Improved PSO algorithm for shape and sizing optimization of truss structure.
Li, Yancang ; Peng, Yang ; Zhou, Shujing 等
The engineering structure optimization can improve the design
quality, shorten the design cycle, and cut down the engineering cast
(Cai et al. 2011; Gandomi, Yang 2011). The traditional structure
optimization algorithms are mainly classified into the mathematical
programming (MP) algorithms and the mechanics criterion (MC) algorithms.
The former requires the complex analysis, and for multi-variable
optimization problems, it needs large amount of computation, which
limits its use in large complex engineering structure design
optimization. Though the MC has clear concepts, it is not stable because
it easily falls into premature convergence with the increase of
iterations (Huang, Meng 2009; Sesok, Belevicius 2008; Wang et al.
How to solve the problem and provide novel methods for the
structures optimization are urgent questions for researchers and
engineers. Up to date, lots of works have been done on this, by the
attention and efforts of researchers in corresponding fields, many
algorithms and models were proposed (Hadidi et al. 2011; Hagishita,
Ohsaki 2009; Kaveh, Talatahari 2010, 2011, 2012; Kaveh et al. 2008;
Sonmez 2011; Takada 2012; Talatahari et al. 2012; Wang, Ohmori 2012; Xia
et al. 2013; Zhou, Gao 2012). In some degree, all these studies give
rise to the structural optimization, but we still have a long way to go.
This has signified the need for the related study.
According to this, a new method--the improved PSO algorithm--was
introduced to solve the problem. As a population-based stochastic
approach for solving continuous and discrete optimization problems,
especially the complicated combinational optimization problems, the
particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm, proposed by Reeves (1983),
is a new swarm intelligence technique, inspired by the social behavior
of bird flocking or fish schooling. In PSO, simple software agents,
called particles, move in the search space of an optimization problem.
The position of a particle represents a candidate solution to the
optimization problem at hand. Each particle searches for better
positions in the search space by changing its velocity according to
rules originally inspired by behavioral models of bird flocking.
Within the field of computer graphics, the first antecedents of PSO
can be traced back to the work of Reeves (1983), who proposed particle
systems to model objects that are dynamic and cannot be easily
represented by polygons or surfaces. Examples of such objects are fire,
smoke, water, and clouds. In these systems, particles are independent of
each other and their movements are governed by a set of rules. Then,
Reynolds (1987) used a particle system to simulate the collective
behavior of a flock of birds. In a similar kind of simulation, Heppner
and Grenander (1990) included a roost that was attractive to the
simulated birds. Both models inspired the set of rules that were later
used in the original PSO algorithm. Then, PSO was introduced by Kennedy
and Eberhart (1995). They pointed out that the rules which govern the
movement of the particles in a problem's search space can also be
seen as a model of human social behavior in which individuals adjust
their beliefs and attitudes to conform with those of their peers. It has
roots in the simulation of social behaviors, in particular the dynamic
theory of social impact (Kennedy 2006; Nowak et al. 1990), using tools
and ideas taken from computer graphics and social psychology research.
The PSO algorithm is simple and easy to understand, and it has the
higher search efficiency with occupying fewer programming resources.
With these advantages, PSO finds a number of applications in the areas
of optimization, including the unconstrained, single-objective
optimization problems and constrained problems, multi-objective
optimization problems, and problems with dynamically changing
landscapes. To date, there have been hundreds of publications reporting
applications of PSO algorithms (Poli 2008; Zhang, Zhan 2009). But, like
other population-based stochastic approaches, the biggest bottleneck of
limiting its application is the premature convergence. By the attention
and efforts of researchers in corresponding fields, PSO algorithm is
improved and expanded based on the initial model (Bu et al. 2010; Li et
al. 2009; Reng, Li 2008; Tang et al. 2009; Zhou et al. 2011). Although
the improved PSO algorithm's performance is improved comparing with
the basic algorithm, there still exists the drawback of easily to
premature convergence (Shi, Eberhart 2001; Wang et al. 2002a; Xie et al.
