Bycatch provisions in the reauthorized Magnuson-Stevens Act.
Benaka, Lee R. ; Cimo, Laura F. ; Jenkins, Lekelia D. 等
The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
estimates that in recent years the world's fisheries annually
discarded 7.3 million metric tons of marine life (Kelleher, 2005). This
statistic accounts for just a portion of the marine life incidentally
caught or harmed by fishing gear (i.e., bycatch), because some of these
organisms are kept for consumption or sale, or are not brought on board
fishing vessels after encountering gear. Without proper measures in
place to address bycatch, fishing can harm marine ecosystems, reduce
biodiversity, and lead to injury or mortality of protected species.
Bycatch also can have severe economic implications for fisheries due to
foregone fishery revenue associated with discards, damage to fishing
gear, and increased sorting time on deck.
One example of potential foregone fishery revenue associated with
discards is the Bering Sea pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, fishery,
which faces hard caps on Chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha, as a
result of the final rule to implement Amendment 91 to the Fishery
Management Plan for Groundfish of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area, which published in the Federal Register on 30 August
2010 (NOAA, 2010). Economic analyses in Amendment 91 indicate that total
potentially foregone pollock wholesale gross revenue could be as much as
$453 million if high levels of Chinook salmon bycatch occur in the
fishery in a given year (NMFS, 2009a). Such potential losses in fishing
revenues, along with the serious biological impacts of bycatch, make
bycatch a central challenge to address in U.S. and international
Since the creation of fishing nets and fishing hooks there has been
bycatch in fisheries, but efforts to reduce bycatch are relatively
recent. Records of selective fishing practices date back several
centuries, but the science of fishing selectively did not begin until
the end of the 19th century. This initial work focused on selecting
large sizes of commercial fish by adjusting the shape and size of meshes
and placing grids into the codends of trawls (Chopin et al., 1996;
Prado, 1997). Later research sought to address the issue of separating
species in multispecies fisheries. Rising public interest in charismatic
species during the 1960's led to the development of capture
prevention and escape technology for marine mammals, sea turtles, and
seabirds beginning in the 1970's (Coe, 1984). Most recently,
researchers are examining the survival of organisms after interactions
with gear (Prado, 1997; Wilde, 2009).
The bycatch of fishery resources, marine mammals, sea turtles,
seabirds, and other living marine resources has become a central concern
of the commercial and recreational fishing industries, resource
managers, conservation organizations, scientists, and the public--both
nationally and globally. Recognizing the negative impact of this
problem, the international community has called for bycatch levels to be
reduced in agreements such as the United Nations Fish Stocks Agreement
in 1995 and several measures in Regional Fisheries Management
Organizations (RFMO's).
For example, the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries (FAO,
1995) is an international agreement that advocates the reduction of
discards and bycatch. Article 8, paragraph 8.5.1, declares, "States
should require that fishing gear, methods and practices, to the extent
practicable, are sufficiently selective so as to minimise waste,
discards, catch of nontarget species ... impacts on associated or
dependent species ..." In addition, Article 7.6.9 asserts,
"States should take appropriate measures to minimise waste,
discards, catch by lost or abandoned gear, catch of nontarget species,
both fish and nonfish species, and negative impacts on associated or
dependent species, in particular endangered species ... States and
sub-regional or regional fisheries management organisations or
arrangements should promote, to the extent practicable, the development
and use of selective and environmentally safe gear and techniques."
Several RFMO's have adopted measures to reduce sea turtle
bycatch with support from the United States. For example, at its 75th
meeting in June 2007, the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission
adopted a resolution to mitigate the impact of tuna fishing on sea
turtles. The resolution called on the contracting parties, cooperating
nonparties, fishing entities, and regional economic integration
organizations to implement the FAO guidelines to reduce the bycatch,
injury, and mortality of sea turtles in fishing operations and to ensure
the safe handling of all captured sea turtles.
In addition, the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission
adopted a conservation and management measure in December 2008 requiring
commission members, cooperating nonmembers, and participating
Territories (CCM's) to implement the FAO guidelines as appropriate,
ensure safe handling of all captured sea turtles to improve survival,
report on sea turtle interactions, use proper mitigation techniques, and
utilize safe handling and release equipment, among other things (CMM 2008-03).
Most recently, the International Commission for the Conservation of
Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) adopted a measure in November 2010 requiring each
contracting party, cooperating noncontracting party, entity, or fishing
entity to collect and annually report to ICCAT information on the
interactions of its fleet with sea turtles in ICCAT fisheries. The
United States often has played a leadership role toward advancing
bycatch reduction measures in international fora.
In addition, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations in January 2011 released the first global guidelines for bycatch
management and the reduction of fishing discards. The guidelines covered
bycatch management planning, improvement of fishing gear, fisheries
closures, economic incentives for adoption of bycatch-reduction
measures, monitoring, research and development, and capacity-building
for developing states to facilitate their ability to follow the
The United States was also one of the first nations to address
domestic bycatch. During the past 37 years, the National Marine
Fisheries Service (NMFS); its predecessor, the Bureau of Commercial
Fisheries; and (after 1976) the regional fishery management councils
(hereafter the Councils) have responded to this concern by taking a
variety of actions. The actions have included research to develop better
methods for monitoring and reducing bycatch, outreach programs to
explain the bycatch problem and search for solutions, and regulatory
actions to monitor and decrease bycatch.
Many of NMFS' efforts grew from Congressional mandates to
address bycatch, especially the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) of
1972, the Endangered Species Act (ESA) of 1973, and the Magnuson-Stevens
Fishery Conservation and Management Act (MSA) of 1976. The MSA
restricted the definition of bycatch to mean "fish which are
harvested in a fishery, but which are not sold or kept for personal use,
and includes economic discards and regulatory discards. Such term does
not include fish released alive under a recreational catch and release
fishery management program."
