Regional nonfarm personal income in the current economic expansion.
Friedenberg, Howard L.
Regional Nonfarm Personal Income in the Current Economic Expansion
REGIONAL patterns in nonfarm personal income growth in the current
expansion have differed from regional patterns in previous post-World
War II expansions. In the current expansion, nonfarm personal income in
the New England and Mideast regions has increased more rapidly than the
national average; in the Great Lakes, Plains, Southwest, and Rocky
Mountain regions, it has increased less rapidly than the national
average. In contrast, in most previous expansions, nonfarm personal
income in the Great Lakes, Plains, Southwest, and Rocky Mountain regions
increased at rates near or above the national average; in the New
England and Mideast regions, it increased at rates below the national
average. For these comparisons, the current expansion is measured from
the third quarter of 1982--the trough quarter for real GNP in the
1981-82 recession--to the second quarter of 1987--the most recent
quarter for which estimates of regional personal income are available.
Industry growth patterns in nonfarm payrolls thus far in the
1981-87 national business cycle differed from those in preceding
business cycles, and these differences help explain the contrasting
patterns in regional nonfarm personal income growth.
Payrolls in durables manufacturing were weak in the 1981-82
recession, as is typical in recessions. Uncharacteristically, these
payrolls did not recover strongly in the current expansion and so
adversely affected growth in the Great Lakes and Plains regions, where
these payrolls account for a large share of nonfarm personal income.
Payrolls in private service-type industries, in contrast, were
unusually strong in the current expansion. They stimulated nonfarm
personal income growth in the New England and Mideast regions, which
long have been centers for these industries.
Payrolls in the mining and related construction industries were
unusually resistant to the 1981-82 recession due to rising oil prices
but were unusually weak in the current expansion due to declining oil
prices. Relative changes in these payrolls were reflected in the
relative weakness in nonfarm personal income in the
"oil-patch' Rocky Mountain and Southwest regions.
In the Far West and Southwest regions, nonfarm personal income
increased more rapidly than the national average in both the current and
previous expansions.
Fast-growing regions
In the current expansion, the fast-growing regions, as measured by
the percentage increase in nonfarm personal income, were: New England,
46.5 percent; Far West, 43.9 percent; Southeast, 42.2 percent; and
Mideast, 39.6 percent. Nonfarm personal income for the Nation increased
38.0 percent. In the New England region, payrolls in industries that
provide data processing, computer, and research and development services
to the region's high-technology industries constributed to fast
growth. In the Mideast region, payrolls in industries that provide
banking, brokerage, advertising, consulting, and management services to
national and international markets contributed to fast growth. In both
regions, large increases in construction payrolls, in part reflecting
continuing development of urban commercial centers, also stimulated
growth. The Far West and Southeast regions, like the New England and
Mideast regions, benefited from strength in private service-type
payrolls. The Far West and Southeast regions, in addition, benefited
from large increases in durables manufacturing payrolls as a result of
the national defense buildup early in the expansion.
Slow-growing regions
The regions that had the smallest percentage increases in nonfarm
personal income were: Rocky Mountain, 27.6 percent; Southwest, 28.9
percent; Plains, 30.8 percent; and Great Lakes, 33.2 percent. In the
Rocky Mountain and Southwest regions, large declines in mining payrolls
contributed to slow growth, as a decline in oil prices during most of
the expansion discouraged oil exploration and production. In the
Southwest region, in addition, weakness in oil mining dampened the
growth of payrolls in durables manufacturing industries that produce oil
field equipment and oil refining and pipeline equipment. Construction
payrolls declined in part due to an oversupply of commercial and
industrial structures, many of which had been built before the decline
in oil prices. In the Plains region, weakness in payrolls in
construction, trade, and finance contributed to slow growth. In the
Great Lakes region, weakness in payrolls in durables manufacturing
industries--including primary metals, fabricated metals, and machinery--
was a major growth-retarding factor.