Mechanical behaviour of timber-to-concrete connections with inclined screws.
Kavaliauskas, Saulius ; Kvedaras, Audronis Kazimieras ; la Vliunas, Balys 等
Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to adopt the Johansen's
yielding theory as a possibility to predict the ultimate load for
timber-to-concrete joints using self-tapping threaded connectors screwed
at an angle into the wood. The ultimate load-bearing capacity of a
single connector is predicted to be when either the stresses in the wood
reach the plastic failure stress level or when a combination of plastic
failure in wood and dowel is attained. K. W. Johansen assumed that no
axial tension occurred in the dowel and, thus no frictional contribution
affected the lateral load-bearing capacity. However, the joints with
inclined fasteners are first affected by tension load, so the withdrawal
capacity of the screws has to be taken into account. In order to
determine the load bearing capacity for specific connector geometry, the
kinematical possible failure modes are determined. The screw in the
concrete part of connection was taken as rigidly embedded and thus no
deformations appeared. The study showed that the load-bearing capacity
for connections with inclined high tensile strength screws can be
predicted using the yielding theory, but this theory was unable to
predict precisely the failure mode. Possible reasons for that include
limited fastener ductility and influence of the screw inclination on the
strength properties of timber.
Keywords: timber-to-concrete connections, inclined screws as
connectors, yielding theory.
Straipsnyje atlikta kompozitiniu medienos ir betono jungeiu
skaieiavimo pagal Johanseno takumo teorija analize. Naudojantis
vadinamosios Europos takumo teorijos (European Yielding Theory)
pagrindais, uzrasytos lygtys kompozitinei medienos-betono jungeiai su
izambiai i mediena isriegtais medsraigeiais, atlikti tokiu jungeiu
eksperimentiniai tyrimai ir nustatytos ju laikomosios galios reiksmes,
kurios palygintos su teoriskai apskaieiuotomis.
Reiksminiai zodziai: medienos ir betono jungtis, izambiai isriegti
medsraigeiai kaip junges, takumo teorija.
1. Introduction
The general yield theory exists since the 1940s. It is currently
used in Europe where it provides a rational basis for setting design
criteria for nailed, screwed, bolted and dowelled timber-to-timber
joints. The validity of the method based on the general yield theory has
been confirmed by experimental investigations [1-4]. Screws, loaded
perpendicularly to the fastener axis, are dowel-type fasteners. The
ultimate lateral load of timber-to-timber joints using inclined screw
connectors can be defined using a theory of "yielding"
(Johansen yielding theory) which assumes plasticity in both the wood and
the fastener. K. W. Johansen first applied the theory [1] of plasticity
to dowel-type connectors in wood. Those design criteria for the single
connector now form the basis for the design of nailed timber-to-timber
joints given in the Eurocode. Johansen stated that the load-bearing
behaviour is composed of two effects. The first one is the "dowel
effect" which depends on the screw resistance to bending and the
resistance of the wood to crushing. The second one, the "tensional
effect" depends on the screw resistance to tension and on the
presence of friction between abutting surfaces [1, 2].
The Johansen theory can be applied not only to timber-to-timber
connections but also to timber-to-steel and timber-to-concrete
connections. Recently, the composite timber-concrete structures have
been more and more widely used in buildings [5-8]. Therefore it is
necessary to predict the behaviour and load-bearing capacity of such a
type of joints. In order to obtain the load bearing capacity of
timber-to-concrete connection with inclined screws, which are
principally loaded in tension, the Johansen theory is extended, taking
into the account the withdrawal capacity of fastener and friction
between contact interfaces of connected members.
This paper presents derived basic equations for the determination
of ultimate load bearing capacity of timber-to-concrete joints with
inclined screws, and the comparison between theoretical and experimental
2. Principal equations and failure modes The three kinematically
possible failure modes and the internal forces and stresses as well as
the occurring plastic hinges in the screw for timber-to-concrete joints
with inclined screws are schematised in Fig 1.
