residuals that the environment can no longer handle,
businesses and others may need to make expenditures for pollution
abatement and control.
Integrated economic and environmental accounting aims to provide a
picture of these interactions between the economy and the environment.
Although this picture, as already noted, has numerous elements and is
complex, by definition it does not cover many of the transformations and
interactions within the environment itself--for example, the disposal of
waste products from wild fish and mammals or the conversion of natural
carbon dioxide into oxygen by plant matter on land and in the oceans.
"The accounts highlight the fact that economic sustainability
depends on environmental sustainability, and they provide data to help
analyze the costs and benefits for the careful stewardship of our
economic and environmental assets. Consistent and detailed accounting of
the interactions between the economy and the environment provides a
common framework for integrating the work of environmental specialists,
economists, and other analysts from a wide range of disciplines.
The economic accounting background
Economic accountants have long been aware of the issues that arise
with respect to natural resources and the environment. One of the
issues, which is also reviewed in the companion article, is whether the
economic accounts should reflect the parallelism that is apparent in
business accounting between depreciation, a charge for the using up of
plant and equipment in production, and depletion, a charge for the using
up of natural resources in production. In particular, because depletion
of mineral resources has long been chargeable against profits in the
U.S. tax code and because tax return tabulations have been used as
source data for profits and other property income components of the
national income and product accounts (NIPA'S), explicit decisions
were required on the treatment of depletion in the accounts. Initially,
depletion was treated symmetrically with depreciation, but no entry was
made for additions to the stock of mineral resources parallel to the
treatment of investments in structures and equipment. As a result of
dissatisfaction with this asymmetric treatment, the entry for depletion
was removed beginning in 1947.
In the late 1960's and early 1970's, environmental
accounting issues came up as part of a broader interest in social
accounting, Work by James Tobin and William Nordhaus, among others, on
adjusting traditional economic accounts for changes in leisure time,
disamenities of urbanization, exhaustion of natural resources,
population growth, and other aspects of welfare produced indicators of
economic well-being. However, the seemingly limitless scope, the range
of uncertainty, and the degree of subjectivity involved in such measures
of nonmarket activities limited the usefulness of, and interest in,
these social indicators. It was felt that inclusion of such measures
would sharply diminish the usefulness of traditional economic accounts
for analyzing market activities. Attention subsequently focused on more
readily identifiable and directly relevant market issues, such as the
extent to which expenditures that relate to the protection and
restoration of the environment (and other so-called defensive
expenditures) are identifiable in the economic accounts.
In response to this interest in environmental protection, in the
mid-1970's, BEA was a pioneer in the development of estimates of
pollution abatement and control (Pac) expenditures in a national
accounting framework. Further, presaging what was to come, the framework
for these estimates can be viewed as an early form of a satellite
account. The PAC estimates focus on an area of interest and provide
detail that would have burdened presentation of the more general NIPA
The steps in the evolution of natural resource and environmental
accounting since the early 1980's can be summarized in terms of
international efforts, in which there was active U.S. participation, and
the literature related to these effects. For this purpose, 1982 iS a
reasonable place to start. In that year, the United Nations Environment
Program (UNEP) was given the mandate to develop methodological
guidelines on environmental accounting. In its earlier work, UNEP had
tried to clarify the linkages between economic development and the
environment to help integrate issues of environmental and resource
management into the framework of economic decisionmaking. To follow up
on the mandate, UNEP and the World Bank sponsored a series of workshops
in 1983-86 to explore the current state of environmental and natural
resource accounting. The general thinking was that although economists
had long considered the external effects" of production and
consumption, they had not taken into account the effects on the resource
system as a whole and the consequence that eventually someone was going
to have to bear the "external costs." A broader view would
internalize environmental costs in the production process, for which it
would be essential to calculate costs and benefits properly and to
distinguish clearly between true income and the drawing down of assets
by depletion or degradation. Accordingly, the workshops focused on the
shortcomings of traditional economic accounting: GDP does not adequately
represent true income because environmental protection costs are treated
as generating income and because depletion and degradation of natural
resources are not charged against current income. A number of remedies
for these shortcomings were proposed, but workable methodologies and
good data were lacking, and some of the proposals were conflicting.(3)
Although the empirical foundations for integrating environmental
and economic accounting estimates were lacking in the mid-1980's, a
growing body of research and information was accumulating.(4) France,
Norway, and the Netherlands were working toward physical accounting
matrices, which they have integrated into cost-benefit and
cost-effectiveness work in the environmental policy field. Subsequently,
Canada, the United Kingdom, Japan, and Australia all did preliminary
work toward supplementing their traditional accounts. The United Nations
and the World Bank jointly sponsored pilot studies with statisticians in
Mexico and Papua New Guinea. In addition to these country efforts,
researchers--such as Henry Peskin, working with the Environmental
Protection Agency in a study of the Chesapeake Bay region, and Robert
Repetto and his associates at the World Resources Institute, in their
studies of China, Costa Rica, and the Philippines--have added
significantly to the growing literature on environmental accounting.
In the meantime, a revision of the System of National Accounts
(SNA), the international guidelines followed by most countries in
preparing their economic accounts, was undertaken. A major issue was the
extent to which the revised SNA would remedy the perceived shortcomings
of traditional national accounts.
The discussion stimulated by the 1987 report of the World
Commission on Environment and Development, Our Common Future, gave added
reason to explore statistical measures that would provide appropriate
tools to guide policy and decisionmaking.[34] This report focused on
sustainable development--that is, development that meets the needs of
the present without compromising the ability to meet the needs of the
future. According to the report, the Commission had been established by
the United Nations General Assembly because of the growing realization
that it is impossible to separate economic development issues from
environmental issues--the realization, in other words, that many forms
of development erode the environmental resources upon which they are
based, and that such environmental degradation can undermine economic
By 1989, it became clear that, given the divergent views on a
number of conceptual and practical issues in natural resource and
environmental accounting, international consensus in time for a
fundamental change in the SNA as part of the ongoing revision was not
possible. Therefore, it was agreed that the revised SNA would address
links to environmental concerns, such as the definition and boundary for
assets, and that a satellite account for integrated economic and
environmental accounting would be pursued. The United Nations undertook
the preparation of a handbook to provide guidance on the construction of
the satellite account.
