A new measure of the cost of compensation components.
Wood, G. Donald
A New Measure of the Cost of Compensation Components
THIS paper describes and evaluates a new measure of employer
costs--that is, cents per hour measures--for the components of employee
compensation. The new measure is estimated from data collected for the
Employment Cost Index (ECI), which has provided, since 1980, index
numbers of the change in compensation costs. It was decided to use ECI
data to prepare cost-level estimates, since these estimates could be
generated from the ECI without increasing in any way the reporting
burden on establishments and at only a fraction of the cost of a
separate survey.
The first cost-level estimates, for March 1987, were published in
the October 1987 Monthly Labor Review and are presented in tables 1-5
(Nathan 1987). Beginning this year, cost estimates with a March
reference date will be published annually by the Bureau of Labor
Statistics in a news release issued in June.
Data collected for one purpose are rarely ideal for other purposes,
and cost-level estimates from the ECI are no exception. However,
evidence presented in this paper indicates that these estimates are very
Summary of Results
In March 1987, compensation for all private industry workers
averaged $13.42 per hour worked. Wages were $9.83, or 73.2 percent of
total compensation. Benefit costs were $3.60, or 26.8 percent of total
compensation. The largest component of benefits was legally required
benefits, which was dominated by social security costs and which
accounted for 32 percent of benefit costs. Other major components of
benefits are paid leave (26 percent), insurance (20 percent), retirement
benefits (13 percent), and supplemental pay (9 percent).
There is considerable variation in levels of compensation and
proportions of benefits to compensation among the broad industrial and
occupational groups for which estimates are available. White-collar
workers received $15.56 an hour, which is 16 percent more than the
$13.43 received by blue-collar workers. The highest paid white-collar
occupational group is composed of executive, administrative, and
managerial workers who received $23.81 per hour worked, which is 3.7
times the pay of workers in the lowest paid occupational group--service
workers--who received $6.43 per hour.
Workers in the goods-producing sector received $15.86 an hour,
which is 28 percent more than the $12.41 received by workers in the
service-producing sector. Workers in the highest paid
industry--transportation and public utilities--received $20.24 an hour,
which is 2.6 times the pay of workers in the lowest paid
industry--retail trade--who received $7.85 an hour.
The proportion of total compensation that is accounted for by wages
decreases as the level of compensation by industry increases. Wages and
salaries as a proportion of total compensation ranged from 77.3 percent
for retail trade to 68 percent for transportation and public utilities.
This inverse relationship between the level of compensation and the
proportion accounted for by wages should be expected. Most benefits
have a high income elasticity of demand, and social security has become
less regressive, because the 1987 earnings ceiling of $45,000 is well
above most annual wage and salary incomes.
However, for any level of compensation, blue-collar workers tend to
have a lower proportion of total compensation accounted for by wages
than do white-collar workers, even though blue-collar workers earn less.
Wages and salaries for white-collar workers average $11.61, and wages
and salaries for blue-collar workers average $9.38. Benefit costs for
blue-collar workers of $4.05, however, are slightly higher than the
benefit costs of $3.95 for white-collar workers.
Even when blue-collar and white-collar worker groups are considered
separately, the expected inverse relationship between the level of
compensation and the proportion of compensation accounted for by wages
and salaries does not appear. Wages account for 70.6 percent of total
compensation for the lowest paid blue-collar group--laborers--and 70.8
percent for the highest paid blue-collar group--precision workers.
Wages account for 72.3 percent for the lowest paid white-collar
group--clerical workers--and 75 percent for the highest paid
white-collar group--executive, administrative, and managerial workers.
There are a number of other relationships to be found among the
data in the tables; some of these are expected, and some are perplexing.
But the purpose of this paper is not to analyze the data; instead, it is
to provide information to aid potential users in properly interpreting
and analyzing these new data from the ECI program.
ECI Survey Design
The 1987 cost-level estimates were based on data collected from
about 3,200 establishments in the price nonfarm sector of the economy.
