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  • 标题:Toward a model for fisheries social impact assessment.
  • 作者:Pollnac, Richard B. ; Abbott-Jamieson, Susan ; Smith, Courtland
  • 期刊名称:Marine Fisheries Review
  • 印刷版ISSN:0090-1830
  • 出版年度:2006
  • 期号:January
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Superintendent of Documents
  • 摘要:For many years experienced fisheries social scientists have discussed developing a fisheries model for social impact assessment (SIA) that would be more compatible with the approaches taken by fisheries biologists and economists when assessing potential effects of management actions. They suspected that fishery management council (FMC) members might see social impact assessments as more useful if those assessments were provided in a format analogous to fisheries economists' and fisheries biologists' formats.
  • 关键词:Fish industry;Fisheries;Seafood industry;Social impact assessment

Toward a model for fisheries social impact assessment.

Pollnac, Richard B. ; Abbott-Jamieson, Susan ; Smith, Courtland 等


For many years experienced fisheries social scientists have discussed developing a fisheries model for social impact assessment (SIA) that would be more compatible with the approaches taken by fisheries biologists and economists when assessing potential effects of management actions. They suspected that fishery management council (FMC) members might see social impact assessments as more useful if those assessments were provided in a format analogous to fisheries economists' and fisheries biologists' formats.

This point was given further support by Sharp and Lach's (2003) survey of Federal and state fishery managers and decision makers in the Pacific Northwest. They were asked about their knowledge of how to incorporate the social values of fishing communities into planning and decision-making. The authors concluded that it is unlikely that community information can be used in fishery plan development or amendment processes when it is presented in a qualitative, descriptive format.

Stimulated by this discussion, the Office of Science and Technology of NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service invited a group of marine fisheries social scientists with expertise in social science modeling, quantitative methods, and marine fisheries impact assessment to create a conceptual model for predicting the social impacts of fishery management action alternatives using a limited set of quantitative and qualitative indicators. The resulting model was to be suitable for social impact assessment, and it was to include a dependent measure or output that would be analogous to the economists' use of jobs, income, or total economic output in their models.

This paper presents the results of the first phase of this group's work. Well-being was selected as the dependent measure for marine fisheries social impact assessment in this model. While this model is not the only possible approach to social impact assessment, it does open a door to a room that is closer to those currently occupied by marine fisheries economists and their biologist counterparts.

Historical Background

Social impact assessment began as a field in the 1960's as people became more concerned with human impacts on the environment (Finsterbusch and Freudenberg, 2002:408). The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 (1) called for analyzing the impact of human actions on the environment when designated changes were contemplated. Early NEPA guidelines emphasized environmental assessment and did not require SIA's. Few government agencies had yet invested in the social science expertise to do SIA's. Social scientists, however, continued to perfect SIA methodologies (Shields, 1974; Finsterbusch and Wolf, 1977; Finsterbusch et al., 1983; Burch and DeLuca, 1984; Freudenberg, 1986; Barrow, 1997; Becker 1997; Burdge, 1994, 2004; Vanclay, 2003; Taylor et al., 2004).

Preparation and passage of the Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976 (now the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act or MSFCMA, also referred to as the MSA (2)) led to efforts to gather social data and to carry out impact analysis specifically for fisheries (OSU, 1978; Acheson et al., 1980). The National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA-NMFS, 1994, 2001, 2006), in association with social scientists, has been developing SIA approaches since the 1980's. (3) SIA methods were also being developed in other areas of resource management (Kogut, 1976; USDOT, 1982; Bryan, 1984). (4)

The 1990's brought recognition that progress on environmental problems was neither rapid nor successful in part because social and cultural dimensions of resource management were not being given sufficient emphasis. The U.S. Forest Service gathered social scientists from many agencies to develop common SIA approaches (ICGPSIA, 1994). By 1997, SIA became required in many Federal programs. (5) The Interorganizational Committee on Guidelines and Principles for SIA published revised SIA guidelines and principles in 2003 (ICGPSIA, 2003).

In marine resource management, lack of success with fishery management led to changes in the fishery management process and passage of the Sustainable Fisheries Act (SFA) of 1996. National Standard 8 of the SFA requires explicit consideration and minimization of community impacts. The NMFS (1998) subsequently published National Standard 8 Guidelines (6) and has directed efforts toward community profiling to serve as an informed basis from which to begin SIA. While economists had been on NMFS staff since its incarnation as the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries in 1956 (Hobart, 1995), and one anthropologist or sociologist had been in Headquarters since 1974, NMFS hired its first regional social scientist (other than economists) in 1992. By 2005, each NMFS region except the Southwest had at least one such social scientist, signaling a new agency effort to develop its capability to meet its obligations to examine sociocultural regulatory impacts (Colburn et al., 2006).


Building on previous government experience and an extensive literature on SIA, our effort takes SIA for marine resource management a step further. Our goals include making SIA more quantitative and useful. First, data derived through SIA should be amenable to comparison across space and time and should be cross-referenced with biophysical and economic data.

Biophysical and economic data are typically more quantitative than the social science data currently collected for SIA. The quantitative natures of biophysical and economic data facilitate the comparison of datasets collected in disparate spatial and temporal frames. To obtain quantitative social science data for comparative purposes that can be linked with biophysical and economic data, variables need to be identified, defined, and operationalized in a consistent way, and sufficient data must be gathered to make comparisons statistically and scientifically defensible. Operationalization means measuring variables in a way that is replicable, reliable, accurate, and valid. It means the measure is comprehensible to all researchers conducting SIA.

The approach presented here emphasizes the fact that humans are an important component of marine ecosystems. NMFS has committed itself to developing ecosystem-based approaches to marine resource management (7) (NMFS, 1999), an approach compatible with the approach presented here. The current NOAA working definition of an ecosystem is "... a geographically specified system of organisms (including humans), the environment, and the processes that control its dynamics". (8) Another goal is to develop an SIA model that is fully compatible with ecosystem-based approaches to fisheries management.

Well-Being, the Dependent Measure

The SIA model for marine resource management is designed to predict changes in well-being. Well-being refers to the degree to which an individual, family, or larger social grouping (e.g. firm, community) can be characterized as being healthy (sound and functional), happy, and prosperous.

One might argue that changes in economic welfare, such as changes in income or wealth are adequate measures of well-being. Social scientists, however, have shown that fishing and interaction with marine resources is much more than solely an economic activity (Acheson et al., 1980; Anderson, 1980; Smith, 1981; McCay et al., 1993; Bunce et al., 2000). Well-being is affected by a large number of sociocultural and economic variables that are impacted by management decisions, making it a suitable measure in this context (Colfer and Byron, 2001; Eckersley, et al., 2001; Gullone and Cummins, 2002; Suh and Deiner, 2003). There is a substantial literature on this widely used construct as well as on its operationalization at the individual, community, and national levels of analysis. It has the advantage that it can be measured in multiple ways using established and publicly available indicators for different levels of analysis (Sharpe, 1999; Ryan and Deci, 2001; Sirgy, 2002; Zumbo, 2002), and it can be related to the narrower economic measures of welfare.

SIA Procedure

The first step carried out by an analyst in an SIA is a scoping process to determine the sociocultural variables relevant to the management questions (NMFS, 2001). This can lead to initial sketches of the sociocultural system that may be affected by the management action. Management actions will affect a range of social entities including individuals, firms, families, and communities (9), and therefore the SIA must attend to these as distinct units of analysis.

Special attention should be given to social groups that may gain or lose from the management choices made. These populations may not always be readily visible at public hearings or on newspaper op-ed pages. Scoping, theretore, requires an assessment of each part of the sociocultural system that is likely to be affected, with specific attention to any marginalized populations because environmental justice issues may also be involved.

Of primary concern is measuring how the well-being of system participants will change. The objective is not to include every sociocultural element in the system: it is to do an initial assessment that identifies the critical populations that have a significant stake in the management action and the issues of concern to these populations that may increase or decrease their well-being.

The next step following the scoping process is to operationalize the relevant variables by defining the variables in a way that facilitates measurement. (10) A variety of instruments available for these assessments are given in the appendix. Limited financial resources, time constraints, and staff skill level might further limit the variables and measures chosen.


More important than simply identifying variables, however, is discerning the relationships among them. This is because the impact on one variable or variable set may be transmitted to another linked variable or variable set through cumulative processes, feedback loops, and other systematic relationships. These relationships can exist both within single levels of analysis (e.g. the community) and across levels of analysis (e.g. the individual, the family, and the community). Some of these relationships are explored in the following sections.

General Fishery SIA Model

The general marine resource SIA model presented in Figure 1 depicts the sociocultural system, showing that external forces influence management strategies, which, in turn, influence human activities with regard to marine resources. These changes in activities impact satisfaction with the activities, and this influences aspects of individuals and the communities in which they live, as illustrated by the individual and social attributes (Fig. 1). The arrows in this figure reflect interrelationships (cause-effect, resonance, cumulative impacts) between these classes of variables that will be explained below as the general model is developed for commercial, subsistence, and recreational fisheries.

