Federal fiscal programs.
Wakefield, Joseph C.
Federal Fiscal Programs
THE fiscal year 1991 budget, like its recent predecessors, calls for
reductions from baseline outlays - that is, outlays that would take
place without policy changes - to bring the deficit within the mandated
limits of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985
(as amended). The outlay reductions - which are not as deep as those in
earlier budgets - are to be implemented by program reductions,
terminations and recisions, management improvements, and sales of loans
and physical assets.
To increase receipts, the budget proposes to lower the capital
gains tax (increasing individual income taxes in the short run as
taxpayers realize more capital gains), to implement management reforms
to improve tax collections, to extend social security and medicare
coverage to all State and local government employees (increasing social
insurance contributions), to extend the telephone excise tax, and to
introduce or increase a variety of fees - such as customs fees and
airport and airway fees - to be paid by users and beneficiaries of
Federal services.
The budget shows that national defense outlays increase 2.4 percent
in 1991. (In real terms, according to the administration, national
defense outlays decline 2.1 percent.) Outlays for the procurement of
military hardware decline 2.0 percent in 1991, double the decline in
1990. The largest increase - 15.6 percent - is for the category
"atomic energy and other defense-related activities."
Nondefense outlays increase 3.2 percent in 1991. (In real terms,
nondefense outlays decline 1.0 percent.) A large increase is proposed in
the category of receipts that are a direct offset to outlays - called
undistributed offsetting receipts.
Economic assumptions
According to the Economic Report of the President, the
administration's economic assumptions are for "continued
healthy economic growth and high levels of resource utilization, with
inflation low and declining in later years." The report states that
"economic policies and developments during 1989, particularly the
containment of inflation, have set the stage for continued strong
Real GNP is forecast to increase 2.6 percent from the fourth
quarter of 1989 to the fourth quarter of 1990 and 3.3 percent to the
fourth quarter of 1991 (table 1). Real GNP increased 2.7 percent during
1989, or 1.9 percent when adjusted for effects of the drought in late
1988. The Council of Economic Advisers, in describing the outlook for
1990 in the Economic Report, noted that the economy was affected by a
number of disruptive events in late 1989. In September, Hurricane Hugo hit South Carolina, and in October, the Loma Prieta earthquake hit
northern California. In addition, a strike at a major aircraft
manufacturer halted work for most of October and November, and
exceptionally cold weather in December may have reduced economic
activity. The Council states that estimates indicate that the
"strike alone subtracted nearly one-half percentage point from
fourth-quarter growth in real GNP." The Council also states that
the recovery from these recovery notwithstanding, "growth is
expected to be relatively slow early in 1990 and then is expected to
gain momentum later in the year."
Table : Table 1 - Economic Assumptions Underlying the Fiscal Year
1991 Budget
Calendar Year
Actual Estimates
1988 1989 1990 1991
Billions of dollars
Current dollars 4,881 5,236 5,583 6,002
1982 dollars 4,024 4,144 4,244 4,379
Personal income 4,065 4,424 4,701 5,039
Wages and salaries 2,429 2,626 2,805 3,022
Corporate profits before taxes 307 303 360 421
Percent change from preceding
GNP in current dollars:
Annual average 7.9 7.3 6.6 7.5
Fourth quarter 7.5 6.7 7.0 7.6
GNP in 1982 dollars:
Annual average 4.4 3.0 2.4 3.2
Fourth quarter 3.4 2.7 2.6 3.3
GNP deflator:
Annual average 3.3 4.2 4.1 4.2
Fourth quarter 4.0 4.0 4.2 4.1
Consumer Price Index:(1)
Annual average 4.0 4.8 3.9 4.0
Fourth quarter 4.2 4.4 4.1 4.0
Unemployment rate:(2)
Annual average 5.4 5.2 5.4 5.3
Fourth quarter 5.3 5.3 5.4 5.2
Insured unemployment rate:(3)
Annual average 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.1
Interest rate:(4)
91-day Treasury bills 6.7 8.1 6.7 5.4
10-year Treasury notes 8.8 8.5 7.7 6.8
The rate of inflation is expected to edge up slightly in 1990: The
GNP deflator is forecast to increase 4.2 percent (fourth quarter to
fourth quarter), compared with 4.0 percent in 1989. Increases in food
and energy prices, which caused much of the fluctuation in the rate of
inflation in 1989, are expected to be modest in 1990.
The Council states that "in line with moderate real growth,
little change is expected in the rate of capacity utilization and the
rate of unemployment. This will reduce upward pressure on prices caused
by sectoral capacity bottlenecks and tightening labor markets." The
unemployment rate is expected to increase slightly to 5.4 percent by the
fourth quarter of 1990. The level of employment is expected to increase
1.2 million for the year, and the interest rate for 91-day Treasury
bills is expected to decline to 6.7 percent.
