Convergence in major euro-zone stock markets: evidence from monthly data.
Caples, Stephen ; Hanna, Michael E. ; Perdue, Grady 等
This paper investigates whether the introduction of the euro as a
common currency promotes integration among the major Euro-zone stock
markets. To carry out this investigation, the dynamics of the stock
markets of Germany, France and Italy are studied. Monthly data on stock
returns from February 1994 through December 2003 are employed. There is
some evidence of increasing integration among these markets. Presumably,
the post-euro sub-sample period may be too short to reveal the true
extent of enhancing market integration.
Eleven European countries introduced a common currency (euro) since
January 1, 1999 replacing their own national currencies. They gave up
their monetary authority to create the European Central Bank (ECB) that
issues the euro and implements a common monetary policy for them.
Adoption of the euro makes it easier for multinational corporations to
design plans, pricing policies and invoicing. It eliminates exchange
rate risk and facilitates the comparability of cross-border prices.
Reduced risk and lower cross-border currency conversion costs
promote the flows of trade and investments among member countries and
should bring about greater integration of Europe's capital, labor
and commodity markets. Consequently, a more efficient allocation of
resources is also induced within the region as a whole. Increased trade,
in turn, has intensified Europe-wide competition in goods and services inspiring a wave of corporate restructurings including transnational
mergers and acquisitions. The euro is thus expected to initiate
necessary restructurings of the Euro-zone economy making it flexible,
dynamic, productive, and better able to rival the mega U.S. economy.
Currently, governments of twelve Euro-zone countries can also issue
bonds in euros, just as individual American states can issue dollar
bonds. Likewise, Euro-zone corporations can issue stocks and bonds
including other financial assets in euros. As a result, the euro is
expected to enhance capital market convergence among the twelve
Euro-zone countries. Although the full impact of Euro is yet to unfold,
its effects have already been discernible.
The focus of this paper is the major Euro-zone equity markets and
the issue of convergence using monthly data for the pre-and post- euro
sub-periods. Since there is not a single European stock market, the main
objectives of this paper are to determine if the euro introduction
affects the integration of the above markets, and to determine if the
integration has increased during the post-euro sub-period relative to
the pre-euro sub-period.
Many studies (theoretical and empirical) analyze the linkages among
many national stock indices. If national stock markets were integrated,
the lags of the price adjustments in these stock markets would be
reduced (Koch and Koch, 1991). The empirical results usually depict
significant correlation between markets in near geographic areas. The
relaxation of controls on capital movements and foreign exchange
transactions, improvements in computer and communication technology,
expansion in multinational operations of major corporations, and above
all globalization of financial transactions make stock markets
increasingly synchronized and shorten the adjustment delays in
international prices [Gelos and Sahay (2000), Jeon and Chiang(1991)].
There have been several studies about linkages and dynamic
interactions among international stock markets with conflicting
evidence. The results vary depending upon the choice of markets, the
sample period, the frequency of observations (daily, weekly or monthly)
and the different methodologies employed. Jafe and Westerfield (1985),
Schollhammer and Sand (1985), and Arshanapalli and Doukas (1993) find
substantial increases in the degree of international co-movements among
stock price indices of the U.S., U.K., France and Germany excepting
Japan. Hamao et al. (1997), Susmel and Engle (1994), and Booth et al.
(1997) using ARCH models find linkages and spillovers in stock markets.
Ayuso and Blanco (2000) using GARCH methodology discover increased
linkages during 1995-1999 as compared to 1990-94 among the stock markets
of the USA, Japan, U.K., France, Italy, Spain and Germany. Moreno and
Olmeda (2002) conclude that the European stock markets became more
integrated during 1999-2001; and the German market has increased its
leadership into the euro-area because of its dominant role in the
European monetary policy. In contrast, Roll (1988), Dwyer and Hafer
(1988), Maldonado and Saunders (1981), Chan et al. (1992), De Miguel et
al. (1998), and Moreno and Olmeda (2002) find evidence against stock
market linkages for several countries.
The methodology involved in this empirical study is outlined as
follows: First, the nature of the data distribution of each variable is
examined by using the standard descriptive statistics (mean, median,
standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis). Second, a correlogram of the
yearly averages of the explanatory variables is computed to identify the
extent of their bilateral linear relationship and the existence of
multicollinearity including its severity. Third, the time series
property of each variable is investigated in terms of the ADF (Augmented
Dickey-Fuller) test for unit root (nonstationarity) following [Dickey
and Fuller (1981), and Fuller (1996)].
