Stock splits and abnormal returns in an overactive internet market segment.
Stretcher, Robert ; McLain, Michael ; Maheshwari, Sharad 等
The significance of dividend policy to managerial finance continues
to be a topic of contention. The work on the role of dividend policy is
quite extensive. Stock splits are perhaps even more questionable in
terms of the rationale and results of their use. A variety of arguments
concerning stock splits have been pursued in past literature. Copeland
(1979) provides six reasons for splitting a stock: maintenance of a
price range for the firm's shares, reduction of odd-lot trading
(since high stock price reduces divisibility), creation of an increase
in trading volume, increased brokerage revenue, lowering of bid-ask
price, and to encourage an increase the number of shareholders.
Ikenberry, Rankine & Stice (1996) found that stock splits most often
occur when there has been a substantial increase in the price of the
stock, or when a stock trades at a high price. They also found that
stock splits allow the investor an excess return during the period after
the announcement. Additionally, they discovered that only short-term
positive results were achieved when firms had low pre-split share
Copeland (1979) defined liquidity as "changes in the
proportional share volume traded and change in transaction costs as a
percent of volume traded" and found that there was reduced
liquidity following a stock split. He also determined that the
announcement information about a stock split was disseminated within a
two to three week time frame. Since the study was carried out prior to
deregulation of brokerage commissions and the advent of the $8 trade,
these results may vary based upon today's market. The information
flow through cable television (e.g.: CNBC) and through various Internet
sites facilitates dissemination of news about a stock split.
Other studies of stock splits yield further insight into the
dynamics of market reactions. Brennan and Copeland (1988) determined
that companies with stock splits had greater variance in returns on the
announcement date of the stock split. The Beta of the stock would
increase around the ex-date and on the day following. There was also a
permanent increase in the stocks' average Betas after the ex-date.
This followed the work of Ohlson and Penman (1985), who concluded that
stock returns would increase immediately following the effective date of
a stock split.
From a value viewpoint, it may be argued that a stock split does
nothing more than change the denomination of the number of shares held,
while the value per share changes such that the total value remains
constant. From this perspective, stock splits would appear benign in
terms of affecting any change in wealth. It is analogous to the idea
that a five dollar bill is equivalent to five one dollar bills. The
wealth is equal, no matter which denomination is held.
Other studies have pursued the possibility that, in an imperfect
world where information is not heterogeneous to all market subgroups,
there is the possibility of information content in any variety of
managerial actions, including stock splits. Public announcements of
stock splits may have the effect of drawing attention to the
company's condition. This would be especially useful to management
if the firm is undervalued, because a closer examination of the firm by
an outsider may have the effect of a positive revaluation and, thus,
higher bids. Penman (1983) asserts that, if stock splits signal
manager's future value of the firm, the stock price should react
upon the time of the announcement. Upon an announcement, therefore,
investors should reassess the value of the firm.
There seems to be considerable belief that an optimal stock price
range exists, although there is little empirical support for that belief
(Lakonishok & Lev, p. 929, 1987). A stock split does not increase
the shareholders proportional ownership of the firm, but only increases
the number of shares outstanding. Since the number of shares rise upon a
stock split, the question arises about why the price of the stock would
increase. McNichols and Dravid (1990) state that splits realign the
price of the stock prices to a preferred trading range. Splits increase
the number of shares outstanding with the presumption that by increasing
the number of shares it will result in increasing the number of
shareholders, and thereby increasing the number of trades in the stock.
A price range that allows for trading flexibility would be one that
prevents the per share value from rising to levels that would rule out
small-scale investors. It would also keep shares from appearing
'too cheap' by preventing share values from dropping below
some value, determined by the perception of the markets. Angel (1997)
found that share prices are relatively stable over an extended period of
time. Interestingly, different countries maintain different average
share prices. In the U.S., the average price per share on the New York
Stock Exchange was relatively stable during the period of 1924 until
1994, even though the Standard and Poor's Index had a substantial
increase in value during the same period.
