Bycatch in Marine Fisheries.
Ward, John M. ; Benaka, Lee R. ; Moore, Christopher M. 等
Since the initial article on the bioeconomics of incidental catch
and discarding of marine fish species (Ward, 1994), 18 articles have
referenced it in furtherance of the fisheries economics study of bycatch
or incidental catch. This is by no means a definitive list, since in the
same issue of Marine Resource Economics, Arnason (1994) and Anderson
(1994) both addressed discarding and high-grading in individual
transferable quota (ITQ) fisheries. Discarded bycatch has been a problem
of note in the fisheries management literature as reviewed by Ward
(1994) since the early 1980's (FAO and IDRC, 1982). Hall et al.
(2000) characterized bycatch, estimated at 8% of global catch (7.3
million t) during 1992-2001 (Kelleher, 2006), as one of the most
significant problems affecting fisheries management. This level of
bycatch was alleged to affect biodiversity, waste life (creating, for
some, a moral issue), hinder profitability, increase management costs,
lead to sociocultural problems and conflicts, and increase juvenile fish
Solutions proposed for the bycatch management problem that have
been deemed successful (Hall et al., 2000) are primarily command and
control methods, for example:
* Spatial and temporal closures (closed areas and seasons);
* Harvest performance criteria (backing down tuna purse seines to
aid dolphin, Tursiops spp., release);
* Gear modifications (bycatch reduction devices (BRD); turtle
excluder devices (TED), gear bans, acoustical pingers, discard bans,
hook size, mesh sizes, etc.) that reduce catchability for nontarget species; and
* Bycatch limits per vessel.
These command and control measures have been termed "Darwinian
selection of fishers," which actually translates to the idea that
less efficient fishermen are forced from the fishery as increasingly
complex regulations are imposed to reduce bycatch levels (Hall et al.,
Although no clear management objective for these command and
control regulations is stated, one can infer from Hall et al. (2000)
that economic efficiency is a second-best consideration, if it is
considered at all. Only fishermen who can produce catches at the lowest
ecological cost, that is, with the least waste and habitat impact, will
survive to inherit the fishery. The eradication of bycatch in and of
itself, for no other reason and at whatever cost to fisheries, is the
inferred management objective. If a neoclassical interpretation of
economics is used, then this management goal is recast in terms of the
trade-off in allocation of species between discards in one fishery and
harvest in another fishery.
Discarded bycatch continues to be a concern in the marine fisheries
literature, with additional theoretical, empirical, and policy analyses
being published each year. One weakness of these separate analyses is
the lack of comparability of their results. A common framework is needed
to compare and contrast these different studies using the same
analytical approach based on a common set of underlying assumptions.
Comparability of results will provide additional information to fishery
managers who are faced with this problem in actual fisheries.
The initial analysis by Ward (1994) and Ward and Macinko (1996) is
presented and then modified into a multi-cohort, multi-species,
multistock, multi-fleet, multi-vessel capable framework. We then adapt
this model to incorporate additional analytical results from selected
authors including, but not limited to, Arnason (1994), Boyce (1996), and
Abbott and Wilen (2009). Although still a qualitative approach, the
increasing complexity of the framework should provide information not
presently inferable from the independent assessments. This approach
should allow the short-sightedness of the present parochial biological
approach to bycatch and discard management to be replaced by an
enlightened, multidisciplinary, scientific approach in the future.
The foundation for any scientific assessment is a strong
theoretical model from which a working hypothesis can be developed for
statistical testing. This section will review bycatch, discarding, and
high-grading from a theoretical perspective. Empirical applications will
then be reviewed to determine whether evidence exists in support of the
theoretical conclusions.
Theoretical Analyses
Since its original recognition (Gunter, 1936; Lindner, 1936),
bycatch has been analyzed in the biological literature in terms of its
impact on fish population abundance (Nichols et al. (1)). The first
study of economic effects (Blomo and Nichols, 1974) found a negligible
price effect if total trawl bycatch (368,000,000 lb) were converted to
fish meal or oil reduction instead of being discarded.
The first bioeconomic specification (Clark, 1985) suggested that
discarding in commercial fishing operations occurs because retention of
the discarded species is prohibited by regulation, the discarded species
has a nonmarket value, the discarded species has no commercial value, or
a valuable species is discarded to make room for a more valuable species
in the hold of a fishing craft (high-grading).
