Load-bearing capacity of concrete-filled steel columns/Betonserdziu plieniniu vamzdiniu kolonu laikomoji galia.
Kuranovas, Artiomas ; Goode, Douglas ; Kvedaras, Audronis Kazimieras 等
1. Introduction
Concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) structures is a type of the
composite steel-concrete structures used presently in civil engineering
and consists of steel tube and concrete core inside it. The steel tube
acts as a permanent formwork and can be of various cross-sections:
circular, rectangular, square and multi-side.
According to the form of concrete core, CFST members can be divided
into 2 types: with solid and hollow concrete core. Elements with solid
core are formed by placing plain concrete into the steel tube with
compaction of it by vibrating. The hollow CFST is produced by spinning
method. The point of production by spinning is that during this process
in the uniformly distributed plastic wet concrete centrifugation pressure appears, as the result of distances between aggregates and
other solid particles; and wet concrete diminishes and
"excess" water weakly bonded with other particles is pressed
out of concrete substance. Increasing the concrete density helps to
retain the achieved form.
Steel structural hollow sections are the most efficient of all the
structural sections in resisting compression load. By filling these
sections with concrete either a significant increase in load bearing
capacity is achieved or the column size can be reduced. CFST columns
have many advantages over reinforced concrete columns.
2. Overview of existing design codes for CFSTs
Different design regulations were produced for various
cross-sections of CFST structures. Different approaches and design
philosophies have been adopted in different design codes (Xinbo et al.
2006). In China, there are circular CFST structure design regulation,
square structure design regulation, rectangular structure design
regulation, and circular hollow CFST structure design regulation. In
these regulations, the design methods are different. In China and Japan,
the standard for designing the composite columns is based on a simple
method of superposition that uses the allowable stresses of the
materials or the working stress method. ACI-318 adopts the traditional
reinforced concrete approach. AS 3600-1994 also uses the concept of
reinforced concrete design. The AISC-LRFD is based on the concept of
structural steel. The Eurocode 4, being a dedicated code for composite
construction, combines the design approach of both structural steelwork and reinforced concrete columns.
Different limitations on the compressive strength of concrete,
steel yield strength, diameter-to-thickness ratio, steel ratio and
confining coefficient are prescribed in different codes. These
limitations are compared and summarised in Table 1.
[xi] = 1.5 [A.sub.a] [f.sub.ay] / [A.sub.c][f.sub.ck], [f.sub.ck]
is the 150 mm cube compressive strength of concrete; [f.sub.ay]--the
yield strength of steel tube, [A.sub.a], [A.sub.a]--areas of steel tube
and concrete respectively, [a.sub.a]--steel ratio; E--the elasticity
modulus of steel tube.
Many researchers carry out tests which they then compare with a
code or their own particular theory. Few look at others' test
results. This is partly because it is difficult and tedious to gather
the information together. This paper, and its associated website
(http.//web.ukonline.co.uk/asccs2), collects together information for
1303 composite column tests and compares the test results with EC4; some
typical graphs are also included in this paper. It is hoped that other
researchers will compare their theories with these data. The data cover
static tests.
3. Databases
The data collected in the database on the website
(http.//web.ukonline.co.uk/asccs2) is subdivided into columns of
"circular" and "rectangular' (mainly square)
cross-section and into "short" (defined in the paper as L /
D(B) [less than or equal to] 4 , Fig. 1) and "long" (L / D(B)
> 4 , Fig. 2) columns "with" and "without"
moment. The source of the data is taken from Baochung and Hiroshi
(2003), Chung et. al (2001), DL/T5085 (1999), Eurocode 4 (2005), Goode
(1989), Goode (2007), Gopal and Manoharan (2003), Guolin and Zhong
(2006), Han (2000), Han and Tao (2003), Han and Yang (2003), Han and Yao
(2002), Han and Yao (2003), Han et al. (2004), Mursi et al (2003),
Kuranovas (2006), Kuranovas and Kvedaras (2007), Zhong (1996), Zhong
(1999), Zhang and Zhong (1998), Zhang and Zhong (1999).
The information required and reported for each test is: outer
diameter (D) if circular cross-section, or breath (B) and depth (H) if
rectangular; the thickness ([t.sub.a]) of the steel tube; the steel
properties ([f.sub.ay]) and, for slenderness columns, modulus of
elasticity ([E.sub.a]); the concrete properties (concrete yield strength
([f.sub.cyl]), ([f.sub.ck] in EC4)) and, for long columns, its secant modulus of elasticity ([E.sub.c]) to 0.4[f.sub.ck])); the length (L) of
the column; the maximum load achieved by the column in test ([N.sub.u] =
Test failure load). For columns with an end moment, the initial
eccentricity of load at the top ([e.sub.t]) and bottom ([e.sub.b]) is
required. The maximum lateral deflection at mid-height is also given
when this has been reported by the researchers.
