A model for strength and strain analysis of steel fiber reinforced concrete/Betono, armuoto plienine dispersine armatura, stiprio ir deformaciju apskaiciavimo modelis.
Marciukaitis, Gediminas ; Salna, Remigijus ; Jonaitis, Bronius 等
1. Introduction
Concrete reinforced with steel fibers is a composite material the
properties of which differ from those of concrete and steel fibers when
taken separately. Concrete properties are mainly changed by steel
fibers: strength and strain at tension, flexion, and elasticity modulus
are increased and other mechanical properties are enhanced.
The areas of using fiber concrete may be both nonstructural and
structural. Fibers enable to control plastic strain and moister
movements of concrete, and consequently the process of cracking. In
structural sense, fibers can be substituted for complicated
reinforcement with bars and in the case of a combined stress state,
enable to avoid sudden failure due to an action of static and dynamic
loads etc.
The application of SFRC for various stiff joints of reinforced
concrete structures was well known long ago as an effective choice for
additional reinforcement in the case of a combined stress state due to
its distribution to various chaotic directions (Li 2002; Salna and
Marciukaitis 2007; Szmigiera 2007; Ozcan et al. 2009; Chalioris and
Karayannis 2009; Brandt 2008). However, the application of steel fibers
to load bearing structures has been strictly limited for a long time due
to a lack of the regulated methods of analysis.
These factors encouraged various countries (USA, Japan, Russia
etc.) to work out documents regulating the use of steel fibers in the
form of additional supplements to design codes. Furthermore, it is
implicitly stressed in modern research work that the application of
steel fibers to stiff joints, such as a connection between a column and
a slab, is expedient. In such case, not only the strength of the
structure is increased but also failure becomes predictive--the brittle
failure mode is superseded by the plastic one. The application of such
concrete is expedient for pavements on bridges, airports, tunnels and
the like because of roughness, resistance to cracking and abrasion of
their surface (Li 2002; Johnston and Zemp 1991; Meddah and Bencheikh
2009; Maleki and Mahoutian 2009; Kasper et al. 2008; Chiaia et al.
Steel fibers provide a possibility of producing and applying thin
slabs with various shapes of the surface in accordance with
architectural solutions to buildings.
The extensive use of fiber concrete for load bearing structures is
confined by different existing methods for determining properties and
especially by the absence of any method defining the properties of such
concrete in the elastic-plastic state of stress.
It should be emphasized that when reinforcing concrete with fibers
under compression, plastic deformations originate at the stress of 0.4
[[sigma].sub.cu]. Concrete ultimate stress [[sigma].sub.cu] corresponds
to stress in steel fibers only of (0.1...0.3) [[sigma].sub.y]. In such
case, for relationship ([sigma]-[epsilon]), there will be limits within
which both components will deform linearly; however, above the limit,
one component deforms elastically while the other--plastically (Fig. 1).
According to the classical theory of composites, limit stress in the
composite is determined by criterion:
dF / d[epsilon] = 0 , (1)
where F--force acting the composite.
Then, according to the additive law, we obtain:
dF/d[epsilon] = ([dF.sub.f]/d[epsilon])[V.sub.f]
([dF.sub.c]/d[epsilon]) (1 - [V.sub.f]) (2)
This condition can be accurately solved when complete diagrams of
[sigma]-[epsilon] for components are known. Nevertheless, in the
majority of cases, the linear relationship of ([[epsilon].sub.i] =
[[sigma].sub.i] / [E.sub.i]) is assumed and the utilization of component
properties is evaluated using empirical coefficients. Diagrams in Fig. 1
indicate that their accurate description is complicated. For common
concrete, as suggests EC 2, [sigma]-[epsilon] diagram may be
approximated by broken lines, i.e. [sigma]-[epsilon] diagram is resolved
into a geometrical regular parabolic, triangular, trapezium and even
rectangular diagrams or into a combination of those. For usual
reinforced concrete, three shapes are used: 1) parabola and rectangular,
2) triangular and rectangular and 3) rectangular only. Our
investigations showed that the second form was the simplest and the
closest one to the real diagram. Moreover, considering fiber concrete,
some theoretical attempts to assume the simplified diagram were made.