Subsequently, this approach found support in several forums. In May
1991, a Special Conference of the International Association for Research
in Income and Wealth brought together economic accountants and
environmental specialists to discuss a preliminary version of the United
Nations handbook. In June 1992, the United Nations Conference on
Environment and Development (the "Earth Summit") in Rio de
Janeiro included a program for establishing systems of integrated
accounts as a complement to the existing system in its Agenda 21.[29]
Agenda 21 urged national offices that prepare economic accounts to
undertake the work and urged the United Nations to distribute widely,
and then refine, its handbook. In October 1992, economic accountants, in
a seminar held to review the revised SNA, generally welcomed the
features that link to the environment and the section of the revised
SNA'S chapter on satellite accounts that discusses integrated
economic and environmental accounts based on the United Nations
handbook. In February 1993, the Statistical Commission of the United
Nations endorsed the revised SNA.(5) The Commission, in highlighting the
important features of the revised SNA, noted that it laid the groundwork
for dealing with the interaction between the economy and the
The United Nations System of Environmental and Economic
The United Nations System of Environmental and Economic Accounting
(SEEA), as described in the handbook, is a flexible, expandable
satellite system.[30] It draws on the materials balance approach to
present the full range of interactions between the economy and the
environment. The SEEA builds on, and is designed to be used with, the
System of National Accounts 1993 (hereafter SNA 1993) [31]. Like the
SNA, the SEEA is primarily concerned with the implications of the
environment for production, income, consumption, and wealth.
The SEEA has four stages, each successively providing a more
comprehensive accounting for the interaction between the economy and the
environment. The four-stage presentation recognizes the need to develop
concepts, to inventory and augment source data, and to adapt the
implementation to differing analytical needs. The starting point is the
SNA 1993, which incorporated several features that anticipated the needs
of environmental accounting.(6) Stage A disaggregates, or provides
additional detail on, environmentally related economic activities and
assets. This stage, for example, focuses on actual expenditures intended
to prevent or repair the degradation of the environment. It includes a
detailed breakdown of the stocks of natural resource assets and changes
in these stocks. Finally, it includes sector links to show the supply
and uses of natural resources. The use of natural resources--depletion
and degradation--can be broken down into intermediate inputs by
industry, investment, final consumption by households and government,
and imports and exports.
Stage B begins with the physical counterpart of stage A. It maps,
in physical terms, the interaction between the environment and the
economy. It provides the physical quantities to which prices are applied
to derive the economic values included in the economic accounts. These
physical accounts also provide a bridge to natural resource accounting
and to materials and energy balances accounting. Stage B then links the
physical quantities to monetary values.
Stage C provides far more comprehensive and explicit measures of
the interaction between the economy and the environment. It does so,
first, by the use of alternative valuation techniques--that is,
alternatives to the use of values tied to the market, the valuation used
in the SNA 1993 and in traditional accounting systems. The alternative
valuation techniques include estimates based on maintenance costs, or
the costs necessary to maintain at least the present level of
environmental assets, and estimates based on contingent valuation, or
the willingness to pay for reductions in depletion or degradation of
natural assets. Second, it does so by the more explicit introduction of
environmental effects on the measures of national production,
investment, income, and wealth. Stages A and B of the SEEA (as well as
the SNA 1993) record environmental effects either as changes in the
value of assets or as changes in the distribution of income among the
factors of production; these changes do not explicitly affect gross
domestic product, final demand, or net domestic product.
Stage D consists of further extensions of the SEEA. These
extensions are provided for the purpose of "opening a window on
further analytical applications," and they will require further
research. They include household production and the use of recreational
and other unpriced environmental services in household production.
Framework for the IEESA'S
BEA'S IEESA'S build on the accumulating experience
represented in the SEEA. This experience is consistent with two lessons
from social accounting in the 1970's. First, such accounts should
be focused on a specific set of issues. Second, given the kind of uses
to which the estimates would be put, the early stage of conceptual
development, and the statistical uncertainties (even if the estimates
are limited to the effect on market activities), such estimates should
be developed in a supplemental, or satellite, framework.
Structural features
The IEFSA'S are structured to focus on the interaction of the
economy and the environment. The interactions covered are those that can
be tied to market activities and thus valued in market prices or proxies
thereof. They are shown as effects on production, income, consumption
and wealth.
The accounts have two main structural features. First, natural
resources and environmental resources are treated like productive
assets. These resources, along with structures and equipment, are
treated as part of the Nation's wealth, and the flow of goods and
services from them are identified and their contribution to production
measured. Second, the accounts provide substantial detail on
expenditures and assets that are relevant to understanding and analyzing
the interaction. Fully implemented IEESA'S would permit
identification of the economic contribution of natural and environmental
resources by industry, by type of income, and by product. Ultimately,
accounts by region would add an important analytical dimension.
Natural and environmental resources as productive assets.--An
example helps to explain the reasoning behind treating natural and
environmental resources like productive assets in the economic accounts.
This example is much simplified, notably in that it shows only one side
of an account, focuses on aggregates, and uses descriptive rather than
technically precise terminology. In this example, all income from
production goes to either "wages" or "profits."
Wages are recorded as earned; however, profits--that is, total revenues
less labor and other operating expenditures--are reduced by an entry for
"depreciation," where depreciation is the amount that must be
set aside to cover the using up of capital in production. Thus, for an
industry and for all industries combined, wages plus profits and
depreciation equals gross domestic product (GDP).
