Developing BIM-assisted as-built schedule management system for general contractors.
Tserng, Hui-Ping ; Ho, Shih-Ping ; Jan, Shu-Hui 等
An original schedule can be updated frequently, particularly as a
construction project becomes larger and more complex. A general
contractor typically requires access to as-built schedule information to
control and manage construction projects. Updated as-built schedule
management (SM) is essential to control and manage construction
projects, particularly because it enhances communication and
coordination among project participants. Promptly sharing the updated
as-built schedule with other participants helps them make compatible
decisions, which helps to minimize possible disputes. Therefore, updated
as-built schedule monitoring and control among project participants
should be necessary and important to the general contractor. Until
recently, on-site progress data collection has been mainly paper-based.
This method has been reported as one of the major problems that causes
project delays and cost overruns (Davidson, Skibniewski 1995). Manual
methods, which are impractically slow and do not always achieve the
desired result, require a great deal of time and energy (Navon 2007;
Trupp et al. 2004; Hegazy, Abdel-Monem 2012). Consequently, collection
of as-built schedules from project participants is ineffective, thus
reducing efficiency and resulting in a lack of as-built schedule
information. This process ultimately results in confusion. With the
advent of Internet technology, web-based as-built schedule information
management solutions have facilitated information distribution and
sharing among project participants. Utilization of web technology
enhances the sharing of as-built schedule information in construction
projects and has recently become increasingly important due to the ease
with which information can be shared through web solutions.
In Taiwan, there currently exists a multitude of practice problems
regarding updating an as-built schedule at the jobsite in Taiwan (Lin
2009). One of those problems is obtaining an accurate position and
location from text-based illustrations of a traditional schedule.
Building information modeling (BIM) is a new industry term referring to
parametric 3D computer-aided design (CAD) technologies and processes in
the AEC industry (Taylor, Bernstein 2009). During the construction
phase, effectively tracking and managing as-built schedule information
integrated with BIM-assisted illustration in construction reduces
mistakes. Effective BIM-assisted as-built schedule information sharing
allows project engineers to identify a current as-built schedule and
make accurate decisions in the visual environment. Despite many studies
and discussions in academic and practical literature regarding the
simulation of 4D approaches (3D computer model + time), few studies on
the practical updating of as-built schedules, integrated with the BIM
approach during the construction phase, have emerged.
The proposed approach is to enhance onsite updating of the as-built
schedule integrated with BIM models for visual schedule management. To
advance this notion, the study presents a novel approach called the
Construction BIM-assisted Schedule Management (ConBIM-SM) system for
general contractors to enhance as-built schedule information sharing and
tracking. Furthermore, this study demonstrates that the proposed system
is efficient in information sharing and enhances as-built schedule
information implantation through the ConBIM-SM system. The ConBIM-SM
system retains the as-planned and as-built schedule information in a
digital format, and facilitates easy updates and shares updating
as-built schedule information in the web environment. By using the
ConBIM-SM system, project and BIM engineers can obtain an overview of
the previous and current as-built schedule updated information for a
given project. Furthermore, project engineers can access and utilize the
most recent updates to the as-built models during the construction
phase. The changes and problems with the as-built models can be made
available to each project engineer via the markup-enabled as-built
schedule. This research is a pilot study to apply the ConBIM-SM system
for SM work during a building project in Taiwan, and to analyze and
discuss the entire BIM SM work. Many problems and limitations will
surface when onsite updating of an as-built schedule is implemented. The
main contribution of the study is to explore the experience of tracking
and managing BIM-assisted as-built scheduling during the construction
1. Literature review
To facilitate construction planning, visualization technology has
become widespread (Liston et al. 1998). BIM is a new industry term that
refers to 3D illustration technology that incorporates parameters and
processes related to the AEC industry (Taylor, Bernstein 2009). Almost
ten years ago, BIM was introduced as an environment in which any
information on 3D entity models could be stored and retrieved throughout
a project's life cycle (Tse et al. 2005). A BIM model is a digital
visual representation of all of a building's physical
characteristics and relevant information on its life cycle (Manning,
Messner 2008). In prior research, many different definitions of BIM have
been proposed. BIM contains precise digital geometric measurements and
data to support a project's design, procurement, fabrication, and
construction activities to describe CAD (Eastman et al. 2011).
BIM's main feature is that the complete model, with all of its
parts, is saved in a single file. Moreover, any changes made to the
model automatically affect any related data and drawings accordingly.
BIM modelling allows users to create and update project-related
documents automatically, and data on the building are attached to the
model's elements (Eastman et al. 2011). BIM helps construction
planners to make important decisions by providing a visual of the
details of the project in the future (Chau et al. 2004). BIM is a tool
that allows for efficient applications of the management and execution
of construction projects.