The simple ADF test, as outlined in (Dickey and Fuller, 1981), is
implemented by using the following regression models:
[DELTA][Y.sub.t] = [alpha] + [[beta].sub.0] [Y.sub.t-l] +
[L.summation over (i=l)] [[beta].sub.i][DELTA][Y.sub.t-i] + [U.sub.t]
[DELTA][X.sub.t] = [alpha]' + [[beta]'.sub.0] [X.sub.t-l]
+ [L.summation over (i=l)] [[beta]'.sub.i][DELTA] [X.sub.t-i] +
[U'.sub.t] (1)
[DELTA][Z.sub.t] = [alpha]" + [[beta]".sub.0] [Z.sub.t-l]
+ [L.summation over (i=l)] [[beta]".sub.i][DELTA][Z.sub.t-i] +
[U'.sub.t] (1)
Y = percentage change of German stock index (DAX)
X = percentage change of French stock index (CAC 4016)
Z = percentage change of Italian stock index (MIBTEL)
[DELTA] = first difference operator
L = number of optimum lags
t = time subscript
U = random disturbance term
All these stock indices are in U.S. dollar terms. The
aforementioned major stock indices have been selected because of their
high market capitalizations, vibrancy and dominance in the Euro-zone.
Moreover, Germany, France and Italy have comparable developed, maturing
and sophisticated stock markets within the Euro-zone.
The ADF test is performed to accept or reject the null hypothesis of unit root in the following test:
[H.sub.0]: [b.sub.0] = 0 (or [b.sub.0]' = 0 or [b.sub.0]"
= 0)
[H.sub.a]: [b.sub.0] < 0 (or [b.sub.0]' < 0 or
[b.sub.0]" < 0).
Some definitive inferences on the stationarity/nonstationarity
property for each variable of interest are drawn to determine the
appropriate estimating statistical procedure
In view of the evidence of stationarity in each variable, it is
appropriate to implement the Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model, which is
augmented by the inclusion of a dummy variable. The estimating models
are specified as follows:
The dummy variable D is included to capture the effects of
qualitative variables and major policy changes. For the post-euro
sub-period, D = 1; otherwise D = 0.
The appropriate lag-structures k, l, and m are determined by the
Akaike (1969) information criterion. The VAR models without a dummy
variable are also separately estimated for the pre-euro (March, 1994
through December, 1998) and post -euro (January, 1999 through December,
2003) sub-periods. The objective is to identify whether the lagged delay
has decayed during the post-euro sub-period as compared to the pre-euro
sub-period. Monthly data on the stock indices from February 1994 through
December 2003 are employed. The data have been obtained from
Table 1 provides the mean, median, standard deviation, skewness and
kurtosis for the monthly market returns in each country.
As observed in Table 1, the data distribution of each variable is
near-symmetric. The stock market rates of return in Germany, France and
Italy are significantly positively correlated as shown in Table 2.
The pair-wise simple correlation coefficients vary from 0.657 to
0.858 indicating a high degree of market integration. The German and
French stock markets have a relatively higher degree of integration when
compared to that of the Italian stock market.
Next, the time series property of each variable is examined
invoking the simple ADF (Augmented Dickey-Fuller) test for unit root
(nonstationarity). The ADF unit root test results are reported in Table
As depicted in Table 3, the calculated ADF value of each variable
is much larger than the critical values at 1 percent and higher levels
of significance. Their comparison clearly rejects the null hypothesis of
unit root (nonstationarity). On the evidence of data stationarity,
Vector Autoregressive (VAR) models (4), (5) and (6) are estimated with a
dummy variable to capture the structural changes during the post-euro
sub-period. The estimates of VAR model (4) are shown in Table 4.
Table 4 shows that the numerical coefficient of the dummy variable
is quite low and statistically insignificant indicating a lack of
discernible convergence. However, the lagged delays seem to have reduced
over time. This is somewhat in contrast with the empirical evidence on
the dummy variable.
The estimates of VAR model (5) are shown in Table 5.
As shown in Table 5, the coefficient of the dummy variable is not
significant. Thus, there is no evidence of increasing market convergence
during the post-euro sub-period. However, the lagged delays of other
variables decayed over time indicating increasing convergence among
German, French and Italian stock markets.
