The effects of recorded sedative music on the physiology and behaviour of premature infants with a respiratory disorder.
Calabro, Jacinta ; Wolfe, Rory ; Shoemark, Helen 等
This study tested the safety of using recorded sedative music (RSM with 34-week-old premature infants with a respiratory disorder. Data was
collected to measure the effect of RSM on the physiological stability
and behaviours of these infants. Twenty-two infants were randomly
assigned to one of two groups, the music group or control group. The
music group received 20 minutes of recorded music per day for 4 days.
The control group received no music for 4 days. Each infant was observed
for a total of 45 minutes each day for the 4 days that they
participated. The data collectors were unaware of group allocation and
listened to masking music when conducting observations. Data measures
were heart rate, respiration rate, oxygen saturation, and infant
behaviours. The use of RSM had no negative effect on the physiology or
behaviour of the infants in the music group. There were no significant
differences between the groups with regard to heart rate, respiration
rate, or oxygen saturation. Behavioural results also showed no
significant differences between the behavioural states of the two
groups. The lack of significant results is attributed to a number of
factors including a potentially skewed sample and insufficient exposure
to the music to establish an effect.
Before the modern trend of evidence-based practice, the traditional
tenet of medicine was to "do no harm". So it should be for the
provision of music therapy. This study examines the safety of providing
programmed recorded music for premature infants with respiratory
The technological developments in medicine now ensure that many of
the most fragile infants survive. Medical therapy has been increasingly
effective in reducing mortality at the expense of an increasing number
of preteen survivors with chronic lung disorders (Copeland, 2002).
Assisted ventilation, antenatal steroids, and surfactant replacement
therapy have provided life-preserving assistance to the immature lungs
of premature infants, enabling them to survive through early critical
phases (Kennedy, 1999). The Australian & New Zealand Neonatal
Network Report (Donoghue, 2002) stated that, of the infants who survive,
25.3% will suffer from chronic lung disorders. These may cause
physiological instability, disorganised behavioural states, prolonged
hospital stays, and a variety of persistent respiratory conditions
throughout the infants' lives (Quayle & Williams, 2001; Als et
a1., 1986). Until the incidence of chronic lung disorders can be
significantly diminished, care protocols must address the physiological
and behavioural outcomes of these disorders.
Chronic lung disease includes infants receiving invasive and
noninvasive oxygen therapy for general respiratory distress, Respiratory
Distress Syndrome (RDS), or Bronopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD). RDS is a
lung disease resulting from inadequate surfactant in the lungs of
newborns, commonly due to prematurity and low birthweight (Kennedy,
1999). Infants with RDS experience a rise in respiration rate, laboured
breathing, expiratory grunt, increased apnoea episodes, and irritability
(Vulliamy & Johnston, 1987). It is the most frequent respiratory
cause of death and morbidity in children under one year of age
(Copeland, 2002). Untreated, around 25% of babies with RDS born before
28 weeks gestation will die within 28 days of birth, and another 25%
will develop BPD (Bonn, 1996). BPD develops as a result of long-term
oxygen support and/or mechanical ventilation, which damages the ability
of the lungs to maintain adequate oxygenation and creates a chronic
pulmonary condition (Myers et al., 1992). Aside from chronic respiratory
difficulty, infants with BPD experience a hypervigilant, pervasive state
of panic and oversensitivity to environmental stimuli such as light,
touch, and noise (Als et al., 1986). The increased work of merely
breathing can leave these infants exhausted with no oxygen reserves
available when they become stressed (Mitchell, 1996).
In a study by Myers et al. (1992), respiratory illness was found to
have a negative effect on the behavioural organisation of premature
infants. Specifically, the infants had difficulty organising
interactive, motor, stress reduction, and self-consoling behaviours.