In the traditional accounts, the economy would be pictured as
Wages 6,000
Plus: Profits 3,000
Depreciation 1,000
Gross domestic product 10,000
Because depreciation is included in GDP, GDP is not a measure of
sustainable income; that is, if a nation consumed all of its GDP, it
would reduce the productive capacity available to future generations
because it had consumed the amount it should have set aside to cover the
using up of capital. In fact, the "gross" in the name, gross
domestic product, refers to that feature. As a better measure of
sustainable income, the traditional accounts provide net domestic
product (NDP), which is calculated as GDP less depreciation. Gross
domestic product 10,000
Less: Depreciation 1,000
Net domestic product 9,000
Capital in the traditional accounts is limited to structures and
equipment. In the IEESA'S, natural and environmental resources are
viewed as having characteristics similar to structures and equipment:
Labor and materials are devoted to producing them, and they then yield a
flow of services over time. For that reason, the IEESA'S include
these resources, along with structures and equipment, as part of the
Nation's wealth and give them the same treatment as structures and
equipment in the traditional accounts. The IEESA'S deal with three
points of asymmetry between the treatment of natural resources--for
example, mineral reserves--and of structures and equipment encountered
in traditional accounts. In traditional accounts: (1) depreciation is
subtracted from profits to determine true, or sustainable, profits, but
depletion is not; (2) depreciation is subtracted from GDP to estimate
NDP, but depletion is not; and (3) additions to the stock of plant and
equipment are added to GDP as capital formation, but additions to
mineral reserves are not.
The depletion of mineral reserves is like the depreciation of plant
and equipment: It is the amount that must be set aside to cover the cost
of using up mineral resources in production. If an oil company earns
$3,000 in profits but depletes its mineral reserves by $100, then its
true economic profits are only $2,900, the amount over and above its
depletion of assets. In the IEESA'S, therefore, an estimate is made
of the amount of profits that should be recognized as depletion, This
amount is subtracted from profits and entered, like depreciation, as a
separate component, thereby dealing with the first point of asymmetry,
Further, depletion, like depreciation, must be subtracted from GDP to
arrive at NDP. Doing so deals with the second point of asymmetry.
Wages 6,000
Plus: Profits 2,900
Depreciation 1,000
Depletion 100
Gross domestic product
Less: Depreciation 1,000
Depletion 100
Net domestic product 8,900
Note that recognizing depletion lowers profits and changes the
composition Of GDP, but the level Of GDP itself is not reduced;
recognizing depletion reduces NDP in comparison with the traditional
accounts' NDP.
In the IEESA'S, additions to mineral reserves (for example,
extensions as a result of investments in improved technology or
additions as a result of exploration) are treated like additions to the
stock of structures and equipment--that is, as capital formation.
Additions to reserves do not appear in the traditional accounts;
therefore, to treat them as capital formation, they are added to GDP. In
the IEESA'S, additions to reserves raise capital formation,
profits, GDP, and NDP. Recognizing the additions to reserves thus deals
with the third point of asymmetry. If the additions amounted to 150, the
economy would be pictured as follows:
Wages 6,000
Plus: Profits 3,050
Of which: Capital formation in mineral 150
Depreciation 1,000
Depletion 100
Gross domestic product 10,150
Less: Depreciation 1,000
Depletion 100
Net domestic product 9,050
Compared with the traditional accounts, both the composition and
level Of GDP differ. Thus, the IEESA'S give a view of an
industry's production that reflects changes in its resource base.
The IEESA'S measure Of NDP, therefore, is a better measure of
sustainable income than the traditional accounts' measure because
it incorporates changes in mineral wealth as well as structures and
equipment. Whether the IEESA'S measure of NDP is higher or lower
than in the traditional accounts depends on whether depletion or
additions is larger, and this will vary from resource to resource and
from period to period. Estimates of this kind for all natural and
environmental resources would help gauge whether the current level of
GDP can be maintained by the Nation's natural resource base.
Detail that highlights the interaction.--In the IEESAI'S, the
standard economic accounting categories are disaggregated to show detail
that highlights the interaction of the economy and the environment. For
example, the expenditures detail shows spending by households,
government, and business to maintain or restore the environment. The
asset detail shows environmental management (conservation and
development, and water supply) and waste-management projects (sanitary services, air and water pollution abatement and control) within the
standard category of nonresidential fixed capital.
The estimating requirements underlying these two main structural
features of the IEESA'S are apparent in the IEESA tables, even
when, as shown in this article, they are in skeleton form. Table i, an
asset account, and table 2, a production account, use modified forms of
tables presented in the SEEA.
Asset accounts
Integrated economic and environmental accounting requires the
measurement of stocks and flows related to assets, which are presented
in an asset account. An asset account is like a balance sheet in that it
presents stocks, or holdings, at a point in time. (Because an asset
account is limited to nonfinancial assets, it does not include
liabilities and net worth, as would a balance sheet.) However, an asset
account also presents flows related to the assets during a period of
The IEESA'S provide a complete accounting for the relevant
assets--that is, they show both stocks and flows associated with changes
in those stocks. Column 1 in table 1 provides for estimates of opening
stocks. Columns 2-5 provide for estimates of the flows that represent
different kinds of changes in the stock: First, a net total and then
three flows: The decrease in stocks due to depreciation (or more
formally, in economic accounting terms, consumption of fixed capital),
depletion, or degradation; the increase in stocks due to capital
formation in the form of new structures and equipment, additions to
inventories, additions to the stock of natural and environmental assets;
and changes in value due to price changes and to changes in the volume
of assets other than those due to economic activity (for example,
natural disasters). Column 6 provides for estimates of closing stocks.
Table 1 presents the nonfinancial assets that BEA would try to
include in IEESA asset accounts, The table's rows generally follow
the subcategories of the SNA 1993 and the SEEA, but some of
the subcategories are regrouped to broaden both the production
boundary and the definition of assets. Nonfinancial assets are divided
into made assets, developed natural assets, and environmental assets.
Made assets, which largely replicate the scope of nonfinancial assets in
traditional income and wealth accounts, are subdivided into fixed assets and inventories. Developed natural assets are subdivided into cultivated
biological resources, proved subsoil assets, and developed land.
