Requirements definition and management practice to improve project outcomes/Reikalavimu apibrezimas ir vadyba gerinant projekto rezultatus.
Yang, Li-Ren ; Chen, Jieh-Haur ; Huang, Chung-Fah 等
1. Introduction
Many studies have shown that preproject planning effort may
contribute to project performance in terms of cost, schedule, and
operational characteristics (Griffith et al. 1999; Sobotka, Czarnigowska
2005; Ling et al. 2009; Hanna, Skiffington 2010). The development of
project requirements definition is one of the major subprocesses. It is
the process by which projects are defined and prepared for execution
(Cho, Gibson 2001). Additionally, it is the stage where project risk
assessments are undertaken and the specific project execution methods
are analyzed. Success during the detailed design, construction, and
start-up phases of a project is highly dependent on the level of effort
expended during this stage (Cho, Gibson 2001; Yang, Wei 2010; Chang et
al. 2010).
Requirements definition and management (RDM) is the term used to
describe the process of eliciting, documenting, analyzing, prioritizing,
and agreeing on requirements, and then controlling, managing, and
overseeing changes and risk (Oberg et al. 2000; Zowghi 2002).
Requirements quality affects work performed in subsequent phases of a
project. Thus, the comliance with requirements is crucial to the success
of a project. However, the literature in construction has largely
ignored the impact of requirements definition and management on project
success. In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards
increased requirements definition and management effort on construction
projects. Some construction organizations adopt the best industry
practices for project planning in the attempt to reduce the cost and
schedule of a project. These companies also examine their operations for
ways to improve stakeholder satisfaction. However, since the benefits of
practices can be rather intangible, this has slowed the adoption of RDM
practice. Accordingly, the importance of requirements definition and
management has been one of the major issues for both industry and
academic fields. Many studies indicated that one of the major challenges
in project/construction management is the definition and management of
project requirements. In order to understand the issue, there is a need
for quantification of the associations among RDM effort, quality of
project requirements, and project outcomes. Research on the
relationships should offer guides to project planning process.
Early planning in many cases is not performed well in the
construction industry (Cho, Gibson 2001). Furthermore, the building
sector suffers from poor or incomplete requirements definition (Gibson
et al. 1997). While many studies have promoted project planning as a
means to enhance project performance, very few published studies in
construction have explored the benefits of requirements definition and
management effort from the perspectives of major stakeholders.
Additionally, there is little evidence to support the relationships
between RDM practice and project performance. In order to explore the
benefits of RDM effort, a three-phase approach was used to investigate
projects in the Taiwanese building industry. Phase 1 included
determining the applicability of the proposed project requirements.
Phase 2 of the research entailed exploring the importance of project
requirements. Phase 3 consisted of examining the relationships among RDM
practice, quality of requirements, and project success.
2. Literature review and research hypotheses
Requirements definition and management is an important component of
effective project planning. The literature stated that the problems
related with requirements management are one of the main reasons for
project failures. Resarch suggested that most of the project
requirements were difficult to identify and some were not clear and well
organized (Oberg et al. 2000; Jepsen, Eskerod 2009; Anastasopoulos et
al. 2010). Prior research also indicated that 40% of the requirements
generate rework during the project life cycle (Zowghi 2002). It is
evident that if a problem is detected during the preproject planning
phase, many other problems are minimized in the following phases. Thus,
RDM is often cited as one of the most important, but difficilt, phases
of a project (Brooks 1987; Le et al. 2009). The results of previous
studies indicated a correlation between RDM effort and project
performance. Additionally, a review of the literature suggests that RDM
effort may improve requirements quality in terms of correctness,
consistency, and completeness, which subsequently affecting the
performance of a project (Damian, Chisan 2006; Procaccino et al. 2002;
Brooks 1987; Kauppinen et al. 2004; Herbsleb, Goldenson 1996; Radujkovic
et al. 2010; Huang, Hsueh 2010; Toor, Ogunlana 2010). This study extends
previous studies by addressing the impact of RDM effort on quality of
requirements and construction project performance in the building
industry. Based on the relevant literature, the following hypotheses
were postulated and tested:
H1: RDM practice (requirements documentation, verification, and
validation) positively influences construction project performance.
H2: Requirements quality positively influences construction project
H3: Requirements quality may act as a mediator between RDM practice
(requirements documentation, verification, and validation) and
construction project performance.
Above previous studies indicated that RDM may play an important
role in the performance of a project. In other words, projects can be
made more successful by improving requirements definition and
management. Additionally, prior research has stated that project
characteristics may play a moderating role in the relationship between
practice use and project performance (Muller, Turner 2007; Yang et al.