Kenner (1998) also stated that infants with chronic lung disorders have
great difficulty in behaviour organisation and regulatory control, and
are not able to keep heart and respiratory rates stable when exposed to
stress. Stressful events include interaction with caregivers and medical
and nursing interventions which may trigger bronchospasm or hypoxic seizures (Mitchell, 1996). These stressors also raise the oxygen
saturation requirement for the infant, which can contribute to further
lung damage (Als et al., 1986). The infant does not function in
isolation. The environment which we provide is significant not only in
their survival, but in their development also.
The nursery environment can be unpredictable, overstimulating, and
stretch the limited ability of the premature infant to cope
(D'Apolito, 1991). Environmental noise levels in the newborn
nursery contribute to their increased stress, decreased sleep times, and
disorganised behavioural and physiological systems (Standley &
Moore, 1995; Kaminski & Hall, 1996). Philbin (2000) described
nursery noise as "generally loud and chaotic, (and] lacking in
pattern or rhythm" (p. S77). Noise levels may be caused by infant
crying, staff, telephones, and frequent equipment alarms, which can peak
at 80-90 decibels even inside an isolette (Cassidy & Standley,
1995). Recorded music may be introduced into this environment as a more
predictable and stable source of stimulation, which can mask
intermittent and unpredictable sounds, therefore decreasing the amount
of stress and interruption experienced by the infant (Standley, 2002;
Cassidy & Ditty, 1998).
Music may also positively affect an infant's physiology.
Physiological entrainment occurs when an infant's unstable
physiological systems, such as heart and respiration rates, synchronise
to the consistent and regulated rhythm of sedative music (Koepchen et
al., 1992; Taylor, 1997). Anecdotally, the use of music for the external
regulation of hospitalised infants with a respiratory disorder has been
observed by the first author and unit staff to be a behaviourally
positive and non-invasive intervention.
Music is a potent stimulus with great variability in its many
elements. To achieve the objective of maintaining homeostasis in the
premature infant, the music must provide continuous support through
careful containment of the musical elements. Such music is referred to
as sedative music. Gaston (1951) described sedative music as having
sustained melodic passages that lack percussive or strong rhythm.
Rebollo Pratt (1999) further noted that sedative music has little
dynamic variance and is performed by instruments with a soft tone colour
and medium to low frequency range, such as guitar, harp, flute, and
string instruments. The therapeutic benefits of sedative music include
the masking effect of music on environmental noise (Standley &
Moore, 1995), cardio-respiratory entrainment (Taylor, 1997), and the
emotionally soothing quality of the melodic contour (Unyk, Trehub,
Trainor, & Schellenberg, 1992).
Lullabies are the appropriate sedative music selection for infants.
Infant music preference research has highlighted newborn preference for
lullabies. Lullabies traditionally contain lyrical, predictable, and
tonic oriented melodies of around eight bars in length with a steady
rhythm of 6080 beats per minute (Unyk et al., 1992). Unyk et al. (1992)
also found that the melodic contours of lullabies reflect the typical
features of infant directed speech (IDS), which is also known as
"motherese" or "babytalk". Lullaby music and IDS
both feature higher pitch, wide pitch range, and short melodic phrases
followed by long pauses, slow pace, smooth, simple and highly modulated
intonation contours, and much repetition (Unyk et al., 1992; Bloom,
1990). As infants are capable of recognising these musical elements
(Trehub & Trainor, 1990), it is speculated that the IDS-like
features of lullaby melodies contribute greatly to the emotionally
soothing effect of lullabies.
Some music and nursing research indicated positive effects when
recorded sedative music (RSM) was used with premature infants (Kaminski
& Hall, 1996; Leonard, 1993; Schwartz, Ritchie, Sacks, &
Phillips, 1999; Burke, Walsh, Oehler, & Gingras, 1995; Gardner &
Lubchencho, 1998). While the results demonstrated that recorded music
may be used safely with infants, the studies varied greatly in sample
size, bias, subject selection, data analysis, age/diagnosis, and design.
