Combined heat and power production: socio-economic and sustainable development aspects.
Rasburskis, Nerijus ; Gudzinskas, Juozas ; Gylys, Jonas 等
Abstract. The paper is based on the study of Lithuania facing the
need for huge investments in both the replacement of the Ignalina
nuclear power station and the replacement of district heating production
units in many of the existing systems. Lithuania has a big technical
potential for implementing small-scale combined heat and power
production (CHP) systems. Meanwhile, such implementation needs public
regulation to become feasible not only from a socio-economic, but also
from a business economic point of view. The study focuses upon the
analysis of methods for the incorporation of technical, economical and
environmental considerations into large-scale investment decision-making
in the energy sector. The research study could be a guideline for
determination of national potential for high efficiency CHP not only
from the technical, but both the economical and the environmental point
of view. Based upon the results of the study investigation and analysis,
areas for improvement in current energy sector investment
decision-making processes are highlighted, and areas for further
research are recommended.
Keywords: Lithuania, sustainable development, energy sector,
combined heat and power production (CHP), district heating (DH),
decision-making process.
1. Introduction
The term "sustainable development" was conceptualised and
first came into documented use during the preparation of the World
Conservation Strategy, in 1980 [1]. The sustainable energy debate
encompasses a wide range of issues, and demands the participation and
involvement of various players at the local, national and international
levels. Hence, sustainable development and reliability are the major
energy policy objectives in the European Union (EU). The EU guidelines
in the electricity generation stage are characterised by replacing the
energy systems, which are based on large power plants with more
decentralised systems. The goal is to double the CHP production in the
EU from 9 % in 1994 to 18 in 2010 [2]. In general, the implementation of
CHP has the potential of reducing fuel consumptions by 20-30 in
comparison with condensing power plants and heat only boilers
(conventional energy production) and at the same time producing exactly
the same amount of heat and electricity [3].
In Lithuania approx 45 % of households are connected to district
heating (DH) systems, which is approx 60 % of the national heat demand
in accordance to final consumption [4]. Meanwhile, the share of small
scale CHP is very small as the main electricity supply comes from
relatively cheap nuclear power (NP) providing approx 80 % of the
national demand. However, the existing Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) is to be decommissioned by 2010, and consequently the conventional
condensing plant "Lietuvos Elektrine" (LE) with a total
capacity of 1800 MW,, is expected to be the main production unit. LE
currently operates on three types of fuel: natural gas, heavy fuel oil
and orimulsion. Without NPP, the Lithuanian energy system will have a
substantial fuel saving potential by implementing CHP technologies.
Thus, the revised National Energy Strategy (NES) in 2002 stresses the
promotion of CHP technologies in the DH sector [5]. However, the optimal
CHP capacities in order to ensure sustainable and reliable energy
generation are still very uncertain.
The decision-making process of how to replace the electricity
production from the existing nuclear power plant after 2009 is still
open. New or reconstructed NPP is expected to have long-term marginal
costs (LTMC), which are almost by 60-80 % higher than the current ones.
This places NP on a comparable level with large condensing combined
cycle gas turbine (CCGT) production [6]. Hence, even with the
uncertainty regarding the future of NP, the feasibility of small scale
CHP should be compared with centralised-conventional electricity
Lithuania has very limited amounts of primary fuel resources and
relies on imports, mainly from Russia. In the early 1990's, an
energy crisis occurred, when Russia imposed an embargo on natural gas
and oil supplies to Lithuania. This experience showed that decreasing
fuel consumption can give not only positive effect on national balance
of payments, but it can also improve the security of energy supply.
Traditional investment financial analysis is very often based on
several basic approaches and techniques, using calculations of net
present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR) and simple payback
period. These methods using cash flows and discounting calculations are
relatively simple, taking into account only a few inputs (cash flows,
discount rate, time and usually limited number of costs). However,
problems with holistic approach of analysis include missing information
on whether the systems have environmental impacts or not, and the
possible effects of mitigating environmental impacts (emissions, wastes
Life cycle assessment methods (EDIP, Ecoindicator 99, CML) and
tools (SimaPR06, REGIS, TEAM[TM] 3.0) were originally developed for
decision-making related to product development, but they can be
successfully used as a tool for better understanding the potential
impacts of more or less any activity, including investment in a new
venture. Life cycle assessment (LCA) takes into account the "cradle
to grave" impact of activities, and shows a summed environmental
burden of the analysed activity. Ideally, in decision-making LCA methods
should be directly linked to environmental risk methods and support them
with essential data.