2011). Here, we proposed an improved PSO based on chaos theory and
metropolis criteria, and introduced it to the optimization of the shape
of space truss. Engineering practice and comparison with the other
algorithms showed its efficiency.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. First, the attention
was paid to the modification of the algorithm after the brief
introduction of the basic knowledge of PSO. In the following part,
application study and performance comparison with other algorithms on
the structural optimization were introduced and the advantage of the
improved algorithm was analyzed.
1. Improvement of basic PSO algorithm
1.1. Basic knowledge of PSO algorithm
The PSO algorithm is a global stochastic search algorithm by
simulating the nature of birds' activities and swarm intelligence.
Particles, with no size and quality, always maintain two performances
expressed by vectors in the search process, one is the speed expressed
ASCII]. The speed vector represents the search direction of the flight,
and position vector is the location of the solution in the search
process. Each particle can maintain its own history optimal position
[] and global optimal position vector [] in flight
process. The velocity and location updating rules are as follows:
[x.sup.j.sub.i] = [x.sup.j.sub.i] + [v.sup.j.sub.i], (2)
where i is the number of a particle, n is the dimension of the
problem solved, j is the number of routine generation, w is the inertia
weight, [c.sub.1] and [c.sub.2] are acceleration coefficients,
[rand.sup.j.sub.1] and [rand.sup.j.sub.2] are the random numbers in the
range of [0, 1].
1.2. Improvement of initial population
The basic PSO has the shortcoming of premature convergence, which
is related to the quality of the initial population. Here, the idea of
random direction was employed to produce high-quality initial population
to ensure that the algorithm can find the optimal solution and avoid
stagnating while the normal particles are in the search midway. The
procedure producing high-quality initial population is as follows: Step
1: Determining the initial search space according to the problem to be
Step 2: Initializing of the number of an individual in the
population j = 1 and selecting a random position [x.sub.j] in the search
space as base position.
Step 3: Initializing array X (k) for storing population individuals
and k is the total number of individuals in the population.
Step 4: Producing a random vector [[??].sub.j] in the given search
Step 5: Producing individual [x.sub.j+1] = [x.sub.j] + [[??].sub.j]
in sequence.
Step 6: Comparing [x.sub.j+1] with [x.sub.j] to judge whether they
are beyond the search space, if [x.sub.j+1] is better than [x.sub.j],
[x.sub.j+1] is reserved, j = j + 1 and return to Step 5. Otherwise,
return to Step 4 until the particle is generated which meets the
terminate conditions.
1.3. Parameters improvement of PSO algorithm
Improvement of inertia parameter w
The process of birds searching for food in the nature is a
continuous learning procedure. With the increase of searching time,
their experience and the ability of acclimatization increases rapidly.
It can be controlled by adjusting w. In Shi and Eberhart (2001), w was
set to a constant and the abilities of the population study and
environment sensitivity were ignored. Although then some scholars
proposed linear w, they still ignore other constrains. Here, the
accelerations of exploration experience and environmental suitability
were considered to adjust parameters dynamically. w was defined as a
nonlinear variable. In the early search phase, particles should fly with
the lower speed around the initial position to avoid destroying the
optimal value found. In the later search period, the particles should
fly with rapid speed away from the initial position to explore the
solution space as much as possible. We define w as follows:
w = ([w.sub.ini] - [w.sub.end]) x [([g.sub.max] -
g/[g.sub.max]).sup.2] + [w.sub.end], (4)
where [w.sub.ini] and [w.sub.end] represent initial and final
inertia weight value, respectively, g is the value of current iteration
times and [g.sub.max] is the maximum iterating times.
Improvement of acceleration factors [c.sub.1] and [c.sub.2]
The velocity direction of individual is incessantly changing with
the surrounding environment changing. Here, the fuzzy reasoning was
employed to adjust the acceleration coefficients adaptively. In the
early search process, the flight direction should be adjusted constantly
for obtaining a high acceleration factor. In the middle search process,
the acceleration factors should be moderate. In the later process,
acceleration factor should be small because of the larger flight rate.
The acceleration factors adjusted by the fuzzy reasoning can make proper
adjustment according to the experience and environment which can help
the algorithm to find the better solution. The acceleration factors
improved by fuzzy reason membership functions are shown in the (5)
where c is a constant between [2, 3], [w.sub.min] is the minimum
inertia weight according to experts' experience and [w.sub.max] is
the maximum inertia weight according to experts' experience.
