Yellowfin sole, Pleuronectes asper, of the Bering Sea: biological characteristics, history of exploitation, and management.
Wilderbuer, Thomas K. ; Walters, Gary E. ; Bakkala, Richard G. 等
Yellowfin sole, Pleuronectes asper, of the family Pleuronectidae (Fig. 1), is the second most abundant flatfish in the North Pacific
Ocean and is the most abundant species of groundfish in the eastern
Bering Sea after walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma. Yellowfin sole
inhabits continental shelf waters of the North Pacific Ocean from off
British Columbia, Can., (about lat. 49[degrees]N) to the Chukchi Sea (about lat. 70[degrees]N) in North American waters, and south along the
Asian coast to about lat. 35[degrees]N off the South Korean coast in the
Sea of Japan (Fig. 2). It is by far most abundant in the eastern Bering
Sea, where current biomass has been estimated at between 1.9 and 2.6
million metric tons (t) or more.
In this paper, we describe the life history characteristics of
eastern Bering Sea yellowfin sole, the history of its exploitation and
long-term trends in abundance, the current condition of the resource,
and the methods used for estimating biomass and yields with two forms of
catch-at-age models and a yield-per-recruit model.
The Eastern Bering Sea Environment
One of the factors contributing to the high abundance of yellowfin
sole in the eastern Bering Sea is the expansive nature of the
continental shelf of this region (Fig. 3). The eastern Bering Sea shelf,
which is 1,200 km long and >500 km wide at its narrowest point, is
the widest continental shelf outside the Arctic Ocean (Coachman, 1986).
In the Atlantic Ocean, only the North Sea continental shelf approaches
its breadth.
The eastern Bering Sea shelf is essentially a large, featureless
plain that deepens gradually from the shore to about 170 m at the shelf
break. However, there are two zones of enhanced gradients near the 50
and 100 m isobaths (Askren, 1972), related to fronts separating the
shelf region into three oceanographic domains. These are the coastal,
central, and outer shelf domains which are separated by the inner and
middle shelf fronts at 50 and 100 m; the outer shelf domain is separated
from the oceanic waters of the Aleutian Basin by the ocean break front
between the 150 and 200 m isobaths. The domains are defined by
temperature and salinity values, vertical structure, and seasonal
changes in these properties (Schumacher et al., 1983). The outer shelf
domain represents a zone of lateral water mass interaction between
central shelf water above and Aleutian Basin water below. This domain
differs from the rest of the shelf by having both significantly higher
mean and subtidally variable flows (Coachman, 1986), resulting in a more
rapid flushing of these waters (perhaps on the order of 2-3 months) than
those of the other two domains. The main feature of the central shelf
domain is its two-layered vertical structure, with a surface layer 10-40
m in depth overlaying a relatively homogeneous layer of cold bottom
water (<0[degrees]-3[degrees]C). Flushing in the central domain is
extremely slow, taking >1 year and perhaps as much as 2 years. The
coastal domain is a product of direct mixing of freshwater runoff and
saline water, and has a tendency toward homogeneity due to the
shallowness of the domain and wind and strong tidal mixing. Because of
these features there is ready heat exchange between the water column and
the atmosphere, resulting in a large seasonal variation in temperature
from near freezing (-1.5[degrees]C) in winter to average air
temperatures (10[degrees]C) in summer. Flushing time for the coastal
domain is about 6 months.
Properties of the oceanographic fronts and domains in the eastern
Bering Sea divide the shelf into distinct production regions (Alexander,
1986; Walsh and McRoy, 1986). Over the outer shelf, a large portion of
the annual primary production is advected off the shelf or channeled
into a pelagic food web which supports the large population of
semidemersal pollock and other species in this region. This leads to a
relatively low biomass of macrobenthos on the outer shelf domain and
reduced abundances of benthic feeding groundfish. On the central shelf,
however, where the abundance of pelagic grazers is low, practically all
of the primary production settles to the sea floor, providing a
macrobenthic infaunal biomass 10 times greater than on the outer shelf
(Hallinger, 1981) and an abundant food source for benthic feeders such
as yellowfin sole and other species.
