The phonology of epenthetic stops: implications for the phonetics-phonology interface in optimality theory *.
Warner, Natasha
This paper presents an OT analysis of stop epenthesis, which as
well as reflecting the basic pattern of stop insertion can also model
the available quantitative data on variability of stop epenthesis and
the phonetic difference between epenthetic and underlying stops.
However, accounting for these factors requires the introduction of two
very powerful mechanisms within OT, absolute ranking with noise added to
rankings at evaluation time (Boersma 1998), and allowing the phonetic
realization access to the underlying representation. Such a powerful
theory may not be desirable, but this need for very powerful mechanisms
to model quantitative data is probably not restricted to OT. Using this
example, this article examines the relationship between phonetics and
phonology in OT.
1. Introduction
Stop epenthesis is an alternation that lies at the interface of
phonetics and phonology: there are reasons to consider it a phonological alternation, part of the grammar, but it is clearly articulatorily
motivated and closely related to language-specific phonetics. It is also
a highly variable alternation, even within speakers, and there is
evidence that epenthetic stops are not phonetically equivalent to
underlying stops. Furthermore, considerable quantitative data on
production of epenthetic stops is available in the past literature. This
paper provides an optimality-theoretic (OT) analysis of stop epenthesis
that is consistent with the available quantitative data. This leads to
investigation of the mechanisms necessary for OT to account for
variable, articulatorily based alternations and furthers inquiry into
the relationship between phonetics and phonology in OT.
1.1. Stop epenthesis
In many languages, an epenthetic stop can occur within
nasal-fricative clusters or heterorganic nasal-stop clusters. Some
examples in English, (1a), and Dutch, (1b), appear below (Wetzels 1985;
Fourakis and Port 1986; Ohala 1995; Warner and Weber 2001).
(1) a. [dr[??]mt] ~ [dr[??]mpt] `dreamt'
[timst[??] ~ [timpst[??]] `teamster'
[prIns] ~ [prInts] `prince'
b. [h[??]mt] ~ [h[??]mpt] `shirt'
[lans] ~ [lanks] `along'
[hant] ~ [hankt] `hangs'
Such epenthesis is often highly variable, even within a single
speaker's productions. In some cases, reanalysis leads to a
historical change, as in the development of Modern English empty from
Old English aemtig (Ohala 1995), but often, there is synchronic variation without such reanalysis, (1). This article is concerned with
how such synchronic epenthesis can be modeled in OT. (1)
There are several other environments in which epenthetic stops
occur, such as between a nasal and a following liquid (e.g. English
thimble from older thumle). Much discussion has centered around the
relationship between nasal-liquid and nasal-obstruent epenthesis. Ohala
(1995, 1997) relates both types to stop epenthesis in the cluster /ls/,
as in else [[??]lts] ~ [[??]ls], as well as to epenthesis of a [p] in
the cluster /mn/. All of these types involve overlap of adjacent
gestures. Lombardi (1998a) discusses an unrelated type, in which a stop
is epenthesized between vowels to provide a syllable onset. This article
will address only epenthesis in nasal-obstruent clusters, since this
type of epenthesis is cross-linguistically common and more quantitative
data is available for it than for the other types.
The production of epenthetic stops in a nasal-obstruent environment
is clearly based in articulation: during a nasal, the velum is lowered,
and there is a complete closure somewhere in the oral cavity. The velum
must be closed for the following obstruent. If the velum closes before
the oral closure for the nasal is released, that release will produce a
stop at the place of articulation of the nasal. Some researchers have
proposed different scenarios (Ali et al. 1979), but all accounts involve
mistiming of the changes in place, voicing, and velic closure.
1.2. Phonological analyses of stop epenthesis
Despite this articulatory origin, stop epenthesis has often been
treated as a phonological phenomenon, in part because epenthesis is
language-specific. Fourakis and Port (1986) found that American English
speakers epenthesize in 100% of tokens of words ending in /ns/, but
South African English speakers never epenthesize in the same
environment. Whether to epenthesize, how often, and in which
environments, is part of the language-specific knowledge a speaker must
have. Furthermore, epenthetic stops can provide the environment for
other phonological patterns. Wetzels (1985) points out that, in
derivational terms, stop epenthesis feeds the glottalization of coda
voiceless stops, although this may apply in British RP but not in
American English (Gussenhoven and Jacobs 1998: 131-132). Thus, if one
produces a glottalized [t] in prints or cents, one is likely to also
produce one in prince or sense, at least in British English.
Researchers have analyzed epenthesis in various derivational
theories. Anderson (1976) suggests that epenthetic stops involve the
following obstruent's values of the features [sonorant], [nasal],
and [voice] spreading partially into the time domain of the preceding
nasal. This timing adjustment, rather than inserting an additional
segment, "create[s] a time period of the utterance which belongs
partly to one segment, partly to another" (Anderson 1976: 339).
Wetzels (1985) proposes an autosegmental version of this approach, in
which the [-nasal] and [-voice] feature values of the obstruent spread
onto the preceding nasal, creating a contour segment much like a
prenasalized stop (i.e. a cluster /ms/ with an epenthetic stop is
equivalent to [mps]). Piggott and Singh (1985) analyze consonant epenthesis solely through syllabification rules and view epenthesis as a
repair of ill-formed syllable structures. The crucial innovation in
their analysis is a rule that moves a sonorant from the coda to the
nucleus of a syllable, leaving an empty slot in the coda, which is
eventually filled by the epenthetic stop.
Fourakis and Port (1986), in addition to showing that epenthesis is
language-specific, also find that epenthetic stops are not phonetically
equivalent to underlying voiceless stops: in pairs such as dense (with
epenthetic [t]) vs. dents, the [t] is significantly longer and the nasal
significantly shorter if the [t] is underlying. Fourakis and Port argue
that epenthesis therefore cannot involve the phonological insertion of a
stop (a point Anderson [1976] also made, although without quantitative
evidence). They suggest a new type of phonological rule to represent
such processes that affect timing without affecting the segmental string: phase rules. They propose that these phase rules are
language-specific and take a phonological representation as their input,
with gestural timing or gestures as their output. They point out that
such rules would be very similar to temporal phonetic-implementation
rules in generative phonology.
Clements (1987), in a feature geometry analysis, proposes an
oral-cavity node that dominates place features and the feature
[continuant], but no other features. He suggests that stop epenthesis
involves spreading the oral-cavity node from the nasal to the following
obstruent, making the obstruent into a contour segment (which allows for
the phonetic differences between epenthetic and underlying stops). This
proposal differs from Wetzels's (1985) in that it spreads features
from the nasal onto the obstruent rather than the reverse, thus the
contour segment in the /ms/ would be [ps] rather than [mp]. Clements
argues that epenthesis must be a phonological rule and cannot be simply
a matter of phonetic differences in timing because it feeds coda
glottalization, as discussed above. He points out that if epenthesis
involved only phonetic-implementation rules, it could not introduce the
featural structure necessary to trigger the glottalization rule.
