Do efficient institutions score well using ratio analysis? An examination of commercial banks in the 1990s.
Lacewell, Stephen K.
Commercial banks operating in today's economic system are a
far cry from the financial institutions of earlier decades. The
traditional definition of a bank as defined by Rose (2002) is "a
financial intermediary accepting deposits and granting loans",
which at first glance seems fairly mundane. However, modern banks are
becoming increasingly technical in both scale and scope. Coupled with
the ever-changing landscape of banking is the undeniable fact that for
our financial system to remain productive it must be characterized by
the virtues of strength and stability. This requires a competent and
progressive regulatory system that is accurately able to determine the
performance of financial institutions.
Although there is arguably no one correct measure of bank
performance, the area of performance measurement can be divided into two
rather large streams of research: bank efficiency measures and
accounting-based financial ratios. The various statistical methods for
measuring bank efficiency are rather new compared to traditional ratio
analysis. However, various efficiency techniques are increasingly
mentioned in academic studies as a complement to, or substitute for,
financial ratio analysis which constitutes such a large portion of the
CAMELS rating system utilized by financial institution regulatory
agencies in their determination of a firm's safety and soundness.
This paper seeks to determine if the financial ratios and
efficiency scores of banks provide much of the same information. That
is, do banks with strong ratios also exhibit strong efficiency scores?
This is accomplished in a three-stage process. Stage one is the
calculation of both alternative profit efficiency scores and cost
efficiency scores, using the stochastic frontier approach (SFA), for all
banks operating in the United States during the years 1996 and 1999.
This model is termed the national model per Mester (1997) due to the
fact that all banks, for which sufficient data are available, are used
to estimate the desired efficient frontier. Stage two involves the
formulation of financial ratios that are, according to previous
research, highly correlated with each of the CAMELS rating components.
The final stage is the comparison of the results of the first two stages
when the population of banks is segmented into thirds, consisting of
high, medium, and low performing banks.
As mentioned earlier many studies have proposed the addition of
some form of efficiency measure to the current CAMELS rating. With this
in mind it is hypothesized that banks which score high using financial
ratios will also tend to perform well using more complicated efficiency
techniques. The results of this study will be of interest to many
parties due to the fact that determining a correct measure of bank
performance must take into account the high degree of competitiveness,
technical change, customer-base diversity, and other areas of the
firm's operating environment.
While the area of production frontiers was introduced by Farrell
(1957), the stochastic frontier, also called the composed error, is
relatively new having been introduced by Aigner, Lovell and Schmidt
(1977) and Meeusen and van den Broeck (1977). Many of the first papers on this topic were applied to manufacturing data, as were other
efficiency methods. Much study has taken place regarding the early
problems associated with this method (1). Stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) is today, however, one of the most popular efficiency estimation techniques due in part to its robustness and relative ease of use.
Among the first to examine the relationship between financial
performance, measured by accounting-based ratios, and production
performance proxied by efficiency indices, are Elyasiani, Mehdian, and
Rezvanian (1994). They find a significant association between financial
ratios and bank efficiency and suggest that efficiency analysis should
be considered as a supplement to financial ratio analysis by regulatory
agencies and bank managers. Their article focuses, however, on large
banks and utilizes a rather small sample. Thus, the true nature of the
relationship is not explored across a wide variety of banks operating in
the U.S. One study which provides a very brief although interesting
attempt to integrate the information provided by efficiency measures
with that found in CAMELS ratings is by Simeone and Li (1997). This
study, which focuses on a limited sample of 35 closed Rhode Island credit unions ranging in asset size from $131 thousand to $338 million,
seeks to determine if stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) measures of
efficiency would have been useful in identifying and preventing the
failure of the aforementioned credit unions. The authors determine that
SFA can be considered a good substitute for, or a valid supplement to,
the CAMELS rating due to the fact that SFA avoids the subjective and
difficult management rating utilized by CAMELS. Another study which
examines how financial ratios can be used in conjunction with Data
Envelopment Analysis (DEA), an alternative efficiency estimation
technique, is performed by Yeh (1996). He seeks to demonstrates how the
use of DEA in conjunction with financial ratio analysis can help to
aggregate the confusing array of financial ratios into meaningful
dimensions that somehow link with the operating strategies of a bank.