The estimates of VAR model (6) are reported in Table 6.
The evidence with regard to the dummy variable is almost identical
to that in the preceding cases. There is evidence of decaying lagged
delays suggesting market convergence. However, the results are not
statistically significant in most cases. The estimates of models (4)
through (6) reveal the dominance of the German stock market as expected.
VAR model (4) is estimated with an exclusion of the dummy variable
for pre-euro and post-euro sub-periods. The estimates are provided in
Tables 7, 8, and 9.
The estimates in Table 7 confirm some increase in market
convergence as reflected through an improvement in the numerical
coefficients and the associated t-values during the post-euro
sub-period. Similar conclusions can be drawn when comparing the
numerical values of the adjusted [R.sup.2] and F-statistic for the
pre-and post-euro sub-periods.
Table 8 shows the same results in terms of the numerical
coefficients of the relevant variables with the associated t-values,
adjusted [R.sup.2], and the F-statistic. Again, the German stock market
seems to dominate other markets within the region.
A comparison of the estimates in Table 9 reveals increasing
convergence in the stock markets of Germany, France and Italy.
The data on stock returns for Germany, France and Italy are
stationary. The dummy variable approach sheds no additional light on
convergence of the stock markets in Germany, France and Italy. However,
there is evidence on decaying lagged delays indicating increasing market
convergence. The estimates of the VAR models (4) through (6) without a
dummy variable for pre-euro and post-euro sub-periods imply similar
conclusions. In closing, the post-euro sub-sample period is possibly too
short to divulge the true extent of market integration.
Arshanapalli, B. & J. Doukas (1993). International stock market
linkages: evidence from the pre-and post-October 1987 period. Journal of
Banking and Finance, 7(1), 193-208.
Ayuso, J. & R. Blanco (2002). Has financial market integration
increased during the 1990s? BIS Conference paper N. 8, International
financial markets and the implications for monetary and financial
stability, March 2000, 175-195.
Booth, G.G., Martikainen, T., & Y. Tse (1997). Price and
volatility spillovers in Scandinavian stock markets. Journal of Banking
and Finance, 21, 811-823.
Chan, C., Benton, E.G., & M. Pan (1992). An empirical analysis
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Stephen Caples, McNeese State University
Michael E. Hanna, University of Houston - Clear Lake
Grady Perdue, University of Houston - Clear Lake
Matiur Rahman, McNeese State University
Table 1: Descriptive Statistics
Descriptors Germany France Italy
Mean 0.774 0.656 0.986
Median 1.112 0.671 0.071
Std. Dev 6.746 6.151 6.940
Skewness -0.271 -0.054 0.303
Kurtosis 4.337 3.120 3.031
Table 2: Correlogram
Germany France Italy
Germany 1,000 0.858 0.657
France 0.858 1.000 0.675
Italy 0.657 0.675 1.000
Table 3: ADF Unit Root Test
Variable ADF Statistic ADF Critical Values
Y -11.430 -3.486
X -11.832 -2.886
Z -11.409 -2.580
Variable Level of significance
Y 1%
X 5%
Z 10%
Table 4: Estimates of Model (4)
Variable Coefficient t-Statistic Prob.
[D.sub.1] -0.612 -0.949 0.345
[Y.sub.t-1] -0.119-1.263 0.209
[Y.sub.t-2] 0.050 0.522 0.603
[Z.sub.t] 0.158 2.482 0.015
[Z.sub.t-1] 0.122 1.895 0.061
[Z.sub.t-2] -0.024 -0.382 0.703
[X.sub.t] 0.825 11.697 0.000
[X.sub.t-1] 0.036 0.343 0.732
[X.sub.t-2] -0.026 -0.240 0.811
Adjusted [R.sup.2] = 0.747, F = 39.454, DW = 2.011, n = 118
Table 5: Estimates of Model (5)
Variable Coefficient t-Statistic Prob.
[D.sub.t] 0.465 0.794 0.429
[X.sub.t-1] -0.129 -1.353 0.179
[X.sub.t-2] -0.086 -0.895 0.373
[Z.sub.t] 0.165 2.883 0.005
[Z.sub.t-1] -0.058 -0.982 0.328
[Z.sub.t-2] 0.018 0.314 0.754
[Y.sub.t] 0.678 11.697 0.000
[Y.sub.t-1] 0.124 1.451 0.150
[Y.sub.t-2] 0.040 0.462 0.645
Adjusted [R.sup.2] = 0.751, F = 40.222, DW = 2.004, n = 118
Table 6 Estimates of Model (6)
Variable Coefficient t-Statistic Prob.