1.4. Improvement based on metropolis criteria
As a conversion function in the simulated annealing algorithm, the
metropolis criteria can ensure the algorithm to jump out of local
optimal solutions and possibly find the global optimal solution. PSO
algorithm only accepts better solution position but ignores the bad
solution positions having potential to find the global optimal solution,
which makes the algorithm easily fall into premature convergence. By
employing the metropolis criteria, PSO algorithm can accept some bad
solutions, which improves its performance. The steps of the improved PSO
algorithm are as follows.
Step 1: Initialization. According to the given problem, determine
the value of space dimension n, inertia weight [w.sub.ini], [w.sub.end],
[w.sub.min] and [w.sub.max], acceleration factor c, the number of a
routine population k and other parameters. Then, produce initial
population according to the former section of "Improvement of
initial population".
Step 2: Judge whether the algorithm should stop searching according
to the fitness value fit(i). If the terminate condition is met, stop
searching, otherwise, go to Step 3.
Step 3: Remember the history optimal position [] of every
individual and global optimal position vector [] of all
Step 4: Producing next new generation population.
Step 5: Calculating the fitness value fit[(j).sup.k+1] of the new
population and comparing with their parent's fit(j), if
fit[(j).sup.k+1] > fit[(j).sup.k], the new generation will replace
their parents, or else calculate the acceptable probability of the new
population according to the following metropolis criterion:
p(g) = exp - (fit(j) - fit(i)/g). (6)
Step 6: Producing a random number rand (0,1), if P (g) [??]rand
(0,1), replace their parents with the new generation, or else return to
Step 2.
In order to validate the efficiency of the improved PSO we
proposed, we employed it to optimize two typical functions with multiple
extreme values and compared the results with the original PSO algorithm.
The two chosen functions with different characteristics are the Girewank
function and Rastrigrin function shown in Figures 1 and 2. The reason we
chose the two functions is that both they have multiple local minima and
their optimization quality is easier to examine. The parameters are as
follows: [w.sub.ini] = 0.9; [w.sub.end] = 0.2; [w.sub.max] = 0.7;
[w.sub.min] = 0.4; c = 2; [g.sub.max] = 30 and n = 20. Because the
algorithms are stochastic, in order to overcome the shortage that taking
results of different numerical experiments would show completely
different results, the comparison was based on a number of numerical
The comparison results based on 20 numerical experiments were shown
in Table 1 and the average convergence curves were shown in Figures 3
and 4.
Through the results above, we know that the improved PSO algorithm
can find the optimal of both functions. It performs better than the
original PSO algorithm. From the average convergence curves, we see that
the improved algorithm is obviously faster than the basic algorithm in
finding the optimal solution. In Figure 3, the improved algorithm needs
10 iterations, yet the original PSO needs to circulate 18 iterations to
find the solution. From Figure 4, we observe that the original PSO
algorithm is difficult to jump out of the multiple local peaks. The
improved algorithm can easily jump out the local optimal solution and
find the global optimal solution.
Through the above comparison, we know that the performance of the
algorithm has been improved and it can be employed to solve the
structure shape optimization problems.
2. Engineering practice
In order to verify the efficiency of the improved PSO in truss
structure optimization design, we employed it to solve the problem of
truss structure shape optimization shown in Wang et al. (2002a).
The initial shape of the selected 37-bar plane truss structure is
shown in Figure 5. Suppose that the position of lower chord panel points
keeps without change, the upper panel points can move in the vertical
direction and the structure remains symmetrical in the optimization. The
load on the bottom chord node is P = 10 kN. The vertical direction
displacement of the 10th node is restricted to [0, 10] mm. The minimum
cross-sectional area is 50 [mm.sup.2], elastic modulus of the material
is E = 210 GPa, material density is [rho] = 7800 kg/[m.sup.3] and the
allowable stresses of all bars are restricted to [-240, 240] Pa.