His study utilizes a rather small sample of six Taiwanese banks over a
nine-year period resulting in a total of 54 DEA efficiency scores.
Factor analysis is used to classify 12 financial ratios based on their
financial attributes so as to aid in the specification of their
respective implications and determination as to whether the ratios
examined adequately express a firm's financial profile. A
comparison is then made regarding the factor scores relative to each
group with different DEA efficiencies to allow for an overall
comparison. The four factors identified as accounting for approximately
87% of the common variance in the measured ratios are related to capital
adequacy, profitability, asset utilization and liquidity. When compared
to the high, medium and low DEA groups it is shown that the highest
scoring DEA group has the highest scores in the first three factor
categories listed above. The conclusion of the article alludes to the
fact that if the inputs and outputs are chosen properly, DEA can provide
crucial information about a bank's financial condition and
management performance and can assist examiners as an early-warning tool
in the regulation process.
De Young (1997) explores the challenges and misconceptions of
measuring cost efficiency at financial institutions. Situations are
illustrated in which accounting-based expense ratios are misleading and
show that statistics-based efficient cost frontier approaches often
measure cost efficiency more accurately. The author utilizes the
stochastic cost frontier (SCF) approach to analyze 1994 data on 9,622
commercial banks. It is concluded that utilizing the SCF in unison with
accounting-based ratios allows for a more accurate analysis of a
bank's overall cost efficiency. A somewhat similar study by Siems
and Barr (1998) uses a constrained-multiplier, input-oriented, DEA model
to create a robust quantitative foundation to benchmark the productive
efficiency of U.S. banks. It is found that the most efficient banks are
relatively successful in controlling costs and also hold a greater
amount of earning assets. The more efficient banks also earn a
significantly higher return on average assets, hold more capital and
manage less risky and smaller loan portfolios than less efficient
institutions. Also, it is confirmed that banks which receive higher
CAMEL ratings by bank regulators are significantly more efficient.
Strong banks (rated as a 1 or 2) are shown to be significantly more
efficient that weak banks (rated a 3, 4 or 5). Thus, it is concluded
that more efficient banks tend to be higher performers and safer
institution. Other studies of interest include Horvitz (1996), Taylor,
Thompson, Thrall, and Dharmapala (1997), Thompson, Brinkman, Dharmapala,
Gonzalaz-Lima, and Thrall (1997), Berger and Davies (1998) and Kantor
and Maital (1999).
As evidenced by the above array of literature, the area of bank
efficiency measurement is vast. Many studies have been performed
regarding cost, revenue, and profit efficiency. Although studies have
been performed which touch on the relationship between efficiency
measures, financial ratio performance, and CAMELS ratings, none have
been conducted as yet which combine all of these factors in the way of
the examination undertaken here.
The data used in this study are obtained from the Sheshunoff
BankSearch Commercial and Savings Banks database for the years 1996 and
1999, respectively. A sample of all banks for which there is available
data is obtained for the two years with 7,514 banks for 1999 and 8,179
banks for 1996. The alternative profit and cost efficiency scores are
then calculated. The sample is then decomposed, by efficiency scores,
into thirds. The first group is the high-efficiency group and will
represent the top one-third of banks, or banks with the highest
X-efficiency scores (alternative profit or cost). The second group
represents banks in the middle third of efficiency scores and group
three includes banks with the lowest efficiency scores. The mean of each
financial ratio for banks in each group is also provided. This will
allow the determination of whether higher efficiency banks have
consistently higher performance in the financial ratio category.
Efficiency Estimation
To provide for more robust findings both alternative profit
efficiency and cost efficiency are estimated in this study. The
alternative, or nonstandard, profit efficiency model, as given by Berger
and Mester (1997) and Humphrey and Pulley (1997), differs from the
standard profit efficiency model in that it measures how efficient a
bank is at earning its maximum available profit given its output levels.