2006; Jiang et al. 1996). Based on the previous research, the following
research hypothesis was developed:
H4: Project characteristics may act as a moderator between RDM
practice (requirements documentation, verification, and validation) and
construction project performance.
This research adds to the literature in two valuable ways. First,
it develops quantitative measures of associations among RDM practice,
requirements quality, and construction project outcomes. Second, it
offers important results on the identification of the roles of project
characteristics in relationship between requirements quality and
construction project performance.
3. Phase 1 research
This research was divided into three phases. Phase 1 included
determining the applicability of the proposed project requirements. A
survey was developed to investigate the degree, if any, to which the
proposed requirements apply to building projects. The survey was
designed to include requirements that were thought to have substantial
impact on building projects. The listing of project requirements, which
resulted from both brainstorming and a literature search (Dumont et al.
1997; Cho, Gibson 2001), contained over 100 items. Therefore, a
systematic method for eliminating some of the less important
requirements was developed. Each requirement was then tested to ensure
it applies to building projects. As such, the requirements were based on
previous studies and interviews with construction practitioners. The
industry interviews encompassed 11 executives from the Owner,
Architect/Engineering (A/E), and General Contractor (GC) groups. For
each proposed project requirements, the survey asked the participants to
assess the extent to which individual requirements apply to projects in
the building sector. This survey offered respondents three optional
responses: applicable, not applicable, or need to be revised. The survey
also allowed the participants to offer additional comments on a
potential revision. The refined assessment items were included in the
Phase 2 survey questionnaire. Finally, the Phase 2 survey makes use of
81 project requirements in assessing their relative importance.
4. Phase 2 research
4.1. Procedure
Phase 2 of the research entailed exploring the importance of
building project requirements. In other words, the purpose of Phase 2
was to determine key requirement items and factors. A questionnaire was
developed based on the results of the work done in Phase 1. As such, the
content validity of the questionnaire used in Phase 2 was tested through
a literature review and interviews with the construction executives
conducted in Phase 1. From a thorough literature review and discussions
with the 11 practitioners, the 81 project requirements were included in
the questionnaire. Additionally, copies of a draft survey were sent to
several industry professions to pre-test for the clarity of questions.
Their insights were also incorporated into the final version of the
survey questionnaire. The questionnaire was used to assess how important
each of the requirements is in planning building projects. Responses are
given on 7-point scale, from 1 (not at all important) to 7 (very
This research employed survey methodology for Phase 2 data
collection. The survey instrument was used to measure the relative
importance of building project requirements from the viewpoints of major
stakeholders involved in projects. Thus, the sample for this study
focused on the Owner, Architect/Engineering, and General Contractor
groups in the Taiwanese building industry. Individuals interested in
participating in this phase were identified by a search from a number of
industry associations. The Owners' sample was selected from various
public and private owners. In addition, the A/E's sample was
selected from the National Association of Architect, Taiwan and Chinese
Association of Engineering Consultants. On the other hand, the sample of
GC was drawn from members of General Contractors Association, Taiwan.
The survey questionnaire was sent to more than 800 senior practitioners
on June 30, 2008. Some of the organizations were then contacted via
phone or email to identify the manager or the person involving in
building projects by name and title. Reminders were sent by e-mail or
phone after survey mailing. The initial mailing elicited 89 usable
responses. Finally, four weeks after the initial mailing a second
mailing of the survey was made to non-respondents. A reminder letter,
too, followed the second mailing. An additional 46 usable responses were
returned. In summary, of the 811 questionnaires sent, 137 were returned.
The overall response rate was 17.12%. Among the returned surveys, 2 were
discarded since they contained too many missing values. Ultimately, 135
survey responses were used in the analysis.
4.2. Participants
The sample was composed of 39 practitioners from the Owner group.
With respect to years of experience, 17.95% of the respondents are more
than 20, 12.82% are between 16 and 20, 25.64% are between 11 and 15,
23.08% are between 6 and 10, and the remaining 20.51 are less than 6.
Furthermore, 35.90% of the respondents indicated that they held a
master's degree, while another 28.21% held a bachelor's
degree. The remaining 35.90% held an associate's degree. The sample
consisted of 62 practitioners from the Architect/Engineering group. With
respect to years of experience, 23.73% of the respondents are more than
20, 13.56% are between 16 and 20, 32.20% are between 11 and 15, 20.34%
are between 6 and 10, and the remaining 10.17 are less than 6.
Furthermore, 57.63% of the respondents indicated that they held a
master's degree, while 42.37% held a bachelor's degree.
