Cracking and strength of reinforced concrete structures in flexure strengthened with carbon fibre laminates/Anglies pluostu armuotu lenkiamuju konstrukciju pleisetumas ir stiprumas.
Valivonis, Juozas ; Skuturna, Tomas
Abstract. The article presents the analysis of the cracking moment
and the strength of beams reinforced with external carbon fibre.
Experimental research of beams strengthened in this way has been carried
out. Three different methods of anchoring external reinforcement were
applied to strengthen the beams. The influence of anchorage on the
cracking moment and the strength of the beams has been defined. Design
methods for defining the cracking moment and the strength have been
presented. The design procedure for defining the cracking moment
evaluates the curvilinear stress diagrams of concrete under tension and
compression. The design procedure for defining the strength of the
structures evaluates the stiffness of the contact between the carbon
fibre and the concrete. The design results are provided. Comparative
analysis of the experimental and the theoretical results has been
Keywords: external carbon fibre reinforcement, strengthening,
cracking moment, strength.
Straipsnyje analizuojamas siju su isorine anglies pluosto armatura
plysiu susidarymo momentas ir stiprumas. Atlikti anglies pluostu
sustiprintu siju eksperimentiniai tyrimai. Trys skirtingi isorines
armaturos inkaravimo budai buvo pritaikyti sijoms stiprinti. Nustatyta
inkaravimo itaka plysiu susidarymo momentui ir stiprumui. Pateikti
skaieiavimo metodai plysiu susidarymo momentui ir stiprumui nustatyti.
Plysiu susidarymo momento skaieiavimo metodika pagristos kreivalinijines
tempiamojo ir gniuzdomojo betono itempiu diagramos, o konstrukciju
stiprumo skaieiavimu ivertintas anglies pluosto ir betono kontakto
standumas. Pateikti skaieiavimo rezultatai. Atlikta eksperimentiniu ir
teoriniu rezultatu palyginimo analize.
Reiksminiai zodziai: isorine anglies pluosto armatura, stiprinimas,
plysiu susidarymo momentas, stiprumas.
1. Introduction
Bonding of external carbon fibre reinforcement to the reinforced
concrete members is widely accepted and is considered to be an effective
and convenient method of reinforcement among many methods of
strengthening different constructions. Such a way of strengthening has
many advantages in comparison with the traditional methods, mainly due
to excellent mechanical properties of the fibre: high strength at
tension, resistance to aggressive environment, light weight.
Laboratory experiments, theoretical calculations and numerical
simulation show that strengthening the reinforcement with external
carbon fibre in the tension zone of the reinforced concrete beam
considerably increases the strength at bending, reduces deflections as
well as cracks width. Strengthening the reinforced concrete
constructions with external reinforcement changes their behaviour under
load and failure pattern. Most often the strengthened members fail in a
brittle way, mainly due to the loss of connection between the composite
material and the concrete [1-6]. Only integrated work of the carbon
fibre and the strengthened member may ensure an effective use of the
fibre. Bond between external reinforcement and concrete is influenced by
several variables, such as measurements of concrete members and fibre,
properties of concrete and adhesive, methods of anchoring carbon fibre
[7-11]. Research conducted by many authors shows that depending on the
way of fastening external carbon fibre reinforcement and its quantity,
the behaviour, strength and the failure pattern of the strengthened
member change. The way of anchoring carbon fibre as well as its quantity
largely determines crack formation in strengthened constructions.
Research results received by many authors show that the cracking
moment in reinforced concrete beams with carbon fibre reinforcement may
increase from 12 % to 230 %. In strengthened flexural members cracks are
found in bigger numbers and closer to each other; however, they are
narrower than in beams without external reinforcement [12-18].
2. Experimental research
12 reinforced concrete beams from heavy-weight concrete were made
for experimental research. Material used for making concrete: Portland
cement, quartz sand and crushed gravel. Properties of the materials are
provided in Tables 1-4.
Reinforced concrete beams were reinforced with [empty set]6
reinforcing bars. Transverse reinforcement [empty set]8 bars spaced at
100 mm from each other.
The width of the carbon fibre strip--100 mm.