Alternative profit efficiency is especially useful when there is a
violation of at least one of the underlying assumptions of cost and
standard profit efficiency. These assumptions include:
(i) the quality of banking services has no substantial unmeasured
(ii) a bank can achieve its optimum volume and mix of output,
meaning outputs are completely variable;
(iii) a bank cannot affect output price due to perfectly
competitive output markets; and
(iv) output prices are accurately measured allowing for unbiased
standard profit efficiency estimation.
It is apparent from the above assumptions that the data used for
this study would violate at least assumptions i and ii. Thus,
alternative profit estimation is chosen as the profit efficiency measure
of choice over standard profit efficiency.
The alternative profit frontier function is:
[pi] = [pi](y,w,[u.sub.[pi]],[v.sub.[pi]]), (1)
where [pi] represents the variable profits of the bank, y is a
vector of variable output quantities, w is a vector of prices for
variable inputs, [u.sub.[pi]] represents profit inefficiency and
[v.sub.[pi]] is random error.
The alternative profit efficiency score for any bank can be
calculated once the alternative profit frontier has been constructed.
The alternative profit efficiency of bank i is calculated as the
predicted actual observed profit of bank i divided by the predicted
maximum profit of the best practice bank, i.e., the predicted maximum
profit across all banks, adjusted for random error. This calculation is
given by the following:
Alt[pi][Eff.sub.i] = [[??].sup.i] / [[??].sup.max], (2)
where [[??].sup.max] represents the predicted maximum profit,
associated with the best practice bank, across N banks in the sample and
[[??].sup.i] denotes the predicted actual profit for the ith bank, with
i = 1, ..., N. The calculated raw profit efficiency scores are then
truncated at the top 5 and 10 percent levels, per Berger (1993), so as
to eliminate any distortion which may be caused by outliers when the
maximum profit is used. The truncated profit efficiency scores can range
from 0 to 1 with 1 representing the most efficient bank or the best
practice bank. The profit efficiency score represents the percentage of
profits or resources that are used efficiently. Thus, a bank that
receives a profit efficiency score of 0.75 is 75% efficient or
consequently loses 25% of its potential profits relative to the best
practice bank facing similar operating conditions.
A modified intermediation approach is used for the analysis, which
views a bank's primary goal as that of intermediating funds between
savers and borrowers and uses the dollar volume of various deposit
accounts and loan categories as output variables. Input variables
include the cost of funds utilized in the process of transferring funds
between savers and borrowers. The modification to this approach occurs
due to the inclusion of nontraditional activities. Due to increased
competition banks are placing increased emphasis on nontraditional
activities. Rogers (1998b) finds that bank efficiency measures which do
not account for these nontraditional activities as an output tend to
understate the true bank efficiency measure.
Considering the aforementioned information, the variables included
for analysis include the following:
Input Variables (Cost) Output Variables (Quantity)
1) Labor 1) Demand Deposits
2) Physical Capital 2) Time and Savings Deposits
3) Time and Savings Deposits 3) Real Estate Loans
4) Purchased Funds 4) Other Loans
5) Net Noninterest Income
Given the above inputs and outputs, and based on Berger's
(1993) similar model specification, the empirical profit frontier model
is given as follows:
where: j = 1, ..., 5 outputs, k = 1, ..., 4 inputs, [pi] = total
profit [y.sub.j] = the amount of output j, [w.sub.k] = the input price
of k, and [[epsilon].sub.[pi]] = the natural residual or total error
If the two components of the disturbance term, [u.sub.[pi]] and
[v.sub.[pi]], meet the following assumptions:
[u.sub.[pi]] ~ [absolute value of N(0, [[sigma].sup.2.sub.u[pi]]),
[v.sub.[pi]] ~ [absolute value of N(0, [[sigma].sup.2.sub.v[pi]]), (4)
then per Jondrow, (1982) the natural residual,
[[epsilon].sub.[pi]], will be decomposed into an inefficiency measure,
[u.sub.[pi]], and random noise, [v.sub.[pi]].