Based on the Lithuanian case, this paper analyses the experience of
integrating small scale CHP into the existing energy system as compared
to conventional electricity generation using not only the technical and
the economical, but also environmental (life-cycle assessment) point of
view in decision-making process.
2. Principles of technical and economical evaluation
2.1. Technical obstacles, which may have influence on the
evaluation of CHP potential
One of the main technical obstacles, which may influence the CHP
potential, is the big amount of heat only boiler plants (HOBS). In most
cases the boiler plants are not hydraulically connected into one
integrated network (there are no DH networks between two or more boiler
plants in one city). A big amount of CHP units results in higher costs
of installation and O&M (operation and maintenance) per kWh, and
consequently higher price of generated electricity and heat in CHP
systems. Therefore it seems likely that quantity of CHP plants will not
be equal to the quantity of boiler plants.
CHP potential could be concentrated by integrating hydraulically
simple heat supply networks, but additional investments are necessary
for these renovations. Such situation would definitely have negative
influence for CHP interest.
By performing the evaluation of additional small scale CHP
potential in Lithuanian district heating sector, more than 180 district
heating systems were analysed.
2.2. The main principles of the economical optimization
The possibility of integrating small scale CHP into the existing
system has been analysed by comparing the reference alternative of
conventional centralised electricity production based on CCGT in
combination with conventional boilers for district heat production. The
following technologies were included:
* Internal combustion engines (Natural gas);
* Gas turbines with heat recovery boilers (Natural gas);
* Steam turbines (Biomass), and
* Biomass gasification systems available after 2010 in the range of
1 MWel to 10 MWel [7].
All technologies have been analysed for an expected lifetime of 20
years [7]. To identify the long-term marginal costs (LTMC) for each of
the different CHP technologies, the EnergyPRO operation and investment
analysis tool has been used [3, 8]. LTMC of electricity production from
different technologies have been evaluated on the basis that district
heating prices should remain the same as, i.e. the alternative costs of
heat production in conventional systems. It has been assumed that no
profit is expected. The analysis focuses on small scale CHP and,
consequently, the six largest DH companies in Lithuania (Vilnius,
Kaunas, Klaipeda, Panevezys, Siauliai and Alytus) have been excluded.
The range of annual DH systems heat production was selected between 50
000 MWh and 200 000 MWh, which is the representative range for the
remaining Lithuanian DH sector. An extrapolation has been used for the
DH systems, which did not enter the representative range. The database
for each of the DH companies' heat production was taken from the
Lithuanian District Heating Association [9]. Main assumptions (Table 1)
and technical data of the reference case and the different CHP
technologies, which are used in the calculations, were taken from [7,
10, 11].
In Fig 1 the results are shown for an annual heat production of 150
000 MWh.
The LTMC of the two CHP technologies based on natural gas is able
to compete with the reference within the range of installed capacities
up to 7-9 MW.
Meanwhile, the two CHP technologies based on biomass renewable
energy sources are much more expensive than the fossil fuel based
Fig 1 illustrates that the LTMC of electricity production has a
minimum. Meanwhile, the minimum is not necessarily representing the
optimal investment. In order to identify the business economic optimal
situation, the net present value (NPV) of investments in different
capacities has been calculated and shown in Fig 2.
The possible installed capacity optimisation principle of one or
more technologies is quite difficult. Usually, there are many
possibilities to choose from many combinations, such as: energy
generation units quantity, efficiency and technology price combination
etc. Fig 2 represents CHP capacity optimisation based on internal
combustion engines. The net present value (NPV) shows the gain in a 20
years period. In Fig 2 capacity optimization is done by optimizing only
benefits from generating electricity in small scale CHP's instead
of conventional generation--reference case. The optimization methodology
based on a socio-economic point of view seems to be more difficult.
