Effectiveness of a rigid grate for excluding Pacific Halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepis, from groundfish trawl catches.
Rose, Craig S. ; Gauvin, John R.
Diverse fishing gear modifications have been made and tested in
efforts to alleviate bycatch problems in various fisheries. These
include changes in the size and orientation of trawl meshes to avoid the
catch of undersized fish (MacLennan, 1992), grates to release fish from
trawls that target shrimp (Jones, 1993), and turtle excluder devices
(TED's) to remove endangered sea turtles from shrimp trawls (Watson
et al., 1986).
Pacific halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepis, may not be retained in
any of the Alaska trawl fisheries, and halibut bycatch quotas are
established for most of the groundfish trawl fisheries (Witherell and
Pautzke, 1997). It is common for these fisheries to be closed because
halibut bycatch limits are reached and, as a result, substantial
quantities of groundfish remain unharvested each year.
Flatfish fishermen have long been interested in developing gear
modifications to reduce this bycatch and allow increases in fishing time
and harvests. Some have developed their own designs for halibut
excluders. (1) Most of these excluders put a size selection panel across
the trawl a short distance ahead of the codend. Holes in the panel are
large enough to allow smaller target species to pass but will exclude
the much larger halibut, which are guided toward an escape slot. The
performance of these excluders had not been scientifically evaluated.
Although the ad hoc experience of these fishermen convinced some that
these excluders were effective in particular fisheries, the need was
seen for scientific evaluations of at least one excluder's
selectivity. Costs associated with the intensive catch sampling and
experimental design, which were necessary for such evaluations, were
well beyond what any single fishing operation could reasonably manage
during an open fishery.
In 1998, the Groundfish Forum, an organization representing
groundfish trawl catcher/processors that fish in Alaska waters, obtained
a National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) exempted fishing permit to
test systematically the exclusion of halibut from flatfish trawls with a
selected industry device. The work was done in cooperation with NMFS,
which provided assistance in the experimental design, fieldwork, and
data analysis. The experiment was designed to determine if the excluder
device could reduce halibut bycatch without significantly reducing
catches of target species. Data analysis included estimation of the
effects of the device on species and size compositions of the catch and
to determine whether the device would be practical for use in Alaska
groundfish fisheries.
The Alaska trawl industry participants were invited to submit
designs of halibut excluders for effectiveness testing, together with
information regarding their effectiveness. Four applications were
received and reviewed by a panel of NMFS scientists. A rigid grate
design submitted by the owners of the F/V Legacy was selected, based on
criteria of expected effectiveness, considering any previous ad hoc
experience or testing, and the suitability of the vessel and its fishing
The outer frame of the F/V Legacy's excluder grate was made of
6.4 cm (2.5 in) diameter tubular aluminum bent into a 1.8 m (6 ft)
diameter circle, except that the top 38 cm (15 in) of the circle was
removed and replaced with a straight section of tube (Fig. 1). Inside
this frame, a grid of 15 cm x 15 cm (6 in x 6 in) square holes was
formed by 5 cm x 0.64 cm (2 in x 0.25 in) vertical bars and 1.9 cm (0.75
in) diameter horizontal rods, welded together at all junctions. Short
sections of PVC tubing were installed over each of the horizontal rods.
Because these rollers protruded above the vertical bars, large fish
could slide up the grate more easily. The grate was mounted in the
intermediate section of the trawl (just ahead of the codend) (Fig. 2).
This intermediate section consisted of a mesh tube made of four 36
mesh-wide, untapered panels of 14 cm (5.5 in) stretch mesh double
polyethylene. Four riblines were installed at the comers where the
panels joined and the grate was secured to each of these and laced to
the mesh of the side and bottom panels. The attachment point on the top
ribline was 71 cm (28 in, 5 meshes) aft of that on the lower riblines,
creating a slope of about 28 degrees back from vertical.
Another panel of 14 cm (5.5 in) double mesh was attached to the top
edge of the grate and along the top riblines, extending aft for 4 m (49
ft) where it was joined to the top panel of the intermediate. This panel
and the top panel of the intermediate section formed a low tunnel
through which escaping fish had to pass before exiting through a slit in
the top panel.