Seasonal ice cover is another characteristic of the eastern Bering
Sea shelf. Ice begins to intrude into the northern Bering Sea in
November. When it reaches its southern maximum in March-April, ice
coverage may be as great as 80%. The intruding ice is completely melted
by early July (Niebauer, 1983). There are large year-to-year deviations
in the amount of ice cover, on the order of hundreds of kilometers,
which have been found to be correlated with either wind fields or storm
tracks (Niebauer, 1983). As discussed later, winter offshore migrations
of yellowfin sole are believed to be related to avoidance of this ice
History of Exploitation
Yellowfin sole was the first target species of distant-water fleets
from Japan and the U.S.S.R., which initiated fisheries for groundfish in
the eastern Bering Sea during the middle and late 1950's. Catches
were processed for fish meal. These fisheries intensified during the
early 1960's with a peak catch of 554,000 t in 1961; during the
4-year period of 1959-62, catches averaged 404,000 t (Table 1). It is
generally recognized that this level of exploitation was more than the
stock could sustain (Fadeev, 1965; Bakkala et al., 1982;
Wakabayashi(1)). Results of cohort analysis indicate that the
exploitable biomass declined sharply from an estimated 1.2 million t in
1960 to <500,000 t in 1963. As a result, catches also declined to a
range of 48,000-167,000 t over the next decade. There was a further
decline in catches to generally <100,000 t annually from 1972 to 1982
because of the absence of a U.S.S.R. target fishery for yellowfin sole
in most of those years. Since 1982, the improved condition of the
resource has again allowed higher catches; these have exceeded 200,000 t
in recent years. Since the early 1960's, yellowfin sole catches
have been mainly utilized for human consumption. Based on results of
cohort analysis and catch-at-age data, annual exploitation rates for
exploitable ages 7-17 of yellowfin sole have ranged from 4 to 11% and
have averaged 8% since 1977.
Biological Characteristics
Yellowfin sole is one of 16 species of flatfish in the eastern
Bering Sea. Nine of these species have very low abundance and make up
only 1-2% of the biomass of the total flatfish complex. Three large
species of moderate abundance, Pacific halibut, Hippoglossus stenolepis;
Greenland turbot, Reinhardtius hippoglossoides; and arrow-tooth
flounder, Atheresthes stomias, occupy both continental shelf and
continental slope waters. The four remaining species, which are the most
abundant and primarily occupy continental shelf waters, are yellowfin
sole, Alaska plaice, Pleuronectes quadrituberculatus; rock sole,
Pleuronectes bilineatus; and flathead sole, Hippoglossoides elassodon.
The latter three species play major roles in the ecology of yellowfin
sole. As might be expected in a complex of this sort, fish size is
inversely related to abundance, with yellowfin sole being the smallest
and most abundant species in the eastern Bering Sea.
The winter distribution of adult yellowfin sole in the eastern
Bering Sea is centered in three locations (Fig. 4). All are at depths of
100-270 m along the shelf edge and upper slope. The major group is
located just north of Unimak Island near the end of the Alaska
Peninsula. Concentrations are so dense that a research vessel caught
over 25 t during a half-hour tow (Bakkala et al., 1982). A smaller group
is located west of the Pribilof Islands, and a still smaller group is
located just south of the Pribilof Islands. A fourth group, consisting
almost entirely of juveniles <6 years old is found on the inner
shelf, sometimes under ice cover.
Beginning in April or early May, the three adult groups begin a
migration onto the inner shelf. This was shown specifically during a
spring research survey in 1976 (Smith and Bakkala, 1982). At that time,
portions of the yellowfin sole population were followed as the ice
retreated during a particularly cold year. Japanese tagging studies
(Wakabayashi, 1989) have shown that each group moves into a specific
location (Fig. 4). The Unimak Island group moves into Bristol Bay, the
easternmost portion of the Bering Sea. The two Pribilof Islands groups
move farther north to the vicinity of Nunivak Island. Since these areas
are for feeding and spawning, it was originally thought that at least
two stocks existed. However, further examination of the tagging results
and genetic studies using electrophoretic techniques (Grant et al.,
1983) now leads to a concensus that there is only one stock.
The summer distribution of yellowfin sole extends over the inner
and middle shelf to a depth of approximately 100 m (Fig. 5). However,
above lat. 61[degrees]N the density decreases drastically. The summer
surveys by the NMFS Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC) cover the
significant portions of the distribution. During the summer, yellowfin
sole is closely associated with the two next most abundant flatfish
species, rock sole and Alaska plaice. Estimated abundances of the latter
two species in 1990 were 1.6 million t and 0.5 million t, respectively,
based on survey data. This compares with the survey estimate of 2.4
million t for yellowfin sole. Although the distributions overlap almost
totally, the center of abundance for yellowfin sole is located between
that of rock sole to the south and Alaska plaice to the north. Yellowfin
sole is found as far north as the Chukchi Sea; however, their numbers
are very small (Alverson and Wilimovsky, 1966) and the maximum size was
reported to be less than 20 cm.
During the summer, adults are found in almost all areas of the
shelf at depths less than 100 m (Fig. 6). However, the juveniles located
in the shallow waters during the winter remain in waters primarily less
than 50 m during the summer.