SIA in Three Types of Fisheries

Although there are many ways to classify U.S. fisheries, fishery managers identify three categories: commercial, subsistence, and recreational fisheries, and their subtypes. We consider how SIA can be conducted for each of these three kinds of fisheries. The examples that follow build from descriptions of the general ecosystem and illustrate relationships among variables that impact well-being. In the most general of formulations, a fishery is a system in which humans are linked to "fish."


Commercial Fisheries

First, we will examine potential impacts of management on commercial fishermen (11) and shore side entities that constitute the commercial sector (e.g. processors and dealers, ice houses, etc.), as well as the commercial sector of the marine recreational fishery, including charter boat operators, party boat operators, guides, marina operators, bait and tackle dealers, and other entities appropriate to the SIA.

The simplified model (Fig. 1) presents some rather obvious relationships, and Figure 2 identifies for illustrative purposes a few of the specific variables included in each of the general categories in Figure 1. A more comprehensive list of variables can be found in the appendix. We argue that external forces, such as population pressure, declining fish stocks, environmental activism, and climate change influence the management of fisheries. In turn, management, which can impact fishing targets, times, techniques, numbers of fishermen, and other variables (the appendix lists activity attributes) has an influence on various attributes of the occupation of fishing.


Impacts of the changes will vary according to attributes of the impacted fishery, fishermen, and community--some are more resilient (see glossary) than others. Smith et al. (2003), for example, discuss some factors influencing differential resilience of fishing families impacted by the Florida net fishing ban, and Gilden et al. (1999) discuss Oregon fishing communities' differential ability to cope in the face of complex regional changes. Individual and social resilience are complicated variables that represent an ability to cope with change, and they are related to other social and psychological variables including social support systems (both familial and external), self-esteem, and perceived control (Mederer, 1999). Additionally, Mederer (1999) notes that resilience is not a fixed attribute, but results from interaction between family and individual attributes and external circumstances.

Individual fishermen accustomed to a fishery with one set of attributes must then become accustomed to changes, some of which may impact their level of activity satisfaction and ultimately their well-being. In the instance of an occupation like commercial fishing we will refer to the activity satisfaction of individuals as job satisfaction, which is more commonly used in the literature. A great deal of research (Apostle et al., 1985; Pollnac and Poggie, 1988; Gatewood and McCay, 1990; Binkley, 1995; Pollnac et al., 2001) has linked job satisfaction to 1) individual attributes such as mental health and longevity, and 2) social problems such as family violence, absenteeism, and job performance (Fig. 3 gives a more complete list of impacts (12)).

While job satisfaction is an important aspect of all occupations, it is especially significant with regard to a fishery--including both commercial fishermen and commercial sectors of the recreational fishing industry (e.g. charter boat operators and fishing guides). The structure of job satisfaction among these groups manifests a common component (13) that is not always found in other occupations--a self-actualization component that includes "adventure" and "challenge" (Smith, 1981; Apostle et al., 1985; Pollnac and Poggie, 1988; Gatewood and McCay, 1990; Binkley, 1995; Pollnac, et al., 2001; Pollnac and Poggie, 2006).

These concepts have been described by fishermen as including the thrill of the hunt, the challenge of facing the power and expanse of the sea, and the overall adventure of pitting oneself against the elements and finding fish.

These attitudes towards the occupation of fishing are found in the U.S. east coast, Canada, Southeast Alaska (see Pollnac and Poggie, 2006), Southeast Asia (Philippines, Vietnam and Indonesia: Pollnac et al., 2001), and Central America (Pollnac and Ruiz-Stout, 1977).

Pollnac and Poggie (1980) suggest that this is an attitude shared by most fishermen. For example, in response to a question asking a sample of fishermen (n=153) from 11 villages what they like about fishing in comparison to other occupations, the most frequent response category was "sport-pleasure" (35%) followed by "income" (31%) and "independence" (16%). With regard to the "sport-pleasure" category, fishermen actually said that fishing is like a sport. They emphasized the sporting aspect of struggling with fish as well as the pleasurable aspects of being on the sea and in the fresh air (Pollnac and Ruiz-Stout, 1977).

These components of job satisfaction are related to a personality trait that serves to adapt fishermen to the dangers and risks of their occupation (see Pollnac et al., 1998 and Pollnac and Poggie, 2006 and the references therein). Overall, an extensive literature supports the contention that fishermen manifest the personality traits of being adventurous, active, aggressive, and courageous (Poggie and Gersuny, 1974; Pollnac, 1988; Binkley, 1995).

We are not arguing that it is only these personality traits that result in individuals choosing to become fishermen. They also enter the occupation as a means of making money, because their family or friends arc fishermen, and/or because it is a traditional occupation in their community.

What we do argue, however, is that individuals not manifesting these personality traits would not be satisfied with the risks to personal safety and production associated with the dangers, challenges, and uncertainty of the occupation (as illustrated by the arrow from "individual attributes," which includes personality, to "job satisfaction" in Fig. 2) and would either be less efficient as fishermen or drop out of the occupation entirely (Binkley, 1995; Pollnac et al., 1998). This could then increase the percentage of fishermen manifesting these traits.

Management measures which influence aspects of fishing (e.g. quotas, time limits, numbers of days fishing available, and a myriad of other constraints on many aspects of the fishing activity), will have differential impacts on job satisfaction, ranging anywhere from negative to positive, depending on the action. Regulations that require fishermen to spend either more or less time than usual at home can impact not just job satisfaction but family life, and both are important components of well-being. Regulations requiring large capital investments can limit investments in other important areas such as vessel maintenance, the fishermen's homes, and their children's education--all impacting well-being. Changes that result in the loss of fishing opportunities, however, will have the greatest negative impacts, as alternative income projects are often problematic for this group (Pollnac et al., 2001; Sievanen et al., 2005; Pollnac and Poggie, 2006).

Social problems associated with job dissatisfaction, as well as other variables mentioned above, can impact aspects of community structure including community solidarity and levels of compliance with fishery regulations. In turn, levels of compliance can feed back and impact aspects of fishery management. Further, other aspects of community structure, such as occupational structure, can impact activity attributes. Community power structure, which might include powerful fisheries organizations, can directly influence management as well as the external forces that influence management. Finally, individual attributes, social problems, and community structure all have an effect on well-being.

A familiar example of the relationships between some of the variables in Figure 2 would be the external forces (e.g. industry organizations) that have influenced managers in some areas to implement individual fishery quotas (IFQ's) (management). In Alaska this was accomplished with the Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis)/sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) IFQ program, which climinated the short "derby fishing" (14) seasons, and spread fishing out over a longer period (activity attributes). Interviews conducted as part of a research project in Southeast Alaska in 2002-03 (cf. Pollnac and Poggie, 2006) indicated that in some fisheries in Alaska, the IFQ also led to a decrease in crew size (activity attributes) since there was no longer a need for a large crew to maximize catches in a short period, as there had been during the short pre-IFQ management fishing season. With the catch spread out over a longer period, the seasonal changes in the fishery (15) (activity attributes) were also influenced. Further, with a smaller crew the owner could rely on a few family members, reducing the need to hire nonfamily crew members (activity attribute), and in turn reducing the occupational mobility of those not coming from fishing families (social-community attributes, individual attributes). In addition, the cost of an IFQ became so large (activity attributes) that many young people lost the hope of ever accumulating enough capital to enter the fishery (individual attributes), hence restricting their occupational mobility (social-community attributes). Many former crewmembers were forced to leave the fishery (social-community attributes, social problems); some also lost hope of ever becoming a boat owner (individual attributes), hence impacting fishery employment level (social-community attributes, social problems). Relationships between these variables are shown in Figure 4, which illustrates the impacts of these changes in the occupation on other important variables including well-being.

The changed occupation structure of the impacted communities has resulted in greater social stratification, with relatively well-off IFQ holders (some holding multiple permits) gaining more power in the community and increasing their influence on management, at the expense of unemployed crew members and those who have been unable to accumulate multiple permits (social-community attributes, social problems). Thus, the well-being of the IFQ holders increased while that of the unemployed former crew decreased.

Fishermen forced out of the industry who have moved into other occupations, as well as those who see no chance to improve their position in the fishery, have decreased job satisfaction with its attendant negative impacts, including decreases in well-being. Those with IFQ's have increased job satisfaction (individual attributes) and well-being. Hence, well-being has improved for some and decreased for others (cf. Pollnac and Poggie, 2006). Loy (2006) reports on a similar situation developing in a new quota fishery for the Alaskan Bering Sea/Aleutians Islands king and Tanner crab fishery (Paralithodes camtschaticus, P. platypus, Lithodes aequispinus, L. couesi, Chionoecestes bairdi, C. opilio, C. tanneri, and C. angulatus), which has not only IFQ's but also individual processing quotas (IPQ's) for processors. Similar problems associated with IFQ's in other fisheries have been noted by Childers (2007). Discussion concerning measurement and analyses of these variables is found in the appendix.