Cost efficiency consists of a comparison of an observed bank's
cost to a best practice bank's cost in the production of a
homogenous output bundle while facing the same operating conditions. The
best practice bank is considered to be the minimum cost producer and any
deviation from this provides a measure of the observed cost
inefficiency. Determining the level of cost efficiency amounts to
estimating a cost function which relates variable costs to the prices of
variable inputs, the quantities of variable outputs, and allows for the
presence of both random error and inefficiency. Such a cost frontier can
be written as:
C = C(w, y, uc, vc) (5)
where C measures variable costs, w is a vector of prices of
variable inputs, y is the vector of quantities of variable outputs, uc
represents the cost inefficiency factor, and vc denotes random error.
The random error component, vc, incorporates both a "luck"
factor and measurement error which may give rise to high or low costs in
the short-run. The cost inefficiency factor, uc, contains both
allocative and technical inefficiencies. Allocative inefficiency results
from choosing the wrong input combinations given the relative prices of
inputs while technical inefficiency stems from using an excessive
quantity of the inputs to produce y. The inefficiency score for any
bank, given as bank i, can be calculated once the cost frontier has been
constructed. The cost efficiency of bank i is calculated as the
predicted cost of the best practice bank, i.e., the minimum predicted
cost across all banks, needed to produce a given output quantity,
divided by the predicted actual observed cost of bank i, adjusted for
random error. This calculation is given, per Berger and Mester (1997),
as the following:
Cost[EFF.sub.i] = [[??].sup.min] /[[??].sup.i], (6)
where [[??].sup.min] is the minimum predicted cost, associated with
the best practice bank, across N banks in the sample and [[??].sup.i] is
the predicted actual cost for the ith bank, with i = 1, ..., N. The
calculated raw cost efficiency scores are then truncated at the top 5
and 10 percent levels, per Berger (1993), so as to eliminate any
distortion which may be caused by outliers when the minimum cost (or
profit) is used. The truncated cost efficiency scores can range from 0
to 1 with 1 representing the most efficient bank or the best practice
bank. The cost efficiency score represents the percentage of costs or
resources that are used efficiently. Thus, a bank that receives a cost
efficiency score of 0.75 is 75% efficient or consequently wastes 25% of
its costs relative to the best practice bank facing similar operating
conditions. Descriptive statistics for the banks analyzed as well as
cost and profit efficiency estimates are found in Exhibits 2 through 4.
Selection and Calculation of Financial Ratios
Once the efficiency estimates have been calculated the next step of
the analysis involves the selection of variables which theoretically
correlate to each of the CAMELS rating categories used by examiners. Due
to the non-availability of data needed to calculate all of the financial
ratios chosen for the analysis, the sample size of banks included in
stage two of the study is reduced. (2) The final sample consists of
4,376 banks in 1999 and 5,158 banks in 1996. Exhibit 5 provides various
financial ratio means for both years of examination.
The selection of accounting-based financial ratios which accurately
represent a bank's CAMELS rating is the most difficult yet
meaningful undertaking of the empirical portion of this study for a
number reasons. First, CAMELS ratings are proprietary information, which
means that only regulatory personnel and researchers with regulatory
associations have access to this data. Second, CAMELS ratings are based
on a combination of objective and subjective information. Although a
large portion of a bank's rating is derived from the analysis of
various financial ratios corresponding to a specific CAMELS component,
an important aspect of the rating results from examiner subjectivity.
Thus, items such as differences among regulatory agencies, examiner
experience, and inconsistencies among examination districts arguably
have an effect on the ratings received by banks. Finally, empirical
literature on this topic is scarce due to the aforementioned proprietary
nature of the data. Literature on the financial performance of banks is
found in great supply but few researchers have tackled the more elusive
CAMELS modeling issue unless they have access to private CAMELS data
(see Cole, 1995 and DeYoung, 1998). The problems of a study of
this type not withstanding, it is very realistic to conclude that most
of the CAMELS categories can be proxied by financial ratios
corresponding to the component in question per previous studies by Cole,
et al. (1995) and Cole and Gunther (1998).