Feeding and Predators
Yellowfin sole is characterized as a benthopelagic feeder. It could
also be described as opportunistic. Feeding studies in different areas
at different times of the year (Livingston et al., 1986; Wakabayashi,
1986) describe a wide variety of prey items ranging from strictly
benthic bivalve siphons to small pelagic fish. In general, feeding
during winter is very slight to none. Feeding begins during the spring
migration to the major feeding and spawning grounds. Wakabayashi (1986)
found four major groups in the diet of yellowfin sole. Over 65%, by
weight, of the yellowfin sole stomach contents collected during the
summers of 1970 and 1971 consisted of polychaetes, bivalves, amphipods,
and echiurids. Although these categories were also important to the
potential competitors, rock sole and Alaska plaice, the relative
proportions of each prey were quite different for yellowfin sole than
for the other species. Alaska plaice and rock sole have heads that are
indented at the upper eye which provide them with more downward vision
than yellowfin sole (Zhang, 1987). Livingston et al. (1986) found that
while bivalves were dominant in the stomach contents of yellowfin sole
during the spring, summer proportions of bivalves dropped considerably
and polychaetes, echiurids, euphausids, and crangonid shrimp were most
important. Although Tanner crabs, Chionoecetes sp., were only a small
part of the stomach contents, the large yellowfin sole population is a
significant predator on this valuable resource.
Daily ration estimates for yellowfin sole were made by Livingston
et al. (1986) using both stomach content weight information and
bioenergetic calculations. Values obtained were 0.12% body weight and
0.40% body weight respectively. Based on gross conversion efficiency,
the latter value is considered most accurate.
The primary predators on yellowfin sole are two abundant gadids,
Pacific cod, Gadus macrocephalus, and wall-eye pollock, the Pacific
halibut, and four species of cottids (Brodeur and Livingston, 1988;
Wakabayashi, 1986). On a much smaller scale, sea birds and marine
mammals also consume yellowfin sole.
The yellowfin sole plays an important part in the ecosystem of the
eastern Bering Sea (Fig. 7). The prey items consumed by such a large
fish population represent a significant portion of the prey available to
potential competitors. In turn, the yellowfin sole itself contributes a
significant input to the diet of the predators and represents a large
portion of the resource.
Growth and Natural Mortality
The yellowfin sole is a slow growing, long-lived flatfish. Although
lengths seldom exceed 400 mm, ages above 25 are not uncommon. Lengths at
age are similar for males and females during the juvenile years (Fig.
8), but females slightly outgrow males as they near the onset of sexual
maturity. There is considerable variability in length at age for both
sexes. However, these data are combined from virtually the entire
distribution on the shelf and therefore does not reflect possible growth
differences due to environmental variations from south to north. Based
on data gathered in 1988, the parameters for the von Bertalanffy
equation are as follows:
[t.sub.o] [L.sub.[infinity]] (mm) k
Males 1.63 352 0.16
Females 2.44 376 0.17
The length-weight relationships for males and females are very
similar (Fig. 9). From 1987 data, the parameters for the relationship,
Weight (g) a[multiplied by]Length [(mm).sup.b] are:
a b
Males 8.955 [multiplied by] [10.sup.-6] 3.0426
Females 5.783 [multiplied by] [10.sup.-6] 3.1231
It is to be expected that the natural mortality (M) of such a
slow-growing, long-lived species would be relatively low. However,
Fadeev (1970) estimated M for yellowfin sole as 0.25 and Wakabayashi(2)
derived the same value using the methods of Alverson and Carney (1975).
Bakkala et al.(3) believed this value to be too high. Using a simulation
based on cohort analysis, they found that an M of 0.12 provided the best
fit to available data. That value has been used subsequently and is used
in analyses reported in this paper.
Maturity and Spawning
Fadeev (1970) reported that during 1959-64, when the population was
sharply decreasing from a high level, 50% maturity was reached at a
length of 16-18 cm for males and 30-32 cm for females. Wakabayashi
(1989) reported 50% maturity in 1973 to occur at 13 cm for males and 25
cm for females. He suggested that the lower abundance in 1973 was
responsible for the decrease in size at maturity. Males and females
reached 50% maturity at about ages 5 and 9, respectively. Although the
sample size was only about 1,500 fish, results of a study during the
1990 AFSC survey showed the size at 50% maturity to be 20.3 cm for males
and 28.8 cm for females. Because the estimate of exploitable biomass (2
million t) is now equal to or greater than that of either of the past
studies, there appears to be a relationship of increasing size at
maturity with population abundance. In summary, the size at maturity has
varied over time as follows:
Year(s)/source Males Females
1959-64, Fadeev 16-18 cm, 30-32 cm
1973, Waka- 13 cm 25 cm
bayashi (1989)
1990, this paper 20.3 cm 28.8 cm
Fertilization of yellowfin sole eggs is external. The spawning
period is usually considered to be July-August based on past maturity
studies (Fadeev, 1970) and egg and larval surveys (Musienko, 1963,
1970). However, our experience on the annual AFSC trawl surveys suggests
that the spawning period is more variable and protracted, perhaps
beginning as early as late May. Evidence from the 1990 survey showed
about 10% of females and 20% of males were ripe and running or spent
during the month of June.