The establishments were selected with probability proportional to
employment from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Unemployment
Insurance (UI) File. The file lists every establishment with one
employee or more covered by State unemployment insurance. About 98
percent of all private industry workers are employed by establishments
listed in the file.
The ECI sample is replaced on a 4-year cycle, with about one-fourth
of the establishments replaced each year. Replacement is by industry or
by groups of industries. Each selected establishment is visited by a
BLS economist from one of the eight regional offices. The first task,
after explaining the survey and securing the cooperation of the
establishment, is to select the jobs for which wage and benefit data are
to be collected.
Four, six, or eight narrowly defined jobs are selected with
probability proportional to the number of workers employed in each job.
The number of jobs selected depends on the size of the establishment,
but, on average, about five jobs are selected for each establishment.
For these jobs, initial wage and benefit data are collected and then
updated each quarter. The March 1987 estimates are based on about
16,000 jobs selected in 3,200 establishments.(1)
Job selection is crucial to the index. It plays the same role in
the ECI that item specification plays in the Consumer Price Index. Each
job selected in an establishment must be defined narrowly enough that
its incumbents carry out the same tasks at roughly the same skill level.
If the selected jobs are not narrowly and clearly defined, then the
changes in cost over time might reflect, not the change in the cost to
the employer of having specific tasks performed, but rather the
collection of cost for a higher or lower skilled group of workers.
Once the jobs are selected, BLS economists collect the information
necessary to compute the employer's cost, by kind of benefit, and
change in cost when it occurs. Before describing the data collected, it
is necessary to discuss the concept of cost used in the ECI.
ECI Costs
In estimating the cost of the compensation package (wages,
salaries, and the employer's cost of employee benefits), the ECI
measures the cost per hour worked as a rate at a point in time--the time
of data collection. The rate is what the cost per hour worked would be
if the wage or salary, the benefit package, and the employer's cost
of each benefit were unchanged for a long enough time period for the
employee to receive all benefits and for the employer to make all
payments for benefits provided.
Such a concept of a rate at a point in time is necessary for the
ECI, which attempts to measure change in labor cost in a timely fashion.
The concept makes it easy to identify when a change occurs and to
compute the cost of the change. A change in labor cost occurs when the
wage or salary changes, when the benefits provided change, or when the
cost of providing benefits with the same provisions changes.
A simple example will illustrate the difference between the ECI
rate of cost at the time of collection and the actual expenditures over
an interval. Suppose that, for the selected occupation, the wage rate
is $10.00 per hour, the work schedule is 52 weeks a year, the workweek
is 40 hours, and the only benefit is 2 weeks, or 80 hours, paid vacation per year.
The wage cost is $10.00 per hour worked. Leave is also paid at
$10.00 an hour. The cost of leave is $800 (80 hours x $10.00) per year.
Of the 2,080 scheduled hours, 2,000 are worked per year. Then the cost
of leave per hour worked is $800 divided by 2,000 or $0.40. The total
cost per hour worked is the wage plus the cost of leave or $10.40.
If the wage rate rises to $11.00 on July 1 with no change in the
vacation plan, then the cost of paid leave will rise by the same
percent, 10 percent, as wages to $0.44, and the total cost per hour
worked will rise to $11.44.
The $10.40 used for the ECI in the first half of the year and the
$11.44 used in the second half will not equal the actual expenditures
per hour worked for incumbents in the job over, for example, a year.
The cost per hour worked at a point in time would equal the actual
expenditures per hour worked over a year only if the wage remains
unchanged over the entire year and if the number of paid vacation days
granted per year remains unchanged.
Data Collected
The wide range of wage and benefit practices precludes a thorough
discussion of what is collected or of how costs are calculated for every
possible situation for every benefit (Nathan 1987). Instead, a few
examples will be given, which should be sufficient to provide the user
with the information required to properly use the estimates. Hours
Hours worked are also considered as a rate at the time of
collection and not as actual hours worked over any calendar time period.
They are the number of hours that would be worked if conditions at the
time of collection were to remain unchanged for a long enough period for
the entire schedule to be worked--usually a year.