Thus, most previous analyses of epenthesis have treated it as a
phonological process of some sort. However, with the introduction of
optimality theory, the relationship between phonology and phonetics in
linguistic theory has changed. Furthermore, past analyses of stop
epenthesis cannot be maintained in OT, for reasons discussed below. The
main questions to be addressed in this article are how to model stop
epenthesis in OT, and whether an alternation such as stop epenthesis
should be modeled in OT, that is, what the phonological status of stop
epenthesis is. In the remainder of this paper, I will first present an
analysis of a simplified version of stop epenthesis in OT (section 2),
without incorporating variability or the phonetic difference. Then I
will discuss the implications of introducing variability into the
analysis (section 3), and how to model the phonetic difference between
epenthetic and underlying stops (section 4). Finally, I will discuss
implications for the relationship between phonetics and phonology in the
grammar (section 5). The analysis will focus on epenthesis as it appears
in Dutch, but it largely holds for at least American and British RP
English as well.
2. OT analysis of a simplified stop-epenthesis pattern
Several constraints are necessary in order for the phonology to
produce epenthetic stops, in a simplified situation in which epenthetic
stops are always produced where the environment for them occurs, and the
epenthetic stop is equivalent to an underlying stop. (That is, as a
beginning point, the analysis will reflect a hypothetical system in
which both /ns/ and /nt/ clusters, for example, are always produced as
[nts, nkt], and the epenthetic [t, k] are phonetically identical to the
[t, k] produced in underlying /nts, nkt/ clusters.) There are two
possible approaches to this problem, differing in whether the
constraints refer to phonetic motivation and in how similar they are to
the usual OT analysis of vowel epenthesis.
2.1. Stop epenthesis as equivalent to vowel epenthesis
Epenthesis of the sort motivated by syllable structure, such as
epenthesis of a vowel to break up a consonant cluster, is generally
analyzed in OT as interaction between a markedness constraint against
some syllable structure, the constraint DEP, which disfavors epenthesis,
and general segmental-markedness constraints (McCarthy and Prince 1995).
The highly ranked syllable-structure markedness constraint makes the
underlying string of segments impossible, leading to violation of
lower-ranked DEP. The general markedness constraints choose the least
marked segment as the best one to appear epenthetically.
Stop epenthesis is not motivated by syllable-structure constraints:
it results in syllables with more coda consonants than the underlying
form has, and it can occur regardless of whether the nasal-obstruent
cluster is within one syllable or spans a syllable boundary (as in
teamster in [1a], and cf. Figure 1 below). However, it can be analyzed
similarly to syllable-structure-motivated epenthesis, using markedness
constraints against the clusters in which epenthesis occurs ([2]-[3])
instead of constraints on syllable structure. These constraints cause
violation of DEP, and low-ranked general markedness constraints, (4),
select a stop as the segment to epenthesize. The constraints against the
relevant clusters involve local conjunction (Smolensky 1995; Alderete
1997), such that the conjoined constraints are only violated if both of
their component constraints are violated within the consonant cluster.
(2) [*NC & AGR(pl)]
*NC: no nasal-voiceless obstruent clusters (Pater 1996)
AGREE(place): adjacent consonants must have identical values for
all place features (abbreviated AGR(pl).) (Lombardi 1998b)
(3) [*NC & *FRIC]
*FRICATIVE: do not have fricatives.
(4) *VOWEL: do not have vowels.
*SONORANT: do not have sonorants.
*STOP[-vc]: do not have voiceless stops.
The conjoined constraint in (2) is violated only by heterorganic
nasal-voiceless obstruent clusters. The conjoined constraint in (3) is
violated by any nasal-voiceless fricative cluster, regardless of place.
These separate constraints are necessary because epenthesis occurs in
homorganic as well as heterorganic nasal-fricative clusters, but only in
heterorganic nasal-stop clusters.
The constraints in (4), and similar ones for other segment types,
are ranked rather low and so are active only in determining which
segment appears epenthetically. The constraints in (2)-(4), along with
DEP, MAX, and a faithfulness constraint for place IDENT(Pl), interact to
produce output forms with epenthesis in the relevant clusters, (5). For
convenience of representation in the tableau, all of the markedness
constraints against particular classes of segments except *STOP[-vc] are
listed as one constraint *SEGMENT.
(5) /zw[??]m-t/ [zw[??]mpt] `swims'
/zw[??]m-t/ [*NC & AG[R.sub.(pl)]] IDEN[T.sub.(pl)] MAX
a. zw[??]mt *!
b. zw[??]nt *!
c. zw[??]t *!
d. [index] zw[??]mpt
e. zw[??]met
f. zw[??]mft
g. zw[??]mkt *!
/zw[??]m-t/ DEP *SEGMENT *[STOP.sub.[-vc]]
a. zw[??]mt **** *
b. zw[??]nt **** *
c. zw[??]t *** *
d. [index] zw[??]mpt * **** **
e. zw[??]met * *****! *
f. zw[??]mft * *****! *
g. zw[??]mkt * **** **
An output identical to the input (candidate a) is ruled out by the
high-ranking conjoined constraint. This violation cannot be solved by
place assimilation (candidate b) because of the constraint on identity
of place. (2) Deleting either the nasal or the obstruent (c) would
violate MAX. Candidates d, e, f all satisfy the conjoined constraint but
violate DEP by epenthesizing some segment. Since a voiceless stop is
what is epenthesized, the general markedness constraint against
voiceless stops must be ranked lower than the constraints against other
types of segment. Candidate g demonstrates that the conjoined constraint
will choose the correct voiceless stop as the epenthetic segment. Since
the optimal form involves epenthesis rather than place assimilation,
deletion, or maintaining the marked cluster, DEP must be ranked lower
than [*NC & AGR(pl)], IDENT(pl), or MAX. This and the ranking of
*STOP[-vc] below the markedness constraints against other segment types
are the only crucial constraint rankings in the analysis.
For a form with an underlying nasal-voiceless fricative cluster,
such as /w[??]ns/ `wish', the conjoined constraint [*NC &
*FRIC] is the one that is violated by the maximally faithful form
[w[??]ns]. Otherwise, the analysis parallels the one in (5). In this
analysis, homorganic nasal-voiceless stop clusters such as /nt/ in
/wIn-t/ `wins' do not result in epenthesis because the form
maximally faithful to the underlying form does not violate the conjoined
constraint. Although such clusters do violate *NC they do not violate
This analysis does not require that stop epenthesis be considered
as different from vowel epenthesis in any way. This has one apparent
problem, however: Dutch also has vowel epenthesis, (6).