Prior to pasting, all beams were cleaned with steel brushes and fat
was removed from them. Carbon fibre was glued by using epoxy glue.
External reinforcement at supports was anchored in different ways.
The external reinforcement of two beams (SA6-1, SA6-2) was glued by
overlapping it with the supports. Two beams (SB6-1, SB6-2) were
strengthened with carbon fibre only at the span. Carbon fibre
reinforcement in SC6 series beams was anchored with cotters, the
external reinforcement overlapping up to the supports. External
reinforcement in two more beams (SD6 series) was anchored at the
supports by fixing carbon fibre hoops. The control beam SK6-1 had no
carbon fibre reinforcement (Figs 1-6). Fig 7 shows the loading
arrangement for experimental test.
The conducted research shows that in reinforced concrete beams
strengthened with carbon fibre not only does the load-bearing capacity
increase and deflections decrease, its resistance to cracking increases.
Carbon fibre is pasted to reinforced concrete beams with epoxy
glue. Our research shows that the modulus of elasticity and elasticity
in shear of the epoxy glue are much smaller than the modulus of
elasticity and elasticity in shear of concrete. Therefore, if the carbon
fibre at the tension zone of the beams is pasted without any additional
anchorage, shear strains may appear. Due to these strains, carbon fibre
may move in respect to the concrete. However, our research shows that at
the initial stage of the work of the beams (prior to cracking) these
shear strains are insignificant. One may state that at this stage carbon
fibre and concrete work together. Besides, the biggest tension plane in
the beam layer is covered with carbon fibre at its whole width. The
modulus of elasticity of carbon fibre at tension is by about 7 times
bigger than the modulus of elasticity of concrete. Therefore external
fibre reinforcement of the flexural reinforced concrete member restricts
the strains in concrete tension. Since prior to cracking concrete and
carbon fibre work together, also the critical tension strains of the
fibre are much bigger than those of the concrete. As a result, the
critical tension strains of the concrete increases [19]. This determines
the appearance of a decreasing d-e diagram strain in concrete at
tension. This means that the cracking moment in a strengthened
reinforced concrete member with a restricted tension zone significantly
increases. It has also been found that carbon fibre reinforcement in the
tension zone influences expansion of cracks, restricts the cracks
development, therefore the width and height of the cracks do not
When stresses are big, a horizontal crack appears in the cracking
zone. These cracks develop at around 5 mm distance from the surface of
the tension zone of the flexural member. If the load keeps increasing,
horizontal cracks join and break the contact between the concrete and
carbon fibre. The method of fixing the external reinforcement influences
the position and the development of the cracks.
Different methods of anchoring carbon fibre have no significant
influence in the first working stage (before cracking) of the
strengthened beams. The efficiency of external reinforcement anchorage
is evident in other stages of action when the limit of yield stress of
bar reinforcement is reached, the strength stresses are exceeded.
The cracking moment in the beams with external carbon reinforcement
differs by 10 %. Cracks in beams with this reinforcement and additional
anchors appear no later than in beams where these anchors are absent.
Comparison of the cracks development manner in strengthened beams
and beams without external carbon fibre reinforcement shows that there
are fewer cracks in non-strengthened beams; however, they are much
wider. More cracks are in beams with carbon fibre reinforcement;
however, they are narrower and closer to each other. The cracking moment
in beams with carbon fibre reinforcement significantly increases in
comparison with such a moment in non-strengthened beams. Research shows
that the cracking moment mostly increases in beams whose external carbon
fibre reinforcement overlaps the supports. The difference is 100-106 %.
In case when carbon fibre is not anchored with additional anchors or
anchored with cotters, the cracking moment increases by ~87%. If we
compare the cracking moment of the non-strengthened beams and beams with
external reinforcement when the carbon fibre is anchored with hoops, the
difference is 100 %.
Our results show that the most effective way of anchoring external
reinforcement to increase the cracking moment is overlapping carbon
fibre with the supports (Figs 8, 9). The crack patterns at collapse for
the tested beams are in Figs 10-12.
The experiments show that, when cracking develops, the slip between
carbon fibre and concrete appears in further stages of the action of
strengthened structures. Displacement of external reinforcement in
respect to concrete has big influence on the beams strength.