For 1990, the Council based the real GNP increase (fourth quarter
to fourth quarter) on the following assessment. Personal consumption
expenditures and nonresidential fixed investment are expected to
increase about the same as in 1989 - 2.4 percent and 4.2 percent,
respectively. The continued growth in nonresidential fixed investment is
expected because "the need for further capacity will continue to
stimulate growth in investment, particularly for equipment."
Residential investment is expected to increase 5.1 percent, in contrast
to a 6.1-percent decline in 1989. According to the Council,
"further declines in interest rates and a rebound from slow housing
production in 1989 are expected to stimulate housing construction in
1990. Housing starts are projected to average 1.5 million units at an
annual rate by the fourth quarter of 1990." Inventory investment is
not expected to add to growth of real GNP in 1990 as it did in 1989. In
1989, inventory investment was largely due to the replenishment of farm
stocks following the drought and to the accumulation of motor vehicle
inventories, particularly in the fourth quarter; farm inventory
investment is expected to be more modest in 1990. According to the
Council, "as in 1989, improvements in real net exports are expected
to be smaller and more gradual over the near term, relative to the
strong gains in 1987 and 1988." Nonetheless, net exports are
expected to contribute to real GNP growth. Federal Government purchases
of goods and services are expected to decline 2.7 percent, compared with
3.0-percent decline in 1989. According to the Council, the 1990 decline
reflects "a continued commitment to deficit reduction." State
and local government purchases are expected to increase 2.0 percent,
slightly slower than in 1989.
Baseline estimates
Baseline estimates show what receipts and outlays would be without
policy change. In concept, they are neither recommended amounts nor
forecasts; they are bases with which administration or congressional
proposals can be compared. In recent years, administration budgets
presented two sets of baseline estimates - those for current services
and those required by the Balanced Budget and Emergency Control Act of
1985 (as amended and commonly known as Gramm-Rudman-Hollings or GRH). To
alleviate confusion resulting from various baseline estimates, the
fiscal year 1991 budget presents a single set of baseline estimates.
This baseline conforms to GRH requirements and can be used to determine
whether automatic spending reductions are necessary to meet the 1991
deficit target set by GRH. The level of receipts generally assumes that
tax changes occur as scheduled under current law, and the level of
outlays is generally that needed to maintain ongoing Federal programs
and activities in real terms. The estimates are based on the same
economic assumptions as those underlying the budget.
Budget receipts are $13.9 billion higher than baseline receipts,
reflecting the administration proposals to increase receipts, as
previously mentioned (table 2). Budget outlays are $7.7 billion lower
than baseline outlays. This estimate reflects an anomaly to satisfy a
GRH requirement to exclude expired programs from the baseline. The
baseline, therefore, assumes that the food stamp program, which is
scheduled to expire at the end of fiscal year 1990, will not be renewed.
The budget includes a renewal of the program. After adjusting the
baseline to include the food stamp program, budget outlays are $22.8
billion lower than baseline outlays; proposed program reductions ($25.2
billion) exceed proposed program increases ($2.4 billion).
Table : Table 2. - Relation of Baseline Budget to the Budget
[Billions of Dollars]
Fiscal Year
1990 1991
Baseline estimate 1,072.8 1,156.3
Plus: Proposed legislation:
Reduce the capital gains tax .5 4.9
Management reforms .1 2.5
Extend social security coverage to State
and local government employees not
participating in a retirement program 2.1
Extend medicare hospital insurance
coverage to State and local government
employees 1.7
Extend and modify collection of telephone
excise tax 1.6
Stabilize payroll tax deposit rules .9
Other .2 .2
Equals: The budget 1,073.5 1,170.2
Baseline estimate 1,194.8 1,241.0
Plus: Proposed program increases:
Food stamps 15.2
Commerce and housing credit 2.4
General science, space, and technology 1.4
Other 1.0
Proposed program reductions:
Medicare -5.5
National defense -3.2
Farm income stabilization -2.5
Income security -2.3
Energy -1.5
Transportation -1.0
Health -.7
Net interest -.7
Undistributed offsetting receipts:
Federal Communication Commission
fees -2.3
Sale of major assets -1.3
Lease of naval petroleum reserve -1.0
Other -.6
Other -2.6
Equals: The Budget 1,197.2 1,233.3
The largest program increase - $1.4 billion - is for general
science, space, and technology and reflects the administration proposal
to increase spending for basic research, the space shuttle program, a
space station, and exploration, including a mission to Mars.