Spawning takes place primarily in shallow water (Musienko, 1970;
Kashkina, 1965; Waldron, 1981); eggs have been found to the limits of
the inshore ichthyoplankton sampling. However, evidence from the surveys
suggests that large females may spawn in waters out to a depth of around
50 m. While the majority of the spawning occurs in Bristol Bay,
significant numbers of early-stage eggs were found north of Nunivak
Island (Kashkina, 1965). It appears that spawning takes place over a
wide range of inshore waters from Bristol Bay to at least as far north
as Nunivak Island. It is unknown whether spawning takes place as far
north as Norton Sound or the Chukchi Sea, or whether fish found there
are the result of egg and larval drift or adult migrations.
Fecundity and Early Life History
The fecundity of yellowfin sole varies with size and was reported
by Fadeev (1970) to range from 1.3 to 3.3 million eggs for fish 25-45 cm
long. Egg diameters range from 0.68 to 0.86 mm (Musienko, 1963).
Prolarvae and larvae measured 2.2-5.5 mm in July and 2.5-12.3 mm in late
August--early September. The age or size at metamorphosis is unknown.
Assessment Methods
Resource Assessment Surveys
Since 1971, the AFSC has conducted summer bottom trawl surveys in
the eastern Bering Sea to estimate abundance and study the biology of
fish and important invertebrate species. In 1975, and annually since
1979, these surveys have covered the major portion of the shelf to lat.
61[degrees]N (465,000 [km.sup.2]). The depth range extends from about 10
m near the mainland to about 200 m at the shelf break (subareas 1-6 in
Fig. 10). In 1979, and triennially since, the surveys have been extended
north to include Norton Sound (>64[degrees]N) and to cover the
continental slope to a depth of at least 800 m (Fig. 10). Although the
survey's primary role is to provide fishery-independent abundance
estimates for management purposes, they also provide a wealth of
additional biological information on the multispecies complex of fishes
that inhabits the eastern Bering Sea.
The standard survey area on the shelf is divided into a 37X37 km
grid (20X20 n.mi.) with a sampling location at the center of each grid
block. In some areas of special interest, the corners of the blocks have
also been sampled. The sampling gear is an "eastern" otter
trawl with a 25.3 m headrope and 34.1 m footrope. Otter doors are
1.8X2.7 m and weigh about 800 kg each. At each sampling site the trawl
is towed for 0.5 h at a speed of 5.6 km/h. The operating width between
the wings varies from about 10 to 18 m as a function of the amount of
trawl warp payed out and therefore indirectly as a function of depth.
The operating trawl height varies from 2 to 3 m. Due to the relatively
flat, unobstructed bottom on the shelf, the trawl is operated without
roller gear; it is actually constructed to dig slightly into the bottom
to improve the catches of invertebrates.
In recent years, about 355 sites have been sampled during a
standard survey year. In the triennial years the sampling on the north
shelf between St. Matthew Island and St. Lawrence Island is usually
carried out on every other grid block (Fig. 10). Sampling also occurs in
Norton Sound, where very few yellowfin sole are captured, and along the
continental slope, where none are found.
Estimates of biomass and population are made using the "area
swept" method described by Wakabayashi et al. (1985). Explained
briefly, the mean catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE) of a group of tows of
known area swept is expanded to estimate the biomass within the total
area of a stratum. The area swept is considered to be the product of the
operating net width between the wings and the distance fished. The
potential herding effect of the doors and dandylines is unknown.
Cohort Analysis
Cohort analysis, following the procedures described in Pope (1972),
have previously been carried out for yellowfin sole by Bakkala and
Wespestad (1986) and Wakabayashi et al.(4) The former analysis has been
updated through 1990 for this report (Table 2). This method assumes
knife-edge recruitment with equal availability and selectivity for all
recruited ages and constant natural mortality over all ages and years;
it also assumes that all catches are aged without error. The input
terminal fishing mortality values (F) were tuned to make the estimated
1990 population age composition closely match the 1990 trawl survey age
composition while generally coinciding with the observed biomass trend
from trawl surveys since 1975.