This disparity makes it difficult to make definitive statements about
safe implementation (Philbin, 2000).
A pilot study by Collins and Kuck (1991) observed 17 agitated infants, aged 24-37 weeks gestation, 10 minutes before and 10 minutes
after recorded music was presented in their isolettes. The infants'
oxygen saturation levels were significantly increased during the
sedative music. It was assumed in this study, however, that preteen
infants experience the same stressors as adult ICU patients and that
their auditory perception and behavioural responses are also similar,
which is not supported in the literature (Philbin, 2000). Caine (1991)
observed the effect of music on the behaviours of low birth weight
infants and found that vocal music (lullabies and children's
songs), played at 70-80 decibels, had a significant effect on stress
behaviours, weight gain, increased formula and caloric intake, and
shortened hospital stay by 5 days. This study was limited, however, to
premature infants in isolettes only, regardless of differing diagnosis
or age.
In a study by Cassidy and Standley (1995), sedative music had a
dramatic effect on 24-30 week old oxygenated infants in the Neonatal
Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Heart rate, respiration rate, and
infants' oxygen saturation levels were all significantly affected
by the music, with no negative results found. The music was presented
over 3 days and recorded by a time sampling observation method.
Unfortunately, no behavioural data was observed. Coleman, Rebollo Pratt,
Stoddard, Gerstmann, and Abel (1999) used an independent groups model
with a complex cross-over design to present multiple treatments over 4
days to 33 premature infants. Music's effect on the heart rate,
oxygen saturation, and distress behaviours were examined. The music was
presented at 65-75 decibels and speakers were placed 3 to 5 inches
behind the infant's head. A 10 minute baseline observation was
completed, followed by 20 minutes of music, then 20 minutes post
observation, and repeated three times. Music lowered heart rate,
increased oxygen saturation, reduced distress behaviours, increased
caloric intake and weight gain, and shortened NICU stay by 3 days.
This study sought to replicate the successful protocol of Coleman
et al. (1999) with minor adaptations for the study's context.
Current concerns about the possible effect of environmental auditory
stimuli above 80 decibels (C weighting scale) includes physiologic
instability, interrupted sleep, hearing loss, and difficulties with
habituation (Philbin, 2000; Graven, 2000). For this study, decibel levels were reduced to the lowest volume necessary to mask environmental
noise. Also, the RSM was only presented once daily due to constraints on
the availability of data collectors.
This is the first study of RSM for premature infants in Australia.
Given that NICU and special care environments vary around the world, it
was important to gather local data which recognised this particular
context. The study was conducted as a pilot to assess the safety of
providing a controlled program of RSM for 34 week gestation infants in
an Australian tertiary level NICU and special care nursery. Data was
also gathered to evaluate the impact of the 4 day music program on the
infants' stress behaviours, heart rates, respiration rates, and
oxygen saturation levels.
The hypotheses for this study were that:
1. The presentation of RSM will have no negative effect on the
physiological and behavioural stability of 34 week gestation infants
with oxygen dependency and/or chronic lung problems.
2. Infants receiving RSM will show more regular heart rates,
respiration rates, and oxygen saturation levels than control subjects.
3. Infants receiving RSM will display fewer disorganised behaviours
than the control subjects.
Prior to commencement, approval from the hospital's Human
Research Ethics Committee was granted for this study.
Design. This study was a randomised controlled trial consisting of
a control group who received no music intervention and a music group
that received RSM.
Lengthlduration. Each infant participated over 4 consecutive days.
The total data collection period was 7 months.
Subjects. Twenty-two premature infants were recruited from the
clinical population in the newborn services unit of a large general
hospital. Criteria for inclusion in the study were (a) a gestational age
of 34 weeks, (b) a diagnosis of a chronic lung disorder and/or oxygen
dependency, and (c) availability for 4 consecutive days. Exclusion
criteria included infants who (a) did not have a primary diagnosis of
chronic lung problems, (b) had a diagnosed hearing impairment, (c) were
not connected to a pulse oximeter and cardiac monitor, (d) were to
undergo a surgical procedure within the 4 days, or (e) were withdrawing
from a substance addiction.