Additionally, the sample also included 34 professionals from the General
Contractor group. Regarding years of experience, 6.06% of the
respondents are more than 20, 18.18% are between 16 and 20, 24.24% are
between 11 and 15, 33.3% are between 6 and 10, and the remaining 18.18
are less than 6. Additionally, 30.30% of the respondents indicated that
they held a master's degree, while another 45.45% held a
bachelor's degree. The remaining 24.24% held an associate's
4.3. Non-response bias and preliminary analysis
Non-response bias was examined using the procedures recommended by
Armstrong and Overton (1977). It was assessed by comparing early (those
responding to the first mailing) and late (those responding to the
second mailing) respondents. Using a t-test, each variable was tested to
determine if there is a significant difference in means between early
and late respondents at the 5% significance level. The results from the
t-tests suggest that the early respondents do not significantly differ
from the late responses. Accordingly, non-response bias was not
considered a problem. After data are collected, a preliminary data
analysis was conducted. Factor analysis was employed to reduce the
building project requirements into several factors. The items associated
with these key factors were selected to assess requirements quality in
Phase 3.
5. Phase 3 research
5.1. Survey process and structure
Phase 3 consisted of examining the relationships among RDM
practice, requirements quality, and project performance. A third data
collection tool was used to assess the relationships between RDM
practice and requirements quality and their impacts on project
performance. As such, the primary purpose of Phase 3 was to investigate
the mediating effect of requirements quality on the relationship between
RDM practice and project performance. The second objective was to
investigate whether the impact of requirements quality on project
performance was moderated by project characteristics. Hypotheses were
developed and tested to determine the statistical significance of the
hypothetical relationships.
A survey instrument was used to measure RDM practice, quality of
requirements, and the performance of projects in the Taiwanese building
industry. The data collection tool was developed based on variables used
in previous studies. The survey was composed of four sections: 1)
requirements definition and management effort; 2) quality of
requirements; 3) project performance; 4) project and personal
information. The first section assessed aspects of RDM practice employed
on the subject project. RDM practice was considered along the two
dimensions: requirements documentation and requirements verification and
validation. The second section of the survey measured requirements
quality in terms of correctness, consistency, and completeness. As
previously discussed, the items identified in Phase 2 were used to
evaluate quality of requirements at this stage. Requirements quality was
measured by project design parameter, project plan, site information,
project control, project strategy, and building programming. The third
section evaluated project performance. Project performance was assessed
by cost and schedule success and quality performance. The fourth section
obtained information concerning the project and the respondent. These
subject projects were categorized according to seven data class
variables: initial site, project size, project duration, team size,
project typicality, owner regulation, and complexity. These variables
are defined as follows (Muller, Turner 2007; Turner 2004): 1) Initial
site--Participants were provided with three optional responses:
greenfield (or new), renovation, or expansion; 2) Project size (total
installed cost)--three cost categories are presented: small size (i.e.,
<$5 Million), medium size (i.e., $5-20 Million), and large size
(i.e., >$20 Million); 3) Project duration--respondents were asked to
provide project duration. The projects are classified into three
categories: short (i.e., <12 months), medium (i.e., 12-24 months),
long (i.e., >24 months); 4) Team size (number of core team member)
--three categories are presented: small team (i.e., <10 members),
medium team (i.e., 10-20 members), and large team (i.e., >20
members); 5) Project typicality--respondents were asked to compare the
subject project to other company projects relative to methods and
approaches used. Two optional responses were provided: traditional or
innovative; 6) Owner regulation--this variable allowed researchers to
distinguish private projects from public projects; 7)
Complexity--respondents were asked to compare the subject project to
other company projects relative to complexity. Three optional responses
were provided: low, medium, and high. In summary, the importance of
project requirements was explored in Phase 2. Phase 3 further examined
the associations among RDM practice, quality of requirements, and
project performance. The mediating role of requirements quality and
moderating role of project characteristics were also identified at this
5.2. Sample selection and data collection
An industry-wide survey of RDM practice, requirements quality, and
performance on construction projects was conducted in Taiwan between
March 2009 and February 2010. The data collection tool was developed to
collect project-based data. Project responses were collected through
personal interviews. A structured interview was conducted for each
subjective project. This approach allows the interviewers to explain the
questions and requirement items. Thus, misunderstandings can be
eliminated. Individuals interested in participating in this phase were
identified by a search from various industry associations. In order to
obtain a truly representative sample, not only was the geographic mix of
projects intentionally diverse, but a diverse mix of participation was
sought with respect to project size. Additionally, a specified mix of
team size was targeted in order to obtain a representative sample of the
industry. More than 150 projects were investigated and some were not
included in the analysis because they contained insufficient
information. In addition, the projects were examined to ensure that no
duplicate project information was collected. Ultimately, 148 survey
responses were used in the analysis.