Scheduled hours per day and per week and scheduled weeks per year
are collected. They are used to determine scheduled annual hours and
the number of hours not worked. Hours paid but not worked--based on the
vacation, holiday, sick leave, and other leave plans at the time of
collection--are deducted from scheduled annual hours; scheduled hours
not worked and not paid are also deducted. Overtime hours are added to
scheduled work hours. Wages and salaries
For ECI purposes, wages and salaries exclude shift differentials,
premium pay, and nonproduction bonuses. All costs for these items are
included in benefit cost, not in wages and salaries. In addition to
straight time pay, wages and salaries include a number of add-ons--such
as incentive pay, sales commissions, hazard pay, on call pay, deadhead
pay, and cost-of-living allowances, which are not paid as part of the
straight time rate.
Wages.--If all workers receive the same hourly wage rate, then the
wage rate is collected and used. If different incumbents within the
same job receive different wage rates--for example, because of
length-of-service premiums or differences in commissions earnings--then
the average wage is used.
The use of the average wage highlights the importance of the
definition of the job selected for the index. If differences in wages
among workers in a selected job reflect differences in duties or skill
levels, then a change in the mix of duties or skill levels would
introduce error in the index.
Salaries.--Salaries are labor payments that are not quoted on an
hourly basis. In most cases, there is a work schedule for salaried
employees. When this is true, the salary is divided by scheduled hours
to obtain a salary cost per hour worked. Scheduled hours, not hours
worked, are used to compute salary per hour worked, because the salary
includes pay both for hours worked and for hours not worked but paid.
When the salary is not related to a work schedule--for example, for
executives, teachers, sales workers, truckdrivers, and airline flight
crews--the field economists try to get the respondent to supply a
reasonable estimate of the employee's work schedule or hours paid.
If this is not possible, the predominant work schedule for similar
occupations in the establishment is used. Benefit costs
If all incumbents receive the same benefit, then data collection
and calculation of benefit cost are fairly straightforward. In the
previous example in which all employees received 2 weeks paid vacation a
year, the hours of vacation are multiplied by the wage rate and divided
by hours worked, yielding vacation benefit as cents per hour. Other
plans would be treated similarly. For example, if all employees
received the same basic health plan, then only the price of the plan is
collected. The price is divided by the number of hours worked per
employee to obtain cents per hour worked.
Usage.--Frequently, employees doing the same job do not all receive
the same benefits. For example, the amount of paid vacation received
may depend on the employee's length of service--1 week the first
year, 2 weeks the second through the fifth year, and so on. In these
cases, it is necessary to determine how much of each benefit is received
by each employee, and the result is termed the "usage" of the
Determining usage greatly increases the collection burden and the
complexity of evaluating the cost. In the previous example, the length
of service of each incumbent in the job is collected. The
length-of-service distribution and the benefit plan determine how much
vacation each employee receives. Average hours of vacation per year is
then calculated. The average number of hours is multiplied by the wage
rate, and the product is divided by hours worked to get vacation costs
per hour worked.
If no vacation is given until the employee has worked for a minimum
period of time, then those employees that fail to meet the eligibility
requirements are included with no benefit This procedure is used for any
benefit with an eligibility requirement.
Another usage issue arises in measuring health insurance. Suppose
the employer pays the total cost for a health insurance plan in which
married employees receive a family plan and single employees receive a
self-only plan. The proportion of employees that receive each type of
plan is collected. The price of each plan is multiplied by the
proportion of employees receiving the plan, and then the products are
summed and divided by the hours worked per employee.
Expenditures.--In the previous examples, costs have been computed
by multiplying the number (proportion) of employees that receive a
benefit by the price (cost) of the benefit. In the ECI, this is the
preferred method, which is termed "rate times usage."
When rate and usage cannot be collected, expenditures data can be
collected and used. Perhaps the most important use of expenditures data
occurs when the employer is self-insured and there is no rate. For
example, employees might receive health insurance, but the establishment
itself pays for covered expenditures. Expenditures over the previous
year per employee are collected. The expenditures per employee are
divided by hours worked.