(6) /m[??]lk/ [m[??]lk ~ m[??]lek] `milk'
/fIlm/ [fIlm ~ fIlem] `film'
/w[??]rk/ [v[??]Rk ~ v[??]Rek] `work'
This type of epenthesis occurs in clusters of a liquid followed by
a [-coronal] consonant. (3) Clearly, different markedness constraints
(not discussed here) are involved in the occurrence of schwa epenthesis.
The conflict with the analysis presented above is in the choice of
epenthetic segment. If *STOP[-vc] must be ranked lower than markedness
constraints against other segment types in order for an /mt/ cluster to
gain an epenthetic stop rather than an epenthetic vowel, then why is it
a schwa that is epenthesized in the forms in (6)? There may be no
reason, aside from stop epenthesis, to think that voiceless stops are
the least marked segments of the language. Furthermore, analyzing vowel
and stop epenthesis using the same mechanism disguises the fact that
stop epenthesis has a clear articulatory origin in overlap of gestures,
while schwa epenthesis does not. Epenthetic stops also share features
with the surrounding segments, while epenthetic vowels often do not.
Thus, it is perhaps not markedness constraints at all that determine the
epenthetic segment in stop epenthesis.
2.2. An analysis using constraints on articulations
Stop epenthesis occurs in both heterorganic and homorganic
nasal-fricative clusters but only in heterorganic nasal-stop clusters.
Articulatorily, this is because an epenthetic stop is created if the
velum closes before the oral closure for the nasal has been released. In
both nasal-fricative and heterorganic nasal-stop clusters, the oral
closure for the nasal must be released in order to make the postnasal obstruent. However, in a homorganic nasal-stop cluster, the oral closure
for the nasal is not released during the nasal -- there is a single
release for the NC cluster, and it is the release of the stop.
Thus, a constraint against having a release associated with a
nasal, as in (7), could be involved in stop epenthesis. Since the oral
closure made during a nasal must be released eventually (at least for
speech to continue without massive faithfulness violations), this
constraint, when unviolated, has the effect of requiring a nasal to be
followed by a homorganic stop. A homorganic nasal-stop cluster such as
/mp/ does not violate this constraint, because the nasal has no release
independent of the release of the following stop. Since place is very
difficult to perceive during a nasal (Ohala 1975), and the burst of a
following stop provides stronger place cues, this constraint is
phonetically motivated.
(7) *NASALRELEASE: Do not release the oral closure of a nasal
consonant (abbreviated *NASREL).
Nasals occur freely before vowels in Dutch, so this constraint is
clearly violable. (4) However, a conjoined constraint [*NC &
*NASREL] would be violated only if the nasal's oral closure were
released during the nasal and there were a following voiceless
obstruent. Using this constraint, it is possible for the choice of
epenthetic segment to fall not to general markedness constraints that
choose the least marked segment of the language, but to the ranking of
the separate constraints *NASREL and *NC, (8).
(8) /zw[??]m-t/ [zw[??]mpt] `swims'
/zw[??]m-t/ [*NC & *NASREL] IDEN[T.sub.(pl)] MAX
a. zw[??]mt *!
b. zw[??]nt *!
c. zw[??]t *!
d. [index] zw[??]mpt
e. zw[??]met
f. zw[??]mft *!
g. zw[??]mkt *!
/zw[??]m-t/ DEP *NASREL *NC
a. zw[??]mt * *
b. zw[??]nt *
c. zw[??]t
d. [index] zw[??]mpt * *
e. zw[??]met * *!
f. zw[??]mft * * *
g. zw[??]mkt * * *
This analysis differs from the one above primarily in the mechanism
that determines the identity of the epenthetic segment. Here, any
epenthetic consonant other than a stop homorganic to the nasal will
violate the high-ranking conjoined constraint. An epenthetic vowel fails
because the separate constraint *NASREL is ranked higher than the
separate constraint *NC. In order for nasals to be able to precede
vowels without epenthesis occurring, DEP must be ranked higher than
*NASREL, as shown in (9). The constraint ranking shares with the
analysis in (5) the ranking of DEP below the conjoined constraint,
IDENT(pl), and MAX. Otherwise, the constraints are not crucially ranked.
(9) /bInen/[bInen] `inside'
*NASREL] sub.(pl)]
a. [index] bInen *
b. bInten *! *
This analysis presents no conflict with Dutch vowel epenthesis,
because *NC and *NASREL do not affect the liquid-consonant clusters in
which vowel epenthesis occurs. Vowel epenthesis depends on the usual
interaction of syllable structure constraints, DEP, and general
markedness constraints, with the least marked segment epenthesized. Stop
epenthesis as analyzed here, however, depends on a constraint barring
independent releases for nasals. This analysis also has the advantage
over the one in (5) that a single conjoined constraint, [*NC &
*NASREL], is sufficient to cause epenthesis in both nasal-stop and
nasal-fricative clusters, despite the difference regarding
homorganicity. I will adopt this as the basic analysis of stop
epenthesis in the following discussion.
2.3. Factorial typology
The constraint ranking above, which leads to epenthesis, holds in
Dutch and in American and British English (aside from the issue of
variability, discussed below). However, if the conjoined constraint
forbidding the relevant clusters were ranked below IDENT(pl), DEP, and
MAX, the underlying form would surface without epenthesis. This is the
case in South African English, in which Fourakis and Port (1986) find no
stop epenthesis. (5) If IDENT(pl) were ranked lower than the conjoined
constraint, MAX and DEP, this would result in assimilation in
heterorganic NC clusters. This is the case in Japanese. Whether a
homorganic nasal-fricative cluster such as /ns/ in such a language would
surface with epenthesis or with the cluster intact would depend on the
relative rankings of the conjoined constraint, MAX and DEP.
Finally if MAX were ranked lower than the conjoined constraint,
IDENT(pl), and DEP, this would result in deletion of either the nasal or
the obstruent in all nasal-fricative or heterorganic nasal-stop
clusters. Homorganic nasal-stop clusters would be possible, however. I
am not aware of any language with this pattern. Steriade (2001) shows
that this type of gap in the factorial typology occurs in a broad range
of phonological alternations, and she relates such gaps to
perceptibility differences among candidates. Thus, the lack of languages
with low-ranked MAX leading to deletion in these clusters is not a
problem specific to this analysis.
2.4. Articulatory ease versus perceptibility
Much recent literature in optimality theory suggests that phonology
consists of a balance between the speaker's desire to minimize
articulatory effort and the need to be understood (Flemming 1995;
Silverman 1996; Kirchner 1997; Flemming i.p., among others). Reduction
of articulatory effort is usually considered to include such phenomena
as deletion of segments, weakening (reduction of constriction),
assimilation that reduces articulatory movement between adjacent
segments, or making fewer contrasts along a particular acoustic
dimension in a language. The need to be perceived, on the other hand,
can be manifested as a tendency to keep surface forms faithful to their
underlying forms, to use segments that have acoustically salient
qualities, to reach the targets of gestures, or to make sufficient
contrasts along a particular dimension in a language.