The sample's respondents consisted of project managers,
project directors, project planners, and project superintendents. With
respect to years of experience, 8.11% are more than 20, 20.27% are
between 16 and 20, 18.92% are between 11 and 15, 32.43% are between 5
and 10, and the remaining 20.27% are less than 5. Finally, 6.08% of the
respondents indicated that they held a master's degree, while
another 46.62% held a bachelor's degree. Additionally, 41.22% of
the respondents indicated that they held associate's degree. The
remaining 6.08% held a high school diploma.
5.3. Variable measurement
The scales used to measure RDM effort were based on the items
developed by Sommerville and Ransom (2005), Damian and Chisan (2006),
and Parviainen and Tihinen (2007). RDM effort was evaluated based on the
two dimensions: requirements documentation and requirements verification
& validation. Each dimension is composed of several survey items
that measure its various aspects. Each item was rated on a 6-point
scale, where 1 represented never used and 6 represented used throughout
the project in a standardized way.
As previously discussed, the items identified in Phase 2 were
employed to evaluate quality of project requirements in terms of
correctness, consistency, and completeness. In other words, quality of
project requirements was evaluated based on the items selected from
Phase 2. For each requirement item, the respondents were asked to
indicate how successful their projects have been in achieving specific
goals: correctness, consistency and completeness (i.e., requirements
quality). A six-point scale was utilized with 1 = not at all successful
and 6 = extremely successful.
These project requirements selected for use in the survey include:
1) Project design parameter:
--electrical and mechanical design;
--civil design;
--architectural design;
--piping system requirements;
--site survey;
--civil information;
--utility sources with supply conditions;
--construction process;
--structural design;
--evaluation of existing facilities;
--geotechnical information;
--structural requirements;
--site layout;
--plot plan;
2) Project plan:
--owner approval requirements;
--building use planning;
--design plan and approval;
--space evaluation;
--purpose of building use;
--project objective statement;
--construction plan and approval;
--facility requirements;
--project design criteria;
--evaluation of adjacent building;
--site location;
--future expansion considerations;
3) Site information:
--safety management;
--waste treatment requirements;
--site life safety considerations;
--fire protection;
--safety procedures;
--water treatment requirements;
--soil tests;
--maintenance philosophy;
--operating philosophy;
--transportation requirements;
--training requirements;
--reliability philosophy;
4) Project control:
--project schedule control;
--project cost control;
--project schedule estimate;
--project cost estimate;
--overview of work scope;
--project control requirements,
--project management strategy;
5) Project strategy:
--value-analysis process;
--project strategy;
--marketing strategy;
--human resource management;
--economic analysis;
--alternatives considerations;
6) Building programming:
--indoor rooms;
--open space requirements;
--compartment requirements;
--painting requirements;
--windows and doors;
--storage space;
--identifying materials.
Questions from Muller and Turner (2007), Keller (1994), Freeman and
Beale (1992), Shenhar et al. (1997), and Westerveld (2003) were adopted
to measure project performance. Project performance was assessed by cost
and schedule success and quality performance. Each dimension is composed
of several survey items that measure its various aspects. Each item was
rated on a 6-point scale, where 1 represented strongly disagree and 6
represented strongly agree.
A composite score is calculated by averaging the values from each
of sub-dimensions that make up the composite measure. Each sub-dimension
is composed of several survey items that measure its various aspects.
Composite score of RDM practice is computed by averaging the values from
each of two sub-dimensions. This pattern held true for requirements
quality and project performance as well.
5.4. Dealing with validity and reliability
The content validity of the survey used in Phase 3 was tested
through a literature review and interviews with practitioners. In other
words, the survey items were based on previous studies and discussions
with these industry executives. The industry interviews encompassed nine
construction industry executives. A specified group involvement was also
targeted in order to acquire a comprehensive knowledge from different
perspectives. The industry interviews encompassed nine executives from
the Owner, A/E, and GC groups (three practitioners from each group).
Each of the professionals has over 20 years of senior management
experience in the industry. The refined assessment items were included
in the final survey. Finally, copies of a draft survey were sent to
several industry professions to pre-test for the clarity of questions.
Their insights were also incorporated into the final version of the
survey. The construct validity was tested by factor analysis. Factors
were extracted using Varimax rotation. As suggested by Hair et al.
(1995), an item is considered to load on a given factor if the factor
loading from the rotated factor pattern is 0.50 or more for that factor.
Cronbach's coefficient (a) was also computed to test the
reliability and internal consistency of the responses. The values of
Cronbach's [alpha] above 0.7 are considered acceptable and those
above 0.8 are considered meritorious (Nunnally 1978).