The one area that meets with a greater degree of subjectivity is
the management component (M). A study by DeYoung (1998) suggests that
there is a high degree of correlation between the M rating and the
overall financial performance of a bank. Other variables such as unit
costs and insider loans are shown to be good predictors of the M rating
as well. As various financial ratios are used in this study as proxies
of the C, A, E L, and S components, the M component will be proxied by
the amount of insider loans, overhead expense, and the number of
full-time equivalent employees to average assets, which mirrors Gilbert,
et. al. (1999). Although in no way a perfect measure of management
quality, these variables should provide useful insight into an otherwise
unmeasurable rating component.
Financial theory regarding the operation of banking firms provides
some insight into the use of certain financial ratios to proxy the six
categories of a CAMELS rating. These ratios and their definitions are
given in Exhibit 1. Risk-based capital is chosen to represent the
capital component. Although there are many other capital measures, the
level of risk-based capital is chosen because of the importance
regulators have placed on this measure in recent years. The ratios of
past due loans, nonaccrual loans, and the allowance for loan and lease
loss are chosen to represent asset quality. The three management quality
ratios--insider loans, overhead expense, and the number of full-time
employees--are discussed previously. They are expected to exhibit
negative relations with profit efficiency. This is fairly
self-explanatory in terms of overhead expense and the number of
employees. Banks with lower overhead and fewer employees per million
dollars of assets should be more efficient. The amount of insider loans
would also be expected to be negatively related to efficiency because a
higher proportion of insider loans may indicate closely held or family
owned institutions which tend to be smaller and more conservative than
other banks. Operating income, return on equity, and noninterest income
are chosen to represent the earnings component. All of these are
expected to show a positive relation with efficiency since all are
directly related to the profits of a bank. Liquidity is represented by
liquid assets, jumbo CDs, and core deposits. Bank liquidity is a
desirable characteristic in the eyes of regulators. Thus, it would seem
pertinent that banks with more liquidity may also be considered more
efficient. The final CAMELS category, interest rate sensitivity, is
represented by the one year gap. There is no explicit assumption made
regarding the relationship of this variable with the efficiency
As given in Exhibits 6 and 7, the comparison of mean financial
ratios between high, medium, and low profit efficiency banks provides
some unique findings. Exhibit 6 displays the means of the fourteen
financial ratios and their differences between high, medium, and low
alternative profit efficient groups. It is apparent that the level of
risk-based capital (RBC) is much higher for highly profit efficient
banks than for medium and low efficiency institutions. The percentage of
nonaccrual loans (NONACCRL) is found to be lower, on average, for highly
efficient banks with a minimal difference between mid-ranked
institutions and a much more pronounced difference between low-ranked
banks. Also, the ratios for insider loans (IL), overhead expense (OE),
and full-time-equivalent employees (FTE ) in highly efficient banks are
low relative to the other two groups, with the one exception being low
efficiency banks in 1996. A rather interesting finding, which is
consistent with Yeh's 1996 study, is that the ratios for every
profitability category--operating income (OI), return on equity (ROE),
and noninterest income (NII)--display an inverse relationship with
profit efficiency scores. That is, the most profit efficient
institutions exhibit the lowest profitability ratios and vice versa.
This finding is puzzling to researchers trained in the art of analyzing
accounting-based financial ratios to determine financial institution
performance. However, it does illustrate the difference between ratio
analysis and efficiency estimation, but fails to bridge the gap between
these two methods. In the liquidity area, highly profit efficient banks
display a higher percentage of liquid asset (LA) and core deposit
(COREDEP) ratios than their lower rated counterparts. High efficiency
institutions also have a more negative one-year gap (ONEGAP), on
average, for both years of analysis.
It is extremely interesting to compare the average asset size of
the banks in each category. While many institutions are taking the
"bigger is better" attitude the findings of this study are in
complete disagreement. The average asset size of highly profit efficient
banks is slightly over $212 million, $444 million for banks in the
medium efficiency category, and just over $2 billion in the bottom third
of efficiency scores for 1999. The numbers from 1996 are similar. This
inverse relationship between efficiency and asset size is consistent
with previous studies as discussed below.
