Does the presence or lack of intellectual property right protection affect international trade flows in emerging market economies? An exploratory study.
Ngassam, Christopher
This study provides new evidence regarding the effects of patent
protection on international trade in developing countries also known as
"emerging market economies". It employs a gravity model of
bilateral trade flows and estimates the effects of increased protection
on a cross-section of 69x68 countries. It improves on previous studies
in two respects. First, we estimate the gravity model for two different
kinds of aggregates: total non-fuel trade and high technology trade.
Second, it addresses the problem of zero trade flows between countries
by adopting a bivariate distributed probit regression model. Third, to
measure the strength of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) regimes, we
make use of a fine tuned index on national IPRs systems developed by
Park and Ginarte (1996). Our results confirm previous findings
suggesting a positive link between IPRs protection and trade flows for
the non-fuel trade aggregate. However, IPRs are not found to be
significant for high technology trade flows.
Intellectual property rights (IPRs) affect international trade
flows when knowledge intensive goods move across national boundaries.
The importance of IPRs for trade has gained more significance as the
share of knowledge-intensive or high technology products in world trade
has doubled between 1990 and 2003 from 12% to 24% (UN Comtrade Data
Base). At the international level, IPRs have traditionally been governed
by several conventions--most prominently the Paris Convention for
patents and trademarks and the Berne Convention for copyright -, which
are administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).
In the 1980s, mounting disputes over IPRs lead to the inclusion of
trade-related IPRs on the agenda of the GATT/WTO Uruguay round and the
resulting "Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights Agreement,
including Trade in Counterfeit Goods" (TRIPs) of 1994 represents
the most far-reaching multilateral agreement towards global
harmonization of IPRs.
Several studies have attempted to estimate the extent to which IPRs
are trade-related. Maskus and Penubarti (1995) use an augmented version
of the Helpman-Krugman model of monopolistic competition to estimate the
effects of patent protection on international trade flows. Their results
indicate that higher levels of protection have a positive impact on
bilateral manufacturing imports into both small and large developing
economies. These results are confirmed by Primo Braga and Fink (1997)
where we estimated a similar model and found the same positive link
between patent protection and trade flows.
The purpose of this study is to provides additional evidence
regarding the effects of patent protection on the international trade
patterns of developing economies. It employs a gravity model of
bilateral trade flows and estimates the effects of increased protection
on a cross-section of 69x68 countries. The next section presents the
methodology. Section III describes the empirical results obtained while
Section IV concludes the paper.
To empirically estimate the effects of increased patent protection
on bilateral trade flows we use a conventional gravity model. Gravity
model has been applied successfully to explain different types of
international flows, such as migration, commuting, recreational traffic,
and trade. Typically, they specify that a flow from country i to country
j can be explained by supply conditions in country i, by demand
conditions in country j, and by forces either assisting or resisting the
flow's movement. Gravity models were developed based on intuitive
reasoning rather than economic modeling. Due to their empirical success,
there have been numerous attempts to shed some light on the economic
underpinnings of the gravity equation. Linneman (1966) showed how
standard gravity equation can be derived from a quasi-Walrasian general
equilibrium model of export supply and import demand. Bergstrand (1989)
used a general equilibrium world trade model assuming utility-and
profit-maximizing agent behavior and showed that the gravity model
"fits in the Heckscher-Ohlin model of inter-industry trade and the
Helpman-Krugman-Markusen of intra-industry trade.
Our dependent variables are bilateral trade flows for 69x68
countries which were extracted from the United Nations Comtrade
database. The data refer to 2003 total non-fuel and high technology
trade. The rationale for using high technology trade flows besides total
non-fuel trade is based on the a priori expectation that the effects of
IPRs protection are stronger for knowledge-intensive trade.
Following earlier specifications of gravity models, our explanatory
variables are GDP and population of both countries i and j, geographical
distance between the two countries, a dummy variable which is one of the
two countries share a common border and zero otherwise, and a dummy
variable which is one of the two countries share the same language and
zero otherwise. See, for example, Tinbergen (1962), Linneman (1966),
Aitken (1973), Pelzman (1977), and Primo Braga, Safadi and Yeats (1994).
