Input-output accounts of the U.S. economy, 1981.
Planting, Mark A.
Input-Output Accounts of the U.S. Economy, 1981
THIS article presents the U.S. input-output (I-O) accounts for
1981. These annual accounts are consistent definitionally with the 1977
benchmark I-O accounts published in May 1984 as modified by the
subsequent comprehensive revision of the national income and product
accounts (NIPA's) released in December 1985.(1) The 1981 I-O
estimates of final demand--that is, estimates of GNP components-- differ
from the NIPA estimates for that year because the former incorporates
additional information. For the major components, these differences are
shown in table A and mainly reflect an improved estimate of business
purchases of computers.2 The previously published 1977 and 1980 I-O
accounts have been revised to provide a consistent series of accounts.
1. For the 1977 I-O accounts, see "The Input-Output Structure
of the U.S. Economy, 1977,' SURVEY OF CURRENT BUSINESS 64 (May
1984): 42-84. For a description of the NIPA revision, see "Revised
Estimates of the National Income and Product Accounts of the United
States, 1929-85: An Introduction,' SURVEY 65 (December 1985):
2. See "Corrections to the Estimates of Purchases of
Computers,' SURVEY 66 (March 1986): 10.
The full set of 1981 I-O accounts, at the two-digit
industry/commodity level, are presented in five tables: (1) Use table,
(2) make table, (3) commodity-by-industry direct requirements table, (4)
commodity-by-commodity total requirements table, and (5)
industry-by-commodity total requirements table. The structure of these
tables is identical to those published and described in the May 1984
article except that, in tables 1 and 3, the components of value added are not shown and, in tables 4 and 5, "output multipliers' are
added. Output multipliers express the cumulative effect on industries
or commodities of a one dollar change in the final demand for a
commodity. This article presents only tables 1 and 2. See the box for
information about the availability of the other tables.
Annual I-O accounts are prepared using basically the same
procedures as used in the most recent benchmark table, but with less
comprehensive and less reliable source data. There are four major steps
in the preparation of the annual accounts: (1) Determine industry and
commodity output totals, (2) estimate the commodity composition of
intermediate consumption for each industry, (3) derive each GNP
component and its commodity composition, and (4) balance the table.
Each of these steps is described below, with a focus on the differences
between the procedures and source data used in the 1977 benchmark and
the 1981 annual I-O accounts.
1. Industry and commodity output totals
Source data are available to estimate annual industry output at the
same level of detail as used in the 1977 benchmark. These sources
include the Annual Survey of Manufactures, the Service Annual Survey,
the Annual Retail Trade Survey, the Annual Trade Survey, the American
Housing Survey, the Current Construction Reports, and the Current
Industrial Reports--all from the Census Bureau--and tabulations from the
U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Internal Revenue Service, and
Federal regulatory agencies. For most industries, the data used for the
annual accounts are based on sample surveys; more complete and detailed
data for industries covered by the quinquennial economic census are used
for benchmark accounts. When necessary, the 1981 survey data are
adjusted by BEA to approximate more closely census results based on
differences between the 1982 census and 1982 survey data.
For each commodity, the output total is derived as the sum of the
outputs of that commodity in each industry in which it is produced. For
the 1977 benchmark, the commodity composition of each industry's
output is available from the quinquennial economic censuses. For the
annual accounts, estimates of the commodity composition of each
industry's output are prepared using commodity-industry output
proportions from the 1977 benchmark. This procedure assumes that the
proportions were constant from 1977 to 1981. For industries in
manufacturing, the commodity output estimated in this way is adjusted to
be consistent with commodity output totals available from the Annual
Survey of Manufactures.