6. Results and analysis
6.1. Factor structure of scales
In Phase 2 of this study, factor analysis with Varimax rotation was
used to identify key requirement factors. Eigen-values greater than one
were used to determine the number of factors in each data set (Churchill
1991). Only variables with a factor loading greater than 0.5 were
extracted (Hair et al. 1995). The 81 items of project requirements are
classified into six factors. In other words, results indicated that six
factors were found to underlie the various sets of project requirements
in the building sector. Twenty-four items were dropped due to low factor
loading. The factor loadings for the other items range from 0.505 to
0.804. The six constructs categorized are project design parameter,
project plan, site information, project control, project strategy, and
building programming. As previously discussed, Phase 3 then evaluated
quality of the 57 key requirements associated with the six factors.
Factor analysis was also used to decide the grouping of RDM
practice and project performance in Phase 3. The 15 items of RDM
practice are classified into two factors. One item was dropped due to
low factor loading. The factor loadings for the other items range from
0.535 to 0.818. The subscales are requirements documentation and
requirements verification and validation. Additionally, two factors were
found to underlie project performance. In other words, the 20 items of
project performance construct are classified into two factors. All of
the factor loadings range from 0.627 to 0.870, indicating a high level
of internal consistency among the project performance items. The
subscales are cost and schedule success and quality performance. Factor
loadings for the survey items are presented in Table 1.
Cronbach's coefficient ([alpha]) was computed to test the
reliability and internal consistency of the responses. Reliability was
assessed for RDM practice at 0.927, quality of requirements at 0.978,
and project performance at 0.971. The values of Cronbach's [alpha]
of 0.6 to 0.8 are considered acceptable and those above 0.8 are
considered meritorious (Nunnally 1978). Cronbach's alpha values for
the subscales are also presented in Table 1. All of the [alpha] values
for the sub-dimensions are above 0.8, indicating a high degree of
internal consistency in the responses.
6.2. Regression analysis results
Two regression models were developed using the two RDM practice
dimensions as independent variables and each of the two project
performance measures as a dependent variable in each model. The
regression results of these models are presented in Table 2. As shown in
Table 2, when cost and schedule success was used as the dependent
variable (Model 1), one independent variable was identified to be
significant: "requirements verification and validation". The
findings indicate that requirements verification and validation is
significantly related to project cost and schedule success. The results
(Model 2) also suggest that requirements verification and validation may
contribute to project quality performance. The multiple coefficient of
determination (R squared) was 0.494. In other words, the independent
variable, requirements verification and validation, explained 49.4% of
the variation in the dependent variable, project quality performance.
Additionally, Kennedy (1998) noted that a variance-inflation factors
(VIF) greater than 10 may be cause for concern. However, no evidence of
strong multi-collinearity was found in the two estimated models (i.e.,
the variance-inflation factors for the two models <2). Thus, H1 is
Two regression models were developed using the six requirements
quality dimensions as independent variables and each of the two project
performance measures as a dependent variable in each model. The
regression results of these models are also presented in Table 2. To
examine the relationship between requirements quality and project
performance, a regression analysis for cost and schedule success (Model
3) was conducted. Project control emerged as a key independent variable
in regression when the dependent variable used was cost and schedule
success. Additionally, the results of Model 4 also suggest that project
control has a positive relationship with project performance, as
measured by quality performance. In addition, no evidence of strong
multicollinearity was found in any of the estimated models (i.e., the
variance-inflation factors for the two models < 4). Thus, H2 is
partly supported. The equations for Models 1 to 4 are expressed as
Model 1: CSS = 0.123D + 0.484V, (1)
Model 2: QP = 0.143D + 0.595V, (2)
Model 3: CSS = 0.053PDP + 0.034PP + 0.113SI +0.504PC +0.039PS +
0.193BP, (3)
Model 4: QP = 0.114PDP + 0.012PP + 0.145SI + 0.274PC + 0.194PS +
0.077BP, (4)
where: CSS is cost and schedule success; QP is quality performance;
D is documentation; V is verification and validation; PDP is project
design parameter; PP is project plan; SI is site information; PC is
project control; PS is project strategy; and BP is building programming.
6.3. Mediator between RDM and project performance
Based on the data collected in Phase 3, formal mediation testing
was subsequently conducted to determine whether requirements quality
mediates the relationships between RDM practice and project performance.
The mediating role of requirements quality was examined by investigating
changes in beta coefficients and R-squared when entering requirements
quality variable in a series of regression models. In the relationship
between RDM practice and project performance, the first three conditions
for mediation specified by Baron and Kenny (1986) were met by
requirements quality dimension. Thus, requirements quality variable was
subsequently tested to determine if it fulfilled the fourth condition
for mediation.
The analysis assessed the effect of including requirements quality
in hierarchical linear regressions where individual subscales of RDM
practice (i.e., requirements documentation and requirements verification
& validation) were the independent variables and cost and schedule
success was the dependent variable. Multiple regression models were
developed with subscales of RDM practice, quality of requirements, and
cost and schedule success in order to measure the mediating role of
requirements quality. While cost and schedule success is the dependent
variable, subscales of RDM practice were entered on the first step
(Model 1) and quality of requirements was entered on the second step
(Model 2).