Before the application of the improved PSO, we set up the following
mathematical model: Objective function:
min W = [rho] [n.summation over (i=1)] [A.sub.i][l.sub.i] +
[lambda]M. (7)
Stress constraint conditions:
[[sigma].sub.min] [less than or equal to] [FN.sub.i]/[A.sub.i]
[less than or equal to] [[sigma].sub.max]. (8)
Displacement constraint condition:
[summation] [FN.sub.i] x [FL.sub.i] x [l.sub.i]/E x [A.sub.i] [less
than or equal to] [D.sub.max]. (9)
The optimized node displacement constraint conditions:
where W represents the structure quality; M is multiplied by a
penalty; [lambda] is a punish factor, if the optimized variables satisfy
the restriction condition, its value equals to zero, or else, it is 1.
[A.sub.i] and [l.sub.i] (i = 1, 2, ..., n) represent the cross-sectional
area and length of the ith bar, respectively. [FN.sub.i] is the
calculated axial force on ith bar; [[sigma].sub.min] and
[[sigma].sub.max] represent the minimum and maximum of stress of bar,
respectively; [FL.sub.i] is an axial force in ith bar resulting from a
positive unit load; E is the value of material elastic modulus;
[D.sub.max] is the maximum displacement value; [Y.sup.min.sub.j] and
[Y.sup.max.sub.j] represent the minimum and maximum displacement of the
jth optimized node in the Y direction, respectively.
The improved PSO was used to solve this problem and the parameters
selected are as follows: the particles number PN= 25, the maximum
iteration times INT = 1000, the acceleration parameter c = 2 the
inertial weight coefficients: [w.sub.ini] = 1.0; [w.sub.end] = 0.2;
[w.sub.min] = 0.4, and [w.sub.max] = 0.8. Numerical simulation shows
under these values of coefficients, the algorithm performs best. To
keeping symmetry in the process of the truss structure optimization, the
position optimization variables are
[[[A.sub.1], [A.sub.3], [A.sub.5], [A.sub.7], [A.sub.9],
[A.sub.11], [A.sub.13], [A.sub.15], [A.sub.17], [A.sub.19], [A.sub.21],
[A.sub.23], [A.sub.25], [A.sub.27], [A.sub.29], [A.sub.3], [A.sub.33],
[A.sub.35], [A.sub.37], [Y.sub.3], [Y.sub.5], [Y.sub.7], [Y.sub.9],
and the design variables are shown in Table 2. Combined with finite
element method (FEM), the improved PSO was employed to the optimization
and the programs were written in Matlab7.1 language.
The optimized results of structure quality are shown in Table 2 and
convergence curve is shown in Figure 6. And the final optimization shape
is shown in Figure 7.
In Figure 6, the convergence curve shows that in the early
searching process, the objective function is around 1000 kg which is
approximately 15 times of the optimal solution. And the iterations
account for a little over one percent of the total, which means the
random direction algorithm can obviously produce the high-quality
initial population. The curve has no stagnation in the first 600
iterations, and this is made possible because of the dynamic adjustment
by fuzzy system. In all search process, the curve shows concussion
adjustment phenomenon, which is due to the function of the embedded
metropolis criterion.
Then, the results were compared with the results obtained from Tang
et al. (2009) and Wang et al. (2002a). The comparison was shown in
Tables 3 and 4.
From Table 3, we know that the displacement of the tenth node is
9.93 mm in the Y direction, which meets the displacement constraint
conditions. The total quality of the optimized structure is 69.27 kg,
which is better than the outcome of Tang et al. (2009) and Wang et al.
(2002a). The improved PSO we proposed has the better global search
performance with the stronger ability to jump out the local optimal
Figure 7 shows that the optimized truss shape is an arch that can
decompose the vertical load to horizontal direction and reduce the
stress concentration effect. This is more reasonable than the original
trapezoid shape according to the mechanical knowledge. From Table 4, we
see that both the mean and standard deviation of the stress obtained by
our algorithm are smaller than the results of Tang et al. 2009).
Although the mean stress we obtained is bigger than results of Wang et
al. 2002a), the displacement of the latter is 2.23 mm and quality is
105.2 kg which are too conservative. The above analysis shows that
improved PSO we proposed performs better than the other two algorithms.