At first glance, the cross-linguistic data on stop epenthesis seem
to be an excellent case of this. If epenthesis is attributed to the
speaker failing to coordinate the timing of velic closure and oral
release correctly, producing epenthesis might involve less articulatory
effort than avoiding it. In order to not epenthesize, the relative
timing of two gestures must be coordinated correctly, while a
considerable range of "sloppy" gestural timing would lead to
epenthesis. Thus, it might seem that American and British English and
Dutch have an ease of articulation constraint (i.e. "LAZY"
[Kirchner 1997]) ranked higher than a faithfulness constraint. South
African English, on the other hand, would have a highly ranked
faithfulness constraint, which would have the effect of requiring
correct relative timing of the velic and oral gestures. This would be
motivated by a need to keep the surface form similar to the underlying
form in order to be perceptible.
However, there are several reasons not to accept this as the basis
of an analysis of stop epenthesis. First, there is some evidence that
epenthetic stops may actually be a target in speech production rather
than simply the result of insufficient control over timing. Fourakis and
Port (1986) find that American English speakers produce epenthetic [t]
in 100% of tokens with the cluster /ns/, and Warner and Weber (2001)
find the same for Dutch speakers for /ns/ within a syllable (see Figure
1 below). (Blankenship [1992] finds much lower rates of epenthesis in
/ns/ for American English, but her study is of connected speech and
includes /ns/ clusters across word boundaries and with stress after as
well as before the cluster, unlike Fourakis and Port's study.) If
epenthesis were produced because these languages place a low priority on
accurate timing, one would expect that the velic closure and oral
release would sometimes coincide (preventing epenthesis) simply by
chance, particularly in careful speech, or that velic closure would
sometimes occur after the oral release instead of before it. A
distribution in which the mistiming is always in the same direction is
an unlikely result of ease of articulation. Thus, epenthesis in /ns/ in
American or British English or Dutch occurs not because the phonology
allows speakers to be sloppy, but because part of speakers'
language-specific knowledge is that there should be epenthesis in that
Furthermore, stop epenthesis may not provide a good example of a
phenomenon that makes articulation easier at the expense of
perceptibility. Since place cues during nasals are weak (Ohala 1975),
the addition of a homorganic burst may make the place of the nasal more
perceptible, particularly in the nasal-heterorganic stop clusters, where
the following stop cannot provide much information about the place of
the nasal. (6) In sum, epenthesis may neither contribute to ease of
articulation nor decrease perceptibility and thus does not stem from the
interaction of these factors.
3. Modeling variability: how often is epenthesis produced?
Stop epenthesis is highly variable. Even in languages that show
epenthesis in 100% of tokens in some environments, such as American
English and Dutch for tautosyllabic /ns/, other environments show
considerable variability. All studies that report experimental data on
production of epenthetic stops find variability in at least some
environments (Barnitz 1974; Ali et al. 1979; Fourakis and Port 1986;
Blankenship 1992; Warner and Weber 2001). Ali et al. (1979), for
example, report silent gaps indicative of epenthesis in approximately
60% of English tokens with /ns, n[??], ms, m[??]/ clusters. Figure 1
shows data, partially from Warner and Weber (2001), on production of
epenthetic stops in codas and across syllable boundaries in Dutch. (7)
(This data represents 10-14 nonword items in each condition, produced by
two speakers, with two productions from one speaker. See Warner and
Weber [2001] for details of methods.) In this study, epenthesis occurred
in approximately 60% of /mt/ clusters that cross syllable boundaries and
approximately two-thirds of coda /mt, mk/ clusters, with somewhat higher
rates still below 100% in /nk, nt/ clusters (regardless of syllable
structure). This is largely the result of variation within each speaker,
not just variation across speakers.
3.1. Approaches to variability in OT: nonranking vs. absolute
Several researchers suggest that variability results from
constraints being crucially unranked relative to each other, that is,
from the order of constraints in the grammar being only partially fixed
(Anttila 1997; Nagy and Reynolds 1997; Anttila and Cho 1998). If two
constraints are crucially unranked, it is presumed that in a given
production, the actual ranking of these constraints relative to each
other is determined randomly. In half of a speaker's productions,
one of these constraints will predominate, and in the other half, the
other constraint will predominate. Thus, if candidate A violates one of
these constraints, and candidate B the other, and the candidates do not
differ in violations of other constraints of the language, then a
speaker will produce candidate A half the time and candidate B half the
time. If three constraints are crucially unranked relative to each
other, and a candidate violates just one of those (while some other
candidate violates the other two unranked constraints), it will be the
optimal candidate in two-thirds of productions, namely whenever the
constraint it violates does not predominate over the other two.
Anttila and Cho (Anttila 1997; Anttila and Cho 1998) analyze
corpora of written Finnish for occurrences of the genitive plural morpheme, which is variable for certain classes of nouns. They provide
an OT analysis of the phonological factors involved and calculate the
percentage of tokens in the corpora that show each variant for each
environment. They find that the percentage of occurrence of each variant
in the corpus is closely related to the number of constraints that
variant violates, and that an analysis using crucially unranked
constraints can predict the results. Nagy and Reynolds (1997) reach
similar conclusions for the variable phenomenon of final deletion in
In contrast to this approach, Boersma (1998) proposes that all
constraints are ranked, but ranking is absolute rather than relative.
Thus, the grammar includes knowledge about how much higher one
constraint is ranked than another, unlike standard OT. Furthermore,
Boersma suggests that noise is added to the ranking values at evaluation
time. This means that if two constraints are ranked close to each other,
the lower-ranked one may sometimes become more highly ranked than the
higher-ranked one for the purposes of a particular production. This way
of handling variation is more powerful than crucial nonranking. Since
constraints may be ranked any distance from each other, a particular
constraint can be predicted to dominate another constraint in any
proportion of productions. In a crucial nonranking analysis, however, if
only two constraints are involved, the only possible variable outcome is
50% production of each candidate, and if three constraints are involved,
a candidate can only appear in one-sixth, one-third, half, or two-thirds
of productions. (8) Finer predictions require larger numbers of
crucially unranked constraints, with a particular pattern of violations.
3.2. A nonranking analysis of epenthesis
The crucial nonranking approach (Anttila 1997; Nagy and Reynolds
1997; Anttila and Cho 1998) cannot model the facts of stop epenthesis
successfully. In heterorganic nasal-voiceless stop clusters in Dutch or
American English, one finds epenthesis, maintenance of the marked
cluster, or perhaps place assimilation, especially in fast speech (Ali
et al. 1979; Warner and Weber 2001). In the analysis exemplified in (8)
above for the word /zw[??]m-t/ `swims', the candidate with
epenthesis ([zw[??]mpt]) violates the constraint DEP, the candidate with
no change to the cluster ([zw[??]mt]) violates the conjoined constraint
[*NC & *NASALRELEASE], and the candidate with place assimilation
violates the constraint IDENT(pl). None of these candidates violates
more than one of these constraints. If all three of these constraints
are crucially unranked relative to each other, these three candidates
would each appear in one-third of productions, as shown in (10).
