The relation between growth and inflation rates in Latin America.
Van Rensselaer, Kristen N. ; Copeland, Joe
Inflation has long been a problem for countries in Latin America.
While some countries have made progress in addressing the problem, other
countries have not been able to achieve sustained economic growth.
Keynesian thought posits the notion that inflation and growth can be
positively related, while other theories suggest that inflation is
detrimental to long-run growth. Various empirical studies yield
conflicting results. This study applies two Granger causality tests to
seventeen Latin American countries in order to determine possible
long-run relations. For most of the countries, no causality is found,
while unidirectional causality and bi-directional causality is found in
a limited number of countries.
Historically, many Latin American countries have been plagued by
inflation problems though the problem has not been universally severe.
During the past few decades, some of the countries have made
considerable progress toward controlling inflation while others still
struggle in the battle against inflation. Some countries in the region
have also encountered difficulties in maintaining respectable economic
growth rates. The purpose of this paper is to explore the relations that
appear to exist between inflation and economic growth in selected Latin
American countries and to note some of the econometric problems that
exist in analyses of this nature.
There is far from universal agreement regarding the relation
between inflation and economic growth, and this relation has long held a
central position in macroeconomics. The traditional Keynesian view would
hold that inflation can act as a stimulus to economic growth. This view
is typically expressed through a short run Phillips curve tradeoff
(Paul, Kearney & Chowdhury, 1997) that arises due to sticky prices
and wages. Thus, in the short run, faster real growth may be associated
with inflation (Motley, 1998). However, the Phillips curve tradeoff
tends to disappear as economic agents are able to anticipate price
changes. These views were especially prominent in the 1960's and
continued into the 1980's (Bruno & Easterly, 1996).
There are strong arguments that inflation is detrimental to
economic growth, especially in the long run. Inflation makes it
difficult for economic agents to make correct decisions since changes in
relative prices become obscured (Harberger, 1998). Inflation imposes
variable costs, especially menu costs. If inflation is high, the
variability of inflation may also be high and this complicates the task
of forecasting inflation. If inflation cannot be correctly anticipated,
both savers and investors may be lead to make decisions that are
detrimental to economic growth. This view is traditional and, in spite
of the Keynesian views promulgated in the 1960's and thereafter,
this view is incorporated into models of the new-growth literature
(Bruno & Easterly, 1996).
The empirical evidence regarding the inflation-growth relation is
mixed. Fischer (1993) found that real GDP growth is negatively related
to inflation in cross sectional regressions and that low inflation is
not necessary for growth. Using extreme bounds analysis, Levine and
Zervos (1993) found that there is not a significant negative correlation between growth and inflation. They suggest that if inflation persists
over a long time period, economic agents find mechanisms to adjust so
that growth is not affected. However, cross-country regressions
involving socio-economic variables often produce fragile results (Levine
& Renelt, 1992).
Grier and Tullock (1989) found that the average level of inflation
had a neutral effect on growth in the OECD countries but for the
remainder of the world, inflation had a significant negative effect on
growth. For Latin America, they found no statistical relation between
inflation and growth. Barro (1997), in a world wide cross sectional
analysis, found a negative relation between inflation and growth, though
the effect could not be isolated for inflation rates below 20 percent.
Other research by Barro (1996) indicates that the experiences of high
inflation have adverse effects on investment and growth. Kocherlakota
(1996) supports Barro's findings of a negative slope coefficient between growth and inflation and further shows that high growth tends to
generate low inflation.
Until the 1970's, many studies found the negative effect of
inflation on economic growth to be statistically insignificant, and in
some instances, the effect was found to be positive (Sarel, 1996). The
high and persistent inflation rates experienced by some countries during
the 1970's and 1980's brought about a rethinking of the
inflation-growth link.