Maalej and Li (1994), Kanda et al. (2000), Soranakom and Mobasher
(2008), Bareisis and Kleiza (2004) proposed employing idealized
[sigma]-[epsilon] diagrams for SFRC. Various methods of examining SFRC
were created (Pupurs et al. 2006; Li and Wang 2002; Nelson et al. 2002;
Li 1992; Wang et al. 1989; Zhang and Li 2002; Kanda and Li 1999; Kanda
et al. 2000; Leung and Li 1991; Maalej et al. 1995; Stang et al. 1995;
Bojtkob et al. 2007; Kang et al. 2010; Olivito and Zuccarello 2010,
Fantilli et al. 2009) the analysis of which shows that three groups of
models can be distinguished:
1. strength of SFRC is determined on the basis of the additive law;
2. strength of SFRC is determined using the principles of the
mechanics of failure;
3. strength of SFRC is determined using empirical relationships.
The main principle of the majority examined methods for the
analyses of SFRC is the additive law (MajiMencTep et al. 1980); however,
they differ in the assumptions of determining correction coefficients.
Some authors reduce a chaotic distribution of steel fibers to the
regularly orientated one ([TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] 2004;
Marciukaitis 1998), some of those create models according to
probabilistic principles (Wang and Becker 1989) while others determine
experimentally or do not reduce chaotic distribution to regular one but
introduce empirical coefficients (Li 1992; Stang et al. 1995; Kanda and
Li 1999; Kanda et al. 2000; Zhang and Li 2002).
The principles of determining the strength of fiber concrete using
the principles of failure mechanics were analyzed by Li (1992), Maalej
et al. (1995), Kanda et al. (2000), Zhang and Li (2002), Zhang et al.
(2001). An agreement with experimental results is good but the
theoretical apparatus is complicated and practically almost was not
The methods of analyses based on empirical data belong to the third
group (Harajli et al. 1995; Narayanan and Darwish 1987). Though this
method is frequently applied, still, the actual performance of the
composite components is almost not evaluated. The analysis of
investigation results presented by the above mentioned as well as by
other authors shows that the most precise results are obtained using the
additive law. Great differences in relation to experimental results are
obtained because plastic deformations in tension and compression
concrete have not been taken into account.
2. The Proposed Model for Strength and Strain Analysis of SFRC
A comparison and analysis of models for strength analysis of SFRC
have showed that there is no united opinion how strength and strains are
to be determined. In the methods proposed by the majority of authors and
in some standards for designing composites, using either
[sigma]-[epsilon] composite diagram determined experimentally (ASTM
C1018; JSCE-SF4; NBP No.7; NFP 18-409; TR-34) or employing general
principals of designing composites using additional (mostly empirical)
service coefficients for components is recommended.
The suggested model for strength and strain analysis of SFRC is
based on general principles of creating and modelling composites
(additive law) with a direct evaluation of elastic and plastic
characteristics of composite component materials.
Following classical assumptions of creating and designing
composites one can write: the strength of the composite in the general
case is
[[sigma].sub.sfrc] = [[sigma].sub.f] [V.sub.f] [[psi].sub.f] +
[[sigma].sub.c], (3)
elasticity modulus of the composite in the general case is
[E.sub.sfrc] = [E.sub.f] [V.sub.f] [[psi].sub.f] + [E.sub.c] (1 -
[V.sub.f]), (4)
where [[psi].sub.f]--the coefficient of service for materials
depending on their joint action, strain properties, the quantity and
orientation of inclusions, anchorage properties etc. It can be mostly
determined by modelling; at a later stage, correction is made conducting
Formulas 3 and 4 show that for describing composite stress, to
strain relationships expressed via variation in the elasticity modulus
of materials is required.
For describing stress to strain relationships with materials, the
following assumptions were applied:
1. for steel inclusions--linear [sigma]-[epsilon] relationship
(since elastic steel strains are much less in comparison with ultimate
concrete strains);
2. for concrete--trapezoidal--the expression of elastic strains is
[[epsilon].sub.c,el] = [f.sub.c] / [E.sub.c], plastic
ones--[[epsilon].sub.c,pl] = [f.sub.c] /[E.sub.c] (1 - [[lambda].sub.c])
and ultimate strains--[[epsilon].sub.c,u] = [f.sub.c] / [E.sub.c] (1 -
In this case, plasticity coefficients are as follows:
The performed tests revealed that the plasticity coefficient of
concrete can be defined in the following way:
[[lambda].sub.c] = 1 - 0.061 [f.sup.0,5.sub.c]. (6)
3. For composite--trapezoidal, strains are expressed as follows:
elastic [[epsilon].sub.sfrcc,el] = [f.sub.sfrc] / [E.sub.sfrc],
plastic--[[epsilon].sub.sfrc,pl] = [f.sub.sfrc] / [E.sub.sfrc] (1 -
[[lambda].sub.sfrc]), ultimate--[[epsilon].sub.sfrc,u] = [f.sub.sfrc] /
[E.sub.sfrc] (1 - [[lambda].sub.sfrc,u]).