If [E.sub.a] was not given, it was assumed to be 200 GPa. If
concrete cube strength ([f.sub.cu]) would be given, the cylinder
strength was taken 0.8[f.sub.cu]. If [E.sub.c] equation was not provided
it was calculated from the (Xinbo et al. 2006) [E.sub.c] =
0.0095[([f.sub.cyl] + 8).sup.1/3] GPa, where [f.sub.cyl] is in MPa.
4. Analysis of test result and comparing with EC4
EC4 requires the characteristic concrete cylinder strength,
[f.sub.ck], to be at least 20 MPa and not more than 50 MPa "unless
its use is appropriately justified". For thin walled section EC4
also includes a "local buckling criteria". However, all tests
have been compared with ec4 regardless of these limitations. The EC4
design equations are given and discussed by Douglas et al.
The member has sufficient resistance if for both axes:
[N.sub.Ed]/[N.sub.pl,Rd] [less than or equal to] 1, (1)
where [N.sub.pl,Rd]--plastic resistance to compression,
[N.sub.pl,Rd] = [A.sub.a][[eta].sub.2][f.sub.ya]/[gamma]Ma +
[A.sub.c][f.sub.ck](1 +
[[eta].sub.1]([t.sub.a]/[D.sub.a])(f.sub.ay]/[f.sub.ck]))/[[gamma].sub.c], (2)
where [A.sub.a] and [A.sub.c] are the cross-sectional area of the
structural steel and concrete; [f.sub.ya] and [f.sub.ck] are their
characteristic strengths in accordance with EC3 and EC2;
[[gamma].sub.Ma] and [[gamma].sub.c] are partial safety factors at the
ultimate limit states; [t.sub.a]--the wall thickness of the steel tube;
[[eta].sub.1] and [[eta].sub.2] coefficients; the other symbols are
defined above.
The eccentricity of loading e is defined as:
[M.sub.maxEd] / [N.sub.Ed]. (3)
The values of [[eta].sub.1] and [[eta].sub.2] are:
[[eta].sub.1] = [[eta].sub.10] (1-10e/ [D.sub.a]),
[[eta].sub.2] = [[eta].sub.20] + (1 +
[[eta].sub.20])(10e/[D.sub.a]). (4)
For e > [D.sub.a]/10, [[eta].sub.1] = 0 and [[eta].sub.2] = 0.
The values of [[eta].sub.10] and [[eta].sub.20], when e = 0 may be
taken as follows:
[[eta].sub.10] = 4.9 - 18,5[bar.[lambda]] + 17[bar.[lambda]] (but
[greater than or equal to] 0), [[eta].sub.20] = 0.25(3 +
2[bar.[lambda]]) (but [less than or equal to] 1.0). (5)
The non-dimensional slenderness for the plane of bending considered
is given by:
[bar.[lambda]] = [square root of [N.sub.pl,Rd] / [N.sub.cr]]. (6)
The elastic critical load for the column length, [N.sub.cr], shall
be calculated from:
[N.sub.cr] = [[pi].sup.2] [(EI).sub.e]/[L.sup.2], (7)
where [(EI).sub.e] is effective elastic flexural stiffness of
cross-sections, and L is buckling length of a column.
[(EI).sub.e] = [E.sub.a][I.sub.a] + 0.8 [E.sub.cd][I.sub.c], (8)
where [I.sub.a] and [I.sub.c] are moments of inertia of area for
con sidered bending plane of the structural steel and the concrete;
[E.sub.a]--elasticity modulus for the structural steel.
[E.sub.cd] = [E.sub.cm]/[[gamma].sub.c] (9)
[E.sub.cm]--mean value of concrete elasticity modulus
When comparing EN with tests, the materials safety factors
([[gamma].sub.Ma] and [[gamma].sub.ca]) have been taken as unity and
concrete modulus as 1.35 because 0.8[E.sub.cd] = 0.8[E.sub.c]/1.35 =
0.6[E.sub.c], to give the effective elastic flexural stiffness
[(EI).sub.e] of the cross-section, required for long columns, as
[(EI).sub.e] = [E.sub.a][I.sub.a] + 0.6[E.sub.c][I.sub.c]. For columns
with an end moment, the ultimate strength comparison with EC4 is at the
same axial load/moment ratio as in the test.