Stock Synthesis Model
The abundance, mortality, recruitment and selectivity of yellowfin
sole were also assessed using a stock synthesis model (Methot(5)). The
synthesis model is a separable catch-age analysis that uses survey
estimates of biomass and age composition as auxiliary information. The
synthesis model operates by simulating the dynamics of the population
and comparing the expected values of the population characteristics to
the characteristics observed from surveys and fishery sampling programs.
The goodness of fit of the simulated values to the observable
characteristics is evaluated in terms of log (likelihood).
The model assumes that fishing mortality can be separated into
age-specific and year-specific components. A double logistic selectivity
curve is used to model the age-specific survey and fishery
selectivities, allowing the synthesis model the utility to fit most
species and gear selectivities by age. The year-specific fishing
mortality rates are tuned to the levels necessary to match the observed
catch biomass, and thus are not estimated as parameters. The model
inputs include the same catch-at-age information used in the cohort
analysis as well as survey age composition since 1975, trawl survey
biomass estimates and their attendent 95% confidence intervals, and
age-specific maturity ogives of female yellowfin sole.
Results and Evaluation of Methods
Long-term Changes in Abundance from Cohort Analysis and Survey
Biological data collections for yellowfin sole by Japanese
scientists during the early years of their target fisheries for this
species allow an examination of historical trends in abundance through
cohort analysis. Survey data are also available to provide periodic
independent estimates of biomass.
Cohort analyses (Bakkala et al., 1982; Bakkala and Wespestad, 1986)
have indicated that the biomass of yellowfin sole (ages 7-17) may have
been approximately 1.2 million t in 1959-60, the time the fishery
intensified for this species (Fig. 11). This intense exploitation, which
continued through 1962, apparently reduced the population biomass to
less than half the level in 1959-60.
After 1963, cohort analysis indicates that biomass remained at a
reduced level through the early 1970's. Biomass estimates from the
International Pacific Halibut Commission and Japan Fishery Agency
surveys from 1965 to 1971, which were standardized to the AFSC survey
areas of 1975 and 1979-86 (Bakkala, 1988), agree quite well with results
of the cohort analysis and suggest that biomass probably ranged around
500,000 t during this period (Fig. 11).
Both cohort analysis and AFSC survey data show that the yellowfin
sole population began to recover in the early 1970's. Abundance of
the population continued to increase through the early 1980's. This
sustained increase was the result of the recruitment of a series of
strong year classes from 1968 to 1976 (Fig. 12). Cohort analysis
indicates that the biomass of yellowfin sole peaked in 1984 at just over
2.0 million t, suggesting that the population during the 1980's was
as high, if not higher, than that in 1959-60.
As mentioned above, the AFSC survey data also shows the increase in
abundance of yellowfin sole, and there was reasonably good agreement in
the magnitude of biomass estimates between the survey data and cohort
analysis during 1975-81 (Fig. 11). In 1982-84, the survey biomass
estimates fluctuated unreasonably and were much higher than those from
cohort analysis. The survey estimates (for ages 7-17) increased from 2.1
million t in 1981 to 3.7 million t in 1983, and then decreased to 2.1
million t in 1985, an estimate similar to that from cohort analysis in
1985. Fluctuations of this magnitude are not possible for a long-lived
and slow-growing species like yellowfin sole.
The reasons for these fluctuations in survey biomass estimates are
unknown, but may be related to changes in the availability or
vulnerability of yellowfin sole to the survey trawls. Interestingly, a
similar problem has been encountered in trawl survey abundance estimates
for an Atlantic species of flatfish of the same genus as yellowfin sole
(yellowtail flounder, Limanda ferruginea) as reported by Collie and
Sissenwine (1983).
Updated Cohort Analysis
The age range used in previous cohort analyses for yellowfin sole
was 7-17, although ages well over 20 years have been recorded for this
species. However, until the mid-1980's, population numbers for age
groups exceeding 17 years was very low and did not contribute
significantly to the total population abundance. Because of the
recruitment of the 1968-77 series of strong year classes to age groups
18 and older during the late 1980's, it is no longer satisfactory
to truncate the age range at age 17. For example, survey data in 1990
indicated that fish older than 17 years comprised 22% of the total
estimated biomass in 1988, 26% in 1989, and 18% in 1990. These older age
groups also contributed significantly to fishery catches--19% of the
1988 catch, 26% in 1989, and 18% of the 1990 catch. Therefore, in
updating the cohort analysis, these older age groups were included.
Estimated biomass from the updated cohort analysis (which includes
ages >17) indicates that survey estimates may have underestimated the
yellowfin sole biomass during the period of increasing stock size in the
late 1970's and early 1980's (Fig. 13). Since the peak year of
1983, survey estimates have shown unexplained fluctuations (Table 3),
while cohort analysis indicates a gradual decline in stock abundance
through 1990 to 1.96 million t.
