New measures of nonwage compensation components: are they needed?
Nakamura Alice ; Nakamura, Masao
New Measures of Nonwage Compensation Components: Are They Needed?
In his paper, Donald Wood describes a new measure of labor costs
that is estimated using data collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics to produce the Employment Cost Index.(1) A key feature of these new cost
estimates is the detail provided about the nonwage components of labor
compensation. This is an important development because more than
one-fourth of the total compensation of today's average employee is
in the form of some sort of nonwage benefit. The largest category of
nonwage benefit are legally required benefits, such as social security,
worker's compensation, and unemployment insurance. These legally
required benefits now make up almost a third of all nonwage benefit
Despite recognition of the growing importance of nonwage benefits
and the consequent implications for analyses and for comparisons of
labor costs over time, some economists have questioned the need for more
comprehensive compensation data for cross-sectional analyses. In their
widely used undergraduate textbook, Fleisher and Kniesner maintain that
nonwage benefits are related to total compensation "more or less
consistently by a fraction" (Fleisher and Kniesner 1980, 23);
Triplett (1983) terms this the "consistency hypothesis."(2) If
the consistency hypothesis is true, there may be little need for more
information about non-wage benefits. However, if the consistency
hypothesis is rejected, then there may be a need to invest more
resources in providing details about the wage and the nonwage components
of compensation for certain industrial, occupational, and other groups
of workers. The need for this data might even be a reason for releasing
microdata on compensation that the analyst could group and manipulate as
In the following sections, we briefly review evidence that suggest
that, for both the United States and Japan, the ratio of nonwage
benefits to total compensation varies systematically by the level of
total compensation, by the firm size, and by the gender of the employee.
We also use data from Japan to examine the interrelationships between
certain components of compensation; the results also contradict what we
would expect to find if the consistency hypothesis were true. We
summarize our conclusions in the last section.
Level of Compensation
The consistency hypothesis is at odds with certain economic
expectations. Some nonwage benefits are more like prespecified goods
and services than like income (which can be spent or saved as desired).
For goods and services that are luxuries, the standard economic argument
predicts that demand will rise faster than income. Thus, the demand for
nonwage benefits such as paid vacation days would be expected to rise
faster than earned income. Other nonwage benefits, such as pension
plans, are essentially deferred wage payments. It is sometimes argued
that the discount rate for future income falls as the level of current
income increases. The progressiveness of Federal and State income tax
schedules and the differential tax treatment of wages (and salaries)
versus that of nonwage benefits are further reasons why higher wage
workers might prefer to receive higher proportions of their total
compensation in the form of nonwage benefits.(3)
A prior reasoning suggests, therefore, that nonwage benefits as a
traction of total compensation should increase as the level of total
compensation increases. This result is what Wood (1988) states that he
expected to find and what he did find when workers were grouped by
industry. However, for the broad occupational groupings of workers that
he used, he did not find the expected relationship. Wood writes:
The proportion of total compensation that is accounted for by wages
decreases as the level of compensation by industry increases...However,
for any level of compensation, blue-collar workers tend to have a lower
proportion of total compensation accounted for by wages than do
white-collar workers, even though blue-collar workers earn less...Even
when blue-collar and white-collar worker groups are considered
separately, the expected inverse relationship between the level of
compensation and the proportion of compensation accounted for by wages
and salaries does not appear (Wood 1988, 38).
Other economist have found evidence of the positive relationship
predicted by economic theory between the level of total compensation and
the share of nonwage benefits for the United States and for other
countries. For instance, the figures shown in table 1 are based on
establishment data for Japan that have been aggregated by industry.(4)
The industries for which figures are shown have been arrayed from
highest to lowest in terms of the average monthly compensation for
regular employees. Reading the figures in the last column of table 1
from bottom to top, it can be seen that average nonwage benefits as a
fraction of average total compensation generally rise as the average
level of total compensation increases.