The coefficients on GDP are expected to be positive and around unity
(Anderson 1979); the coefficients on population are expected to be small
and negative, representing economies of scales (Linneman 1966). Positive
geographic and cultural distance are expected to have a negative
influence on bilateral trade flows, that is the coefficient on
geographical distance is expected to be negative, the coefficients on
common border and language are expected to be positive.
Finally to capture the effect of intellectual property rights on
bilateral trade flows we use the IPRs index developed by Park and
Ginarte (1996). This index grades national IPRs regimes of 110 countries
on a scale from zero to five. To compute a country's ranking, Park
and Ginarte (1996) create five different categories--extent of coverage,
membership in international patent agreements, provisions for loss of
protection, enforcement mechanisms and duration of protection. For each
category, they use several benchmark criteria (e.g. patentability of
pharmaceuticals for extent of coverage) and compute the share of
"fulfilled" criteria. A country's score is the unweighted
sum of these shares over all categories. The United States receives the
highest score, 4.52; several nations without patent laws (e.g., Angola,
Burma, Ethiopia, Papua New Guinea) receive a score of 0.
A common problem regarding the estimation of bilateral trade flows
are reported as zero because countries do not trade with each other. For
example, in our data set on average about 26% of the total non-fuel
trade flows and 53% high technology trade flows are zero. A standard
log-linear model with a log-normally distributed error term can not , by
definition, explain these zero trade flows. Simple exclusion of zero
trade flows would lead to potential sample selection bias. There are
several ways how to address this problem. We follow Bikker and de Vos (1992), who propose a bivariate normally distributed probit regression.
The model consists of an equation for the probability of zero
observations and an equation for the magnitude of a positive action:
[[gamma].sub.ij] = [x.sub.ij] [beta] + [u.sub.ij] (2)
[I.sub.ij] is the observed phenomenon which is 0 if the bilateral
trade flow between country i and j zero and [y.sub.ij]--the log of
bilateral trade--if the trade flow is positive; [z.sub.ij] is the log of
the variables explaining the probability of a positive observation (the
gravity variables without the preferential trading dummies and the Park
and Ginarte index), and [gamma] the corresponding vector of coefficients
for these variables. [v.sub.ij] is a normally distributed error term
with mean zero; the variance of [v.sub.ij] is normalized to one as all
parameters [gamma] are determined apart from a constant. [x.sub.ij] is
the logarithm of the explanatory variables for positive trade flows (the
gravity variables and the Park and Ginarte index), [beta] the
corresponding vector of coefficients to be estimated, and [u.sub.ij] a
normally distributed error term with mean zero and variance
[[sigma].sup.2]. The error terms [v.sub.ij] and [u.sub.ij] are
correlated with each other and drawn from a bivariate normal
distribution with a correlation coefficient equal to [rho]. Equations
(1) and (2) are estimated by maximum likelihood technique.
Besides addressing the problem of sample selectivity, the bivariate
probit regression model is attractive because it also estimates the
effects of explanatory variables (such as IPRs) on the probability that
two countries trade with each other. To evaluate the robustness of the
results, we estimate these two model specifications for both
exports--bilateral trade flows from country i to country j as reported
by country i--and imports--bilateral trade flows from country j to
country i as reported by country i. Since we are primarily interested in
the role of IPRs in attracting trade flows and not in creating trade
flows, we only use the Park and Ginarte index of the destination country
of the trade flow as explanatory variable (that is country j in the case
of exports and the country i in the case of imports).
Our estimation results are presented in Tables 1 through 3. The
overall performance of the model is quite good. Most gravity variables
have the expected signs and are statistically significant. Exceptions
are for total non-fuel trade (Tables 1 and 2) the coefficient on the
border dummy are, however, not significant. For the high technology
aggregate (Table 3), the exceptions are similar: the coefficients on the
border dummy is not statistically significant. Likelihood ratio tests
indicate that for all alternative specifications estimated the
explanatory variables are jointly significantly different from zero.