Parents were contacted by the chief investigator after referral
from medical, nursing, or allied health staff. They received a plain
English information sheet and consent forth. Subjects were randomly
allocated to either the control or music group using blocked allocation
with the Moses-Oakford algorithm and table of random numbers (Moses
& Oakford, 1963). Eleven infants were allocated to the music group
and eleven infants to the control group. Of these, five infants were not
included in analysis (n = 2 control, n = 3 music). One infant was
discharged before completing the study and four infants were diagnosed
with a hearing impairment. All infants were required to pass an
oto-acoustic emissions test conducted by an audiologist to detect any
hearing impairment. Any infant showing an impairment was referred to the
hospital audiology department for further tests. Due to time shortage
and issues with the audiology equipment the infants' hearing tests
were conducted after their participation in the study.
Justification of sample size. A sample size of 20 subjects was
calculated on the primary outcome of oxygen saturation level. Ten
subjects per treatment group were required to detect a 5% difference in
oxygen saturation (effect size of 1.3) at a significance level of 0.05
and a power of 80%.
Materials. The chief investigator selected two instrumental
lullabies, "Brahms Lullaby" and "Sandman" (Ross,
1995), totalling approximately 20 minutes, from the commercially
recorded "Music for Dreaming" compact disk. These arrangements
were chosen for their adherence to the key sedative parameters of
"minimum range and minimum change" in tonality, tempo,
register, timbre, volume, and attack. The instrumentation included a
small ensemble of acoustic orchestral instruments (violins, viola,
'cello, harp, and flute), and remained consistent throughout both
Both tracks were dubbed sequentially onto both sides of SA-X90 TD K
cassette tapes. Each tape included 10 minutes silence before the two
tracks and 15 minutes silence after (total 45 minutes). Blank tapes were
provided for the infants in the control group. The tapes were played on
a Sony Walkman portable radio/cassette player, WM-FX373, and presented
via Panasonic Mini-speakers, RP-SP30, which were enclosed in small
plastic bags and secured for infection control purposes. The portable
cassette player was connected to a Musicway AC/DC Adaptor, Cat.#MACK
595. Decibel levels were tested using a Dawe D-1405E Digital sound
survey meter.
Placement of materials. The enclosed mini-speakers were sterilised
using HC-20 disinfectant and placed in opposite corners 15-20cm behind
each infant in the isolette or crib and rotated slightly inward. The
speakers were connected to each other via a single lead and connected to
the cassette player containing the cassette tape via another single
lead. The cassette player was located outside the crib or isolette and
placed either underneath the isolettelcrib or on the shelf behind. The
cassette player was connected via a single lead to the AC/DC adaptor,
which was plugged into the closest power point, and turned on. The data
collector was required to turn on the cassette player before commencing
data collection. When one side of the tape finished the cassette player
automatically turned off and the tape changed direction when turned on
the next time.
Presentation of music. Ambient environmental noise levels in the
unit were periodically noted to vary between 65-90 decibels (C)
throughout the day. The location of the speakers meant that the stimulus
source was more immediate than almost all other sounds, therefore, the
recorded music was presented at 60-65 decibels (C) for music infants in
an isolette, 65-70 (C) decibels for music subjects in an open crib, and
0 decibels for control infants. The adjustment in decibel level between
isolette and open crib was necessary to mask the extra environmental
noise for infants in an open crib. The increase in decibel level was
behaviourally assessed by the chief investigator to be effective in
masking most of the fluctuating environmental noise while remaining
within safe levels.
The chief investigator set the appropriate volume on each
infant's cassette player at the commencement of the 4 day period.