The preceding review of cross-sectional studies, while not
exhaustive, does not provide clear evidence of the growth-inflation
relation. There are numerous problems associated with the use of
cross-country regression analysis. Levine and Renalt (1992) and Temple
(1999) review some of the methodological problems. Pooled cross-country
data sets tend not to be informative regarding what happens in the lower
ranges of inflation (Bruno & Easterly, 1998). The empirical relation
between growth and inflation appears to be different for Africa and
Latin America (Ericsson, Irons & Tryon, 2001).
Time series analysis, which does have the advantage of unmasking
relations for individual countries, has yet to provide evidence of a
universal relation between growth and inflation. Paul, Kearney, and
Chowdhury (1997) performed Granger causality tests on 70 countries for
the 1960-1989 time period. For 40 percent of the countries, no causality
was found; for approximately one-third of the countries, unidirectional
causality was found; and for approximately one-fifth of the countries,
bidirectional causality was found. In 19 of the countries, the direction
of causality ran from growth to inflation, while the direction ran from
inflation to growth for seven countries.
In this analysis, the correlation between the growth and inflation
rates for each of the 17 Latin American countries is examined. Then the
data are subjected to Granger causality tests in order to determine if
long run relations exist and to determine the direction of causality.
The data cover the 40-year period from 1961 through 2000.
Annual data used for the 17 Latin American countries were extracted
from the World Bank's World Development Indicators: 2002 (cd-rom
version). Annual inflation rates reflect annual percent changes in the
CPI. Changes in the CPI are used in place of the GDP deflator since, by
construction, the GDP deflators are negatively correlated with growth
rates (Sarel, 1996). For this study, economic growth rates are defined
as annual percent changes in real GDP. The countries included in the
study are those Latin American countries for which 40 years of annual
CPI and GDP growth rates could be obtained.
As a first step in analyzing the growth-inflation relation, the
simple correlation coefficients between the annual percentage increases
in the real GDP growth rate and the CPI were examined for the each
country, and those correlation coefficients appear in Table 1. Only two
countries, Paraguay and Uruguay, have positive coefficients, and in both
cases, the resulting p-values are extremely large. Only two of the
countries, Costa Rica and Mexico, had reasonably high coefficients, and
in both instances, the level of significance is quite high.
Table 2 shows the mean growth and inflation rates for the 17
countries. These rates are the simple arithmetic average rates for the
40-year time period. Only three of the 17 countries had average growth
rates below two percent, and seven countries had average growth rates in
excess of four percent.
Three of the countries (Argentina, Bolivia, and Peru) had
triple-digit average inflation rates. Argentina experienced triple-digit
inflation in 15 of the 40 study years. Bolivia only had that experience
for three of the 40 years, but in one year the inflation rate was in the
5-digit range. Panama had the lowest average inflation rate, but its
economy has been dollarized for quite some time.
The correlation coefficients indicate that, for 15 of the 17
countries, a possible negative relation exists between growth and
inflation, while a positive relation could exist for two of the
countries. However, the preceding correlation analysis indicates nothing
about the direction of causality. Furthermore, well-known difficulties
with time series analysis may be present. If the data are nonstationary,
then the results found may be spurious (Murray, 1994).
In order to gain insight into the direction of causality between
inflation and growth, two causality techniques will be used. While no
statistical test can indicate true causality, inference can be made as
to which variable may precede another variable.
The first technique is the test for Granger causality (Granger,
1969). With Granger causality, to determine if growth (Y) "Granger
causes" inflation (P), the following two regression equations are
[P.sub.t] = [alpha][m.summation over
(i=1)][[beta].sub.i][P.sub.t-i] + [e.sub.t] (1)
[P.sub.t] = [alpha][m.summation over (i=1)][[empty
set].sub.i][P.sub.t-i] + [n.summation over
(i=1)][[delta].sub.i][Y.sub.t-i] + [u.sub.t] (2)
The first equation is the current inflation values regressed on
lagged values of inflation. The second equation adds lagged values of
growth to determine if past values of growth assist in the prediction of
current values of inflation. An F-test is then used to determine whether
the coefficients of the lagged growth rates in the second equation may
be considered to be zero. To test for causation from inflation to
growth, the test is repeated where growth is regressed on past values of
growth and then compared to the regression of current values of growth
regressed on past values of growth and inflation. The direction of
causation between growth and inflation can be one of four possibilities:
inflation to growth, growth to inflation, bidirectional between growth
and inflation, or no relationship between growth and inflation.