The estimated correlation coefficients between the probit and
gravity equations [rho] are always close to zero and not statistically
based on a likelihood ratio test for both total non-fuel and high
technology trade. For both total non-fuel imports and exports, the Park
and Ginarte index has only a small effect on the probability of positive
trade flows between countries, although the effect is positive and
statistically significant at the 5% level for total non-fuel exports.
Turning to the gravity equation, IPRs have significantly positive impact
on bilateral trade flows for both total non-fuel imports and exports.
Comparisons of models (I) and (II) in Tables 1 and 2 suggests that
inclusion of IPRs leads to relatively small changes in the coefficients
of most gravity variables. The biggest changes occur in the coefficients
on GDP and population of the destination country of the trade flow.
These changes can be explained by the strong correlation strength of
IPRs protection and the level of economic development as measured by per
capita GDP. To what extent we pick up development related effects
related to bilateral trade with the Park and Ginarte index remains open
to discussion.
For high technology trade in Table 3 the evolving pattern is
different. For both exports and imports, the Park and Ginarte index has
a significantly negative impact on the probability that countries trade
with each other. The impact of IPRs on positive trade flows, in turn is
slightly negative but not statistically significant. This result is
somewhat surprising. If IPRs influence trade flows, we would expect this
influence to be most visible for trade in knowledge-intensive goods.
Several explanations can be brought forward. First, strong market power
effects in the case of high technology goods may offset positive market
expansion effects caused by stronger IPRs regimes. Second, stronger IPRs
regimes may cause high technology firms to serve foreign markets by FDI,
in-part substituting for trade flows. Third, it may be that the Park and
Ginarte index does not correctly capture the IPRs effect or that
development related effects interplay with stronger IPRs protection.
With an increasing share of knowledge-intensive products in
international trade and the inclusion of trade-related IPRs on the
agenda of the GATT/WTO, IPRs have become an important trade issue.
Economic analysis suggests that the effects of IPRs protection on
bilateral trade flows are theoretically ambiguous. Because of the
complex static and dynamic considerations related to a policy of tighter
protection, it is difficult to generate normative recommendations. When
estimating the effects of IPRs protection in a gravity model of
bilateral trade flows, our empirical results suggest that, on average,
higher levels of protection have significantly positive impact on
non-fuel trade. However, this result is not confirmed when confining the
estimation to high technology goods where we found IPRs to have no
statistically significant impact.
More empirical research is needed to gain more insight regarding
the IPRs-trade link, especially at industry and firm level. The
challenge of such research will be to find 'natural
experiments' to overcome the colineraty and endogeneity problems of
the cross-country type of analyses like the present study. One
alternative, for instance, would be to consider a country which at some
point in the past significantly changed its system of IPRs and to test
for structural change. A further important field of research is to
examine the impact of tighter IPRs on FDI and their interplay with trade
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Christopher Ngassam, Virginia State University
Table 1: Maximum Likelihood Estimates for Total Non-Fuel Imports (a)
Model (I)
Equation Probit Gravity
Intercept -7.000 (-27.40) -10.228 (-29.02)
GDP (i) 0.541 (31.47) 1.109 (51.73)
GDP (j) 0.567 (32.36) 1.341 (61.89)
Population (i) -.0194 (-9.80) -0.233 (-8.53)
Population (j) -0.058 (-3.03) -0.333 (-12.76)
Distance -0.435 (-12.17) -1.109 (-23.87)
Border -0.376 (-2.32) 0.179 (0.91)
Language 0.592 (8.67) 0.861 (9.50)
IPRs (b)
[rho] 2.100
Obs. 7304 5492
[rho] -0.034
-2ln[lambda] 0.853
([rho] = 0) (c)
-2ln [lambda]({[gamma], 8874.433
[beta]}= 0) (c)
Model (II)
Equation Probit Gravity
Intercept -6.960 (26.28) -10.956 (-30.58)
GDP (i) 0.545 (29.90) .949 (34.98)
GDP (j) 0.566 (32.33) 1.339 (62.12)
Population (i) -0.198 (-9.17) -0.082 (-2.64)
Population (j) -0.058 (-3.03) -0.336 (-12.97)
Distance -0.437 (-12.15) -1.060 (-23.20)
Border -0.378 (-2.33) 0.239 (1.27)
Language 0.591 (8.66) 0.867 (9.62)
IPRs (b) -0.014 (-0.53) 0.369 (9.59)
[rho] 2.083
Obs. 7304 5492
[rho] -0.043
-2ln[lambda] 1.346
([rho] = 0) (c)
-2ln[lambda]({[gamma], 8965.677
[beta]}= 0) (c)
(a) t-statistics in parentheses
(b) Park and Ginarte index of the destination country of
the trade flow, that is country (j) in the case of exports and
country (i) in the case of imports.