Quarterly Change
Once all the required data have been collected and the cost of all
benefits for each occupation computed, the initiation of the
establishment is completed. Once the establishment is initiated, it is
requested (usually by mail or telephone) to provide quarterly the
information required to update the costs. Prior to each quarter, the
establishment is sent a wage "shuttle" form and a summary of
benefits form. The wage shuttle identifies the selected jobs and the
wages of the previous quarter. The summary of benefits summarizes the
benefits provided for each job the previous quarter.
The Employment Cost Index is published the month after the
reference month. The only reason why the data can be collected and
processed so quickly is that the ECI concept of change does not, in
general, require that usage be collected each quarter. For the ECI, as
noted, a change in labor cost occurs for a benefit only when the benefit
changes or the price of an existing benefit changes. For example, if an
establishment provides family and self-only health coverage and if there
is no change in the plans or their cost, the ECI cost remains unchanged;
it remains unchanged even though the distribution between married and
single employees in the job may have changed.
Furthermore, even if the benefit or its price changes so that there
is a change in ECI costs, usage is not updated unless the change in the
benefit or its price will induce (cause) a change in usage. In general,
new usage data will be collected only if new plans are added, if old
plans are dropped, or if the cost or provisions of contributory plans
For example, suppose the employer provided family and self-only
health plans to the employees the previous quarter, but this quarter
employees are also given the option to join a health maintenance
organization (HMO). Since some employees would join the HMO, the
proportion of workers receiving the other plans would fall. Then, new
usage data, as well as the price of the HMO membership, would be
collected, and a new cost would be calculated (Bureau of Labor
Statistics 1986).
This treatment of usage is appropriate for an index number that
measures the change in cost over time. Cost levels, however, should
have current usage, which does raise a question concerning the accuracy
of the ECI cost levels (Scheifer 1975). Empirical analysis of this
question is presented later in this chapter.
Employment Weights
In March 1987, the ECI survey yielded estimates of wage and benefit
cost for about 16,000 occupational observations, where the costs, as
noted, are estimates of a rate at a point in time. These costs are
estimated with usage ranging from the current year to 4 years old.
These 16,000 occupational observations are aggregated in the ECI
using the 1980 census of population (because the ECI is a "fixed
weight" index). Data for 1980 are clearly not suitable for
weighting cost estimates for March 1987.
The weights for 1987 cost levels are obtained in two steps. First,
the ECI sample provides an estimate of the occupational employment
distribution within each industry at the time of initiation. Second,
these occupational distributions are used to apportion the employment by
industry for March 1987 from the BLS Current Employment Statistics
program. The industry employment distribution is current, but the
occupational distribution by industry varies from the current year to 4
years old (depending on the phase of the ECI initiation schedule).
There is evidence suggesting that labor cost indexes are not very
sensitive to variation in employment weights (Schwenk 1985), but the use
of occupational employment distributions by industry that range from the
current year to 4 years old does raise a question about the accuracy of
the ECI cost levels. Empirical analysis of this question is given
Evaluation of Estimates
The usual concerns about data quality are sampling and nonsampling
errors. Sampling error
Standard errors of the estimate are calculated for each estimate
using a balanced, repeated replication method with 64 psuedoreplicates.
A detailed description of the method used for calculating the variance for the index, which is the same method used for calculating the levels,
will be published in early 1989 in the Monthly Labor Review.
Nonsampling error
There are no measurements of nonsampling error for the ECI, but all
BLS surveys, including the ECI, have a wide range of quality management
programs that are designed to hold nonsampling errors within acceptable
bounds. ECI survey procedures designed to control nonsampling error
include clear documentation and instructions for each survey activity,
quality control to ensure that the instructions are followed, the
collection of data by personal visit by professional field economists,
regular training on program procedures, professional review of all data
collected, and machine edits and review at each stage of processing.