Table 3.--Estimated biomass (t) and 95% confidence
intervals of yellofin sole from Alaska Fisheries Science
Center trawl surveys in 1975 and during 1979-90.
Age groups 95% Confidence
Year 0-6 7+ Total of total
1975 169,500 803,000 972,000 812,300-1,132,700
1979 211,500 1,655,000 1,866,500 1,586,000-2,147,100
1980 235,900 1,606,500 1,842,400 1,553,200-2,131,700
1981 343,200 2,051,500 2,394,700 2,072,900-2,716,500
1982 665,700 2,609,600 3,275,300 2,733,600-3,817,100
1983 222,500 3,688,100 3,910,600 3,447,800-4,373,300
1984 183,500 3,136,800 3,320,300 2,929,800-3,710,800
1985 155,000 2,122,400 2,277,400 2,003,000-2,551,900
1986 78,700 1,787,700 1,866,400 1,587,000-2,149,300
1987 120,000 2,345,800 2,465,800 2,091,100-2,840,600
1988 53,800 2,800,600 2,854,600 2,393,900-3,315,200
1989 239,300 2,592,500 2,831,800 2,422,300-3,241,200
1990 69,600 2,114,200 2,183,800 1,886,200-2,479,400
The updated cohort analysis primarily differs from the previously
described analysis of Bakkala and Wespestad (1986) by estimating a
higher level of stock abundance during the late 1970's and early
1980's. This results from the addition of the age groups older than
17 years in the updated cohort analysis, which increases year-class
abundance in early years in order to produce the present age
distribution. The updated cohort analysis indicates that the biomass of
yellowfin sole reached a peak of about 2.3 million t in 1983 and has
since slowly declined.
Examination of fishery selectivities through age-specific F values
calculated from the updated cohort analysis, age-specific catch to
population ratios (cohort analysis), and selectivities estimated by the
stock synthesis model indicate that the model assumption of knife-edge
recruitment was violated (Fig. 14). Yellowfin sole are only partially
recruited to the fishery bottom trawls at age 7 and may not be fully
selected until age 13. In addition, the cohort analysis method does not
perform well at predicting the current population abundance as the
current estimate is only as good as the estimate of the terminal fishing
mortalities. Other sensitivity analyses (Megrey(6)) indicate that cohort
analyses are more accurate at estimation when the population has
experienced a prolonged period of high exploitation, unlike yellowfin
sole, where average F values have ranged from 0.02 to 0.18 since 1977
(Table 2). For these reasons, other age-structured analyses (such as the
stock synthesis model) may provide a preferred alternative to cohort
analysis for the estimation of the exploitable biomass of yellowfin
Stock Synthesis Analysis
The synthesis model has the utility of allowing emphasis to be
placed on different, observable characteristics of the population to
evaluate the fit of the simulated population parameters. The emphasis
placed on each component of the total log (likelihood) function
determines how closely the model estimate will approach the observations
of that population component. For this analysis, sensitivity of the
results when emphasis was placed on survey biomass, survey and catch age
composition, and the 1990 trawl survey age composition were
investigated. A desirable simulation of yellowfin sole population
dynamics would require a good fit to the trawl survey biomass trend
since 1977 and the 1990 trawl survey age composition, as well as a
reasonable fit to the survey and fishery age compositions since 1977.
The synthesis model was run with the selectivity curve fixed
asymptotically for the older fish in the fishery and survey, but still
was allowed to estimate the shape of the logistic curve for young fish.
The oldest year classes in the most recent surveys and fisheries (1989
and 1990) were truncated at 20 and allowed to accumulate into the age
category 17+ years. Emphasis on survey age composition and survey
biomass were varied over a log scale range to evaluate the fit of the
model to these factors and the 1990 survey age composition.
When emphasis was placed on the survey biomass, the fit to the
survey biomass gradually improved towards matching the biomass exactly
at high emphasis levels (Fig. 15). At emphasis levels greater than 10,
the fit to the survey age composition and the catch age composition
degraded substantially. When emphasis was placed on the survey age
composition, the fit improved marginally as the emphasis factor was
increased, but there was an accompanying degradation to the fit of the
survey biomass and fishery catch age composition, particularly at
emphasis levels greater than 100. The effect of placing a large emphasis
on a particular observable characteristic of the population has been
shown to improve the fit to this characteristic at the expense of
degrading the fit of other observable aspects of the population. Figure
16 shows that little improvement to the model's fit results from
placing an emphasis factor greater than 5 on the survey biomass or the
survey age composition.