Environmental assets are subdivided into uncultivated biological
resources, unproved subsoil assets, undeveloped land, water, and air
(the last two in terms of the economic effects of changes in the stock).
Made and developed natural assets.--To better highlight the
interaction of the economy and the environment, table 1 provides more
detail on natural resource and environmentally related produced assets
than the traditional income and wealth accounts. Within made assets,
nonresidential fixed capital is disaggregated into environmental
management (conservation and development, and water supply) and
waste-management projects (sanitary services, air and water pollution
abatement and control). Detail is also provided on farm inventories of
finished goods.
Within cultivated biological resources, table 1 provides detail
beyond that contained in the traditional accounts, such as cultivated
fixed natural growth assets (for example, livestock), and categories not
included in the traditional accounts (for example, trees on timberland).
The treatment of proved subsoil assets and cultivated land in table
1 differs from the SEEA treatment. Proved reserves are generally defined
as those reserves that are proved to a high degree of certainty--by test
wells or other test data--and are recoverable under current economic
conditions and with current technology. In the SEEA, they are classified
as nonproduced assets. In table 1, these assets, along with cultivated
natural growth assets, are included in the category "developed
natural assets." As will be illustrated in the production accounts,
capital formation that adds to the stock of these assets--both by
bringing undeveloped or uncultivated assets into the category of
developed natural assets and by adding to their value within that
category--is treated in a manner similar to capital formation that adds
to the stock of structures and equipment.
This treatment was adopted because it is difficult to rationalize describing proved reserves and cultivated land as
"nonproduced" natural assets when expenditures are required to
prove or develop them. Agricultural land, for example, must be
"produced" in that expenditures must be undertaken to convert
uncultivated land areas into commercially valuable farmland, which
yields a return over a number of years. Wetland areas, if they are to
become farmland, must be drained and graded and vegetation cleared,
Unproved mineral reserves also require expenditures for test wells,
engineering studies, and other exploration and development investments
before they are recorded as proved reserves.
Similar treatments of these developed natural assets and made
assets facilitate consistent treatment of capital formation of natural
assets and more conventional capital formation, such as investment in
structures and equipment. Under this treatment, as mineral reserves, for
example, are proved, the total value of the produced assets--structures
and equipment as well as the proved reserve's value--is included as
capital formation. Similarly, as oilfield machinery is depreciated,
proved reserves associated with the machinery are depleted.
The other major difference between developed assets in table 1 and
in the comparable SEEA presentation is in the treatment of soil. In the
SEEA, soil--that is, productive soil on agricultural land--is treated as
separate from agricultural land. In table 1, soil is a subcategory of
agricultural land because the value of agricultural land is inseparable from the value of the soil. Available estimates suggest that the effect
of soil erosion, or depletion, on agricultural productivity and land
values in the United States is quite small. Nevertheless, though soil is
not treated separately, it is shown separately because its erosion has a
significant effect on environmental quality through its effect on water
Environmental assets.--This grouping includes natural assets with
significant economic value that differ from developed natural assets in
that they are generally used as raw inputs into production in their
natural state, either as intermediate products or as investments. For
example, uncultivated biological resources, such as tuna harvested from
the ocean, are included as environmental assets, whereas cultivated
biological resources, such as rockfish raised on a fish farm, are
included in developed assets. Other categories in environmental assets
are uncultivated land, unproved subsoil assets, water, and air.
The inclusion of unproved subsoil assets broadens the definition of
subsoil assets to include reserves that, though unproved, have an
economic value over and above that of other undeveloped land because of
their location or geologic characteristics. As capital expenditures are
made to these properties, they move from non-"prove" produced
to produced assets, This broader definition of subsoil resources will
facilitate longer term planning and analysis of the use of mineral
resources. The stock of proved reserves--like the stock of drill
presses--can be expanded by additional investment; hence, firms will
keep on hand the stock of reserves dictated by current market prices,
finding costs, and interest rates. Thus, complete analysis of mineral
resources requires consideration of unproved, as well as of proved,
In a distinction similar to that between proved and unproved
subsoil assets, cultivated land--such as agricultural land, parkland,
and land underlying buildings--is included in developed natural assets,
whereas uncultivated land--such as wetlands and forestland (not included
as timberland)--is included in environmental assets. The agricultural
land must be developed before it can be used as farmland, whereas
wetlands are used--for example, for their disposal services--in their
natural state by the economy. Water, which is subdivided by type, and
air also provide services to the economy in the form of recreational and
waste disposal services.
Although these environmental assets differ from made and developed
natural assets, investments that add to the stock of these assets, as
noted below in the production accounts, are treated symmetrically with
investments that add to the stock of structures and equipment and of
developed assets. These investments, for example, include pollution
abatement and control to improve the quality and waste disposal capacity
of the air and water, or at least to offset the degradation/depletion
(which is also recorded in the production account) occurring in the
current period. These investments represent a decision by the economy to
devote its resources to investments that improve air and water quality,
rather than investments in structures and equipment, and investments
that add to the stock of clean air and water should be counted just as
investments that add to the stock of made and developed assets are
Estimates: Coverage, sources, and methods.--The estimates recorded
for 1987 in table 1 should be regarded as rough-order-of-magnitude, or
best-available, estimates. (The estimates are for 1987 because that is
the last year for which data from the quinquennial economic census--used
in a number of cases as a benchmark from which to estimate forward and
backward--are available.) In most cases, only one estimate, rather than
a range, is available. Many of the table's cells do not contain
estimates, and the quality of the estimates varies greatly. In general,
the quality and availability of the estimates declines as one moves down
the rows from produced to nonproduced assets, reflecting the increasing
conceptual and empirical difficulties in producing such estimates. The
estimates may be best regarded as a measure of the work to be
undertaken; they are presented here to serve as a road map for areas in
which source data and estimating methods must be developed or improved.