In Figs 3-4 dispersion of EN vs test and ratio test/EC4 vs concrete
strength for SC elements are provided and Figs 5-6 provides dispersions
of EN vs test and ratio test/EC4 vs concrete strength for SR elements,
Figs 7-8--for SRM, Figs 9-10--for SCH elements.
Representations of dispersions EN vs test and ratio test/EC4 vs
concrete strength for slenderness elements are provided in Figs 11-18.
Figs 11-12 represent values for LC and 13-14 for LCM elements.
Dispersions of EN vs test and ratio test/EC4 vs concrete strength for LR
and LRM are presented in Figs 15-16 and 17-18 respectively.
Figs 19-22 represent ratio test/EC4 vs preload for long circular
and rectangular columns with moment and preload respectively. The
dispersions of these ratios for long rectangular columns with sustained
load are provided in Figs 23-24.
For circular cross-section columns there is good agreement between
the test failure load and the Eurocode 4 calculation for both short and
long columns with and without moment.
Short circular columns without moment the overall average test/EC4
from 243 tests is 1.07 with a standard deviation of 0.141.
Long circular columns without moment the overall average test/EC4
from 357 tests is 1.18 with a standard deviation of 0,250. The 17 tests
by Salani and Sims, which were mortar filled, gave particularly high
results (average = 1.80; SD = 0.609); excluding these tests the average
of the other 340 tests is 1.17 with SD of 0.176.
Long circular columns with moment the overall average test/EC4 from
254 tests is 1.15 with a standard deviation of 0.111. However,
Gopal's 14 tests with fibre RC filling are higher than this
(average 1.68) and Baochun's 14 tests all gave unsafe values (Av.
test/EC4 = 0.87). Excluding both Gopal and Baochun's tests gives:
average (226 tests) = 1.23 with a standard deviation 0.113.
Short hollow circular section columns the 26 tests have average
test/EC4 of 1.16 with SD of 0.100.
For rectangular cross-section columns of agreement is good except
when the concrete cylinder strength was greater than 75 MPa (strength
greater than 50 MPa is not allowed in EC4), when many tests failed below
the strength predicted by EC4.
Short rectangular section columns without moment the average
test/EC4 from all the 185 tests is 1.09 with standard deviation 0.201.
However, for higher strength concrete ([f.sub.cyl] > 75 MPa), and
thus columns of greater strength, the test results are lower than the EN
approach predicts; for the 30 tests, where [f.sub.cyl] > 75 MPa, the
average test/EC4 is 0.91 with standard deviation 0,080.
Short rectangular (square) columns with moment the average test/EC4
of 29 tests is 1.01 with a standard deviation of 0.122.
Long rectangular columns without moment the overall average
test/EC4 from 108 tests is 1.04 with a standard deviation of 0.143. The
17 tests with a concrete strength greater than 75 MPa did not show any
reduction in the strength predicted by EC4; average test/EC4 being 1.03,
SD = 0.164.
Long rectangular with moment the average test/EC4 from 51 tests is
1.10 with SD of 0.181.
Pre-load (up to 60% of the capacity of the steel) on the steel tube
before filling with concrete seems to have no effect on the strength;
the average test/EC4 for the 23 circular columns (11 short, 12 long)
being 1.15 (SD 0.123) and for the 19 rectangular (10 short, 9 long)
being 1.03 (SD 0.099).
Sustained load 8 tests by Han et al (2004) had an average sustained
load of between 53% and 63% of their capacity for 120 or 180 days before
being loaded to failure, the average test/EC4 is 1,25, which was higher
than their 6 comparison tests without sustained load (average 1.08).
5. Structural behaviour
5.1. Constitutive relationship of steel
A typical stress [[sigma].sub.i]--strain [[epsilon].sub.i]
relationship for steel used in civil engineering under 3D stress state
is shown in Fig. 25 (Zhang and Zhong 1999). The following assumptions
are made: a) the strain hardening is simplified by a straight line cd,
b) the failure is considered to be a horizontal straight line de.
The relation curve of stress intensity with strain intensity for
steel under complex stress states is similarly to the stress strain
relation curve under simply tension. There are 5 stages: elastic,
elasto-plastic, plastic, strengthening and damage (Zhong 1996).