Under load composite, inclusion and matrix deform together, and
therefore it can be expressed as
[[epsilon].sub.sfrc] = [[epsilon].sub.c] = [[epsilon].sub.f]. (7)
The relation between strains and stress at the elastic stage when
[[epsilon].sub.c] [less than or equal to] [f.sub.c] / [E.sub.c] is
Eqs 7 and 8 show that the strain of the composite equals to:
[[epsilon].sub.sfrc] = [[sigma].sub.c] / [E.sub.c] =
[[sigma].sub.f] / [E.sub.f]. (9)
Using the law of mixtures and formula (9), composite stress equals
where [[alpha].sub.f] = [E.sub.c] / [E.sub.f] when
[[epsilon].sub.sfrc] [less than or equal to] [f.sub.c] / [E.sub.c] and
[[alpha].sub.f] = [E.sub.c] (1 - [[lambda].sub.c]) / [E.sub.f] when
[f.sub.c] / [E.sub.c] < [[epsilon].sub.sfrc] [less than or equal to]
Formulas (9) and (10) show that the strength of the composite
depends on two main parameters--the value of inclusion stress
[[sigma].sub.f] and composite strain [[epsilon].sub.sfrc], while
ultimate composite strength--on ultimate inclusion stress
[[sigma].sub.f.u] and ultimate composite strain [[epsilon].sub.sfrc,u.]
Formula (10) is valid when [[epsilon].sub.sfrc] [less than or equal to]
[[epsilon].sub.c,u]. However, ultimate composite strain
[[epsilon].sub.sfrc.u], when inclusion strength is greater than matrix
strength [f.sub.s] / [f.sub.c] [greater than or equal to] 1, exceeds
concrete matrix strain [[epsilon].sub.c,u] (Nelson et al. 2002; Li and
Wang 2002; Li 1992; Wang et al. 1989; [TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]
2004; Zhang and Li 2002; Kanda and Li 1999; Kanda et al. 2000; Leung and
Li 1991; Stang et al. 1995) since inclusion can resist acting stress
(especially tensile one). Using trapezoidal o-E diagram for the
composite (Fig. 2), the ultimate strain of composite
[[epsilon].sub.sfrc,u] may be expressed via composite elasticity
[[epsilon].sub.sfrc,u] = [[sigma].sub.sfrc]/[E.sub.sfrc]
[v.sub.sfrc,u] = [[sigma].sub.sfrc]/[E.sub.sfrc] (1
[[lambda].sub.sfrc,u]). (11)
Elasticity coefficient for composite [v.sub.sfrc,u] can be
expressed via the ultimate strains of the concrete matrix assuming that
[[epsilon].sub.c,u] = [v.sub.sfrc,u] and [v.sub.sfrc], and using the
iteration method, a more accurate value of [v.sub.sfrc,u] can be
obtained. According to this assumption and equating strains of the
composite and concrete, one can write:
[[sigma].sub.sfrc]/[E.sub.sfrc] [v.sub.sfrc] =
[[sigma].sub.c]/[E.sub.c][v.sub.c]. (12)
Using the law of mixtures for determining composite stress
[[sigma].sub.sfr.c] and elasticity modulus [E.sub.sfrc] and making
mathematical rearrangements from relation (12), the coefficient of
elasticity for the composite is equal to
Relation (13) clearly shows that the coefficients of elasticity and
plasticity for the composite along with ultimate strain depend on the
ratio of stresses [[sigma].sub.f] / [[sigma].sub.c] acting in the
inclusion and concrete matrix. This ratio is determined using the
general principles of work produced by external and internal forces. In
the same way, inclusion stress a f may be expressed via reduced cross
section [[sigma].sub.f] concrete:
and similarly concrete stress ac expressing via reduced
cross-section of steel fibers:
From (14) and (15), it is obvious that the ratio of [[sigma].sub.f]
/ [[sigma].sub.c] equals to:
[[sigma].sub.f]/[[sigma].sub.c] = [A.sub.c] [[alpha].sub.f] +
[A.sub.f]/[A.sub.c] + [A.sub.f] [[alpha].sub.f], (16)
where [alpha] f = [E.sub.f] / [E.sub.c].