Within made assets, the estimates of nonresidential stocks of
pollution abatement (PA) structures and equipment are constructed using
the same perpetual inventory techniques used to produce BEA's
exiting capital stock estimates (see "Stock of Plant and Equipment
for Air and Water Pollution Abatement in the United States,
1980-91"). These stock estimates capture nonresidential investments
for PA that are readily identifiable. When companies and plants change
their production processes (or equipment) to embody PA features, the PA
portions of these investments are included to the extent they can be
identified; however, identification is difficult, and understatement of
PA stocks can occur. Estimates of government inventories are from
unpublished NIPA data. For inventories owned by the Federal Government,
the estimates are based on information on inventories from Federal
agencies. For State and local governments, the estimates are based on
the level of their purchases of nondurable goods; it is assumed that
they hold 1 month of these purchases in inventories. The farm
inventories of finished goods for agriculture are extensions of the
existing inventory data in the NIPA's (following the IEESA, crops
not yet harvested are shown as work-in-progress). Stock estimates for
several components that would be of interest in the household sector,
such as PA equipment in consumer durables and residential capital (for
example, PA equipment installed in cars and septic systems in homes),
are not available. Within developed natural assets, most of the
estimates are an extension of the existing national accounts data. The
existing accounts include estimates for livestock only, with no split
between those raised for breeding, dairy, or draft (cultivated fixed
natural growth assets) and those raised for slaughter (work in progress
on natural growth products). In table 1, these splits were made using
assumptions based on data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture
(USDA). The estimates of the value of vineyards and orchards are based
on Federal Reserve Board estimates of the value of agricultural land and
estimates of the acres of land in vineyards and orchards from the Bureau
of the Census. Estimates of the value of fish stocks or of changes in
these stocks are not yet available (and are in phase II of BEA's
The values of trees on timberland were estimated based on stumpage
value estimates provided by the U.S. Forest Service's Pacific
Northwest Research Station. The stumpage value estimates are based on
the concept of net rent to the timber stand--as distinct from the land
the forest sits upon--and are derived mainly from private market data on
payments for logging rights. As such, they should correspond to the
present discounted value of the timber sales from the tract less the
costs of logging, access, transportation, and processing. All timber on
timberland in the United States--public and private--is included in this
category. Timber on other forestland is included in
nonproduced/environmental assets. This somewhat arbitrary distinction is
made partly on conceptual grounds and partly on the availability of
source data. All timber in the national forests is in a sense managed,
although depending on the forest, management ranges from active, such as
planting, to relatively passive, such as self-seeding, fire control, and
rotational harvests. Practically, no data are available for the exact
definition of "cultivated timber tracts." For proved subsoil
assets, the estimates shown are the highs and lows of ranges presented,
along with a description of the sources and methods used to prepare
them, in the companion article beginning on page 50. The estimates
represent the range of differences associated with common methods for
valuing nonrenewable natural resources.
The estimates within the category "developed land" are of
uneven quality. The estimates of the value of agricultural land are
relatively good and are based on USDA estimates of farm real estate
values less BEA estimates of the value of farm structures. Soil
estimates, from the USDA, reflect the annual effect of soil depletion in
terms of extra fertilizer costs and reduced productivity. The estimates
of residential land, included in table 1 as part of land underlying
structures, also are of reasonable quality. The estimates of the other
private land underlying structures are of more uncertain quality. The
Federal Reserve Board produces these estimates of land values by taking
estimates of real estate values from a variety of sources and
subtracting BEA's estimates of the value of nonresidential
structures. The Federal Reserve's estimates of real estate values
are based, in part, on less than comprehensive price indexes; they do
not, for example, appear to cover adequately the value of mineral
tracts, timberland, or industrial buildings and land. BEA's
estimates of nonresidential structures are based on perpetual inventory
methods--with assumed depreciation schedules and replacement-cost
indexes--and may therefore differ from the current market value of the
structures included in the real estate estimates. Although over longer
periods of time the perpetual inventory estimates are of good quality,
during periods of declining or rapidly increasing real estate values,
they may produce unreasonable results. Also, to the extent that the
value of natural resource assets are not included in the real estate
price indexes, the overall value of developed land will be over- or
under-stated according to the path of natural resource prices relative
to commercial and other land values.
The SEEA recommends that national parks be classified as
uncultivated land because their protection, and not their use, is the
main function of governmental regulation. However, because these parks
are extensively maintained, improved upon, and used by consumers for
recreation, they are included in recreational land in table 1. The
estimate of capital formation in recreational land is based on Federal
Government maintenance and repair expenditures for parks; State and
local expenditures are not available. It is assumed that these
expenditures exactly offset the degradation/depletion of recreational
land; in the case of recreational land, the only estimates available
were of maintenance and repair expenditures. This assumption is made
only so that both investment and degradation/depletion estimates are
illustrated by the table and not to imply any judgment about the true
value of degradation/depletion. (Phase II and III of BEA's work
plan, described in the next section, includes work to build on the
damage assessment and recreational valuation literature to construct
estimates of the market value of recreational and environmental
For environmental assets, the estimates are more uncertain than
even the most uncertain estimates for developed land and proved reserves
of subsoil assets. Indeed, most of this section of the table, especially
that for renewable natural resources, is shown with "n.a." for
"not available." No value is available for the stock of
undeveloped land and its associated ecosystems, for unproved subsoil
assets, and for uncultivated biological resources (wild animals and
fish, plants, and forests).
Compared with the accounting for proved reserves of nonrenewable
resources, where the economic literature extends back over 50 years,
valuation methods and concepts for many of the renewable resources are
less well developed. Renewable natural resources are inherently more
difficult to value than nonrenewable natural resources for several
reasons: Renewable resources, such as stocks or schools of wild fish,
often have a commercial or production value as well as an amenity or a
recreational value; often, ownership rights cannot be established, and
they cannot be sold; and they are able to regenerate, so their use does
not necessarily result in a net reduction in either their yield or the
value of their stock.