An auxiliary grate, called the "deflector," was installed
with a top-forward slant ahead of the main grate to direct fish
downwards. The deflector grid had similar construction to the main grate
but with 7.6 cm by 7.6 cm (3 in x 3 in) square openings. The back edge
of the deflector and the main grate formed a 23 cm (9 in) wide slot
through which fish had to pass to reach the escape tunnel. Sufficient
flotation was installed on the top riblines to compensate for the weight
of the grate and deflector.
Because the experimental design required more tows than one vessel
could accomplish in the time available, an additional participant, the
F/V Alliance, was picked at random from the remaining applications. Both
vessels were catcher/processors which fish in the Gulf of Alaska for
deep-water flatfish species, and both used low-opening commercial bottom
trawls. The F/V Alliance, one of the smallest Gulf catcher processors
(33 m in length), provided a means of determining whether this grate
system could be fished effectively from a vessel with limited deck
The tests were conducted in the Gulf of Alaska deep-water flatfish
fishery because halibut and deep-water flatfish species are concentrated
in the same areas, and exclusion of halibut could dramatically increase
harvest of those target species. Also, the halibut encountered by this
fishery tend to be relatively large, making exclusion more effective.
Target species include rex sole, Glyptocephalus zachirus; Dover sole,
Microstomus pacificus; and flathead sole, Hippoglossoides elassodon.
Arrowtooth flounder, Atheresthes stomias, are an abundant but low-value
species that is also taken, but it is usually not targeted.
Vessels alternated experimental and control gears to create pairs
of tows (blocks) conducted under similar conditions. Pairing of tows
helped to eliminate variation in catches due to location, time, and
vessel effects. The gear used for the first tow of each block was
randomly determined, and the vessel captain was not informed of the
selection until after location and time of the tow had been decided. The
second tow of each block was made on a parallel track, as close as
practical in time and location to the first, matching speed and other
towing parameters.
The F/V Legacy alternated tows with two matched nets: one with and
one without the excluder. The excluder was exchanged between the nets at
the midpoint of the experiment. The F/V Alliance used one net,
exchanging intermediate sections with and without the excluder between
experimental and control tows. Tow duration was allowed to vary within
blocks to accommodate for the loss of catch through the excluder.
Analyses were done on catch per distance fished to prevent differences
in tow lengths from introducing a bias.
Catch volumes were measured from full codends or from a bin into
which the catch had been dumped. These were converted to weights using a
conversion factor for deep-water flatfish of 0.95 metric tons per cubic
meter (t/[m.sup.3]), a value used by the NMFS Observer Program for this
fishery. (2)
To improve survival of discarded halibut, as many as possible were
sorted out of the catch as it was transferred into a holding bin. A NMFS
trained and certified fisheries observer worked with the deck crew to
count and measure all halibut and return them to the sea. To ensure that
the rest of the catch was available for sampling, no fish were moved out
of the bin into the factory until the deck sampling was completed and
the observer went down to the factory. All halibut recovered in the
factory were also counted and measured.
The catch was sampled to determine species composition by filling
baskets from conveyor belts as the catch passed from the holding tank to
the factory. These samples, totaling at least 300 kg, were accumulated
from several collections taken systematically throughout the emptying of
the bin.
Bridge personnel recorded the position and time of the start and
end of each tow. They also recorded the type of tow (experimental or
control), depth, and towing speed.
A recording temperature-depth-light level sensor was attached to
the trawls. Tow length was the distance traveled between the time the
trawl depth stabilized at the beginning of the tow until the winches
were started during retrieval.
To allow tests for proportional differences with additive
statistical tests, a (natural) logarithmic transformation was applied to
all catch rates. This also helped to normalize the catch rate
distributions. The parameter which was used as a measure of the effect
of the excluder ([E.sub.EX]) was the difference between the transformed
catch rate from each tow with the excluder (subscript e) and the
comparable rate from the control tow (subscript c) in the same block
(1) [E.sub.EX] = Ln ([Catch.sub.e]/[Distance.sub.e]) - Ln
This parameter was calculated for each block for each major species
in the catch. The antilogs (exponential) of the means and confidence
intervals of [E.sub.EX] estimates were used to provide estimates of the
proportion retained when the excluder was used. The [E.sub.EX] values
were analyzed with t-tests to determine whether the excluder
significantly changed catch rates. Halibut size selectivity was analyzed
using a similar procedure.