Subsistence Fisheries

Subsistence fishing refers to fishing activity directed at capturing fish for consumption rather than sale. The simplest example would involve a person who captures fish for consumption by his or her nuclear household. (16) More complex examples involve capture and distribution networks of families with no sale involved. For example, Magdanz et al. (2002), conducting research in Wales and Deering, Alaska, using network analyses, identified eight production and distribution networks in Wales and six in Deering. Networks averaged 5 households (range 2 to 11) and 17 individuals (range 2 to 41).

Further, the simplest cases of subsistence fishing involve production of fish for human food, thus reducing the costs of feeding a family. Sometimes, however, the harvest is used to feed animals essential to subsistence activity. For example, in the Kotzebue District of Alaska, about 9% of the subsistence salmon harvest for 2003 was used to feed sled dogs, which was down from a high of between 29 and 34% in 1995-97 (Georgette et al., 2004).

In more complex but also relatively common cases, especially those involving distribution networks, the producers gain prestige and social security, rather than monetary income, by providing for networks of consumers (Kishigami, 2005; Stewart, 2005), and the act of sharing reinforces intra-group solidarity and cooperation so essential among subsistence peoples (Freeman. 2005; Stewart, 2005). The best producers harvest more than they and their immediate families need, and they share the excess with relatives and other people in the community, contributing to their relative prestige, and perhaps more importantly, to a sense of community and cooperation among the people of the community (Magdanz et al., 2002).

Finally, among some peoples, a subsistence-based lifestyle is an important aspect of cultural identification, and the product itself may form an essential part of specific cultural activities (Norris, 2002). Other than the preceding aspects of subsistence fishing, which are vastly more important in this sector than in commercial fishing (Fig. 2), many of the same issues identified for assessing the commercial fishery apply.

An example will help illustrate some of the relationships between the variables included in Figure 2 as well as the subsistence-specific variables discussed above relating to our model. The Makah Nation members in Washington, like many of the original inhabitants of the northwest coast of North America, have a long tradition of seal (Callorhinus ursinus, pre-1900; Phoca vitulina and Zalaphus californianus today (17)) hunting stretching for thousands of years into the prehistoric past (Sepez, 2001). (18) Seal products formed a significant and desired part of the diet, and the hunting and distribution of these products were important elements in a communal distribution system, confirming social relationships and bestowing prestige on the hunters.


This tradition and its associated knowledge led the hunters to be hired as crew members on sealing schooners in the late 1860's, eventually purchasing their own boats and gear in the 1890's. This resulted in a high level of well-being for the Makah.


During the 1890's the United States began regulating sealing through international agreements, and seizures of Makah boats occurred despite the fact that the Treaty of Neah Bay gave the Makah the right to fish, whale, and seal in accustomed grounds, and Makah well-being declined. (19)

The Makah, contending that the treaty gave them the right to hunt, continued sealing, leading to further seizures. This resulted in a generalized distrust of both government resource management and commitment to treaty rights. This brief history provides the background to help explain the social impacts of interrelationships between efforts to manage seal populations and aspects of Makah society and culture in the 20th century. Figure 5 models the relationships discussed in the following example.

In the first part of the 20th century harbor seals were considered pests by society at large (i.e. not the Makah), in part due to their voracious consumption of other marine life (external forces). From the 1920's up until 1960 in Washington and 1970 in Oregon, bounty programs were implemented by the states (management), and Makah hunters could collect a bounty for each seal as well as keep seal products for consumption. Later perceptions of marine mammals as being in danger of extinction, as well as a developing belief in the larger society that these mammals are somehow special (external forces) led to the passage of the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) in 1972. This resulted in prohibiting the Makah from harvesting seals for any purpose, including the retention of incidental catch (management).

The Makah, believing that the Treaty of Neah Bay gave them the right to harvest seals for subsistence, continued to hunt (social problems) resulting in citations and confiscation of the seals (management). Due to these enforcement activities, scaling was reduced (activity attributes), denying hunters a pursuit they enjoyed (activity satisfaction) and one that provided them with food and prestige in the community (social-community attributes).

Seal products thus became scarce in the community distribution system, reducing an important contributor to social solidarity and social security (social-community attribute). The reduced availability of seal products in the community also negatively impacted nutrition and dietary satisfaction (individual attributes). Violations of the ban, however, continued (social problems), both covertly by changing sealing times and locations (activity attributes) and overtly, with seal being consumed at community parties (social problems). These continuing violations contributed to a scofflaw attitude regarding official U.S. Government management efforts (individual attribute, social problem).

Taken together, all these factors contributed to a decreased sense of both individual and social well-being. Reinterpretation of the MMPA in 1994 led to amendments, once again allowing Native American groups to harvest marine mammals as provided in their treaty rights, hence, beginning the process of reducing the negative impacts that occurred as a result of the original act.

Recreational Fisheries

We turn now to those who fish for other than commercial and subsistence reasons. For convenience, we employ recreational fishing as a cover term to denote leisure-based fishing which includes the most casual forms of fishing, the most serious forms of fishing by sportsmen, and also the "expense fishing" of those who fish for pleasure but sell their catch to cover some costs.

Recreational fishing takes place in a variety of settings. Variants on the recreational fishing theme include: 1) anglers fishing from their own boats, 2) anglers fishing from shore (e.g. on piers, beaches, riverbanks), 3) anglers who rent boats that they operate, 4) anglers who fish on charter boats (see glossary) with captains and crew, 5) anglers who fish on party boats (see glossary) with captains and crew, and 6) anglers who fish in tournaments and derbies.

As pointed out earlier, commercial and subsistence fishermen often congregate and reside in villages, communities, small towns, and neighborhoods. Although recreational fishermen do, at times, dwell in a particular geographic region, they arc also very likely to be widely distributed. In many instances of fishery management, recreational fishermen arc better regarded analytically as a community of interest than as a place-based community.

Recreational fishing has enormous value to participants and those who provide direct services and equipment, as well as local communities. While recreational fishing is frequently discussed in terms of its economic value, it also has important social and cultural values (Smith, 1980). (20) The sociocultural value of recreational fishing can be measured on multiple levels including relationships associated with the fishing trip itself and with the experience of fishing (e.g. with family or friends), with distribution of the catch, and with talking about fishing, i.e. "fish talk." There arc also benefits to the individual such as fulfilling psychological needs like independence, risk taking, relaxation, and identity affirmation (Smith, 1980; Ditton et al., 1992; Fedler and Ditton, 1994; Ditton. 1996; Fedler, 2000; Ditton and Sutton, 2004).

To illustrate the kinds of analytical questions an SIA might address in the context of a recreational fishery, we draw upon events in southern California between 1998 and 2003 that resulted in the designation of a network of marine protected areas (MPA's) in the Channel Islands area. The simplified fishery SIA model (Fig. 2) is again our starting point, and the specific variables in the following example are illustrated in Figure 6. The Channel Islands of interest--which include the islands of San Miguel, Santa Rosa, Santa Cruz, Anacapa, and Santa Barbara--lie off the California cities of Santa Barbara and Los Angeles.

The islands and the adjacent marine environment have long been valued for their considerable fishing resources and wildlife amenities. In 1980, Federal actions created the Channel Islands National Park and also the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary (CINMS). (21) The park boundary extends to 1 n.mi. off the islands; the sanctuary boundary extends to 6 n.mi. offshore (management).

Beginning in the late 1990's, a combination of special-interest-group initiatives (external forces), innovative state legislation, and natural resource management actions culminated in the creation of a network of MPA's (management) in California waters (NMPAC, 2003; Bernstein et al., 2004). In 1998, the California Fish and Game Commission (CFGC), which sets fishery policy for California state waters, received a recommendation from a group of citizens (including a very prominent recreational fisherman) who had formed the Channel Islands Marine Resources Restoration Committee to set aside 20% of a 1 n.mi. zone around the northern Channel Islands for no-take marine reserves (external forces).

In response to this request and in recognition of the need for a community process, CINMS and the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG), which implements CFGC policies, developed a joint Federal/state partnership to examine MPA issues in the sanctuary. (22) In 1999, California enacted the Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA). This landmark legislation established a legal mandate for the creation of a system of MPA's (management).

In 1999, the Sanctuary Advisory Council (SAC), an advisory group to the sanctuary manager, created a stakeholder-based community group called the Marine Reserves Working Group (MRWG). This group in turn created a Science Advisory Panel and a Socioeconomic Advisory Panel (management). In 2000, both panels recommended the creation of at least one reserve (but not more than four) comprising between 30 and 50% of the representative habitat in each area.

In reference to this recommendation, the socioeconomic panel (Davis, 2001, cited in NMPAC, 2003:31), estimated that a closure of 50% of the sanctuary would result in a maximum potential loss of about 50% in fishing industry revenue for both the commercial and recreational sectors (management). In 2001, MRWG reported to SAC that while members agreed on MPA goals, objectives, and issues (i.e. ecosystem biodiversity, socioeconomic issues, sustainable fisheries, natural and cultural heritage, and education) the group could not agree on one unified spatial recommendation. Importantly, two MRWG members representing recreational fishing constituencies sharply disagreed with recommendations from the Science Advisory Panel. In response, SAC forwarded all materials developed by MRWG and its two panels to the CINMS manager (management).