Since ([A.sub.f] + [A.sub.c]) l = 1 or [V.sub.f] + [V.sub.c] = 1,
then after mathematical rearrangements, equation (16) can be put in this
[[sigma].sub.f]/ [[sigma].sub.c] = [[alpha].sub.f] - [V.sub.f]
([[alpha].sub.f] - 1)/1 + [V.sub.f] ([[alpha].sub.f] 1). (17)
Putting expression (17) into expression (13), the elasticity
coefficient of the composite at ultimate strain can be expressed by:
The values of elasticity coefficient [v.sub.sfc] determined by
equation (18) and those of ultimate composite strain
[[epsilon].sub.sfrc,u] determined by equation (11) are compared with the
experimental ones.
The second parameter from formulas (9) and (10) to be considered is
stress [[sigma].sub.f] in the inclusion of the composite. Formula (10)
indicates that composite strength [[sigma].sub.sfrc] practically depends
on the value of stress [[sigma].sub.f] in inclusion. The ultimate stress
value in inclusion, i. e. strength [f.sub.y] of inclusion, can be
reached when inclusion is properly anchored (Laranjeira et al. 2010;
Salna and Marciukaitis 2010). According to the classical theory of
reinforced concrete, anchorage strength depends on bond stress
[[tau].sub.f] between the matrix and inclusion and the area of the bond.
Then, in the case of full anchorage, the following condition has to be
[[tau].sub.f] [d.sub.f] [l.sub.f,an] [pi] = [f.sub.y] [A.sub.f]
From equation (19), required anchorage length [l.sub.f] an is
determined or taking analogous [l.sub.f,an] the ultimate bond stress can
be obtained. However, when steel fiber is bent, the bond stress is
supplemented with additional tangential stress at the bend. When the
bond stress is noted by [[tau].sub.i] and tangential stress at the bend
[[tau].sub.2], then the total bond stress [[tau].sub.f] can be written
in the form of:
[[tau].sub.f] = [[tau].sub.1] + [[tau].sub.2]. (20)
When tangential stress [[tau].sub.2] is expressed in the form of
product [[tau].sub.2] = [[tau].sub.1][k.sub.at], then (20) can be
presented by:
[[tau].sub.f] = [[tau].sub.l] + [[tau].sub.2] = [[tau].sub.1] +
[[tau].sub.1][k.sub.at] = [[tau].sub.1] (1 + [k.sub.at]). (21)
The expression of the average normal stress a fin steel fibers via
tangential ones [[tau].sub.f] and the application of formula (22) give
expression for determining normal stress according to the geometrical
parameters of steel fibers and evaluation of different influence of the
bend on the anchorage:
[[sigma].sub.f] = [[tau].sub.f] [l.sub.f]/[d.sub.f] = [[tau].sub.1]
(1 + [k.sub.at]) [l.sub.f]/[d.sub.f]. (22)
The coefficient of effectiveness [k.sub.at] for the bend depends on
the type of steel fibers, bending shape and failure type at pull-out and
has to be determined conducting tests. Coefficient [k.sub.at] values
determined performing experiments (Salna and Marciukaitis 2010) are
presented in Table 1.
When the stress of steel fibers only (22) is known, it is possible,
according to (4), to determine the strength of the composite applying to
regularly orientated inclusions. The analysis of the models proposed by
the majority of authors and comparison with test results have showed
that when reducing chaotic reinforcement by inclusions into the uniaxial
one, the most accurate results are obtained using the model suggested by
[TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] (2004) by means of a product of
coefficients allowing for the probability of steel fibers to get into
design plane ([[lambda].sub.op]) and coefficient [[lambda].sub.p]
evaluating the orientation of the introduced reinforcement in relation
to design plane:
[[lambda].sub.op][[lambda].sub.p] = 0.41. (23)
After comparing formulas (3, 10, 22, 23), the strength of the
composite equals to:
On the basis of the adequacy of formulas (3, 4, 24), the
coefficient allowing conditions for service [[psi].sub.f] may be
expressed via the ultimate stress of steel fibers. Then, formulas (3)
and (4) can be rewritten in the forms:
[[sigma].sub.sfrc] = 0.41 [[sigma].sub.f]/[[sigma].sub.fu]
[[sigma].sub.fu] [V.sub.f] + [[sigma].sub.c] (1 - [V.sub.f]), (25)
[E.sub.sfrc] = 0.41 [[sigma].sub.f]/ [[sigma].sub.fu]
[E.sub.f][V.sub.f] + [E.sub.c] (1 - [V.sub.f]). (26)
Thus, in the developed formulas (25) and (26), the strength and
elasticity modulus of SFRC are evaluated and depend on the plasticity
coefficient value (5). The ratio of the elasticity modulus of steel
fibers to that of concrete gives an opportunity to determine composite
stress in relation to the value of plastic strain.