Table 3 presents summary of Hierarchical Regression Analysis for
requirements documentation. The first model (i.e. requirements
documentation) explained 21.6% of the variance in cost and schedule
success (p < 0.001). Model 2 (i.e. requirements documentation and
requirements quality) explained 46.5% of the variance in cost and
schedule success (p < 0.001). No evidence of strong multicollinearity
was found in Model 2 (i.e., the variance-inflation factors for the model
<2). The analysis results from Model 2 indicate that project
performance can be achieved with better requirements documentation as
well as higher levels of requirements quality. Both of requirements
documentation and requirements quality are significant variables. In
other words, an index of requirements quality was added in the second
model and this explained an additional 24.9% of the variance. However,
with the addition of requirements quality, standardized regression
coefficients ([beta]) for requirements documentation decreased by 52.04%
(from 0.465 to 0.223). The testing shows that the inclusion of
requirements quality yields significant reductions in the
beta-coefficients for requirements documentation. Although the
requirements documentation index continued to be a significant
explanatory variable, its contribution was reduced. The testing supports
a role for requirements quality as a partial mediator in the
relationship between indices of requirements documentation and cost and
schedule success. On the other hand, multiple regression models were
developed with subscales of RDM practice, quality of requirements, and
quality performance in order to measure the mediating role of
requirements quality. As shown in Table 3, requirements quality
partially mediates the effect of requirements documentation and project
quality performance.
Additionally, the equations for models of cost and schedule success
are expressed as follows:
Model 1: CSS = 0.465D, (5)
Model 2: CSS = 0.223D + 0.555RQ, (6)
where: CSS is cost and schedule success; D is documentation, and RQ
is requirements quality.
The equations for models of quality performance are expressed as
Model 1: QP = 0.563D, (7)
Model 2: QP = 0.332D + 0.529RQ, (8)
where: QP is quality performance; D is documentation, and RQ is
requirements quality.
Similarly, Table 4 presents summary of Hierarchical Regression
Analysis for requirements verification and validation. The findings
indicate that construction project performance can be achieved with
better requirements verification & validation as well as higher
levels of requirements quality. Additionally, the testing supports a
role for requirements quality as a partial mediator in the relationship
between requirements verification and validation and cost and schedule
success. The results also suggest that requirements quality may
partially mediate the effects of requirements verification and
validation on project quality performance. Thus, H3 is supported.
Furthermore, the equations for models of cost and schedule success
are expressed as follows:
Model 1: CSS = 0.571V, (9)
Model 2: CSS = 0.334V+0.491RQ, (10)
where: CSS is cost and schedule success; V is verification and
validation; RQ is requirements quality.
The equations for models of quality performance are expressed as
Model 1: QP = 0.696V, (11)
Model 2: QP = 0.483V+0.441RQ, (12)
where: QP is quality performance; V is verification and validation;
RQ is requirements quality.
6.4. Identification of project clusters with the same levels of RDM
In order to identify homogeneous projects clusters with the same
levels of RDM practice, a K-means cluster analysis was performed on the
basis of the two dimensions of RDM practice. To validate the results of
the cluster analysis, a discriminant analysis was also conducted. The
cluster analysis has identified two clusters for RDM practice, with the
cluster mean values of discriminating variables given in Table 5. The
discriminant analysis classified 99.0% of the projects as the cluster
analysis did, indicating extremely good differentiation and a correct
classification. These results further suggest that the two clusters are
distinctive. In addition, independentsamples t tests were undertaken to
assess the internal validity of the cluster results. The
independent-samples t tests shown in Table 5 confirm that the two
variables do significantly differentiate across the two clusters. The
first cluster was labelled projects with high degree of RDM practice.
The second cluster consists of projects with low degree of RDM practice.
6.5. Moderating roles of project characteristics
These subject projects were categorized according to seven data
class variables: initial site, project size, project duration, team
size, project typicality, owner regulation, and complexity. In other
words, project characteristics were assessed by using these attributes.
As previously discussed, the projects were also examined by clustering
them on the basis of differences in the RDM practice dimensions. The
study revealed two segments for the RDM practice dimensions. Thus, to
test for the moderating influence of project typicality on the
relationship between RDM practice and overall project performance, 2
(RDM practice) x 2 (project typicality) analysis of variance (ANOVA)
were performed. The two-way ANOVA was utilized to determine the joint
effects of RDM practice and project typicality on overall project
performance in terms of cost and schedule success and quality
Table 6 summarizes the results of the ANOVAs. The results indicate
a significant interaction of RDM practice (RDMP) and project typicality
(PT) for overall project performance, F = 4.266, p < 0.05. These
findings indicate that project typicality has a moderating effect on the
relationship between RDM practice and overall project performance. Since
the interaction term was significant, the form of interaction was
graphically represented to evaluate the direction of the differences
within each of the conditions.