It is desirable for the model to closely approach the observed 1990
age composition since it would depict the current population age
profile. A synthesis model run was made to investigate the fit to the
current population age profile by placing emphasis on fitting the 1990
survey age composition while placing slight emphasis on the survey
biomass component of the total likelihood and then comparing the overall
fit to the trend in biomass and recruitment from information obtained
from trawl surveys. An emphasis level of 5.0 was placed on the survey
biomass to provide a reasonable compromise between the fit to the
various types of observable data. The resulting fit to the observable
likelihood components is indicated in Figures 15 and 16 as a black dot
from the final synthesis run and indicates that this final run exhibited
a good fit to all the important observable population characteristics.
The stock synthesis biomass estimates indicate that yellowfin sole
biomass was nearly 1.5 million t in 1979, gradually increased to a peak
of 2.8 million t in 1985, and decreased slightly to 2.56 million t in
1989 before increasing to 2.66 million t in 1990 as the strong 1981 and
1983 year classes recruited to the fishable biomass (Fig. 13). Trawl
survey and cohort analysis estimates both indicate that yellowfin sole
biomass peaked in 1983. Estimates from cohort analyses have remained
stable at lower levels since 1983. The survey estimates have fluctuated
around the stock synthesis and cohort analysis estimates since 1983. All
three estimation procedures indicate that the yellowfin sole resource
has slowly increased during the 1970's and early 1980's, to a
peak level during the mid-1980's, and that the resource has
remained abundant until the present. This is indicative of a
slow-growing species with a low natural mortality rate which is known to
have been lightly exploited while experiencing average to strong
recruitment during the past 15 years. Good recruitment from the 1979-81
and 1983 year classes is expected to maintain the abundance of yellowfin
sole at a high level in the near future.
The natural mortality rate value of 0.12 was also evaluated using
the synthesis model. Values of natural mortality were varied from 0.09
to 0.18 to determine which level would fit the observable population
characterics best (Fig. 17). Maximum log (likelihood) values occurred at
M = 0.12. This value agrees with earlier assessments.
Recruitment Strengths
The primary reason for the sustained increase in abundance of
yellowfin sole during the 1970's and early 1980's has been the
recruitment of a series of stronger-than-average year classes spawned in
1968-76 (Fig. 12). Many of these year classes still comprise the major
portion of the exploitable population. This long series of strong year
classes also creates a healthy spawning population. Of the later year
classes, the 1978 year class is weak, but the 1979 and 1980 year classes
appear to be above average and the 1981 and 1983 year classes are two of
the strongest yet observed. Thus there appears to be continuing good
recruitment entering the exploitable population to sustain the stock at
its present abundant level.
Current Management and Estimation of Yield
Yellowfin sole is one component of 13 species or species groups of
groundfish of the eastern Bering Sea managed under the auspices of the
Magnuson Fishery Conservation and Management Act of 1976. The act
created eight regional councils responsible for the fishery resource
management within their geographic jurisdiction. The North Pacific
Fishery Management Council (NPFMC) has an area of authority including
the U.S. exclusive economic zones of the Arctic Ocean, Bering and
Chukchi Seas, and the North Pacific Ocean in the Gulf of Alaska.
The primary function of the councils is to develop and maintain
fishery management plans (FMP) for fisheries in need of conservation and
management. The FMP must specify the present and future condition of the
resource and establish a maximum sustainable yield (MSY) and optimum
yield for each species. Each year the NPFMC determines the total
allowable catch (catch quota) for each species derived from the
acceptable biological catch (ABC). The total allowable catch may be
further influenced by social and economic factors. Recommendations
concerning the ABC are provided to the council by fishery biologists
from both state and Federal fisheries management agencies. The
determined ABC may be above or below MSY based on seasonally determined
biological factors.
Maximum Sustainable Yield
Estimates of MSY have ranged from 78,000 to 260,000 t (Bakkala and
Wilderbuer, 1991) based on the yield equation of Schaefer (1957) and the
method of Alverson and Pereyra (1969) using ranges in M of 0.12 to 0.25
and virgin biomass estimates of 1.3 to 2.0 million t. Exploitation of
the yellowfin sole population from 1959 to 1981 averaged 150,000 t,
which may represent a reasonable estimate of MSY. This figure is similar
to the long-term sustainable yield (175,000 t) estimated from an
ecosystem model (Low, 1984). These latter estimates, however, are lower
than the recent estimate of 252,000-284,000 t obtained by fitting catch
and biomass in logistic stock production modeling (Zhang et al., 1991).