Since the original passage of the MSA, Congress has twice passed
major amendments to this statute. In 1996, Congress amended the Act with
the Sustainable Fisheries Act (SFA). Among other things, the SFA added
three new National Standards, one of which specifically addresses
bycatch. National Standard 9 states that "Conservation and
management measures shall, to the extent practicable, A) minimize
bycatch and B) to the extent bycatch cannot be avoided, minimize the
mortality of such bycatch." In 1998, NMFS developed a Bycatch Plan
that reviewed existing bycatch activities, developed national bycatch
objectives, and made recommendations for how to achieve these objectives
(NMFS, 1998). In 2003, NMFS assessed its progress toward achieving the
objectives specified in the Bycatch Plan. The assessment was part of the
National Bycatch Strategy, which detailed five additional components for
reducing bycatch, including international approaches (Benaka and
Dobrzynski, 2004).
Also included in the 1996 amendments to the MSA was a requirement
that the U.S. Government work toward securing agreements with other
countries to promote bycatch reduction technologies and techniques that
are comparable to those found in the United States. This amendment,
found in Section 202(h)(l) of the MSA, promoted a consistent policy in
addressing bycatch, as similar provisions are contained in both the MMPA
and ESA. To fulfill this new requirement, NMFS convened an International
Bycatch Reduction Task Force (Task Force). The Task Force developed a
Plan of Action that implements a strategy to promote international
agreements that reduce sea turtle bycatch in foreign longline fisheries.
The Plan of Action also promotes the implementation of the Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) International Plan
of Action (IPOA) for Reducing Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline
Fisheries and the FAO IPOA for the Conservation and Management of
On 12 January 2007, President George W. Bush signed the
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Reauthorization Act
of 2006 (MSRA). Among the amendments to the MSA were requirements to
build on and improve current bycatch reduction efforts through
establishment of a new program and processes. Specifically, Section 316
of the MSRA required the Secretary of Commerce, in cooperation with the
Councils and other affected interests, and based upon the best
scientific information available, to establish a Bycatch Reduction
Engineering Program (BREP), including grants, to develop technological
devices and other conservation engineering changes designed to minimize
bycatch, seabird interactions, bycatch mortality, and post-release
mortality in Federally managed fisheries.
Also, Section 403 of the MSRA requires the Secretary to identify
nations whose vessels are engaged in the bycatch of protected living
marine resources (PLMR's) under specified circumstances and to
certify that these nations have 1) adopted regulatory programs for
PLMR's that are comparable to U.S. programs, taking into account
different conditions, and 2) established management plans for
PLMR's. If a nation fails to take sufficient corrective action and
does not receive a positive certification, fishing products from that
country may be subject to import prohibitions into the United States.
Importantly, the scope of Section 403 is quite broad. Section 403
defines PLMR's as "1) nontarget fish, sea turtles, or marine
mammals that are protected under U.S. law or international agreement,
including the Marine Mammal Protection Act, the Endangered Species Act,
the Shark Finning Prohibition Act, and the Convention on the
International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna, but
2) does not include species, except sharks, managed under the
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, the Atlantic
Tunas Convention Act, or any international fishery management
agreement." The current draft list of PLMR's contains many
species of marine mammals, sharks, coral, eel, and sea turtles. Table 1
contrasts the concept of bycatch as defined in the domestic and
international sections of the MSRA.
In January 2009, NMFS issued the first annual Report to Congress on
its implementation of Section 316 of the reauthorized MSA and
development of the BREP (NMFS, 2009b). In January 2009 and subsequently
in January 2011, NMFS issued its first two biennial Reports to Congress
on implementation of Section 403, which included detailed information on
NOAA's efforts to address bycatch globally. This paper discusses in
detail the implementation process for Sections 316 and 403 of the
reauthorized MSA as well as the final regulations for these sections.
This paper also briefly discusses the Shark Conservation Act and its
Bycatch Reduction Engineering Program
This section describes Section 316 of the MSA. This section also
describes how Section 316 has been implemented.
Summary of Section 316
Section 316 of the MSA contains four sections, which are entitled
a) Bycatch Reduction Engineering Program, b) Incentives, c) Coordination
on Seabird Interactions, and d) Report. These subsections are described
in the following paragraphs.
Section 316(a) required the Secretary of Commerce, in cooperation
with the Councils and other affected interests, to establish the BREP by
mid January 2008. According to the MSA, the BREP was to:
1) Be regionally based;
2) Be coordinated with projects conducted under the cooperative
research and management program established under MSRA;
3) Provide information and outreach to fishery participants that
will encourage adoption and use of technologies developed under the
BREP; and
4) Provide for routine consultation with the Councils in order to
maximize opportunities to incorporate results of the BREP in fishery
management plans (FMP's) developed by the Councils.
Section 316(b) includes authorization language stating that any FMP developed by a Council or the Secretary of Commerce may establish a
system of incentives to reduce total bycatch and seabird interactions,
amounts, bycatch rates, and post-release mortality in fisheries under
the Council's or Secretary's jurisdiction. Such incentives,
according to Section 316(b), could include:
1) Measures to incorporate bycatch into quotas;
2) Measures to promote the use of gear with verifiable and
monitored low bycatch and seabird interactions and rates; and
3) Measures that will reduce bycatch and seabird interactions,
bycatch mortality, post-release mortality, or regulatory discards.
Section 316(c) also includes authorization language stating that
the Secretary of Commerce, in coordination with the Secretary of
Interior, is authorized to undertake projects in cooperation with
industry to improve information and technology to reduce seabird
bycatch. Such projects could include:
1) Outreach to industry on new technologies and methods;
2) Projects to mitigate for seabird mortality; and
3) Actions at appropriate international fishery organizations to
reduce seabird interactions in fisheries.