Fig. 1 shows the relationship between RDM practice and overall
project performance at different levels of project typicality. It is
clear that innovative projects were more likely to be successful when
they experienced a high level of RDM practice than traditional projects.
Additionally, the results show a significant interaction of RDM practice
(RDMP) and owner regulation (OR) for project performance, F = 4.271, p
< 0.05. The analyses suggest that public projects were more likely to
be successful when they experienced a high level of RDM practice than
private projects (see Fig. 2). However, there was no significant
interaction for the other project characteristics (initial site, project
size, project duration, team size, and complexity). Thus, the results
partially support H4.
7. Conclusions
While the diverse benefits of preproject planning have received
substantial attention, the number of studies dealing with the importance
of requirements definition and management in construction is rather
scarce. Additionally, empirical evidence that supports the benefits of
RDM practice in the building sector is lacking. Thus, developing such
support will illustrate the relationships among RDM effort, quality of
requirements, and project outcomes. This study attempts to fill the gap
in the literature by identifying the roles of requirements quality and
project characteristics in the relationship between RDM effort and
project performance.
The primary purpose of this study was to examine the mediating
effect of requirements quality on the relationship between RDM practice
and project performance. The second objective was to determine whether
the impact of RDM practice on project performance was moderated by
project characteristics. In order to exploring the benefits of RDM
effort, a three-phase approach was employed to investigate projects in
the Taiwanese building industry. Phase 1 of the research included
determining the applicability of the proposed project requirements in
the building sector. Phase 2 entailed exploring the importance of
building project requirements. In other words, the purpose of Phase 2
was to determine key requirement items and factors. A questionnaire was
developed based on the results of the work done in Phase 1. Phase 3
consisted of examining the associations among RDM practice, quality of
requirements, project characteristics, and project performance. A third
data collection tool was used to assess the relationships between RDM
practice and requirements quality and their impacts on project
performance. The items identified in Phase 2 were selected to assess
quality of requirements at this stage.
In this study, formal mediation testing was subsequently conducted
to determine whether requirements quality mediates the relationships
between RDM practice and project performance. The findings indicate that
construction project performance can be achieved with better
requirements documentation, verification, and validation as well as
higher levels of requirements quality. The testing supports a role for
requirements quality as a partial mediator in the relationship between
indices of requirements documentation and project performance in terms
of cost and schedule success and quality performance. The results also
suggest that requirements quality may partially mediate the effects of
requirements verification and validation on project cost and schedule
success and quality performance.
The findings suggest that project typicality and owner regulation
have a moderating effect on the relationship between RDM practice and
overall project performance. It is clear that innovative projects were
more likely to be successful when they experienced a high level of RDM
practice than traditional projects. The results also suggest that public
projects were more likely to be successful when they experienced a high
level of requirements quality than private projects.
The research results offer guides to project planning process.
Findings from this study are helpful to project planners in deciding
whether to adopt RDM practice in the building sector. Project planners
can use the research results to modify their current project planning.
However, one limitation of this study is its cross-sectional design. An
objective for future study is to determine how RDM practice is changing
over time. Survey with a longitudinal design may be needed to gain
deeper insights into the benefits of RDM effort. Furthermore, the sample
for this study focused on projects in the building industry.
Consideration should be given to investigate the project requirements
for other sectors (industrial and infrastructure projects). This could
also lead to greater insights into the importance of project
requirements in the building industry. Finally, requirements
prioritization for construction projects also need to be considered in
further research.
The author would like to thank the anonymous referees for their
extremely helpful comments on this paper.
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Li-Ren Yang (1), Jieh-Haur Chen (2), Chung-Fah Huang
(1) Department of Business Administration, Tamkang University, 151
Ying-chuan Rd., Tamsui, Taipei 251, Taiwan
(2) Graduate Institute of Construction Engineering and Management,
National Central University, 300 Jhong-da Rd., Chungli, Taoyuan 320,
(3) Department of Civil Engineering, National Kaohsiung University
of Applied Sciences, 415 Chien-Kung Rd., Kaohsiung 807, Taiwan
E-mails: (1) (corresponding author); (2); (3)
Received 14 Oct. 2010; accepted 28 Dec. 2010
Li-Ren YANG. Associate Professor of Business Administration at
Tamkang University. He received his doctoral degree from the University
of Texas at Austin. Yang's research interest is on
project/construction management.
Jieh-Haur CHEN. Associate Professor of Graduate Institute of
Construction Engineering and Management at National Central University.