Clark (1985) also developed a linear programming model to calculate
the optimal trip length for a fishing firm that harvests progressively
more valuable species in a multi-species fishery that is unconstrained
by stock abundance. Ward (1994) extended this linear programming model
into a long-run, static, Gordon-Schaeffer model with stock size
constraints that included downstream effects on bycatch
species-dependent commercial and recreational fisheries. Thus, the
undesirable output in one directed fishery becomes the desirable output
of a second directed fishery--a rather paradoxical result in and of
The initial analysis by Ward (1994) focused on the effect of a BRD
on stock conservation using a simple two-species Gordon-Schaeffer model
of the form:
[delta]x/[delta]t = F(x) - [q.sub.x][E.sub.x]X
[delta]y/[delta]t = G(y) - [q.sub.yx][E.sub.x]Y (1)
where F(x) is the growth function of directed fishery species X,
G(y) is the growth function of the bycatch species Y,
[q.sub.x][E.sub.x]X = [h.sub.x] is the harvest level of species X
in the directed fishery,
[q.sub.yx][E.sub.x]Y = [h.sub.yx] is the bycatch of species Y in
the directed fishery for species X,
[q.sub.x] is the catchability coefficient of the gear for species X
in the directed fishery for species X,
[q.sub.yx] is the catchability coefficient of the gear for species
Y in the directed fishery for species X,
x is the biomass of species X,
y is the biomass of the bycatch species Y, and
[E.sub.x] is the level of total fishing effort for both species in
the fishery for species X.
This simple bioeconomic model of a stylized fishery that generates
and discards a bycatch species that is utilized by another independent
directed fishery consisting of commercial and recreational components is
based on the assumptions that underlie the perfectly competitive market
model with two exceptions. First, a key input in the production process
is limited, acting as a constraint which is represented by:
F(X) > 0, F"(X) < 0, and F'(X) = [K.sub.x] = 0 for
0 [less than or equal to] X [less than or equal to] [K.sub.x] G(Y) >
0, G"(Y) < 0, and G'(Y) = [K.sub.y] = 0 for 0 [less than or
equal to] Y [less than or equal to] [K.sub.y]
where [K.sub.x] and [K.sub.y] are the carrying capacities of the
environment for species X and Y.
Second, the clearly defined, enforceable property rights that
ensure free mobility of inputs and outputs are lacking for the in situ marine fishery resource. Under this open-access scenario, bionomic equilibrium is found where:
[pi] = [P.sub.x][h.sub.x] + [P.sub.y][h.sub.yx] - [C.sub.x]
[E.sub.x] = 0 (2)
where [pi] is profits,
[P.sub.x] is the ex-vessel price for species X,
[P.sub.y] is the ex-vessel price for species Y, and
[C.sub.x] is the unit cost of fishing effort in the directed
fishery for species X.
Based on this simple model specification harvest ([h.sub.x]) and
bycatch ([h.sub.yx]) are calculated at their long-run equilibrium
[h.sub.x] = ([r.sub.x][C.sub.x])/([P.sub.x][q.sub.x])[1 -
[C.sub.x]/([P.sub.x][q.sub.x][K.sub.x])] (3)
where [r.sub.x] is the logistic growth rate,
[K.sub.x], [K.sub.y] are the carrying capacity of the environment
for species X and Y, and
[P.sub.y] = 0 because the bycatch is discarded.
Harvest levels for the commercial ([h.sub.yc]) and recreational
([h.sub.yr]) fisheries directed at the bycatch species (Y) are similarly
and based on the assumption that utility (U) is equal to zero in
the long run, then
where [V.sub.y] is the marginal value of a recreationally caught
fish, with a stable long run equilibrium at
[Y.sub.c] = [C.sub.yc] / [P.sub.y] [q.sub.yc] = [C.sub.yr] /
[V.sub.y] [q.sub.yr] = [Y.sub.r]. (7)
Based on this stylized fishery model, the comparative static
analysis of costless conservation engineering management measures
results in no long-run increase in the bycatch species (Y) abundance
level. Fishing effort levels are shown to expand to offset any
improvement in stock size, and only a small increase in harvest levels
result in the bycatch species (Y) fisheries.
Arnason (1994) focuses instead on the possibility that different
management regimes can create different incentive levels for discarding
bycatch that can affect the magnitude of the discarding and could lead
to a remedy for the problem different from that of the conservation
engineering strategy analyzed in Ward (1994). The evaluation of a
dynamic sole-owner model of the form:
[Max.sub.e,d] [integral] [pi](e,d,x,p)exp(-rt)dt, (8)
s.t. [delta]x / [delta]t = G(x) - [summation]x(i) (9)
where [pi] is the profit function,
e is fishing effort,
d is the discard level,
x is biomass,
p is price,
G(x) is the growth function of species x, and
x(i) is the harvest level of species x by grade levels (i),
this results in the discarding rule:
d(i) >0 if p(i) + [CD.sub.d](0,i) < [CL.sub.1](e,x,i) - 0,i
where CD(d(i),i) is the cost associated with the discarding of fish
of grade i,
[CD.sub.d](0,i) is the marginal discarding cost,
CL(1(i),i) is the retained catch cost of fish of grade i, and
[CL.sub.1](e,x,i) is the marginal cost of retaining catch.
Therefore, p(i) + [CD.sub.d](0,i) is the marginal cost of
discarding and [CL.sub.1](e,x,i)-0,i is the marginal benefit of
discarding. Equation 10 indicates that discarding occurs [d(i)>0] if
the marginal costs of discarding catch are less than the marginal
benefit of discarding fish of grade (i). With one minor modification,
because the discarding activity of a single fishing craft as formulated
by Arnason (1994) does not generate a stock externality effect, the
discarding rule for an open-access fishery is the same as Equation 10:
where j refers to the fishing firm.