Smeeding (1983) obtains a similar result for the United States,
using information merged from three data sources. His primary data
source was the March 1980 Current Population Survey (CPS), which
contains wage and salary income data for a large number of U.S. workers;
for each worker, information is also available on whether or not the
worker was covered by employer pension or health plans. Then, using
microsimulation techniques of the sort pioneered by Orcutt(5) and
industry data on employer outlays for various fringe benefits from the
Bureau of Labor Statistics Employer's Expenditure for Employee
Compensation Survey and the 1977 Employment Cost Index Survey, Smeeding
assigned additional types of fringe benefits and dollar values for the
various benefits to the records for individual workers in the CPS data
set. Smeeding uses this "adjusted" CPS data to address a
number of questions about the wage and nonwage components of total
compensation. One of his findings is that "pay for time worked
declines as a percentage of earnings as wages rise, indicating that paid
leisure (vacations and holidays) and other benefits included in salary
increase with earnings" (Smeeding 1983, 253).
Both the nature of the survey data and the definition of benefits
used in the Smeeding study differ from those used in the Wood study;
thus, it is not surprising that the results of their studies differ. In
both the Nathan (1987) and the Wood studies, the data that are published
are highly aggregated; if firm sizes, employee characteristics, the
distributions of types of benefits, and so forth, vary across the
aggregate groups (as it is likely that they do), then one may not be
able to form conclusions about the nonwage benefit to compensation ratio
from such highly aggregated data. Using the raw microdata for jobs
within establishments, the Bureau of Labor Statistics should carry out a
further study of this issue.
Firm Size
Using tabulations of unpublished data from the May 1979 CPS,(6) Oi
finds that the percentages of employees receiving important nonwage
benefits rise steeply as firm size rises (Oi 1983, 90, table 2.7). For
instance, there is a steady rise, as firm size rises, in the percentages
of male workers with pension plan coverage and disability insurance
It can also be seen in columns 3 and 4 of table 2 that in Japan the
average days of entitled and of acquired (that is, actually used) paid
vacation rise as firm size rises. Consistent with this result, it can
be seen in columns 1 and 2 that both the average number of days and of
hours worked per month tend to decrease as firm size increases. This
firm-size-related variation in the provision of nonwage benefits is
further evidence against the validity of the consistency hypothesis.
In the research literature on female-male earnings differences,
nonwage benefits are rarely mentioned. Recent textbooks on the work
behavior and economic condition of women are also largely silent on the
issue of nonwage benefits. Yet there is evidence of important
differences in the extent to which female and male workers are covered
by nonwage benefit programs.
Based on his analysis of adjusted microdata from the March 1980
CPS, Smeeding concludes that:
Considering all workers...,men received a higher dollar amount and
a higher percent of salary in fringe benefits than did women. The ratio
of female to male salary is 47.0 percent, while their [sic] ratio of
fringe benefits at the employee value is only 39.5 percent (Smeeding
1983, 246).
Using microdata from the Health Insurance Study, Leibowitz (1983)
takes a closer look at the female to male differences in the use of
particular sorts of nonwage benefits. For full-time employees,
Leibowitz finds that:
Female employees were significantly more likely to receive paid
sick leave and vacation than male employees, while men were more likely
to receive both accident and life insurance. Male and female workers
were equally likely to receive health insurance through their employment
(Leibowitz 1983, 380).
Using 1979 CPS data, Oi finds that, even after controlling for firm
size, female workers are substantially less likely to be covered by a
private pension program than are male workers (Oi 1983, 92-93, table
There are even greater differences in Japan than in the United
States in the extent to which female, versus male, workers are covered
by nonwage benefit programs. On average, female workers also receive
smaller portions of their total compensation in the form of bonus
payments. See Nakamura and Nakamura (1988, table 2).