He received his doctoral degree from the University of
Wisconsin-Madison. Chen's research interest is on information
technology in construction.
Chung-Fah HUANG. Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at
National Kaohsiung University of Applied Sciences. He received his
doctoral degree from National Central University, Taiwan. Huang's
research interests include human resource management in construction,
engineering ethics, and outsourcing management.
Table 1. Factor loadings and Cronbach's alpha values for the survey
Construct Subscale Mean Standard Cronbach's
deviation alpha
RDM practice Requirements 4.38 0.82 0.876
RDM practice Requirements 4.44 0.75 0.905
and validation
Requirements Project design 4.32 0.62 0.907
quality parameter
Requirements Project plan 4.53 0.69 0.926
Requirements Site information 4.47 0.69 0.931
Requirements Project control 4.41 0.77 0.915
Requirements Project strategy 3.91 0.90 0.914
Requirements Building 4.46 0.87 0.941
quality programming
Project Cost and schedule 4.27 0.89 0.958
performance success
Project Quality 4.24 0.93 0.946
performance performance
Construct Range of factor
RDM practice 0.631 to 0.788
RDM practice 0.535 to 0.818
Requirements 0.511 to 0.778
Requirements 0.534 to 0.723
Requirements 0.505 to 0.697
Requirements 0.538 to 0.804
Requirements 0.510 to 0.710
Requirements 0.529 to 0.726
Project 0.627 to 0.870
Project 0.710 to 0.834
Table 2. Regression analysis results
Independent Cost and schedule Quality
variable success performance
(Model 1) (Model 2)
Documentation 0.123 (a) 0.143 (a)
Verification 0.484 (a), *** 0.595 (a), ***
and validation
Project design - -
Project plan - -
Site information - -
Project control - -
Project strategy - -
Building - -
F-statistics 24.010 *** 46.897 ***
R squared 0.333 0.494
Durbin-Watson 1.820 1.982
Variance-inflation <2 <2
Independent Cost and schedule Quality
variable success performance
(Model 3) (Model 4)
Documentation - -
Verification - -
and validation
Project design 0.053 (a) 0.114 (a)
Project plan 0.034 (a) 0.012 (a)
Site information 0.113 (a) 0.145 (a)
Project control 0.504 (a), *** 0.274 (a), *
Project strategy 0.039 (a) 0.194 (a)
Building 0.193 (a) 0.077 (a)
F-statistics 13.934 *** 13.506 ***
R squared 0.476 0.468
Durbin-Watson 1.843 2.117
Variance-inflation <4 <4
(a) The number denotes the beta coefficient for the
particular variable.
* significant at the 0.05 level; *** significant at
the 0.001 level
Table 3. Mediator between requirements documentation and project
Independent Cost and schedule success Quality performance
Model 1 Model 2 Model 1 Model 2
Documentation 0.465 (a), *** 0.223 *** 0.563 *** 0.332 ***
Requirements 0.555 *** 0.529 ***
R-Squared 0.216 0.465 0.317 0.544
F-Statistic 26.737 *** 41.778 *** 45.022 *** 57.162 ***
Durbin-Watson - 1.853 - 2.159
Variance- - <2 - <2
(a) The number denotes the beta coefficient for the particular
*** significant at the 0.001 level
Table 4. Mediator between requirements verification and validation
and project performance
Independent Cost and schedule success Quality
variable performance
Model 1 Model 2 Model 1
Verification and 0.571 (a), *** 0.334 *** 0.696 (a), ***
Requirements 0.491 ***
R-Squared 0.326 0.511 0.484
F-Statistic 46.892 *** 50.064 *** 90.935 ***
Durbin-Watson - 1.828 -
Variance- - <2 -
Independent Quality
variable performance
Model 2
Verification and 0.483 ***
Requirements 0.441 ***
R-Squared 0.633
F-Statistic 82.730 ***
Durbin-Watson 2.148
Variance- <2
(a) The number denotes the beta coefficient for the particular
*** significant at the 0.001 level
Table 5. Cluster means of discriminating variables
Projects with high levels of Projects with
Variable RDM practice low levels of
RDM practice
Number Mean Number
Documentation 118 4.70 30
Verification & 118 4.69 30
Projects with
Variable low levels of t-statistic p-value
RDM practice
Documentation 3.38 9.809 0.000
Verification & 3.13 11.952 0.000
Table 6. Results of two-way ANOVAs
Initial Project Project Team
site size duration size
(IS) (PS) (PD) (TS)
RDM practice (RDMP) 0.066 0.088 2.252 1.579
Project Owner Complexity
typicality regulation (C)
(PT) (OR)
RDM practice (RDMP) 4.266 * 4.271* 0.266
* significant at the 0.05 level