Exhibit 7, which provides mean financial ratios and their
differences between cost efficiency groups, follows a similar pattern to
that given in Exhibit 6. One noticeable difference between the output
given in each table is found in the area of profitability ratios. OI
shows a direct relationship with the level of cost efficiency for both
years. Highly cost efficient banks have the highest ROE for both years.
The medium and low efficiency categories are reversed in 1999 but
display a positive relationship in 1996. NII is shown to be higher for
low cost efficient banks, due possibly to the higher direct costs
associated with many noninterest income products. An examination of
asset size points to an inverse relationship between asset size and cost
efficiency, duplicating the results when profit efficiency is used in
Exhibit 6. This inverse relationship between efficiency and size is
consistent with those of Bauer, Berger, and Humphrey (1993) and Rogers
(1998) but contrasts with the findings of Elyasiani and Mehdian (1995).
There is no refuting the fact that banks today are more complicated
entities than ever before. The added duties and services, permitted by
the passage of laws such as the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, place a greater
importance on the reliability of regulators to adequately assess a
bank's efficiency and financial performance due to the allowance of
increased risk-taking scenarios. In turn, the methods regulators utilize
to assess the viability and productivity of banks must increase in
sophistication to handle the added complexity of today's banking
Furthermore, the areas of accounting-based financial ratios and
efficiency are much debated in terms of the best measure of bank
performance. While most studies tend to examine the two areas in
isolation, this study chooses to merge the areas of bank efficiency and
financial ratio performance. It examines the relationship between
financial ratios deemed highly correlated with a bank's CAMELS
rating and measures of alternative profit and cost efficiency to
determine when and if the two should be used in combination, as
suggested by previous studies.
The findings show that there is a high degree of consistency
between banks with strong financial ratios and banks that are rated
highly efficient. This is consistent with previous studies by Yeh (1996)
and Siems and Barr (1998). The major exception to this claim is found in
the profitability ratios category, which is also consistent with Yeh
(1996). This result, however, highlights the fact that the more
technical efficiency estimation techniques may interpret data in a
different manner than researchers and practitioner using traditional
financial ratios.
This study expands on the claim by previous researchers that an
efficiency indicator should be added to the current bank rating system
used by regulators. However, this study uses only the parametric
stochastic frontier efficiency approach. A similar analysis using other
parametric and nonparametric techniques would provide more insight into
this area.
Furthermore, while a strong introduction to the problem, the
research presented in this paper contains only two years of data. The
use of a more comprehensive time frame would serve to better justify the
results found here. Finally, the choice of the financial ratios used to
simulate a CAMELS rating is arbitrary to say the least. As long as the
CAMELS system remains proprietary information it is a researcher's
best guess as to the accuracy of the ratios chosen to represent a
bank's rating. Thus, making the CAMELS rating available to
researchers not affiliated with a regulatory agency would greatly
enhance the study of this area. This in turn would provide beneficial
results to bankers, regulators, and academicians alike.
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Stephen K. Lacewell, Murray State University
Exhibit 1: Financial Ratios Representing Each CAMELS Category
Capital Adequacy (C)
Risk-Based Capital (RBC) Total capital divided by risk-
weighted assets
Asset Quality (A)
Nonaccrual Loans (NONACCRL) Nonaccrual loans divided by average
Allowance for Loan and Lease Allowance for loan and lease loss
Loss (ALLL) divided by average loans and leases
Charge-Offs (COFF) Charged-off loans and leases
divided by average loans and leases
Management Quality (M)
Insider Loans (IL) Loans to insiders divided by
average assets
Overhead Expense (OE) Overhead expense divided by average
FTE Employees (FTE) Number of full-time equivalent
employees divided by millions of
dollars of average assets
Earnings (E)
Operating Income (OI) Total operating income divided by
average assets
Return on Equity (ROE) Total income divided by total
stockholder's equity
Noninterest Income (NII) Total noninterest income divided by
average assets
Liquidity (L)
Liquid Assets (LA) Liquid assets divided total assets
Jumbo CDs (JMBOCD) $100,000+ time deposits divided by
total assets
Core Deposits (COREDEP) Core deposits plus equity divided
total assets
Sensitivity (S)
1 Year Gap (ONEGAP) Rate sensitive assets repricing
within 1 year minus rate sensitive
liabilities repricing within one
year divided by total assets
Exhibit 2: Summary Statistics of Total Assets for All Banks
Analyzed for 1999 and 1996
All Banks 1999 1996 Difference
Mean 610,219 501,730 108,489
Std. Dev 8,762,162 5,346,773 3,415,389
Minimum 2,306 2,374 -68
Maximum 571,732,000 272,429,000 299,303,000
No. of Obs. 7,514 8,179 -665
Note: Mean, Std. Dev., Minimum and Maximum values are in
thousands of dollars.