Of particular interest is the analysis of the discarding issue
under ITQ management systems with continuous and discontinuous ITQ
programs. Under the continuous ITQ system, the fishing firm has a
permanent stock of ITQ's not differentiated by grade (i), but based
on aggregate catch volumes where discards are not counted against ITQ
holdings. Equation 8 for firm (j) becomes:
where Z is the level of quota holdings traded, and
Q is the total allowable catch (TAC) that is equal to the total
quota issued.
This results in the discard rule:
where [sigma](j) represents the shadow price of ITQ's for firm
j or the instantaneous gain from renting the quota foregone by using the
ITQ share for landings; i.e.,
[sigma](j) = rs - [delta]s/[delta]t > 0
where r is the discount rate,
s is the market price of quota share, and
[delta]s/[delta]t is the capital gain or loss of holding quota.
[delta](j) is the firm's shadow price for biomass; [delta](j)
= [delta]V/[delta]x > 0.
ITQ's lead to an excessive incentive to discard if shares are
tied to landings and not to catch.
The ITQ discarding function is:
[GAMMA](i) = [CL.sub.l](y(i) - 0,i) + [OMEGA](j) - p(i) -
[CD.sub.d](0,i). (14)
The optimal discarding function is:
[GAMMA](i) = [CL.sub.l](y(i) - 0,i) - p(i) - [CD.sub.d](0,i). (15)
If [OMEGA](j) [XI] [sigma](j) - [delta](j) > 0, then an
incentive to discard above the social optimum defined in Equation 10 and
11 exists. If [delta](j) [right arrow] 0 as j [right arrow] [infinity],
then [OMEGA](j) [right arrow] [sigma](j); i.e.,
[lim.sub.j [right arrow] [infinity] [OMEGA](j) [right arrow]
when [OMEGA](j) [XI] [sigma](j) - [delta](j) = 0, this indicates an
indifference to discarding, but when
[OMEGA](j) [XI] [sigma](j) - [delta](j) < 0, no incentive to
discard is implied.
In an analysis similar to Clark (1985), Anderson (1994) created a
fishing-vessel, hold-capacity criteria for high-grading. Instead of a
multi-species fishery with harvests progressively focusing on more
valuable species, demand for fishing craft hold capacity is determined
when high and low valued species grades exist. The Lagrangian formulated
by Anderson (1994) for constrained trip profit is:
L = [[pi].sub.t] + [[lambda].sub.1] (B+D - yE) + [[lambda].sub.2]
([[alpha].sub.L]ye - D), (16)
where [[pi].sub.t] is profit,
[[lambda].sub.1] is the shadow price for landing minus discards
plus hold capacity,
[[lambda].sub.2] is the discard shadow price,
B is the hold capacity of a vessel,
D is the discard of one unit of low valued fish,
y is the annual catch per unit of effort,
E is fishing effort, and
[[alpha].sub.L] is the percentage of yield consisting of low valued
The demand for vessel hold capacity can be expressed in terms of
its marginal shadow price:
[[lambda].sub.1] = [P.sub.H] - 1/[[alpha].sub.H] [C'/y +
[[alpha].sub.L][C.sub.D], (17)
where [P.sub.H] is the price of the high value component of the
[[alpha].sub.H] is the percentage of the yield that is high valued,
C' = CE(E) is the marginal trip cost, and
CD is the variable cost of discarding one unit of fish.
When [[lambda].sub.2] equals zero, for the case that the discard
constraint does not hold, the demand for hold capacity becomes:
[[lambda].sub.1] = [P.sub.L] + [C.sub.D]. (18)
The shadow price [[lambda].sub.1] represents the price for ITQ
([P.sub.ITQ]). If [P.sub.ITQ] is greater than [P.sub.L] + [C.sub.D] when
[[lambda].sub.2] is equal to zero, then high-grading will occur just as
in the case when hold capacity constrains landings; i.e., [P.sub.ITQ]
> [P.sub.L] + [C.sub.D] creates an incentive to high-grade, and when
[P.sub.ITQ] [less than or equal to] [P.sub.L] + [C.sub.D] no incentive
to high-grade is created.
These three studies indicate that, first, discarding of bycatch can
have serious effects on fisheries dependent on the bycatch species when
a stock externality exists. Second, when the stock externality is not
binding on an individual vessel, the open-access and socially optimal or
sole-owner fishery face the same high-grading criteria in a
differentiated fishery, which could be represented by different sizes or
cohorts for a single species. Finally for the sole-owner fishery,
high-grading can occur under conditions where the hold capacity of a
vessel constrains landings just as ITQ's constrain landings.