The equations of stress and strain are as follows:
In the elastic range, the proportional limit of steel [f.sub.ap] =
0.8 [f.sub.ay]; the Poisson's ratio [v.sub.a] = 0.283; the
elasticity modulus [E.sub.a] = 2.06 x [10.sup.5] N/[mm.sup.2]. In the
elasto-plastic range, the tangent modulus of steel [E.sup.t.sub.a] =
([f.sub.ay] - [[sigma].sub.i])[[sigma].sub.i]/([f.sub.ay] -
[f.sub.ap])[f.sub.p]; the Poisson's ratio
[v.sup.t.sub.a] = 0.167 ([f.sub.ay] - [[sigma].sub.i])/([f.sub.ay]
- [f.sub.ap]) + 0.283. [f.sub.ap], [f.sub.ay] and [f.sub.au] are
proportional limit, yield stress and ultimate tensile strength respectively.
The constitutive relationship for the steel can be expressed as
{d[[sigma].sub.ij]} = [[D].sub.s]{d[epsilon].sub.ij]}, (11)
where [[D].sub.s] is the stiffness matrix for the steel,
[[D].sub.s]--the elastic stiffness matrix ([[D].sub.e]) in the elastic
range, and in the plastic range is [[D].sub.ep] = [[D].sub.e] -
[[D].sub.p], where [[D].sub.p]--the plastic stiffness matrix.
In the plastic range [[epsilon].sup.s2.sub.i] =
10[[epsilon].sup.s1.sub.i], [[epsilon].sup.s3.sub.i] =
100[[epsilon].sup.s1.sub.i]; while in the strain hardening range,
[f.sub.au] / [f.sub.ay] = 1.6.
5.2. Constitutive relationship of concrete core
There are many theories to describe the behaviour of concrete under
triaxial compression. The constitutive relationship for concrete core of
CFSTs is expressed using plastic-fracture theory in which the strains
consists of elastic, plastic and fracture strains. Under 3D compression,
total strain is:
d[epsilon].sub.ij] = d[epsilon].sup.el.sub.ij] +
d[[epsilon].sup.pl.sub.ij] + d[[epsilon].sup.fr.sub.ij], (12)
where superscripts e, p, f mean for elastic, plastic and fracture
strains respectively; l and r mean for longitudinal and radial strains
Typical constitutive relationships of concrete core 3D, 2D and
uniaxial stress state are presented in Fig. 26 (Zhang and Zhong 1998).
The constitutive relationship for concrete core in a 3D stress
state can be expressed using plastic-fracture theory as follows:
{d[[sigma].sub.c]} = [[D].sub.c] {d[[epsilon].sub.c], (13)
where [[D.sub.c]]--a 6 x 6 stiffness matrix.
There are 6 unknown parameters in this equation and they can be
obtained by regression of experimental load-strain curves for
concentrically loaded CFSTs.
5.3. Structural behaviour of CFSTs
The structural behaviour of CFST elements are considerably affected
by the difference between the Poisson's ratios of the steel tube
and concrete core. In the initial stage of loading, the Poisson's
ratio for the concrete is lower than that of steel. Thus, the steel tube
has no confining effect on the concrete core. As longitudinal strain
increases, the lateral expansion of concrete gradually becomes greater
than expansion of steel tube (Fig. 27). At this stage, the concrete core
becomes triaxially and steel tube biaxially stressed (Kuranovas,
Kvedaras 2007) (Fig. 28). The steel tube under a biaxial state cannot
sustain the normal yield stress, causing a transfer of load from tube to
the core. The load transfer mechanism is similar, square and circular
CFST elements. In the first stage of loading the steel tube sustains
most of the load until it yields (point a in Fig. 29). At this point (a)
there is a load transfer from steel tube to the concrete core. The steel
tube exhibits a gradual decrease in load sharing until the concrete
reaches its maximum compressive strength (a to b). After this stage of
loading (point b), there is redistribution of load from concrete core to
the steel tube. At this point (b) the steel exhibits a hardening
behaviour with almost the same slope as in uniaxial stress-strain
hardening relationship ([E.sub.t]).
The typical [sigma] - [epsilon] relationship shown in Fig. 6
consists of elastic (oa), elastoplastic (ab), and hardening (bcd)
stages. Having such diagrams, it is easy to find the elasticity modulus
[E.sub.ac] and hardening modulus [E'.sub.ac] of CFST element.
Even though the load transfer mechanism in circular and square CFST
is similar, the maximum confined compressive stress of concrete core in
circular columns is higher than square column. This can be explained in
terms of a larger confining effect of circular steel tubes, which is
described in following sections.