In 2001 CINMS and CDFG developed a preferred alternative based on the work of the MRWG and advisory panels and presented this to the CFGC (California Department of Fish and Game, 2006:64). In October 2002--and after extensive public review and discussion--the Commission approved the preferred alternative. This established a MPA network consisting of 1) ten (no-take) state marine reserves, 2) a state marine conservation area permitting limited recreational fishing off of Santa Cruz Island, and 3) another state marine conservation area permitting limited recreational and commercial fishing off of Anacapa Island. The total area protected with the system equaled 19% of the state waters within the sanctuary (Ugoretz, 2002:E-2; sce also National Marine Protected Areas Center and NOAA Coastal Services Center, 2003:25-50). The state's MPA network went into effect 9 April 2003 (NOS, 2003:27990) (management).


The combined external forces and management actions discussed above have led to changes in areas where recreational fishermen may fish (activity attributes). One observer has argued that the substantial and prolonged media attention (external forces) to the creation of no-take reserves has inhibited the recruitment of recreational fishermen (Osborn, 2005:12) and also changed demand for recreational fishing providers (social-community attributes, activity attributes).

The potential loss of confidence in the fishery management regime among some recreational fishermen may precipitate social problems such as noncompliance. When all of the interactions of forces discussed above are taken into account, we believe that it is probable that the marine reserve process has negatively affected the activity satisfaction and well-being of some recreational fishermen, although this has not been directly assessed. At least on the perceptual level, some recreational fishermen may see the potential for their well-being to be reduced. Subsequent research can try to determine whether these perceptions are real. Relationships between all these variables are depicted in Figure 6.


In this paper, we have introduced a general model for social impact assessment in the context of fishery management, especially as conducted by Federal and state executive agencies in the United States. Our model creates opportunities for social research tailored to examine (e.g. by correlation, by causality, via prediction and simulation) the interplay of an array of social variables (e.g. individual and community attributes, social problems, job and other satisfactions, policy decisions), and their effect on community and individual well-being.

Although the model allows the analyst to study how these variables are related to one another, the most obvious overarching use of the model calls for the treatment of these social factors as independent variables that collectively influence the key dependent variable well-being. In elaborating on our model, we demonstrated that social impact assessment takes one of three analytical forms depending on whether the fishery in question is commercial, subsistence, or recreational.

This SIA model is heuristic and can be used to develop a truly quantitative model. Other researchers, in other contexts, have used all of the variables included in the model, and methods have been developed to quantitatively evaluate them at some level of measurement (nominal, ordinal, and interval). However, the variables have not been assessed together in terms of the model presented here. Ideally, some form of causal modeling should be used to test the heuristic model. Such a test would require obtaining data on included variables and testing the model using accepted methods (Blalock, 1964; Asher, 1983; Lieberson, 1985).

This could result in a predictive model that would allow one to change parameters in one part of the model and determine effects in the variable of interest (i.e. well-being). This process would also result in quantitative assessment of the relative importance of variables proposed for the model, perhaps resulting in some reduction in data needs. It is important to base assessments of the relative importance of different variables on quantitative evidence rather than unsubstantiated predictions.

We offer several recommendations regarding fishery applications of SIA. First, we believe this SIA model is useful as a foundation. Nonetheless, we stress that fishery SIA should not depend on any rigid obedience to one model, but it must continue to evolve methodologically in response to changing fishery realities.

Second, we must remember that fishery SIA is a requirement of Federal and other law to ensure that the best available science is provided to policymakers. (23) It is important to understand that SIA is a procedure to describe and predict the sociocultural impacts on selected human populations. It should not be used as a weapon to strategically manufacture "winners" in the policy arena. SIA conclusions are a specification of impacts and may be either negative or positive or both, and may be of major or minor significance. In the final analysis, SIA results are simply factors among others related to economic, biological, and habitat conditions to be considered by fishery managers in determinations of fishery management alternatives.

Third, we need to point out that the kind of SIA analysis outlined here requires data be compiled on many variables for which data are not now available (see appendix) at either the community, or, where appropriate, the individual level. Collection of these data requires NMFS to invest substantially in data collection and compilation and in new research. The recent expansion of the sociocultural analysis program began less than 5 years ago, and while its current funds have allowed it to begin compiling baseline information in each NMFS region (24), it will need substantially more funding and staff to collect the wider array of data required by this model. Good quality sociocultural analysis is no less expensive than good quality economic analysis or fish stock assessment. (25)

In conclusion, we note that SIA is a method that needs to grow in rigor and in its ability to evaluate relationships between variables. It is our expectation that with advances in social science theory and quantitative methodology, SIA will evolve in a manner that supports sound fisheries policy making and management. While commercial and recreational fishing will remain central foci of fisheries management, we envision a broader set of problems to which SIA in marine resource management and conservation is valuable. For example, increasing attention is being given to marine protected areas, open ocean aquaculture, ocean-based energy resources, and marine resource dependent tourism, such as whale watching. In the future, we foresee expanded application of SIA to these and other emergent marine resource management issues. The model presented here provides advice and recommendations that can also be applied to these issues.

APPENDIX: Evaluation of SIA Variables

For marine resource SINs, we recommend first constructing a table to facilitate systematic identification of both the units of analysis and the relevant variables for assessing impacts. Typically, units of analysis (e.g. individuals, firms, communities, tribes, regions) are the rows, while SIA variables are the columns.

Appendix Table 1 provides a comprehensive list of variables from which to choose those relevant for a particular SIA. It includes constructs, associated variables, and some measurement options for each. The long-term objective is to work toward agreement among marine social scientists on consistent operational definitions and standard, accepted measures for each. Consistent operationalization of SIA variables is necessary for making comparisons both across marine resource management SIA's and across time within a resource management SIA.

Some of the variables are in fact indices. Establishing defensible indices is difficult, but can be done by building an index based on work already completed. This appendix, the NOAA (1998, 2001) MSA National Standards and SIA operational guidelines, and historical examples (Pomeroy et at., 1997; Pollnac, 1998; Pollnac and Crawford, 2000; Berkes et al., 2001) all provide a basis for developing useful indices. (26) In all cases, the measures should enable global comparisons. What should be situation specific is the effort to explain the direction and magnitude of change in the index of well-being for particular individuals or groups of individuals at a particular point in time. Explaining why the index has risen or fallen or projecting future trends is the most useful outcome of SIA. The commercial, recreational, and subsistence examples provided in this article illustrate the system's approach and templates as applied to representative marine resource management problems.

Meta-Methodological Considerations

Levels of Measurement

Data should be obtained at the most precise level of measurement appropriate to the variable under consideration to facilitate statistical analyses. It is understood, however, that availability of information or funds to gather information may result in varying levels of precision. Hence, a useful database should accommodate different levels of measurement and provide descriptions of the methods used to facilitate appropriate interpretation of the data (Pollnac, 1998).

For example, the relative degree of solidarity in a community could be based on counts of cooperative organizations, churches, social organizations, and their membership. The total number of organizations, or total membership in such organizations, could be analyzed relative to the total population of a community. This value would be the most precise measure of relative solidarity across communities.

Alternatively, where such statistics are not available, the figure could be based on informant interviews where fishermen and other community members would be asked to list and rank the top five communities in terms of solidarity. Modal ranks for each community could be determined and used as a ranking of relative importance. In this case the level of measurement would be ordinal and not as precise as the previous measure. Nonetheless, it can be used in statistical analysis.

Sometimes information sources will use concepts such as low, medium, high, or some variant of these concepts to indicate a level of importance or use. Despite the fact that these are evaluative concepts, not numbers, they can be converted to numbers signifying an ordinal value. For example, the concepts none, low, medium, and high can be converted to the ordinal values 0, 1, 2, and 3, respectively.

It is extremely important that the direction (in terms of relative amount) of the ordinal values be known. For example, when ranking tasks are performed (e.g. ranking the relative levels of solidarity as in the example above), the top ranked community in terms of solidarity is usually given the rank of "number one" and the least important "number five," or whatever the total number ranked ends up to be. In terms of the direction of these numbers as related to the concept "importance" the numbers are the inverse (in terms of ordinal quantity reflected by 1, 2, 3, etc.) of the actual ordinal quantity.

Correlational analyses using ranks where one is "most important" can be potentially misleading since if this variable is entered into a correlation analysis with another variable where a higher number equals a higher level of the variable, the sign in the result will be negative when the correlation is in fact positive. Hence, in all cases in this database where the ordinal quantity of the concept being measured is higher than another ordinal quantity, the numeric value assigned will be higher.

Finally, continuing with the relative solidarity example, in some cases the source of information may only indicate several communities as having a high degree of solidarity with no ranking. Here we have a simple dichotomy where a given community has solidarity or not--a simple yes/no, limited choice. This type of information is better than none at all, and it can also be used in statistical analysis; hence, accommodation will be made for it in the database. Therefore, each indicator, as appropriate, will have fields for different levels of measurement.