To explicitly incorporate ITQ's into an open-access fishery,
Boyce (1996) assumed that of two species, one is harvested solely in
fishery 1 and the other species is harvested as bycatch in fishery 1
while being the target species in fishery 2. Boyce (1996) extended the
analysis in Ward (1994) by establishing a total allowable catch (TAC)
for species one ([S.sub.1]) and species two ([S.sub.2]). Boyce
investigated the effect of allowing bycatch in fishery 1 to be sold, not
sold, or have an existence value [[delta] = 1,0,-1, respectively] where
the sale price [P.sub.2] and existence value are identical; and for the
case of an active commercial fishery 2 ([gamma] = 1) and no active
commercial fishery 2 ([gamma] = 0). The optimization problem for the
social planner for two fisheries is:
V = [T.sub.1][n.sub.1] [[pi].sub.1]([h.sub.1]) +
[delta][P.sub.2]b([h.sub.1])] - [K.sub.1][n.sub.1] +
[T.sub.2][n.sub.2][gamma][[pi].sub.2] + [h.sub.2] - [K.sub.2][n.sub.2]
where [K.sub.1] is the cost of an additional fishing craft in
fishery i,
b([h.sub.1]) is the per day removal of the bycatch species by
fishery 1 for a harvest level ([h.sub.1]) of the target species,
[n.sub.i] is the number of firms,
[T.sub.i] is the length of the fishing season in fishery I, and
[P.sub.i] is the price for species i.
The key finding from Boyce (1996) is his proposition 8 that fishery
1 would have lower aggregate bycatch if rationalized due to a reduction
in the number of vessels, even though bycatch per vessel may increase or
decrease. This is a somewhat different result than in Arnason (1994) or
Anderson (1994) for the individual vessel because the open-access stock
externality was corrected by adopting ITQ's.
That ITQ's could reduce the aggregate level of bycatch was
also found by Hoagland and Jin (1997), which determined that
market-based incentives have several advantages over traditional
command-and-control approaches such as BRD's. These advantages
include cost-effective allocations of environmental controls, incentives
for firms to seek technological solutions, flexibility, returns to the
public for the use of its natural resources, and the potential for lower
administrative costs relative to regulated open-access fisheries. Even
if unsuccessful in reducing discarded bycatch sufficiently on its own,
improvements in economic efficiency due to ITQ adoption should be more
than sufficient to cover the costs of regulated BRD gear adoption in ITQ
The comparative statics analysis of Boyce (1996) assumes that
bycatch is a function of the harvest rate of the target species, which
fails to allow for changes in bycatch species abundance or gear
selectivity. Ward and Macinko (1996), after recognizing the complex
ecosystem implications of bycatch discards, introduced a dynamic
framework to the bioeconomics of this management problem as an extension
to Ward (1994).
In addition to introducing optimal control techniques, the dynamic
bioeconomic model relaxes the assumption that the commercial sector
exploits the bycatch species before the recreational sector, establishes
a stock recruitment relationship, introduces a cost for the gear
modification, and reduces the efficiency of the fishing gear that
generates the bycatch due to the adoption of the BRD. This approach also
allows the estimation of net benefits over time between the long-run
equilibriums in the fishery, which can be used as an indicator of
management success.
As in the static model, the population dynamics are expressed as:
[delta]x/[delta]t = F(x) - [q.sub.x][E.sub.x]X [delta]y/[delta]t =
G(y) - [q.sub.yx][E.sub.x]Y - [q.sub.yc][E.sub.yc]Y -
[q.sub.yr][E.sub.yr]Y (20)
where [q.sub.yx][E.sub.x]Y is the bycatch level of species Y in the
species X fishery, [q.sub.yc][E.sub.yc]Y is the commercial harvest level
of species Y in the species Y fishery, and [q.sub.yr][E.sub.yr]Y is the
recreational harvest of species Y in the species Y fishery.
Changes in fishing effort with respect to time are represented by:
[delta]E/[delta]t = K([P.sub.x][q.sub.x]X - [C.sub.x])[E.sub.x]
[delta][E.sub.yc]/[delta]t = K([P.sub.yc][q.sub.yc] Y -
[C.sub.yc])[E.sub.yc] [delta][E.sub.yr]/[delta]T =
K([V.sub.y][q.sub.yr]Y - [C.sub.yr])[E.sub.yr] (21)
where [P.sub.i] is the exogenously determined ex-vessel price for
species (X) and (Y), i = x, yc, K is now a constant of proportionality between current profits and the change in the effort level ([E.sub.i]),
[C.sub.i] is the constant unit effort cost i = x, yc, yr, and [V.sub.y]
is the marginal value of recreationally caught fish.
The more realistic assumptions underlying this simple,
stylized-fishery, bioeconomic model reveal the complexity of the bycatch
problem for fishery managers. First, any short-run improvement in
species Y abundance caused by the adoption of a BRD in the fishery for
species X will be eliminated in the long run because fishing effort
levels can expand in the open-access fisheries for species Y. Second,
the greater the inefficiency in the fishing gear for species X caused by
the adoption of the BRD, the less bycatch will be reduced as a result of
the increase in fishing effort by fishermen in the species X fishery.