Section 316(d) requires the Secretary of Commerce to transmit an
annual report to Congress that describes:
1) Funding provided to implement Section 316;
2) Developments in gear technology achieved under this section; and
3) Improvements and reduction in bycatch and seabird interactions
associated with implementing this section, as well as proposals to
address remaining bycatch or seabird interaction problems.
Establishment of the BREP
On 30 April 2007, a NMFS working group consisting of
representatives from three headquarters offices, three science centers,
and one regional office met in Miami to draft terms of reference for the
BREP. The terms of reference were approved in the form of NMFS Policy
Directive 01-107, signed on 11 January 2008 by the NOAA Acting Assistant
Administrator for Fisheries. The mission of the BREP, as stated in the
terms of reference, is:
"to develop technological solutions and investigate changes in
fishing practices designed to minimize bycatch of fish and protected
species (including marine mammals, seabirds, and sea turtles) as well as
minimize bycatch mortality (including post-release mortality)."
According to the BREP terms of reference, the BREP includes a
National Coordinator in the NMFS Office of Sustainable Fisheries. The
Office of Sustainable Fisheries, in consultation with the NMFS Offices
of Protected Resources, Science and Technology, and International
Affairs, provides policy oversight and overall coordination of
activities through the National Coordinator. National coordination
activities include providing staff support to the BREP, documenting BREP
activities, managing the annual spending plan process, serving as
primary point of contact for the annual BREP Report to Congress, and any
other activity deemed necessary by the BREP or NMFS leadership.
In addition to the National Coordinator, the BREP consists of the
following NMFS program representatives who will have expertise in
fisheries bycatch, protected resources interactions, management, and
* One representative with hands-on bycatch reduction engineering
and post-release injury and mortality experience from each regional
fisheries science center/regional office (i.e., six total regional
* The NMFS Sea Grant Liaison (or other Sea Grant designee);
* The NMFS National Seabird Program Coordinator;
* One representative each from the headquarters Offices of
Protected Resources, Science and Technology, and International Affairs;
* One representative from the Highly Migratory Species Management
Division in the Office of Sustainable Fisheries.
When nominating representatives, the Regional Administrator/Science
Center Director also nominates an alternate representative with
expertise in protected resources interactions or fisheries by catch,
depending on the expertise of the primary representative. According to
the BREP terms of reference, the regional representatives serve as
liaisons between the BREP and already existing Regional Bycatch
Committees and Action Teams, to the extent such committees and teams are
Since its creation, the BREP has met several times over the phone
and from 2009 to 2011 met in person on an annual basis. These meetings
are designed to discuss challenges in administering the BREP, share
developments regarding BREP research, and plan for future BREP growth.
BREP Projects
Since the establishment of the BREP in 2008, the BREP has funded a
wide range of conservation engineering projects. Because the BREP was
funded at relatively low levels compared to the BREP's "100%
requirements" as determined by a 2006 informal agency analysis, the
BREP did not use its funding to conduct a competitive grant program
until 2012. However, the internal funds allocated by the BREP have
engaged numerous industry, state, academic, and environmental group
partners through contract vehicles and other collaborative research
Funding to implement the BREP totaled $847,394 in 2008. This
funding came from a NOAA budget line item entitled "Reducing
Bycatch," which has appeared in the NOAA budget since 2004. Since
2004, $300,000 of Reducing Bycatch funds has been permanently allocated
at the direction of NMFS leadership to the Southeast Fisheries Science
Center (SEC) to fund the gear technology program at its Pascagoula,
Miss., Laboratory. In addition, approximately $225,000 has been
permanently allocated at the direction of NMFS leadership to fund the
National Seabird Program (NSP), the coordinator of which is located at
the NMFS Alaska Regional Office. Remaining BREP funds have been
allocated through an internal agency competitive proposal process. All
BREP funds are accounted for through its annual report to Congress.
Funding levels from 2004 to 2012 from NOAA's Reducing Bycatch
budget line related to the BREP and previous bycatch gear research, as
well as the breakdown among SEC, NSP, and other allocations, is shown in
Figure 1. The 2008 BREP projects resulted in several accomplishments to
help reduce bycatch, including:
* Evaluation of bycatch reduction devices in shrimp trawls;
* Transfer of turtle excluder device (TED) and bycatch reduction
device technology in the Southeast Region;
* Evaluation of weaker circle hooks to release bluefin tuna,
Thunnus thynnus, in the yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, longline
* Estimation of seabird bycatch in Northeast commercial fisheries;
* Seabird bycatch avoidance in West Coast groundfish fisheries;
* Monitoring of seabird distribution and abundance in the
California Current;
* Gear modifications to reduce harbor porpoise, Phocoena phocoena,
interactions in the commercial Atlantic gillnet fisheries;
* Conservation engineering to reduce trawl bycatch in Alaska
* Reduction of post-release mortality for common thresher sharks,
Alopias vulpinus, captured in the Southern California recreational
* Reduction of shark bycatch with electropositive metals in
Hawaii-based fisheries; and
* Partial funding of a gear technician at the NMFS Northwest
Fisheries Science Center (NMFS, 2009a).
Funding to implement the BREP totaled $1,421,707 in 2009 due to an
increase of $567,000 in the FY2009 President's budget for NOAA.
