Recent growth in nonfarm personal income.
Friedenberg, Howard L. ; DePass, Rudolph E.
NONFARM personal income growth in the Great Lakes region picked up
significantly &om the second quarter of 1987 to tbe second quarter
of 1988; this pickup was a major factor in narrowing the recent growth
differences between coastal and interior regions. Nonfarm personal
income in the Great Lakes region grew at the national average rate, of
7.7 percent since the second quarter of 1987, after having grown at a
below-average annual rate-6.2 percent-earlier in the current economic
expansion (table A). The uncharacteristically weak recovely of durables
manufacturing payrolls from the 1981-82 recession, largely traceable to
competition from imports, had dampened growth in the Great Lakes region
earlier in the expansion. In addition, competition from U.S. regions
with lower labor costs had further delayed recovery in the Great Lakes
region. The region's pickup since tbe second quarter of 1987
reflected strength in exports of durable goods.
Slowdowns in nonfarm income growth in two coastal
regions-Southeast and Far West-also contributed to the narrowing of
coastal-interior growth differences. Growth in nonfarm income since the
second quarter of 1987 was somewhat below the national average in the
Southeast and somewhat above the average in the Far West, after having
been well above average in both regions earlier in the expansion.
Weakening in private servicetype payrolls in part accounted for the
slowdowns in both regions.
In the other coastal regions-New England and Mideast-nonfarm
income continued to increase at rates well above the national average,
while in the other interior regions-Plains, Rocky Mountain, and
Southwest-nonfarm income continued to increase at rates well below the
national average.
Regions with above-average or average growth
In New England and the Mideast, large increases in payrolls in
construction and private service-type industries boosted nonfarm
personal income growth since the second quarter of 1987. The Mideast
region also benefited from strength in durables and nondurables
In the Far West, weakness in private service-type payrolls nearly
offset strength in nondurables manufacturing and construction payrolls,
resulting in near-average growth in nonfarm income.
In the Great Lakes region, in addition to strong growth in
durables manufacturing, payrolls in nondurables manufacturing,
construction, and private service-type industries grew at rates above
the national average.
Regions with below-average growth
In the Southeast, as noted above, growth in nonfarm personal
income was somewhat below the national average since the second quarter
of 1987. Weak growth in nonfarm income especially private service-type
payrolls-in Georgia and in most interior Southeast States more than
offset strong growth in the Atlantic coast States of Florida, North
Carolina, Virginia, and South Carolina (chart 5).
In the Plains region, the weak farm economy adversely affected
payrolls in nonfarm industries, including construction and durables
In tbe Southwest and Rocky Mountain regions, continued weakness in
oil prices adversely affected mining as well as construction and
financial activities that serve the mining industry. Mining had been
unusually resistant to the 1981-82 recession because oil prices had
remained relatively high; in the expansion, declining oil
prices-especially the sharp drop in 1986curtailed mining and related