In the description of the variables, remember that there is often more than one measure of a given variable. We often move from actual observation using instruments or our senses, to official records, to triangulated key informant interviews, to individual perceptions. Ideally, the method used to evaluate perceptions of phenomena such as aspects of family and social problems, job satisfaction, level of community conflict, or ability to work together will be able to take advantage of the human ability to make graded ordinal evaluations.

For example, one has the ability to evaluate real world objects in terms of some attribute such as size and not only make the judgment that one is larger than the other, but also that one is a little larger, larger, much larger, or very much larger. Human behavior is based on graded ordinal judgments, not simply a dichotomous judgment of present or absent. For example, a person is more likely to take action if they perceive that an activity will benefit them "greatly" in contrast to "just a little." This refined level of measurement allows one to make more refined assessments concerning fisheries management impacts, as well as permitting use of more powerful statistical techniques to determine relationships between perceived impacts and potential predictor variables. There are several techniques that can be used to evaluate individual perceptions of the indicators we have identified.

One commonly used procedure for measuring degree of satisfaction or dissatisfaction is a Likert-type scale. In this procedure, the researcher asks the subjects to report how satisfied or dissatisfied they are with certain aspects of their occupation, community, or living conditions. If they respond "satisfied," they are then asked if they are "very satisfied," "satisfied," or "just a little satisfied." The same procedure is applied to a "dissatisfied" response.

Including the "neither" or neutral response, results in a 7-point scale, with 1 indicating very dissatisfied and 7 very satisfied. This is more an example of a semantic differential (Osgood et al., 1957). Respondents would be requested to make these judgments for two time periods: today and pre-implementation of the fishery management procedure. Clearly, this would be a cumbersome, time-consuming process with more than just a few indicators. Additionally, the technique might prove to be unreliable for uncovering minor changes between time periods due to the size of the categories used.

Another technique is a visual, self-anchoring, ladder-like scale, which allows for finer ordinal judgments, places fewer demands on informant memory, and can be administered more rapidly (Cantril, 1963). The subject is shown a ladder-like diagram with multiple steps, Where the first step represents the worst possible situation.

For example, with respect to community harmony, the first step would indicate a community with a great deal of conflict, and where community members are involved in a great deal of verbal conflict over various issues such as school taxes, waterfront planning, immigrant populations, etc. The highest step would be described as a conflict free community in which town meetings are characterized by pleasant interaction, where consensus is easily achieved, no issues exist dividing the population, and peaceful interaction is normal.

In a fisheries application, the subject would then be asked where on a ladder (ruler, scale, whatever is appropriate for the subjects involved) the local area is today (the self-anchoring aspect of the scale). The subject would then be asked to indicate where it was before implementation of the fishery management procedure or some other earlier period to establish a baseline. The difference between the two time periods is the measure of change.

The two techniques described above do not provide the same information. The information is similar, but subject to slightly different interpretations. For example, a position on the self-anchoring scale does not necessarily indicate satisfaction or dissatisfaction, and we might be in error if we interpret a scale value above the mid-point as indicating individual satisfaction.

Likewise, satisfaction with an attribute (e.g. income) does not tell us where in the perceived range of income the individual places himself/herself. The self-anchoring scale, however, is both easier to administer and more sensitive to the changes we need to evaluate. For some applied examples see Pollnac and Crawford (2000).

While this discussion assumes that a sample of individuals will be interviewed, focus groups and/or scoping meetings are also commonly used. Social psychology researchers have demonstrated, however, that group responses are influenced by the most powerful or persuasive group members, distorting individual attitudes, beliefs, and values. Nevertheless, the same methods can be applied to a group for a consensus response.

It is suggested, however, that if the group is literate, they be given a printed questionnaire. In all cases, the responses will only reflect group or sample membership, which may not be representative of the target population. Local constraints sometimes require the SIA analyst to rely on opportunistic sampling, rather than on stratified random samples. Even in the opportunistic sampling situation, every attempt should be made to include members of all previously identified relevant populations.
Appendix Table 1.--SIA model variables.

group             Constructs          Variables (1)

External          1. Population       Demographic statistics compared
  forces             pressure         over time, population migration

                  2. Stakeholder      No. of environmental NGO-
                     pressure         generated lawsuits; no. of news
                                      media articles discussing
                                      related public pressure; no. of
                                      related organized meetings,
                                      other events; no. business
                                      associations expressing
                                      interest; treaty rights

                  3. Marine           Fish stock levels; sea mammal
                     resource         population levels; other
                     levels           marine resources

                  4. Marine           Price; non-market value

Management        5. Management       Complexity of management

                  6. Regulations      Fairness, complexity, restric-
                                      tiveness, and effectiveness of

                  7. Management       Public involvement in
                     inclusiveness    management processes

                  8. Enforcement      Levels/types of enforcement
                     and compliance   and noncompliance with activ-
                                      ity regulations, whether
                                      formal or informal

Activity          9. Annual rounds    Structure of annual round
                 10. Fishing units/   Vessel/gear type combinations
                     gear types

                 11. Fishing          Method/mode combinations
                     method/mode      of fishing: 1) shore-based,
                                      including man-made and natural
                                      structures (e.g. beach,
                                      pier, jetty, bridge); 2) party/
                                      charter boat; 3) private/rental
                                      boat; 4) commercial vessel

                 12. Resource         Harvest level or activity
                     use level        intensity (including avidity),
                                      perceptions of abundance.
                                      Where feasible identify by
                                      mode (i.e. commercial,
                                      recreational. or subsistence)

                 13. Resource         Distribution, processing, and
                     use patterns     consumption patterns; social
                                      networks (including references
                                      to reciprocity and other
                                      commercial and noncommercial
                                      forms of exchange); mar-
                                      keting chains (including
                                      references to vertical and
                                      horizontal integration)

                 14. Cost of          For each vessel/gear type
                     entry            combination obtain costs of new
                                      and used vessels/gear, license
                                      and other fees (e.g. dock
                                      fees), and cost of property/
                                      access rights; trip expenses
                                      (e.g. cost breakdown of
                                      transportation, bait, gear,
                                      ice, lodging, food, fees);
                                      training time expenses;
                                      insurance, financing

                 15. Ownership        Individual owner demographic
                     patterns         profiles, including age, sex,
                                      residency, income, education,
                                      total years participating
                                      in activity; corporate owned
                                      vessels, include years in
                                      business, number of vessels
                                      owned, a rating or ranking
                                      measure of size of business
                                      using gross income or proxy
                                      measure as possible, location
                                      of incorporation of business
                                      and principal place of
                                      business, number of employees

                 16. Participation    For each activity type obtain
                     structure        information about participants,
                                      including number; positions/
                                      roles (e.g. owner captain,
                                      captain, engineer, cook,
                                      deckhand, shell shucking,
                                      ritual specialist) as
                                      appropriate; participant
                                      hierarchy; general participant
                                      selection criteria (e.g.
                                      kinsmen if available, friends,
                                      levels of skill); and partici-
                                      pant demographic infor-
                                      mation (including residence)

                 17. Safety           Level of safety of the activity

                 18. Physical         Condition and adequacy of
                     resources/       activity-related physical re-
                     infrastructure   sources/infrastructure

                 19. Activity         Mobility within an activity;
                     mobility         alternative activities
                                      (including jobs, recreation,
                                      and subsistence); and

Activity         20. Activity         Level of satisfaction derived
  satisfaction       satisfaction     from or associated with
                                      participation in the activity

Individual       21. Participant      Participant demographic
  attributes         characte-        profiles, including age, sex,
                     ristics          residency, income. education,
                                      total years participating in

                 22. Mental           Mental health condition of
                     health,          individuals

                 23. Physical         Physical health condition
                     health,          of individuals

                 24. Resilience,      Capability of individuals to
                     individual       cope successfully in the face
                                      of significant adversity or

                 25. Personality      Distinctive behavioral
                     traits           regularities across diverse
                                      life situations through time

Social-          26. Demographic      Demographic statistics for
  community          characte-        place-based and activity-based
  attributes         ristics          communities

                 27. Social           Type and degree of social
                     stratification   stratification and differences
                                      in place-based and activity

                 28. Power            People, public and private
                     structure        organizations and institutions
                                      who have influence or authority
                                      within the place-based and
                                      activity communities

                 29. Occupational     Occupational structure of
                     structure        place-based and activity

                 30. Income/          Proportion of income from
                     benefit          activity, and/or proportion of
                                      activity-related product in
                                      diet (Note: Benefit in this
                                      context is defined as
                                      subsistence use of activity-
                                      related products.)

                 31. Dependence       Level of dependence of place-
                                      based community, house-
                                      holds and families on the
                                      activity [Note: A current
                                      working NMFS definition is:
                                      Dependence is a measure of the
                                      level of participation in a
                                      fishery relative to other
                                      community activities, and
                                      relative to all other
                                      communities linked to fishing
                                      in some way (Norman et al. (3))].