There are many core adoption, advantages, barriers, limitations,
and frameworks for the use of BIM in supporting decisions and improving
processes throughout the life cycle of a project (Shen, Issa 2010;
Manning, Messner 2008; Becerik-Gerber, Rice 2010; Underwood, Isikdag
2010; Gu, London 2010; Eastman et al. 2011; Arayici et al. 2011; Jung,
Joo 2011; Barlish, Sullivan 2012; Porwal, Hewage 2013). The
characteristics that are beneficial to the construction phase include a
reduction in necessary rework, increased customer satisfaction as a
result of the visual model, more productive phasing and scheduling, more
efficient and timely construction management with a swift form of
communication, accurate estimation of cost, and a clearer visual for
safety testing (Hardin 2009; Matta, Kam 2010; Eastman et al. 2011;
Elbeltagi, Dawood 2011; Azhar 2011; Zhou et al. 2013; Hartmann et al.
Over the past few years, the focus of many research efforts has
been the use of information technology (IT) to enhance automation aided
by the BIM approach. Redmond et al. (2012) utilized cloud computing as a
platform on which to integrate the BIM applications known as "Cloud
BIM". This integration enhanced the BIM user's experience in
making important decisions regarding design in various disciplines. Ren
et al. (2012) proposed a framework in which BIM could be used to
integrate applications for cost estimation and quantity takeoff with
e-commerce solutions for procurement of materials and evaluation of
supplier performance. Li et al. (2012) integrated virtual prototyping
and four-dimensional simulation to assist construction planners in
testing the sequence of construction activities when mobile cranes are
involved. To manage construction defects, Park et al. (2013) presented a
conceptual system framework in which BIM was integrated with ontology
and augmented reality (AR). Davies and Harty (2013) developed tools
based on BIM to enable site workers to access information on the design,
record work quality, and update records of progress on-site on their
personal tablets or computers. Martins and Monteiro (2013) created a
BIM-based system to automatically check procedure codes for water
distribution systems. Irizarry et al. (2013) integrated the BIM approach
with geographic information systems (GIS) to track the status of a
supply chain and to provide warning signals that would result in
successful delivery of materials. Zhang et al. (2013) integrated BIM
with an automated safety-check platform to forewarn construction
engineers and managers of potential accidents related to falls before
the start of any actual construction.
Since the early 1990's, an increasing amount of attention has
been paid to the idea of four-dimensional computer-aided design (4D CAD)
for planning construction projects. Commercially available 4D CAD
applications are becoming more widespread and easily accessible, and
this technology enables the construction planner to produce more
detailed, concise, and rigorous schedules. These commercially available
packages typically focus on the use of 4D CAD simulations for the
purpose of visualization (Heesom, Mahdjoubi 2004). A great deal of
previous research has concentrated on applying 4D CAD to the use of
construction schedules. Russell et al. (2009) were able to visualize
strategies for construction of a high-rise building through the use of
linear scheduling and 4D CAD. Kim et al. (2011) presented a case study
analyzing construction of a cable-stayed bridge, as well as modelling
this process with a 4D graphic simulation. Zhang and Hu (2011) used a 4D
structural information model to resolve conflicts and alleviate safety
issues throughout construction. Hu and Zhang (2011) developed a
BIM-assisted 4D-based system for the same purpose. Li et al. (2012)
utilized a 4D simulation and virtual prototyping to help construction
planners to examine the feasibility of mobile cranes in the construction
process. Chavada et al. (2012) integrated critical path method and BIM
to provide real-time management and rehearsal of activity execution
workspaces. Zhou et al. (2013) used 4D visualization technology to
manage safety throughout the metro's construction.
All of the aforementioned research has focused on simulating the 4D
approach (3D digital model + time). However, the idea of a 4D approach
is hardly new. The 4D simulation approach is different from the
BIM-based as-built schedule updating system, for which there have only
been a few studies. In Taiwan, there have been many problems encountered
with this system of scheduling during the construction phase (Lin 2009).
One such problem is that it is difficult to clearly explain a project
without a visual representation while the schedule is being processed.
In recent studies, there have been attempts to update 4D CAD models with
various technologies, such as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
(Azimi et al. 2011; Lu et al. 2011), Ultra Wide Band (UWB) (Shahi et al.
2013), 3D laser scanning (El-Omari, Mo selhi 2008, 2009; Bosche et al.
2006, 2008; Tang et al. 2010; Turkan et al. 2012; Kim et al. 2013b;
Xiong et al. 2013), and digital image processing (Kim et al. 2013a).
These approaches still have a multitude of limitations, such as a high
cost, that need to be addressed before the methods can be put into
practice. Therefore, in this work it was a challenge to provide for the
general contractor and onsite engineers a platform with which they could
track and manage the BIM-assisted as-built schedule.