Ikenberry, Rankine and Stice (1996) found that stock splits occur
more frequently during a period of a rising bull stock market. This
suggests that there exists some underlying reason for split frequency.
This study explores the possibility of whether or not stock split
announcements are strategically advisable in chaotic market conditions.
Specifically, we examine stocks within an overactive segment of the
stock market, internet stocks. We observe changes in value during the
late 1990's, a period characterized by extreme price increases and
considerable price volatility. In the flurry of market activity, we
consider the question of whether stock split announcements are an
effective way for firms to gain attention, with the objective of excess
A sample of 360 internet companies within the Worden Telechart 2000
database was compiled. Among these companies, 122 carried out stock
splits within the period under consideration, from July 1, 1998 to March
30, 2000. Among these stock splits, 75 splits occurred in public
markets. Announcement dates for these splits were acquired from the
"Stock Splits and Stock Dividends" database from, an internet site maintained by Equity Analytics, Ltd.
For nine of the 75 splits, no announcement dates were available. This
left 66 observations for the statistical analysis.
For each split, daily returns were calculated from 15 days prior to
the split to 15 days after the split. Using the AMEX internet index
(^IIX) as our comparison base, excess return for each day (daily return
for the stock minus daily return for the index) formed the observations
for the dataset.
The data were organized according to an announcement date, which
represents day zero for all stock splits within the data set. For each
day prior to and after the announcement date, summary statistics were
calculated. The summary results appear in table 1.
As the summary in table 1 indicates, only the excess returns on day
zero are significant and positive. The significant and positive result
may be interpreted as a same-day positive market reaction to the stock
split announcement. Interestingly, the results suggest that the days
immediately preceding and immediately following the announcement entail
no significant excess return, positive or negative. This represents a
departure from results of studies done on general market data in
not-so-chaotic time periods, which indicate at least a minimal level of
significance on days close to the announcement date (Ikenberry, Rankine
& Stice 1996).
There are many possible reasons for our results. In this volatile
environment (i.e. CV's from 247% to 99,563%), especially where
prices are generally increasing at a high rate, investors may be less
concerned with the relatively small possibility of gain around a stock
split announcement than they are with other aspects of the same market
segment. During this time period, for example, passive investors
realized exceptionally high returns simply by holding a diversified
portfolio of 'tech stocks.' As one of our public policy
officials described it, 'irrational exuberance' was the market
emotion of preference. It may also indicate that signaling may be more
difficult in a chaotic, noisy environment.
Interestingly, there is a somewhat significant result for day -3,
prior to the split announcement. This may be due to the considerable
degree of variance and relative variance that characterizes the entire
data set. It could be argued that an information 'leak' three
days prior to announcement could spark movement in excess returns, but
given the negative sign on the coefficient, this would be
To develop the argument about the significance of the differences
in excess returns between the days, two ANOVAs were conducted. In table
2, we test for the null hypothesis that there is no difference between
the means of the different splits:
The P-value from the table indicates that the split averages are
not significantly different from zero. This result lends credence to our
conclusion about the differences in days. It also suggests that there
are no significant 'offsetting' effects among the averages of
table 1, where one significantly positive result might otherwise negate
another significantly negative result on the same day.
In table 3, we test for the null hypothesis that the difference
between the means among the different days is zero:
We reject the null hypothesis of zero difference between days. This
is consistent with the result from table 1.
As a supplemental test, we omit the day 1 average and test for
differences among the remaining days' averages:
The P-value indicates an acceptance of the null hypothesis,
implying that all other days but zero have about the same average.
An interesting statistical result can also be observed from day -9
to day -2. On these days, not only did the averages all have negative
signs, they also involved a total cumulative average of about 5.5%, a
negative movement greater than the average positive movement on day
zero. This significant negative run suggests that day zero returns may
actually be a recovery of sorts.