Here, one has to analyse all possible positive and negative effects for
different strategies. The C[O.sub.2] costs and avoided investments into
heat boilers renovation were included in this paper as an example of a
socio-economy methodology for optimization of small scale CHP.
3. The results of the technical and socio-economic optimization
Based on the methodology described in the previous chapter, optimal
small scale CHP capacities in Lithuanian DH sector has been identified
from an economic point of view. The analysis compares the following four
different situations:
1. Reference electricity price. Compared to the present situation,
this case assumes that the Lithuanian authorities have implemented an
electricity price regulation securing potential small CHP plants an
electricity sales price equal to the LTMC of the reference CCGT
production based on natural gas.
2. Reference electricity price plus C[O.sub.2] payment. In addition
to the electricity sales price regulation of situation 1, the small CHP
plants pay bonuses that are equal to the C[O.sub.2] reduction of 30
3. Reference electricity price plus C[O.sub.2] payment plus avoided
heat investments. This situation represents the same electricity price
regulation and C[O.sub.2] payment as in situation 2. Additionally, the
individual DH company is supposed to be in a situation of needed
investments in a new boiler capacities.
4. Only renewable is allowed. Here, small scale CHP's
additional capacities are optimised by making the assumption that all DH
companies are allowed to pro duce electricity, only when being based on
renewable energy sources and when being feasible compared to the
conventional ones.
The fourth case has been included in the analysis, because
Lithuania has to increase the share of renewable power generation to a
minimum of 7 % by 2010 (cur rently renewable, mainly hydro, provide
approximately 3,2 % [12, 13]. One way of fulfilling such obligations is
to implement the potential of small CHP plants on biomass.
In the first three situations, electricity, which is based on
renewable energy, is produced in DH companies, only when small scale CHP
based on renewable fuel is more feasible than both conventional
generation and CHP based on natural gas, or when natural gas is not
available at the specific location.
The main results of the analysis are shown in Fig 3.
Fig 3 shows the economic feasible potential capacity in four
situations in total and also divided into four different CHP
technologies. As one can see, the potential is very sensitive to the
issue of avoided investments in the heat production units. If the DH
companies are in a situation of a need for replacement of the existing
heat production units, the economic potential becomes more than twice as
big as in other situations. The most feasible technology is the internal
combustion engine on natural gas. And the only reason, why in some
cases, biomass CHP becomes the best alternative, is either the fact that
natural gas is not available or as in situation 4 that natural gas is
not allowed. The implementation of a C[O.sub.2] payment influences the
potential in a positive direction, however, not very much.
The annual electricity inland consumption in Lithuania currently is
around 9,5 TWh [14]. The evaluated potential of small scale CHP varies
between 0,5 and 1,4 TWh per year. Consequently, the small scale CHP
electricity production could cover up till approx 15 % of the total
demand (situation 3). The electricity production based on renewable
energy could be possibly increase to approx 0,5 TWh per year (situation
4), that is a sensible amount in terms of fulfilling the EU obligation
of increasing the share of electricity production from renewable energy
to at least 7 %.
In relation to the discussion of the replacement of the nuclear
power after year 2009, it should be added that the potentials analysed
only took into account the existing small DH companies. The potential is
even higher if potential new district heating areas are included and
substantially higher if the six big existing DH areas are covered as
well. Nevertheless, the potential from the small companies alone is
substantial and indeed relevant in the discussion of future strategies.
The result in terms of the environmental effects of the different
technologies varies along with the fuel savings and whether the fuel is
natural gas or biomass. If only renewable is allowed (situation 4), the
annual C[O.sub.2] reduction adds up to approx 190 000 tons per year. In
three other situations, the C[O.sub.2] reduction varies between 125 000
(situation 1) and 240 000 (situation 3) tons per year.
Hence, any investments for producing only heat in DH companies can
influence the environmental objectives negatively in the long-term
4. The role of investment decision support tools--life cycle
Sustainable development principles point out that external social
and environmental consequences) arising from production systems must be
taken into consideration in decision-making at all levels of economic
analysis [15]. Encouragingly, over the past few years, environmental
costs have, to some extent, begun to be incorporated into industrial
activities at both the production and consumption levels. Tighter
emission restrictions and taxes, increased environmental fees and other
steering measures are helping reallocate a larger portion of
socio-environmental costs to industry in accordance with the
polluter-pays-principle (PPP). Likewise, increased environmental
awareness amongst consumers and financial institutions has come to mean
that a lack of consideration for the environment reflects negatively
upon the industry in the form of diminished social acceptance (likely
resulting in direct or indirect financial losses), and the willingness
of external financial institutions (including the World Bank, and many
commercial banks and lending institutions) to lend funds for potentially
environmentally harmful investments. Indeed, it is becoming more
apparent that, in order to ensure both long-term corporate (in our
case--heat and electricity production systems) profitability and
environmental performance, it is essential that new investment decisions
balance (or at least comprehensively consider) ecological, societal,
technical and economic factors simultaneously; this is particularly true
for investments in the energy sector, given the manifold social and
environmental benefits and costs associated with this complex.
Although traditional financial tools and models for conducting
profitability analyses have existed for decades, almost without
exception they do not assess the total life cycle of products, nor do
they include hidden or less tangible costs or, for that matter, external
or socio-environmental factors. In order for energy companies to make
strategic decisions regarding future investments in sustainable energy
services, it is important that decision-support frameworks or tools
could focus not only upon investment profitability, but also
socio-environmental concerns.
4.1. Life cycle assessment of the typical heating systems in
This chapter presents the preliminary results of a life cycle
assessment (LCA) of four typical heating systems in Lithuania. The
analysis of production and distribution stages compares the following
four alternatives:
1. Decentralised heat production. In this case heat for domestic
purposes is produced in many individual small boiler plants operating on
natural gas. There, the heat supply network is not required.
2. Conventional district heating system. In this case heat is
produced in one big boiler plant. The heat for domestic purposes is
supplied through district heating network. Boilers, which are used to
produce heat, operate on natural gas. In the calculations it was
assumed, that 25 % of the produced heat is DH network heat losses.
3. CHP based district heating system. In this case heat for
domestic purposes is produced in CHP units. In combined heat and power
production process, the heat is the main product and the electricity is
like a surplus product. CHP energy units operate on natural gas. In the
calculation it was assumed, that 25 % of the produced heat is DH network
heat losses.
4. CHP based district heating system--renewable. This case is
similar to case 2, the only difference being the use of a renewable
energy source, wood, instead of natural gas.
As was stated before, electricity is the surplus product for DH
system and in the impact assessment the electricity was selected as an
avoided product (the electricity generation is avoided in condensing
power plant). All calculations were carried out by the PC-tool SimaPRO
6. It is a professional LCA software tool that contains several impact
assessment methods and several inventory databases, which can be edited
and expanded without limitation.
For the energy generation stage, mostly all data were taken from
inventory databases included in SimaPRO 6 (Ecoinvent, ETH-ESU, BUWAL,
LCAfood). The data for heat distribution stage are not available in
SimaPRO 6, because DH network geometry, climate conditions of different
countries, heat demand/capacity concentrations (MWh/MW/km), DH water
temperature regime etc are case specific and vary with location. These
factors are the main reason, why data bases do not contain such type of
generalised information.
Based on 5 Lithuanian cities (Gargzdai, Rokiskis, Varena, Sakiai
and Ignalina), which could represent Lithuanian regions, necessary data
for LCA were analysed.
Existing DH systems in Lithuania were planned and constructed 25-40
years ago. In that time everything was planned with a big margin of
reserve, and nowadays pipe diameters are still too big for present heat
demand. In some places the overcapacity could be as high as twice the
required capacity.
The decision concerning renovation of the DH network should be
based not only on life time and technical conditions, but also on
expected heat demand in the future (at least 10-20 years). Nevertheless,
the renovations of DH networks are unavoidable in the near future.
For all 5 DH networks the diameters optimisation was carried out by
minimising the construction and longterm operation costs (heat loss and
electricity consumption). The PC-tool "System RORNET" was used
for that task [16]. Fig 4 shows the principle of diameters optimisation,
where 4 main criteria (technical parameters, pipeline price, electricity
and heat unit price) were used.
Having DH networks length distributions by pipe-line diameters we
can generalise input data for LCA. The main assumptions for general
input data are: all materials (steel, polyurethane, HDPE etc) are
imported and DH network life time period--30 years.
Fig 5 shows LCA flows (effect on global warming potential in kg of
C[O.sub.2] equivalent) for generalised DH network in Lithuania.
Methods, which were used for LCA of heating systems could be
characterised in two groups. The first group is the so-called
"midpoint" methods. This group is represented by EDIP 96
(Danish method) and CML (Dutch method developed at the Leiden
University). These methods focus on different environmental themes
(impact categories) and take a point of departure at the environmental
exchange. The second group of methods ("end-point' methods)
are used to estimate the harmfulness of various emissions, such as the
number of people affected (die or get sick) by particle pollution per
year. This is opposite to the previous group of methods, where knowledge
of fundamental properties of the substances is used to estimate the
potential impacts. The application of two fundamentally different
approaches provides a greater certainty in the assessment. The results
of all three methods are presented in Fig 6.
Fig 6 shows the first step of impact assessment. This step
"translates" the inventory data into environmental impact
potentials such as global warming or acidification. Here the impact
categories are presented by a category indicator, which varies depending
on the LCA method. The second step for LCA, if necessary, could be
valuation--normalisation and weighting. Normalisation provides a basis
for comparing different types environmental impacts and the weighting
step reflects the seriousness of each impact category. In this article
only the first and the main step of LCA is presented.
Fig 6 shows that CHP based DH systems are more sustainable in many
impact categories than conventional or decentralised DH systems.
Nevertheless, conventional DH systems with comparison to decentralised
DH systems from LCA point of view are worse in many impact categories.
5. Conclusions
The study focuses upon the analysis of methods for the
incorporation of technical, economical and environmental considerations
into a large-scale investment decision-making in the energy sector.
Results of the analysis for different heating systems show a clear
advantage of district heating systems based on CHP instead of
conventional energy production. The advantage is from both the
socio-economic and the environmental point of view. Some conclusions of
this study are summarised.
* If electricity sale prices are provided on the basis of long-term
marginal costs of electricity production from CCGT plants, a potential
of more than 100 M[W.sub.el] small-scale CHP becomes economically
feasible with a total electricity production of nearly 9 % of the
existing demand.
* If a C[O.sub.2] payment of 30 Euro/ton is included in the
calculation, the economical potential of small CHP plants increases
slightly, but even so, biomass solutions are still not feasible.
* If small DH companies are in a situation, where they need to
invest in new heat production capacities, the small-scale CHP economical
potential is raised to 250 MW,, and, in some cases, biomass technologies
become feasible if natural gas is not available. In such cases, the
economical electricity production will rise to nearly 15 % of the
present demand.
* If only biomass is allowed, the economical potential decreases to
approx 100 MW or 0,5 TWh per year. It is still a very sensible amount in
terms of fulfilling the EU obligation of increasing the share of
electricity production from the renewable energy to at least 7 %.
* The CHP based DH systems are more sustainable in many impact
categories, those conventional or decentralised (individual) heat supply
* The conventional DH systems with comparison to decentralised DH
systems from an LCA point of view are environmentally worse in many
impact categories.
Based upon the results of the study investigation and analysis,
areas for improvement in the current energy sector investment
decision-making processes are highlighted, and areas for further
research, like incorporation of LCA methods, are recommended.
(1) Medical costs for asthma and other respiratory complications
attributed to air pollution, income loss in the agricultural sector from
pollution-related crop damage and the effects of pesticide-contaminated
water on the health of human populations are a few examples of
socio-environmental costs which, in the majority of cases, are regarded
as "external" to companies.
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N. Rasburskis, J. Gudzinskas, J. Gylys
Ruosiantis uzdaryti Ignalinos atomine, elektrine, vienas is
alternatyviu atomines energijos praradimo dalinio Kompensavimo budu yra
kogeneracijos pletra centralizuoto silumos tiekimo sektoriuje. Jau
siandien reikalingos dideles investicijos centralizuoto silumos tiekimo
imonems, siekiancioms atnaujinti silumos energijos gamybos irenginius.
Taip pat neisvengiamos investicijos Ignalinos atomineje elektrineje
turetai elektros energijos generavimo galiai bent is dalies kompensuoti.
Nepaisant to, kad centralizuoto silumos tiekimo sektoriuje akivaizdus
mazos galios kogeneracijos techninis potencialas, didesnes pletros nera.
Siekiant pokyciu, reikia uztikrinti kogeneracijos tikslinguma ne vien
tik socialiniu, bet ir verslo ekonomikos poziuriu. Vienas is galimu budu
yra viesas elektros ir silumos rinkos reguliavimas. Darbe pateikti
Lietuvos energetines sistemos analizes rezultatai. Straipsnyje
apibendrinami paplite pavieniai analizes metodai ir pletojami sistemines
analizes principai, galintys susieti techninius, ekonominius ir
aplinkosauginius veiksnius. Pabreziamas sistemines analizes svarbumas
priimant sprendimus del dideliu investiciju energetikos sektoriuje.
Galutinis sio tyrimo, kuri planuojama baigti 2005 m. pabaigoje,
rezultatas--didelio efektyvumo kogeneracijos potencialo ivertinimas
nacionaliniu mastu ne tik techniniu, bet it ekonominiu bei
aplinkosauginiu poziuriu.
Raktazodziai: darni pletra, energetikos sektorius, bendra silumos
it elektros energijos gamyba, centralizuotas silumos tiekimas, sprendimo
priemimo procesas.
Nerijus Rasburskis, Juozas Gudzinskas, Jonas Gylys
Dept of Thermal and Nuclear Energy, Kaunas University of
K. Donelaicio g. 20, LT-44239, Kaunas, Lithuania. E-mail:
Nerijus RASBURSKIS. MSc, PhD student at the Kaunas University of
Technology, Dept of Thermal and Nuclear Energy, Lithuania. Research
interests: energy system analysis, feasibility studies, public
regulation and technological change. Publications: 12 articles and
presentations in Lithuanian and international proceedings (1999-2004).
Jonas GYLYS. Habil Doctor, Professor at the Kaunas University of
Technology, Dept of Thermal and Nuclear Energy, Lithuania. Main research
interests: hydrodynamics and heat-mass transfer under two-phase (foam)
flows, energy systems planning, thermal methods of sewage water
treatment, safety problems of nuclear power reactors. More than 200
articles in different journals, books and proceedings.
Juozas GUDZINSKAS. Assoc Professor at the Kaunas University of
Technology, Dept of Thermal and Nuclear Energy, Lithuania. Main research
interests: energy systems planning, heat savings problems in industry
and district heating sector.
Received 13 May 2005; accepted 13 Dec 2005
Table 1. The main assumptions
Loan period
Interest rate
C[O.sub.2] costs
(average in 20 years period)
Natural gas price, 110,1
Euro1000 natural [m.sup.3] (annual growth
(9,3 kWh/natural [m.sup.3] 0,9%)
Biomass fuel price. Euro/t
(2,2 kWh/kg)
Gas turbines
Gas with heat
engines recovery boilers
Loan period 20 years
Interest rate 5%
C[O.sub.2] costs 30 Euro/tC[O.sub.2]
(average in 20 years period)
Natural gas price, 115,8
Euro1000 natural [m.sup.3] (annual growth 0,9%)
(9,3 kWh/natural [m.sup.3]
Biomass fuel price. Euro/t
(2,2 kWh/kg)
Steam turbines Biomass
Loan period
Interest rate
C[O.sub.2] costs
(average in 20 years period)
Natural gas price,
Euro1000 natural [m.sup.3]
(9,3 kWh/natural [m.sup.3]
Biomass fuel price, Euro/t 16,7
(2,2 kWh/kg) (annual growth 2,6%)