Engineering practice also verifies the applicability of the results we
It is theoretically and practically significant to study the
algorithms for the structure optimization. In order to overcome the
shortcoming of the premature convergence in the common algorithms, we
proposed a novel PSO and introduced it to the shape optimization of a
truss structure. The application and comparison with other algorithms
show that the new approach using combination of stochastic direction
algorithm, fuzzy system, and metropolis criterion has significant
implementation advantages over the earlier techniques. This study
provides a promising method for the structure optimization.
doi: 10.3846/13923730.2013.786754
This work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Hebei
Province, China No. E2012402030) and Foundation of Hebei Educational
Committee, China (ZD2010222).
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Yancang LI. Received the PhD degree in Project Management from
Tianjin University, China in 2008. Currently he is are searcher at Hebei
University of Engineering, China. His research interests include
artificial intelligence and its application in the engineering practice.
Yang PENG. He is studying at Civil Engineering College, Hebei
University of Engineering, majored in artificial intelligence and its
application in the engineering practice.
Shujing ZHOU. He is a researcher at Hebei University of
Engineering, China. His research interests include artificial
intelligence and its application in the engineering practice.
Yancang LI, Yang PENG, Shujing ZHOU
College of Civil Engineering, Hebei University of Engineering,
Handan, 056038, China
Received 11 Jan. 2013; accepted 25 Feb. 2013
Corresponding author: Yancang Li
Table 1. Comparison of original PSO algorithm and the improved PSO
algorithm on Girewank function and Rastrigrin function
Function Function name
[f.sub.1] Girewank
[f.sub.2] Rastrigrin
Function Formulas
[f.sub.2] f(x) = [n.summation over (i=1)] [x.sup.2.sub.i] -
10 cos(2[pi][x.sub.i] + 10]
Test outcome value
Function Original PSO Improved PSO
[f.sub.1] 0.3172 0.0000
[f.sub.2] 9.1205 0.0001
Table 2. Symmetric groups of bars and nodes
Symmetric bars 1, 2 3, 4 5, 6 7, 8 9, 10 11, 12
Optimized bars 1 3 5 7 9 11
Symmetric bars 21, 22 23, 24 25, 26 27 28, 29 30, 31
Optimized bars 21 23 25 27 29 31
Symmetric nodes 1, 20 2, 18 3, 19 4, 16 5, 17 6, 14
Optimized nodes 3 5
Symmetric bars 13, 14 15, 16 17, 18 19, 20
Optimized bars 13 15 17 19
Symmetric bars 32, 33 34, 35 36, 37
Optimized bars 33 35 37
Symmetric nodes 7, 15 8, 12 9, 13 10, 11
Optimized nodes 7 9 11
Table 3. Comparison of different algorithms on the 37-bar
plane truss optimization
Improved PSO Results of Tang
Variable we proposed et at. (2009)
[A.sub.1] ([mm.sup.2]) 567.8 870.7
[A.sub.3] ([mm.sup.2]) 158.7 51.9
[A.sub.5] ([mm.sup.2]) 120.9 51.3