(10) Possible outcome rankings of crucially unranked constraints
Ranking Result
[*NC & *NASREL] > IDENT > DEP epenthesis
[*NC & *NASREL] > DEP > IDENT assimilation
IDENT > [*NC & *NASREL] > DEP epenthesis
IDENT > DEP > [*NC & *NASREL] cluster maintained
DEP > [*NC & *NASREL] > IDENT assimilation
DEP > IDENT > [*NC & *NASREL] cluster maintained
If assimilation never occurs in clusters in the relevant
environment, with all productions showing either epenthesis or no change
to the cluster, one could conclude that IDENT(pl) is crucially ranked
above the other two constraints, with those two crucially unranked
relative to each other. This would produce 50% tokens with epenthesis
and 50% with the cluster intact.
Neither of these situations is what we find in stop epenthesis.
Although data on the frequency of place assimilation versus epenthesis
versus maintenance of heterorganic clusters may not be available, none
of the experimental studies on epenthesis report widespread place
assimilation. In the /nf/ test words Ali et al. (1979) used, such as
infant and gunfire, place assimilation is probably dependent on speaking
rate. In the /ms/ words, such as Tecumseh, hamstring, and room service,
place assimilation is unlikely at any speech rate. Warner and Weber
(2001) report a very low rate of ambiguous or assimilated nasals, but
since their speakers were instructed not to assimilate nasal place, this
is not conclusive.
If there is little or no assimilation in such clusters in careful
speech, then crucially unranked constraints would predict 50% occurrence
of epenthesis. However, as discussed above, in clusters that have
epenthesis frequently but less often than 100%, rates of epenthesis
range from approximately 60% to 95% depending on the cluster (Ali et al.
1979; Warner and Weber 2001). Other clusters have rates of epenthesis
less than 50%, but few of the clusters are near 50% (only /mk/ crossing
a syllable boundary in the data in Figure 1). In order for a nonranking
analysis to produce, for example, 60% epenthesis and 40% maintenance of
the cluster (the overall average for clusters crossing a syllable
boundary in Figure 1), there would have to be five crucially unranked
constraints involved, with one candidate violating two constraints and
the other violating the other three constraints. However, only two
constraints ([*NC & *NASREL] and DEP) are involved in the choice
between epenthesis and maintenance of the cluster. Even if other
constraints, not actively involved in epenthesis, were included in the
group of crucially unranked constraints, as shown in (11), the
proportion of productions with epenthesis would remain at half.
(11) Random ranking of three constraints:
C3 is a constraint that is not violated by the form either with or
without epenthesis
Ranking Result Result
[*NC & *NASREL] > DEP > C3 epenthesis
[*NC & *NASREL] > C3 > DEP epenthesis
C3 > [*NC & *NASREL] > DEP epenthesis
C3 > DEP > [*NC & *NASREL] cluster maintained
DEP > [*NC & *NASREL] > C3 cluster maintained
DEP > C3 > [*NC & *NASREL] cluster maintained
The same holds true if the additional constraint C3 is violated by
both surfacing candidates. Thus, in order to generate approximately 40%
maintenance of the cluster and 60% epenthesis, one would have to include
three more constraints with a particular pattern of violations in the
crucially nonranked group with the conjoined constraint and DEP. To
generate most other proportions (e.g. 70% epenthesis), even more
additional constraints would be necessary. The separate constraints
*NASALRELEASE and *NC cannot be crucially nonranked along with the
conjoined constraint and DEP, because they must be ranked below DEP (as
argued above). Presumably, including any other constraints unrelated to
epenthesis that happen to have the necessary pattern of violations in
the group of unranked constraints would have undesired side-effects on
the grammar. Anttila (1997) suggests that when observed percentages of
variants produced do not closely match percentages predicted by a
nonranking analysis, a more careful grammar with more constraints in the
nonranked group might solve the problem. However, finding appropriate
additional constraints to add to the nonranked group is not a trivial
Variability across consonant clusters presents an additional
problem. All of the previous studies that report quantitative data on
epenthetic-stop production find that epenthesis is more frequent in some
clusters than others, and most find this even if clusters with 100% or
0% epenthesis are excluded. The constraint [*NC & *NASALRELEASE]
should perhaps be split into several more specific constraints, each
applying to particular environments, such as nasal-fricative clusters
vs. nasal-stop clusters. However, a given form without epenthesis would
violate only one of these subconstraints, so no crucial nonranking
analysis could produce more epenthesis in nasal-fricative than
nasal-stop clusters. Fifty percent epenthesis would still be predicted
for both environments.
3.3. An absolute ranking analysis of epenthesis
Using Boersma's (1998) approach to variability, the data on
epenthesis are more tractable. The pattern found for many clusters in
American English and Dutch is that place assimilation in the relevant
clusters is rare or nonexistent, and the clusters are produced more
often with epenthesis than without it. This indicates that IDENT(pl) and
MAX are ranked considerably higher than the conjoined constraint [*NC
& *NASALRELEASE], which is ranked only slightly higher than DEP,
which is ranked considerably higher than the separate constraints
*NASALRELEASE and *NC. Adding noise to the constraint rankings will
sometimes give DEP a higher outcome ranking than the conjoined
constraint, leading to preservation of the marked cluster rather than
In Boersma's (1998) theory, constraints have an initial
ranking on an absolute but arbitrary scale (perhaps from 1 to 100). A
parameter "ranking spreading" determines the amount of noise
added to the rankings. Using initial rankings of 52 for the conjoined
constraint and 50 for DEP, and a ranking spreading value of 2 (as
Boersma uses), DEP will have an outcome ranking higher than the
conjoined constraint in 24% of productions. (See Boersma [1998] for how
this is calculated.) For an environment in which epenthesis occurs in
76% of productions, this would be the appropriate outcome. Initial
rankings of 51 and 50 would give epenthesis in 64% of tokens. Unlike in
the nonranking approaches (Anttila 1997; Nagy and Reynolds 1997; Anttila
and Cho 1998), if finer discrimination is necessary to provide a match
with observed frequencies, only the precision of the scale for absolute
ranks, or the value of ranking spreading, need be altered. For example,
initial rankings of 50.717 for the conjoined constraint and 50 for DEP
would produce 60.006% epenthesis and 39.994%, maintenance of the
In a language with occasional place assimilation as well as
frequent epenthesis and less frequent maintenance of the cluster, the
IDENT(pl) constraint, the conjoined constraint, and DEP would all have
initial rankings not far from each other on the absolute scale. In order
for assimilation to be the least common outcome, IDENT(pl) must be
ranked the highest of the three constraints and must be further
separated from the conjoined constraint and DEP than those two are from
each other. Initial rankings of 53 for IDENT(pl), 50 for the conjoined
constraint, and 49 for DEP (still with a value of 2 for ranking
spreading) produce 61.8% tokens with epenthesis, 34.7% tokens with
maintenance of the cluster, and 3.5% assimilation. (9) Other constraints
(MAX, *NASALRELEASE, *NC) must be ranked far enough above or below these
three constraints for ranking reversals to be extremely rare. (Boersma
[1998] points out that a separation of 8 between two constraints'
initial rankings will result in a reversal in only 0.2% of productions,
and that variants produced this rarely can be considered speech errors.)