2. Research method
Visual representations aid communication amongst project staff and
facilitate decision making, and, when implemented well, they can provide
the project team with clear and fast feedback. Currently, there is much
commercial BIM software to provide the 4D simulation for construction
management. Tekla, for example, provides BIM value beyond design to
virtual construction and project time simulation. Autodesk Navisworks
functions to simulate construction schedules and logistics in 4D to
visually communicate and analyze project activities. Vico software
provides 3D model elements connected to tasks for 4D simulation.
However, this software mainly provides users with the 4D simulation
functionality. If the general contractor wants to utilize the commerce
BIM software for the application of as-built schedule management, most
4D simulation functionality is incapable of meeting the requirement of
updating the as-built schedule management in practice.
To remedy the problems in the visual updating of the as-built
schedule, this study presents the novel ConBIM-SM system to visually
update the as-built schedule information for construction project
participants. The proposed ConBIM-SM system improves project control
efficiency and cost-effectiveness, enhances construction updating of
as-built schedule information among project participants, and increases
flexibility in updating the as-built project schedule and response time.
The main objectives of this study are as follows: (1) develop a
web-based BIM-assisted as-built schedule management system; (2) apply
the proposed system for onsite asbuilt schedule updating and explore its
limitations and problems based on a real case study; and (3) improve
project BIM-assisted as-built schedule control and management efficiency
for general contractors. The system will enhance dynamic project
tracking and management; therefore enabling project participants to
access the most up-to-date as-built schedule.
Updating the as-built schedule during the construction phase is
generally recognized as the most critical strategy for successful
schedule management. This study focuses on the practical implementation
of the as-built schedule for the general contractor at a jobsite. In
this study, the proposed ConBIM-SM system facilitates different statuses
of as-built schedule process during the construction phase. In order for
the project manager and project engineers to track the visual
BIM-assisted as-built schedule, the study proposes five types of process
statuses for updating the as-built schedule in the ConBIMSM system. The
five process statuses include: (1) ahead of schedule with under
construction status; (2) ahead of schedule with completion status; (3)
behind schedule with pre-construction status; (4) behind schedule with
under construction status; and (5) behind schedule with completion
status. Various statuses have been developed for different purposes in
order to meet distinct requirements for the as-built schedule.
The proposed ConBIM-SM system with BIM-assisted visualization
allows all project engineers to access the most recent visual as-built
schedule using the BIM model. Furthermore, the updated as-built schedule
can also be shared with marked information related to changes (Fig. 1).
The primary advantages of the BIM-assisted as-built schedule are as
follows: (1) it provides a BIM-assisted illustration for sharing the
updated as-built schedule in the web environment; (2) it provides
project managers and engineers with the ability to track color-assisted
statuses of all virtual as-built schedule processes during the
construction phase of a project; and (3) it gives project engineers the
ability to respond to the updated or feedback content using the BIM
approach in practice.
The study utilizes the BIM approach to apply as-built BIM models in
the updating of the as-built schedule. In the study, Design Web Format
(DWF) is the selected format of the BIM file for markup as-built
schedule use. Onsite engineers may update the status and corresponding
color of the progress using as-built BIM models (BIM DWF file), and
upload it to the system for updated as-built schedule sharing. Finally,
the system will convert as-built updated component units of BIM models
under the BIM DWF file by API programming and upload them to the
ConBIM-SM system.
The study proposes a new innovative multi-field updated approach to
the as-built schedule to enhance its management, which in turn allows
engineers to update multiple as-built records of each activity or task
in the field at various times. The main purpose is for engineers to
build upon the previous updated content for each activity or task. This
multi-field updated as-built schedule approach allows engineers to track
past and present progress of the as-built schedule content. When onsite
engineers also select a traditional single field for as-built updates,
they need not use a multi-field progress update system.
The 3D markup-enabled schedule models can be defined as a 3D CAD
graphic representation of as-built schedule activities linking
relationships between CAD objects and attributes of schedule models. The
BIM approach retains as-built schedule information in a digital format,
facilitating easy updating and transfer of activities in the 3D CAD
environment. The as-built schedule information with 3D BIM approach can
be identified, tracked, and managed virtually during construction
projects. The most recent as-built schedule status and comments can be
acquired from onsite engineers and then shared and illustrated by way of
the 3D BIM model for better understanding and communication.
The 3D markup-enabled schedule models, which are defined in
multiple objects, are constructed from variables that can be decomposed
into CAD component units and cam store the status of the as-built
activity schedule. The 3D markup-enabled schedule models allow users to
access information from the as-built schedule stored in layers based on
the attributes and type of the as-built schedule. As-built schedule
information stored in components of the 3D markup-enabled schedule model
includes both the status of the as-built schedule and comments (Fig. 2).
As-built activity schedule status includes the as-built schedule,
comments of the as-built schedule, descriptions of problems regarding
the as-built schedule, or related attachments (e.g. documents, reports,
drawings, and photos). Additionally, the 3D markup-enabled schedule
models allow users to review the as-built schedule with the BIM model to
enhance effectiveness of visual communication. The 3D markup-enabled
schedule model is associated with the as-built schedule, locations, and
comments on activities.
3. System development
3.1. System overview
The following section describes the development of the proposed
ConBIM-SM system. The developed ConBIMSM system runs on Microsoft
Windows 2008 software with an Internet Information Server (IIS) as the
web server. The ConBIM-SM system is developed using ASP.NET, which are
easily incorporated with HTML and JavaScript technologies. The ConBIM-SM
system server supports four distinct layers: interface, access,
application, and database (Fig. 3). Each layer has its own
responsibilities. The interface layer defines administrative and
end-user interfaces. Users can access information via web browsers such
as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Google Chrome. Administrators control
and manage information via the web browser or using a separate server
interface. The access layer provides system security and restricted
access, firewall services, and system administration functions. The
application layer defines various applications for analyzing and
managing information. The database layer consists of a primary Microsoft
SQL Server 2003 database. A firewall and virus scanning capability are
used to protect the system database against intrusion.
The ConBIM-SM system is designed for all BIMrelated project
participants via a user-friendly portal, which serves as a real-time,
updated as-built schedule channel for project engineers. All data are
stored and classified using the visual schedule management dashboard in
the ConBIM-SM system. Furthermore, the ConBIM-SM system is a solution
that uses a single, unified database linked to the as-built models'
files (DWF files) with different levels of access determined by user
roles. Participants can access the BIM model SM information entry and
updates, based on their responsibilities in the ConBIM-SM system. When
information is updated in the ConBIM-SM system, the server automatically
sends emails to the project manager, and the project engineers
associated with the issue. One purpose in this study is to extend BIM to
the construction phase and provide as-built schedule updating service
for general contractor. The as-built model is applied in the ConBIM-SM
system to capture and store as-built model information. Autodesk Revit
Architecture and Revit MEP were used to model the BIM management
dashboard and create BIM files. Autodesk Design Review was used to read
as-built model files from the BIM management dashboard. Information
integration with the BIM management dashboard was achieved using the
Autodesk Revit application programming interface (API) and Microsoft
Visual Basic. Net (VB.NET) programming language. The ConBIMSM system was
developed by integrating the BIM SMrelated information using Autodesk
Revit Architecture and Revit MEP software. All APIs in the ConBIM-SM
system were programmed in VB.NET using Revit API. A program in C++ was
written to integrate acquired data from different software programs and
all interface information, such that as-built model files could be
exported to an ODBC database for connection with the ConBIM-SM system.
If all as-built schedule information is recorded in the BIM model, the
load of the BIM model is too large for the system. BIM models cover a
wealth of building information; stored information should be for crucial
information, such as schedule component ID, names of the schedule
components, and other critical information. In order to maintain the
system's level of performance, the derived as-built schedule
information should be stored in another location. Therefore, there are
two databases designed in the ConBIM-SM system. They are the BIM
elements database and the ConBIM-SM database. The BIM elements database
only store basic information (such as components of BIM position, ID and
names of schedule components, and key parameter information of the
components). Furthermore, the as-built schedule information of ConBIM-SM
is stored in the ConBIM-SM database.
3.2. System modules
This section demonstrates the implementation of the ConBIM-SM
system modules.
Authority management module
The authority management module is an access control mechanism
preventing unauthorized users from entering the system or retrieving
sensitive as-built schedule information. The ConBIM-SM system requires
all project engineers, project managers, BIM engineers, and system
administration to register. To register, users provide a unique User ID
and password for authentication. As ConBIM-SM information and reports
required by different project engineers and different BIM models vary,
the authority and access rights of project managers and BIM engineers
vary from those of others.
BIM process monitoring module
The BIM process monitoring module tracks provide the visual
BIM-assisted updating schedule management dashboard environment.
Additionally, project engineers and managers can access visual schedule
management dashboard regarding the current process or status of the
as-built schedule information. The process monitoring module has an easy
access option that allows participants to track as-built schedule
information with different status color of BIM models illustration.
Furthermore, project engineers and project managers can share the most
recent updated as-built schedule with related BIM models and access all
current responses about schedule problems with an as-built model from
onsite project engineers.
Alert management module
The alert management module helps the project engineers, who set up
an alert service to monitor and manage the updating of as-built schedule
via e-mail and RSS feed. Dates related to the notification about updates
in BIM-assisted schedule information are recorded systematically.
Furthermore, this module provides convenient access and a push-based
function to help the project manager and project engineers respond to
decisions in advance, before an update in the schedule is tracked and
others respond.
BIM models update management module
The BIM models update management module lets users update the
as-built schedule information regarding selection of BIM model
components, which are stored with the corresponding as-built models in
DWF files. Authorized records for updating as-built schedule information
can be extracted and summarized for the BIMassisted updating schedule
summary. Furthermore, the entire BIM-assisted updating schedule summary
can be presented on the web or extracted using commercially available
software such as Adobe Acrobat.
BIM models problem response module
The module centralizes storage of all problems of the corresponding
components of the as-built schedule in the 3D BIM model in a visual
environment. This allows onsite engineers to respond effectively from a
central location to problems in the as-built schedule and provide a
revised description of corresponding modified as-built models (DWF
files). Usually, the onsite engineer can submit the problem in the
as-built schedule information about corresponding components in the 3D
BIM model through the module. Furthermore, project participants can
communicate problems with the BIM-assisted asbuilt schedule through the
BIM SM report module
The module allows users to easily access the brief updates in
information about BIM schedule regarding the corresponding components in
the 3D BIM model. Authorized records for updating the as-built schedule
can be extracted and summarized with the visual BIM model reports.
Furthermore, all BIM SM reports can be presented on the web or extracted
using commercially available software such as Microsoft Word and Acrobat
4. Case study
4.1. Case description
The case study was a 4-months construction project. The case study
involves a general contractor with 25 years of experience in
constructing office buildings in Taiwan. The construction phase of this
office-building project also involves three subcontractors and five
suppliers. The general contractor wanted to take full advantage of using
the visual approach to enhance onsite construction management (aspects
of which include schedule management, visual discussion, and so on). In
the general contractor's previous experience, there have been
serious problems with onsite as-built schedule updating and tracking.
One such problem has been obtaining an accurate position and location
from the text-based illustrations of a traditional schedule. Therefore,
the general contractor had assigned project engineers, project managers,
and BIM engineers to utilize the ConBIM-SM system to solve the problems
related to the onsite as-built schedule during the construction phase.
The ConBIM-SM system was used in the office-building project to
demonstrate its efficacy and that of the visual BIM-assisted updating
and management of the as-built schedule.
A major aim of selecting this project was to emphasize the general
contractor's use of BIM tools to manage construction as-built
schedule during the construction phase. All BIM models were created and
developed by the general contractor. The main benefits of using BIM in
construction for general contractor included less rework, better cost
estimation, and improved productivity. Therefore, the general contractor
decided to reuse these BIM models to enhance the application of visual
BIM as-built schedule management. In other words, the BIM models were
reused and applied to as-built schedule management. There were two
full-time engineers with three years of BIM experience to perform the
BIM asbuilt schedule management in the project. The ConBIMSM system was
installed on the general contractor's main server during the test.
A user guide was provided, and three ConBIM-SM system workshops were
held to demonstrate the use of the ConBIM-SM system. All invited
engineers originally used the Microsoft Project software to control the
project schedule. During the test period, they used the ConBIM-SM system
only for the test project and used Microsoft Project to control the
schedule and management of the company simultaneously. During the case
study, responsible onsite engineers updated their as-built schedule, and
updated the status and content of the BIM model in the ConBIM-SM system.
The BIM engineers needed to prepare and convert all BIM models into DWF
files in the initial phase. After the BIM models were converted, the
onsite engineers linked the as-built activity with the read-only BIM
model (DWF files) and uploaded the submission via the ConBIM-SM system.
The attached files with selected components of the BIM model included
digital documents and photos. The BIM engineers assisted the onsite
engineer in the creation and conversion of the BIM models for use in
future as-built scheduling. Furthermore, BIM engineers will revise the
BIM models based on the as-built situation, if necessary. All onsite
engineers were required to update the as-built schedule using the
ConBIM-SM system. Onsite engineers updated the status color of the
current schedule's components that corresponded with the BIM models
(DWF file), and updated their discussions and comments via the ConBIM-SM
system. Finally, all BIM-assisted schedule information was centralized
and stored in the central database to prevent the collection of
redundant data. The ConBIM-SM system automatically sent a message
concerning any updated information to the onsite engineers and project
manager after saving the new content.
In the case study, the decoration engineers attempted to utilize
the BIM approach for illustrating the as-built updated schedule
regarding the installation of windows and doors. The decoration
engineers and BIM engineers utilized the as-built BIM models and linked
the BIM models to the activity in the ConBIM-SM system. After the
as-built BIM models were revised and linked with related activities, the
decoration engineers were invited to update their as-built schedules
with the BIM approach. All decoration engineers were required to update
their own as-built schedules regarding the activities for which they
were responsible. The as-built schedule information with the
corresponding components of the BIM models included the as-planned
schedule, as-built schedule, descriptions and comments, and as-built
photos (when they were necessary). When the submitted as-built schedule
document set was approved by the project manager, the system illustrated
the process automatically. In other words, users could find and read the
related as-built schedule directly simply by clicking on activities and
referring to the corresponding components of the BIM models. Finally,
all submitted as-built schedules whose components corresponded with the
BIM models had to have their performance quality approved before the
final as-built schedule could be published. All of the validation needed
to be executed by the project manager.
The decoration engineer identified and updated the as-built
schedule records of selected decorations (such as descriptions, as-built
photos, and documentation) provided by the responsible engineers (Fig.
4). The decoration engineer continued to update and provide comments on
the as-built schedule in the portion of the project assigned to the
installation of windows and doors using the multi-field as-built
schedule records. Additionally, the decoration engineer provided
additional suggestions and feedback pertaining to any delay problems
after the work was completed. Subsequently, another decoration engineer
updated the new as-built schedule and selected the status of the
as-built schedule in the ConBIM-SM system after completing the
installation of the windows and doors. Furthermore, the engineer
uploaded the as-built photos and descriptions of the components
corresponding to the BIM models in the ConBIM-SM system. Moreover, the
decoration engineer republished the updated as-built schedule from the
approval section to the published section of the ConBIM-SM system after
the approval process was completed, and a notification was sent to
authorized members. Figure 5 illustrates the flowchart of the process
used in the ConBIM-SM system in this case.
4.2. Field tests and results
During the field test, the three BIM engineers handled all the
BIM-related work. The BIM works included the as-built schedule
integrated with BIM models creation, modification, and revision. The
twelve onsite project engineers and the general contractor handled the
entire construction project up to its completion using the as-built
schedule. The ConBIM-SM system was installed on the general
contractor's main server during the test. A user guide was given
and two ConBIM-SM system workshops were held to show how the ConBIM-SM
system could be integrated with the BIM approach. Furthermore,
BIM-related software (Autodesk Revit Architecture and Autodesk Revit
MEP) was selected to create and revise the as-built models. All BIM
files were converted into DWF files for review and markup in the
ConBIM-SM system.
In this case study, the BIM engineer handled and assisted the
production and revision of BIM models for BIM-assisted as-built
scheduling. The onsite engineers developed and updated the BIM-assisted
as-built schedule. Finally, the project managers and onsite engineers
accessed and tracked the updated as-built schedule with the BIM approach
in the ConBIM-SM system.
During the field test, the verification test was carried out
through the assessment of whether the ConBIM-SM system performed tasks
as specified in its design. During the validation test, selected case
participants were asked to use the system; case participants then
provided feedback via a questionnaire. The case participants consisted
of three BIM engineers of general contractor with three years'
experience, six onsite engineers with five years' experience, two
senior subcontractor engineers with ten years' experience, and two
general contractor project engineers with ten years' experience.
Questionnaires were distributed to evaluate system function and user
satisfaction with system capabilities. System users were asked to grade
the system's usage, functionality, and capability separately, based
on a comparison with the previous meeting approach on a five-point
Likert scale, ranging from 1 for "not useful" to 5 for
"very useful". Questionnaire results indicated that enhancing
the management of the visual as-built updated schedule with graph
visualization using the BIM approach was significantly improved through
the use of the proposed system. Comments regarding possible improvements
to the ConBIM-SM system were also obtained from project participants.
The ConBIM-SM system was demonstrated to the respondents, who were asked
to express their opinions towards the system by completing the
questionnaire. Table 1 shows the results of the testing of the system.
The principal advantages of the ConBIM-SM system, based on
questionnaire results, are as follows: (1) The ConBIM-SM system allowed
project engineers and managers to track and manage the visual
BIM-assistant as-built schedule information during construction (92%
agreed); (2) The ConBIM-SM system allowed onsite engineers to provide
as-built schedule feedback with color-coded statuses through the
ConBIM-SM system (89% agreed); (3) The ConBIM-SM system enabled the
project engineers to track and view the updated contents of the as-built
schedule when using it with the BIM approach (88% agreed); (4) The
ConBIM-SM system enhanced visual management of the as-built schedule
effectively in the visual environment (92% agreed).
The following recommendations are based on user feedback: (1)
Successful ConBIM-SM adoption should be supported by the individuals of
highest authority in a firm and on a jobsite; (2) Policy and strategy
must be considered to encourage use of the ConBIM-SM system at the
jobsite during the construction phase; (3) Further efforts and
additional approaches are required to overcome unwillingness to adopt
BIM software (such as Autodesk Design Review) at a construction jobsite;
(4) Initial case study results should be used to educate users about
adoption of BIM software, and additional staff training is needed; (5)
Further training and workshops on the ConBIM-SM system and BIM software
are necessary for all users.
4.3. Barriers and limitations
User feedback indicated that the primary barriers to using the
ConBIM-SM system were as follows: (1) Most onsite engineers were
unsatisfied with the slow Internet speed at the jobsite; (2) Substantial
amounts of time and assistance were needed for engineers and managers to
update the as-built schedule with the BIM approach; (3) A few project
engineers were difficult to update as-built schedule and feedback
results because of insufficient time; (4) Two senior project engineers
had difficulty becoming familiar with utilizing 3D BIM models; and (5)
The size of the DWF files directly affected the ConBIM-SM system's
operation performance.
The findings of this case study revealed several limitations of the
ConBIM-SM system. The following are inherent problems recognized during
the case study:
--An initial plan or discussion to integrate the BIM models in
BIM-assisted schedule management is necessary at the project's
onset to avoid ensuing problems with the as-built schedule updated with
the BIM approach.
--Generally, BIM at different levels of detail (LOD) will affect
the results of the visual updates to the as-built schedule. For example,
a BIM model with LOD400 makes it easier to update the as-built schedule
than one with LOD100. The corresponding components of a BIM model with
LOD100 will require more detail for schedule updating than a BIM model
with LOD400.
--In the case study, project engineers who were unfamiliar with the
use of 3D BIM models initially required additional time to apply the
corresponding BIM-assisted as-built schedule in the ConBIM-SM system.
Therefore, more time was used with this system than the current
approach. After the users became more skilled and familiar with the 3D
BIM models, the amount of time necessary for the current approach was
almost identical to the time necessary for the proposed system in
utilizing 3D BIM models.
--Onsite project engineers who experienced a pressing work schedule
often lacked sufficient time and assistance to update the as-built
schedule. Additionally, the attitudes of the project engineers involved
in the use of the ConBIM-SM system to update the as-built schedule were
found to vary greatly. The development of systems that satisfies all the
needs of the various project engineers depends on their contrasting
viewpoints and attitudes.
--Support of the upper management helps to assure the
implementation of the updated as-built schedule, especially at the
jobsite. In the case study, overcoming resistance to using the 3D BIM
models and ConBIM-SM system by onsite engineers during their work was an
important factor, as well as one of the major prerequisites for the
successful implementation of the ConBIM-SM system. Upper management,
therefore, gave project participants an incentive/bonus reward for using
the ConBIMSM system more consistently during the case study. Future
research must address how an updated BIM model can be implemented onsite
effectively and directly (including BIM model creation, modification,
updating) in practice.
--Given the limited storage capacity of any PC and notebook, it is
suggested that the BIM engineer create in advance the DWF files in the
database for referring to BIM models and helping the asbuilt schedule to
support advanced BIM-assisted schedule management systems to be used in
construction management. However, the size of a DWF file will directly
and obviously affect the operation performance of the ConBIM-SM system.
The size will affect the time used to read the DWF files and search for
facilities, as well as the system's operation efficiency.
Therefore, the original BIM model (a DWF file) will need to be converted
into many smaller BIM models (DWF files).
--The ConBIM-SM system can only be used at the jobsite directly.
The findings of the case study indicate that most onsite engineers
updated their as-built schedule when they were at the jobsite. The case
study revealed that most onsite engineers considered updating their
as-built schedule at the jobsite using a smart phone or notebook in a
Wi-Fi or 3G environments to be inconvenient. Therefore, onsite engineers
began using tablet computers (such as iPads) which, according to case
observations, improved their willingness to apply the ConBIM-SM system
and update their as-built schedule directly at the jobsite.
--In this case study, many onsite engineers chose to use the
proposed multi-field as-built schedule's progress records to
facilitate tracking the updated as-built schedule with the BIM approach
in the ConBIMSM system. According to the questionnaire's results,
most of the engineers thought the use of multifield as-built schedule
records was very helpful for updating progress and tracking management,
although the BIM-assisted as-built schedule could be very
--Regarding the use of various colors in the BIM model for updating
and tracking purposes, it is recommended to limit the amount of
different colors used, so as to reduce confusion for the user.
Additionally, the next steps in the system's development are
providing users with the 2D illustration map for updating the condition
of the schedule, identifying the 2D location, and reviewing the 3D
visual BIM model in the future.
Various visual representations of a project's schedule and
associated information combined with visual representations of the
project in progress, i.e. BIM, can assist with these tasks of
identifying effective construction strategies for managing a
project's duration. The application of BIM integrated with an
as-built updated schedule for building projects during the construction
phase is discussed in this work. To assist the general contractor in
effectively and efficiently managing updates to the asbuilt schedule,
this study develops the ConBIM-SM system for managers and engineers.This
system utilizes visual BIM-assisted illustration. Through a BIM-assisted
web environment, the ConBIM-SM system can give project engineers the
updated content of the as-built schedule through the markup-enabled BIM
There is a great deal of research focusing on the simulation of the
4D approach (3D and time simulations), although the idea of the 4D
approach is not new. There are few studies on updating an as-built
schedule using the BIM approach. Notably, the proposed approach retains
information about changes and conditions to the as-built schedule in a
digital format and facilitates easy and effective visual updating of
as-built schedule information in the web environment. Furthermore,
project participants can access and utilize the most recently updated
as-built schedule integrated with the BIM application in practice during
the construction phase. All as-built schedules can be updated, and
changes and problems are made known to each project engineer via the
markup-enabled BIM models. Finally, the proposed ConBIM-SM system is
applied to a case study of a building project in Taiwan to verify its
efficacy and demonstrate its ConBIM-SM system's effectiveness. The
case study results show that the ConBIM-SM system provides users with
centralized storage of all updates to the contents and status of the
asbuilt schedule during the construction phase of a project, such that
the project managers and project engineers can track and manage the
visual status effectively. The case study also highlights the need to
improve onsite BIM SM work during the construction phase. Integration of
webbased technologies and the BIM approach is promising for the
alleviation of problems in updating an as-built schedule during the
construction phase. Overall, field test results indicate that the
proposed ConBIM-SM system is an effective and user-friendly platform for
the general contractor to handle construction work using an as-built
schedule integrated with the application of BIM.
This study presented the ConBIM-SM system to construction project
participants so that they could update and share any information about
their as-built schedule in an enhanced visual way. The proposed system
effectively improves the efficiency and effectiveness of creating a
visual of the updated as-built schedule, thus enabling the general
contractor to control and manage progress at the jobsite. The ConBIM-SM
system improves efficiency in tracking the as-built schedule information
collected visually from onsite engineers, and provides monitoring
services for project participants. This study shows that the ConBIM-SM
system significantly enhances control of the visual aspect of a
construction project's as-built schedule. The system also enhances
construction management when it is integrated with the application of
BIM. Furthermore, the BIM-assisted visual illustration of real-time
as-built information from all project participants helps the general
contractor's manager to visually monitor and control the
construction project's as-built scheduling process by using
statuses of various colors. One of the main characteristics of the
ConBIMSM system is that there is no requirement for updating the
BIM-assisted as-built schedule to install any BIM software at jobsite.
All that any individual needs to do is to install the free Autodesk
Design Review software and access the ConBIM-SM system directly through
Microsoft Internet Explorer or Google Chrome. Project participants and
managers can access the ConBIM-SM system to track the BIM-assisted
as-built schedule anytime and anywhere, based on what they are permitted
to do by their authorities.
Because nD modeling uses the BIM approach, it is critical to
examine BIM's practicality on a jobsite. In the future, nD
modelling will be considered for practical use and research on a
jobsite. Over the past few years, there has been a great deal of studies
on the application of nD modelling. However, most of these ideas have
not actually been put to use on a jobsite. Future development of and
research on the ConBIM-SM system will explore the mechanisms and
interfaces that will be necessary if nD modelling is to be used on a
jobsite. These advances aim to ultimately lead to the system's more
comprehensive practical use. Consequently, cost analysis will come to
play a key role in the ConBIM-SM system as it is developed further.
The authors would like to express their appreciation to D-W
Construction Inc. for assistance in the system design and interviews,
and to the project owner's experts and engineers for providing
useful data, valuable information, and helpful comments during system
design and development.
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Hui-Ping TSERNG, Shih-Ping HO, Shu-Hui JAN
Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University, No. 1
Roosevelt Rd, Sec. 4, Taipei, Taiwan
Received 20 Jun 2013; accepted 10 Sep 2013
Corresponding author: Shu-Hui Jan
Hui-Ping TSERNG. Full Professor at the Department of Civil
Engineering of National Taiwan University. He also is corresponding
member of Russian Academy of Engineering. He has a PhD in Construction
Engineering and Management and he is official reviewer or editorial of
board member of several international journals. His research interests
include advanced techniques for knowledge management, construction
project management, management information system, GPS/Wireless Sensor
Network, and automation in construction.
Shih-Ping HO. Associate Professor of Construction Management at
National Taiwan University. He taught at Stanford University in 2010 as
endowed Shimizu Visiting Associate Professor. He is on the Editorial
Board of Engineering Project Organization Journal. His research focuses
on game theory modeling and analysis, the internationalization of A/E/C
firms, the governance of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), strategic
management, and knowledge sharing.
Shu-Hui JAN. PhD candidate of the Department of Civil Engineering
of National Taiwan University. Her research deals with development and
application of building information modeling (BIM) in AEC industry. Her
research interests also include project management, construction
management, information management, schedule management and property
Table 1. System evaluation result
System Evaluation Item Mean Score
Enhance visual as-built schedule illustration 4.5
Applicability to construction industry 4.8
Reduces mistakes in as-built schedule 4.2
Enhances virtual as-built schedule sharing 4.3
Enhances tracking as-built schedule status
virtually 4.2
Improves updating as-built schedule 4 5
Enhances BIM-assisted schedule
communication 4.4
Enhances updated parts of as-built
schedule 4.1
Enhances managing as-built schedule
virtually 4.3
Note: the mean score is calculated from respondents' feedback on a
five-scale questionnaire: 1(Strongly Disagree), 2, 3, 4 and 5
(Strongly Agree).