                 32. Engagement       Level of engagement of place-
                                      based community, house-
                                      holds and families on the
                                      activity [Note: A current
                                      working NMFS definition is:
                                      Engagement is a measure of
                                      the level of participation
                                      relative to the overall level
                                      of participation in a
                                      fishery (Norman et al. (3))]

                 33. Community        Levels of solidarity in place-
                     solidarity       based and activity communities

                 34. Physical         Physical health condition of
                     health-          place-based and activity com-
                     community        munities

                 35. Mental           Mental health condition of
                     health-          place-based and activity com-
                     community        munities

                 36. Cultural         The role of activity and marine
                     heritage and     environment in history,
                                      spirituality, self-represen-
                     norms/values     tation/identity, and knowledge

                 37. Resilience-      Capability of coping
                     community        successfully (resilience) in
                                      face of significant adversity
                                      or risk in place-based and
                                      activity-based communities,
                                      families, and households

Social           38. Social           Social problems in place-based
  problems           problems         and activity communities
                                      and families

                 39. Conflict         Level of conflict in place-
                                      based and activity communities
                                      (both within and between
                                      groups) and in families

                 40. Regulatory       Levels/types of noncompliance
                     non-compliance   with activity regulations,
                                      whether formal or informal, in
                                      place-based and activity

Well-being       41. Index of        Levels of well-being in place-
  attributes         well-being       based and activity based com-
                                      munities, families, and

Construct                             Suggested
group             Constructs          measurement strategies

External          1. Population       U.S. Census, comparing
  forces             pressure         population figures over time
                                      for locations of interest;
                                      Federal government reports
                                      documenting changes in
                                      population patterns; state and
                                      local websites for locations of

                  2. Stakeholder      Develop an index of pressure
                     pressure         from publicly available infor-
                                      mation including no. of NGO-
                                      generated lawsuits, content
                                      analysis of relevant NGO
                                      websites, content analysis of
                                      news media, and other relevant
                                      archival resources

                  3. Marine           Specific species or species
                     resource         complex; state and/or Federal
                     levels           fish stock assessments for
                                      regions of interest; Federal
                                      and state sea mammal population
                                      estimates; Federal/state esti-
                                      mates other marine resource

                  4. Marine           NMFS Market News; various
                     resource         governmental and non-
                     value            governmental price and market
                                      surveys; sample survey; archi-
                                      val resources

Management        5. Management       1) Sample survey of perceptions
                     structure        of complexity of the man-
                                      agement structure; 2) index
                                      including, for example, number
                                      of gears managed per year,
                                      number of species managed
                                      per year, number of management
                                      measures introduced per
                                      year; number of governance
                                      bodies involved; 3) count of
                                      jurisdictional entities

                  6. Regulations      1) Sample survey of perceptions,
                                      2) archival sources (e.g.
                                      news media, lawsuits, NGO, and
                                      other scorecards)

                  7. Management       1) Sample survey of perceptions,
                     inclusiveness    2) archives or observations:
                                      counts of public comments in
                                      documents and number/type of
                                      participants at public meetings

                  8. Enforcement      1) Sample survey/structured
                     and compliance   interviews/triangulated key
                                      informant interviews of
                                      individual reports and/or
                                      perceptions (including
                                      questions about behaviors of
                                      others), 2) archival data
                                      (e.g. review fisheries law
                                      enforcement reports and news
                                      media; numbers of citations and
                                      infractions, normalized for
                                      nonuniform levels of
                                      enforcement coverage;
                                      creel survey reports)

Activity          9. Annual rounds    Sample survey/key informant
  attributes                          interviews regarding activ-
                                      ity types (marine and non-
                                      marine) by month and location.
                                      Locations of activities should
                                      be mapped, using place
                                      names and results of mapping
                                      exercises-translated to GIS

                 10. Fishing units/   Sample survey; open-ended/
                     gear types       structured interviews/pile
                                      sorting/consensus analysis;
                                      observation-based empirical
                                      methods; agency effort and
                                      permit data; official license/
                                      port/harbor data, if available;
                                      observation to ground truth
                                      other methods. If conflicting
                                      data from various sources, a
                                      census may be necessary. Fishing
                                      gear taxonomies have been
                                      developed by states, interstate
                                      commissions, and Federal
                                      fisheries managers and vary by
                                      region and source.

                 11. Fishing          Sample survey; open-ended/
                     method/mode      structured interviews/pile
                                      sorting/consensus analysis;
                                      observation-based empirical
                                      methods; MRFSS; official permit
                                      license/port/harbor data,
                                      if available; observation to
                                      ground truth other methods. If
                                      conflicting data from various
                                      sources, a census may be

                 12. Resource         1) Sample survey, open-ended
                     use level        and structured interviews,
                                      2) NMFS landings data, state
                                      landings data, subsistence
                                      databases, MRFSS, counts of
                                      infrastructure, DAS, CPUE,
                                      vessel counts, license and
                                      permit data, other relevant

                 13. Resource         1) Sample surveys; network
                     use patterns     analysis; in-depth interviews;
                                      triangulated key informant
                                      interviews, 2) archival, public
                                      information on marketing chains

                 14. Cost of          1) Triangulated key informant
                     entry            interviews (fishermen, ves-
                                      set/gear salespersons), surveys,
                                      in-depth interviews, 2)
                                      archives or observations:
                                      classified advertisements,
                                      party/charter fees, marina slip
                                      expense, rental boat fees,
                                      launch/ramp fees, license fees,
                                      pier fees, lodging costs, etc.
                                      Some elements of cost of entry
                                      captured in agency economic
                                      data collections

                 15. Ownership        1) Sample survey/triangulated
                     patterns         key informant interviews;
                                      2) public statistics; 3) Coast
                                      Guard vessel registry data;
                                      4) state vessel registry data;
                                      5) Federal and state permits
                                      databases; 6) Dunn & Bradstreet
                                      business registry; state
                                      business registries

                 16. Participation    1) Sample survey/triangulated
                     structure        key informant interviews
                                      including SSN (can't require
                                      it) or crew ID number (only
                                      Alaska has crew licenses),
                                      vessel ID currently employed,
                                      location of owned vessel/plant
                                      currently employed in (and
                                      plant ID no.), individual or
                                      corporate ownership, current
                                      ports of landing, 2) licenses
                                      and other databases

                 17. Safety           1) Sample survey/individual
                                      reports on perceived safety/
                                      likelihood of risk-taking
                                      behavior, 2) Coast Guard records
                                      (CASMAIN files), state records,
                                      harbormaster records nor-
                                      malized for level of
                                      enforcement coverage

                 18. Physical         1) Sample survey of perceptions;
                     resources/       triangulated key informant
                     infrastructure   interviews (including Chamber
                                      of Commerce members,
                                      fishermen, harbormaster, etc.);
                                      2) number of docks, cold
                                      stores, distribution and
                                      marketing facilities, gear and
                                      vessel supply and maintenance
                                      facilities, marinas, marine
                                      repair, marine supply, party/
                                      charter boat operations, boat
                                      rentals, bait and tackle shops,
                                      marine electronics shops,
                                      boatyards, boat lifts, boat
                                      storage, boat sales, pay piers,
                                      ramps and associated
                                      infrastructure, public access
                                      sites, fishing clubs and
                                      associations, dockside motels/
                                      lodging, number of hospitals
                                      and other health care
                                      facilities, airports, marine
                                      ports, factories by industry,
                                      major roads, etc.; archival
                                      research on comprehensive plans
                                      and economic studies of angling
                                      in the community

                 19. Activity         1) Sample surveys/interviews/
                     mobility         triangulated key informant
                                      interviews/free listing/pile
                                      sorting (including current and
                                      former activity participants)
                                      on perceived/preferred/poten-
                                      tial alternate activities,
                                      existing activity structure,
                                      activity participants' education
                                      and training, social/political
                                      capital, physical capital,
                                      social stratification, power
                                      structure; 2) counts and
                                      archival data on available
                                      industries/jobs, avail-
                                      able formal and informal
                                      training and retraining programs
                                      and their participation rates,

Activity         20. Activity         Sample survey/individual reports
  satisfaction       satisfaction     including aesthetics,
                                      perceived quality/health of the
                                      resource, job satisfaction,
                                      trip satisfaction, desire to
                                      continue participating, desire
                                      for children and grandchildren
                                      to continue participating,
                                      recent vessel and/or equipment

Individual       21. Participant      1) Sample survey/triangulated
  attributes         characte-        key informant interviews, 2)
                     ristics          public statistics, 3) crew
                                      licensing data where available

                 22. Mental           Sample survey/self report
                     health,          instruments on stress-related
                     individual       disorders and treatment (e.g.
                                      depression, stress, drinking,
                                      psychosomatic illnesses,
                                      anxiety, self-esteem issues,
                                      psychiatric care, and

                 23. Physical         Sample survey/individual report
                     health,          instruments of physical
                     individual       health (including heart disease,
                                      injuries, diet/nutrition defi-
                                      ciencies/adequacy, especially
                                      for subsistence, etc.)