These difficulties notwithstanding, there has been rapid progress
in environmental-benefit valuation for renewable natural resources in
recent years as economists have tried to keep pace with regulatory,
legal, and policy needs for environmental damage and impact measures.
Further work by BEA to translate these new concepts and measures into a
consistent national framework would need to rely heavily on the
expertise of other units within the U.S. Government--for example, the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Environmental
Protection Agency, USDA, and the Department of Interior.
The SEEA does not recommend that the stock of air--which is truly a
global common--or water be valued; instead, it recommends that valuation
be limited to changes in these assets--their degradation and investments
in their restoration. For these assets, table 1 includes only aggregate
values for the degradation of air and water and for expenditures to
restore them or to prevent their degradation.
The estimates in table 1 for degradation of air and water
quality--as well as for undeveloped land--are simply place markers that
assume that maintenance exactly offsets degradation: They are aggregate
estimates of the total costs of pollution of these media. The estimates
for air, water, and undeveloped land pollution are estimates, from the
Environmental Protection Agency, of the direct costs of public and
private pollution control activities in the United States. Estimates of
air pollution include the annualized costs of air pollution and
radiation. Water pollution estimates are the annualized costs of
maintaining water quality, including drinking water. Estimates of
undeveloped land pollution are the annualized costs associated with
Superfund, toxic chemicals, and pesticides. The estimates of costs to
restore or prevent the degradation of the environment (which, as noted
earlier, are treated as capital formation in that they offset
degradation and depletion of air, water, and undeveloped land) are based
on current PAC expenditures and the flow of services from the stock of
PA equipment and structures (the estimated return on the net stock plus
depreciation). Note that these direct PAC costs differ from the
environment cleanup and waste disposal service costs discussed later in
the article. These costs are indirect costs imposed by pollution in the
form of health costs, higher maintenance and repair expenditures, or
longer trips to reach clean recreational sites.)
Production accounts
The next step in integrating economic and environmental accounting
is to combine the appropriate flows from the asset account with the
flows in a production account. With this integration, the production
account explicitly includes the use of natural resources and
environmental services in production through entries for depletion and
degradation, and it explicitly includes the additions to the stock of
natural and environmental assets through entries for investments that
add to stocks of developed natural resources or that restore stocks of
environmental assets.
Table 2 combines features of the supply and use tables in the SNA
1993. The table has four quadrants (one empty, except for a total),
which are separated by double lines; a total column at the far right;
and a total row at the bottom. The left and right upper quadrants show
the use of goods and services (commodities) named at the beginning of
the rows, summing to total uses as measured by total commodity output.
The left-hand upper and lower quadrants show the use of intermediate
inputs and factors of production by the industries named at the top of
each column, summing to total supply as measured by total output.
A more typical supply and use table would show substantial industry
and commodity detail--often a hundred of more industries and
commodities. For the purposes at hand, this detail has been collapsed
into an "other industries" column (column 3) and
"Other" rows (rows 6 and 13). Detail is provided where it is
especially relevant to the analysis of the environment. Such a table
provides a bird's-eye view of production, income, and consumption,
as highlighted in the paragraphs that follow.
Columns 1-4 in the upper left quadrant record the use of
commodities by domestic industries in the production of other
commodities--that is, intermediate use. Columns 5-9 record the use of
commodities across the final demand categories that make up gross
domestic product, including final consumption by households and
government. Column 7 records the estimates in the "capital
formation" column from table 1. (The made assets are recorded in
rows 1-13, the developed natural and environmental assets in rows
In the left quadrants, rows 11-13 show the use of other commodities
(that is, other than assets) as intermediate inputs. These commodities
consist of expenditures for environmental cleanup and waste disposal
services (row 12) and "other" (row 13). Total intermediate
inputs used by industries are in row 25. Rows 26-41 record value added,
or income. Rows 26-28 record the value added in the form of compensation
of employees, indirect business taxes, and corporate profits and other
property income. Rows 29-32 record, from table 1, the use of made fixed
assets, including the depreciation of structures and equipment used in
environmental management (row 30) and in PAC (row 31). Rows 33-41 record
the use of fixed natural and environmental assets, with depletion and
degradation of each of the eight categories of assets shown separately.
The estimates presented in table 2 are taken from table 1. As is
indicated by the "n.a."--not available--in the table, many
valuation and measurement issues remain before an IEESA production
account can be completed. Further, work toward filling in the estimates
would proceed in tandem with work on modernizing BEA's national
accounts in line with the SNA (see the next section). For example,
treating expenditures on government structures, equipment, and
inventories as capital formation implements a feature of the SNA. In the
table, a "Z" indicates the estimates that would reflect both
work toward the IEESA's and SNA-related changes.
In addition to a production account such as table 2, the SEEA Calls
for parallel quantity tables. Further, because many environmental issues
have their primary impact on specific regions or industries, the
extension of the integrated national accounts aggregates within
BEA's regional and input-output programs is an important extension.
Uses of the new accounts
Integrated economic and environmental accounts are the subject of
intense interest, and expectations may differ from actual results. Among
some observers, especially those extrapolating from studies conducted in
resource-dependent developing economies, there is an expectation that
such accounts will show that U.S. economic growth as currently measured
is not sustainable, because the stocks of natural and environmental
resources that ultimately determine economic growth are being run down.
This expectation may well stem from focusing on depletion and
degradation to the exclusion of additions. The IEESA's Will help to
identify the use of the various natural and environmental resources. A
priori, however, it is difficult to say whether there will be a net
reduction or increase in their value overall. For example, while it is
almost certainly true that the economic value of the stocks of some
assets, such as bluefin tuna, are declining, the stocks of other
environmental assets, such as timber stocks, have been increasing as
planting and growth have more than offset harvests, fire, and land
conversions. Similarly, while losses of wetlands from development
continue to outnumber gains from wetland restorations, increasing rates
of investments in cleaner air and water since the mid-1970's appear
to have resulted in net improvements in air and water quality; many of
the measures of air and water quality, such as the ambient concentrations of air and water pollutants, have shown improvement.