Interrelationships Among Components of
Another way to disprove the validity of the consistency hypothesis
is to show that the interrelationships between two alternative
categories of nonwage benefits and a common set of other compensation
components differ systematically. This approach is adopted in this
Using published data for 1978-85 from annual surveys of Japanese
establishments (Japan 1978-87), the logarithm of legally mandated
benefits and the logarithm of nonmandated benefits(7) were regressed
separately on each of three types of compensation (total cash earnings
and its regular pay and bonus payment components), on a common set of
firm-size dummies, and on a time trend. (The results are reported in
table 3.) Legally mandated benefits are found to be unrelated to total
cash earnings, negatively related to regular pay, unrelated to bonus
payments, and positively related to the time trend variable.
Nonmandated benefits are found to be unrelated to total cash earnings,
unrelated to regular pay, positively related to bonus payments, and
negatively related to the time trend variable. Thus, benefits are not
related to wage earnings by a constant fraction.
Although the wage and nonwage components of total compensation are
highly correlated, we find that it is not true at nonwage benefits are
related to total compensation more or less consistently by a
fraction." In fact, we have viewed evidence that demonstrates that
this fraction rises total compensation rises, that it rises as firm size
rises, and that it is higher for male workers than for female workers.
However, rejecting the consistency hypothesis does not mean that
information on the nonwage components of compensation is required for
all labor supply and other sorts of analyses that, theoretically, should
incorporate a measure of total compensation. In some cases, it is
possible that no serious biases would result from using only wage and
salary information as a measure of compensation; this point can only be
demonstrated empirically for specific applications, however, if the data
containing nonwage information, as well as wage information, on
compensation are available.(8)
However, for many applications, such as studies of the nature of
the female to male difference in compensation or of interindustry or
intercountry differences in compensation, information on nonwage
benefits is crucial. Moreover, we are reviewed evidence that suggests
that the importance of nonwage benefits in total compensation probably
differs depending on the characteristics of both the workers and the
firms that employ them. Unfortunately, worker characteristics are not
usually collected in surveys of firms, and firm (or employer)
information is not usually collected in household surveys.
We join with Smeeding (1983), David (1983), Leibowitz (1983), and
Atrostic (1983) in supporting Smith and Ehrenserg's recommendation
that "employer based data sets [like he one discussed in
Wood's paper] should either include measures of average employee
characteristics directly, or they should contain sufficient
identification so that they can be cross-referenced to employee based
data sets" (Smith and Ehrenberg 1983, 364). Such a development
would have implications for research on employment, on work behavior,
and on the distribution of income that would reach far beyond the topic
areas touched on in this comment. 1. Donald Wood's paper was
published in the November 1988 Survey of Current Business. 2. Triplett
has given this hypothesis a name, but he does not accept its validity.
3. For information onthe demand for various sorts of nonpecuniary job
benefits and characteristics, see Atrostic (1982). 4. Benefits, in this
case, are evaluated in terms of actual employer costs. 5. See Orcutt,
Greenberger, Korbel, and Rivin (1961) and Orcutt, Caldwell, and
Werthermier (1976). 6. The pension supplement to the May 1979 Current
Population Survey provides information on employee participation in
private pension and health insurance plans and firm-employment-size
data. 7. Legally mandated benefits consist of contributions to health
insurance, pension funds, employment insurance, worker's accident
compensation insurance, children allowances, seamen's insurance,
employment benefits for handicapped, and obligatory compensation cost.
Nonmandated benefits consist of contributions to company housing medical
and health services; food services; cultural, sporting and recreational
facilities; private insurance plans; supplementary worker's
accidental compensation; payments for congratulations and condolence;
incentive bonus for assets formation; and other minor categories. 8.
See David (1983, 284-285). 9. For further discussion of this point, see
Orcutt, Nakamura, and Nakamura 1980).
Table 1.--Average Monthly Labor Cost, Cash Earnings, and Total
Benefits Per Employee, Japan, 1985
Table 2.--Days and Hours Worked and Paid Vacation Days by Firm
Size, Japanese Manufacturing 1985
Table 3.--Relationships Among Compensation Components, Japanese
Manufacturing, 1978-85