In Mode I the ultimate load-bearing capacity is reached when the
wood yields plastically along the screw. The ultimate load-bearing
capacity can be calculated as the sum of internal forces (eq 1). The
following equations are based on the equilibrium in the non-deformed
[F.sup.I.sub.u] = [N.sub.t] cos [alpha] + [V.sub.t] sin [alha] +
[mu][H.sub.t], (1)
[H.sub.t] = [N.sub.t] sin [alpha] - [V.sub.t] cos [alpha], (2)
[N.sub.t] = [] x d x t/sin [alpha] and [V.sub.t] =
[f.sub.h] x d x t/sin [alpha]. (3)(4)
The meaning of [alpha], [], [f.sub.h], and t can be seen
from Fig 1; [mu]--is the coefficient of friction; d--is the outer
diameter of thread.
Substituting expressions (3) and (4) into eq (2) and (1), the eq
(5) is derived:
[F.sup.I.sub.u] = [] x d x t x(cot [alpha] + [mu]) +
[f.sub.h] x d x t(1 - [mu]cot [alpha]). (5)
The Mode II is realised when the embedment stresses are distributed
over the length of the screw so that a plastic hinge at the interface
between timber and concrete is formed and the screw rotates as a stiff
member in the wood. Such failure mode is possible if the embedded length
t of the fastener in wood is enough to enable the plastic hinge
formation in the screw.
The load-bearing capacity of connection may be determined by using
the equilibrium of internal forces (as in Mode I) and the equilibrium of
the moment. The distance x (eq 7) between the plastic hinge location in
the fastener and the concrete-to-timber interface may be found from the
moment eq (6):
The shear forces in the fastener are given by:
[V.sub.t] = [f.sub.h] x d x(x/sin [alpha] - (t - x)/sin [alpha]) =
[f.sub.h] x d x t/sin [alpha][2 x/t - 1]. (8)
Substituting x from expression (7) into (8):
The horizontal force at the interface between timber and concrete
is given by:
[H.sub.t] = [] x d x t - [f.sub.h] x d x t x cot [alpha] x
[[square root of 2][square root of 2[M.sub.y]/[f.sub.h] x d x
[t.sup.2] [sin.sup.2] [alpha] + 1 - 1]. (10)
Substituting equations (3), (9) and (10) into eq (1), the eq (11)
is obtained, which expresses the load-bearing capacity of connection for
Mode II:
The Mode III failure occurs when the embedment stresses are
distributed over the length (t-x) of the screw forming an additional
plastic hinge. The load-bearing capacity may be obtained in the same way
as for the first two modes by the projection of internal forces (1). The
yield moment of the fastener for Mode III is expressed:
[M.sub.y] = [f.sub.h] x d/2 x (x/sin [alpha] x x/2 x sin [alpha]) =
1/4 [f.sub.h] x d x [x.sup.2]/4 [sin.sup.2] [alpha], (12)
where the distance x between two plastic hinges (Fig 1 Mode III)
X = 2 x t [square root of [M.sub.y]/[f.sub.h] x d x [t.sup.2] x sin
[alpha]. (13)
Shear force in the fastener and horizontal force at the interface
between timber and concrete are expressed by:
[V.sub.t] = 2[square root of [f.sub.h] x d x [M.sub.y]], (14)
[H.sub.t] = [] x d x t - 2 [square root of [f.sub.h] x d x
[M.sub.y]] cos [alpha]. (15)
Substituting eq (3), (14) and (15) into eq (1), the eq (16), is
obtained, which expresses the load-bearing capacity of connection for
Mode III:
[F.sup.III.sub.u] = [] x d x t x (cos [alpha] + [mu]) +
2[square root of [f.sub.h] x d x [M.sub.y]] (sin [alpha] - [mu] cos
[alpha]). (16)
When the inclination angle between the screw axis and the timber
plane is a = 45[degrees] and the friction between the interface of the
members may be neglected ([mu] = 0), the eq (5), (11) and (16) may be
rewritten for the above analysed failure modes as:
[F.sup.I.sub.u] = [] x d x t + [f.sub.h] x d x t, (17)
[F.sup.III.sub.u] = [] x d x t + [square root of 2 x
[M.sub.y] x [f.sub.h] x d]. (19)
From eq (17-19) it is evident that the ultimate load-bearing
capacity for all three failure modes most of all depends on the
withdrawal capacity of the screw. The withdrawal strength of the
fastener at an angle of 45[degrees] to timber is much lower than at an
angle of 90[degrees]. The characteristic withdrawal strength at an angle
[alpha] to the grain according to the Eurocode 5 [9] may be taken as:
[,[alpha]] = 3,6 x [10.sup.03] x
[[rho].sup.1,5]/[sin.sup.2] [alpha] + 1,5 x [cos.sup.2] [alpha], (20)
where [rho] is the density of the timber.
3. Test with self-tapping inclined screws in timber-to-concrete
The short-time push-out test was carried-out at Vilnius Gediminas
Technical University, at the laboratory of Dept of Steel and Timber
Structures. Six specimens of timber-to-concrete connections were tested
under short-term loading. The specimens were made as double-shear
connections with concrete encased timber from two sides (Fig 2). The
fasteners were self-tapping screws (Fig 3) manufactured by
BiRA[R]-IngBAU-Schrauben M6x100 [10] with inclination of 45[degrees]
with respect to the timber member. The washer and the head were already
jointed together during their manufacturing, so it can ensure better
bonding with the concrete. Such fasteners are similar to the Timco II
Schrauben screws [11].
The outer diameter of threaded part and of the smooth shank of the
screw is 6 and 4 mm respectively.
Two pairs of screws at both sides of the timber member were used.
The screws with 6 mm outer diameter of the threaded part were tapped
into 4 mm diameter predrilled holes. Penetration length of the threaded
part of the screw is 50 mm, thus the fasteners were driven into the
timber approx 50 mm.
These screws exhibit great hardness and tensile strength which was
experimentally obtained--the mean value of tensile strength is [f.sub.u]
= 1562 N/m[m.sup.2]. Therefore the aim of these tests was to estimate
the behaviour of timber-to-concrete connections with the so oriented
type of fasteners.
The timber was glue-laminated pine, the physical properties of
which were determined according to standards [12, 13]. The species for
determination of characteristic values of mechanical properties and
density of timber were cut from already tested timber-to-concrete joints
except the species for withdrawal tests. In Figs 4 and 5 are given the
pictures from embedding and withdrawal strength tests respectively.
The test piece for embedding strength test was a rectangular prism
of wood (27x60x150 [mm.sup.3]) with a screw placed with its axis
perpendicular to the surface. Loading procedure was followed in
accordance to standard EN 383 [14]: the load was increased to
0,4[,est] and maintained for 30 s, then reduced to
0,1[,est] and also maintained for 30 s, thereafter the load was
increased till the deformation of 7 mm. This loading procedure is
identical to the loading for main tests of connections. The tested
species and typical load-displacement curve is shown in Fig 6.
The withdrawal capacity of fasteners was tested in accordance with
standard EN 1382 [15]. The timber specimen was rectangular prism
120x160x280 [mm.sup.3], with six screws driven perpendicularly to the
timber grain, in pre-bored holes, in distances of at least 60 mm (6d)
between screw axes. The penetration length of fasteners into the wood
was approx 50 mm (8d). The tests were performed with a constant rate of
load, such that the withdrawal load was reached in 90 seconds.
All the values of physical and mechanical properties obtained from
the tests, are presented in Table 1.
To prevent the bleeding of concrete in the timber member during the
concreting phase, the timber was protected with 2-3 layers of polythene film. During the concrete hardening the specimens were kept at indoor
temperature (17[degrees]C) and humidity (54%). The age of the specimens
at the time of testing was 85 days with concrete compressive strength at
that time of 30,47 N/[mm.sup.2] (Table 2).
During the test of joints not only four vertical displacements and
the vertical load were measured, but also the horizontal splitting load
was controlled. It was decided not to prevent the splitting at the
interface between timber and concrete which usually appears in tests of
such type of connections, but to control the value of the splitting
load. For the implementation of it, two steel angles were installed in
the lower part of specimens with the gap between profile and concrete of
approx 1 mm (Fig 2).
These two angles were connected to one another through the threaded
rods driven into the dynamometer, thus when the gap between the concrete
and the steel angles disappeared, the splitting load was measured. The
tests showed the appearance of the horizontal splitting load only, when
the first pair of screws reached their withdrawal or shear capacity and
were dragged through the timber. This phenomenon begins when the
vertical slip in both connections reaches 2 mm. At that moment, the
ultimate load bearing capacity of the specimen is usually reached.
Before the main test was performed according to EN 26891 [16], the
mean value of the maximum test load [F.sub.est] = 9,72 kN was determined
from the preliminary tests of the twin specimens. The mean values of the
mechanical properties of the specimens tested in the main experimental
program are presented in Table 3. Fig 7 shows a typical
load-displacement curve of connection.
During these tests any crack appeared in the concrete around the
screws, suggesting that the total vertical deformation at the concrete
to timber interface is mainly due to timber crushing, as can be seen in
Fig 8.
Failure of such kind of connection under action of shear forces may
occur either because of splitting of connected elements or failure of
the fastener. In the experimental test, the reason of connection failure
was the failure of screws, after their withdrawal capacity is reached.
In all cases the same failure mode occurred--the fasteners were cut
at the interface. The screws are under action of shear, tension and
bending, which caused the failure of the connection.
4. Comparison between experimental and theoretical results
The equations for the ultimate loads of timber-to-concrete
connection with inclined screws for three Johansen failure modes were
presented in Section 2. Because the screws were tested only under
tension and not under bending, the yield moment was not experimentally
obtained. To determine [M.sub.y], the following analytical formulae was
[M.sub.y] = 0,8 x [f.sub.u] [d.sup.3]/6. (21)
The value of the yield moment computed by (21) My = 9,72 Nm is less
then [M.sub.y] = 14 Nm, given in DIBT [17]. Using in formulas (17-21)
the experimentally determined mean values of mechanical properties of
timber (Table 2) and fasteners, the ultimate values of yield loads
[F.sub.u] (denoted as Theoretically I) computed for one shear plane and
one fastener and are given in Table 4.
The theoretical values of the yield load differ from those,
obtained from tests, by approx 40%. As it is mentioned in Section 2, the
ultimate load-bearing capacity of inclined screws mainly depends on
their withdrawal strength. The withdrawal strength [] can be
computed by the expression given in DIBT [17]:
[,[alpha]] = 80 x [10.sup.-6] x [[rho].sup.2]/[sin.sup.2]
[alha] + 4/3 x [cos.sup.2] [alpha]. (22)
The values of load-bearing capacity for all three failure modes
denoted as Theoretically II are obtained by substituting the values from
expressions (21) and (22) into (17), (18) and (19). These values are
much lower than those defined as Theoretically I (Table 4). The value of
withdrawal capacity of the fastener computed by (22) is more than 2
times lower than that defined by expression (20) given in Eurocode [9].
Therefore the yielding capacity of the connection decreases by 34%
(Table 4). Theoretically in both cases the connection failure mode is
Mode-III (Fig 1) characterised by two plastic hinges in the fastener,
but the tests show that only one plastic hinge could be developed in the
fastener at the interface between the timber and concrete (Fig 9) which
means a failure Mode II. After the opening of specimens, no fastener was
found to have developed two plastic hinges.
A possible reason of inadequacy between theoretically and
experimentally obtained values of load- bearing capacity for the
connection may be an actual different behaviour of wood with respect to
that assumed in the theoretical formulas. Due to the inclination of the
fastener, all mechanical characteristics of timber will depend on the
angle between the load and grain. Another reason may be that the holes
for fasteners in timber were predrilled. Neither Eurocode 5 [9] nor DIBT
[17] provide formulas for determing the withdrawal and embedment
strengths for inclined screws with predrilled holes. To achieve better
correspondence between the test and the theory, those properties should
be obtained experimentally.
5. Conclusions
In this paper timber-to-concrete connections with inclined
self-tapping screws were analysed according to the European Yield Model.
The expressions of ultimate loads for three Johansen failure modes of
connection were derived by assuming that the part of the screw embedded
in concrete behaves as a stiff supported beam.
Short-time push-out tests on the connection to verify the
analytical formulas were performed. In addition, some physical and
mechanical characteristics of timber, concrete and the fastener were
experimentally obtained. An estimated withdrawal and embedment strengths
of screws were used for computing the theoretical value of the ultimate
load for a single fastener. Although the theoretical ultimate load of
the connection coincided with the experimental one, the failure modes
differ. Opened specimens showed that only one plastic hinge was formed
in the fastener, and the plastic deformation of wood occurred under the
screws--this satisfies the kinematical type of failure for the second
Johansen failure mode.
In connections with inclined fasteners, the influence of the screws
on withdrawal and embedding strengths was found to be very important.
These parameters are very sensitive to the influence of the angle
between the fastener axis and the timber grain, and to the construction
process (pre-boring). Therefore for predicting the load-bearing capacity
for timber-to-concrete connections with inclined screws and predrilled
holes, those mechanical properties (withdrawal and embedding strengths)
of the timber and screw should be obtained from the additional tests
with inclination of the fastener towards the timber grain.
Received 05 March 2007; accepted 19 July 2007
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[9.] Eurocode 5: Design of timber structures. Part 1-1:
General-Common rules and rules for buildings. European Standard EN
1995-1-1:2004, CEN, Brussels 123 p.
[11.] Allgemeine Bauaufsichtliche Zulassung Z-9.1-445: Timco II
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[13.] ISO 3131:1975: Wood--Determination of density for physical
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[16.] EN 26891:2000: Timber structures--Joints made with mechanical
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2003. 15 p. (in German).
Saulius Kavaliauskas (1), Audronis Kazimieras Kvedaras (2), Balys
Valiunas (3)
Dept of Steel and Timber Structures, Vilnius Gediminas Technical
University, Sauletekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania. E-mail: (1); (2); (3)
Saulius KAVALIAUSKAS. MSc (CE), PhD student from 2003 at the Dept
of Steel and Timber Structures of Vilnius Gediminas Technical
University. Field of research: timber, timber-concrete composite
Audronis Kazimieras KVEDARAS. Prof, Dr Habil, Head of Dept of Steel
and Timber Structures of VGTU. Field of research: steel, composite
steel-concrete and timber-concrete structures. Member of IABSE and
ASCCS, invited NATO expert (1996, 2000).
Balys VALIUNAS. Assoc Prof of Dept of Steel and Timber Structures
of VGTU. Field of research: timber, timberconcrete composite structures.
Table 1. Experimentally obtained values of the physical and
mechanical properties of timber
Mean Characteristic
Properties value value Units
[rho] 414 374 kg/[m.sup.3]
[omega] 12,00 -- %
[f.sub.h] 29,54 27,4 N/[mm.sup.2]
[] 22,53 18,65 N/[mm.sup.2]
Number of Coefficient
Properties samples of variation%
[rho] 106 5,86
[omega] 3,31
[f.sub.h] 4 4,46
[] 6 10,44
Table 2. Experimentally obtained values of the physical and
mechanical properties of concrete
Properties Mean Number of Coefficient of
value Units samples variation%
[rho] 2219 kg/[m.sup.3] 4 0,41
[] 30,47 N/[mm.sup.2] 3,30
Table 3. Experimentally obtained values of mechanical
properties of timber-to-concrete joint
Mean Characteristic
Properties value value Units
[F.sub.max] 9,05 8,54 kN
[K.sub.ser] 10,87 4,83 kN/mm
[K.sub.06] 10,34 5,55 kN/mm
Number Coefficient
Properties of samples of variation%
[F.sub.max] 6 3,39
[K.sub.ser] 33,7
[K.sub.06] 28,1
Symbols indicate: [F.sub.max]--maximum load for one pair of screws,
which is reached before a slip of 15 mm;
[K.sub.ser]--the elastic slip modulus of connection; [K.sub.06]--the
slip modulus of connection when load reaches value
of 0,6 [F.sub.est]
Table 4. Experimentally obtained and theoretically computed
ultimate loads for one fastener
Ultimate [F.sub.max] [F.sub.u](I)
bearing load [kN] [kN]
Experimentally 4,57 --
Theoretically I(1) 6,45 10,6
Theoretically II(2) 4,25 8,42
Ultimate [F.sub.u](II) [F.sub.u](II)
bearing load [kN] [kN]
Experimentally 4,57 --
Theoretically I(1) 7,29 6,45
Theoretically II(2) 5,09 4,25
(1) Eurocode [9] expressions used; (2) DIBT [17] data and
expressions used