The differences in frequency of epenthesis by environment can be
analyzed in this system as well, by splitting the conjoined constraint
into subconstraints, as discussed above. For example, Warner and Weber
(2001) find that epenthesis occurs very often in nasal-fricative coda
clusters, but only in a majority of tokens with most nasal-stop coda
clusters, as shown in Figure 1 above. This indicates that the constraint
[[*NC.sub.(fric)] & *NASALRELEASE] (ruling out a nasal being
released before a voiceless fricative) is ranked somewhat higher than
the constraint [[*NC.sub.(stop)] & *NASALRELEASE] (ruling out a
nasal being released before a voiceless stop). The latter is itself
ranked only slightly higher than DEP. Thus, DEP often obtains an outcome
ranking higher than [[*NC.sub.(stop)] & *NASALRELEASE], leading to
maintenance of the nasal-stop cluster, but rarely obtains an outcome
ranking higher than [[*NC.sub.(fric)] & *NASALRELEASE].
Warner and Weber (2001) find that epenthesis is more likely if the
nasal-obstruent cluster is within a syllable than if it spans a syllable
boundary (average of 69% epenthesis in codas and 60% across syllable
boundaries, Figure 1). Splitting the conjoined constraint into a
higher-ranked version that targets only marked clusters within the
syllable and a general version that prohibits the marked cluster
anywhere, with DEP ranked in between the two, would give this result. In
most cases, the general conjoined constraint would have an outcome
ranking lower than DEP, but the syllable-specific version would have an
outcome higher than DEP, so epenthesis would occur only for
tautosyllabic clusters. However, when the general conjoined constraint
gained an outcome ranking higher than DEP, epenthesis would occur
regardless of syllable structure, and when DEP gained an outcome ranking
higher than both versions of the conjoined constraint, epenthesis would
occur in neither environment. Differences in the frequency with which
epenthesis occurs in particular clusters could be modeled in a similar
way. This would involve multiplying the number of versions of the
conjoined constraint but would not introduce any new mechanisms to the
This analysis demonstrates that constraints may be crucially ranked
relative to each other in this type of analysis of variability, even
though the same constraints would not be crucially ranked if variability
were not accounted for. For example, if epenthesis occurs in 100% of
tokens with the relevant environment, it is impossible to determine the
relative ranking of IDENT(pl), MAX, and [*NC & *NASALRELEASE], since
the low ranking of DEP determines the outcome. However, if epenthesis
occurs in a majority of tokens, the marked cluster is maintained in some
tokens, and place assimilation occurs occasionally, the ranking of all
three constraints relative to each other, as well as relative to DEP, is
crucial. Thus, the additional information about frequency of outcomes
requires more specification in the grammar. The nonranking approaches to
variability (Anttila 1997; Nagy and Reynolds 1997; Anttila and Cho 1998)
do not have this result: they specify fewer rankings when there is
variability than when there is categorical behavior.
4. Phonetic difference between epenthetic and underlying stops
As discussed in section 1.2 above, Fourakis and Port (1986) show
that durations of segments in words such as dense [d[??]nts] with
epenthesis are not the same as in dents [d[??]nts] with underlying /t/.
A simple generative-phonological approach to stop epenthesis would
involve inserting the appropriate stop into nasal-obstruent clusters,
obliterating the phonetic difference between epenthetic and underlying
stops. One issue in earlier phonological literature on epenthesis is how
to represent the insertion of something that sounds much like a stop but
is not phonetically equal to the normal stops of the language.
4.1. Contour-segment approaches
The most common solution to this problem in the literature is to
represent epenthesis as changing either the nasal or the following
obstruent into a contour segment, rather than inserting an additional
segment, as discussed in section 1.2 above. These analyses, however,
cannot be maintained in OT. Introducing a contour segment (either [mp]
or [ps] for epenthesis in an /ms/ cluster) would involve ranking
constraints against such segments (i.e. *PRENASALIZED STOP for [mp])
relatively low. In languages such as English and Dutch that do not have
such segments aside from epenthesis, these constraints would normally be
ranked very high, preventing such segments from ever surfacing in the
language. However, if these constraints were ranked lower in the
grammar, such segments might then appear in the language in other
environments, aside from epenthesis, as well. Under the principle of
richness of the base, such segments could be in the underlying
representation and would then surface if these constraints were not
ranked very high. This was not a problem in the derivational
contour-segment accounts, since deriving a new type of segment in a
derivational analysis does not imply that underlying forms could contain
that segment.
There are two other reasons to reject the contour-segment account,
neither specific to OT. First, while prenasalized stops are a known
segment type in the world's languages, heterorganic affricate-like
contour segments, such as the [ps] of Clements's (1987) account,
are not widely known as a type of single segment. Furthermore, when
listeners reanalyze epenthetic stops, leading to historical change, they
always reanalyze them as stops, not as contour segments (Ohala 1995,
1997). Stop epenthesis in a nasal-obstruent environment does not seem to
lead historically to the introduction of prenasalized stops or other
contour segments, although it is in general possible for perceptually
motivated historical change to introduce new segments to a language
(Ohala i.p.).
4.2. A correspondence solution
The contour-segment approach solves the problem of phonetic
difference between epenthetic and underlying stops by introducing a
different type of segment to the language, so that epenthetic stops are
not actually the same segment as underlying stops. This avoids direct
reference to the underlying representation in determining the phonetic
realization of a stop. In OT, the introduction of new segment types may
be undesirable, but reference to the underlying representation is less
difficult, since OT is nonderivational. One way to maintain the phonetic
difference in OT would be to allow the phonetic-realization component of
the language access to information about the underlying representation.
One aspect of knowledge in the phonetic realization component, which
might be language-specific, would be a stipulation that stops with a
correspondent in the input are longer and have louder bursts than stops
without an input correspondent. Nasals before stops with an input
correspondent are shorter than nasals before stops without an input
This method extends the usual mechanisms of correspondence theory
(input-output correspondence, output-output correspondence, etc.),
allowing the input-output correspondence mapping to influence the
phonetic interpretation of the output. This proposal would expand the
power of the theory, perhaps undesirably much. However, it makes use of
facts about standard OT theory, namely the preservation of input
information at all levels of phonology.