[D.sub.1] -0.726 -0.767 0.445
[Z.sub.t-1] -0.155 -1.634 0.105
[Z.sub.t-2] -0.050 -0.537 0.592
[X.sub.t] 0.341 2.482 0.015
[X.sub.t-1] -0.032 -0.227 0.821
[X.sub.t-2] -0.216 -1.564 0.121
[Y.sub.t] 0.433 2.883 0.005
[Y.sub.t-1] 0.212 1.372 0.173
[Y.sub.t-2] 0.295 1.920 0.058
Adjusted [R.sup.2] = 0.471, F = 12.596, DW = 2.032, n = 118
Table 7: Pre-and Post-Euro Comparisons (Dependent Variable: Y)
Pre-Euro Sub-period
Variable Coefficient t-Statistic
[Y.sub.t-1] -0.296 -2.126
[Y.sub.t-2] 0.048 0.342
[Z.sub.t] 0.111 1.581
[Z.sub.t-] 0.156 2.520
[Z.sub.t-3] -0.025 -0.360
[X.sub.t] 0.637 6.830
[X.sub.t-1] 0.059 0.450
[X.sub.t-2] -0.003 -0.024
Post-Euro Sub-period
Coefficient t-Statistic
[Y.sub.t-1] 0.084 0.596
[Y.sub.t-2] 0.040 0.282
[Z.sub.t] 0.146 1.163
[Z.sub.t-] 0.054 0.421
[Z.sub.t-3] 0.0002 0.001
[X.sub.t] 0.999 8.378
[X.sub.t-1] -0.081 -0.447
[X.sub.t-2] -0.093 -0.524
Adjusted [R.sup.2] = 0.610, F = 12.129, DW =2.045,
n = 58; Adjusted [R.sup.2] = 0.844, F = 40.871, DW =2.010, n = 60
Table 8: Pre-and Post-Euro Comparisons (Dependent Variable: X)
Variable Coefficient t-Statistic
[X.sub.t-1] -0.227 -1.627
[X.sub.t-2] -0.130 -0.955
[Z.sub.t] 0.116 1.502
[Z.sub.t-1] -0.101 -1.282
[Z.sub.t-2] -0.004 -0.056
[Y.sub.t] 0.765 6.830
[Y.sub.t-1] 0.362 2.398
[Y.sub.t-2] 0.005 0.030
Variable Coefficient t-Statistic
[X.sub.t-1] 0.089 0.646
[X.sub.t-2] -0.030 -0.217
[Z.sub.t] 0.293 3.341
[Z.sub.t-1] 0.018 0.183
[Z.sub.t-2] 0.021 0.226
[Y.sub.t] 0.580 8.378
[Y.sub.t-1] -0.145 -1.377
[Y.sub.t-2] 0.044 0.411
Adjusted [R.sup.2] = 0.609, F = 12.080, DW = 2.000, n = 58;
Adjusted [R.sup.2] = 0.870, F = 50.644, DW = 2.002, n = 60
Table 9: Pre-and Post-Euro Comparisons (Dependent Variable: Z)
Pre-Euro Sub-period
Variable Coefficient t-Statistic
[Z.sub.t-1] -0.153 -1.069
[Z.sub.t-2] -0.015 -0.105
[Y.sub.t] 0.437 1.581
[Y.sub.t-1] -0.191 -0.666
[Y.sub.t-2] -0.373 -1.362
[X.sub.t] 0.379 1.502
[X.sub.t-1] 0.382 1.505
[X.sub.t-2] 0.368 1.518
Post-Euro Sub-period
Variable Coefficient t-Statistic
[Z.sub.t-1] -0.193 -1.397
[Z.sub.t-2] 0.074 -0.541
[Y.sub.t] 0.177 1.623
[Y.sub.t-1] 0.206 1.354
[Y.sub.t-2] -0.142 -0.913
[X.sub.t] 0.613 3.341
[X.sub.t-1] -0.042 -0.208
[X.sub.t-2] 0.218 1.222
Adjusted [R.sup.2] = 0.239, F = 3.238, DW = 2.027, n =
58; Adjusted [R.sup.2] =0.704, F = 18.558, DW =2.049, n = 60