Because of these offsetting changes, it is conceivable that when
all entries in table 2--or if not all, at least enough more than at
present to avoid risks of conclusions based on partial results--have
been filled in, the table will show that IEESA NDP differs little from
traditional NDP.(7) Nevertheless, the information about specific natural
resources and specific industries, products, or regions will provide
valuable insight about sustainability and the implications of different
regulations, taxes, and consumption patterns. In the United States, such
information should prove useful in a wide range of policy issues.
Economic accounts do not provide normative data. They either report
market values or proxies for market values. If a problem with property
rights leads to the undervaluation and overexploitation of a resource, a
set of integrated economic accounts will not reveal the
"right" price or the "correct" level of stocks. They
will, however, provide the data--for example, about changes in the value
of the stocks and the share of income to be attributed to the
resource--needed for objective analysis of the problem.
BEA's Plan for Natural Resource and Environmental
BEA's plan calls for work on the IEESA's to be undertaken
in conjunction with modernizing its economic accounts. BEA's
national accounts are now undergoing the first major redesign since the
1950's. The redesign, which will be along the lines of the SNA
1993, will feature an integrated set of current and capital accounts,
sector by sector. Fully developed capital accounts, along with balance
sheets, are essential for a comprehensive set of economic accounts. The
conceptual work on these accounts and the more specialized work on
natural resources and the environment will be mutually supporting.
Further, to make reasoned policy choices involving trade-offs among
kinds of capital, one would want a view of the total capital
stock--natural and made--consistently covered and appropriately valued.
BEA has developed a three-phase plan for the IEESA's. With
this issue of the SURVEY, BEA has completed the first phase of work.
Phase I. Overall framework and prototype estimates .--The overall IEESA
framework is designed to build upon the existing national accounts and
is in line with the guidance embodied in the new international SNA about
a satellite system and the companion SEEA.
In its initial work, BEA has focused on mineral resources,
consisting of oil and gas, coal, metals, and other minerals with a
scarcity value. As described in the companion article, the focus, in
accordance with SNA recommendations, is on proved reserves, the basis
for valuation is market values, and the treatment given mineral
resources--which require expenditures to prove and which provide
"services" over a long timespan--is similar to the treatment
of fixed capital in the existing accounts.
The prototype estimates include stocks and flows in accounts that
supplement BEA's national wealth accounts and NIPA's. These
prototype estimates provide a comprehensive picture of the stocks of
natural assets and the changes in them. They also allow an examination
of the practical consequences of several alternative methods of valuing
the stock of resources, additions, and depletion. The alternative
methods represent the Bureau's technical assessment of the best
estimates and framework that are feasible with existing sources and
Phase II: Renewable natural resources.--The plan calls for work to
extend the accounts to renewable natural resource assets, such as trees
on timberland, fish stocks, and water resources. Development of these
estimates will be more difficult than for mineral resources because they
must be based on less refined concepts and less data.
Phase III: Environmental assets.--Building on this work, the plan
calls for moving on to issues associated with a broader range of
environmental assets, including the economic value of the degradation of
clean air and water or the value of recreational assets such as lakes
and national forests. Clearly, significant advances will be required in
the underlying environmental and economic data, as well as in concepts
and methods, and cooperative effort with the scientific, statistical,
and economic communities will be needed to produce such estimates.
Satellite Accounts: What Are They?
Satellite accounts are frameworks designed to expand the analytical
capacity of the national accounts without overburdening them or
interfering with their general purpose orientation. In this role,
satellite accounts organize information in an internally consistent way
that suits the particular analytical focus at hand, yet they maintain
links to the existing national accounts. Further, because they
supplement, rather than replace, the existing accounts, they can be a
laboratory for economic accounting in that they provide room for
conceptual development and methodological refinement.
In their most flexible applications, satellite accounts may use
definitions and concepts that differ from the existing accounts. For
example, a satellite account may be built around a broader concept of
capital formation than the existing accounts. This flexibility is being
used in BEA'S work on integrated economic and environmental
accounts and on research and development accounts. Satellite accounts
such as these use different concepts and definitions by design; in other
respects, they retain consistency with the existing accounts.
Satellite accounts can add detail or other information about a
particular aspect of the economy to that in the existing accounts; for
instance, they can integrate monetary and physical data. They can
arrange information differently, perhaps by cutting across sectors to
assemble information on both intermediate and final consumption. For
example, a satellite account can assemble business expenditures on
training-treated as intermediate consumption in the existing
accounts--and education-related expenditures by households and
government to analyze the role of education in the economy. They can use
a classification other than the primary one. For example, they can
identify expenditures on "research in education" as part of
research expenditures even though they are included in education
expenditures in the existing accounts.
The terminology and concepts associated with satellite accounts
reflect the experiences of several countries that have constructed them,
largely on an ad hoc basis, for fields such as health, education,
agriculture, research and development, and the environment. The System
of National Accounts 1993, the newly revised international guidelines,
includes a chapter that provides a general framework for satellite
accounts and demonstrates how that framework can be used for some of the
fields in which such accounts would be most useful. This chapter
represents, in a real sense, the coming of age of satellite accounts as
an analytical tool.
This article and its companion are the initial products of
BEA'S natural resource accounting project. J. Steven Landefeld,
BEA'S Deputy Director, directed the project. He and Carol S.
Carson, BEA'S Director, were the principal authors of the two
articles. Gerald F. Donahoe, Chief of the National Income and Wealth
Division, coordinated and supervised the preparation of the estimates
for this project. The other authors and their areas of responsibility
were as follows: Bruce T. Grimm, SNA accounting issues, present
discounted value minerals estimates, and rates of return; Stephanie L.
Howell, IEESA framework and estimates other than minerals; Arnold J.