The only sources of nonsampling error that will be explicitly discussed
here are nonresponse and noncurrent distribution, which is the error
introduced because usage and the occupation distributions within
industry are not current.
Refusal to participate in survey.--Refusals are eligible
establishments that refuse to provide data. The ECI survey has one of
the highest refusal rates of all BLS wage surveys. In March 1987, the
response rate--that is, responding establishments divided by responding
establishments plus eligible nonresponding establishments--was 73
There are a number of reasons for the high nonresponse to the ECI
survey relative to other wage surveys. The ECI is a length interval
survey, so it has refusals not only at the time of initiation but also
over time, as respondents drop out of the program. The ECI sample
includes establishments of all sizes in all industries, whereas other
wage surveys usually exclude small establishments, which tend to have
higher nonresponse rates. The ECI is relatively new and, therefore, is
not widely known; there are establishments that will continue to respond
to surveys that they have responded to in the past, but they will not
participate in new surveys. Other establishments will only respond to a
survey if they use the survey or if they are already familiar with the
Every effort is being made to reduce nonresponse rates, and we
expect them to decline, though slowly, over time, as the ECI becomes
more widely known and used. But whatever the future holds, the response
rate for the March 1987 estimates was 73 percent.
In deriving cost-level estimates, the weight of nonrespondents is
allocated to similar (same industry, establishment, size, area, and so
on) responding establishments. The accuracy of the estimates depends on
how close the data of the nonrespondents are to the data of the
respondents that carry their weight. It is not possible to determine
how accurate the nonresponse adjustments are, because, by definition,
data from the nonrespondents are not available. The only way to reduce
the potential error caused by nonresponse is to reduce the proportion of
Noncurrent distribution.--The other potential sources of
nonsampling error that have been identified are the use of dated
occupation distributions and usage. The potential bias of these sources
of nonsampling error can be analyzed because of the ECI's sample
replacement program.
Whenever the sample for an industry is replaced, there are two
estimates of labor cost for the same industry for the same time period.
One estimate is for the sample to be dropped, which has a dated
occupational distribution and usage pattern that is 4 years old. The
other estimate is for the sample to be added, which has a current
occupational distribution and usage pattern. If the impact on the
estimates of the dated occupational distribution and usage pattern is
large, it should be possible to reject the hypothesis that the two
estimates are based on samples drawn from the same universe.
At the time the analysis was carried out, data on two replacement
samples were available only for wholesale trade. The wholesale trade
sample was replaced first in 1982 and then in 1986. The difference of
the means of the two sample estimates would reflect differences in both
usage and occupational mix. A test of the differences between two means
could not reject the hypothesis that the means are equal. Being unable
to reject the hypothesis does not imply that the estimates of the old
sample are unbiased, because they almost certainly are biased. It
simply implies that whatever bias exists is small relative to the
Dated occupational structure and fixed usage can be tested
separately. The impact on the estimates of the dated occupational
weights was evaluated by reweighting the costs from the 1982 wholesale
trade sample using the weights of the 1986 sample. The only difference
between the 1982 estimates with the 1986 weights and the actual
estimates of the 1982 sample is the occupational weights. The
differences were small relative to sampling errors. Dated usage was
evaluated by developing a distribution of the number of days paid but
not worked by benefit plan and occupation from the 1986 sample. For
each establishment in the 1982 sample, usage was selected from the 1986
distribution. The only difference between the 1982 sample with the 1986
distribution and the actual estimates of the 1982 sample is the usage.
The differences were small relative to sampling errors.
Comparisons with Other Data
The ECI estimates will be compared with estimates prepared by the
Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) and with estimates of average hourly
earnings prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics from the Current
Employment Statistics survey. BEA compensation
The Bureau of Economic Analysis provides estimates of expenditures
on total compensation and wages for the private nonfarm economy. The
BEA definition of total compensation is roughly the same as that used
for the ECI. The BEA definition of wages, however, includes the
payments for hours paid but not worked and supplemental payments--that
is, payments for shift pay, premium pay, and nonproduction bonuses.