Acceptable Biological Catch For 1992
After increasing during the 1970's and early 1980's,
biomass estimates from cohort analysis and stock synthesis analysis have
been stable at 2 million t or more since 1982. The mean 1990 estimate of
exploitable biomass from stock synthesis projected ahead 1.5 years
(discounting for 1991 fishing and 1.5 years natural mortality and
accounting for growth and recruitment) provides an estimate of 2.66
million t of exploitable biomass for the beginning of 1992. This is
believed to be the best estimate of current yellowfin sole exploitable
Two methods were used to estimate ABC: 1) Results from the
yield-per-recruit model of Beverton and Holt (1957) and 2) the
[F.sub.0.1] fishing rate (Gulland and Boerema, 1973) derived from the
Beverton and Holt model yield curve applied to the estimate of
exploitable biomass for 1992.
The yield-per-recruit model of Beverton and Holt (1957) uses the
following input data: M = 0.12 and von Bertalanffy growth parameters (k
= 0.11, [t.sub.o] = 0.22 years, and [W.sub.inf] = 745 grams). Age 9, at
which nearly 50% of a cohort is recruited to the fishery, was used as
the age of recruitment. The medium, low, and high levels of recruitment
were derived from the mean number and 95% confidence interval around the
mean of age 9 recruits in 1977-90 estimated from cohort analysis and the
synthesis model. Results of the analysis follow.
Cohort analysis estimated age 9 recruitment:
The validity of the ABC values for this model assumes that an
equilibrium condition exists for the chosen level of recruitment.
The second method of estimating ABC involves applying the
[F.sub.0.1] exploitation rate from the yield-per-recruit model to the
1992 exploitable biomass. Applying the [F.sub.0.1] exploitation rate
(0.14) from the Beverton and Holt model to the 1992 projected biomass
(2.66 million t) provides an ABC of 372,400 t. This estimate exceeds the
high recruitment values from the yield per recruit analysis in method 1.
Survey and fishery information indicate that sustained high recruitment
is not realistic for the yellowfin sole population. Even during a time
period of generally good recruitment and reduced exploitation,
below-average year classes were produced as in 1978 and 1982.
Accordingly, it is believed that 276,900 t, derived from the continued
average recruitment scenario, is the best estimate of ABC for 1992.
Biomass Projections
Total biomass through 1996 is projected using the delay difference
equation of Deriso (1980). This model incorporates growth, natural
mortality, recruitment, and 2 years of biomass and catch estimates to
predict future biomass. Recruitment was assumed constant over the period
of the projection using the average recruitment values of age 9
yellowfin sole from the cohort analysis model. Results indicate that a
harvest level based on the average recruitment scenario from the yield
per recruit exploitation strategy will result in a stable population
through 1996 (Fig. 18). (1) Wakabayashi, K. 1975. Studies on resources
of yellowfin sole in the eastern Bering Sea. I. Biological
characteristics. Unpubl. manuscr., 8 p., of Far Seas Fish. Res. Lab.,
Fish. Agency Jpn., 1000 Orido, Shimizu 424. (2) Wakabayashi, K. 1975.
Studies on resources of the yellowfin sole in the eastern Bering Sea.
II. Stock size estimated by the method of virtual population analysis
and its annual changes. Unpubl. manuscr., 22 p., of Far Seas Fish. Res.
Lab., Fish. Agency Jpn., 1000 Orido, Shimizu 424. (3) Bakkala, R., V.
Wespestad, T. Sample, R. Narita, R. Nelson, D. Ito, M. Alton, L. Low, J.
Wall, and R. French. 1981. Condition of groundfish resources of the
eastern Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands region in 1981. Unpubl. rep.,
152 p., of Alaska Fish. Sci. Cent., 7600 Sand Point Way N.E., Seattle,
WA 98115. (4) Wakabayshi, K., R. Bakkala, and L. Low. 1977. Status of
the yellowfin sole resource in the east em Bering Sea through 1976.
Unpubl. manuscr. 45 p., on file at Northwest NMFS Alaska Fish Sci.
Cent., Seattle, Wash. (5) Methot, R. D. 1986. Synthetic estimates of
historical abundance and mortality for northern anchovy, Engraulis
mordax. NMFS Southwest Fish. Cent. Admin. Rep. LJ-86-29, SWFC, P.O. Box
271, La Jolla, Calif. Unpubl. rep. (6) Megrey, B. A. 1983. Review and
comparison of three methods of cohort analysis. U.S. Dep. Commer., NOAA,
NMFS Northwest Alaska Fish. Cent., Seattle. NWAFC Proc. Rep. 83-12, 24
p. (8) [F.sub.0.1] value.
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Thomas K. Wilderbuer and Gary E. Walters are with the Alaska
Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA, 7600
Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115. Richard G. Bakkala, a retired
fisheries biologist, was formerly with the NMFS Alaska Fisheries Science