Table 2: Maximum Likelihood Estimates for Total Non-Fuel Exports (a)
Model (I)
Equation Probit Gravity
Intercept -6.631 (-27.77) -10.791 (-29.31)
GDP (i) 0.556 (33.86) 1.374 (60.26)
GDP (j) 0.458 (29.84) 1.017 (46.85)
Population (i) -0.052 (-2.84) -0.320 (-12.18)
Population (j) -0.153 (-8.15) -0.137 (-4.90)
Distance -0.473 (-13.55) -1.114 (-23.69)
Border -0.393 (-2.54) 0.301 (1.52)
Language 0.588 (8.96) 0.826 (8.95)
IPRs (b)
r 2.113
obs. 7309 5294
r 0.005
-2lnl (r = 0) (c) 0.016
-2lnl ({g,b}= 0) (c) 8520.968
Model (II)
Equation Probit Gravity
Intercept -6.766 (-27.10) -11.170 (-29.55)
GDP (i) 0.556 (33.85) 1.374 (60.38)
GDP (j) 0.443 (25.93) 0.945 (35.11)
Population (i) -0.052 (-2.83) -0.3320 (-12.20)
Population (j) -0.137 (-6.57) -0.070 (-2.17)
Distance -0.467 (-13.34) -1.100 (-23.41)
Border -0.381 (-2.47) 0.328 (1.65)
Language 0.588 (8.97) 0.826 (8.98)
IPRs (b) 0.047 (1.92) 0.176 (4.46)
r 2.109
obs. 7309 5294
r 0.002
-2lnl (r = 0) (c) 0.003
-2lnl ({g,b}= 0) (c) 8544.524
(a) t-statistics in parentheses
(b) Park and Ginarte index of the destination country
of the trade flow: country (j) for exports and country (i) for imports.
Table 3: Maximum Likelihood Estimates for High Technology Imports (a)
Model (I)
Equation Probit Gravity
Intercept -5.494 (-27.17) -14.487 (-26.21)
GDP (i) 0.568 (40.12) 0.911 (22.68)
GDP (j) 0.495 (36.36) 1.898 (52.12)
Population (i) -.0324 (-18.71) -0.086 (-2.06)
Population (j) -0.170 (-10.31) -0.733 (-20.70)
Distance -0.421 (-13.56) -1.115 (-19.11)
Border 0.011 (0.08) 0.157 (0.64)
Language 0.480 (8.54) 1.154 (9.53)
IPRs (b)
r 2.229
Obs. 7304 3548
r 0.066
-2lnl (r = 0) (c) 1.354
-2lnl ({g,b}= 0) (c) 7606.860
Model (II)
Equation Probit Gravity
Intercept -4.794 (-22.87) -14.313 (-26.95)
GDP (i) 0.717 (39.04) 0.960 (16.69)
GDP (j) 0.512 (36.45) 1.897 (52.38)
Population (i) -0.474 (-22.59) -0.132 (-2.38)
Population (j) -0.175 (-10.43) -0.731 (-20.70)
Distance -0.466 (-14.62) -1.124 (-19.00)
Border -0.110 (-0.78) 0.141 (0.61)
Language 0.488 (8.43) 1.146 (9.49)
IPRs (b) -0.340 (-14.09) -0.093 (-1.50)
r 2.228
Obs. 7304 3548
r 0.064
-2lnl (r = 0) (c) 1.309
-2lnl ({g,b}= 0) (c) 7812.274
(a) t-statistics in parentheses
(b) Park and Ginarte index of the destination country of the
trade flow: country (j) for exports and country (i) for imports.