The research shows that, when concrete beams are reinforced with
carbon fibre, their strength increases by 42-190 %. The strength is
considerably influenced by the method of reinforcement anchorage. When
carbon fibre in anchored by overlapping it over the support, the
strength increases by 150-190 %. The strength increases by 48 %, when
carbon fibre is not anchored with additional anchors. If we compare the
strengths of the strengthened SC series beams (external reinforcement is
anchored with cotters) and the control beam, the difference will reach
81 %. The strength of SD beams whose external reinforcement is anchored
with carbon fibre hoops increases by 107 %.
It has been revealed by research that the highest effect of
strengthening is achieved when external reinforcement overlaps supports.
The strength of SA series beams is higher by 82 % than that of the beams
of SB series where carbon fibre is not anchored with additional anchors.
The strength of the beams with cotters at the anchorage zone increases
by 22 % in comparison with SB series samples. When carbon fibre hoops
are used in external anchorage, the beams strength is higher by 40 %
than that of the beams where external reinforcement is not anchored
3. Design methods
The design method for defining the cracking moment in flexural
reinforced concrete members strengthened with external carbon fibre are
analysed in this paper.
The design method is based on the following assumptions: --strains
in the cross-section of a reinforced concrete member vary
--curvilinear diagrams are used to describe compressed concrete and
concrete in tension;
--the external reinforcement works elastically.
The design scheme is provided in Fig 13. Fig 13. The design scheme
defining the cracking moment
[M.sub.crc]--cracking moment; c - the ratio of critical and elastic
deformations in concrete at tension; [x.sub.crc]--depth of compressive zone; [f.sub.c]--compressive strength of concrete; [f.sub.ct]--tensile
strength of concrete, []--concrete elasticity modulus,
[I.sub.c], [I.sub.ct], [I.sub.s1], [I.sub.s2], [I.sub.e]--moments of
inertia of compressed concrete, concrete in tension, reinforcement in
tension, compression and external reinforcement in respect to the
neutral axis; [[epsilon]]--compressive strain of concrete when
[[sigma].sub.c] = [f.sub.c]; [[alpha].sub.s1] [[alpha].sub.s2]
[[alpha].sub.e]--ratio of the elasticity modulus of reinforcement in
tension, compression and external reinforcement to the concrete
elasticity modulus; [S.sub.c], [S.sub.ct], [S.sub.s1], [S.sub.s2],
[S.sub.e]--statical moments of inertia around the neutral axis in
compressed concrete, concrete at tension, reinforcement at tension,
compression and external reinforcement. [J.sub.c], [J.sub.ct]--geometric
characteristic of compressed concrete and concrete at tension.
[J.sub.c] = [[bx.sup.4.sub.crc]/4, (3)
[J.sub.ct] = b[(h - [x.sub.crc]).sup.4]/4. (4)
The strength of the structures reinforced with external carbon
fibre can be estimated by applying the theory of built-up bar [20]. The
experimental research shows that during the estimation it is necessary
to evaluate the stiffness of the carbon fibre and concrete connection.
The design procedure is based on the following assumptions: stresses of
concrete under compression are stable and equals [[sigma].sub.c] =
[f.sub.c]; stresses of tensile steel reinforcement [[sigma].sub.s] =
[f.sub.y]; stresses of carbon [[sigma].sub.e] = [f.sub.e]; the contact
of carbon fibre and concrete is not rigid. The design scheme for
calculations is in Fig 14.
The strength of the reinforced concrete structure under bending
strengthened with external carbon fibre reinforcement with the
assessment of the stiffness of the existing contact is received by
formula 5:
[M.sub.R] = k(x) x [M.sub.R0]. (5)
To calculate the strength [M.sub.R0] of the reinforced concrete
structure under assumption that the contact between carbon fibre and
concrete is absolutely stiff, formula 6 is applied:
[M.sub.R0] = [f.sub.e] x [A.sub.e](h - 0,5[x.sub.eff] -
0,5[h.sub.e]) + [f.sub.y] x [A.sub.s1](h - 0,5[x.sub.eff] - [a.sub.s1]).
The coefficient which assesses the stiffness of the contact between
carbon fibre reinforcement and concrete is calculated by equation:
k(x) = (1 - [ch([lambda] x (0,51 - a))/[lambda] x x x ch
(0,5[lambda] x l)] x sh ([lambda] x x)), (7)
where: l--the beam length; a--the distance from the support to the
first concentrated force; x--the distance from the support to the
dangerous section where the structure strength is being checked.
The value [lambda] assessing the stiffness of the contact is
calculated by the formulas:
[lambda] = [square root of [alpha] x [gamma]], (8)
[alpha] = b x [G.sub.weff]/z, (9)
[gamma] = 1/[] x [A.sub.eff] + 1/[E.sub.e] x [A.sub.e] +
[z.sup.2]/[] x [I.sub.eff], (10)
where [], [E.sub.e]--moduli of elasticity of concrete and
carbon fibre; [A.sub.eff] and [I.sub.eff]--the area of reciprocal
reinforced concrete cross-section and the moment of inertia, z--the
distance from the weight centre of the structure and the centre of
carbon fibre.
The characteristics [G.sub.weff]of the stiffness of the contact in
respect to the shear was identified by experimental research and can be
calculated applying the formula:
[G.sub.weff] = 001 x K x [], (11)
where K - the coefficient evaluating the method of anchoring
external reinforcement (Table 5).
The height of the compression zone of reinforced concrete beam is
calculated by the formula:
[x.sub.weff] = [f.sub.e] x [A.sub.e] + [f.sub.y] x [A.sub.s1] -
[] x [A.sub.s2]/[f.sub.c] x b, (12)
where [f.sub.c], [f.sub.e], [f.sub.y], []--strengths of
concrete under compression, carbon fibre, tensile and compressed steel
reinforcement; b--the cross-section area.
4. Comparison of experimental and theoretical research results
Calculations of experimental beams were performed with the help of
the provided design methods. The results are in Tables 6-9. They show
that it is possible to define rather exact cracking moment by a
theoretical method. The calculated and the experimental cracking moments
differ by 0,8-23,6 % (Table 6). Analysis of methods shows that the
calculation exactness mainly depends on the concrete properties.
Calculations of cracking moments in beams whose ultimate concrete
strength and elasticity modulus are bigger with the help of provided
design methods are more exact (0,8-8 %) than in beams where concrete is
weaker (0,9-23,6 %).
Calculations by experimental results of other authors [21-23] were
made too. The difference is 19,8-27,9 % (Table 7).
The calculated and the experimental strengths of strengthened beams
are rather coincidental. The difference of results is 6,2-28,4 % (Table
8). It shows that this design method can be applied for calculating
structures in flexure strengthened with external reinforcement.
Application of this method gave a good agreement with experimental
strengths in [24-29] (Table 9).
5. Conclusions
The use of external carbon fibre in strengthening reinforced
concrete structures has significant influence on the cracking moment and
the strength. The cracking moment in reinforced concrete beams with
external reinforcement reinforcement increases by 56-106 %, the strength
by 42-190%.
Different methods of anchoring carbon fibre do not have significant
influence on the cracking moment of strengthened beams. However, the
location of cracks and the manner of their development differ if
external reinforcement anchoring methods are used. Anchorage of external
reinforcement decreases the influence of displacement of carbon fibre in
respect to concrete. The strength of strengthened beams where external
reinforcement is anchored is higher by 82 % than of the beams where
carbon fibre is not anchored with additional anchors.
By applying theoretical design methods, it is possible to make a
rather precise estimation of the cracking moment and strength. The
calculated and experimental cracking moments differ by 0,8-27,9 % and
the difference of strength results is 0,3-37,2 %. In estimating the
beams strength with external carbon fibre reinforcement, due to
displacement of external reinforcement in respect to concrete, it is
essential to evaluate the stiffness of the joint between carbon fibre
and concrete.
Received 18 June 2007; accepted 17 Oct 2004
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Juozas Valivonis, Tomas Skuturna
Dept of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Structures,
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Sauletekio al. 11, LT-10223
Vilnius, Lithuania. E-mail:
Juozas VALIVONIS. Doctor, Associate Professor at the Dept of
Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Structures, Vilnius Gediminas Technical
University (VGTU), Sauletekio al. 11, LT-10223, Vilnius, Lithuania.
E-mail: Author of over 55 publications. Research
interests: theory of reinforced concrete behaviour, composite
structures, reinforced concrete bridges.
Tomas SKUTURNA. PhD student at the Dept of Reinforced Concrete and
Masonry Structures, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU),
Sauletekio al. 11, LT-10223, Vilnius, Lithuania. E-mail: Research interests: composite structures,
strengthening the reinforced concrete structures.
Table 1. Concrete material properties
Compressive strength [f.sub.c], N/[mm.sup.2] 32,87 38,27
Tensile strength [f.sub.ct], N/[mm.sup.2] 2,53 3,03
Elasticity modulus [], GPa 31,45 34,10
Table 2. Steel bar reinforcement properties
Yield stress [f.sub.y], N/[mm.sup.2] 358
Maximum stress [f.sub.u], N/[mm.sup.2] 460
Elasticity modulus [E.sub.s], GPa 205
Table 3. Carbon fibre reinforcement properties
Tensile strength [f.sub.e], N/[mm.sup.2] 3 800
Elasticity modulus [E.sub.e], GPa 231
Table 4. Epoxy glue properties
Compressive strength fgc, N/[mm.sup.2] 90
Tensile strength [], N/[mm.sup.2] 32
Elasticity modulus [E.sub.g], GPa 5 100
Table 5. The coefficient K
K The method of anchoring external reinforcement
1 CFRP is not anchored
1,5 CFRP anchored with cotters
2 CFRP anchored with carbon fibre hoops
37 CFRP overlaps the supports
Table 6. Comparison of experimental and calculated cracking
Beam Experimental [M.sub.crc,t], kNm Difference
[M.sub.crc], kNm between [M.sub.crc]
and [M.sub.crc,t], %
SA6-1 3,2 2,590 23,6
SA6-2 3,3 3,055 8,0
SB6-1 2,5 2,478 0,9
SB6-2 3 3,091 3,0
SC6-1 3 2,624 14,3
SC6-2 3 3,174 5,8
SD6-1 3,2 2,614 22,4
SD6-2 3,2 3,176 0,8
Table 7. Comparison of experimental and calculated cracking
moments [21-23]
Beam Experimental [M.sub.crc,t], Difference
[M.sub.crc], kNm kNm between [M.sub.crc]
and [M.sub.crc,t], %
B1 17,4 14,1 23,4
B2 16,5 12,9 27,9
CB1 12,3 10,5 17,1
CB2 11,3 9,2 22,8
CB3 12,3 10,1 21,8
NB1 11,4 9,2 23,9
NB2 12,1 10,1 19,8
1O 7,7 6,2 24,2
2O 9,3 7,6 22,4
Table 8. The calculated and the experimental strengths
Beam Experimental [M.sub.R,t], kNm Difference
[M.sub.R], between [M.sub.R]
kNm and
[M.sub.R,t], %
SA6-1 15,5 14,6 6,2
SA6-2 18 15 20,0
SB6-1 8,8 8,1 8,6
SB6-2 9,6 8,5 12,9
SC6-1 10,4 9,7 7,2
SC6-2 12 10 20,0
SD6-1 11,7 10,6 10,4
SD6-2 14 10,9 28,4
Table 9. The calculated and the experimental strengths [24-29]
Experimental Difference
Beam [M.sub.R], kNm [M.sub.R,t], kNm between [M.sub.R]
[M.sub.R,t], %
B12u,3 42,4 43,1 1,8
A0 20,2 16,7 21,0
B0 21,6 25,5 17,9
2C 15,9 14,3 11,5
B2 18,0 16,7 7,8
B3 21,5 20,5 5,1
B4 20,5 23,8 16,2
A3 19,4 14,1 37,2
A4 18,9 14,1 33,6
A5 21,9 19,2 14,1
A6 21,5 19,2 12,0
B3 131,8 126,3 4,3
B4 130,2 126,3 3,0
B5 147,4 168,8 14,5
B6 142,2 168,8 18,7
4 6,8 6,8 0,3
5 7,0 6,8 2,7
6 6,4 8,7 35,8