Historia de Sancto Cuthberto: a History of Saint Cuthbert and a Record of his Patrimony.
Gordon-Taylor, Benjamin
ed. Ted Johnson South, Anglo-Saxon Texts 3 (Cambridge: D. S.
Brewer, 2002). x + 158 pp.; 1 plate; 1 figure; 2 maps. ISBN 0-85991-627-8. 45.00 [pounds sterling]. The importance of the Historia
de Sancto Cuthberto lies partly in the fact that it is the earliest
extant source for a number of events in the history of that body of
monks which eventually settled in Durham in 995 with the remains of the
patron saint whose name, as the title of this relatively short Latin
text reveals, became synonymous with the community and its fortunes.
That final move is not recorded, but what we have is a fascinating, if
chronologically uneven, account of the fortunes and acquisitions of the
community prior to it, together with some early eleventh-century
material. Ted Johnson South's critical text and translation is a
useful and meticulous contribution to the scholarly study of patron
saints and their significance for monastic communities in the early
Middle Ages, and a crucial source for the history of the north-east of
England. As a work of literature it is an often stirring account of the
deeds of kings and clerics in the age of Beowulf.