The decibel levels were tested at the subject's ear using a sound
level meter, and the volume level on the cassette player was then fixed
and covered to avoid accidental unsafe changes in volume. The tapes were
presented to each infant once per day (for 4 days) during the 45 minute
data collection period.
Measures/data collection. Two experienced nurse researchers
collected the data. They were educated by the chief investigator
regarding equipment use, data collection protocol, and
classification/identification of infant behaviours. Inter-rater
reliability was tested at 98% prior to the study commencing. Data
collectors were available for one period of data collection each day
between 8.30am to 4.30pm. The chief investigator advised them to liaise
with the infant's primary care nurse each day to select an
appropriate time for data collection after medical, nursing, or parent
contact with the infant had ceased.
The data collectors were unaware of group allocation and listened
to recorded music themselves (using a portable cassette tape player and
headphones) during data collection to ensure they did not hear whether
the infant was receiving music or silence. The data collectors'
tapes contained 45 minutes of music taken from the commercially released
compact disc "Mariner" (O'Connor, 2001), provided by the
chief investigator. The music selection was instrumental and reflected
the elements of sedative music as discussed earlier (Gaston, as cited in
Taylor, 1997; Rebollo Pratt, 1999). An electronic beep was superimposed
over the recorded music each minute to cue data collection.
Data collection began once the data collectors started the
infants' and their own cassette players. The data collection was
divided into 45 one-minute time samples. After hearing the first beep
the data collector would record the infant's heart rate,
respiration rate and oxygen saturation level as displayed on the pulse
oximeter and cardiac monitor. For the remainder of the minute the nurse
researcher recorded the infant's behavioural state which was taken
from 22 possible behaviours listed on the Physiological and Behavioural
Assessment Form (adapted from Als, 1986, Hiniker & Moreno, 1994, and
Shoemark, 1999a. See Appendix). Behaviours were divided into eleven
categories that indicated positive organised states and eleven
categories that indicated negative disorganised states. Organised
behaviours included quiet alert, active sleep, quiet sleep, open face,
cooing/smiling, smooth limb movement, hand to mouth, sucking, trunk
tucking, foot anchor/hand clasping, and grasp inglholding on. The
disorganised behaviours included crying/whining, low level
alertness/drowsy, fussing/struggling, finger splay/halt hands, facial
grimace/frowning, gaze aversion, startle, panicked/worried look, tongue
thrusts/protrusion, hiccups/yawning, and spitting/vomiting. These were
listed numerically on the assessment form to easily categorise and
record the infant's state. At the end of the minute, the data
collector would also indicate on the assessment form whether the
infant's state was positive or negative overall, as time values
were not allocated to the behaviour scores and infants could display
both positive and negative behaviours within each minute.
Data safety and monitoring. The data collector was responsible for
monitoring each infant's response during the data collection. The
safety protocol (approved by the ethics committee) indicated that if at
any time the data collector observed negative cues, she believed were in
response to the research protocol, she would turn off the cassette
player and continue to observe the infant for 10 minutes. 1f this
occurred again at the next daily data collection the infant would be
withdrawn from the study. This did not occur.
Data Analysis
During each session of data collection, heart rate, respiratory
rate, oxygen saturation, and number of organised behaviours were
averaged (using means) over the initial baseline (10min), music/silence
(20min), and post observation (I 5min) periods. Total number of
disorganised behaviours were calculated for each period and expressed as
number of disorganised behaviours per 10 minutes. For primary analysis,
the groups were compared during the music/silence period and post
observation for any changes from baseline, using robust standard errors
to account for correlation between the four values (one per day for 4
days) from each infant. Secondary analyses involved comparison of mean
changes between days and between males and females. Also a secondary
analysis was performed on disorganised behaviours which excluded those
behaviours that occurred as isolated events, and thus are not considered
inherently negative, for example, yawning occuring without other
negative behaviours. A P-value was considered significant if it was less
than 0.05. All analyses were performed in Stata 7 statistical software
(StataCorp, 2001).