Exhibit 3: Descriptive Statistics of Variables Used in the 1996
and 1999 SFA Profit and Cost Frontier National Models
Year: 1999 and 1996
Variables: Mean Std. Dev.
Total Profit (a) 19,758 341,355
Total Cost (a) 24,570 303,358
Input Price:
Price of Labor (a) 39.50 9.09
Price of Capital (b) .3472 .3535
Cost of Deposits 3.90 .65
Cost of Purch. Funds 4.63 1.12
Output Quantity:
Transaction Deposits (c) 80,382 916,932
Time & Savings Dep (c) 233,290 2,853,011
Real Estate Loans (c) 179,734 2,315,876
Other Loans (c) 215,566 3,491,460
Net Nonint. Income (c) 13,591 214,203
No. of Observations 7,514
Year: 1999 and 1996
Variables: Mean Std. Dev.
Total Profit (a) 14,741 221,818
Total Cost (a) 21,115 176,773
Input Price: 35.14 8.58
Price of Labor (a) .3747 .3802
Price of Capital (b) 4.15 .63
Cost of Deposits 4.92 1.30
Cost of Purch. Funds
Output Quantity: 92,243 759,512
Transaction Deposits (c) 185,332 1,295,194
Time & Savings Dep (c) 133,856 1,065,328
Real Estate Loans (c) 182,113 2,237,613
Other Loans (c) 9,687 128,553
Net Nonint. Income (c)
No. of Observations 8,179
Variables: Mean Std. Dev.
Total Profit (a) 5,017 119,537
Total Cost (a) 3,455 126,585
Input Price: 4.36 0.51
Price of Labor (a) -.0275 -.0267
Price of Capital (b) -.25 .02
Cost of Deposits -.29 -.18
Cost of Purch. Funds
Output Quantity: -11,861 157,420
Transaction Deposits (c) 47,958 1,557,817
Time & Savings Dep (c) 45,878 1,250,548
Real Estate Loans (c) 33,453 1,253,847
Other Loans (c) 5,904 85,650
Net Nonint. Income (c)
No. of Observations -659
Note: (a) Values are in thousands of dollars per full-time
equivalent employee
(b) Values are in dollars per dollar of fixed assets
(c) Values are in thousands of dollars
Exhibit 4: Summary Statistics of Profit and Cost Efficiency
Estimates Obtained from the National Model
1999 1996
5% 10% 5% 10%
Trun- Trun- Trun- Trun-
cation cation cation cation
Profit Mean .39722 .48845 .37692 .46221
Efficiency Std. Dev .24424 .26787 .24928 .27488
Estimates Minimum .00911 .01169 .02568 .03286
Maximum 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
No. of 7,514 7,514 8,179 8,179
Cost Mean .3882 .4752 .4124 .5025
Efficiency Std. Dev .2457 .2700 .2372 .2584
Estimates Minimum .0114 .0146 .0145 .0184
Maximum 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
No. of 7,520 7,520 8,179 8,179
Exhibit 5: Financial Ratio Summary Statistics for All
Banks (1999 and 1996)
Variable Mean Std. Dev. No. of Obs.