These BREP projects once again resulted in several accomplishments to
help reduce bycatch, including:
* A pilot study of a bycatch reduction device to reduce salmon,
Oncorhynchus spp., and rockfish, Sebastes spp., bycatch in the Pacific
whiting, Merluccius productus, fishery, which resulted in a 62%
reduction in salmon catch;
* Generation of crab mortality rates after encounters with Bering
Sea bottom trawls;
* Testing a new bycatch reduction device in the Gulf of Mexico shrimp fishery that resulted in a 36% reduction in finfish catch with
only a 4% reduction in shrimp catch;
* Testing a TED for the flynet fishery that resulted in a target
catch loss of only 6.7% but a reduction in the unwanted catch of spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias, and clearnose skates, Raja eglanteria, of
40% and 63%, respectively;
* Experiments to determine the effects of Neodymium/Praseodymi um
allows on longline gear, which resulted in a 58% decrease in the catch
rate of unwanted scalloped hammerhead sharks, Sphyrna lewini;
* Deployment of satellite tags to thresher sharks, which resulted
in determination of a post-release mortality rate of 26% for this
important species; and
* The successful completion of the first NMFS National Seabird
Workshop, which will help NMFS prioritize its seabird bycatch reduction
efforts (NMFS, 2010).
For 2010, NMFS allocated an additional $400,000 to the BREP to fund
projects related to Annual Catch Limit (ACL) restrictions due to
bycatch. Funding to implement the BREP totaled $1,820,648 in 2010, and
projects included research on:
* Turtle bycatch reduction in the Gulf of Mexico bottom longline
reef fish fishery;
* Gear modifications to reduce butterfish, Peprilus triacanthus,
bycatch in the offshore Atlantic squid, Loligo spp. fishery;
* Gear modifications to reduce Atlantic sturgeon, Acipenser
oxyrinchus, bycatch and harbor porpoise takes in the Atlantic monkfish,
Lophius americanus, fishery;
* Post-release survival of large Pacific blue marlin, Makaira
nigricans, captured in Pacific longline fisheries;
* Effects of trailing gear in the California recreational thresher
shark fishery;
* TED's and bycatch reduction devices for the shrimp trawl
fishery; and
* Marine mammal depredation in the California halibut, Paralichthys
californicus, trawl fishery.
Funding to implement the BREP totaled $1,963,490 in 2011, and
projects included research on:
* Acoustic observations of false killer whales, Pseudorca
crassidens, in the Hawaii-based tuna longline fishery;
* Estimates of snow crab, Chionoecetes oplilio, morality as a
function of weather conditions;
* Selectivity of bottom trawls to reduce bycatch of Pacific
halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepis, in the West Coast groundfish trawl
* Ability of Southern California deepwater rockfish to survive
barotraumas following in-situ recompression;
* Green-stick gear bycatch characterization in the northern Gulf of
Mexico Atlantic tuna fishery;
* Effectiveness of skimmer trawl TED's in North Carolina inshore waters; and
* Methods to monitor seabird bycatch in Northeast commercial
In 2012, the U.S. Senate directed NMFS to make $2.5M of Reducing
Bycatch budget line funds available for competitive grants to
non-Federal researchers working with U.S. fishermen on the development
of innovative gear technologies. This change increased total BREP
funding to a little over $3M for FY12 (with the addition of some funds
for a few internal agency BREP projects) from almost $2M in FY11.
Although the competitive grants have not yet been awarded as of this
writing, the few internal BREP projects in FY12 focused on the bycatch
of sea turtles, Atlantic sturgeon, salmon, false killer whales, sharks,
and Pacific halibut. This change in direction of the BREP from funding
internal agency projects to funding grants to non-Federal researchers
has severely limited several regional NMFS bycatch reduction engineering
programs that had been developed over the past several years of BREP
Figures 2 and 3 show how BREP funds have been generally distributed
among projects addressing seabird takes, turtles bycatch/marine mammals
takes, and finfish bycatch. The proportion of projects addressing
finfish bycatch increased to the greatest extent in 2011.
The following criteria are used to select BREP projects for
funding, whether they are internal agency projects or non-Federal grant
* Importance and relevance to Regional and Atlantic Highly
Migratory Species Bycatch Implementation Plans, Council research
priorities, Endangered Species Act research priorities, and/or Marine
Mammal Protection Act Take Reduction Plan research priorities;
* Level of fishing industry involvement;
* Whether the projects build upon successful research previously
funded by the BREP; and
* Project evaluation by NMFS bycatch reduction experts.
Overall, the language in Section 316 of the MSA served to formally
recognize various efforts being conducted by parts of NMFS to reduce
bycatch since around 2003. By creating a nationally coordinated program
with an annual report to Congress, Congress ensured that some important
NMFS bycatch reduction efforts will be conducted more systematically and
with greater accountability than in the past.
International Bycatch Provisions
This section summarizes Section 403 of the MSA. This section also
describes regulations promulgated to implement Section 403.
Summary of Section 403
Among its provisions, Section 403 of Title IV of the
Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Reauthorization Act
of 2006 (P.L. 109-479) amends the High Seas Driftnet Moratorium
Protection Act (Moratorium Protection Act)(P.L. 104-43) by adding four
sections (sections 607, 608, 609, and 610) of new international
provisions. Section 608 to the Moratorium Protection Act requires the
Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Secretary of State and
in cooperation with relevant regional Councils and any relevant advisory
committees, to take actions to improve the effectiveness of
international fishery management organizations in conserving and
managing stocks under their jurisdiction.
Section 607 of the Moratorium Protection Act requires the Secretary
to submit to Congress a biennial report describing NOAA's actions
to implement the international provisions of the reauthorized MSA.
Specifically, the report must:
1) Discuss the status of international living marine resources
shared by the United States or subject to treaties or agreements to
which the United States is a party;
2) List nations that have been identified for having vessels
engaged in illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing or bycatch
of PLMR's, respectively;
3) Describe efforts by nations on those lists to take appropriate
corrective action and evaluate the progress of those efforts;
4) Describe progress to strengthen the efforts of international
fishery management organizations to end IUU fishing; and
5) Discuss efforts by the Secretary to encourage the adoption of
international measures comparable to those of the United States to
reduce impacts of fishing and other practices on PLMR's.