The statistical summary suggests that, with an investment strategy,
it would be difficult to derive benefit. In order for an investor to
take advantage of the same-day excess return, prior knowledge of the
split announcement would have to be available.
It is plausible that an investor capable of quickly executing
trading orders could trade within the announcement day. Without
intra-day data, though, determining the potential benefit is beyond this
study. It does appear, however, that there is a lesser promise of excess
returns (from reacting to stock split announcements) in this chaotic
environment for the internet segment than may be possible in the general
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Robert Stretcher, Hampton University
Michael McLain, Hampton University
Sharad Maheshwari, Hampton University
Tracey Hayes, Credit Suisse First Boston
Day Average Sample SD CV Z value p-value
-15 -0.11% 6.74% -6000% -0.1323 0.8948
-14 -0.12% 6.28% -5270% -0.1506 0.8803
-13 1.14% 5.80% 510% 1.5555 0.1198
-12 -0.24% 6.44% -2710% -0.2929 0.7696
-11 0.39% 6.65% 1695% 0.4684 0.6395
-10 0.15% 6.10% 4039% 0.1981 0.8430
-9 -0.08% 4.97% -5897% -0.1357 0.8921
-8 -0.20% 6.84% -3454% -0.2316 0.8169
-7 -0.13% 5.78% -4587% -0.1744 0.8615
-6 -0.93% 4.74% -510% -1.5684 0.1168
-5 -1.27% 5.83% -458% -1.7475 0.0805
-4 -0.10% 6.27% -6413% -0.1248 0.9007
-3 -1.61% 4.88% -303% -2.6367 0.0084
-2 -1.19% 6.69% -563% -1.4220 0.1550
-1 1.20% 11.01% 915% 0.8745 0.3819
0 4.81% 11.90% 247% 3.2326 0.0012
1 -0.84% 6.51% -776% -1.0303 0.3029
2 -0.33% 6.78% -2074% -0.3858 0.6997
3 1.01% 7.37% 731% 1.0944 0.2738
4 1.52% 9.58% 629% 1.2712 0.2037
5 -0.16% 6.98% -4471% -0.1789 0.8580
6 0.45% 7.57% 1687% 0.4743 0.6353
7 0.01% 6.43% 99564% 0.0080 0.9936
8 1.06% 7.44% 703% 1.1374 0.2554
9 -0.97% 5.36% -554% -1.4445 0.1486
10 1.60% 7.24% 453% 1.7664 0.0773
11 -0.37% 5.24% -1423% -0.5621 0.5740
12 0.78% 7.96% 1025% 0.7803 0.4352
13 -0.20% 5.94% -2920% -0.2740 0.7841
14 1.16% 6.78% 583% 1.3727 0.1698
15 -0.22% 6.71% -3117% -0.2567 0.7974
TABLE 2: ANOVA Between Splits
Ho: Avg (obs1) = Avg (obs2) = ... Avg (obs66)
Source of Variation SS df MS
Between Groups 0.276082 63 0.004382
Within Groups 9.482346 1915 0.004952
Total 9.758428 1978
Source of Variation F P-value F crit
Between Groups 0.885015 0.7273 1.317316
Within Groups
TABLE 3: ANOVA Between Days
Ho: Avg (day -15) = Avg (day -14) = ... = Avg (day 15)
Source of Variation SS df MS
Between Groups 0.272426 30 0.009081
Within Groups 9.486002 1948 0.00487
Total 9.758428 1978
Source of Variation F P-value F crit
Between Groups 1.864803 0.003074 1.465002
Within Groups
TABLE 4: ANOVA Between Days (omit day zero)
Ho: Avg(day-15) = Avg(day-14) = ... = Avg(day-1) =
Avg(day+1) = ... = Avg(day15)
Source of Variation SS df MS
Between Groups 0.131999 29 0.004552
Within Groups 8.593848 1885 0.004559
Total 8.725847 1914
Source of Variation F P-value F crit
Between Groups 0.998385 0.468284 1.473534
Within Groups