The second technique used to investigate the direction of causality
is the method used by Paul, Kearney, and Chowdhury (1997). This
variation of the Granger causality model allows for "instantaneous causality" by allowing current values of inflation to play a role
in determining current values of growth and vice versa. The authors
consider this to be advantageous for annual data due to the speed with
which information is transmitted through an economy. The model used in
this paper differs slightly from the one suggested in Paul, Kearney, and
Chowdhury (1997). Paul, et. al., includes the growth rate of money as a
possible determinant of inflation. This paper excludes this variable
since the focus is on the relationship between inflation and growth
only. The following models will be used to further test for causality.
For these models, the significance of the coefficients will be used to
determine the direction of causality.
[P.sub.t] = [alpha][l.summation over (i=1)][[empty
set].sub.i][P.sub.t-i] + [p.summation over (i=0)][gamma][Y.sub.t-i] +
[v.sub.t] (3)
[Y.sub.t] = [alpha][q.summation over
(i=1)][[lambda].sub.i][Y.sub.t-i] + [r.summation over
(i=0)][[eta].sub.i] [P.sub.t-i] + [z.sub.t] (4)
Before proceeding with the causality tests, it is important to
determine the order of integration of the data. Estimation of the
equations requires the use of stationary data. If both growth and
inflation rates are nonstationary, cointegration tests are a more
appropriate technique to discern long-run relationships and Granger
causality. Dickey-Fuller (1979, 1981) and Phillips-Perron (1988) Unit
Root tests are two commonly used techniques to determine whether or not
time series is stationary. More than one test is typically used due to
the low power of the tests. If the tests confirm one another, greater
confidence can be placed in the results (Enders, 1995).
Table 3 reports the results of the unit root tests. The lag length
was selected using Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). After selecting
the lag length, the selection of appropriate model is addressed. The
choice for the models includes a time trend and constant, a constant, or
no time trend or constant (none). The power of unit root tests is very
sensitive to the deterministic regressors selected. The models were
selected using the technique outlined by Doldado, Jenkinson, and
Sosvilla-Rivero (1995). The null hypothesis of the Augmented
Dickey-Fuller (ADF) and Phillips-Perron (PP) test is the time series
contains a unit root or integrated of order one. Failure to reject the
null means the series is integrated of order one, I(1), or higher while
rejecting the null means the series is stationary or integrated of order
zero, I(0).
The five-percent MacKinnon Critical Values for both the ADF and PP
test statistic for a lag of zero and no constant or time trend is -1.96.
Since most of the models fit this description the reader is referred to
MacKinnon (1991) for other critical values.
The ADF and PP test gave conflicting results for the growth rate
for Trinidad & Tobago. In this case, the order of integration was
determined by the PP test. The reason for favoring the PP test is due to
the assumptions required for both tests. The ADF test assumes the error
terms are independent with a constant variance. The PP test assumes the
error terms are weakly dependent and heterogeneously distributed. Due to
the nature of the data, the assumptions for the PP test are more
reasonable than the ADF test.
For the growth rate variables, sixteen are stationary and one is
nonstationary. For the inflation variables, three are stationary and
fourteen are nonstationary. When the null hypothesis of a unit root is
not rejected, this means the time series could be integrated of order
one or higher. For the growth and inflation rates that were found to be
nonstationary, these variables were checked for higher orders of
integration. While the results are not reported here, it can be
concluded that the nonstationary variables are integrated of order one.
For the variables having unit roots, the first difference of the
variable is used in the estimation of the causality regressions.