Section 609 of the Moratorium Protection Act addresses IUU fishing
activity. The Act establishes minimum guidelines for a definition of IUU
fishing. These guidelines are: (1) fishing activities that violate
conservation and management measures required under an international
fishery management agreement to which the United States is party; (2)
overfishing of stocks shared by the United States to which no
international conservation or management measures apply, where the
overfishing has adverse impacts on the stocks; or (3) fishing activity
with adverse impact on seamounts, hydrothermal vents, or coldwater
corals, to which no conservation and management measures apply.
As required under the Moratorium Protection Act, NMFS published a
definition that reflected these guidelines within 90 days of enactment
(NOAA, 2007a). This definition was later modified in a final rule
establishing identification and certification procedures under the
Moratorium Protection Act (50 C.F.R. [section] 300.201 (2011)). NMFS has
published a proposed rule that seeks to further revise this definition
consistent with the purposes of the Moratorium Protection Act in order
to more comprehensively address IUU fishing and more effectively address
this problem that threatens the sustainable management of the
world's fisheries (NOAA, 2012).
Significantly, Section 609(a) refers to IUU fishing activities of
"vessels;" thus, a nation must have more than one vessel
engaged in IUU fishing activities to be identified under Section 609. It
also is worth noting that any entity other than a "nation" (as
recognized by the U.S. government) cannot be identified for having
vessels engaged in IUU fishing activity for purposes of the Moratorium
Protection Act. Notably, the conservation measures of some RFMO's
include provisions for reducing bycatch. If a nation's vessels are
fishing in violation of these provisions, then Section 609 can serve as
another mechanism through which the reauthorized MSA can address
international bycatch.
Another key point is that the activity must occur during the
"preceding two years" from submission of the biennial report
to Congress. Information concerning activities outside that time period
cannot form the basis for an identification decision. Currently,
Congress is considering legislation that would expand this time period
to three years. During the 111th Congress, the U.S. House of
Representatives passed H.R. 1080, the Illegal, Unreported, and
Unregulated Fishing Enforcement Act of 2009, on 22 September 2009. The
U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation reported
S. 2870, the International Fisheries Stewardship and Enforcement Act, on
24 March 2010. The House bill was reintroduced during the 112th Congress
as H.R. 4100, and the Senate bill was reintroduced as S. 52.
Congress has taken several steps toward enactment of this
legislation. The Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans, and
Insular Affairs held a hearing on H.R. 4100 in June 2012 and discharged
the bill to the House Committee on Natural Resources for consideration.
The Senate Commerce Committee reported S. 52 out of Committee in January
2012, and the bill is awaiting consideration by the Senate.
Section 610 of the Moratorium Protection Act addresses
international bycatch of PLMR's and requires that the Secretary
identify a nation for bycatch activities if:
1) fishing vessels of that nation are engaged, or have been engaged
during the preceding calendar year in fishing activities or practices;
A) in waters beyond any national jurisdiction that result in
bycatch of a protected living marine resource, or
B) beyond the exclusive economic zone of the United States that
result in bycatch of a protected living marine resource shared by the
United States;
2) the relevant international organization for the conservation and
protection of such resources or the relevant or regional fishery
organization has failed to implement effective measures to end or reduce
such bycatch, or the nation is not a party to, or does not maintain
cooperating status with, such organization; and
3) the nation has not adopted a regulatory program governing such
fishing practices designed to end or reduce such bycatch that is
comparable to that of the United States, taking into account different
Thus, the identification of nations for bycatch activities can be
based only on current activities of fishing vessels of that nation, or
activities in which those vessels have been engaged during the preceding
calendar year from development of the biennial report to Congress.
Activities outside that time frame cannot form the basis for
identification. As mentioned previously, two bills before the 112th
Congress (H.R. 4100 and S. 52) would expand this time frame to three
years. Further, the reauthorized MSA specifies that the bycatch must
occur on the high seas or affect a PLMR that is shared with the United
States. The identification criteria are critical because the bycatch of
certain species is excluded from consideration under these provisions.
For example, the bycatch of species that solely exist within
coastal waters of another nation, such as the endangered vaquita,
Phocoena sinus, which occurs only in the territorial waters of Mexico,
cannot form the basis of identification. Likewise, the statute only
allows nations to be identified for bycatch activities that occur under
certain circumstances. Specifically, nations can be identified for
fishing activities and practices that result in the bycatch of
PLMR's where the relevant international conservation organization
has failed to implement effective measures to reduce such bycatch or the
nation is not a party to or a cooperating partner with the organization.
Another requirement for identification is that the nation has not
adopted a regulatory program governing such fishing practices that is
comparable to that of the United States, taking into account different
conditions. Bycatch activities that fail to meet these criteria cannot
form the basis for identification.
Promulgation of Regulations
In its implementation of the bycatch provisions of the reauthorized
MSA, NMFS published an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) on
11 June 2007 in the Federal Register (NOAA, 2007b) to announce that it
was developing certification procedures to address IUU fishing and
bycatch of PLMR's pursuant to the Moratorium Protection Act. In
addition to soliciting written comments on the ANPR, NMFS held three
public input sessions around the country. NMFS also hosted a meeting of
representatives from foreign embassies. These meetings provided valuable
opportunities for NMFS to explain the ANPR, respond to questions, and
receive feedback from the public.
Taking into consideration the comments from the ANPR, NMFS drafted
a proposed rule and published it on 14 January 2009 in the Federal
Register (NOAA, 2009). In addition to soliciting written comments on the
proposed rule, NMFS held six public hearings around the country. NMFS
prepared a draft Environmental Assessment to accompany this proposed
rule, which includes a Regulatory Impact Review and Initial Regulatory
Flexibility Analysis (NMFS, 2009c). The regulations, which were
finalized in January 2011, provide guidance for the identification and
certification procedures under the Moratorium Protection Act (50 C.F.R.