Katz, conceptual issues, minerals methods, and off and gas transactions
estimates Gary L. Rutledge, pollution abatement and control estimates;
Timothy F. Slaper, minerals concepts and methods, current-rent minerals
estimates, and oil and gas replacement-cost estimates; Eric J. Troyer,
minerals methods and estimates. BEA also acknowledges the many outside
experts who provided advice on source data and methods. In particular,
Richard W. Haynes, of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service,
provided data and essential assistance with the issues and methods
involved in the valuation of standing timber.
Stock of Plant and Equipment for Air and Water Pollution Abatement
in the United States, 1980-91
This box presents estimates of the gross and net stocks of plant
and equipment (P&E) for air and water pollution abatement (PA) in
the United States during 1980-91. Gross and net stocks of PA P&E
help to protect air and water from degradation by stationary and point
industrial sources of pollutant emissions.(1)
In 1991, the gross stock of air and water PA P&E was about
$183.5 billion (table A).(2) In constant (1987) dollars, the gross stock
was 165.0 billion in 1991, about 2.0 percent of the real gross stock of
all fixed nonresidential nonfarm business capital. Between 198o and
1991, the real gross stock of air and water PA P&E grew at an annual
rate of 2.6 percent. Growth in nonmanufacturing stocks outpaced that in
manufacturing stocks, mainly reflecting PA P&E Spending by electric
utilities. The real net stock of air and water PA P&E--that is,
after subtracting depreciation--was $91-3 billion in 1991, up from $85.8
billion in 1980.
The PA P&E Stock estimates are useful when studying market
production and economic well-being. They are helpful in determining how
pollution abatement spending affects prices, total capital costs, and
the profitability of capital. They are also helpful in constructing
rough measures of the value of the degradation in air and water quality
that has been avoided through pollution abatement.(3)
The 1980-91 PA P&E estimates were prepared by the perpetual
inventory method: Past PA P&E flows (capital spending) were
cumulated and discards deducted, in accordance with lifespans of capital
goods, to arrive at gross stocks of PA P&E. Net stocks were
calculated by subtracting accumulated depreciation from gross stocks.
Gross and net stock estimates for 1980-91 are valued at constant and at
current cost--that is, using 1987 prices (for constant cost) and
replacement or current-year prices (for current cost).
Data on an establishment basis for manufacturing PA P&E
Spending are mainly from the Pollution Abatement Costs and Expenditures
(PACE) Survey by the Bureau of the Census. Data for electric utilities
are mainly from the Pollution Abatement (PA) Supplement to the Census
Bureau's P&E survey; the PA Supplement reports PA P&E
spending for three industries--electric utilities, petroleum, and
mining. The PA Supplement reports PA P&E on a company basis, but for
electric utilities (unlike for petroleum and mining), such data
approximate an establishment basis. The PA P&E spending estimates
for mining and for nonmanufacturing except mining and electric utilities
are prepared by indirect methods; a variety of data sources are used,
including the PA Supplement, an environmental protection expenditures
survey by the American Petroleum Institute, and the Census of Mineral
Industries. (1.) For air PA, the Clean Air Act classifies the sources of
pollutants as mobile (for example, automobiles) or stationary (for
example, factories). For water PA, Federal Water Pollution Control Act
classifies sources of pollutants as point (for example, factories) or
nonpoint (for example, highway construction projects). (2) The stock
estimates in table A are part of a new establishment-based series for
i960 forward. BEA is planning a Survey of Current Business article for
later this year to present such PA P&E stock estimates for selected
industries and to present their related capital flows through 1992. The
new stock series replaces a series prepared on a company (or enterprise)
basis. (3.) Stocks other than for PA P&E also protect air and water.
Examples include stocks of PA devices and systems on mobile (for
example, motor vehicles) and nonindustrial pollutant sources (for
example, public sewer systems and septic systems), as well as features
of solid waste management systems. Estimates for these kinds of stocks
are not available. (1.) The other set, on research and development, will
be introduced in an upcoming issue of the Survey of the Current
Business. (2) Materials balance and energy accounting, developed in the
late 1960's, is based on the first law of thermodynamics--that
matter can neither be created nor destroyed. The accounts therefore
describe a circular flow process: A raw material input is transformed by
the processes of the economy, this transformation results in a new
product and in residuals, and those residuals are transformed in the
natural environment into raw materials. (3.) See Salah El Serafy and
Ernst Lutz [17]. (4.) See, for example, Henry M. Peskin and Ernst Lutz
[17]. (5.) For a summary of the SNA, the revision process, and the new
features, see [30]. (6.) The two main features that anticipated the
needs of environmental accounting dealt with the coverage of assets and
the recording of changes in them. First, the SNA 1993 includes within
the boundary of economic assets all assets over which ownership rights
can be established and enforced and that provide economic benefits to
their owners. This boundary explicitly includes natural assets, both
those whose growth is the result of human cultivation (for example,
vineyards and livestock) and those that, although not cultivated, are
under control of an owner (for example, land, subsoil assets, and water
resources). Second, it records all changes in the value of assets from
one balance sheet to another. As part of doing this, there is an account
to record certain changes in assets not recorded as production or as
costs of production; this account records, for example, the additions
to, and depletion of subsoil assets and the natural growth of
uncultivated forests. Another account records changes in the value of
assets due to price change. Further, the SNA 1993 describes how to use
these and other features as a point of departure for an environmental
satellite account. (7.) There are also conceptual limitations to using
NDP as the indicator of sustainable growth. NDP shows only the level of
product, which cannot reflect much information about sustainability. The
rate of change Of NDP over time is more useful, but even this is not a
clear indicator, because changes in NDP reflect changes in the rates of
consumption, government expenditure, and net exports as well as net
capital formation,
A measure that may be more useful as an indicator of sustainable
growth is the net savings rate, which is affected only by changes in the
rate of investment in, and the consumption of, fixed capital. If the
savings rate--adjusted to reflect additions to, and subtractions from,
natural as well as produced assets--is positive, then growth can be
considered sustainable. (Because this assumes a high degree of
substitutability between produced and natural assets, some refer to this
concept as "weak sustainability.")