The experiment to test the excluder was conducted from 18 to 28
September 1998. The F/V Legacy completed 31 blocks, and the F/V Alliance
completed 30. The crews of both vessels developed effective procedures
for setting, retrieving, changing, and storing the selection grate. The
F/V Alliance demonstrated that this rigid grate system could be used on
a vessel with a small deck and an aft net reel. They were able to
complete these tows in the alloted time, even with the experimental
requirement of approximately 15 changes between configurations with and
without the grate.
Both vessels started towing west of Kayak Island in the central
Gulf of Alaska (Fig. 3). After completing five blocks, the F/V Legacy
moved to the northern and western edges of Portlock Bank where it
completed the rest of its tows. The F/V Alliance remained near Kayak
Island for the duration of the experiment. Most tows were made between
200 and 250 m depth, with a few blocks by both vessels in the 100-200 m
range, and a few by the F/V Legacy were made between 250 and 325 m.
Flathead sole made up less than 1% of all catches on Portlock Bank, so
those blocks were excluded from the analysis for that species. In
addition, there were two blocks where both Dover sole and rex sole made
up less than 1% of the catches in both control and experimental tows.
Those blocks were excluded from the analysis for those species, because
the experiment explicitly sought to measure the performance of the
excluder in the deep-water flatfish fishery.
The F/V Legacy towed for shorter distances and at higher speed than
the F/V Alliance and achieved higher average catch rates (Table 1).
Average depth, light level, and temperature were similar for the two
With the data from both vessels combined, the excluder retained
only 6% of the halibut while keeping 62% of the aggregated deep-water
flatfish species (Fig. 4). The retention rates for the individual
deep-water flatfish species varied from 48% for arrowtooth flounder to
79% for flathead sole. Dover and rex sole retention rates were 72% and
67%, respectively. All of these values, except that for flathead sole,
were significantly different from the null hypothesis of no effect at
the p<0.01 level with a Bonferroni adjustment for multiple tests.
The retention rates were significantly different between the
vessels only for rex sole (p<0.03) and halibut (p<0.001) (Fig. 5).
For both species, the F/V Legacy allowed more fish to escape than the
F/V Alliance. This was also the direction of the nonsignificant differences for the other species.
Because the length of each captured halibut was measured, the size
composition and selectivity data were abundant for that species. Fish in
the 5-10 kg (75-93 cm length) size class made up 45% of the weight of
halibut caught in the control net. The grate excluded all but 2% of the
halibut weight in this and larger size classes (Fig. 6). The only size
class of halibut passing through the grate in large proportions included
fish weighing less than 3 kg (64 cm), of which 46% (by weight) was
retained. The retention difference between size classes was
statistically significant (p<0.0001). While some size composition
samples were collected for the target species, these were insufficient
to effectively analyze size selectivity.
A problem recognized early in the field work was that some debris
and fish would remain ahead of the grate when the trawl was retrieved.
This was particularly true of large skates (Rajidae). To allow some
assessment of whether an accumulation in front of the grate was
affecting its sorting ability, the weight of fish ahead of the grate was
estimated for each F/V Legacy experimental tow. This weight varied from
0 to 0.9 t with an average of 0.3 t. Linear regressions of each
species' retention percentage with this weight showed no useful
relationship for any species. The best correlation was for rex sole
where the regression explained only 10% of the variation.