Table 4 reports the results of the Granger Causality Tests as
discussed in the methodology section. A lag length of two was chosen for
the tests. These results should be interpreted with caution due to the
nonnormality and/or heteroscedasticity of the error terms. At the ten
percent level of significance, it appears the growth precedes inflation
in Columbia, Honduras, and Venezuela. Inflation precedes growth in
Haiti. There is no detection of bidirectional causality between
inflation and growth for any of the countries using this technique. The
statistical evidence indicates that for the majority of the countries
(Argentina, Bolivia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Jamaica, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad &
Tobago, and Uruguay) there is no causal relationship between growth and
Table 5 reports the results of the Paul, Kearney, and Chowdhury
(1997) alternative variation of the Granger causality test. This model
allows for instantaneous causality between growth and inflation. The
previous model only allowed for a lagged relationship. To expedite the
reporting of the results, only the countries where a statistically
significant relationship is evidenced will be given in Table 5. The
table reports the regression coefficients and the p-values. As stated
before, these results should be interpreted with caution due to the
violation of assumptions concerning the error term. Where applicable,
the regression results have been corrected for heteroscedasitcity.
Using this alternative model, growth "causes" inflation
in Honduras and Mexico. Inflation "causes" growth in Haiti.
There is a bidirectional relationship for Argentina, Costa Rica, and
Venezuela. There was no relationship between growth and inflation for
Bolivia, Columbia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Jamaica,
Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad & Tobago, and Uruguay. Table 6
provides a summary of the results of both causality tests. As might be
expected, more relationships are detected between inflation and growth
rates when instantaneous causality is included in the model.
This study has explored the possible relationship between real GDP
growth and the rate of inflation, as measured through the GDP deflator,
in Latin America over the period of 1961 to 2000. In addition to
correlation analysis, Granger causality is used to investigate the
nature of the relationship between growth and inflation rates.
The correlation analysis revealed mixed results. For countries
where the correlation coefficient is statistically significant, the
relationship between growth and the rate of inflation is negative.
However there are two possible problems with this analysis. First, the
correlation analysis does not indicate the causal flow of the
relationship. Is growth having a negative impact on inflation or vice
versa? Second, this analysis may yield spurious results if the data is
Unit root analysis is conducted prior to the estimating the Granger
causality models. In the cases where the variable is determined to be
nonstationary, the variable is first differenced prior to the estimation
of the Granger causality models. Two forms of Granger causality tests
are conducted. The interpretation of these results should be treated
with caution since, due to the nature of the data, the regression models
tend to experience violation of the assumptions about the error terms.
For the seventeen countries under study, there was no statistical
evidence of a relationship between growth and inflation in eleven
countries (Bolivia, Columbia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador,
Guatemala, Jamaica, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad & Tobago, and
Uruguay) using the Paul, Kearney and Chowdhury (1997) variation of the
Granger causality test. In these countries, economic growth and
inflation are not statistically linked. In Haiti where inflation tends
to "cause" growth, the preponderance of the evidence indicate
an adverse relationship between inflation and growth. For this country,
increases in inflation may lead to decreased economic growth. In
Honduras and Mexico where growth "causes" inflation, the
negative relationship is more beneficial for the economy. For these
countries, as the economy experiences positive growth, this tends to
decrease inflation. Argentina, Costa Rica, and Venezuela have more
complicated relationships between inflation and growth. Growth and
inflation appear to have bidirectional causality.
For the Latin American countries used in Paul, Kearney, and
Chowdhury (1997), fifteen (Bolivia, Columbia, Costa Rica, Dominican
Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Panama,
Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad & Tobago, Uruguay, and Venezuela) of the
countries are also used in this study. For these fifteen countries, the
same general conclusion was reached about causality for Costa Rica (Y
[left and right arrow] P) and Honduras (Y [right arrow] P). Also, both
studies conclude that there is no statistical evidence of causality
between growth and inflation for El Salvador, Guatemala, Jamaica,
Paraguay, Trinidad & Tobago, and Uruguay. While this study differs
in the model (see endnote 1) and the time period used, the studies reach
similar conclusions for eight of the fifteen countries. However, the
fragility of the results of statistical analysis indicates a need for
continual analysis and model development.