The largest program reduction - $5.5 billion - is for medicare and
reflects proposals to reduce payments for hospital capital costs,
medical education, and outpatient services. National defense outlays are
reduced $3.2 billion by proposals to reduce the number of military
personnel, to eliminate weapons systems, and to implement management
reforms. Proposals to reduce reliance on price-support payments and to
enforce the cap on such payments contribute to the reduction in spending
for farm income stabilization. A proposal to eliminate the January 1991
cost-of-living adjustment for Federal retirees and their option to
withdraw contributions in a lump sum reduces spending for income
security. A number of proposals - including the use of competitive
bidding to sell certain Federal Communication Commission radio licenses,
the sale of parts of various power marketing administrations, and the
lease of the naval petroleum reserve - increase undistributed offsetting
The budget estimates
The budget deficit decreases from $123.8 billion in fiscal year
1990 to $63.1 billion in fiscal year 1991 (table 3 and chart 1). Of the
$60.7 billion decrease in the deficit, $37.3 billion is the result of an
assumed decline in the baseline budget deficit, and $23.4 billion is the
result of the administration's deficit-reduction proposals.
Table : Table 3. - Federal Government Receipts and Expenditures
[Billions of dollars]
Fiscal year
Actual Estimates
1989 1990 1991
Receipts 990.7 1,073.5 1,170.2
Outlays 1,142.6 1,197.2 1,233.3
Surplus or deficit (-) -152.0 -123.8 -63.1
National income and product
Receipts 1,046.4 1,128.3 1,239.3
Expenditures 1,175.6 1,246.5 1,287.7
Surplus or deficit (-) -129.2 -118.2 -48.4
Cyclically adjusted surplus or
deficit (-) -187.7 -162.8 -103.6
Sources: The Budget of the United States Government Fiscal Year
1991, and the Bureau of Economic Analysis.
Receipts increase $96.7 billion - or 9.0 percent - in 1991, to
$1,170.2 billion. Receipts in 1990 are $1,073.5 billion, up 8.4 percent
from 1989. Administration proposals increase receipts $13.9 billion in
1991. The largest increase is $4.9 billion as a result of lowering the
capital gains tax. Extending social security and medicare coverage to
all State and local employees increases receipts $3.8 billion, and
management reforms increase receipts $2.5 billion.
Outlays increase $36.1 billion - or 3.0 percent - in 1991, to
$1,233.3 billion. Outlays in 1990 are $1,197.2 billion, up 4.8 percent
from 1989. The 1991 increase is the net result of $51.5 billion in
increases and $15.4 billion in decreases. Table 4 shows budget outlays
by function: Four functions - national defense, social security, net
interest, and medicare - account for over one-half of the increase in
total outlays. The largest increase - $16.3 billion - is for social
security and includes $7.3 billion for a 3.9-percent cost-of-living
adjustment, effective January 1, 1991. The largest decline - $5.5
billion - is for commerce and housing credit; it is due to declines in
spending by the Bank Insurance Fund - the successor to the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation - and the Federal Savings and Loan
Insurance Corporation Resolution Fund (see "NIPA Treatment of the
Bailout of Thrift Institutions" in the December 1989 SURVEY OF
CURRENT BUSINESS for a description of these funds).
Federal sector
BEA has prepared estimates of the Federal sector on the national
income and product accounts (NIPA) basis that are consistent with the
budget estimates (table 3). Estimates of the Federal sector, which are
integrated conceptually and statistically with the rest of the
NIPA's, differ in several respects from the budget estimates.
Unlike those in the budget, these estimates exclude financial
transactions, such as loans, and they record several categories of
receipts and expenditures on a timing basis different from that of the
budget. (For a more detailed discussion of the differences, see
Government Transactions, Methodology Paper Series MP-5, listed on the
inside back cover.) Table 5 shows the relation between budget receipts
and NIPA receipts, and table 6 shows the relation between budget outlays
and NIPA expenditures. Table 5 - Relation of Federal Government Receipts
in the National Income and Product Accounts to the Budget.