3. Experimental Investigation into the Strength and Strain
Properties of SFRC and Comparison with the Model
Test specimens made three main series of different strength of
SFRC. The first SFRC series was intended for investigating the anchorage
of steel fibers in the concrete matrix using steel fibers of type MZP
50. A concrete mix was produced under laboratory conditions. The
quantity of steel fibers corresponding to 1, 1.5 and 2 percent of the
volume mass was interblended into the concrete mix in the laboratory.
The composition of steel fibers and the concrete mix is presented in
Table 2.
The compression strength of SFRC was determined testing under the
standard of 150x150x150 mm cubes and that of 100x100x400 mm prisms. The
tension strength of SFRC was determined by bending 100x100x400 mm
prisms. The elasticity (and strain) moduli of SFRC in the tension and
compression processes were determined by means of measuring tension and
compression strains of experimental specimens employing electrical
resistance strain gauges. Totally, four specimens in each series were
Strains were measured at the geometrical centres of prism sides in
transverse and longitudinal directions using glued electric resistance
gauges of 50 mm base length (Fig. 3). The load was increased up to
failure in the steps of 20 kN and sustained for 5 min at each step. Load
increasing speed was 0.05 kN/s. Apparent elastic limit assumed at the
load limit equals to 0.4[F.sub.u].
For assessing experimental plasticity, the value of coefficient
[[lambda].sub.sfrc] for SFRC at tension and compression as well as the
elasticity modulus of concrete for compression were determined by the
compression of standard 100x100x140 mm prisms and that for tension--by
bending the above introduced prisms. The elasticity modulus of the
specimens subjected to bending was determined by means of measuring
strains of the tension layer in the zone of pure bending with two
electrical resistance strain gauges and one inductance strain gauge.
Electrical resistance strain gauges provide a possibility of measuring
the ultimate strain only for concrete prisms subjected to bending. In
SFRC prisms, cracks opened and the ultimate strain and crack width were
determined with inductance strain gauge only.
When the ultimate strain and ultimate stress are obtained,
experimental plasticity coefficients [[lambda].sub.sfrc,c,obs] and
[[lambda].sub.sfrc,t,obs] for SFRC at compression and tension are
determined according to formula (5). The values of theoretical
plasticity coefficient [[lambda].sub.sfrc,c,cal],
[[lambda].sub.sfrc,t,cal] are obtained from analysis according to the
proposed model. A comparison of experimental and theoretical values is
presented in Table 4. The values of theoretical plasticity coefficient
[[lambda].sub.sfrc,c,cal], [[lambda].sub.sfrc,t,cal] show a good
agreement with the experimental ones. The values of a very small
coefficient (0.01 and 0.02, Table 4) of variation demonstrate that the
characters of plasticity coefficients both at tension and compression
coincide closely.
The average experimental and theoretical values of modulus of
deformation, compression and tension strength of SFRC are presented in
Table 3, 5, respectively.
A comparison of experimental and theoretical values shows that
compression strengths and modulus of deformation of SFRC coincide
strongly (0.98 / 1.06). An agreement between theoretical and
experimental tension strength values is slightly worse (0.95 / 1.18).
After the regression analysis of experimental investigations, the
plasticity coefficient of SFRC was determined. It equals to
[[lambda].sub.sfrc,c] = [[lambda].sub.c] (1 +
0.008[V.sub.f.sup.1.5]). (27)
Empirical expression (27) clearly points out that variation in the
plasticity coefficient of SFRC and the quantity of steel fibers is not
significant and mostly depends on the plasticity coefficient of concrete
itself. It agrees with the proposed model (18). According to (27), the
values of the experimental plasticity coefficient agree good with the
theoretical ones determined by (18): when the amount of steel fibers
increases from [V.sub.f] = 1% to [V.sub.f] = 2%, the ratio between
theoretical and experimental values remains almost constant and makes
[[lambda].sub.obs]/[[lambda].sub.teor] = 1.06 ... 1.08 . Expression (6)
for the plasticity coefficient of non reinforced concrete in relation to
the experimental value also slightly differs--up to 1.06 times.