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Kristen N. Van Rensselaer, University of North Alabama
Joe Copeland, University of North Alabama
Table 1: Growth-Inflation Correlations, By Country, 1961-2000
Country Correlation Coefficient p-value
Argentina -0.40 0.01
Bolivia -0.21 0.19
Columbia -0.18 0.27
Costa Rica -0.69 0.00
Dominican Republic -0.26 0.11
El Salvador -0.36 0.02
Guatemala -0.21 0.20
Haiti -0.18 0.26
Honduras -0.30 0.06
Jamaica -0.19 0.24
Mexico -0.60 0.00
Panama -0.08 0.63
Paraguay 0.13 0.41
Peru -0.45 0.00
Trinidad & Tobago -0.00 0.98
Uruguay 0.15 0.35
Venezuela -0.26 0.10
Table 2: Mean Growth And Inflation Rates
Country Mean Growth Rate Mean Inflation Rate
Argentina 2.59 242.90
Bolivia 2.74 353.78
Columbia 4.23 19.25
Costa Rica 4.87 14.18
Dominican Republic 5.43 11.95
El Salvador 3.10 9.78
Guatemala 4.05 9.22
Haiti .95 10.32
Honduras 3.99 8.57
Jamaica 1.95 16.16
Mexico 4.72 26.83
Panama 4.54 2.85
Paraguay 4.52 13.09
Peru 3.14 331.25
Trinidad & Tobago 3.75 8.18
Uruguay 1.93 53.12
Venezuela 2.72 17.01
Table 3: Unit Root Test Results For Growth And Inflation Rates
Country Var. Lag Model
Argentina Y 0 None
P 1 None
Bolivia Y 0 None
P 0 None
Columbia Y 0 Constant
P 0 Constant
Costa Rica Y 0 Constant
P 0 Constant
Dominican Y 0 Constant
Republic P 0 None
El Salvador Y 1 None
P 0 None
Guatemala Y 0 None
P 0 None
Haiti Y 1 None
P 0 None
Honduras Y 0 Constant
P 0 None
Jamaica Y 1 None
P 0 None
Mexico Y 0 Constant
P 2 None
Panama Y 1 Constant
P 0 None
Paraguay Y 0 None
P 0 None
Peru Y 1 None
P 0 None
Trinidad & Tobago Y 1 None
P 0 None
Uruguay Y 2 Constant
P 0 None
Venezuela Y 0 Constant
P 4 None
Country ADF PP Conclusion
Argentina -4.83 -4.83 I(0)
-3.69 -3.29 I(0)
Bolivia -3.34 -3.34 I(0)
-5.39 -5.39 I(0)
Columbia -3.65 -3.65 I(0)
-2.75 -2.75 I(1)
Costa Rica -4.50 -4.50 I(0)
-1.75 -1.75 I(1)
Dominican -6.14 -6.14 I(0)
Republic -1.26 -1.26 I(1)
El Salvador -2.49 -2.14 I(0)
-1.20 -1.20 I(1)
Guatemala -1.63 -1.63 I(1)
-2.14 -2.14 I(0)
Haiti -3.40 -6.36 I(0)
-1.76 -1.76 I(1)
Honduras -4.75 -4.75 I(0)
-1.14 -1.14 I(1)
Jamaica -2.43 -4.01 I(0)
-0.95 -0.95 I(1)
Mexico -4.12 -4.12 I(0)
-1.08 -1.58 I(1)
Panama -3.95 -4.13 I(0)
-1.05 -1.05 I(1)
Paraguay -2.12 -2.12 I(0)
-1.63 -1.63 I(1)
Peru -3.43 -3.54 I(0)
-1.22 -1.22 I(1)
Trinidad & Tobago -1.82 -4.06 I(0)
-1.13 -1.13 I(1)
Uruguay -4.73 -3.96 I(0)
-1.31 -1.31 I(1)
Venezuela -5.53 -5.53 I(0)
-1.41 -1.82 I(1)
Table 4: Results Of Granger-Causality Test
Ho: Inflation does not Cause Inflation
F-Value p-Value
Argentina 2.39 0.11