[section] 300.201 (2011)).
Identifying Nations Engaged in PLMR Bycatch
When determining whether to identify a nation as having fishing
vessels engaged in the bycatch of PLMR's in the previous calendar
year, NMFS evaluates appropriate information and evidence. Once NMFS has
determined that information on PLMR bycatch is credible and provides a
reasonable basis to believe or suspect that a nation's fishing
vessels are engaged in bycatch of PLMR's, NMFS--acting through or
in consultation with the U.S. State Department--will initiate bilateral
discussions with the nation. The discussions will: 1) seek credible
information that corroborates or refutes the alleged PLMR bycatch; 2)
communicate the requirements of the Moratorium Protection Act to the
nation; and 3) encourage the nation to address the PLMR bycatch and take
the necessary actions to receive a positive certification.
In determining whether to identify nations for bycatch of
PLMR's, NMFS will consider information gathered during bilateral
discussions and examine whether the nation has implemented measures that
are deemed to be effective to reduce bycatch of the relevant
PLMR's. NMFS will also examine whether there is an international
organization with responsibility for the conservation of the PLMR, and
whether the nation is party to or maintains cooperating status with the
relevant international body.
Further, NMFS will consider whether the relevant international body
has adopted effective measures for reducing bycatch of PLMR's and
whether the nation has implemented and is enforcing such measures. If an
identified nation is not party to the international body with
responsibility for bycatch of the PLMR's in question, NMFS will
consider whether the nation has implemented effective measures for
reducing bycatch of such PLMR's. Such measures may include, but are
not limited to: 1) programs for data collection and sharing, including
observer programs; 2) bycatch reduction and mitigation strategies,
techniques, and equipment, including gear restrictions and gear
modifications; and 3) improved monitoring, control, and surveillance of
fishing activities. When making identification determinations, NMFS will
also examine whether adequate enforcement measures and capacity exist to
promote compliance.
Notification and Consultation
Pursuant to the requirements under the Moratorium Protection Act,
NMFS will publish a list of nations that have been identified as having
fishing vessels engaged in bycatch of PLMR's in the biennial Report
to Congress. Upon submission of the biennial Report to Congress, the
Secretary of Commerce, acting through or in cooperation with the
Secretary of State, will: 1) initiate consultations with identified
nations for the purposes of entering into bilateral and multilateral
treaties to protect the PLMR's from the bycatch activities
described in the biennial report; and 2) seek agreements through
international organizations calling for international restrictions on
the fishing activities or practices described in the biennial report
that result in bycatch of PLMR's.
Procedures to Certify Nations
Based on the identification, notification, and consultation
processes outlined above, NMFS will certify nations that have been
identified in the biennial report.
Identified nations will receive either a positive or negative
certification. A positive certification indicates that a nation has: 1)
provided documentary evidence of the adoption of a regulatory program
governing the conservation of the PLMR that is comparable to that of the
United States, taking into account different conditions, and which, in
the case of pelagic longline fishing, includes mandatory use of circle
hooks, careful handling and release equipment, and training and observer
programs; and 2) established a management plan containing requirements
that will assist in gathering species-specific data to support
international assessments and conservation enforcement efforts for
When determining whether a nation's regulatory program is
comparable to measures required in the United States, NMFS will consider
whether the program is comparable in effectiveness, taking into account
different conditions that could bear on the feasibility and efficacy of
comparable measures. If other measures could address bycatch of the
PLMR's in question that are comparable in effectiveness, then the
implementation of such measures by a nation may be deemed sufficient for
purposes of the Moratorium Protection Act. As relevant, NMFS will
consider whether measures have been implemented and effectively
enforced, including, but not limited to: 1) programs for data collection
and sharing, including observer programs; 2) bycatch reduction and
mitigation strategies, techniques, and equipment (including training and
assistance for bycatch reduction technology and equipment); and 3)
improved monitoring, control, and surveillance of fishing activities.
When making certification determinations, the Secretary of Commerce
will, in consultation with the Secretary of State, evaluate the
information discussed above, comments received from such nation, the
consultations with each identified nation, and other relevant actions,
such as requests for assistance in the implementation of measures
comparable to those of the United States. The Secretary of Commerce will
also take into account whether the nation participates in existing
certification programs, such as those authorized under Section 609 of
the Endangered Species Act (P.L. 101-162), or the affirmative finding
process under the International Dolphin Conservation Program Act.
Nothing in the proposed regulations will modify these existing
certification procedures.
If nations identified as having fishing vessels engaged in PLMR
bycatch receive a positive certification from the Secretary of Commerce
pursuant to the Moratorium Protection Act, no actions will be taken
against such nations. If an identified nation fails to sufficiently
address PLMR bycatch and receives a negative certification, the nation
could face denial of port privileges, prohibitions on the import of
certain fish and fish products into the United States, as well as other
appropriate measures, based on recommendations from the Secretary to the
President. The process for determining appropriate action will consider
the circumstances, extent, and gravity of the bycatch of PLMR's for
which the initial identification was made, and other relevant factors.
The Secretary will make such recommendations in accordance with U.S.
obligations under applicable international trade law, including the
World Trade Organization.
To facilitate enforcement, nations that do not receive a positive
certification may be required to submit documentation of admissibility when exporting fish to the United States. To inform U.S. ports that
cargo originating from a foreign port may not be permitted to enter into
the United States, NMFS intends to collaborate with other Federal
agencies and take advantage of existing prior notification procedures,
such as those required under section 343(a) of the Trade Act of 2002, or
those proposed for further development under the International Trade
Data System (ITDS) established under the Security and Accountability for
Every (SAFE) Port Act of 2006.