The regression analysis of the performed experiments has showed
that the plasticity coefficient (in relation to the quantity of steel
fibers) can be described by the following empirical relationship:
[[lambda].sub.sfrc,t] = [[lambda].sub.t] (l-63 +
0.008[V.sup.1,5.sub.f]). (28)
The nature of the plasticity coefficient for concrete in tension
differs from that in compression (formula 27 and 28): the plasticity
coefficient value is close to 0.90. This difference can be explained by
the fact that the coefficients of elasticity and plasticity for concrete
in tension approximately are equal [v.sub.t] [approximately equal to]
[[lambda].sub.t] [approximately equal to] 0.5 ([TEXT NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN
ASCII] et al. 1988), i. e. elastic and plastic strains are of a similar
value; moreover, they vary insignificantly depending on concrete class.
Nonetheless, the plastic strain of SFRC tension is very heavy, and
therefore [v.sub.t] [much less than] [[lambda].sub.t] [congruent to] 1.
Experimental results presented in Table 4 show that the values of
experimental and theoretical plasticity coefficient [[lambda].sub.obs]/
[[lambda].sub.cal] differ 1.08-1.10 times. Unfortunately, empirical
relationships (27 and 28) are observed only in a few points (from our
test results) and should be verified with a higher strength of concrete.
4. Conclusions
1. The proposed method analyzing the strength and strain of SFRC is
based on the general principles of creating and modelling composites and
following European standards for reinforced concrete but bearing in mind
a direct evaluation of both elastic and plastic characteristics of the
components (concrete and steel fibers).
2. The model gives an opportunity to determine tension and
compression strengths, elasticity modulus and the main
parameters--elasticity and plasticity coefficients of fiber concrete.
3. The results of experimental investigations and data obtained by
other authors revealed a sufficient agreement between them and with
those determined according to the proposed model. The ratios of
theoretical and experimental values differ insignificantly and vary
within the limits of 1.06-1.10.
4. The executed regression analysis of the results of experimental
investigation offers a possibility of presenting simplified empirical
formulas for determining the plasticity coefficient of SFRC at
compression and tension without deviation from the main additive law in
the theory of composites.
5. This model may be used for the analysis of flexural SFRC members
assuming normal stress distribution diagrams in tension and compression
zones. For practical use, to verify the coefficient of plasticity using
test results is recommended.
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Gediminas Marciukaitis (1), Remigijus Salna (2), Bronius Jonaitis
(3), Juozas Valivonis (4)
Department of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Structures, Vilnius
Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius,
E-mails: (1) gelz@vgtu.lt; (2) Remigijus.Salna@vgtu.lt
(corresponding author); (3) Bronius. Jonaitis@vgtu.lt; (4)
Received 12 Oct. 2010; accepted 18 Jan. 2011
Gediminas MARCIUKAITIS. Prof., Dr Habil at the Department of
Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Structures, Vilnius Gediminas Technical
University (VGTU). PhD from Kaunas Politechnical Institute in 1963.
Research visit to the University of Illinois (1969). A Habilitated
Doctor from Moscow Civil Engineering University in 1980. Professor
(1982). The author and co-author of 5 monographs, 8 textbooks, 5
coursebooks and more than 300 scientific articles. Research interests:
mechanics of reinforced concrete, masonry and layered structures, new
composite materials, investigation and renovation of buildings.
Remigijus SALNA. A Doctor at the Department of Reinforced Concrete
and Masonry Structures, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University,
Lithuania. Research interests: punching shear strength of RC and SFRC
slabs, investigation of buildings.
Bronius JONAITIS. Assoc. Prof., Dr at the Department of Reinforced
Concrete and Masonry Structures, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University,
Lithuania. The author and co-author of more than 50 scientific
publications, 1 textbook, 3 coursebooks, 3 patented investigations.
Research interests: theory of reinforced concrete behavior, masonry
structures, strengthening of structures.