Bolivia 0.69 0.51
Columbia 0.52 0.60
Costa Rica 1.01 0.38
Dominican Republic 0.04 0.96
El Salvador 0.95 0.40
Guatemala 0.44 0.65
Haiti 2.69 0.08
Honduras 1.28 0.29
Jamaica 1.12 0.34
Mexico 0.34 0.71
Panama 1.30 0.29
Paraguay 1.40 0.26
Peru 0.63 0.54
Trinidad & Tobago 2.24 0.12
Uruguay 1.15 0.33
Venezuela 1.27 0.29
Ho: Growth does not Cause Inflation
F-Value p-Value
Argentina 0.17 0.85
Bolivia 2.11 0.14
Columbia 4.53 0.02
Costa Rica 0.96 0.39
Dominican Republic 0.99 0.38
El Salvador 0.06 0.94
Guatemala 0.73 0.49
Haiti 0.10 0.91
Honduras 2.49 0.10
Jamaica 0.52 0.60
Mexico 0.63 0.54
Panama 0.85 0.44
Paraguay 0.54 0.59
Peru 2.09 0.14
Trinidad & Tobago 0.32 0.73
Uruguay 2.26 0.12
Venezuela 4.80 0.02
Table 5: Alternative Granger Causality Test
Inflation Model (Equation 3)
Country [alpha] [P.sub.t-1] [P.sub.t-2]
Argentina 343.61 0.546 -0.197
(0.01) (0.00) (0.26)
Costa Rica 2.716 -0.243 -0.086
(0.73) (0.18) (0.68)
Honduras -3.044 0.045 -0.112
(0.27) (0.83) (0.59)
Mexico 1.099 0.083 -0.323
(0.88) (0.67) (0.34)
Venezuela -6.702 0.412 0.476
(0.20) (0.12) (0.07)
Country [Y.sub.t] [Y.sub.t-1]
Argentina -42.307 -7.579
(0.01) (0.64)
Costa Rica -2.578 0.967
(0.10) (0.14)
Honduras -0.611 0.748
(0.15) (0.09)
Mexico -2.317 0.892
(0.00) (0.45)
Venezuela -2.543 3.438
(0.00) (0.00)
Country [Y.sub.t-2] Adj [R.sup.2]
Argentina -16.883 0.41
Costa Rica 1.086 0.33
Honduras 0.49 0.12
Mexico 1.236 0.26
Venezuela 0.317 0.33
Growth Model (Equation 4)
Country [alpha] [Y.sub.t-1] [Y.sub.t-2]
Argentina 3.926 -0.049 -0.256
(0.00) (0.77) (0.12)
Costa Rica 2.361 0.410 0.111
(0.03) (0.04) (0.54)
Haiti 0.786 0.093 0.130
(0.29) (0.57) (0.41)
Venezuela 0.894 0.409 0.072
(0.36) (0.05) (0.71)
Country [P.sub.t] [P.sub.t-1]
Argentina -0.004 0.000
(0.01) (0.89)
Costa Rica -0.125 -0.052
(0.00) (0.19)
Haiti -0.034 0.025
(0.68) (0.78)
Venezuela -0.086 0.081
(0.01) (0.10)
Country [P.sub.t-2] Adj [R.sup.2]
Argentina 0.002 0.26
Costa Rica 0.021 0.39
Haiti -0.178 0.05
Venezuela 0.090 0.17
Note: Parameter estimates with p-values in parenthesis.
Table 6: Summary Of Results
Granger Causality Test
Y [right P [right Y [right and No
arrow] P arrow] Y arrow] P Causality
Columbia Haiti None Argentina
Honduras Bolivia
Venezuela Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Trinidad & Tobago
Alternative Test for Granger Causality
Y [right P [right Y [right and No
arrow] P arrow] Y arrow] P Causality
Honduras Haiti Argentina Bolivia
Mexico Costa Rica Columbia
Venezuela Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Trinidad & Tobago