The primary analysis for the second hypothesis (Table 1)
illustrates the difference in baseline respiration rates between the
music group (mean = 46) compared to control group (mean = 54). The
groups were otherwise balanced for weight, type of oxygen
therapy/diagnosis, average heart and oxygen saturation rates, and sex
(data not shown). The positive trend for oxygen saturation was reduced
when comparing the music/silence period to the post silence period
(Table 1), and there were no significant effects for any other measure
for any day. Secondary analysis divided by sex showed no significant
effect, and there were no differences within the music group for any
measure over the 4 days (data not shown).
The primary analysis for the third hypothesis compared the mean
number of disorganised and organised behaviours between the groups at
baseline and over the 4 days. The number of disorganised behaviours at
baseline was higher in the music group with a mean of 2.8 in the first
10 minutes compared to 0.6 for controls (Table 1). The groups were
matched for number of positive behaviours. There were no significant
differences between groups for any particular behaviour for any day.
Secondary analysis divided by sex and adjusted disorganised behaviour
measures also showed no significant effect for any behaviour for any day
(data not shown).
The lack of significant results for hypotheses 2 and 3 supports the
first hypothesis that the presentation of RSM will have no negative
effect on the physiological and behavioural stability of 34 week
gestation infants with oxygen dependency and/or chronic lung programs.
The primary purpose of this study was to determine the safety of
using RSM by documenting its impact on the cardio-respiratory systems
and behavioural states of premature infants with chronic lung disorder
and/or oxygen dependency. In the protocol as presented, there was no
effect on the physiology or behaviour of the subjects. Therefore it
presented no risk and was safe for the subjects.
Despite observing a (non-significant) positive effect on oxygen
saturation the results of this study do not support previous research
with similar methodologies. Collins and Kuck (1991) found that 24-37
week (gestational age) infants in an agitated state had significantly
increased oxygen saturation and improved behavioural state after only
one presentation of music for 10 minutes. Butt and Kisilevsky (2000)
found that infants aged 3 I weeks and older obtained homeostasis after a
stressful event quicker in the presence of music after only one trial.
In both studies, infants were in a heightened state of distress at the
commencement of the music, so a wider range of response could occur. In
this study, infants were behaviourally stable at the commencement of the
protocol, perhaps resulting in a more modest effect.
The results do, in part, support the recent research of Abromeit
(2002). Nine infants aged around 31 weeks were exposed to standard care,
RSM, and sensory stimulation with live singing. Although the infants
received 24 episodes of RSM (with standard care and sensory stimulation
counterbalanced) over 6 to 8 weeks, there were no significant changes in
respiration rate, heart rate, stress behaviours, or self-regulatory
behaviours. Furthermore, when receiving RSM the infants showed an
initial increase in stress behaviours, which decreased over the 24
Many factors contributed to the outcome of the present study.
Perhaps most significantly, since the study's completion, it has
been suggested that past research has been too conservative in the
frequency of music presentation, and that premature infants as young as
26 weeks may benefit from sedative music administered several times
daily throughout their hospital stay (J. M. Standley, personal
communication, August 9, 2002). Infants may also need a period of time
to build a psychological association with music as a positive stimulus
(Shoemark, 1999; Tims, as cited in Standley, 1991). The first
author's clinical experience certainly indicates that the effect of
music may be greater once the infant has had time to experience RSM
while in a positive state and has learnt to associate it with
homeostasis. Certainly, the infants in this study were relatively stable
physiologically and behaviourally, and may have tolerated music more
frequently, therefore increasing the potential for an effect to occur.
Another factor which may have contributed to the lack of
significant effect was the small and potentially skewed sample. Despite
random allocation the groups were not evenly matched at baseline.