[A.sub.7] ([mm.sup.2]) 760.1 818.6
[A.sub.9] ([mm.sup.2]) 60.2 52.0
[A.sub.11] ([mm.sup.2]) 56.2 50.1
[A.sub.13] ([mm.sup.2]) 564.8 776.2
[A.sub.15] ([mm.sup.2]) 87.5 50.3
[A.sub.17] ([mm.sup.2]) 50.0 50.3
[A.sub.19] ([mm.sup.2]) 565.4 754.0
[A.sub.21] ([mm.sup.2]) 98.6 50.1
[A.sub.23] ([mm.sup.2]) 67.8 50.9
[A.sub.25] ([mm.sup.2]) 598.1 746.8
Results of Wang
Variable et at. (2002a) Variable
[A.sub.1] ([mm.sup.2]) 883.1 [A.sub.27] ([mm.sup.2])
[A.sub.3] ([mm.sup.2]) 50.0 [A.sub.29] ([mm.sup.2])
[A.sub.5] ([mm.sup.2]) 50.0 [A.sub.31] ([mm.sup.2])
[A.sub.7] ([mm.sup.2]) 715.4 [A.sub.33] ([mm.sup.2])
[A.sub.9] ([mm.sup.2]) 50.0 [A.sub.35] ([mm.sup.2])
[A.sub.11] ([mm.sup.2]) 115.3 [A.sub.37] ([mm.sup.2])
[A.sub.13] ([mm.sup.2]) 646.1 [Y.sub.3] ([mm.sup.2])
[A.sub.15] ([mm.sup.2]) 50.0 [Y.sub.5] ([mm.sup.2])
[A.sub.17] ([mm.sup.2]) 348.1 [Y.sub.7] ([mm.sup.2])
[A.sub.19] ([mm.sup.2]) 553.8 [Y.sub.9] ([mm.sup.2])
[A.sub.21] ([mm.sup.2]) 54.1 [Y.sub.11] ([mm.sup.2])
[A.sub.23] ([mm.sup.2]) 50.0 Quality (kg)
[A.sub.25] ([mm.sup.2]) 528.2 Node10 displacement (mm)
Improved PSO Results of Tang
Variable we proposed et at. (2009)
[A.sub.1] ([mm.sup.2]) 205.4 50.5
[A.sub.3] ([mm.sup.2]) 65.3 67.4
[A.sub.5] ([mm.sup.2]) 50.0 50.5
[A.sub.7] ([mm.sup.2]) 52.3 50.2
[A.sub.9] ([mm.sup.2]) 51.2 51.3
[A.sub.11] ([mm.sup.2]) 54.2 50.2
[A.sub.13] ([mm.sup.2]) 496.5 508.2
[A.sub.15] ([mm.sup.2]) 897.6 904.4
[A.sub.17] ([mm.sup.2]) 1186.2 1178.1
[A.sub.19] ([mm.sup.2]) 1370.4 1346.1
[A.sub.21] ([mm.sup.2]) 1406.8 1363.4
[A.sub.23] ([mm.sup.2]) 69.27 77.46
[A.sub.25] ([mm.sup.2]) -9.93 - 8.05
Results of Wang
Variable et at. (2002a)
[A.sub.1] ([mm.sup.2]) 50.0
[A.sub.3] ([mm.sup.2]) 183.7
[A.sub.5] ([mm.sup.2]) 183.7
[A.sub.7] ([mm.sup.2]) 194.0
[A.sub.9] ([mm.sup.2]) 192.8
[A.sub.11] ([mm.sup.2]) 187.4
[A.sub.13] ([mm.sup.2]) 1021
[A.sub.15] ([mm.sup.2]) 1718
[A.sub.17] ([mm.sup.2]) 2269
[A.sub.19] ([mm.sup.2]) 2669
[A.sub.21] ([mm.sup.2]) 2734
[A.sub.23] ([mm.sup.2]) 105.2
[A.sub.25] ([mm.sup.2]) - 2.23
Table 4. Comparison of stresses in all bars (MPa)
Results of
Bar Improved PSO Results of Tang Wang et al.
number we proposed et al. 2009) 2002a) Bar number
1st 178.22 114.08 71.33 23rd
3rd - 63.0 - 192.68 - 200 25th
5th 13.92 1.998 - 71.21 27th
7th 126.34 116.23 79.34 29th
9th - 178.55 - 193.20 - 149.13 31st
11th 14.55 - 18.04 5.00 33rd
13th 163.12 119.05 81.78 35th
15th - 120.53 - 186.76 - 209.96 37th
17th 29.55 - 0.61 9.37 Mean
19th 157.48 119.89 87.44 Standard
21st - 112.88 - 199.13 - 240.00 deviation
Results of Results of
Bar Improved PSO Tang et al. Wang et al.
number we proposed 2009) 2002a)
1st - 32.24 - 83.55 - 43.32
3rd 148.66 122.79 86.74
5th - 31.49 - 62.82 - 118.87
7th - 21.01 3.38 5.94
9th - 27.44 4.51 5.94
11th 2.60 6.35 - 7.22
13th 14.54 - 6.85 - 5.76
15th 31.31 - 7.39 1.09
17th 78.47 82.59 76.76
19th 64.83 75.43 75.44