Third, increased harvesting costs resulting from the BRD regulations
cause both effort and bycatch levels to decline, implying that landing
taxes or ITQ's
that would allow resource rents to be captured rather than squandered as in the BRD scenario would decrease bycatch levels as found by Boyce
(1996). The implication for conservation engineering is that an
expensive BRD that does not reduce gear efficiency for the directed
fishery that generates the bycatch will not increase the abundance of
the bycatch species if regulated open-access commercial and recreational
fisheries exist that are directed at the bycatch species.
A slightly different tack on gear selectivity is provided by Escapa
and Prellezo (2003), who focus on assessing the effect of harvest levels
on growth rates of a fish stock. Modifying the optimal control problem
so that growth becomes:
G(x,[theta]) = (r + [theta])x(1 - x/k), (22)
where G(x,[theta]) is the growth function of species x,
[theta] is [theta]([[gamma].sub.1], [[gamma].sub.2], [alpha]) = 1 -
[alpha][[gamma].sub.1] - (1 - [alpha])[[gamma].sub.2] is the selectivity
level of the fishing gear,
[[gamma].sub.1] = 1 for a very selective gear that does not affect
the growth rate of the resource, and
[[gamma].sub.2] > 1 for nonselective gear that does affect the
growth rate of the resource, the modified Golden Rule (Clark, 1990)
where [delta] is the discount rate, c(x) is the harvest cost, and
c'(x) is the marginal harvest cost.
This implies that arbitrary harvest shares between user groups are
no longer optimal if the harvesting gear affects the resource growth
If harvest costs differ between user groups exploiting the fish
stock, then Equation 23 becomes:
The social planner's role now requires the joint determination
of the optimal stock and the fishing quota. Maximizing the present value
of both user groups exploiting the fish stock further modifies the
Golden Rule to:
This revised "Golden Rule," represented by Equation 25,
can be used to set both optimal stock and harvest rates for both user
groups where the least selective gear also has the lowest harvest cost
relative to the other user group. Otherwise, one or the other user group
will not be able to participate in the fishery if optimal stock size is
to be achieved when growth rates are affected by the harvest technology.
This result is particularly problematic for setting sector shares in
fisheries because suboptimal efficiency levels might result.
Regulating bycatch using common pool output quotas is assessed in a
predictive renewable resource model (Abbott and Wilen, 2009) that
complimented Ward (1994) by finding that short-run utility from
technological improvements may be limited even when a target fishery for
the bycatch species does not exist. Without an increase in resource
rents from conservation engineering gear modifications, the rational
fisherman has no incentive to "invest in or assist in the
development of such technologies" (Abbott and Wilen, 2009).
An additional contribution by Abbott and Wilen (2009) is the
explicit derivation of one of the remedies recommended by Arnason
(1994). A Pigouvian tax (t) can be derived where the marginal benefits
of increased harvest equal the marginal cost (c + t) at the optimal
season length (T) utilizing a Nash equilibrium game theory strategy
where both the target species and bycatch species common-pool quotas
could be binding:
[[tau].sup.*] = [P(1 - 1/n)/b([alpha] - 1/n)] [Tn/[Q.sub.x]]
[alpha] - 1 - C, (26)
where P is the price of the target species,
C is a unit cost due to potential losses in processing, yield, and
product caused by the diversion of resources to the sorting and
discarding of bycatch,
[Q.sub.x] is the target species quota, n is the number of
participants (overcapacity),
[alpha] and b are positive constants that relate bycatch levels to
target species harvest levels ([h.sub.B] and [h.sub.x], respectively).
Equation 26 indicates that this bycatch tax increases with the
target species price (P) and the number of participants (n). The bycatch
tax declines with increases in the sorting and discarding costs (C).
Inefficient gears that are characterized as having high catchability
coefficients (b) for bycatch species result in lower unit taxes. Since
taxes and ITQ unit prices are theoretically equivalent (Clark, 1980),
the Pigouvian tax could represent the bycatch ITQ market price.
Empirical Studies
The preceding theoretical model results, supported as they are by
the strict logic of mathematics, need to be confirmed by empirical
testing as in any scientific field of research. Unfortunately, empirical
studies of bycatch, discards, and high-grading are few and far between
in the literature. Hoagland and Jin (1997) extended Ward and Macinko
(1996) to include competitive ([[gamma].sub.i] < 0, i = x,y),
independent ([gamma].sub.i] = 0, i = x,y), mutualistic ([[gamma].sub.i]
> 0, i = x,y), predatory ([[gamma].sub.i] > 0, [[gamma].sub.j]
< 0, i [not equal to] j), and commensalistic ([[gamma].sub.i] > 0,
[[gamma].sub.j] = 0, i [not equal to] j) biological relationships
between species.
Rather than a commercial and recreational fishery for the bycatch
species, Hoagland and Jin (1997) developed a dynamic model for a
nonconsumptive, passive use bycatch species as might be expected for a
protected or endangered species; their example species was the harbor
porpoise, Phocoena phocoena, or dolphin. This required the development
of a damage function that changed the maximization problem to:
[Max.sub.E] = [integral][B(E, x) - D(E,y) - CE][e.sup.-rt]dt, (27)
where B(E,x) is the social benefit function,
D(E,y) is the damage function,
CE is the total cost of effort (E),
X is the biomass of the target species, and
Y is the biomass of the bycatch species.