[Billions of dollars]
Fiscal year
1989 1990 1991
Budget receipts 1,142.6 1,197.6 1,233.3
Less: Coverage differences 2.0 2.2 2.4
Plus: Netting differences:
Contributions to government
employees retirement funds 41.7 45.0 48.3
Other 20.1 20.1 23.9
Timing differences:
Corporate income tax -6.8 -4.7 -1.9
Federal and State
unemployment insurance
taxes .6 -.3 -.4
Withheld personal income tax
and social security
contributions 2.5 -2.3 1.4
Excise taxes -.4 -.6 .1
Equals: Federal Government receipts,
NIPA's 1,046.4 1,128.3
Table 6 - Relation of Federal Government Expenditures in the National
Income and Product Accounts to the Budget
[Billions of dollars]
Fiscal year
1989 1990 1991
Budget outlays 1,142.6 1,197.2 1,233.3
Less: Coverage differences:
Geographic 6.0 6.3 6.5
Other -.4 .2 -2.8
Financial transactions:
Net lending 12.4 11.2 11.0
Other 11.1 8.9 8.6
Net purchases of land:
Outer Continental Shelf -.9 -.6 -.9
Other .4 .4 -1.1
Plus: Netting differences:
Contributions to government
employees retirement funds 41.7 45.0 48.3
Other 20.1 20.1 23.9
Timing differences:
National defense purchases -.3 5.0 .4
Other 2.8 3.5 .4
Miscellaneous .1
Equals: Federal Government
expenditures, NIPA's 1,175.6 1,246.5
Federal receipts on the NIPA basis are $1,239.3 billion in fiscal
year 1991, up $111.0 billion from 1990 (chart 2). The 1991 increase is
the result of an $88.7 billion increase due to higher tax bases and a
$22.3 billion increase due to tax changes (table 7). The increase due to
tax changes is largely accounted for by social security rate and base
increases and by proposed legislation. The proposal to reduce the
capital gains tax increases personal tax and nontax receipts. Proposed
legislation, including permanently extending the telephone excise tax
(which expires December 31, 1990) and auctioning certain Federal
Communication Commission radio licenses, increases indirect business tax
and nontax accruals. The proposal to extend social security and medicare
hospital coverage to all State and local government employees increases
contributions for social insurance.
Table 7. - Sources of Change in Federal
Government Receipts, NIPA Basis
[Billions of dollars]
Change from
preceding fiscal year
1989 1990 1991
Total receipts 81.6 81.9 111.0
Due to tax bases 78.3 70.4 88.7
Due to tax changes 3.3 11.5 22.3
Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of
1988 1.6 -1.7 .1
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of
1989 .7 4.3 .9
Social security(1) 1.0 8.3 7.6
Proposed legislation .6 13.7
Personal tax and nontax receipts 44.2 38.4 44.0
Due to tax bases 44.2 37.8 40.2
Due to tax changes .6 4.4
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of
1989 .1 .1
Proposed legislation .5 4.3
Corporate profits tax accruals 5.5 11.9 20.5
Due to tax bases 4.8 10.7 20.6
Due to tax changes .7 1.2 -.1
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of
1989 .7 1.2 .8
Proposed legislation -.9
Indirect business tax and nontax accruals .6 2.2 7.0
Due to tax bases .6 -.2 1.4
Due to tax changes 2.4 2.9
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of
1989 2.3 -.5
Proposed legislation .1 6.1
Contributions for social insurance 31.3 29.4 39.4
Due to tax bases 28.7 22.1 27.0
Due to tax changes 2.6 7.3 12.4
Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act
of 1988 1.6 -1.7 .1
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of
1989 .7 .5
Social security(1) 1.0 8.3 7.6
Proposed legislation 4.2
(1.) Consists of social security rate and base changes since 1988.
Federal expenditures on the NIPA basis are $1,287.7 billion in
1991, up $41.2 billion from 1990 (charts 3 and 4). Table 8 highlights
the major factors that contribute to recent changes in Federal
expenditures. The largest increase in 1991 - $15.8 billion - is for
social security, including $10.2 billion for cost-of-living adjustments.
Within purchases. Federal employee pay raises add $4.5 billion, and
purchases by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration add $3.3
billion; partly offsetting these increases is a $3.2 billion decline in
purchases of military hardware. Grants-in-aid to State and local
governments for public assistance increase $5.8 billion. Net interest
paid declines $1.1 billion, and an increase in the Postal Service surplus more than accounts for the decline in subsidies less the current
surplus of government enterprises.
