Tracking the BEA regional projections, 1983-86.
Johnson, Kenneth P. ; Friedenberg, Howard L. ; Renshaw, Vernon 等
Tracking the BEA Regional Projections, 1983-86 By KENNETH P. JOHNSON,
BEA's projections of population growth for 1983-86 are within
narrow margins for error in most regions, but the projections of
employment growth show wider margins of error in most industries and
regions. These results are from comparisons of projections with
measured changes. The projections, which are based on growth trends
through 1983, were published in 1985. Because trends change, the
projections are tracked to alert users to the industries and regions in
which the projections have missed the mark and to help BEA prepare the
next set of to help BEA prepare the next set of projections.(1)
(1) The projections for 1990 and 2000 appeared in the May 1985
SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS. Projections for 1986, based on
interpolation, are available from the Regional Economic Analysis
Division, BE-61, Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of
Commerce, Washington, DC 20230. The measured employment and population
levels through 1986 are available from the Regional Economic Measurement
Division, BE-55, at the same address. (Employment estimates for 1987
have not been completed.) Earlier articles tracking BEA's regional
projections appeared in the April 1976 and May 1983 issues of the
SURVEY. The next set of BEA long-term regional projections is scheduled
for publication in 1990.
Employment growth
For the Nation, projected growth in total employment is 2.8
percentage points less than measured growth (tables 1 and 2). The
difference reflects partly offsetting industry patterns: In service-type
industries, projected employment growth is 6.1 percentage points less
than measured, and in goods-producing industries, projected growth is
6.3 percentage points more than measured (table 3). The offset is
partial because the number of jobs in goods-producing industries is
substantially less than in service-type industries.
Growth in service-type employment was underprojected because the
projections did not fully account for the continuing strength of the
service economy. In addition, projected and measured growth were based
on different concepts of self-employment.(2) The difference in concept
contributed to shortfalls between the projected and the measured growth
of self-employment, mainly in the real estate, personal services,
business services, and miscellaneous repair services industries.
Goods-producing employment, in contrast, was overprojected because the
projections did not fully anticipate the employment effects of declines
in farm and energy prices and the uncharacteristically slow recovery of
durable goods manufacturing from the 1981-82 recession.
(2) The 1986 comprehensive revisions to the State personal income
series (see the August 1986 SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS) introduced a job
count measure of self-employment. In 1985, when the projections were
published, self-employment was mainly a count or persons. The person
count measure is lower than the job count measure because of multiple
job holding.
The industrial patterns of under-projection and overprojection have
different effects on regions, inasmuch as regions' industry
specializations differ. In general, the underprojection of service-type
employment, while affecting all regions, most affects regions along the
Atlantic and Pacific coasts (including the part of the Southeast region
on the Atlantic coast), and the overprojection of goods-producing
employment most affects interior regions (including the other States in
the Southeast region).
Coastal regions. -- Unexpectedly, employment growth in
service-type industries and construction far exceeded growth in other
industries during the recovery from the 1981-82 recession; in each
coastal region, projected employment growth in these industries -- and
in the all-industry total -- fell substantially short of measured
growth. In the Far West and coastal Southeast, the national defense
buildup early in the expansion benefited research and development and
other services as well as construction. The national defense buildup
also benefited New England and the Mideast. In addition, these regions
provided business and professional services to growing national and
international markets, and the gains in these service industries
stimulated construction activity. (New England and the Mideast had not
participated in the late 1970's construction boom, which had been
centered in interior regions;, where sharp price increases for farm
commodities and oil stimulated growth.)
In the Mideast, despite the large underprojections of employment
growth in service-type industries and construction, total employment
growth was underprojected less than in any other coastal region. The
major reason was a partly offsetting, large overprojection of employment
growth in durables manufacturing. The overprojection for Pennsylvania,
in particular, reflected the failure of the primary metals (steel)
industry to recover from the 1980 and 1981-82 recessions in the face of
import competition.
Interior regions. -- Largely reflecting unexpected developments in
goods-producing industries, the Rocky Mountain, Southwest, and interior
Southeast regions show overprojections of total employment growth, and
the Plains and Great Lakes regions show relatively small
In the rocky Mountain and Southwest regions, total employment,
projected to grow faster than in the Nation in 1983-86, grew more
slowly. The overprojections were mainly due to the direct and indirect
effects of declines in energy-related mining. Declining oil prices --
especiallly the sharp drop in 1986 -- substantially curtailed oil and
gas exploration, coal mine development, and related activities such as
construction and financial services; strength in these activities had
contributed to rapid employment growth in these regions before 1983.