6. Load-bearing capacity of H-CFSTs by other methods
EC2, EN and other sources provide design procedures and
recommendation only for enhanced, CFST with solid concrete core
elements. For hollow CFST elements no design recommendations are
provided because of lack information, analyzis and test results.
One of few methods for determining load-bearing capacity is the
"Unified theory" (Zhong 1996, 1999; Zhang and Zhong 1999) and,
according to it, the member is considered as a unified body.
6.1. Unified theory
The content of "Unified theory" are: the concrete-filled
steel tube is regarded as an unified body, which is a composite
material, and its behaviour is changed with the change of physics
parameters of materials, geometrical parameters of members, types of
cross-sections and stresses states. The changes are continually,
relatively, while the design is unified. In a word, the behaviour of
CFSTs have unification, continuity and relativity.
From Unified theory, a unified design formula of CFSTs is produced.
It can be used to design all of the members with different
cross-sections. It makes a convenience of design work. And it is
beneficially to draw up a unified standard for various CFST members.
Unified design formulas are provided as follows (Zhang and Zhong
N/[phi][A.sub.ac] [greater than or equal to] 0.2 [square root of 1
- [(T/[T.sub.0]).sup.2] - [(V/[V.sub.0]).sup.2]] [f.sub.ac], (14)
when axial force is tension
where N, M, T and V are applied axial force, moment torsion and
shear force, respectively. Relations between N / [N.sub.0]; M /
[M.sub.0] and T / [T.sub.0] ratios for CFSTs are presented in Fig. 30
(Zhang and Zhong 1999).
There are 4 terms equations. When T = 0, these formulas are changed
to 3 terms equations; when T = V = 0, it will be changed to 2 terms. And
when it is axial compression or axial tension design formulas.
No matter what forms of members, solid or hollow sections or
various cross-sections, these formulas can be used to design; the
denominators of these formulas are resisting forces of members, which
should be taken parameters for various members only. Hence, it is very
conveniently for design.
Resisting axial compression
[N.sub.0] = [A.sub.c] [f.sub.sc], (19)
resisting axial tension
[N.sub.t] = [k.sub.1] [A.sub.a] f, (20)
resisting bending moment
[M.sub.0] = [[gamma].sub.M][W.sub.ac][f.sub.ac], (21)
resisting torsion moment
[T.sub.0] = [[gamma].sub.T][W.sup.T.sub.ac][f.sup.v.sub.ac], (22)
resisting shearing force
[V.sub.0] = [[gamma].sub.V][A.sub.ac][f.sup.V.sub.ac], (23)
where geometrical parameters of cross-section [A.sub.ac],
[A.sub.a], [W.sub.ac] and [W.sup.T.sub.ac] are total area of member of
cross-section, area of steel tube, bending and torsion section modulus,
respectively. It is a difference for various cross-sections.
The physical parameters [f.sub.ac], [f.sup.V.sub.ac] and f are
composite design strength of compression, shearing of CFST and design
compressive strength of steel, respectively. Coefficient [k.sub.1] for
solid member is equal to 1.1, for hollow member 1.0.
For latticed members consisted of 2, 3 and 6 CFSTs, bearing
capacity in plain should be calculated by following formula (Zhong 1996,
1999; Zhang and Zhong 1999):
The composite compression design strength: for solid cross-section
[f.sup.y.sub.ac] = (1.212 + [Bk.sub.2][[xi].sub.0] +
[f.sub.ac] = (1.212 + [Bk.sub.2][[xi].sub.0] +
[Ck.sup.2.sub.2][[xi].sup.2.sub.0])[f.sub.c], (25)
for circular hollow cross-section
[f.sup.k.sub.ac = [f.sub.ac] - [k.sub.H][xi]'[psi][f.sub.c],
B = 0.1759 [f.sub.y]/235 + 0.974,
C = -0.1038 [f.sup.0.sub.ck]/20 + 0.309, (26)
for octagonal cross-section:
B = 0.1401 [f.sub.y]/235 + 0.778,
C = -0.07 [f.sup.0.sub.k]/20 + 0.0262, (27)
for square and rectangular cross-section:
B = 0.131 [f.sub.y]/235 + 0.723,
C = -0.07 [f.sup.0.sub.ck]/20 + 0.0262, (28)
where [xi], [[xi].sub.0] is design confining index of solid member,
[[xi].sub.0] = af/1.1 [f.sub.ck]; [[xi].sub.0] = af / [f.sub.c];
a--steel ratio of solid member, a = [A.sub.a] / [A.sub.c];
[xi]'--design confining index of hollow member, [xi]' = a f /
[f.sub.c]; a--steel ratio of hollow member; [psi]--hollowness ratio,
[psi] = [A.sub.H]/([A.sub.ac] - [A.sub.a]); [A.sub.ac]--total area of
member; [A.sub.a]--area of steel tube; [A.sub.H]--area of hollow part;
f--compression strength of steel; and [f.sub.c]--compression strength of
For hollow CFST member, the compression strength of concrete should
be taken 1.1 [f.sub.c] owing to the concrete maintained by steam
pouring. The compression strength can be enhanced by 10%.