Table 8 - Sources of Change in Federal Government Expenditures, NIPA
[Billions of dollars]
Change from
preceding fiscal year
1989 1990 1991
Total expenditures 71.6 70.9 41.2
Purchases of goods and services 21.9 19.3 10.2
Military hardware 1.5 .8 -3.2
Pay raises(1) 3.7 4.7 4.5
National defense 2.5 3.3 3.2
Nondefense 1.2 1.4 1.3
Commodity Credit Corporation 9.6 3.7 .3
National Aeronautics and Space
Administration 2.0 .9 3.3
Other 5.1 9.2 5.3
National defense 1.4 1.0 1.6
Nondefense 3.7 8.2 3.7
Transfer payments 28.9 36.5 22.8
Social security 13.1 15.5 15.8
Medicare 8.1 11.0 2.5
Military and civilian pensions 2.3 3.7 1.1
Unemployment benefits .5 2.7 .3
Other 4.9 3.6 3.1
Grants-in-aid to State and local
governments 7.2 10.8 9.8
Public assistance 4.6 6.9 5.8
Highways -.5 .3
Education 1.0 .4 1.5
Other 2.1 3.2 2.5
Net interest paid 19.6 7.6 -1.1
Subsidies less current surplus of
government enterprise -6.0 -3.3 -.5
Commodity Credit Corporation -4.9 -1.3 .1
Agriculture subsidies -1.0 -5.3 2.0
Housing 1.2 1.8 1.5
Postal Service -.1 1.1 -1.2
Other -1.2 .4 -2.9
(1.) Consists of pay raises beginning with January 1989.
Table 9 shows the relation between national defense outlays in the
budget and national defense purchases on the NIPA basis. In 1991,
outlays, which are recorded on a checks-issued basis, increase more than
purchases, which are recorded on a delivery basis.
Quarterly pattern - Table 10 shows the major factors that affect
the quarterly pattern of receipts and expenditures through fiscal 1991.
Receipts reflect the pattern of enacted and proposed legislation and the
administration's projected quarterly pattern of wages and profits.
Expenditures reflect the pattern of proposed legislation and selected
other items, mainly pay raises for Federal employees and cost-of-living
adjustments in social security and Federal employee retirement benefits.
Table 9. - Relation of National Defense Purchases
in the National Income and Product Accounts to
National Defense Outlays in the Budget.
[Billions of dollars]
Fiscal year
Actual Estimates
1989 1990 1991
National defense outlays in the budget 303.6 296.3 303.3
Department of Defense, military 294.9 286.8 292.1
Military personnel 80.7 75.3 78.8
Operation and maintenance 87.0 86.1 88.3
Procurement 81.6 80.9 79.3
Aircraft 27.6 27.2 26.7
Missiles 10.1 9.5 9.7
Ships 10.6 11.1 11.0
Weapons 8.8 8.4 8.2
Ammunition 2.0 2.3 1.8
Other 22.6 22.5 22.0
Research, development, test, and
evaluation 37.0 36.5 37.0
Other 8.6 7.0 8.5
Atomic energy and other defense-related
activities 8.7 9.6 11.1
Plus: Military assistance purchases .6 .5 .6
Less: Grants-in-aid and net interest paid
Timing difference 3.0 -5.0 -.4
Other adjustments -3.3 -7.8 -7.0
Equals: National defense purchases, NIPA's 304.4 307.5 309.1
The Federal deficit, which was virtually flat through 1989,
declines sharply in the first quarter of 1990 as receipts increase more
than expenditures. The first-quarter increase in receipts - $65.4
billion - includes a social security base and tax rate increase and the
initial effects of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989.
Thereafter, the deficit continues to decline steadily as increases in
receipts outpace increases in expenditures.
Cyclically adjusted deficit. - Cyclically adjusted receipts,
expenditures, and surplus or deficit are estimates of what these
measures would be if the economy were moving along a trend GNP path - a
path free from cyclical fluctuations - rather than along its actual
path. Consequently, cyclical fluctuations in the economy do not affect
cyclically adjusted budgets.
As measured using cyclical adjustments based on a 6-percent
unemployment rate trend GNP, the Federal sector of the NIPA's was
in deficit in calendar year 1988 (table 11). The deficit increased in
1989 but is expected to decline in 1990. In 1990 and 1991, the
cyclically adjusted deficit follows a pattern similar to that of the
NIPA deficit, although at a higher level. It declines sharply in the
first quarter of 1990 and continues to decline steadily through the
third quarter of 1991.
Table 11. - Cyclically Adjusted Surplus or Deficit
(-), NIPA Basis
[Billions of dollars; quarters at seasonally adjusted annual
Based on 6-percent unemployment
rate trend GNP
Level Change
Calendar year
1988 -172.5 -13.0
1989 -187.3 -14.8
1990 -145.8 41.5
I -173.1 5.9
II -168.0 5.1
III -150.8 17.2
IV -198.1 -47.3
I -185.2 12.9
II -183.3 1.9
III -184.3 -1.0
IV -196.5 -12.2
I -165.0 31.5
II -155.1 9.9
III -134.8 20.3
IV -128.4 6.4
I -114.1 14.3
II -96.7 17.4
III -75.2 21.5