Rather than solving for the time-paths between equilibrium values
as in Ward and Macinko (1996), Hoagland and Jin (1997), and Hoagland et
al. (2) solve for the steady-state or long-run equilibrium values.
Nonetheless, one interesting implication can be derived from this
empirical model based on parameters taken from the literature for
eastern tropical Pacific yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares. That is, the
biological relationships affect the optimal level of fishing effort when
a damage function exists as a management tool.
A similar analysis was conducted by Griffin et al. (1993) to
determine the change in net benefits for the Gulf of Mexico shrimp
(Panaeus setiferous, Panaeus axtecus, Panaeus duorarum) fishery due to
the adoption of TED's through Amendment 9 to the Gulf of Mexico
Shrimp Fishery Management Plan. This assessment resulted in the
estimation of negative rents that would cause this regulated open-access
fishery's fleet to decline in size.
Ward et al. (3) reestimated the net present value lost due to the
regulatory TED requirement at $86.2 million to the shrimp fishery, which
was accompanied by a 1.8% decline in fishing fleet size. Similarly for
finfish BRD's, the cost to the Gulf of Mexico shrimp fishery in
lost present value of net benefits was estimated at $27.4 million. As
part of the Environmental Impact Assessment of Amendment 9, the economic
value changes in terms of adjustments to total revenue were positive for
the commercial red snapper, Lutjanus campechanus, fishery but had no
impact on the recreational reef fish fishery (4) as predicted by Ward
Although not directly related to the estimation of the effect of
reducing or eliminating the discarding of bycatch species in a directed
fishery, Schuhmann and Easley (2000) use the theoretical approach of
Ward (1994) and Ward and Macinko (1996) to estimate the benefits
transfer between the commercial and recreational red drum, Sciaenops
ocellatus, fishery. This assessment is based on derived demand analysis
(Thurman and Easley, 1992) for the commercial fishery and a recreational
random utility model. Although a change in red drum bycatch levels in
the Gulf of Mexico shrimp fishery is not the focus of the benefits
transfer between the directed commercial and recreational red drum
fisheries, the analysis does create an empirical framework that could be
used to estimate this type of fishery change.
Lastly, an empirical study by Garza-Gil and Varela-Lafuente (2007)
analyzed the intra-species bycatch impacts on the European southern
hake, Merluccius merluccius, stock. Gear selectivity for trawl and
longline fisheries was investigated to determine whether hake stocks
were being efficiently exploited. Results from a dynamic model based on
values estimated from a hake database found that if trawling selectivity
improved from 0.6 to 0.2 such that juvenile fish were excluded from the
catch, then the biomass level and its shadow price would increase from
$2,917 to $4,208 (44%). Even though total fishing effort declines by
10%, trawl effort increases by 147% with a decline of 36% in the
longline fishery. However, harvest for both fisheries increases by 45%
and 7%, respectively.
Review Summary
In short, Ward (1994) analyzed the discarding of an incidentally
caught species in the classical open-access fishery to determine the
efficacy of the conservation engineering approach to fisheries
management, which, even though cost less to harvesters, was unsuccessful
in conserving bycatch species stocks. Alternative remedies offered by
Arnason (1994) and Anderson (1994) for the ITQ high-grading and discard
management problem include taxes, subsidies, and landings restrictions
as well as better enforcement.
Arnason (1994) focused on discarding within different grades of the
same species as a cause of high-grading in ITQ fisheries, while
high-grading in ITQ fisheries according to Anderson (1994) was due to
limited hold capacity for the individual fishing craft. That is,
according to Anderson's analysis, ITQ's, which act as a
substitute for a hold capacity constraint, can increase high-grading
more than would exist in an optimal fishery. Although still a
comparative statics analysis, Boyce (1996) suggested that a fishery
could have lower aggregate bycatch if rationalized due to a reduction in
the number of vessels, even though bycatch per vessel may increase or
decrease because the open-access stock externality was corrected by
adopting ITQ's.
Using a dynamic approach, the implication of Ward and Macinko
(1996) for conservation engineering is that an expensive BRD that does
not reduce gear efficiency for the directed fishery that generates the
bycatch, will not increase the abundance of the bycatch species if
regulated open-access commercial and recreational fisheries that are
directed at the bycatch species exist. In a general dynamic analysis,
Escapa and Prellezo (2003) revise the "Golden Rule" derived by
Clark (1990) when fish stock growth rates are affected by the harvest
technology. Both optimal stock and harvest rates for both user groups
must be set where the least selective gear also has the lowest harvest
cost relative to the other user group. If not, one user group will not
be able to participate in the fishery if optimal stock size is to be
achieved. This result is particularly problematic for setting sector
shares in fisheries because suboptimal efficiency levels might result.