The composite shearing design strength:
[f.sup.V.sub.sc] = (0.385 + 0.25 [square root of [a.sup.3]])
[[xi].sup.1/8.sub.0][f.sub.ac]. (29)
The buckling coefficient of axial compression is:
[phi] = [k.sub.0][[phi].sub.0], (30)
where coefficient [[phi].sub.0] is buckling coefficient of circular
solid CFST member, as shown in Table 2. The values of [k.sub.0] for
solid and hollow sections are: for circular 1.0, for 16-side member
0.95, for octagon -0.9 and for square and rectangular -0.85.
[[phi].sub.0] is presented in Table 3. The coefficient of plastic
development [[gamma].sub.M], [[gamma].sub.T] and [[gamma].sub.V] are
listed in Table 4.
In Fig. 31 it can be noticed that for solid CFST there is no
descending stage in [N.sub.ac] - [[epsilon].sub.ac] diagram, but for
H-CFST such stage exists, and the plastic stage is shortened while
hollow ratio is increased, finally, the brittle damage occurs.
The descending stage occurs in H-CFSTs, because the strength
indexes at the point of elasto-plastic stage and the elasticity modulis
are lower than that of solid one. And they are decreasing with
increasing the hollowness ratio [psi].
Results show: the higher the steel ratio [[alpha].sub.a],
load-bearing capacity and the bigger slope of plastic-hardening stages;
the smaller hollowness ratio [psi], the higher load bearing capacity and
the more similar their behaviour to solid CFST members; in the only
case, when the hollowness is big and steel ratio is small, there is
descending stage on the [N.sub.ac] - [[epsilon].sub.ac] curve; the
failure of hollow CFST members starts from the inside surface of the
concrete tube because the concrete is there in biaxial compression; the
above calculated curves are very close to the test curves for both solid
and hollow CFST elements.
On the elastic range of H-CFSTs under axial compression, both the
concrete core and the steel tube are under uniaxial stress state. There
is no confinement from the steel to the concrete core. The elasticity
modulus at this stage with different cross-section geometries is
expressed as follows:
[E.sub.ac] = [f.sup.p.sub.ac] / [[epsilon].sup.p.sub.ac], (31)
where [f.sup.p.sub.ac] and [[epsilon].sup.p.sub.ac] are the average
proportional limit stress and strain of H-CFSTs, respectively.
[f.sup.p.sub.ac] = (0.192 [f.sub.ay] / 235 +
0.488)[f.sup.y.sub.ac], (32)
[[epsilon].sup.p.sub.ac] = 0.67 [f.sub.ay] / [E.sub.a]. (33)
Different cross-section geometries have different [f.sup.y.sub.ay]
and [E.sub.ac].
In the elasto-plastic range, the tangent modulus of an H-CFST
element is characterised by the following equation:
[E.sup.t.sub.ac] =
[E.sub.ac], (34)
[A.sub.1] = 1 - [E'.sub.ac]/[E.sub.ac][(f.sup.p.sub.ac]/
[f.sup.y.sub.ac]).sup.2], [B.sub.1] = 1 -
[E'.sub.ac]/[E.sub.ac]([f.sup.p.sub.ac]/[f.sup.y.sub.ac]), (35)
In the hardening phase, the tangent modulus is:
[E'.sub.ac] = 400[xi] - 150. (36)
6.2. Other methods
Goode (2007) proposes to calculate load-bearing capacity of H-CFST
elements by Eq. 35:
[N.sub.pl,R] R = [A.sub.a] [f.sub.y] +
[A.sub.c][k.sub.c][f.sub.ck], (37)
where [k.sub.c]--coefficient of increased concrete strength in
centrifuged core, which can be calculated by Eq. 36:
[k.sub.c] = 4.87 - 28.9d + 39.7[t.sub.s] + 0.034[f.sub.ck] +
0.434[t.sub.s]/[t.sub.c] + 0.1133[f.sub.ck]d + 55.6[d.sup.2], (38)
where d, [t.sub.s], [t.sub.c]--are external diameter of concrete
core, thicknesses of steel tube and concrete core respectively.
A. K. Kvedaras (1999) proposes to calculate the strength of H-CFST
as sum of forces acting composite cross-section (Eq. 39):
[N.sub.pl,R] = [N.sub.au] + [N.sub.cu], (39)
where [N.sub.au], [N.sub.cu] are load-bearing capacities of steel
shell and concrete core correspondingly and can be determined by Eqs.
40, 41:
[N.sub.au] = 1.074 [f.sub.y][A.sub.a], (40)
[N.sub.cu] = 1.32 [f.sub.ck][A.sub.c]. (41)
C. D. Goode (1989) suggests evaluating ultimate load value of
composite member by modified EC4 formula Eq. (40), which according
author predict well load-bearing capacity of CFST member:
[N.sub.pl,Rd] = 0.68 [f.sub.ck][A.sub.c] + 6 [f.sub.y][A.sub.c]t/(D
- 2t). (42)
Kuranovas (2006) proposes to determine ultimate load of H-CFST
element with evaluation of stress redistribution in concrete core. For
non-slender L / D [less than or equal to] 4 elements ultimate load can
be calculated by
[N.sub.pl,R] = k[f.sub.c][A.sub.c] + [f.sub.a,y][A.sub.a], (43)
where k--coefficient taking into account the increase of strength.
As result of testing results, processing for k coefficient
determination mathematical model of progression was derived.
k = 1 + m[A.sub.a] / [A.sub.c] - n[A.sub.a][f.sub.c] / [A.sub.c],
where m = 5--for one-layered, m = 7--for double-layered elements, n
= 0.1--for one-layered, n = 0.09--for double-layered elements.
Evaluation of all suggested Eqs. (37-44) is presented by Kuranovas
(2006) and the results show that Eqs. (43-44) predict results with
ultimate load for H-CFST elements with average value 1.02 of predict and
test ratio and with variation coefficient of 0,03 value. And most of
predicted results are less than experimental ones. Results obtained from
Eqs. (39-41) give corresponding values of 1.02 and 0.08 correspondingly
and very well predict strength of composite members. Egs. 43, 44
evaluate the phenomenon of strength increase from multi-layering of
concrete core and more precisely predict ultimate loads than other
scientists suggested.
Fig. 32 shows dispersion of experimental results vs predicted
values according to Eq. 43.
7. Conclusions
Investigations show that the behaviour of hollow CFST elements is
more complicated than that of solid ones, because of complex stress
states none of stresses in hollow concrete core are evenly distributed
through the thickness of its cross-section.
At present it is a lack of information for H-CFSTs designing.
Different approaches and design philosophies have been adopted in
different design codes.
Eurocode 4 is a very good, and safe, predictor of strength for all
types of circular cross-section CFST columns and could be safely used
for concrete with cylinder strength up to 100 MPa.
For rectangular section CFST columns Eurocode 4 should be used with
caution, when the concrete cylinder strength is greater than 75 MPa as
the failure load in the majority of tests, when [f.sub.cyl] > 75 MPa,
was less than that predicted by the EC4 approach. (Note: EC4 limits the
concrete strength to 50 MPa.) The factor 0,85 which is usually applied
to the cylinder strength to relate it to the uniaxial strength in the
'stress block' is omitted, in EC4, for filled tubes, probably
because of the confining effect of the tube. Omitting this factor for
all sizes of tube and concrete strength seems very arbitrary and, for a
greater safety, it is suggested that for rectangular section tubes this
0,85 factor should be included, when concrete with a cylinder strength
greater than 75 MPa is used.
Pre-load of the steel tube, up to 60% of the capacity of the steel,
before filling with concrete, seems to have had little effect on the
strength of the column.
Sustained load of up to 63% of the column's capacity for up to
180 days did not reduce the strength of the 8 columns, when subsequently
tested to failure.
The simplified 'k' factor method and second order
analysis of Eurocode 4 gave similar results. For the 254 circular
columns the average test/EC4 ratio by the 'k' factor method
gave 1.15. And also 1.15 by the second order analysis; for the 51
rectangular columns the ratio was 1.11, by the 'k' factor
method and 1.16 using the second order analysis.
The establishment of Unified theory provides a new research method
and design method of CFSTs.
The Unified theory analyses the concrete-filled steel tube as a
unified body, which is composite material and consists of steel tube and
concrete core. Behaviour of this element changed with physical
parameters of materials, geometrical parameters and the type of
cross-section. The changes are continuous relatively, while the design
is unified.
Further investigations, tests, FEM and structural analyses are
Received 14 Apr 2008; accepted 17 July 2008
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Artiomas Kuranovas (1), Douglas Goode (2), Audronis Kazimieras
Kvedaras (3), Shantong Zhong (4)
(1,3) Dept of Steel and Timber Structures, Vilnius Gediminas
Technical University Sauletekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania
(2) University of Manchester, Manchester, M13 9PL, UK
(4) Harbin Institute of Science and Technology Harbin,
Heilongiaing, 150001, China
E-mail: (1) artiomas.kuranovas@st.vgtu.lt; (2) cdgoode@ukonline.uk;
(3) akve@st.vgtu.lt; (4) zhongst@vip.0451.com
Artiomas KURANOVAS. PhD student at the Department of Steel and
Timber Structures, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania. A
graduate of Civil Engineering at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
(2002). MSc of Civil Engineering (2004) at Vilnius Gediminas Technical
University. Member of the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) and the International Association for Steel-Concrete Composite
Structures (ASCCS). Research interests: structural mechanics, composite
elements and behaviour of their components, engineering software for
structural elements design.
Douglas GOODE. PhD, University of Manchester, UK. Member of
International Association for Steel-Concrete Composite Structures
(ASCCS). Author of the biggest database which contains more than 1800
test results of concrete-filled steel tube columns. Research interests:
steel, concrete, composite steel-concrete structures.
Audronis Kazimieras KVEDARAS. Prof Dr Habil at the Department of
Steel and Timber Structures and Director of the Innovatory Scientific
Institute of Special Structures "Kompozitas" of Vilnius
Gediminas Technical University. Member of the International Association
for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE) and ASCCS, invited NATO expert (1996, 2000). Research interests: steel, composite steel-concrete
and timber structures.
Shantong ZHONG. Prof, Harbin University of Science and Technology,
China, honour president of International Association for Steel-Concrete
Composite Structures (ASCCS). Research interests: steel, concrete,
steel-concrete composite components, structural mechanics. Author and
co-author of over 100 publications. Research interests: finite element
analysis, composite structures.
Table 1. Comparison of the limitations in the different codes
Item 01-89 CHN CECS 5085
[f.sub.ck] 30~50 30~80 30~80
[f.sub.ay] 235~345 235~420 235~390
D/[t.sub.a] ~ [MATHEMATICAL 20~100
[a.sub.a] 0.04~0.16 -- 0.04~0.20
[xi] -- 0.03~0.3 --
[f.sub.ck] 26~65 25~60
[f.sub.ay] [less than or 235~355
equal to] 415
D/[t.sub.a] [less than or [less than or [less than or
equal to] equal to] 90 equal to] 35280/
[square root of [square root of [f.sub.ay]
8E/[f.sub.ay]] 235/[f.sub.ay]]
[a.sub.a] [greater than or -- --
equal to] 0.04
[xi] -- -- --
Table 2. Coefficients [k.sub.2] and [k.sub.H ]
Circular a
Coef. 16-side Octagonal 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
[k.sub.2] 1.0 0.8 0.74 0.73 0.72 0.71
[k.sub.H] 0.2 0.4 0.5
Table 3. Coefficient [[phi].sub.0]
[lambda] 30 40 50 60 70 80
S235 0.989 0.972 0.946 0.912 0.860 0.819
S355 0.987 0.966 0.935 0.865 0.844 0.783
90 100 110 120 130 140
S235 0.760 0.692 0.617 0.521 0.444 0.383
S355 0.712 0.693 0.541 0.455 0.387 0.334
Table 4. Coefficients [[gamma].sub.M], [[gamma].sub.T] and
For all types of solid For all types of hollow
Coef. cross-sections cross-sections
[[gamma].sub.M] -0.4832 [xi] + 1.9264 -0.4832 [xi] + 1.9264
[square root of [xi]] [square root of [xi]]
[less than or equal to] 1
[[gamma].sub.T] -0.4701 [xi] + 1.8913 -0.4701 [xi] + 1.8913
[square root of [xi]] [square root of [xi]]
[less than or equal to] 1
[[gamma].sub.V] -0.2953 [xi] + 1.2981 -0.2953 [xi] + 1.2981
[square root of [xi]] [square root of [xi]]
[less than or equal to]