This addition removes the last obstacle to modeling the data on
epenthetic stops in OT. The basic pattern, variability in production,
and the phonetic difference between epenthetic and underlying stops can
all be handled in an OT analysis. Most past phonological work on stop
epenthesis has treated the phenomenon as part of the phonology of a
language, usually involving contour segments. The OT analysis given here
treats stop epenthesis as purely phonological (although phonetically
motivated through the *NASALRELEASE constraint), without the use of
contour segments. In the next section, I will discuss the relationship
of epenthesis to phonetics, and whether such an analysis is ideal.
5. Epenthesis and the phonetics-phonology interface
In classic generative phonology and modified versions of it, there
is a phonological component of the grammar, and possibly a
language-specific phonetic component of the grammar, followed by
phonetic implementation rules (Pierrehumbert 1994). Within optimality
theory, there have been several approaches to the relationship between
phonetic and phonological aspects of language production. The approach
most similar to the generative phonological model would involve a
phonological component, modeled in OT, and a phonetic component,
including some language-specific knowledge, which could be modeled
through rewrite rules (Pierrehumbert 1994), or through some type of
"windows" within which realizations fall (Cohn 1998). Some
recent work in OT includes all variation in sounds in a single
component, obliterating the distinction between phonology and phonetics
(Flemming 1995; Kirchner 1997; Flemming i.p.). For example, Flemming
(i.p.) proposes that similar phonetic and phonological processes, such
as coarticulation and assimilation, can be modeled in the same grammar,
both using constraints that are evaluated quantitatively. The major
difference between this proposal and more usual OT phonology is that
violations of all constraints are weighted and summed to give a total
cost for a given surface form, rather than higher-ranking constraints
having complete precedence over lower-ranking ones.
Gussenhoven (1998) explores such a merger of phonetics and
phonology for intonation but rejects it. He shows that certain tonal and
intonational phenomena can be analyzed through a combination of
phonological constraints (e.g. constraints requiring a tone to be
associated with the stressed syllable) and phonetic constraints
(specifying in milliseconds how long it takes for pitch to rise, for
example). Violations of the latter constraints are measured in
milliseconds, not number of violations. Both phonetic and phonological
constraints are included in the same grammar and are ranked relative to
each other. As for epenthesis, if one adopts this style of OT, the
question becomes whether stop epenthesis occurs because of a markedness
constraint such as [*NC & *NASALRELEASE] or because of a constraint
requiring a certain relative timing of velic closure and oral release in
milliseconds. Gussenhoven concludes, however, that this mixture of
phonetic and phonological constraints in the same component of the
grammar is not a legitimate approach to the relationship of phonetics
and phonology. Rather, he proposes separate phonological and phonetic
components of the grammar, and that the phonetic component may involve
"tolerance windows" instead of constraint violation (similar
to Cohn's [1998] suggestion).
If a division into phonological and phonetic components is
accepted, the literature offers several criteria for determining whether
a particular phenomenon is phonological or phonetic. However, many of
these criteria, such as language specificity, have been rejected. (Many
authors [e.g. Kingston and Diehl 1994] have shown that some clearly
phonetic aspects of the speech signal are language-specific.) Some
authors suggest that only phonetic processes are variable (Myers 1995),
but the data on variability in Finnish morphophonology (Anttila 1997;
Anttila and Cho 1998) clearly contradict this. Many authors claim that
phonology is categorical while phonetics is gradient. However, many
phenomena are unclear in this regard: the alternation between dark and
light /l/ in English would seem to be categorical and phonological, but
Sproat and Fujimura (1993) show that it is gradient, and conditioned by
strength of prosodic boundary as well as syllable position. Myers
(1995:129) suggests that "a phonological pattern is a pattern in
the distribution of phonetic targets in a language, while a phonetic
pattern is a pattern in the ranges of realizations associated with a
target." In practice, though, it is often unclear whether variation
in articulations constitutes separate "targets" or not.
Perhaps the best criterion is that phonological phenomena
manipulate symbols, while phonetic phenomena manipulate articulations or
acoustic targets. Cohn (1998) refers to this criterion and mentions the
"vocabulary" phonological versus phonetic alternations use.
There are certainly phenomena in speech that manipulate only symbols,
such as most morphophonological patterns. There are also aspects of
speech that manipulate only articulations or acoustic targets -- how
long the VOT for a particular aspirated stop in a particular language
should be, or how long a transition between segments should take, for
However, relatively few phenomena can be definitively classified as
one or the other of these types. Phenomena that, in the terms of lexical
phonology, are structure-preserving clearly manipulate only symbols.
(Flemming [i.p.] also mentions this criterion.) If a sound [P.sub.1] is
replaced with another, [P.sub.2], which also exists in underlying
representations in the language, and the resulting sound [P.sub.2]
behaves in all ways like instances of [P.sub.2] that are present in the
underlying representation, then this phonological alternation must
manipulate the symbols [P.sub.1] and [P.sub.2] rather than their
articulations. Otherwise, there would be no reason for the [P.sub.2]
that arises through this alternation and the [P.sub.2] that is
underlyingly present to be identical. If this condition is not met,
though, it is difficult to say whether an alternation involves symbols
or articulations. Flapping in English could be described as the
categorical substitution of the symbol "flap" for the symbol
"alveolar stop." However, it could also be described as a
reduction in duration of oral closure (and failure to cease voicing
because of the briefness of the closure), leading to the characteristic
flap articulation. Since "postlexical" phonological processes
are included in the phonological component in OT, the problem of what is
"postlexical" but phonological and what is phonetic remains.