2. Commodity composition of intermediate consumption
Source data to estimate the commodity composition of intermediate
consumption for each industry are available only from the quinquennial
economic censuses. For the annual accounts, initial estimates of
intermediate consumption are prepared using industry consumption
patterns from the 1977 benchmark. This procedure assumes that input
requirements per unit of constant-dollar industry output remained
constant from 1977 to 1981. Industry output for 1981 expressed in 1977
dollars (see next paragraph) is multiplied by the 1977 direct
requirements per dollar of industry output to obtain 1981
constant-dollar intermediate consumption, and the results reflated by
commodity to current dollars.
To derive annual constant-dollar industry output, current-dollar
industry output is deflated with industry price indexes that are
calculated by weighting commodity price indexes using proportions from
the make table. For manufacturing commodities, the indexes are to same
as those prepared by BEA to estimate constant-dollar GNP by industry.
For most services, the indexes are the same as those prepared by BEA to
estimate constant-dollar service components of personal consumption
expenditures (PCE). For other goods and services, the price indexes are
derived by BEA from various sources. These commodity price indexes also
are used to reflate intermediate consumption.
3. GNP components and their commodity composition
PCE.--The estimate of PCE goods and services is derived using the
commodity-flow procedure--that is, PCE is derived as domestic shipments
or receipts, plus imports, less exports, intermediate consumption,
inventory change, and government purchases all valued at producers'
prices, to which transportation and trade margins are added to put the
commodity total at purchasers' prices. The source data for, and
thus the implementation of, the commodity-flow procedure for the annual
accounts differs from that of the benchmark accounts in three ways.
First, for domestic goods and services, and annual source data, which
are the same as described in step 1, provide less detail than the
economic census data used in the benchmark. Second, because the
commodity composition of intermediate consumption is not available,
constant-dollar consumption is estimated using the 1977 consumption
proportions and reflated to current dollars. Third, information on
transportation and trade margins is not available annually. For 1981,
total trade margins are estimated using sales data from the Annual Trade
Survey and the Annual Retail Trade Survey multiplied by 1977 margin
rates. Trade margins on each commodity are estimated using 1977
commodity margin rates and adjusted to agree with total trade margins.
Gross private domestic fixed investment. --The estimates of
producers' durable equipment and the mobile homes part of
structures are derived using the commodity-flow procedure described
above for PCE. The same differences in source data that exist for PCE
apply to producers' durable equipment. The estimates of other
residential structures and nonresidential structures for both the annual
and the benchmark accounts are based primarily on data from the Current
Construction Reports. The only major difference between the annual and
benchmark source data is in the mining exploration, shafts, and wells
component of structures, where the benchmark estimates were based on
data from the census of mineral industries and the annual estimates on
survey data.
Change in business inventories.-- Annual source data for change in
business inventories by industry are from the Census Bureau annual
surveys and Internal Revenue Service Statistics of Income. The same
sources are used for the benchmark except for mineral industries,
manufactures, and manufacturers' sales branches, for which economic
census data are used.
Net exports of goods and services.-- Exports and imports in both
the annual and benchmark are from the Census Bureau foreign trade
statistics and BEA balance of payments accounts.
Government purchases of goods and services.--Federal Government
purchases in both the annual and benchmark accounts are based primarily
on various annual budget documents, the Current Construction Reports,
and the Current Industrial Report "Shipments to Federal Government
Agencies.' State and local government purchases in both the annual
and benchmark accounts are based on the Census Bureau Governmental
Finances series, the Current Construction Reports, and Bureau of Labor
Statistics Employment and Wages.
4. Balancing the table
Total commodity consumption (that is, intermediate and final, in
steps 2 and 3) is adjusted to equal total commodity output (step 1) by
allocating the difference proportionally to all consuming industries.
Total commodity consumption by industry is then subtracted from total
industry output (step 1) to yield value added. For some industries (for
example, farms), independent estimates of value added are used, and the
commodity consumption is adjusted.
Table: A.--Comparison of GNP in the NIPA's and the I-O
Accounts, 1981
Table: 1.--The Use of Commodities by Industries, 1981
Table: 2.--The Make of Commodities by Industries, 1981