                 24. Resilience,      Sample survey including work
                     individual       history and training, religios-
                                      ity, self esteem, available
                                      support systems, perceived
                                      levels of stress, perceived
                                      ability to cope, sources of
                                      income, level of education,
                                      etc.; key informant interviews

                 25. Personality      Sample survey using standardized
                     traits           self-report personality trait
                                      assessment instruments; relevant
                                      questions from Driver (2),
                                      master list of items for
                                      recreational experience
                                      preference scales and domains;

Social-          26. Demographic      1) Sample survey of residence
  community          characte-        patterns, location of activi-
  attributes         ristics          ties in relation to residence;
                                      2) U.S. Census, Bureau of
                                      Labor Statistics, community
                                      strategic plans including
                                      total population, sex, age,
                                      race, ethnicity, origins and
                                      language, housing, owner/renter
                                      status, education, employment,
                                      housing tenure, housing
                                      mortgage status, religious
                                      affiliation; official
                                      license/port/harbor data over
                                      time, if available; license
                                      plate counts from public
                                      launches and dock parking
                                      lots; licensing databases and
                                      other archival data

                 27. Social           1) Sample survey on percep-
                     stratification   tions/self-reports including
                                      income; education; access to
                                      social/physical capital and
                                      resources; triangulated key
                                      informant interviews; 2) con-
                                      struct gini-coefficient (or
                                      coefficient of variation,
                                      quartile measures) for a)
                                      distribution of property
                                      values (from tax assessment
                                      records, if available, and if
                                      not, a visual survey of
                                      houses/property), b)
                                      distribution of income based
                                      on estimates for different
                                      jobs as associated with data
                                      from occupation structure of
                                      the community, c) census data
                                      on educational and income
                                      levels, d) archival data on
                                      zoning/land use patterns and
                                      plans, including comprehensive
                                      community planning documents

                 28. Power            1) Sample survey of
                     structure        perceptions; triangulated key
                                      informant interviews and
                                      network analyses re. informal
                                      power structure, 2) archival
                                      data on formal power structure
                                      (e.g. news media, official
                                      town documents); observational
                                      studies (informal power

                 29. Occupational     1) Sample survey of employment
                     structure        history (e.g. occupations
                                      held, reasons for entry and
                                      exit, levels of remuneration);
                                      triangulated key informant
                                      interviews; 2) employment by
                                      sector and subsector from town
                                      records, Chamber of Com-
                                      merce, local office of
                                      employment security, official
                                      license/port/harbor data

                 30. Income/          1) Sample survey of households
                     benefit          on income, employment
                                      and other benefits (e.g. role
                                      of activity in diet and
                                      nonmonetary transfers) from
                                      the activity; 2) gross
                                      community product by sector
                                      and subsector from tax data,
                                      utilities, gross receipts,
                                      etc.; 3) use of resource in
                                      prestige rankings, esta-
                                      blishing and reinforcing
                                      familial/extra familial
                                      social networks; 4) use of
                                      resource in redistribution

                 31. Dependence       Archival data, databases (see
                                      indicators listed in Norman
                                      et al. (3))

                 32. Engagement       Archival data, databases (see
                                      indicators listed in Norman
                                      et al. (3)).

                 33. Community        1) Sample survey (including
                     solidarity       questions on strength of net-
                                      works, sociopolitical voice,
                                      cultural homogeneity/heteroge-
                                      neity, kinship ties, connec-
                                      tivity between migrants,
                                      definition and sense of
                                      community, social capital,
                                      participation in expressive
                                      culture including events such
                                      as blessing of the fleet and
                                      fishing tournaments); network
                                      analysis; 2) number of
                                      cooperative organizations,
                                      churches, social organiza-
                                      tions, etc. and their
                                      membership; network density
                                      (connectivity measure),
                                      observed participation in
                                      expressive culture including
                                      events such as blessing of
                                      the fleet and fishing
                                      tournaments; public presence
                                      of material culture such as
                                      sculptures, pictures, or
                                      other memorabilia celebrating
                                      the community

                 34. Physical         Community physical health
                     health-          survey; prevalence and inci-
                     community        dence rates from public
                                      health records (local, county,
                                      state, CDC) on infant deaths,
                                      number childhood immuniza-
                                      tions, health of workforce,

                 35. Mental           Prevalence and incidence
                     health-          rates from public health
                     community        records (e.g. state, county,
                                      local databases, CDC) of
                                      stress-related disorders and
                                      treatment (e.g. depression,
                                      stress, drinking,
                                      psychosomatic illnesses,
                                      anxiety, self-esteem issues,
                                      psychiatric care and
                                      counseling); sample surveys
                                      on community mental health;
                                      triangulated key interviews
                                      with local healthcare

                 36. Cultural         1) Sample surveys including
                     heritage and     perception of activity impor-
                     norms/values     tance to community, beliefs
                                      about marine ecosystems,
                                      attitudes toward marine
                                      ecosystems, environmental
                                      attitudes, cultural
                                      importance of marine
                                      ecosystems: triangulated key
                                      informant interviews on
                                      traditional ecological
                                      knowledge and local activity
                                      knowledge (e.g. local
                                      fisheries knowledge) and
                                      religious/spiritual beliefs/
                                      institutions; 2) archival
                                      data (e.g. newspapers,
                                      Chamber of Commerce
                                      information, environmental
                                      historical documents,

                 37. Resilience-      1) Place-based community
                     community        index based on items such as
                                      job diversity; distance to
                                      county seat; distance to state
                                      highway; distance to
                                      interstate highway; distance
                                      to regional center for retail
                                      shopping, medical care, and
                                      financial services; cultural
                                      homogeneity; number of
                                      associations and organiza-
                                      tions; number of members in
                                      associations and organiza-
                                      tions; perceptions of
                                      leadership quality/proactive
                                      orientation; community
                                      attractiveness; evidence of
                                      past adaptations to nonlocal
                                      change affecting community;
                                      2) activity-based community
                                      index based on items such as
                                      no. of activity-related
                                      businesses, support industries
                                      and associations; no. of
                                      members in associations;
                                      level of recruitment of
                                      activity participants; trends
                                      in activity-related resource
                                      levels and regulations/
                                      restrictions on access to
                                      these resources; cost of
                                      entry; no. of permits per
                                      vessel for commercial fishing

Social           38. Social           1) Sample survey/structured
  problems           problems         interviews/triangulated key
                                      informant interviews
                                      (including social workers,
                                      police, etc.); 2) public
                                      statistics (local, county,
                                      state, CDC) including
                                      spouse abuse incidents, crime
                                      incidents, alcohol abuse
                                      counts, drug abuse counts,
                                      poverty rate, number of
                                      children on reduced price
                                      lunches at schools, literacy,
                                      oral fluency in English,
                                      unemployment rates; archival
                                      data from local newspapers

                 39. Conflict         1) Sample surveys/structured
                                      interviews/triangulated key
                                      informant interviews, 2)
                                      police reports, news media,
                                      court cases filed, agendas
                                      from town board meetings

                 40. Regulatory       1) Sample survey/structured
                     non-compliance   interviews/triangulated key
                                      informant interviews of
                                      individual reports and/or
                                      perceptions (including
                                      questions about behaviors of
                                      others); 2) archival data
                                      (e.g. review fisheries law
                                      enforcement reports and news
                                      media: numbers of citations
                                      and infractions, normalized
                                      for non-uniform levels of
                                      enforcement coverage;
                                      creel survey reports)

Well-being       41. Index of         1) Sample survey of
  attributes         well-being       perceptions/self-reports
                                      including a) happiness
                                      (individual, familial, and
                                      communal), b) empow-
                                      erment, c) self-esteem, d)
                                      satisfaction with aspects of
                                      living conditions, e)
                                      satisfaction with
                                      relationships (familial,
                                      communal), etc.; 2)
                                      Quantitative indicators of
                                      the change in objectively
                                      measured well-being index
                                      (e.g. Human Development
                                      Index, Index of Social Well-
                                      being, Canadian Well-Being
                                      Index, Oregon Progress
                                      Indicators) and/or dis-
                                      tributions for variables
                                      such as community, family, or
                                      individual living conditions,
                                      stature, wealth, or power

(1) Get temporal comparative data 1980 to present where possible.

(2) Driver, B. L. 1983- Master list of items for recreation experience
preference scales and domains. USDA For. Serv. Rocky Mt. For. And Range
Exp. Sta., Ft. Collins, Colo. Unpubl. Doe., 10 p. Online at
http://wilderdom.com/html/DriverREPScales.doc, accessed 1 May 2007.

(3) Norman, K. , J. Sepez, H. Lazarus, N. Milne. C. Package, S.
Russell, K. Grant, R. Petersen, J. Primo, E. Springer, M. Styles,
B. Tilt, and I. Vaccaro. 2006. Community profiles for West Coast and
North Pacific fisheries-Washington, Oregon, California, and other U.S.
states. NMFS-NWFSC, NOAA, 625 p. Online at http://www.nwfsc.noaa.gov/
Profiling_Document_DRAFT.pdf, accessed 6 May 2007.