The Abbott and Wilen (2009) analysis of common-pool quotas, season
length, taxes, and ITQ prices to achieve a Nash (1950) equilibrium under
game theoretic conditions confirms concerns about the conservation
engineering approach and suggests that the behavioral and institutional
solutions have not been adequately addressed. Bycatch is a complex
result of gear, spatial ecology, and regulatory interactions, but it is
primarily behavioral. Research should be based on incentive-based
approaches such as individual transferable bycatch quotas (ITBQ's),
fishing cooperatives, and voluntary group sanctions.
Although not complete, this review of the bioeconomics of fisheries
bycatch does provide a synthesis of the major results over the last 15
years of research. The next step is to assess these results in an
integrated framework to compare and contrast their efficacy in
measuring, managing, and eliminating the discarding of bycatch in
fisheries dependent upon living marine resources.
Simulation Model
Because bycatch is a complex problem, by necessity, a model to
address bycatch is also complicated. Figure 1 represents what is
essentially a multispecies, stock, cohort, resource area, fleet, and
vessel class ecosystem model. Rather than pursuing a simplistic surplus
production or Gordon-Schaeffer-Copes model of limited practical
application, a multi-cohort Beverton-Holt model (Beverton and Holt,
1957) is used to represent the population dynamics of a single or group
of fish species. Although alternatives are available within the model,
the von Bertalanffy growth function is employed to determine the biomass
level for each cohort of each species in this bycatch scenario (Quinn
and Deriso, 1999). The level of biomass then influences natural
mortality (M) in Figure 1 through a predator-prey model (Larkin, 1979),
which is also affected by the biological dimension of the ecosystem
(e.g., water temperature, salinity, acidity).
Applying fishing effort to biomass generates yield, which is mapped
into fishing mortality (F) in Figure 1. Yield also directly and
indirectly affects, via the human dimension, unit input costs through
the supply function and output price through the demand function. The
combined effect of price, cost, and biomass determine changes in the
level of fishing effort that feeds back into the Beverton-Holt
multi-cohort model through fishing mortality, in conjunction with
natural mortality, to determine the change in number of fish in the next
time period.
The relationship between these different components and fishing
effort is the key innovation that allows the effects of different
bycatch strategies to be compared. Extending Clark (1990), a general
theoretical relationship can be derived. Beginning with:
The long run equilibrium fishing effort level is represented as:
where B is the change in biomass with respect to time,
F'(B) is the growth rate of the stock biomass (B),
F(B) is the growth function,
c(B) is harvest cost,
P is the price of fish,
[delta] is the discount rate,
R(h) is a nonlinear net revenue function = P(h)h - c(h),
P(h) is an inverse demand function,
h is harvest = [qe.sub.i]x,
[e.sub.i] is individual firm or angler fishing effort level
(McConnell and Sutinen, 1979), and
q is the catchability coefficient.
P'([qe.sub.i]B) is marginal revenue with respect to a change
in fishing effort, and
[P.sup.B]([qe.sub.i]B) is marginal revenue with respect to a change
in stock size.
That is, regardless of the functional form chosen to represent a
growth function or an inverse demand function, Equation 28 describes its
relationship to fishing effort (e). Although magnitudes might change,
Equation 28 demonstrates that the direction of change remains the same
across a broad array of functional forms chosen to represent a
commercial or recreational fishery.
The change in fishing effort level is calculated at the most
disaggregated level in the simulation model to ensure that the
conversion to fishing mortality (F) is not biased due to nonhomogeneity
(Clark, 1985). This specification also allows the comparison of
different management regimes; specifically for the sole owner ([delta] =
0), rights based ([delta] > 0), and open-access ([delta] =
[infinity]) scenarios.
This model is adapted to the study of bycatch by assuming that two
fishing fleets exploit three out of seven species of fish, with ten
cohorts each. Each species is assumed to exist in two resource areas
(fishing grounds). The first fishing fleet has a directed harvest from
species 1 and a partially or wholly discarded bycatch from species 2.
The second fishing fleet consists of two vessel classes that directly
harvest species 2 as a commercial and recreational set of fisheries. The
third species is a protected resource that was initially harvested by
both fishing fleets, but now is solely treated as a predator of species
2 through 7; species 4-7 act as prey of or competitors to the three fish
species (species 1 to 3) being harvested.
Regulatory Effects
The bycatch reduction regulation of choice (BRD) developed out of
the conservation engineering concept of fisheries management. Using a
single-species approach, the fishing gear is modified to eliminate the
harvest of incidentally caught fish species. These gear modifications,
which have direct costs in and of themselves, can also increase or
reduce the technical efficiency of the fishing gear for the directed
species and indirectly increase or reduce the costs of harvesting fish,
As demonstrated in Ward (1994) and Ward and Macinko (1996), the
adoption of a gear modification to reduce bycatch in the directed
species 1 fishery results in an initial increase in the biomass of the
bycatch species 2, but does not prevent species 2 continued decline in
biomass over time (Fig. 2). The continued decline in species 2 biomass
is the combined effect of an increase in fishing effort levels for the
commercial and recreational fishing fleet directed at species 2 (Fig. 3)
and the growth in the predator species 3 that is recovering as a result
of a reduction in its bycatch in the fishery for species 1 (Fig. 4).
