Heat flux through the timber walls under summer climate conditions in Eastern Europe.
Kairys, Liutauras ; Stankevicius, Vytautas ; Karbauskaite, Jurate 等
Abstract. The systems of air cooling and conditioning become more
and more popular in Lithuania because of the reduced costs of equipment
and installation. The popularity of the lightweight, heterogeneous and
low thermal inertia envelops of buildings is increasing as well. Thus,
there is a great demand for accurate methodology for calculation of
non-steady state heat transfer that will take into account the solar
radiation influences, convection and radiation inside partitions.
Generally received building thermal behaviour calculation methods were
designed for massive partitions, that is why they have to be re-verified
according to the current situation. Thermal receptivity calculation
methodology and a common engineering method are analysed in this paper
according to experimental results. The research object is a well
thermally isolated timber frame wall.
Keywords: thermo-physical parameters, solar radiation, lightweight
timber frame partition, ventilated air gap.
1. Introduction
The temperature distribution inside multilayer light-weight
partitions is effected not only by the temperature difference on the
both surfaces of the partition, but by the directed solar radiation onto
the external surface as well. The affect value depends on the thermal
inertia of such a partition. It is necessary to compensate the
additional cooling load caused by the solar radiation when designing air
conditioning and cooling systems [1] for building envelope with a low
thermal inertia.
There are fully or partly ventilated air gaps [2] installed in the
well isolated (>4,0 [m.sup.2]K/W) walls. The heat leakages through
the connections of different materials occur during the service of the
walls and depend on the construction quality. So there is an additional
heat flux through the multilayer lightweight wall by convection and
radiation [3] that have to be assumed into the whole heat exchange
balance of the building envelope [4, 5].
Thus, there is a great demand for accurate methodology for
calculation of non-steady state heat transfer that will take into
account the solar radiation influences, convection and radiation inside
partitions. The previous methodologies [6, 7] were designed for
calculating thermo-physical processes inside massive partitions, that is
why they have to be re-verified according to current situation. The
lightweight walls contain the materials with very different physical
parameters (thermal conductivity, density, thickness, specific heat
capacity etc) [8]. So it is important to estimate precisely the designed
values of different materials physical parameters and the effect of
their interdependence to the heat storage and heat flux variation inside
the wall [9, 10]. The thermo-physical parameters (heat flux density,
thermal inertia, time constant, thermal resistance, time lag, decrement factor etc) of the timber frame walls (Fig 1) are analysed in this
paper. The calculated parameters are compared with the experimental
data. The experiment was hold in the solar energy testing facility
"Plataforma Solar de Almeria" in Spain [11] in Oct 2003-Jan
2004. The mentioned parameters were calculated by the methodology [12,
13] that estimates all the conditions discussed above. The methodology
was designed in the seventies, but it is still used for calculating the
heat transfer through the building envelope. Two types of the timber
frame walls (Fig 1) with the common structure in the Eastern Europe region were chosen as the investigation object.
The aim of this paper is to compare the heat transfer through the
discussed walls calculated by different methodologies with the
experimental results and to determine the reasons of these
Climatic and indoor air parameters were measured. The measurements
were performed from 01 Nov 2003 to 25 Jan 2004 with registration every
10 min. The hour's average values were calculated for each measured
parameter and database of one-day mean hourly values with the precision
of 95 % was created. These values are presented in Table 1.
2. Research results analysis
Heat flux density (Thermopile TNO PU32), temperature (Thermopar TC
1311T), wind speed (hot wire anemometer TSI 8455) and solar radiation
density (pyranometer Kipp & Zonen CM 11) meters were installed in
the walls for the experiment. The cross-sections of walls and positions
of measure devices are shown in Fig 1.
Temperature distribution dynamics across wall section have been
analysed first of all. A comparison of calculated and measured
temperature wave oscillation amplitudes between walls layers clarified
that there is no regular disagreement in the results. The higher
temperature oscillation values on inner and outer surfaces and between
gypsum plasterboard and thermal isolation were observed in experimental
results. Higher temperature oscillation amplitude values on internal
surfaces were obtained by calculations. The calculation results
differences are shown in Table 2.
The calculation of temperature oscillation amplitudes is based on
thermal receptivity [6] of wall materials and layers' surfaces.
Indoor air temperature is constant, but there is no value set. Indoor
air temperature during the natural research was kept constant and equal
to 23 [degrees]C. The average thermal receptivity of timber frame and
thermal isolation layer is calculated according to methodology, but
temperature next to the timber stud is 0,5 [degrees]C higher than in the
middle of mineral wool by experimental results. We can notify that
calculated temperature oscillation values in internal layers of the
walls are higher than the measured ones having situation opposite when
analysing external layers. It can be concluded that thermal inertia of
materials is not evaluated enough by the methodology, even if
calculations are based on thermal capacity of materials.
Temperature oscillation amplitudes differences comparing by
calculations and measurements are much larger in the wall with a
ventilated air gap than in the one with out air gap. The difference is
so big (Table 2) that there are doubts about the methodology suitability
for calculating of the temperature oscillation amplitudes in the walls
with partly or fully ventilated air gaps. So, it is necessary to adjust
the coefficients in equations that estimate air gaps influence on the
temperature distribution dynamics.
Temperature wave attenuation is another basic parameter describing
the wall thermal inertia. It is calculated in proportion to adjacent
layers and surfaces thermal receptivity according to the methodology.
Temperature oscillation amplitudes between layers were compared to the
outer surface temperature oscillation amplitudes in order to get thermal
wave attenuation measured during the experiment. The results and their
percentage differences are in Table 3.
The results testify that calculated temperature wave attenuation in
the wall without air gap does no differ a lot from experimental results
(6,1-22,9 %) when in the wall with an air gap the difference is
inadmissible (25,0-67,4 %). We can notify also that after a thermal wave
penetrates the thermal isolation in both types of the walls, the
differences between the calculated and measured values decrease. The
influence of thin layers with medium thermal receptivity to the
temperature wave attenuation cannot be measured, calculated and
estimated easily and properly.
Temperature wave attenuation values calculated by the methodology
are lower than those obtained experimentally in every layer except for
inner and 4-5 surfaces of the walls. One of the reasons can be wrongly
accepted heat transfer coefficient on the internal surface of the wall
and inaccurately calculated heat flow from the inner surface to the
indoor air.
The measured heat flow densities through the lightweight timber
walls were compared with the ones, calculated by thermal receptivity
calculation methodology that takes into account the solar radiation and
thermal inertia impacts.
The positions of heat flux density meters inside the test-walls are
shown in Fig 1. Heat flux densities were measured on inner and outer
surfaces of the wall with out air gap, inner and internal air gap
surfaces of the wall with air gap. There are measured heat flow
densities, solar radiation density and outdoor air temperature curves,
calculated maximal heat flow densities from inner surfaces of the walls
into the indoor air shown in Fig 2.
There was almost no heat inflow through the wall with air gap,
because the inside air temperature of the test-room was constant and
equal to +23 [degrees]C, and the out door air temperature oscillated
from +6,9 to +13,8 [degrees]C. There was obtained the relative error
0,17 for calculated heat flow density absolute values comparing with the
measured ones for the wall with an air gap. The relative error for the
wall without an air gap was just 0,057.
It is evident that maximal absolute heat flow density values on
wall inner surface cannot be calculated precisely with the discussed
methodology for the wall with an air gap. Meanwhile, the results can be
obtained with acceptable precision for the wall without an air gap.
Heat flux density q = 2,5 W/[m.sup.2] through the wall without air
gap and q = 2,19 W/[m.sup.2] through the wall with air gap were
calculated by common engineering method [14, 15]:
q = ([[THETA].sub.i] - ([[THETA].sub.e] + p x [I.sub.r,max] /
[h.sub.se])) / R, (1)
where [[THETA].sub.i]--indoors air temperature [[degrees]C],
[[THETA].sub.e]--outdoors air temperature [[degrees]C],
[I.sub.r,max]--maximal solar radiation density onto the wall
[W/[m.sup.2]], [h.sub.se]--heat transfer coefficient on external surface
of the wall [W/([m.sup.2]K)], p--solar radiation absorbance of material
The indoor (+ 23,0 [degrees]C) and outdoor air (+ 9,8 [degrees]C)
temperatures from experimental measurements have been chosen. There was
obtained the relative error 0,21 for calculated heat flow density
absolute values comparing with the measured ones for the wall with an
air gap. The relative error for the wall without air gap was 0,28. These
differences are much bigger than the ones, evaluated comparing
experimental data and calculations by the analysed methodology [6, 7].
The accurate heat flow density through the discussed timber frame walls
cannot be calculated precisely with a common engineering method.
The heat flow density oscillations were smaller in the wall with an
air gap by measurements and calculation results as it was expected. It
is clear from Fig 2 that the heat flow densities on outer surfaces of
the walls have the shape of summed outside air temperature and solar
radiation density curves and have 3-4 hours time-lag.
An 100 [m.sup.2] area building with 2,7 m height walls was analysed
as an example. It has 108 [m.sup.2] area of the walls. The heat flows
through 108 [m.sup.2] walls were calculated by three methods mentioned
above. The results are presented in Table 4.
We could see in Table 4 that if we calculate the loads for cooling
or conditioning systems by methodology, it will give just 5,7 % smaller
heat inflow than in reality for the wall without air gap and 16,6 %
smaller heat inflow through the wall with air gap. Calculating by
equation (1), the system power will be by 67,0 % too low for the
building with the walls without an air gap and 64,0 % too low for the
building with the walls with a ventilated air gap. So, the simplified
equation, which the designers are using (1), cannot assure precise heat
flow values.
3. Conclusions
1. More than 50 % of differences have been found while calculating
the temperature wave oscillation amplitudes in the wall with the air gap
by the methodology from experimental results. The coefficients in the
methodology estimating the influence of the ventilated air gap on the
results have to be revised.
2. While analysing the temperature wave attenuation, it was
observed that thin layers with a moderate thermal receptivity are
reducing the precision of the results when the thermal behaviour of
timber frame walls is estimated.
3. After the analysis of heat flow it was clarified that it is
possible to calculate the accurate absolute heat flow density values for
the wall without an air gap only (the relative error with experimental
results is 5,7 %). The analysed methodology has to be revised in order
to get more precise heat inflow values through the timber frame walls
with a ventilated air gap.
4. The accepted building thermal behaviour calculation methods
cannot assure high-accuracy results for timber frame walls under the
Eastern Europe summer time weather conditions.
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[9.] Koczyk, H. Selection of thermophysical properties of heat
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L. Kairys, V. Stankevicius, J. Karbauskaite
Oro vesinimo ir kondicionavimo sistemos sparciai populiareja
Lietuvoje del vis mazejanciu irenginiu kainu ir eksploatacijos islaidu.
Naujai statomu pastatu konstrukcijoms vis dazniau naudojamos lengvos,
daugiasluoksnes, taciau mazai inertiskos atitvaros. Taigi atsiranda
poreikis tiksliai apskaiciuoti nestacionariuosius siluminius procesus,
vykstancius minetose atitvarose, ivertinant saules spinduliuotes itaka,
silumos mainu dydi konvekcija ir spinduliuote. Dabartines metodikos buvo
kuriamos skaiciuoti vidutiniu ir dideliu atitvaru siluminei busenai,
todel jos turi buti patikrintos atsizvelgiant i dabartinius pokycius.
Siame straipsnyje analizuojama siluminio imlumo skaiciavimo
metodika ir paprastasis inzinerinis silumos srauto tekejimo per
atitvaras skaiciavimo metodas palyginamas su eksperimento rezultatais.
Tyrimo objektas--gerai apsiltinta (R>4,5 [m.sup.2]K/W) medine
karkasine siena.
Raktazodziai: silumines fizikos parametrai, saules spinduliuote,
medine karkasine atitvara, vedinamasis oro tarpas.
Liutauras Kairys (1), Vytautas Stankevicius (2), Jurate
Karbauskaite (3)
(1) Dept of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Kaunas University
of Technology, Studenut g. 48, LT-51367 Kaunas, Lithuania. E-mail:
(2) Institute of Architecture and Construction, Laboratory of
Thermal Building Physics, Tunelio g. 60, LT-44405 Kaunas, Lithuania.
E-mail: 2silfiz@asi.lt, 3jukarb@asi.lt
Liutauras KAIRYS. PhD student at the Dept of Civil Engineering and
Management, Kaunas University of Technology, Kaunas, Lithuania. Author
of several papers on thermal inertia problems in lightweight building
Vytautas STANKEVICIUS. Prof Dr Habil. Head of the Building thermal
laboratory at the Institute of Architecture and Construction of Kaunas
University of Technology. Professor of the Dept of Civil Engineering and
Architecture of Kaunas University of Technology. Member of Heating,
Cooling and Air Conditioning Association.
Author of more than 200 articles and 4 inventions. Scientific
interests: energy savings in buildings, the durability of outer surfaces
of building envelope.
Jurate KARBAUSKAITE. Doctor (techn sciences). Researcher at the
Institute of Architecture and Construction of Kaunas University of
Technology. The expert of Lithuanian Studies and Research Foundation.
Research interests: energy savings in buildings, heat and mass transfer,
heat losses through the building envelope.
Received 04 Nov 2005; accepted 05 Dec 2005
Table 1. Results of experiment at "Plataforma Solar de Almeria"
in Spain
Parameter Average value
of the day
Wall without air gap, Measurement position--next to studs
A1 12,1
A2 12,2
A3 12,6
A4 15,1
A5 17,9
A6 22,6
A7 22,8
Fall with air gap, Measurement position--next to studs
DI 12,1
D2 11,9
D3 11,8
D4 12,2
D5 12,5
D6 15,6
D7 19,1
D8 22,7
D9 22,9
Wall without air gap, Measurement position--between studs
B1 11,8
B2 11,5
B3 12,1
B4 17,3
B5 19,1
B6 22,6
B7 22,8
Wall with air gap. Measurement position - between studs
C1 11,7
C2 11,6
C3 11,9
C4 12,5
C5 12,8
C6 15,3
C7 18,1
C8 22,3
C9 22,9
Heat flow, W/m.sup.2]
Wall without air gap
W1 Heat flux meter on inside surface -2,3
WE Heat flux meter on outside surface 2,3
Other parameters
A T11 Inside air temperature 30 cm above the 22,8
floor, [degrees]C
A T12 Inside air temperature 130 cm above the 22,9
floor, [degrees]C
A T13 Inside air temperature 250 cm above the 23,0
floor, [degrees]C
WS_E air velocity in ventilated air gap, m/s 0,069
PIRE Solar radiation into the surface of the 160,8
wall, W/[m.sup.2]
EI Heal flux meter on inside surface -2,1
EE Heat flux meter on outside surface 2,5
AVE1 Wind speed in 10 m height, m/s 2,0
ADE1 Wind direction in 10 m height, [degrees] 193,8
A TE01 Outside air temperature in 10 m 9,5
height, [degrees]C
RHE1 Relative humidity in 2 m height, %. 70,9
GHE1 Solar radiation into horizontal surface, 94,7
DHE1 Diffused solar radiation into horizontal
surface, W/[m.sup.2] 46,4
Table 2. Temperature oscillation amplitudes between wall layers
Temperature oscillation amplitude, [degrees]C
Wall without air gap
Position Experimental Calculation Calculation results
results results differences from
experimental data, %
Outer 22,5 18,4 18,2
1-2 20,3 20,7 1,9
2-7 -- -- --
7-3 -- -- --
3 6(2-6) 21,4 22,3 4,2
6-4 6,8 5,8 14,7
4-5 0,9 0,8 11,1
Inner 0,8 0,6 25,0
Wall with air gap
Position Experimental Calculation Calculation results
results results differences from
experimental data, %
surface 20,9 15,6 25,3
1-2 21,1 17,6 16,6
2-7 17,1 19,1 11,7
7-3 13,2 14,2 7,5
3 6(2-6) 12,2 15,7 26,7
6-4 3,3 4,1 24,2
4-5 1,1 0,5 54,5
Inner 0,9 0,4 55,5
Table 3. Temperature wave attenuation during penetration through
the walls
Temperature wave attenuation, times
Wall without air gap
Position Experimental Calculation Calculation results
results results differences from
experimental data, %
surface -- 1,1 --
1-2 1,0 0,9 10,0
2-7 -- -- --
7-3 -- -- --
3 6(2-6) 1,0 0,9 10,0
6-4 3,3 3,5 6,1
4-5 23,6 25,9 9,7
Inner 27,4 33,7 22,9
Wall with air gap
Position Experimental Calculation Calculation results
results results differences from
experimental data, %
surface -- 1,11 --
1-2 1,0 1,0 0
2-7 1,2 0,9 25,0
7-3 1,6 1,2 25,0
3 6(2-6) 1,7 1,1 35,3
6-4 6,3 4,2 33,3
4-5 19,9 31,2 56,8
Inner 24,2 40,5 67,4
Table 4. Comparison example. The heat flow through 108 [m.sup.2] walls
Heat flow, W (relative error with experimental results, %)
Wall without air gap
Experimental Calculation by Calculation by
results methodology equation (1)
376,9 355,3 123,1
(0%) (5,7%) (67,0%)
Wall with air gap
Experimental Calculation by Calculation by
results methodology equation (1)
299,2 249,5 108,0
(0%) (16,6%) (64,0%)