Stop epenthesis is one of the phenomena that could be described in
either symbolic or articulatory/acoustic terms. One of the major reasons
in the literature for considering epenthesis to be part of the phonology
of a language has been glottalization of epenthetic stops (Clements
1987). Although there is no experimental evidence, it is claimed that
speakers who glottalize in words like prints also glottalize in words
like prince (at least in British RP, but perhaps not in American English
[Gussenhoven and Jacobs 1998]). (10) If stop epenthesis manipulates only
articulations and not symbols, then the environment for glottalization,
at least in British RP, would have to refer to articulations. One might
state that glottalization occurs during a vowel or sonorant before a
period of velic closure that temporally coincides with an oral closure
and a lack of voicing. This would include both underlying and epenthetic
stops. However, this simultaneous velic and oral closure must also be in
the coda of a syllable. Although many types of phonetic variation are
conditioned by syllable structure, if the epenthetic stop does not exist
as a symbolic unit, it is difficult to see how it can be in a coda or
Thus, the interaction with glottalization provides at least one
reason why stop epenthesis should be considered phonological, at least
in some dialects of English. Another reason is theory-internal: since
some work in OT does not distinguish between phonetic and phonological
patterns and uses the same mechanisms to model all variation in sounds,
it is useful to determine whether it is even possible to model stop
epenthesis within the OT phonology. Here, I have shown that this is
indeed possible. Representing a simplified version of epenthesis, in
which epenthesis occurs wherever its environment is present, and
epenthetic stops are identical to underlying stops (section 2.2),
requires no mechanisms beyond the usual in OT. However, when the
available quantitative data on production of epenthesis are taken into
account, one must introduce two rather powerful mechanisms into OT in
order to model the data accurately. The variability in production of
epenthesis, since it tends to involve proportions other than 50%
epenthesis and critically uses only two constraints in the choice
between variants that do surface, requires the use of Boersma's
(1998) powerful absolute-ranking method. Furthermore, since OT cannot
allow a contour-segment analysis of epenthetic stops, modeling the
durational differences between epenthetic and underlying stops requires
the introduction of a very powerful mechanism, namely allowing the
phonetic realization direct access to information about the underlying
form. If these additions make OT into an excessively powerful theory,
then perhaps stop epenthesis should be relegated to a separate phonetic
component of the grammar after all. Since stop epenthesis clearly
originates in overlap of articulatory gestures, this would not be a
surprising move. Although this would involve a departure from the
previous literature modeling epenthesis as phonological, the only major
problem to solve would be the interaction of epenthesis and
glottalization in British RP.
However, the problem may be more general: if more quantitative data
on variability, gradience, and phonetic differences among sounds are
taken into consideration in phonological analyses, the problems
encountered in accurately representing stop epenthesis within the
phonology are likely to appear in other phonological alternations as
well. Recent research has shown that variability and gradience, both in
phonetic realizations of variants and in the percentage of productions
of categorically different variants, are far more widespread than
traditional phonology has acknowledged (Sproat and Fujimura 1993;
Pierrehumbert 1994; Guy 1997). If quantitative data on phonological or
phonetic alternations is to be accurately modeled by OT, such powerful
mechanisms as those discussed here will also be necessary for many cases
other than stop epenthesis. That is, modeling quantitative data will
make OT into an excessively powerful theory. Although this could be
viewed as a shortcoming of the theory, it is likely that the same
problem would apply to other formal theories of phonology as well.
University of Arizona
Max Planck Institute
Received 20 February 2001
Revised version received
11 September 2001
* I am very grateful to an anonymous reviewer, Laura Walsh-Dickey,
Carlos Gussenhoven, Joe Pater, Donca Steriade, Paul Boersma, Keith
Alcock, and Michael Hammond and the members of his graduate seminar on
variability in phonology (University of Arizona, Fall 2000) for helpful
comments on this material. I would also like to thank Andrea Weber for
her help in collecting the data in Figure 1. Any errors or omissions
are, of course, my own responsibility. Correspondence address:
University of Arizona, P.O. Box 210028, Tucson, AZ 95721-0028, USA:
(1.) This article is concerned only with the synchronic variety of
epenthetic stops, (1), which have not been reanalyzed as part of the
underlying representation, as the originally epenthetic /p/ in
"empty" has. Discussion in the paper of whether epenthetic
stops are phonological or not refers to whether they are inserted by the
phonology, rather than the phonetics, of the language, not to whether
they have been reanalyzed as in "empty."
(2.) The picture regarding nasal place assimilation versus
epenthesis in Dutch is actually more complicated. Within a syllable,
heterorganic consonant clusters are impossible, but coronals may appear
in a syllable appendix (i.e. /hemd/ `shirt' but */hemk/). Within a
morpheme, heterorganic clusters except those ending in coronals are
quite rare, even across a syllable boundary (Booij 1995). A few do
exist, as in /imker/ `beekeeper'. To account for the fact that
heterorganic clusters not ending in a coronal and not crossing a
morpheme boundary are likely to show assimilation rather than
epenthesis, it may be necessary to split the IDENT(pl) constraint into
two subconstraints, a higher-ranked one applying at morpheme boundaries
and a lower-ranked general one. However, the interaction of these
constraints with the syllable-structure constraints necessary to allow
heterorganic clusters only if they end in coronals is beyond the scope
of this paper.
(3.) And also /rn/
(4.) Although Carlos Gussenhoven reports a case in which it
appeared to be inviolable in child speech (personal communication).
(5.) Fourakis and Port (1986) investigate a limited range of
nasal-obstruent epenthesis environments, but one can assume that a
language with no epenthesis in /ns/ clusters, which they did test, is
unlikely to have epenthesis in other environments, since epenthesis is
more common in /ns/ than in most other clusters in languages that do
have epenthesis.
(6.) However, since epenthetic-stop bursts are often rather weak
(Ali et al. 1979; Fourakis and Port 1986; Warner and Weber 2001), it may
be that they do not contribute much place information. The relative
contributions of the nasal and the epenthetic burst to place perception
have not been tested.
(7.) Only the data on word-final clusters (that in Figure 1a)
appears in Warner and Weber (2001), but the methodology described there
also applies to the medial clusters (Figure 1b), which data was
collected in an extension of that study.
(8.) With three unranked constraints, there are six possible
rankings. A given candidate can win in 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6 of these
rankings, thus in 1/6, 2/6, 3/6, or 4/6 of productions (as well as the
nonvariable patterns of all or no productions). No combination of
violations leads to a single candidate winning in exactly 5 of the 6
rankings. It is also possible for constraint A to be invariably ranked
above B, while the relationship of C to both A and B is variable.
However, this does not lead to any additional possible outcomes.
(9.) These percentages were determined from the outcomes of
1,000,000 random trials, using the "Praat" software program.
The actual probability of one constraint having the lowest outcome
ranking of three, given particular original rankings, is not currently
known (Boersma, personal communication). However, 1,000,000 trials
should be sufficient to provide an accurate estimate.
(10.) Pierrehumbert (1994) shows that instrumentally detectable
glottalization (of underlying, not epenthetic stops), at least in the
absence of a falling intonation contour, is not as widespread as it is
generally thought to be. Thus, an instrumental study of glottalization
might fail to support the contention that epenthetic stops cause it.
However, since no experimental evidence is available, I will assume that
previous auditory observations of glottalization before epenthetic stops
are correct.
Alderete, John (1997). Dissimilation as local conjunction. In
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Ali, Latif; Daniloff, Ray; and Hammarberg, Robert (1979). Intrusive
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35-68. Amsterdam: Benjamins.
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Barnitz, John G. (1974). Bloom-p-field, Chom-p-sky, and phonetic
epen-t-thesis. Studies in the Linguistic Sciences 4 (2), 1-13.
Blankenship, Barbara (1992). What TIMIT can tell us about
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Boersma, Paul (1998). Functional phonology: formalizing the
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Booij, Geert (1995). The Phonology of Dutch. Oxford: Clarendon.
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