Juozas VALIVONIS. Prof., Dr at the Department of Reinforced
Concrete and Masonry Structures, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
(VGTU). Publications: the author and co-author of more than 55
scientific publications, 4 textbooks, 5 coursebooks. Research interests:
theory of reinforced concrete behavior, composite structures, reinforced
concrete bridges.
Table 1. The average tangential stress at the bend and the
values of coefficient [k.sub.at]
Steel [[tau].sub.2], [k.sub.at] Coefficient Variation in
fiber MPa dispersion the coefficient
type [k.sub.at] [k.sub.at]
MPZ 60 9.13 2.20 0.11 0.05
MPZ 50 10.75 2.59 0.06 0.02
MPS 50 15.60 3.76 0.48 0.13
MPD 50 9.71 2.34 0.51 0.22
MPG 32 10.71 2.58 0.24 0.09
Table 2. A composition of concrete for the experimental
Material name Material quantity kg/[m.sup.3]
FRC I series II series
Cement(42, 5R) 320 308.67 312.14
Sand (0-4 mm) 773 947.33 933.53
Gravel(4-16 mm) 1180 924.00 912.54
Water 163 124.67 126.9
Plasticizer -- 1.36 1.37
Steel fibers of 0; 78.5; 0; 78.5; 0; 78.5;
MZP 50 type 117.75; 157 117.75; 157 117.75; 157
Table 3. A comparison of the values of experimental and theoretical
elasticity modulus of SFRC
Series [V.sub.f] [E.sub.c, [E.sub.sfrc, [E.sub.sfrc,
> % obs] > obs] > cal], >
C 0 37.3 -- --
FRC1 1.0 -- 38.2 37.38
FRC1,5 1.5 -- 39.3 37.42
FRC2 2.0 -- 39.8 37.46
I 0 32.95 -- --
1.0 -- 33.76 33.07
1.5 -- 34.67 33.14
II 0 35.50 -- --
2.0 -- 35.93 35.7
Series [E.sub.sfrc,
C --
FRC1 1.02
FRC1,5 1.05
FRC2 1.06
I --
II --
Table 4. A comparison of the values of experimental and theoretical
plasticity coefficient of SFRC
Series [V.sub.f], [[lambda].sub. [[lambda].sub. [[lambda].sub.
> % sfrc, c, obs] sfrc, t, obs] sfrc, c, cal]
C 0 0.706 0.61 --
FRC1 1.0 0.71 0.981 0.649
FRC1,5 1.5 0.717 0.982 0.6503
FRC2 2.0 0.721 0.983 0.6517
I 0 0.694 0.562
1.0 0.702 0.98 0.6655
1.5 0.73 0.982 0.668
II 0 0.712 0.58 --
2.0 0.719 0.984 0.652
Table 4. A comparison of the values of experimental and theoretical
plasticity coefficient of SFRC
Series [[lambda].sub.sfrc, [[lambda].sub. [[lambda].sub.
t, cal] sfrc, c, obs]/ sfrc, obs]/
[[lambda].sub. [[lambda].sub.
sfrc, c, cal] sfrc, t, cal]
C -- -- --
FRC1 0.8952 1.09 1.10
FRC1,5 0.8955 1.10 1.10
FRC2 0.8959 1.11 1.10
0.9048 1.05 1.08
0.9052 1.09 1.08
II -- -- --
0.9016 1.10 1.09
Average 1.09 1.09
Square deviation 0.02 0.01
Coefficient of variation 0.02 0.01
Table 5. The average values of experimental and theoretical
compression and tension strength regarding SFRC
Series [f.sub.sfrc, [f.sub.sfrc, [f.sub.sfrc,
cube, obs], obs], cube, cal],
C 50.88 5.71 -
FRC1 53.78 6.78 52.81
FRC1,5 54.03 8.21 53.77
FRC2 56.37 8.95 54.73
I 37.94 4.41 --
40.10 5.1 40
40.29 5.75 41.02
II 41.56 5.13 --
46.04 7.3 45.6
Series [f.sub.sfrc, cal], [f.sub.sfrc, [f.sub.sfrc,
MPA cube, obs]/ t, obs]/
[f.sub.sfrc, [f.sub.sfrc,
cube, cal] t, cal]
C -- -- --
FRC1 5.73 1.02 1.18
FRC1,5 6.93 1.00 1.18
FRC2 8.13 1.03 1.10
I -- -- --
4.86 1.00 1.05
6.07 0.98 0.95
II -- -- --
7.49 1.01 0.97