Because of the scheduling and equipment restriction of hearing tests,
19% of the enrolled infants were diagnosed with a hearing impairment
after they had participated. The resulting sample for the analysis was
small and not a good representation of the population. The sample size
was only adequate to detect a relatively large difference between the
two groups and it may be that positive, smaller differences exist but
could not be detected. The results did indicate that music was not
harmful to these infants and that greater potential benefit was possible
over time.
The lack of negative physiological and behavioural outcomes for
this study was sufficient assurance for a clinical program to commence
in this unit. The protocol has been modified in the duration and
frequency of music presentation. Each infant is assessed to determine
their response to RSM and their tolerance for the duration of music
before specifically programmed tapes or CDs are provided. It is
recommended that the RSM be used after an infant's nursing care
cluster (feed, nappy change, etc.), approximately every 3 to 4 hours.
These modified clinical applications of RSM offer promising anecdotal
evidence of positive effect for regulation of cardiorespiratory systems,
transitioning between disorganised to organised behavioural states, and
masking disruptive environmental noise.
RSM is useful in the initial and ongoing stages of music therapy
intervention (based on the infant's assessed tolerance) and is
easily accessible by staff and parents. This provides a positive music
experience "on tap" for the infant which is carefully
assessed, designed, and monitored by the music therapist. The needs of
premature infants with respiratory disorders and their families are
complex however, and varying music therapy interventions are needed to
address them. Incorporating the listening preferences of infants and
their parents is an important part of a family centred music therapy
program. Methods which are respectful of and responsive to the cues of
the individual infant, such as music adapted multimodal (sensory)
stimulation, have proven highly effective in increasing infants'
tolerance for stimulation and reducing their hospital stay by up to 11
days (Standley, 1998).
Previous research justifies further inquiry into the area of
premature infants and music therapy. A replication of this study with
adjustments to the frequency of music presentation and a larger sample
size would certainly be beneficial. Further research on how to best meet
the complex individual needs of these infants could include or compare
RSM with other music therapy methods. Music therapy methods which aim to
reduce distress, facilitate development, promote homeostasis, and reduce
length of hospital stay should be investigated.
Physiological and Behavioural Assessment
This study was supported by Ronald McDonald House, Monash.
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C weighting scale: a minimal filter used by the sound level meter
to better replicate the frequencies heard by the human ear.
Jacinta Calabro BMus(Hons) RMT, Monash Medical Centre, Melbourne
Rory Wolfe PhD BSc, Monash University, Melbourne
Helen Shoemark MME BMus RMT, Royal Children's Hospital,
Table 1
Comparison of physiological and behavioural outcomes for music and
control groups
Outcome Baseline period Change from
measure on Day 1 baseline period to
music/silence period
in mean
Control Music change P-
Mean Mean (95% CI) value
Heart rate 156 165 -0.9 0.64
(bpm) (-5.0, 3.2)
Respiratory 54 46 1.8 0.38
rate (bpm) (-2.4, 6.0)
Oxygen 94.2 95.5 0.7 0.36
saturation (%) (-0.9, 2.3)
Organised 0.0 0.78
behaviours 1.7 1.8 (-0.2, 0.2)
(per min)
Disorganised 0.1 0.83
behaviours 0.6 2.8 (-0.9, 1.1)
(per 10 min)
Outcome Change from
measure baseline period to
post observation
in mean
change P-
(95% Cl) value
Heart rate -0.1 0.98
(bpm) (-7.8, 7.6)
Respiratory 0.1 0.96
rate (bpm) (-4.3, 4.5)
Oxygen 0.4 0.62
saturation (%) (-1.3, 2.0)
Organised 0.1 0.63
behaviours (-0.2, 0.3)
(per min)
Disorganised -0.2 0.74
behaviours (-1.7, 1.3)
(per 10 min)
Note. Positive values in the "Difference in mean change"
columns indicate a greater within-infant increase (or smaller
within-infant decrease) in the Intervention group than in
the Control group.