Summary and Conclusions
The experiment demonstrated that the halibut excluder grate system
dramatically reduced the catch of halibut. However, there were also
moderate reductions in catches of rex sole, Dover sole, and flathead
sole. The halibut exclusion was size selective, with 46% of the halibut
weighing less than 3 kg retained, while nearly all of the halibut larger
than 5 kg escaped. The size sampling of the target species was
insufficient to detect selectivity differences by size groups. As a
result, questions regarding the escapement of larger flatfish were not
resolved. Both vessels developed procedures for handling their nets,
with the excluder installed, in ways that did not significantly impede
normal fishing operations. This was particularly important for the F/V
Alliance, which had restricted deck space and only a single aft net
The deep-water flatfish fishery has been prevented from catching a
large proportion of its allowable catches in the past, because halibut
bycatch limits have led to closures each year since the halibut caps
have been in place. Reductions in halibut bycatch rates by using
excluders would thus present an opportunity to harvest a greater
percentage of the target flatfish quotas. However, decreases in catch
rates of target species when using the excluder were important and could
affect the economic viability of the fishery. Fishermen may not be able
to justify the operating costs of fishing if revenue per day is too low
due to the reduction of catch rates of target species. Uncertainty
regarding size selectivity leaves the possibility that a more severe
loss of larger, more valuable, rex sole would further reduce catch
While the grate excluder system was effective in reducing halibut
bycatch, some avenues are open for further improvement. A way to prevent
the accumulation of large fish, particularly skates, and debris ahead of
the grate would likely improve the effectiveness of the device.
Procedures should be sought to improve the retention of target species,
especially larger individuals. Even if this causes some additional
retention of halibut, it would provide a greater range of choices with
which to achieve management and fishery goals. Even though the F/V
Alliance was able to use the rigid grate efficiently, it may be
worthwhile to explore excluders that are more easily handled on smaller
vessels. In this regard, mesh excluders have been tried by several
vessels and, though they were not selected for this study, their further
testing and development are warranted.
Table 1.--Operational and environmental averages of two vessels
participating in tests of a halibut excluder.
Speed Distance fished Catch rate Depth
Vessel (knots) (n.mi.) (t/n.mi.) (m)
F/V Alliance 2.5 6.3 0.34 226
F/V Legacy 3.1 4.1 1.22 217
Light level Temperature
Vessel (microE/[m.sup.2] - s) ([degrees] C)
F/V Alliance 9 x [10.sup.-7] 6.0
F/V Legacy 5 x [10.sup.-7] 5.8
The authors gratefully acknowledge the contributions of the Kodiak
Fish Company, vessel skippers Scott Bryant and Clint Walker, and the
crews of the F/V Alliance and F/V Legacy in developing and providing the
excluder and carrying out the experimental fishing. Thanks are also due
to John Henderscheit and the four observers who played key roles in the
field and initial data processing work, Greg Krivonak, Bonnie Gautier,
Sergio Henrici, and Greg Wells. Gary Stauffer and Sue Salveson were
instumental in the process of developing and obtaining the permit. It is
also important to recognize that the development of halibut excluders
has been mutually pursued by a number of individuals in the Alaska
fleet. Their cooperation has been vital to the development of this
useful tool.
(1) Personal commun. with owners and captains of groundfish
trawlers, including Mark Kandianis, Bob Hezel, Mark "Corky"
Decker, Steve Spain, Scott Bryant, Mitch Hull, and Mike Peterson.
(2) Sarah Gaichas, NMFS Alaska Fisheries Science Center, Seattle,
Wash. Personal commun.
Literature Cited
Jones, R. P. (Editor). 1993. International Conference on Shrimp
Bycatch. Southeastern Fish. Assoc., Tallahassee, Fla.
MacLennan, D. N. 1992. Fishing gear selectivity: an overview. Fish.
Res. 13:201-204.
Witherell, D., and C. Pautzke. 1997. A brief history of bycatch
management measures for eastern Bering Sea groundfish fisheries. Mar.
Fish. Rev. 59(4):15-22.
Watson, J. W., J. F Mitchell, and A. K Shah. 1986. Trawling
efficiency device: A new concept for selective shrimp trawling gear.
Mar. Fish. Rev. 48(1):1-9.
Craig S. Rose (craig.rose@noaa.gov) is with the Alaska Fisheries
Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAAMFS, 7600 Sand
Point Way NE, Seattle WA 98115. John R. Gauvin is with The Groundfish
Forum, 4215 21st W, Seattle WA 98107. Mention of trade names or
commercial firms in this paper does not imply endorsement by the
National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA.