Comparing two exchange rate regimes under purchasing power disparity.
Adhikari, Deergha ; Guru-Gharana, Kishor K. ; Flanagan, Jennifer L. 等
Since the collapse of Breton Wood system, policy makers have been
searching for a stable international monetary system that could promote
international trade and encourage long term investment. As a working
solution to this issue, managed exchange rate system allowing deviations
within a very narrow band have been adopted. One of the outcomes of such
an attempt was the initiation of European Monetary System, an
arrangement wherein the member countries, including most nations of the
European Economic Community (EEC) were allowed to manage their
currencies depending on economic fundamentals and shocks within a band
around the current value called target zones (Krugman, 1991). The
presumed benefit is that exchange rate stability is supposed to bring
about price stability, which enhances trade and consequently economic
prosperity. Implicit in this idea is the assumption that the purchasing
power parity (henceforth referred to as PPP) always holds. If PPP holds,
we have P = P*E, where, P is the domestic price, P* is the foreign
(world) price, and E is the exchange rate. Stability in E, therefore,
translates into stability in P.
Similarly, a fixed exchange rate is also viewed as the measure to
equalize interest rates across borders as shown by the interest rate
parity equation: R = R* + [E.sup.e] - E/E, where R and R* are domestic
and foreign rates of interest respectively, E is the current exchange
rate, and [E.sup.e] is the expected exchange rate. As a fixed exchange
rate eliminates the differential between the current and expected
exchange rates, it equalizes the interest rates across the trading
countries. Since economic fundamentals do not change as rapidly as
people's expectations, such an exchange rate system can ensure
price stability, smooth flow of international trade and capital.
Obstfeld (1996) argues that the economic agents' expectation
is influenced by government's resources, rather than its current
action or commitment. Government's possible future action depends
on relative size of losses under different policy regimes and, although
a fixed exchange rate system can bring about price stability, the
flexible exchange rate system is a more attractive alternative as long
as the cost of the exchange rate adjustments is not very high. This
argument depends on two assumptions: (i) PPP holds, and (ii) a fixed
exchange rate system can successfully limit people's expectation.
The PPP condition can, however, fail due to several reasons, such as
deviations from the Law of One Price (LOP), the presence of non-traded
goods, and the terms of trade effects of home bias in consumption. PPP
puzzles, a common term for two anomalies of real exchange rates,
indicate long-run PPP failures as well (Mussa 1986; Rogoff, 1996;
Taylor, Peel, and Sarno, 2001). Additionally, Hyrina and Serletis (2010)
used Lo's modified R/S statistic and Hurst exponent to show that
PPP did not hold under currency exchanges between four countries.
So what happens if these assumptions do not hold? Can a target zone
system still sustain or does it need a continuous realignment, which is
clearly a failure of the target zone system? It is pertinent to ask,
"Is a flexible exchange rate system between two currencies always
better even if purchasing power parity does not hold between the two
The relevant theoretical literature does not fully answer these
questions whereas the empirical researches have provided mixed results.
Flexible exchange rates were optimal, according to Obstfeld (1996)
whether deviations from PPP are due to deviations from the LOP or due to
the presence of non-traded goods. In contrast, Devereux and Engel (2003)
illustrated that, if PPP fails because of deviations from the LOP
arising from sticky prices in local currency, then fixed exchange rates
are optimal even in the presence of country-specific shocks. These
studies do not establish the superiority of one exchange rate regime
over the other when PPP condition does not hold and output target and
real exchange rate deviate from their long-run equilibrium values. This
paper, therefore, is devoted to analyzing the effect of the violation of
PPP along with the deviation of output target and real exchange rate
from their long-run equilibrium values on government's decision
domain, which we term government's loss function.
The model assumes a typical government loss function following
Barrow and Gordon (1983) with some modifications. The loss function is
of the following form:
L = [(Y - KY*).sup.2] + [beta] ([[PI].sup.2]) + c ([epsilon]), (1)
where, Y is the output level, Y* is the targeted output level, [PI]
is the rate of inflation, c(s) is the cost of changing the exchange
rate, s is the exchange rate, and K and [beta] are assigned weights. The
first squared term in the loss function is the quadratic approximation
of the welfare loss of being away from targeted output level. Therefore,
the output deviation enters the government loss function because it
causes unnecessary economizing on real balance, which generates costs of
price change and even increases endogenous relative price uncertainty
(Benabou, 1988). The second term in the equation is the rate of
inflation. An unanticipated inflation is costly and socially undesirable
because it increases relative price variability (CuKiermanm, 1984). The
third term is the cost of changing exchange rate. Excessive short-run
fluctuations in exchange rates under a flexible exchange rate system may
be costly in terms of higher frictional unemployment if they lead to
over-frequent attempts at reallocating domestic resources among the
various sectors of the economy.
The output function is represented by the augmented Phillips curve
as follows:
[Y.sub.t] = [bar.Y] + [alpha] ([[PI].sub.t] - [[PI].sub.t.sup.e]) +
[u.sub.t], (2)
where, [Y.sub.t] is the output level, [bar.Y] is the long-run
output level, [[PI].sub.t] and [[PI].sub.t.sup.e] are actual and
expected inflation rates respectively, and [u.sub.t] is the output
shock. Other assumptions of this model are as the following:
Purchasing power parity condition: [e.sub.t] - [p.sub.t] +
[p.sub.t]* = [q.sub.t] (3)
Movement of real exchange rate: [q.sub.t] - [q.sub.t-1] = [lambda]
([zeta]- [q.sub.t-1]) + [v.sub.t] (4)
Aggregate demand function: [m.sub.t] - [p.sub.t] = [hy.sub.t] -
[gamma][i.sub.t] + [[mu].sub.t] (5)
Uncovered interest parity condition: [i.sub.t] = [i.sub.t]* +
([e.sub.t-1.sup.e] - [e.sub.t]) (6)
where, [v.sub.t] ~ N(0, [[sigma].sup.2.sub.v])
[u.sub.t] ~ N,(0, [[sigma].sup.2.sub.v])
[[mu].sub.t] ~ N(0, ([[sigma].sup.2.sub.[mu]])
[[epsilon].sub.t] = [e.sub.t] - [e.sub.t-1] ~ N(0,
K, [beta], [alpha], [lambda], h, [gamma] > 0
The variables pt and [p.sub.t]* are domestic and foreign price
levels respectively; [q.sub.t] is the real exchange rate; [m.sub.t] is
the nominal money supply; [i.sub.t] and [i.sub.t]* are domestic and
foreign interest rates respectively; and [u.sub.t], [v.sub.t] , and
[[mu].sub.t] are output, real exchange rate and demand shocks
respectively. Similarly, [zeta] is long-run equilibrium exchange rate.
Based on the above assumptions, we derive respective loss functions
under flexible and fixed exchange rate systems. The complete derivation
is given in the appendix.
The Loss Functions
Taking unconditional expectation yields,
The term c([epsilon]) = c([[epsilon].sub.t] - [[epsilon].sub.t-1])
is the cost due to the change in exchange rate. This cost enters only
into the loss function under flexible exchange rate system because
excessive short-run fluctuations may lead to higher frictional
unemployment caused by over-frequent reallocation of domestic resources.
In this set up, the monetary authority will be tempted to take resort to
the flexible exchange rate system when the effect of [u.sub.t] (output
shock) and/or [v.sub.t] (real exchange rate shock) is so high that
E([L.sup.Flex]) + [bar.c] ([epsilon]) > E([L.sup.Fix]) or so low that
E([L.sup.Flex]) + [] ([epsilon]) < E([L.sup.Fix]), where [bar.c]
([epsilon]) is the highest value and [] ([epsilon]) is the lowest
value of c(s). Suppose, c*([epsilon]) is such that,
E([L.sup.Flex]) + c*([epsilon]) = E([L.sup.Fix]) (11)
Substituting equation (9) and (10) into (11) yields,
Rearranging equation (12) yields,
Since c*([epsilon]) is the critical value which equalizes
E([L.sup.Flex]) and E([L.sup.Fix]), c*([epsilon]) > 0 implies
E([L.sup.Flex]) < E([L.sup.Fix]), while c*([epsilon]) < 0 implies
E([L.sup.Flex]) > E([L.sup.Fix]). Dynamic consistency requires that
the government change the exchange rate whenever c*([epsilon]) > 0.
That is, the fixed exchange rate system is sustainable as long as
c*([epsilon]) < = 0.
From equations (9) and (10), it is clear that the expected loss in
both regimes is an increasing function of real exchange rate deviation
(i.e. ([zeta] - [q.sub.t-1])). The real exchange rate deviation,
however, may cause more or less loss in flexible exchange rate system
compared to that in fixed exchange rate system. Under PPP, the loss
function under both regimes remains unaffected by real exchange rate
deviation. So, if the cost of exchange rate change is negligible, the
loss under flexible exchange rate system will be less than that under
fixed exchange rate system. However, this is no longer valid when PPP
does not hold. To demonstrate, we subtract equation (9) from (10), which
assuming the cost of exchange rate change to be negligible (i.e.
c([epsilon]) = 0). From the observation of equation (14), it is obvious
that there is no guarantee that E([L.sup.Fix]) - E ([L.sup.Flex]) >
0, even if we assume that the cost of exchange rate change is zero
unless two additional conditions are met. If output target is fully
adjusted to the long run equilibrium output level i.e. [bar.Y] = KY*,
and the real exchange rate is lower than its long-run equilibrium value
i.e. [q.sub.t-1] < Z, then, from equation (14), it is clear that
E([L.sup.Fix]) > E ([L.sup.Flex]). That is the expected loss under a
fixed exchange rate system outweighs the expected loss under a flexible
exchange rate system if these two conditions are met.
If PPP holds, then [q.sub.t-1] = 0 and, therefore, [zeta] = 0.
Thus, the negative term on the right hand side of equation (14) drops
out, and we have E([L.sup.Fix]) > E ([L.sup.Flex]). The expected loss
under a fixed exchange rate system, consequently, is always greater than
that under a flexible exchange rate system when PPP holds. These results
can be summarized in the form of the following propositions:
Proposition 1: Under purchasing power parity, a flexible exchange
rate system always performs better.
Proposition 2: Under purchasing power disparity, a flexible
exchange rate system performs better only if output target is adjusted
to its long-run equilibrium value and the real exchange rate is lower
than its long-run value. If these conditions do not hold under
purchasing power disparity, then the superiority of a flexible exchange
rate system cannot be claimed.
Price stability is optimal for the long-term prosperity of an
economy, and has received high importance in recent studies on
macro-economic policy. Obstfeld (1996) argued that, no matter what the
government's current action is, the economic agents' decision
or expectation is influenced by government's resources rather than
its current action or commitment. A government's potential future
action depends on relative size of losses under different policy
regimes. Obstfeld further maintains that, although a fixed exchange rate
system can bring about price stability, the government always has an
incentive to go for the flexible exchange rate system, as long as the
cost of changing the exchange rate is not high.
We have shown, however, that this assertion is valid only under
purchasing power parity condition. Even if the cost of the exchange rate
is zero, the implications drawn by Obstfeld may be accurate if PPP
doesn't hold. Under purchasing power disparity, a flexible exchange
rate system can be assured to do better, but only if the output target
is fully adjusted to its long-run equilibrium value and its long-run
real exchange rate is lower than its long-run equilibrium value.
Derivation of the Loss Functions
Lagging equation (3) by one period and subtracting it from the
original equation yields,
[e.sub.t] - [e.sub.t-1] - [p.sub.t] + [p.sub.t-1] + [p.sub.t]* -
[p.sub.t-1]* = [q.sub.t] - [q.sub.t-1] or [p.sub.t] - [p.sub.t-1] =
[e.sub.t] - [e.sub.t-1] + [p.sub.t]0* - [p.sub.t-1]* - ([p.sub.t] -
[q.sub.t-1]) [[PI].sub.t] = [[epsilon].sub.t] + [p.sub.t]* -
[p.sub.t-1]* - ([q.sub.t] - [q.sub.t-1]),
where, [[PI].sub.t] = [p.sub.t] - [p.sub.t-1] (i.e. the rate of
inflation) and [[epsilon].sub.t] = [e.sub.t] - [e.sub.t-1] (i.e. change
in exchange rate).
Assuming zero rate of inflation in foreign country (i.e. [p.sub.t]*
- [p.sub.t-1]* = 0) reduces the above equation to the following:
[[PI].sub.t] = [[epsilon].sub.t] - ([q.sub.t] - [q.sub.t-1]) (a1)
Substituting equation (4) into above yields,
[[PI].sub.t] = [[epsilon].sub.t] - [lambda]([zeta] - [q.sub.t-1]) -
[v.sub.t] (a2)
Taking conditional expectation of equation (a2) based on t period
Because, at the beginning of period t, [q.sub.t-1] is already
realized and [E.sub.t][q.sub.t-1] = [q.sub.t-1]. Subtracting equation
(a3) from (a2) yields,
Substituting equation (a4) into (2) yields,
[Y.sub.t] = [bar.Y] + [alpha][[epsilon].sub.t] -
[epsilon].sub.e].sup.e] - [v.sub.t]] + [u.sub.t] (a5)
Substituting equation (a2) and (a5) into (1) and ignoring c(e) for
the time being yields,
The first order condition for the minimization of equation (a6)
requires the following:
This implies the followings respectively:
This implies that, in a flexible exchange rate regime, the change
in exchange rate totally absorbs real exchange rate shock and partially
absorbs output shock. Substituting equation (a7) into (a6) yields,
Canceling similar terms with opposite signs and collecting terms
If exchange rate is fixed it implies that [[epsilon].sub.t] = 0 and
c([epsilon]) = 0. Substituting these relationships into equation (a8)
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Deergha Adhikari, University of Louisiana, Lafayette
Kishor K. Guru-Gharana, Texas A & M University, Commerce
Jennifer L. Flanagan, Texas A & M University, Commerce