If the Secretary of Commerce cannot reach a certification
determination for an identified nation by the time of the next biennial
report, the Moratorium Protection Act requires the Secretary to
establish alternative procedures for the certification of fish or fish
products from such nation. Under these alternative procedures, the
Secretary of Commerce may allow entry of fish on a shipment-by-shipment,
shipper-by-shipper, or other basis as long as specified conditions are
met. To qualify for the alternative certification procedures, NMFS must
determine that imports were harvested by practices that do not result in
bycatch of PLMR's or were harvested by practices comparable to
those required in the United States, accounting for different conditions
that affect the feasibility and efficacy of such practices, which, in
the case of pelagic longline fishing, includes mandatory use of circle
hooks, careful handling and release equipment, and training and observer
Identification Decisions
Under the Moratorium Protection Act, NMFS is not required to
establish regulations for the identification process. Although NMFS has
opted to promulgate regulations for the identification process for
transparency, its first identification process was based on the
statutory text of the amendments because regulations implementing the
new amendments were not finalized in time for the first biennial report.
In preparation for the identification decisions in the in the first
biennial Report to Congress, NMFS solicited information from the public,
other nations, other U.S. government agencies, and international
organizations regarding nations whose vessels were engaged in IUU
fishing activity in 2007 or 2008 or PLMR bycatch during 2008. On 21
March 2008, NMFS published a notice in the Federal Register requesting
such information (NOAA, 2008). NMFS circulated this notice widely to
constituents and discussed it at relevant bilateral and multilateral
In response to the Federal Register notice, NMFS received reports,
IUU vessel lists, peer-reviewed literature, and other information from
individuals, nongovernmental organizations, and other nations. In
addition to information gathered from the public, NMFS also solicited
RFMO information, including RFMO IUU vessel lists, compliance reports,
information on violations of conservation and management measures, and
scientific reports. From its regional offices and science centers, NMFS
also solicited information, including peer-reviewed literature,
scientific reports, and information on cooperative scientific work, on
bycatch activities.
The information received focused mostly on alleged IUU fishing
activity; relatively little information was provided on PLMR bycatch. Of
the bycatch information that was provided, much of it could not be used
in the identification process because this information did not fall
within the preceding calendar year as required in the Moratorium
Protection Act. Unfortunately, due to the process of collecting and
analyzing bycatch information, this information is rarely available for
the previous year.
Even for U.S. PLMR stocks, the most recent data available usually
is at least 2 or 3 years old (e.g., see NMFS marine mammal stock
assessments). Generally, such data must be collected by placing
independent observers on fishing vessels and implementing effective
observer programs. This can be logistically challenging and expensive.
To address this issue, NMFS is providing training and other assistance
to developing nations to foster the development and implementation of
effective observer programs.
Another issue that arose concerned the geographic scope and nature
of bycatch activities. In some cases, information was provided on
fishing activities that did not fall within the scope of PLMR bycatch,
as described under the Moratorium Protection Act. For example,
information was provided on the bycatch of species found solely within
the EEZ of another nation that are not shared with the United States.
Such activities do not qualify as PLMR bycatch for purposes of the
Moratorium Protection Act.
All information received and collected was compiled, reviewed, and
compared against the criteria and statutory requirements of the
Moratorium Protection Act. Following this process, NMFS analyzed the
information and concluded that no nations could be identified for PLMR
bycatch under section 610 due to the restrictions in the Moratorium
Protection Act. Further, no nations were identified under section 609
for violating RFMO bycatch measures. NMFS did, however, identify six
nations (France, Italy, Libya, Panama, People's Republic of China,
and Tunisia) for other IUU fishing activities under section 609.
Although NMFS fulfilled its obligations under the Act to examine
information on bycatch for potential use in the identification
procedures, NMFS was unable to identify nations for having vessels
engaged in fishing activity or practices that result in PLMR bycatch for
the reasons discussed above. In preparation for the second biennial
report to Congress, which was published in January 2011, NMFS followed
the same process and faced the same challenges. NMFS was unable to
identify nations having vessels engaged in PLMR bycatch.
Despite these difficulties in implementing these provisions, NMFS
already has long-standing outreach and assistance programs with a number
of nations to address their PLMR bycatch. The U.S. Government engages in
cooperative research with several nations and is working to enhance
other nations' capacity to reduce and mitigate bycatch. NMFS
intends to continue those programs and to initiate additional programs
with other nations based on the nature of their PLMR bycatch
interactions, need for assistance, and willingness to work cooperatively
with the United States.
Additionally, NMFS developed a process to determine which
nations' fishing activities are likely to result in bycatch of PLMR
species. As part of this process, NMFS began to compare the distribution
of PLMR species with the distribution of fisheries effort using gear
that is known to have significant PLMR bycatch rates. NMFS conducted an
initial analysis comparing available information on pelagic longline
fisheries with species distribution information. Additional analyses and
information will be required to develop a comprehensive list of nations
whose fishing activities are likely to result in PLMR bycatch. NMFS also
will continue to collect information for possible identification of
nations for PLMR bycatch under the provisions of the Moratorium
Protection Act.
Identifying Nations in Relation to Shark Conservation
The High Seas Driftnet Fishing Moratorium Protection Act was
amended by the international provisions of the Shark Conservation Act,
which was enacted in January 2011. Under this law, NMFS is required to
identify nations whose fishing vessels engaged in directed or incidental
catch of sharks on the high seas and do not have a regulatory program
for the conservation of sharks comparable to that of the United States.
More information on how NMFS plans to implement these provisions can be
found in a proposed rule that was published in July 2012 (NMFS, 2012).
Although this law is in the early stages of implementation, it provides
a new tool to promote the sustainable harvest and management of sharks
and the adoption of international measures for the conservation of
This paper has summarized how NMFS has and is implementing the new
bycatch provisions in the MSA. The new provisions have provided new and
enhanced tools to address bycatch both domestically and internationally.