For 1987 the BEA estimates showed that wages (which are equivalent
to gross earnings from the ECI) were 84.9 percent of compensation. In
the ECI data for March 1987, wages, paid leave, and supplemental
payments are 82.5 percent of compensation. The difference between 84.9
percent and 82.5 percent is reasonable given the differences in the
reference periods and the data sources. Average hourly earnings
The Average Hourly Earnings (AHE) series covers all production
workers in goods-producing industries and non-supervisory workers in
service-producing industries. Similar coverage can be obtained from the
ECI by excluding all white-collar occupations from the goods-producing
industries and the manager, executive, and administrator occupations
from the service-producing industries.
Wages from the AHE include overtime and shift pay. Average
earnings from the AHE for March 1987 were $8.92. The ECI wage rate for
the AHE occupational coverage was $8.72, overtime was $0.18, and shift
differential was $0.04. Thus, the value from the ECI, comparable with
the AHE wage, was $8.94. The difference between $8.92 and $8.94 is well
within sampling error of the ECI.
Another interesting comparison with the AHE uses wages for
production workers in manufacturing, the only industry for which the AHE
has a separate estimate for overtime. In addition to the impact of the
occupation distribution and nonresponse, this comparison gives an
indication of the impact of dated usage on overtime. The ECI estimate
of overtime cost was $0.43 per hour, and the AHE estimate of overtime
cost was $0.41. The ECI wages, plus shift differentials, was $9.34, and
the comparable value from the AHE was $9.44.
Although the AHE has only limited coverage of benefits, the above
comparisons are of interest, since the dated occupational distribution
and the nonresponse affect wages as well as benefit costs.
Uses of Cost Levels
The new measures do not place any additional burden on respondents,
nor are they expensive. The estimates are not free, however; resources
are required for their preparation and publication. In these days of
very scarce resources for general economic statistics, it is necessary
to justify any expenditures. The justification can only be in the use
made of the statistics.
The ECI costs, as rates at a point in time, are the statistics of
choice for wage and salary administration, labor negotiations, and
comparisons of compensation among groups of workers. Because of these
uses, cost levels were the most requested statistics by the BLS's
Business Research Advisory and Labor Research Advisory Committees. The
Employment Standards Administration wanted ECI cost levels in order to
carry out their responsibilities under the Service Contract Act. It is
their responsibility to set minimum wages and benefits for employees of
firms that have contracts to provide services to the Federal Government.
Other users may be interested in cost levels for different
purposes. For example, benefits might be measured as income to
employees rather than as cost to employers.
I cannot recommend without qualification the use of the ECI cost
levels for analysis that requires expenditures rather than rates or
employee income rather than employer cost. But if the ECI data and
their limitations are clearly understood, it seems to me that the data
could prove of value in research in these areas as well.
References Bureau of Labor Statistics (1988). BLS Handbook of
Methods. Chapter 8. Bulletin No. 2285. Washington, DC: GPO. Nathan,
Felicia (1987). "Analyzing Employers' Cost for Wages,
Salaries, and Benefits." Monthly Labor Review (October 1987): 3-11.
Scheifer, Victor J. (1975). "Employment Cost Index: A Measure of
Change in the Price of Labor," Monthly Labor Review (June 1975):
22-27. Schindler, Eric (1988). "Statistical Development to the
Employment Cost Index," Proceedings of the Section on Business and
Economic Statistics, American Statistical Association. Schwenk, Albert E. (1985). "Introducing New Weights for the Employment Cost
Index," Monthly Labor Review (June 1985): 22-27.
Table : 1.--Employer Cost for Employee Compensation for Private
Industry and Major Occupational Categories
Table : 2.--Employer Cost for Employee Compensation for Selected
Major White-Collar Groups
Table : 3.--Employer Cost for Employee Compensation for Major
Blue-Collar Groups
Table : 4.--Employer Cost for Employee Compensation by Major
Industrial Sectors
Table : 5--Employer Cost for Employee Compensation for Major
Service-Producing Industries