1999 1996 1999 1996 1999 1996
RBC 14.31 15.19 5.66 5.62
NONACCRL .45 .49 .62 .63
ALLL 1.51 1.62 .68 .77
COFF .43 .50 .70 1.40
IL 1.46 1.47 1.55 1.51
All OE 3.28 3.38 1.30 1.47
Banks FTE .45 .51 .15 .18 4,376 5,158
OI 1.59 1.80 1.10 .87
ROE 12.72 13.39 8.12 7.12
NII .95 .99 1.40 1.33
LA 12.05 16.35 7.24 8.03
JMBOCD 11.98 10.32 6.87 6.28
COREDEP 81.86 85.71 9.48 8.44
ONEGAP -19.89 -9.51 14.82 13.96
Note: Definitions given in Exhibit 1.
Exhibit 6: Mean Financial Ratios and Their Differences Between
Profit Efficiency Groups
Financial Profit Efficiency Group
Ratio High Medium Low
RBC 16.0684 13.8943 12.9874
NONACCRL .4257 .4263 .4939
ALLL 1.5375 1.4578 1.5238
COFF .4161 .3732 .5108
IL 1.2717 1.5091 1.6106
OE 3.0026 3.1859 3.6458
FTE .4327 .4470 .4726
OI 1.3480 1.5524 1.8796
ROE 10.7019 12.6193 14.8520
NII .6839 .8348 1.3416
LA 13.2786 11.5840 11.2977
JMBOCD 11.1514 11.8752 12.9200
COREDEP 84.4736 82.4907 78.6104
ONEGAP -23.1534 -19.9068 -9.6138
Avg. Asset 212,097 444,926 2,192,416
Size (a)
Number of 1,458 1,459 1,459
Financial Profit Efficiency Group
Ratio High Medium Low
RBC 17.0557 14.6675 13.8520
NONACCRL .4474 .4922 .5225
ALLL 1.6603 1.5837 1.6151
COFF .4715 .4310 .5850
IL 1.3092 1.5349 1.5725
OE 3.2681 3.4734 3.3959
FTE .5134 .5283 .4863
OI 1.5145 1.7719 2.1165
ROE 11.2436 13.4655 15.4630
NII .8562 1.0490 1.0610
LA 18.4179 16.1461 14.4770
JMBOCD 10.3052 10.1177 10.5386
COREDEP 86.7131 86.3127 84.1025
ONEGAP -13.5411 -9.3109 -5.6924
Avg. Asset 247,769 518,835 1,405,849
Size (a)
Number of 1,719 1,720 1,719
(a) Asset values are in thousands of dollars
Exhibit 7: Mean Financial Ratios and Their Differences
Between Cost Efficiency Groups
Financial Cost Efficiency Group
Ratio High Medium Low
RBC 15.3240 14.0605 13.5638
NONACCRL .4145 .4299 .5015
ALLL 1.5164 1.5007 1.5020
COFF .3484 .3985 .5559
IL 1.3378 1.4816 1.5723
OE 2.7683 3.1968 3.8698
FTE .3790 .4548 .5186
OI 1.6797 1.5487 1.5517
ROE 12.9354 12.4578 12.7814
NII .6940 .8212 1.3455
LA 11.9697 11.5247 12.6655
JMBOCD 8.7936 11.7745 15.3814
COREDEP 86.2892 82.2179 77.0624
ONEGAP -19.4278 -20.4290 -19.8191
Avg. Asset 292,991 365,338 2,192,467
Size (a)
Number of 1,459 1,459 1,458
Financial Cost Efficiency Group
Ratio High Medium Low
RBC 15.4356 15.2540 14.8852
NONACCRL .4287 .4526 .5808
ALLL 1.6316 1.5756 1.6518
COFF .4601 .4156 .6118
IL 1.3928 1.5017 1.5221
OE 3.1799 3.2833 3.6744
FTE .4541 .5140 .5599
OI 2.0655 1.8059 1.5313
ROE 15.3146 13.3087 11.5477
NII 1.0361 .8706 1.0595
LA 16.9137 15.6133 16.5136
JMBOCD 7.2771 9.7341 13.9519
COREDEP 89.5759 86.8843 80.6663
ONEGAP -8.5785 -9.7551 -10.2112
Avg. Asset 355,213 371,728 1,445,607
Size (a)
Number of 1,719 1,720 1,719