Large overprojections of total employment growth due to declines in
energy-related mining extended to States outside the Rocky Mountain and
Southwest regions -- notably, Alaska, North Dakota, Louisiana, and West
Virginia. The energy-related overprojections in Louisiana and West
Virginia were especially large and d offset underprojections of total
employment growth in other States in the interior Southeast region.
In the Plains region, total employment -- although projected,
largely reflecting unexpected, weakness in the farm economy. In the
1970s, a long-term decline in the number of farm proprietors appeared to
be bottoming out, as high prices encouraged farmers to retain, and even
to expand, their businesses. In the first half of the 1980's a
falloff in farm prices and high interest rates led to increased
bankruptcies and continued decline in the farm economy. Employment in
farm-related construction and trade, in turn, was adversely affected.
In the Great Lakes region, employment growth in goods-producing
industries -- in particular, durables manufacturing -- was
overprojected. Durables employment in the region was weak in the
1981-82 recession, as is typical in recessions. Uncharacteristically,
durables employment -- except in motor vehichles -- did not recover
strongly after the recession; in the face of competition from imports
and from regions with lower labor costs, firms laid off workers and
closed plants to cut costs. An underprojection of employment in
service-type industries more than offset the overprojection in
goods-producing industries, resulting in a total employment
underprojection about equal to the national average.
Population growth
Projected growth in population for the Nation (2.8 percent) was
close to measured growth (2.9 percent). All the regions projected to
growth at a slower rate than a Nation did so, and all the regions
projected to grow at a faster rate than the Nation -- except the Rocky
Mountain region -- did so (table 4). The rocky Mountain region,
projected to grow faster than any other region in 1983-863, grew more
slowly than the national average. The overprojection was mainly due to
sharp declines in job opportunities in energy-related industries.
The other regions for which BEA overprojected population growth are
the Plains, interior Southeast, New England, and Mideast regions. In
each, population in 1983-86 grow more slowly than in the Nation. In New
England, the overprojection occurred despite large gains in employment;
this overprojection reflected a wider gap than was expected in the
responsiveness of population migration growing job opportunities in a
region with a longstanding trend of relatively slow employment growth.
The regions for which BEA underprojected population growth are the
Far West, coastal Southeast, and Southwest regions. In the Southwest,
the underprojection occurred despite weakness in employment, reflecting
-- in the converse of the New England case -- a wider gap than was
expected in the responsiveness of population migration to reduced job
TABLE: Table 1. -- Projected and Measured Percent Changes in
Employment by Industry, 1983-86, United States
TABLE: Projected Measured Difference(1) Projected Measured
TABLE: Differences(1)
(1) Percentage-point difference between projected and measured
percent changes, 1983-86. A negative difference indicates an
underprojection, and a positive difference indicates an overprojection.
TABLE: Table 2. -- Projected and Measured Percent Changes in
TABLE: Total
TABLE: Line Projected Measured Difference
TABLE: Agriculture, forestry, fisheries, Mining
TABLE: Line and other
TABLE: Projected Measured Differences Projected Measured Diffence
TABLE: Construction Nondurables goods
TABLE: Line Manufacturing
TABLE: Projected Measured Difference Projected Measured Difference
TABLE: Table 3. -- Percentage-Point Differences Between Projected
and Measured Percent Changes in Employment by Industry, 1983-86, United
States and Regions
TABLE: Services-Point
TABLE: Total Finance, transpor-
TABLE: Total Services insurance, Govern- tation and
TABLE: and real ment Trade Public
TABLE: estate utilities
TABLE: Goods-producing
TABLE: Agricul-
TABLE: Durables ture Nondura-
TABLE: Total Mining goods Forestry, ble goods Construc-
TABLE: Manufac- fisheries, manufac- tion
TABLE: turing and other
TABLE: Table 4. -- Projected and Measured Percent Changes in
Population, 1983-83, United States, Regions, and States.
TABLE: Projected Measured Differences (1)
(1) Percentage-Point difference between projected and measured
percent changes, 1983-86. A negative difference indicates an
underprojections, and a positive difference indicates an overprojection.