Importantly, the provisions provide new mechanisms through which
stakeholders can inform and influence effective bycatch practices.
Section 316 of the MSA, which created the BREP, has made
significant progress to develop technological devices and other
conservation engineering designed to minimize bycatch, seabird
interactions, bycatch mortality, and post-release mortality in Federally
managed fisheries. It is worth noting that although Section 316(a)
focuses on Federally managed fisheries, Section 316(c) allows for an
international element to the overall work of the BREP, at least in terms
of seabird interactions. In addition, although the most recent
reauthorization of the MSA did not revise the MSA's definition of
bycatch to encompass seabirds, Section 316's explicit
identification of seabirds as a major concern of the Bycatch Reduction
Engineering Program does more closely associate seabirds with the
concept of bycatch.
Improvements to bycatch reduction devices and TED's in
Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico trawl fisheries, gillnets in Northeast
fisheries, and trawls in Alaska and Pacific Northwest fisheries;
improvements in our understanding of post-release mortality in Southwest
shark fisheries; and documentation and monitoring of seabird bycatch
around the country will help NMFS meet its obligations under the MSA,
ESA, MMPA, and the U.S. National Plan of Action for Reducing the
Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries. The impacts of
shifting the majority of BREP funding in 2012 from internal agency
research to external non-Federal grants are hard to estimate, but
applying internal BREP project selection criteria to the external grants
program should result in the awarding of grants to high-quality
The new international bycatch provisions in the MSA provide an
innovative and comprehensive tool through which the United States can
address bycatch by foreign nations. By combining incentives for positive
action toward addressing and mitigating bycatch and sanctions for
fishing activities and practices that result in bycatch of protected
species, the provisions embody a "carrot and stick" approach
to encourage effective bycatch reduction practices and reprove failure
to employ these practices.
Given the lack of resources of some nations to address bycatch,
NMFS and the U.S. Congress have embraced the approach of providing
international cooperation and assistance to other nations to enhance
their capacity for achieving sustainable fisheries. In the first year of
the reauthorized MSA, a half million dollars was spent by NMFS on
cooperative work with other nations to address IUU and international
bycatch. In subsequent years, Congress has allocated more than one
million dollars, allowing NMFS to provide financial and personnel
resources to developing nations. Capacity building projects that NMFS
has supported or assisted include observer and enforcement training,
marine mammal stranding training, training in the use of bycatch
reduction and mitigation gear such as circle hooks, and bycatch
If funding continues at or above the current level, NMFS can
potentially implement a long-term bycatch strategy. Unlike the
short-term international bycatch reduction projects in which most
governments and NGO's engage, a long-term strategy would encourage
enduring changes. A recent study by the National Research Council found
that long-term investments in capacity building are critical for proper
stewardship of the oceans, but are often not funded (NRC, 2008). The MSA
funding can possibly help fill this need.
The new MSA provisions hold value for many of NMFS'
stakeholders, from fishermen to foreign nations. There are three aspects
of the new provisions that are especially notable: increased equity, new
mechanism of communication, and new outlets to influence change. The
provisions could potentially increase international equity of bycatch
requirements. As the United States is at the vanguard of implementing
bycatch measures domestically, increased equity would benefit domestic
fishermen, allowing them to be more competitive on the global market.
In the past, the United States used international organizations,
multilateral, and bilateral meetings as venues in which to discuss
international bycatch. Unfortunately, some nations do not belong to
relevant international organizations to which the United States is a
member or do not have relevant multilateral or bilateral relationships
with the United States. The consultation provisions provide new
mechanisms through which the United States and foreign nations can
engage in constructive discourse about bycatch reduction techniques and
Increasingly in recent years, nongovernmental organizations,
RFMO's, and academics are undertaking research and data collection
on international bycatch practices (Lewison et al., 2004; Lewison and
Crowder, 2007; Lopez-Mendilaharsu et al., 2007). The identification and
certification processes of the reauthorized MSA provide an opportunity
to use the information gleaned from these investigations to influence
the bycatch practices of other nations, primarily in those circumstances
in which bilateral and multilateral engagement have not been effective
in reducing bycatch. The primary constraints on this information are
that it must focus on bycatch by individual vessels and must be obtained
within the calendar year preceding the biennial report to Congress. If
Congress passes H.R. 4100 and/or S. 52, the time frame for information
that could be used in identifying nations for bycatch would expand to
three years, which could increase the information available for
potential use in the identification process under the reauthorized MSA.
Further, this legislation would authorize creation of an International
Cooperation and Assistance Program to provide assistance for efforts to
build sustainable fishery management capacity in other nations. This
program, which would be authorized at $5 million annually over five
years, could allow NMFS to expand its international cooperative
assistance program and significantly increase NMFS' efforts to
address international bycatch.
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Lee R. Benaka is the National Coordinator of the Bycatch Reduction
Engineering Program in the Office of Sustainable Fisheries, National
Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring,
MD 20910. Laura F. Cimo is with the Office of International Affairs,
National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver
Spring, MD 20910.
Lekelia D. Jenkins is with the School of Marine and Environmental
Affairs, University of Washington, 3707 Brooklyn Avenue NE, Seattle, WA
98105-6715. Corresponding author is Lee R. Benaka (
Table 1.--Differences in the concept of bycatch between the domestic
and international sections of the MSRA.
Considered Considered
Category of resource bycatch in bycatch in
or activity domestic international
sections of sections of
Managed fish Yes No (except sharks)
Nontarget fish Yes Yes
Economic and regulatory discards Yes Yes
Fish released in catch and No No
release programs
Mortality to marine resources No No
caused by derelict fishing
Sea turtles Yes Yes
Marine mammals No Yes
Seabirds No No
Practices other than fishing No Yes