The SIA Modeling Workshop was held at Belmont Conference Center, Elkridge, Md, 11-12 March 2004. Participants, in alphabetical order, included Susan Abbott-Jamieson (convener), James M. Acheson, Shankar Aswani, Patricia M. Clay, E. Paul Durrenberger, Peter Fricke, Henry P. Huntington, Jeffrey C. Johnson, Kathi Kitner, Marc L. Miller, Bryan Oles, Michael K. Orbach, Richard B. Pollnac, and Courtland L. Smith. The authors wish to thank Linda Putz for providing workshop facilitation and Rosemary Kosaka for providing workshop support.

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Activity satisfaction: The degree to which one's needs or wants are fulfilled in the conduct of a specific activity.

Charter boat: Any vessel-for-hire engaged in recreational fishing and hired for a charter lee by an individual or group of individuals (for the exclusive use of that individual or group of individuals), which results in that vessel being unavailable for hire to any other individual or group of individuals during the period of the charter (Blackhart et al., 2005).

Job satisfaction: See activity satisfaction--carrying out a job is a type of activity.

Party boat (also called a head boat): Any vessel-for-hire engaged in recreational fishing and hired (or leased, in whole or part) for a per-capita fee on a first-come, first-served basis (Blackhart et al., 2005).

Perceived control: The degree that one feels that they have influence over events impacting some area of concern.

Resilience: The ability of a system to absorb perturbations by adapting to environmental changes (Berkes and Folke, 1998). With regard to humans, it can be defined as the degree to which an individual, family, or community can cope with change without becoming dysfunctional.

Self-esteem: The degree to which one has pride in or respect for oneself.

Social support system: The method by which a social institution such as the family, community, or some larger social group, provides assistance or encouragement to an individual or other social institution.

Well-being: The degree to which an individual, family, or larger social grouping (e.g. community) can be characterized as being healthy (sound and functional), happy, and prosperous.

(1) See http://ceq.eh.doe.gov/nepa/regs/nepa/nepaeqia.htm, accessed 25 May 2006.

(2) See http://www.nmffs.noaa.gov/sfa/sustainable_ fishereries_act.pdf, accessed 25 May 2006.

(3) An online version for NMFS of the I994 ICGPSIA Guidelines and Principles for Social Impact Assessment can be found at http://www.nmfs. noaa.gov/sfa/social_impact_guide.htm, accessed 2 May 2007.

(4) See Bowen, Palmer. 1980. Social impact assessment forest planning and decision making: Technical review draft. USDA, For. Serv., Northern Region, Missoula, Mont., for an additional reference.

(5) See the United States General Services Administration's 1997 Call-in Fact Sheet at http://www. gsa.ene.com/factsheet/0397/03_97_9.htm, accessed 12 August 2005. An alternative reference http://www.epa.gov/super fun d/action/guidance/SlLitRevFinal.pdf, accessed 24 July 20116, contains a table comparing actual numbers of SIA's done by agency 1979-1994.

(6) See http://www.st.nmfs.gov/st 1/econ/cia/sia/nat stand-final.pdf, accessed 5 May 2007.

(7) See http://ccosystcms.noaa.gov/whats_ncw.htm, accessed 25 May 2006. Current presentations on developing NMFS's ecosystem based management programs arc given here.

(8) The parenthetical phrase "including humans" does not appear in the NOAA Fisheries Glossary (Blackhart, et al., 2005) definition of ecosystem (p. 11), however it has been included in the definition at least since 2003 appearing in internal memos from the NMFS Chief Scientist to others outside NMFS, and is part of the definition used in diverse presentations to diverse audiences. This emphasizes that humans are among the organisms whose behavior must be considered when studying marine ecosystems. For example see Stephen Murawski's 19 May 2006 presentation "Ecosystems approaches to management: The EGT's work in progress", online at http:// ecosystems.noaa.gov/whats_new.htm, accessed 25 May 2006.

(9) Communities can be spatial, occupational, interest-based, cultural, or ethnic. With reference to the MSA, communities designated under National Standard 8 must be place-based, but communities based on other criteria may be appropriate for the general social impact assessment required for all communities involved in fishing.

(10) It is important to note here that one of the bases for people's behavior is perception, even though those perceptions sometimes deviate from other empirical measures.

(11) Following the convention of most people who fish, we employ the term "fishermen" to denote both males and females.

(12) USHEW (1973) gives an important early discussion on heart disease and psychosomatic illness relationships to work. Subsequent research continues to confirm a relationship between aspects of occupation or work conditions and cardiovascular disease as well as other diseases. Faragher et al. (2005) provides a recent meta-analysis of the literature on the relationship between job satisfaction and health including cardiovascular disease, and Heslop et al. (2002) is a longitudinal study of the relationships between job satisfaction, cardiovascular risk factors, and mortality. An extensive literature exists in this area.

(13) Other components found among fishermen, such as "basic needs" like safety, cleanliness, and earnings, are also commonly found associated with other occupations (per references cited in footnote 12).

(14) Derby fishing is a fishery of brief duration during which fishermen race to take as much catch as they can before the fishery closes. This typically leads to congested fishing grounds and unsafe fishing conditions, as well as lower quality fish and lower prices per pound.

(15) Annual round is another commonly used term for seasonal changes in fishing activity.

(16) In the context of subsistence fishing, "consumption" has two meanings. For some subsistence fishermen, fish provide food (i.e. nourishment in the form of protein and fats) for the body. For others, fish provide food (i.e. spiritual and ritual nourishment) for the soul. Both kinds of subsistence fishing are proper objects of SIA.

(17) The Makah's seal hunting has usually encompassed several species at any given time. See J. Sepez, In press, Historical Ecology of Makah Subsistence Foraging Patterns, J. Ethnobio., and M. Etnier and J. Sepez, In press, Changing patterns of sea mammal exploitation among the Makah. In D. Papagianni, R. Layton, H. Maschher (Editors), Time and change: archaeological and anthropological pcrspcctivcs on the long term in hunter-gatherer societies, Oxbow Books, Oxford, U.K., for a full discussion of historical and current Makah seal hunting.

(18) For specific references concerning aspects of Makah seal hunting discussed here consult Sepez (2001). We would like to thank the author for her willingness to discuss this section as it was being written and lot reviewing the final product.

(19) The assessment of Makah relative well-being is made based on Sepez's (2001) research, and includes personal communication with her specific to this issue.

(20) Driver (1983) provides a valuable master list of items and domains of experience for exploring recreation fishermen's preferences.

(21) Public Law 96-199 created the Channel Islands National Park. The Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary was designated under the authority of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972. Pub.L. 92-532. See Fed. Regis., 45(193): 1980, Rules and Regulations, p. 65200.

(22) Discussion here is limited to Phase I (1999-2003) which concerned Channel Island National Marine Sanctuary waters under state jurisdiction. Phase II which concerns CINMS waters under Federal jurisdiction still continues.

(23) In a recent article, Vanclay (2006) compares the principles of U.S. and international approaches to SIA, and concludes that the U.S. approach as described in ICPGSIA (2003), is "positivist/technocratic" in contrast to the "democratic, participatory, and constructivist" approach of the international SIA community (Vanclay. 2003). While the approach adopted by some in the international community has its attractions, social impact assessment work conducted for management actions by U.S. Federal agencies including fisheries must continue to use the best available science until such time as the relevant laws are changed to require something else.

(24) For examples, see the new Alaskan community profiles at http://www.afsc.noaa.gov/Quarterly/ amj2004/amj04feat.pdf, accessed 11 July 2006, and the Gull of Mexico Community profiles at http://sero.nmfs.noaa.gov/economics/economics.htm, accessed 11 July 2006. Similar profiles are nearing completions for other NMFS regions. Colburn et al. (2006) provides a more complete description of the developing program.

(25) Currently, U.S. Fishery Management Council administrative processes often include last minute changes in proposed regulations, thus restricting the ability of analysts to carry out ideal SINs such as those implied by this conceptual model. Without changes to the regulatory process itself. it will remain difficult to meet the ideal.

(26) Other disciplines have constructed indices that are now commonly used. Economists constructed gross domestic product and unemployment as economic health measures. The index of consumer satisfaction is an economic bellwether, based on response to survey questions. Ecologists developed the Shannon-Weaver (1949) index of diversity (Krebs, 1989). Even temperature is a constructed index in which some societies use a Fahrenheit and in others a Celsius scale.

Richard B. Pollnac is with the Marine Affairs Department, Washburn Hall, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881-0817 (email: rpo4903u@postoffice.uri.edu). Susan Abbott-Jamieson is with the National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, Office of Science and Technology, 1315 East West Hwy SSMC 3, Silver Spring, MD 20910. Courtland Smith is with the Department of Anthropology, Oregon State University, 238 Waldo Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331-6403. Marc L. Miller is with the School of Marine Affairs, University of Washington, 3707 Brooklyn Ave. NE, Seattle, WA 98105-6715. Patricia M. Clay is with the National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Woods Hole, MA, mailing address: NOAA/NMFS/ST5, 1315 East West Hwy, SSMC 3, Silver Spring, MD 20910. Bryan ties is with IM Systems Group, 7313 Trescott Ave., Takoma Park, MD 20912. Opinions and conclusions expressed or implied are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or policy of the National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA.