Effects of vertical shaft geometry on natural ventilation in urban road tunnel fires.
Ji, Jie ; Fan, Chuan Gang ; Gao, Zi He 等
Nowadays, more and more urban road tunnels are under construction
in cities all over the world (Beard 2009). However, owing to the special
structure of tunnels, smoke and toxic gases induced by fires such as
carbon monoxide, which is the most fatal hazard to people, will not be
easily discharged and smoke prohibits safe evacuation of occupants and
makes it difficult for firefighters to extinguish the fire. In fact,
according to statistics, 85% of deaths in building fires are caused by
toxic smoke (Alarie 2002).
In tunnel fires research, the critical velocity and backlayering
length due to mechanical ventilation systems (Kunsch 1998; Wu, Bakar
2000; Hwang, Edwards 2005; Roh et al. 2007; Van Maele, Merci 2008; Hui
et al. 2009; Tsai et al. 2010), the maximum temperature beneath the
ceiling under longitudinal natural wind (Kurioka 2003; Lonnermark,
Ingason 2005; Li et al. 2011; Ji et al. 2012a; Fan et al. 2013b) and the
heat release rates (Ingason, Lonnermark 2005; Migoya et al. 2011) have
been widely studied. Relatively few studies have been carried out on
smoke movement under the action of natural ventilation with vertical
When the hot smoke reaches the shaft bottom in the stage of flowing
horizontally, the stack effect takes place, and then smoke will be
exhausted from the shaft. The more smoke is exhausted by shafts, the
lower temperature and smoke spread velocity will be achieved in tunnels,
which benefits the evacuation of people. Shafts not only contribute to
the discharge of high temperature smoke and weaken its impact on the
lining structures and equipments, but also facilitate the airflow
exchange between inside and outside of tunnels during daily operation to
improve interior air quality.
Several researchers have conducted preliminary studies on the
fire-induced smoke flow in road tunnels under natural ventilation with
shafts. Wang et al. (2009) conducted full-scale experiments on fires in
tunnels with roof openings, tested the effect of natural ventilation and
investigated the ceiling jet temperature and the backflow distance. Bi
et al. (2006) studied the effect of natural ventilation with shafts in
an urban tunnel employing STAR-CD software and gained the maximum
spreading distance of smoke in the tunnel. Yoon et al. (2006)
investigated the pressure of natural ventilation in the shaft of a road
tunnel with results indicating that the natural ventilation pressure
induced by the shaft has a significant impact on the efficiency of the
ventilation system. However, above studies did not perform detailed
analysis on the smoke flow pattern in the shaft and the influence of
shaft geometry on the natural ventilation.
The primary driving force of natural ventilation is the stack
effect caused by temperature difference of the shaft compared to the
ambient temperature. Its effect mainly depends on the shaft height and
the density difference between smoke in the shaft and the ambient air.
The pressure difference can be determined by:
[DELTA]P = [DELTA]][rho]gh, (1)
where: [DELTA]P is the pressure difference caused by the stack
effect (Pa); [DELTA][rho] is the density difference (kg/[m.sup.3]); g is
the gravity acceleration (m/[s.sup.2]) and h is the shaft height (m).
Smoke of relatively high temperature will induce a strong stack effect,
which is in favour of smoke exhausting.
In this paper, a set of burning experiments were conducted
originally to investigate the effect of shaft height on natural
ventilation in road tunnel fires. It was found that the boundary layer
separation could lead to a negative effect on the effectiveness of
natural ventilation. Replacing the right-angle connection between the
shaft bottom and the tunnel ceiling with the bevel-angle connection was
proposed then to split one separation point into two separation points,
to attenuate the negative effect on natural smoke exhausting by vertical
shafts. Subsequently, the detailed characteristics of the separation
phenomenon were analysed and the proposition was verified by Large Eddy
Simulation (LES).
1. Experiments
1.1. Experiment setup
The experiments were conducted in a small-scale urban road tunnel
model as shown in Figure 1 (Ji et al. 2012b; Fan et al. 2013a). A scale
ratio of 1:6 is applied in current cases. The tunnel is 6 m long, 2 m
wide and 0.88 m tall. Its aspect ratio is determined based on a survey
of 17 urban road tunnels in Beijing, Nanjing and Shenzhen in China, and
is considered to be a general representation.
The Froude modelling was applied to build up the physical scale
model. As the scaling laws of Froude modelling do not apply to
conductive and radiative heat transfer processes, it is actually assumed
that the heat transfer mechanisms in this research work were
predominantly convective (Ji et al. 2011). The heat release rate (HRR),
Q, the temperature, T and the velocity, V, are scaled using Eqns
(2)-(4). L denotes the model size, and the subscript 'm'
represents the model tunnel and the subscript 'f represents the
full-scale tunnel.
[Q.sub.m]/[Q.sub.f] = [([L.sub.m]/[L.sub.f]).sup.5/2]; (2)
[T.sub.m] = [T.sub.f]; (3)
[V.sub.m]/[V.sub.f] = [([L.sub.m]/[L.sub.f]).sup.1/2]. (4)
The distance between the shaft and the left opening of the tunnel
is 4.2 m. The cross section of the shaft is 30 x 30 cm. In the
experiments, six shafts were used, with heights of 0 m, 0.2 m, 0.4 m,
0.6 m, 0.8 m and 1.0 m respectively.
Sixteen thermocouples (K-type) with a 1.5 cm vertical interval were
positioned vertically under the shaft bottom. Four thermocouples were
installed uniformly at the upper opening of the shaft. One velocity
probe was set near each thermocouple at the upper opening of the shaft.
KANOMAX four channel measurement unit was used for velocity
Four heat release rates were used in the experiments, which were
20.21 kW, 29.57 kW, 36.66 kW and 44.01 kW. The fire source was located
at 1.4 m away from the left end of the model tunnel. The distance from
the fire surface to the ceiling was 0.865 m. Methanol was applied as
fuel with incense as tracer agent. A laser sheet (with an output power
of 2 W and a sheet thickness of 1 mm) was used as a visualization
assistant tool to show the flow patterns. A Digital Video was used to
record the experimental phenomena.
1.2. Experimental results and discussion
In these cases, the average value of the two velocity probes at the
left side of the shaft (near the fire) is considered as the upstream
velocity, whereas the average value of the other two velocity probes is
regarded as the downstream velocity. The upstream and downstream
velocities with different shaft heights are shown in Figure 2.
When the shaft height is 0 m, there is little difference between
the upstream and downstream velocities in all experimental cases. When
the HRR is relatively low (20.21 kW), the inertia force of smoke layer
in the horizontal direction is relatively weak, and the smoke directly
flows out from the ceiling opening, resulting in approximately equal
upstream and downstream velocities. As the horizontal inertia force
increases with the HRR, the difference between the upstream and
downstream velocities becomes larger. However, the difference is
When the shaft height is 0.2 m, the difference between the upstream
and downstream velocities is significantly large. The upstream velocity
is approaching to zero, and for the cases with the same HRR, the
downstream velocity in 0.2 m high shaft is higher than that of other
shaft heights. Figure 3 presents the smoke flow configuration (lightened
by the laser sheet) in the vertical shaft in the cases with 29.57 kW and
shaft heights of 0.2 m and 0.6 m. As shown in Figure 3a, smoke flows
towards the downstream area of the shaft top from the upstream area of
the shaft bottom under the combined effect of the horizontal inertia
force and buoyancy. There is nearly no smoke at the upstream area of the
top opening, resulting in a very small reading of the corresponding
velocity probes. As the connection angle of the shaft bottom and the
tunnel ceiling is right-angle type, once smoke with horizontal inertia
force reaches the shaft bottom and flows into the shaft, it separates
from the surface of tunnel and shaft immediately, i.e. the boundary
layer separation (Zhuang et al. 2009), then smoke flows towards the
right wall of the shaft after passing across the separation point.
Once the shaft height is small, the relatively weak stack effect is
not able to overcome the adverse pressure gradient, therefore the
outside fresh air flows into the shaft, resulting in a backflow in this
area. Small amount of smoke flow will be entrained into the backflow and
mix with the fresh air. However, large-scale vortexes in the backflow
area will entirely constrain the smoke from being exhausted. As a
result, smoke can only be discharged from the right part of the shaft,
as shown in Figure 3a. The upstream velocity is approaching zero and has
a great difference compared to the downstream velocity. The occurrence
of the boundary layer separation greatly reduces the effective smoke
exhausting area of the vertical shaft and the natural ventilation
When the shaft height is between 0.6 m and 1.0 m, the upstream and
downstream velocities at the shaft top opening are more even. The
typical smoke flow configuration in the vertical centre section of the
shaft is presented in Figure 3b. It is noted that smoke is exhausted
from both the upstream and downstream areas of the top opening. As the
separation point exists, the boundary layer separation still occurs.
However, as the shaft height is relatively high, smoke will keep flowing
upwards after being blocked by the vortexes at the right wall of the
shaft, and entrain continuously the air near the left wall. When smoke
reaches the top opening, the more significant stack effect forms and
produces a relatively larger pressure difference, attenuating the
negative influence of boundary layer separation on the exhausting
In all cases with shaft height of 0.4 m, the upstream velocities
are over 0.8 m/s. In cases with a larger HRR (36.66 kW and 44.01 kW),
the downstream velocity is nearly 0.4 m/s higher than the upstream
velocity. In cases with a lower HRR (20.21 kW and 29.57 kW), the
upstream and downstream velocities are generally equivalent. Therefore,
it could be concluded that the flow pattern around the shaft height of
0.4 m is in the transition stage between the significantly and slightly
negative influences caused by boundary layer separation.
So far, the shape of shafts for natural ventilation in urban road
tunnels is commonly cubic, namely the connection angle between the shaft
bottom and the tunnel ceiling is 90[degrees] as shown in Figure 3 (Wang
et al. 2009; Yan et al. 2009). According to fluid mechanics (Zhuang et
al. 2009), the angle should be designed as "streamlined" to
avoid the occurrence of boundary layer separation. For structures like
tunnel shafts, it is unnecessary to design a streamlined connection due
to complexity. Huang et al. (2011) found that changing the connection
angle between the shaft and the tunnel ceiling could enhance the
efficiency of air exchange caused by the train piston wind. However, the
driving force of airflow in Huang's research is much different from
the buoyancy and horizontal inertia force of the smoke ceiling jet.
Based on analysis of the boundary layer separation, replacing the
right-angle connection between the shaft bottom and the tunnel ceiling
with the bevel-angle connection was proposed in this paper, to split one
separation point into two separation points, to attenuate the negative
effect on natural smoke exhausting caused by the vertical shaft.
2. CFD numerical modelling
2.1. Fire dynamics simulator and fire scenario analysis
The rapid development of computer provides efficient tools for fire
safety risk assessment (Chow 1996, 2011; Chow, C., Chow, W. 2009; Chow,
Li 2010; Papinigis et al. 2010; Tserng et al. 2011) such as
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and in particular LES codes for
modelling fires. The software package, Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS)
(Mcgrattan et al. 2010), a LES code coupling with a post-processing
visualization tool, Smokeview, developed by National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST), USA, could now be regarded as a
practical tool for simulating fire-induced environment. The model has
been subjected to numerous validations, calibrations and studies on the
temperature and velocity fields in fires (Hwang, Edwards 2005; Roh et
al. 2007; Kim et al. 2008; Hadjisophocleous, Jia 2009; Tilley et al.
Therefore, in the following part, we will not attempt to verify the
validity of FDS code by simulating the fire-induced smoke flow in
tunnels and comparing our experimental results to simulated results.
Instead, the detailed characteristics of the separation phenomenon will
be analysed and the proposition of the bevel-angle connection will be
tested by the FDS code.
The FDS solves numerically a form of the Navier--Stokes equations
for thermally-driven flow. A description of the model, many validation
examples, and a bibliography of related papers and reports may be found
on http://fire.nist.gov/fds/. It includes both the DNS (Direct Numerical
Simulation) model and the LES (Large Eddy Simulation) model. The LES
model, which is widely used in study of fire-induced smoke flow
behaviour, is selected in this study.
The Sub-Grid-Model (SGM) commonly used in LES is developed
originally by Smagorinsky (1963). The eddy viscosity is obtained by
assuming that small scales are in equilibrium, by balancing the energy
production and dissipation. The Smagorinsky constant Cs in LES
simulation is flow dependent and has been optimized over a range from
0.1 to 0.25 for various flow fields. FDS has been subjected to many
verification works and improved since its first release in 2000.
According to these validation works, the constants, [C.sub.s], Pr and
Sc, are set as default values in the FDS for current paper as 0.2, 0.2
and 0.5, respectively. It was reported (Jiang, Chen 2003) that for
simulating buoyancy-drive flow, the predicted values from the filtered
dynamics SGM by FDS agreed better with the measured value than those
from the original Smagorinsky model and RANS (Reynolds-Averaged
Navier-Stokes) models.
By taking the aspect ratio and shaft size of actual tunnels into
account, the model tunnel in current research was specified as 50 m
long, 12 m wide and 5.4 m high and the shaft was 3 m long and 3 m wide
with a changeable height.
The HRR was specified as 4 MW representing a typical car fire (Ko
et al. 2010). The fire source was 10 m away from the left end of the
tunnel. The shaft was at the right hand side of the fire with a distance
of 16 m. In the full-scale experiments conducted by Yan et al. (2009),
the longitudinal wind velocity was between 0.8 m/s and 1.5 m/s, so in
the current model the longitudinal wind velocity was set to be 1.0 m/s.
The ambient temperature was 20[degrees]C.
In the FDS simulations, the grid size is a key parameter to be
considered. A D */[delta]x criterion has been widely used for assessing
the grid resolution (Mcgrattan et al. 2010), where 8x is the grid size
and the characteristic length of D * is calculated by:
D* = [([??]/[[rho].sub.[infinity]][c.sub.p][T.sub.[infinity]]
[square root of g]).sup.2/5]. (5)
It was recommended by Mcgrattan et al. (2010) that the value of
D*/[delta]x should be in the range of 4 to 16. Then the grid size of the
finest mesh for a 4 MW fire was calculated to be between 0.1 m and 0.4
m. Furthermore, a grid system with smaller grids of 0.13 m assigned near
to the fire and larger grids of 0.4 m in other spaces was reported
(Mcgrattan, Hamins 2003) to give good predictions on tunnel fire
simulations by FDS.
Obviously, finer grid will better reflect the heat flow field in
detail, but it is also time consuming. So we have to make a choice for
an appropriate mesh grid size. In this paper, six different mesh sizes
ranging from 0.1-0.4 m are chosen for comparison. Figure 4 presents the
vertical temperature distribution in the tunnel with different grid
sizes. With the mesh density increasing, the temperature curve trends to
be uniform. The results of mesh with 0.2 m, 0.167 m and 0.1 m have a
slight difference, that is to say, there is no significant improvement
but it is more time consuming when the mesh size is smaller than 0.2 m.
Hence, we choose a multi-mesh system with grid size of 0.1 m in the
shaft and fire region and 0.2 m in the other origin.
An inlet velocity boundary condition was set at the left opening of
the tunnel domain. The top of the shaft and the right side of the tunnel
were set to be naturally opened with no initial velocity boundary
condition. In CFD simulation, a model with or without an exterior
environment will lead to different simulation results. Therefore, the
additional computational regions are added near the top opening of the
vertical shaft and tunnel outlet. The internal lining of the tunnel and
shaft was specified as "CONCRETE". The thermal properties of
this material are available in the FDS database documentation. The
schematic diagram of the model is shown in Figure 5.
A data collection point of the mass flow rate was positioned at the
top opening of the shaft. The mass flow rate of smoke exhausted from the
shaft is regarded as the key factor to judge if the natural ventilation
is effective. The shaft heights used in the model were 2.6 m, 4.6 m and
6.6 m. The connection angles between the shaft bottom and the tunnel
ceiling (9) were 90[degrees], 63.4[degrees], 45[degrees] and
26.6[degrees], as presented in Figure 6. In the models, it is ensured
that all the shafts connected to the tunnel with the bevel-angle have
increased the same volume of space to the shaft connected to the tunnel
with the right-angle at the same shaft height. As FDS uses structured
grids, setting an inclined surface is tedious. Therefore, for the
convenience of model setting, two non-integral connection angles, i.e.
63.4[degrees] (close to 60[degrees]) and 26.6[degrees] (close to
30[degrees]), were used, and it did not imply that these two
non-integral angles were critical values. Actually, Tan(63.4[degrees]) =
2 and Tan(26.6[degrees]) = 0.5. The computing domain was partly filled
by 'CONCRETE' blockages, namely the green zone shown in
Figures 9b, c and d to produce the inner cross-sectional dimension of
the structure. To reduce the effect of stepping on the flow field near
the blockages, the jagged steps were smoothed by the FDS command of
"SAWTOOTH = .FALSE.". In total, 12 cases were simulated.
2.2. Simulated results and discussion
2.2.1. Right-angle connection
Figure 7 presents the smoke temperature distribution in the shaft
and tunnel, where the right side magnifies the isotherm distribution in
the shaft (the sidewalls of the shaft are marked with black lines). As
shown in Figure 7a, when the shaft height is 2.6 m, the temperature at
the right side of the shaft, about 60[degrees]C, is significantly higher
than that at the left side, about 25[degrees]C, which is slightly above
the ambient temperature.
As shown in Figures 7b and c, with the increase of the shaft height
(4.6 m and 6.6 m), the stack effect will become stronger, and more smoke
will be discharged. Therefore, the smoke layer thickness under the shaft
decreases as the shaft height increases, resulting in one "hollow
area" below the shaft. In fact, the "hollow area" is full
of fresh air which fills the original smoke region. The shape of the
"hollow area" depends on the ratio of the inertia force in
vertical direction to the gravity force which is relevant to the buoyant
flows associated with fires (Cooper 2002; Jie et al. 2010). There is no
obvious "hollow area" in Figure 7a, and the top point of the
"hollow area" in Figure 7c almost enters the shaft, which
indicates that the inertia force in vertical direction generated by the
stack effect in case of 6.6 m high shaft is the biggest one in the three
cases whereas the case of 2.6 m high shaft gives the smallest inertia
force. It also can be seen that the top point of the "hollow
area" in Figure 7c is near the right side of the shaft bottom, due
to the action of horizontal velocity of the smoke layer. That is
different from the case of smoke exhausting in smoke storage space
surrounded by solid surface, such as wall, smoke curtain of certain
height, etc. In that type of space, there is a smoke layer with certain
thickness under ceiling and without evident velocity in horizontal
direction, and thus the top point of the "hollow area" under
the smoke exhausting vent is located just under the centre of vent (Jie
et al. 2010). Therefore, the inertia force in horizontal direction also
influences the natural smoke exhausting effect and should be also
considered, besides the inertia force in vertical direction and the
gravity force mentioned above, in design of the natural smoke exhausting
system in tunnels. As shown in Figures 7b and c, the disturbance on the
smoke-air interface caused by the stack effect, will cause the cold
fresh air near smoke-air interface to be mixed with smoke and then
exhausted by the vertical shaft. It results in that the temperature over
the top point of the "hollow area" is lower than that at the
left side of the shaft at the same height. In the upper space inside the
shaft, the temperatures at the left and right sides, between 40 and
60[degrees]C, are nearly equal at the same height. It indicates that the
smoke and the cold fresh air mix sufficiently in the upper space.
Figure 8 presents the velocity vector field in the shaft when the
connection angle is 90[degrees]. As shown in Figure 8a, the flow
velocity is about zero near the separation point when the shaft height
is 2.6 m. Some amount of air outside the shaft flows into it due to the
adverse pressure difference, which produces large-scale turbulent
vortexes that will block the smoke from being exhausted across the left
side of the shaft. The smoke soot field and flow pattern in the shaft
are shown in Figure 9a. As only a little amount of smoke flows into the
backflow, the smoke concentration at the left side is fairly low. The
shaft volume for exhausting actual smoke is only half of the total
volume, which leads to a significant reduction of the exhausting
As the shaft height increases, the scale of turbulent vortexes
becomes smaller and the vortexes are only presented near the separation
point, as shown in Figures 8b and c. In the region above the backflow,
the smoke adheres to the left wall surface, namely the boundary layer
attachment or the Coanda effect (Zhuang et al. 2009). If a smooth fluid
flows across a convex surface with certain curvature, it has an
adsorption tendency to the convex surface. When the smoke moves upwards
in the shaft, it continuously entrains the air whereas the left wall
surface of shaft restrains the smoke entrainment, resulting in smoke
attachment onto the left side wall. Harrison and Spearpoint (2010) have
also observed this phenomenon in the study of adhered spill plume. The
stack effect strengthens with the increase of the shaft height,
resulting in the smoke exhausting velocity in the shaft increasing and
scale of turbulent vortexes decreasing. Therefore, the negative effect
of boundary layer separation on smoke exhausting decreases and the
improved effectiveness of smoke exhausting is achieved.
2.2.2. Bevel-angle connection
Figure 10 presents the smoke temperature profiles in the shaft and
tunnel, when the shaft height is 2.6 m. Compared with the Figure 7a (2.6
m high shaft with the right-angle connection), the smoke layer
thicknesses under the shaft and at the tunnel downstream decrease,
indicating that more smoke is discharged by shaft. The smoke temperature
at the left side of the shaft is larger than that at the right side,
which is opposite to what Figure 7a shows. The temperature contours at
the shaft bottom in Figure 10 are significantly hollow, which are
similar to those shown in Figures 7b and c. It indicates the vertical
inertia force and velocity of smoke exhausting increase.
The velocity vector fields in shafts connected to the tunnel with
the bevel-angle when the shaft height is 2.6 m are shown in Figure 11.
Compared to the case, in which the connection angle is 90[degrees] shown
in Figure 8a, in cases of shafts with the bevel-angle connection there
are no large-scale turbulent vortexes that prevent the smoke from being
exhausted across the left side of the shaft. Theoretically, just
splitting one right-angle separation point into two bevel-angle
separation points instead of streamlined design, the boundary layer
separation still exists. However, as shown in Figure 11, the region
between the two separation points has been completely filled with smoke
and the negative effect of boundary layer separation is nearly
eliminated. It can also be seen from Figures 9b, c and d that the smoke
has fully mixed in the shaft and the smoke concentrations at the left
and right sides are almost even, indicating an increase of smoke
exhausting effectiveness.
2.2.3. Mass flow rate
The mass flow rates of smoke exhausted by shafts in all cases are
shown in Figure 12. At the same connection angle, the mass flow rate
increases with the shaft height, because the higher shaft engenders a
stronger stack effect and thus exhausts more smoke. At the same shaft
height, the mass flow rates of smoke discharged in cases of shafts with
the bevel-angle connection are similar and always higher than that of
the shafts with the right-angle connection. When the shaft height is 2.6
m, as the obvious boundary layer separation caused by the shaft with the
right-angle connection blocks the natural smoke exhausting, the increase
of mass flow rate is quite significant after the negative effect of
boundary layer separation is basically eliminated by the shaft with
bevel-angle connection. The average mass flow rate of smoke discharged
by the shaft with the bevel-angle connection is almost 1.5 times that
discharged by the shaft with right-angle connection. When the shaft
heights are 4.6 m and 6.6 m, the average mass flow rates of smoke
discharged by the shafts with the bevel-angle connection are about 1.2
times that discharged by the shafts with the right-angle connection.
It also can be seen from Figure 12 that the mass flow rates of
smoke discharged by the 2.6 m high shafts with the bevel-angle
connection are slightly higher than that discharged by the 4.6 m high
shaft with the right-angle connection. And those discharged by the 4.6 m
high shafts with the bevel-angle connection are slightly higher than
that discharged by the 6.6 m high shaft with the right-angle connection.
It can be concluded that once the significant negative effect of the
boundary layer separation is eliminated, the natural smoke exhausting
effect achieved by a shorter shaft could be better than that achieved by
a taller shaft with the right-angle connection. The shaft height and the
connection angle should be synthetically considered in practical
engineering design, to achieve an optimal natural smoke exhausting
A set of burning experiments were conducted to investigate the
effect of vertical shaft geometry on natural ventilation in urban road
tunnel fires. Results show that using vertical shafts to discharge smoke
leads to a boundary layer separation near the right-angle connection of
the shaft and the tunnel ceiling. In the vertical shafts with small
height, the turbulent-boundary-layer separation phenomenon causes
relatively large-scale vortexes in the vertical shafts and restricts the
smoke from being exhausted, resulting in a significant negative effect
on natural ventilation. Based on analysis on the boundary layer
separation, replacing the right-angle connection between the shaft
bottom and the tunnel ceiling with the bevel-angle connection was
proposed in this paper, to split one separation point into two
separation points, to attenuate the negative effect on natural smoke
exhausting by the vertical shaft. Then, the detailed characteristics of
the separation phenomenon were analyzed and the proposition was
justified by Large Eddy Simulation (LES). Simulated results show that
the inertia force in horizontal direction also influences the natural
smoke exhausting effect and should be also considered, besides the
inertia force in vertical direction and the gravity force, in design of
the natural smoke exhausting system in tunnels. There are no relatively
large-scale vortexes in vertical shafts with the bevel-angle connection,
and the negative impact caused by the boundary layer separation is
eliminated in the main, resulting in improved natural ventilation
effectiveness. For lower shafts, the advantage of the shafts with the
bevel-angle connection is more significant, and for shafts with same
heights, the mass flow rate of smoke discharged by the shaft with the
bevel-angle connection is increased up to 1.5 times that discharged by
shaft with the right-angle connection. For relatively high shafts, it is
about 1.2 times. Once the significant negative effect of the boundary
layer separation is eliminated, the natural smoke exhausting effect
achieved by shorter shaft could be better than that by taller shaft with
the right-angle connection. The shaft height and the connection angle
should be synthetically considered in practical engineering design, to
achieve optimal natural smoke exhausting effectiveness.
This work was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of
China (NSFC) under Grant No. 51376173 and 50904055, the Anhui Provincial
Natural Science Foundation under Grant No. 1208085QE81 and the CAS
Special Grant for Postgraduate Research, Innovation and Practice.
D*--characteristic length (m);
g--gravity acceleration (m/[s.sup.2]);
h--shaft height (m);
L--model size (m);
[DELTA]P--pressure difference caused by the stack effect (Pa);
Q--heat release rate (kW);
T--smoke temperature (K);
V--smoke velocity (m/s).
Greek symbols
[DELTA][rho]--density difference (kg/[m.sup.3]);
[theta]--connection angle between the shaft and the ceiling
[delta]x--grid size (m).
f--full-scale tunnel;
m--model tunnel.
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Jie JI, Chuan Gang FAN, Zi He GAO, Jin Hua SUN
State Key Laboratory of Fire Science, University of Science and
Technology of China, 230026 Hefei, China
Corresponding author: Jie Ji
E-mail: jijie232@ustc.edu.cn
Received 10 Mar 2012; accepted 19 Apr 2012
Jie JI completed his PhD degree in Fire Safety Engineering from
SKLFS (State Key Laboratory of Fire Science) at University of Science
and Technology of China in 2008. He is an Associate Professor at SKLFS,
whose research interests include smoke movement and ventilation control
method in building fires and characteristics of flame spread over
surface of solid combustibles.
Chuan Gang FAN is a Doctoral Student specializing in Fire Safety
Engineering at University of Science and Technology of China from
September 2010 to present. His research interests include smoke spread
and control for underground buildings and computational fluid dynamics.
Zi He GAO is a Doctoral Student specializing in Fire Safety
Engineering at State Key Laboratory of the Fire Science, University of
Science and Technology of China. His research interests include fire
dynamics, computational fluid and combustion dynamics.
Jin Hua SUN is a Professor at SKLFS (State Key Laboratory of Fire
Science), University of Science and Technology of China, and Director of
the International Association for Fire Safety Science from 2008 to
present. To date, he has authored over 200 research papers, of which 100
were indexed by SCI and EI, including over 20 published in h-factor top
journals and six books. His main research interests are fire dynamics
and basic fire prevention technologies, large- scale evacuation and
rescue in emergencies, hazardous chemical disaster prediction and
prevention methods