Although the present value of net benefits peaked higher with BRD
gear modifications than without, neither resulted in significant
increases in commercial fisherman or recreational angler quality of life
(i.e., both are very close to zero due to resource rent dissipation in
the open-access resource management scheme for species 1 and 2).
A second proposed bycatch reduction regulation is the adoption of a
TAC for the bycatch of species 2 in the directed fishery for species 1.
Although biomass level results are similar to Figure 1, the regulation
causes the fishery for species 1 to be shut down when the bycatch TAC is
reached, causing harvest levels of species 1 to decline appreciably.
This introduces an oscillation into the fishing effort level for the
fisheries for species 2 (Fig. 5). Although the present value of net
benefits improved with the adoption of the bycatch TAC, it was not
appreciably different from zero. In fact, command and control
regulations in the directed species 1 fishery neither improve species 2
stock size nor improve net benefits in either fishery.
Surprisingly, the sole owner regulation of the directed fishery
does not necessarily improve performance in the fishery for the bycatch
species 2 if the fishery remains managed as an open-access resource.
Figure 6 indicates that the switch to sole owner management causes a
gradual decline in fishing effort levels and a commensurate reduction in
the rate of decline in yield, in this example. However, even though net
benefits improve (Fig. 7) for the directed fishery, bycatch continues to
increase (Fig. 8). Only with the adoption of sole owner management in
both directed commercial fisheries for species 1 and 2 does a decline in
bycatch levels in the directed fishery for species 1 result (Fig. 9).
Unfortunately, maintaining the recreational fishery as open-access
results in the expansion of total fishing effort for species 2 even as
fishing effort levels decline for its commercial fishery component (Fig.
10). The rent-dissipating effects of the open-access recreational
fishery prevent improvements in net benefits for both the commercial and
recreational fisheries even though the directed commercial fishery for
species 1 has marked increases in net benefits over time due to sole
owner management.
Finally, combining sole ownership management in the commercial
fisheries directed at species 1 and 2 with BRD's should result in
substantial reductions in the bycatch of species 2 in the directed
fishery for species 1. The resulting short-term increase in species 2
biomass does cause some unexpected results. Figure 11 indicates that the
adoption of BRD's in the fishery for species 1 results in an
increased oscillation in the total fishing effort for the fisheries
directed at species 2, relative to Figure 10, as the recreational
open-access fishery expands its effort levels, augmenting uncertainty
and risk levels in this fishery.
Presentations on the ecosystems approach to fisheries management
often tout the importance of the economic component. Although the
biophysical components are fully presented and discussed in these
presentations, rarely if ever is the role of economics or other social
sciences explained in an ecosystem context. This attempt, although
simplistic, indicates the need to explicitly consider fishery economic
Bycatch, the discarding of incidentally caught fish in fishing
operations, is the perfect analogue for the ecosystems approach to
fisheries management. A seemingly simplistic fisheries management
problem in appearance, bycatch has biophysical and socio-cultural
attributes that result in counter-intuitive and even paradoxical
outcomes that create a complex, intricate management environment. The
changes in governance assessed in a simulation model using this
multi-disciplinary scientific approach to modeling the ecosystem
resulted in unexpected oscillations that would increase uncertainty and
risk in the fisheries affected.
Although the results predicted by the theoretical analyses
generally hold, another example of unexpected and counterintuitive responses occurs with the adoption of predator-prey and competitor
ecological relationships in the biological component of the ecosystem
model. The overwhelming effect of the growing biomass of the
competitor-predator species (Species 3-7) prevented the recovery of the
bycatch species (Species 2) in our simulation model under any management
scenario. In addition, the application of sole owner governance (ITQ,
sector shares, catch shares, cooperatives, etc.) to commercial fisheries
without considering the recreational component still resulted in the
dissipation of resource rents. Even though simulation models can
generate different results depending on the values used to parameterize the theoretical economic and biological relationships, management
approaches to dealing with bycatch and discarding can have radically
different effects on the fisheries involved.
If nothing else comes from this assessment of bycatch reduction
management techniques applied to an ecosystem that explicitly
incorporates the human dimension, it should now at least be clear that
the traditional practice of simply assuming that net benefits exist for
any proposed biophysical management regulation is problematic. This
approach incorporates socio-cultural and biophysical attributes into a
common framework from which 1) the magnitude and direction of behavioral
responses can be predicted based on changes in governance or biophysical
constraints, 2) the attainment of management goals and objectives can be
assessed, and 3) metrics can be derived.
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John M. Ward is retired from the Office of Sustainable Fisheries,
National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, 1315 East-West Highway, 13th
Floor, Silver Spring, MD 20910. Lee R. Benaka and Steve Meyers are with
the Office of Sustainable Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service,
NOAA, 1315 East-West Highway, 13th Floor, Silver Spring, MD 20910.
Christopher M. Moore is with the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management
Council, Suite 201, 800 N. State St., Dover, DE 19901. Corresponding
author is John Ward ( Views or opinions, expressed or
implied, are those of the authors and may not necessarily represent the
position of the National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA.