Monetary policy and natural disasters in a DSGE model.
Keen, Benjamin D. ; Pakko, Michael R.
1. Introduction
In late August 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit the U.S. Gulf coast with
a catastrophic fury that caused unprecedented damage to the region.
Burton and Hicks (2005) calculate that the total damage to homes,
businesses, and infrastructure was more than $150 billion, making
Katrina the costliest hurricane ever. (1) That estimate, in economic
terms, represents about 0.4% of the Bureau of Economic Analysis's
figure for total fixed capital and consumer durables at the end of 2004.
Economic activity in the Gulf coast region also was disrupted during and
immediately after the hurricane. As a result, quarterly U.S. GDP growth
is estimated to have declined by around 0.4% in the third quarter of
2005. (2)
The magnitude of the disaster fueled speculation by financial
market participants that the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) might
ease policy at its meeting of September 20 by postponing a widely
expected 25 basis point increase in the federal funds rate. The change
in expectations was widely reported by the financial press. For example,
an article in the Cincinnati Post (September 7, 2005, Business Section)
stated that, "Before the hurricane ... economists considered it a
foregone conclusion that Fed policy makers would boost short-term
interest rates by another quarter percentage point.... Now, a growing
number of economists say the odds are rising that the Fed might take a
Data from federal funds futures markets also confirm this shift in
expectations. Figure 1 shows that the expected average funds rate for
September and October began falling on the day after Katrina's
landfall. From August 29 to September 6, the expected rate derived from
the September contract fell 5 basis points, whereas the expected funds
rate for October fell by 11 basis points.
At the September 20 meeting, the FOMC raised the federal funds rate
by 25 basis points, as was widely expected before Katrina. The press
release following the meeting stated that, "While these unfortunate
developments have increased uncertainty about near-term economic
performance, it is the Committee's view that they do not pose a
more persistent threat" (FOMC (2005). (3) Given the FOMC was
expected to raise its funds rate target before Katrina, the
Committee's subsequent decision to follow that course of action
indicates that monetary policy did not respond to the disaster. (4)
In this article, we use a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium
(DSGE) model to investigate how monetary policy should respond to
catastrophic events such as Hurricane Katrina. We model infrequent
catastrophic events using a two-state Markov switching process. Most of
the time, the economy is in the nondisaster (or normal) state. In each
period, however, a small probability exists that the economy will
experience a disaster. A disaster is characterized by the destruction of
a portion of the capital stock and a temporary negative technology shock
that reduces output. We then analyze the effect of a disaster shock in
model specifications with and without nominal price and wage rigidities.
Our results indicate that the monetary authority should raise its
nominal interest rate target following a disaster. This prescribed
increase in the federal funds rate clearly runs contrary to the
conventional wisdom following Hurricane Katrina. The press and financial
markets based their beliefs on an assumption that the Federal Reserve is
motivated to dampen the fall in output caused by a disaster. When
conducting monetary policy within a Taylor (1993) rule framework,
however, the nominal interest rate responds primarily to higher
inflation rather than to lower output. (6) That finding also holds when
an explicit disaster variable enters the policy rule. Using optimal
control theory, as applied by Woodford (2002) and others, the monetary
authority should strive to replicate the dynamics of a flexible price
and wage equilibrium. Generating those dynamics requires an increase in
the nominal interest rate in response to higher inflation and also to
the higher real interest rate associated with depletion of the capital
stock. Such a policy minimizes real distortions resulting from nominal
price and wage rigidities.
The article proceeds as follows: Section 2 outlines the model,
section 3 presents the specification of our disaster shock and its
effects on the capital stock and output, section 4 examines the effect
of a disaster when the Federal Reserve follows a standard Taylor rule,
section 5 analyzes the optimal monetary policy response to a disaster,
and section 6 concludes.
2. Model Framework
We examine a fully articulated DSGE model wherein firms are
monopolistically competitive producers of goods and households are
monopolistically competitive suppliers of labor. (7) Imperfect
competition in the goods and labor markets enables us to consider models
with price and nominal wage rigidities. Specifically, we consider three
different specifications of our benchmark DSGE model: flexible prices
and wages (flexible model), sticky prices and flexible wages (sticky
price model), and sticky prices and sticky wages (sticky price and wage
Households supply differentiated labor services to the firms in a
monopolistically competitive labor market. Total aggregate labor hours,
[n.sub.t], is calculated as a Dixit and Stiglitz (1977) continuum of
labor hours, [n.sub.h,t], supplied by each household, h [member of] [0,
where -[[epsilon].sub.w] is the wage price elasticity of demand for
household h's labor services. Firms' demand for household
h's labor services are calculated by minimizing labor costs subject
to the equation of aggregate labor hours,
where [W.sub.h,t] is the nominal wage rate of household h, and
[W.sub.t] is interpreted as the aggregate nominal wage rate:
Household h is an infinitely lived agent who values consumption,
c,, and real money balances, ([M.sub.t]/[P.sub.t]), but dislikes labor.
Household h also participates in a state-contingent securities market.
That assumption enables all households to be homogeneous with respect to
consumption, investment, capital, money, and bonds. The expected utility
function for household h is then summarized as
[E.sub.t] is the conditional expectation at time t, and [beta] is
the discount factor.
Households own the capital stock, [k.sub.t], and rent it to the
firms. In each period, household h selects a level of investment, it,
such that
[k.sup.'.sub.t+1] = [PHI] ([i.sub.t]/[k.sub.t],) [k.sub.t] +
(1 - [delta])[k.sub.t], (6)
where [k.sup.'.sub.t+1] is the amount of capital carried into
period t + 1, 4([PHI])(x) represents a Hayashi (1982) form of capital
adjustment costs, and 8 is the depreciation rate. The capital adjustment
costs are the resources lost in the conversion of investment to capital,
[i.sub.t] - [PHI]([i.sub.i]/[k.sub.t])[k.sub.t], and are an increasing
and convex function of the steady-state investment-to-capital ratio such
that [[PHI].sup.'](x) > 0 and [[PHI].sup.'](x) < 0. A
disaster, if it strikes, occurs at the beginning of period t before
production begins. The nondestroyed capital, [k.sub.t], that is
available for use in production is
In ([k.sub.t]/k) = In ([k.sup.'.sub.t]/[k.sup.']) -
[kappa]ln ([D.sub.t]/D), (7)
where [D.sub.t] is the "disaster shock" variable, which
is discussed in more detail in the next section, and the variables
without time subscripts represent steady-state values.
Household h begins each period with an initial stock of nominal
money balances, [M.sub.t-1], and receives a payment,
[R.sub.t-1][B.sub.t-1], from its nominal bond holdings, [B.sub.t-1],
where [R.sub.t] is the gross nominal interest rate. During the period,
household h receives labor income, [W.sub.h,t][n.sub.h,t]; rental income
from capital, [P.sub.t][q.sub.t][k.sub.t]; dividends from the firms,
[D.sub.t]; a lump sum transfer from the monetary authority, [T.sub.t];
and a payment from the state-contingent securities markets, [A.sub.h,t],
where [q.sub.t] is the real rental rate of capital. Those funds then are
used to finance consumption and investment purchases and
end-of-the-period bond, [B.sub.t], and money, [M.sub.t], holdings. The
budget constraint for household h is represented as follows:
[B.sub.t] + [P.sub.t]([c.sub.t] + [i.sub.t]) + [M.sub.t] =
[W.sub.h,t][n.sub.h,t] + [P.sub.t][q.sub.t][k.sub.t] + [D.sub.t] +
[R.sub.t-1][B.sub.t-1] + [T.sub.t] + [M.sub.t-1] + [A.sub.h,t]. (8)
Finally, household h chooses a level of [c.sub.t], [i.sub.t],
[k.sub.t], [B.sub.t], and [M.sub.t] that maximizes its expected utility
subject to its capital accumulation and budget constraint equations.
Household h also might negotiate a wage contract that can remain in
place for an unknown number of periods. The opportunity to renegotiate a
wage contract follows a Calvo (1983) model of random adjustment. That
is, [[eta].sub.w] is the probability that household h can set a new
nominal wage, [W.sub.t.sup.*], and (1 -[[eta].sup.w]) is the probability
that its nominal wage can only increase by the steady-state inflation
rate, [pi]. (8) When a wage adjustment opportunity occurs, household h
selects a nominal wage, [W.sub.t.sup.*], that maximizes its utility
given the firms' demand for its labor,
where [(1 - [[eta].sup.w]).sup.i] is the probability that another
wage adjustment opportunity will not take place in the next i periods.
Finally, a value [[eta].sup.w]. = 1 implies that the nominal wage is
perfectly flexible.
Firms, which are owned by the households, produce differentiated
goods in a monopolistically competitive market. Firm f hires labor,
[n.sub.f,t], and rents capital, [k.sub.f,t], from the households to
produce its output, [y.sub.f,t] according to a Cobb-Douglas production
[y.sub.f,t] = [Z.sub.t] [([k.sub.f,t]).sup.[alpha]]
[([n.sub.f,t]).sup.(1-[alpha]]) (10)
where 0 [less than or equal to ] [alpha] [less than or equal to] 1.
The productivity factor, [Z.sub.t], comprises the typical technology
shock, [z.sub.t], that follows a first-order autoregressive process and
an additional component related to the disaster shock variable,
ln([Z.sub.t]/Z) = ln ([z.sub.t]/z) + [zeta] ln([D.sub.t]/D). (11)
Firm f then chooses the combination of labor and capital that
minimizes its production costs, [w.sub.t][n.sub.f,t ]+
[q.sub.t][k.sub.f,t], given its production function. Solving firm
f's cost minimization problem yields the following factor demand
[q.sub.t] = [[PSI].sub.t] [alpha], [Z.sub.t]
[([n.sub.f,t]/[k.sub.f,t]).sup.(1-[alpha])] (12)
[W.sub.t] / [P.sub.t] = [[PSI].sub.t] (1-[alpha]) [Z.sub.t]
[([k.sub.f,t]/[n.sub.f,t]).sup.[alpha] (13)
where [[PSI].sub.t] is the Lagrange multiplier on the cost
minimization problem and is interpreted as the real marginal cost of
producing an additional unit of output. The marginal cost,
[[PSI].sub.t], is identical for all firms because every firm pays the
same rental rates for capital and labor.
Aggregate output, [y.sub.t], is a Dixit and Stiglitz (1977)
continuum of differentiated products,
where - [[epsilon].sub.p] is the price elasticity of demand for
good J; Cost minimization by households yields the demand equation for
firm f's good,
where [P.sub.f,t] is the price charged by firm f and [P.sub.t] is a
nonlinear price index:
Each period, firm f also may have an opportunity to select a new
price, [P.sub.f,t], for its product, [y.sub.f,t]. Firm price adjustment
opportunities follow a Calvo (1983) model of random adjustment. That is,
the probability a new price, [P.sub.t.sup.*], can be set is
[[eta].sub.p], and the probability the price only can adjust by the
steady state inflation rate, [pi], is (1 -[[eta].sub.p]). A
price-adjusting firm selects a price, [P.sub.t.sup.*], that maximizes
the discount value of its expected current and future profits subject to
its factor demand and product demand equations,
where [[beta].sup.i] [[lambda].sub.t+i] is the households'
real value in period t of an additional unit of profits in period t + i,
and [(1 - [[eta].sub.p]).sup.i] is the probability that the firm will
not have another price-adjusting opportunity in the next i periods. (9)
Finally, prices are completely flexible in this specification when
[[eta].sub.p] = 1.
The Monetary Authority
The monetary authority utilizes a generalized Taylor (1993) rule.
Specifically, the monetary authority's nominal interest rate target
responds to changes in the inflation rate, [[pi].sub.t], the nominal
wage growth rate, [DELTA][W.sub.t], the level of output, and the
disaster shock variable
ln([R.sub.t]/R): [[theta].sub.[pi]] ln([[pi].sub.t]/ [pi])
+[[theta].sub.w] ln([DELTA][W.sub.t]/[DELTA]W) + [[theta].sub.y]
ln([y.sub.t]/y)+ [[theta].sub.D] ln ([D.sub.t]/D) + [[epsilon].sub.R,t],
where [[epsilon].sub.R,t] is a discretionary monetary policy shock
which is normally distributed with a zero mean and variance of
[[sigma].sup.2.sub.[epsilon]]. Finally, [DELTA]W = [pi] in the steady
state because the model does not include any endogenous growth.
3. The Disaster Shock
We consider two crucial characteristics of a natural disaster like
Hurricane Katrina. First, a disaster destroys an economically relevant
share of the economy's productive capital stock, as shown in
Equation 7. Second, a disaster temporarily disrupts production, which we
model as a transitory negative technology shock in Equation 11. Because
a disaster is an infrequent event, the disaster shock is modeled as a
two-state Markov switching process. The negative shocks to the capital
stock and to technology are specified as functions of the two-state
disaster variable.
The disaster shock variable, [D.sub.t], can take on one of two
states. State 1 is the "normal" or "nondisaster"
state, whereas state 2 is defined as a "disaster." The two
states evolve according to a transition matrix with the calibrated
where [p.sub.ij] = prob ([D.sub.t] = [D.sup.j] | [D.sub.t-i] =
[D.sup.i]). For the given probability values, there is a 2% probability
a disaster will occur, regardless of the disaster variable's state
in the previous period. (10)
To map the regime-shifting framework onto the canonical
difference-equation structure of the model, a log-linearized version of
the Markov-switching process is expressed in the following form (11):
[[??].sub.t+1] = [[rho].sub.D] [[??].sub.t] + [[epsilon].sub.Dt+1].
It is convenient to define the baseline steady state as the
unconditional expected value of the disaster shock:
ln (D) = 1 - [p.sub.22] / 2 - [p.sub.11] - [p.sub.22] ln
([D.sup.1]) + 1 - [p.sub.11] / 2 - [p.sub.11] - [p.sub.22] ln
([D.sup.2]) (21)
The composite expressions weighting the two values of [D.sub.t] in
Equation 8 are the ergodic probabilities of being in each of the two
When [D.sub.t] is in state 1, its logarithmic deviation from the
baseline steady state is
[[??].sup.1] [equivalent to] ln ([D.sup.1]) - ln (D) = 1 -
[p.sub.11] / 2 - [p.sub.11] - [p.sub.22] [ln ([D.sup.1]) - ln
([D.sup.2])], (22)
and when [D.sub.t] is in state 2, it is
[[??].sup.2] [equivalent to] ln ([D.sup.2]) - ln (D) = 1 -
[p.sub.22] / 2 - [p.sub.11] - [p.sub.22] [ln ([D.sup.2]) - ln
([D.sup.1])]. (23)
A useful property of a two-state Markov-switching process is that
the conditional probabilities implicit in the expectation term in
Equation 7 can be represented as a first-order autoregressive process.
With Equations 9 and 10 and the probability transition matrix, it is
straightforward to show that the autoregressive coefficient defined as
[E.sub.t]([ [??].sub.t+1] | [[??].sub.t]/[ [??].sub.t]) is independent
of the present state and is equal to [p.sub.11] + [p.sub.22] - 1. (12)
For the linearly approximated simulations, this expression defines the
value for [rho].sub.D]. (13) The sequence of disturbances placed into
the model is calculated as
[[epsilon].sub.Dt] = [[??].sub.t] - [E.sub.t-1] ([[??].sub.t]) =
[[??].sub.t] - (1 - [p.sub.11] - [p.sub.22]) [[??].sub.t-1] (24)
4. Simulation Experiments
The disaster shock variable is calibrated to reflect the magnitude
of Hurricane Katrina's economic impact. First, the ratio
[D.sup.2]/[D.sup.1] is set to 1.004, providing a baseline magnitude for
the shock's impact. The effect of [[??].sub.t] on capital and
technology are calibrated to generate specific impulse responses
consistent with the effect of Hurricane Katrina. In particular, the
disaster variable's effect on the capital stock and technology are
calibrated such that both the capital stock and output decline by 0.4%
in the flexible price and wage equilibrium when the economy is in the
"disaster" state. In terms of Equations 7 and 11, this
requires that we set [kappa] = 1 and [zeta] = -0.58.
The existence or absence of nominal price and wage rigidities
depends on the calibration of the probability of price adjustment,
[eta].sub.p], and the probability of wage adjustment, [eta].sub.w] w.
The probability of price adjustment equals 1 when prices are flexible
and 0.25 when prices are sticky. Our calibration for the sticky price
specification indicates that firms reset their price, on average, once
per year, which is consistent with findings in Rotemberg and Woodford
(1992). The probability of wage adjustment is set to 1 if wages are
flexible and 0.25 if wages are sticky. The sticky wage calibration,
which is consistent with Erceg, Henderson, and Levin (2000), suggests
that nominal wage readjustment occurs, on average, once every year.
Finally, Table 1 details the calibration of the model's other
parameters, except the parameters in the policy rules (which are
discussed below).
Taylor Rule Responses
Figure 2 illustrates the effect of a disaster on the flexible
model, sticky price model, and sticky price and wage model when the
central bank follows a Taylor rule with [[theta].sub.[pi]] = 1.5 and
[[theta].sub.y] = 0.125. (14) We calibrate the shock to deliver a 0.4%
fall in output for the flexible model. (15) The negative shock to the
capital stock and productivity factor prompts firms to lower their
output and raise prices. That decline in output and rise in inflation is
moderated when prices are sticky because some firms cannot optimally
reset their price. (16) To compensate for lost productivity and a lower
capital stock, the non-price-adjusting firms must increase their labor
to maintain their production levels. Conversely, price-adjusting firms
reduce their labor demand as output falls. As a result, employment
increases in the sticky price model and sticky price and wage model but
decreases in the flexible model.
The larger output decline in the flexible model lowers household
income, giving them fewer resources to invest in capital than in models
with nominal rigidities. In the period after the disaster, the return of
productivity to its predisaster level permits firms to increase output,
which lifts households' income and enables them to increase their
investment in physical capital. That process continues for a number of
periods as the capital stock is slowly reconstructed. In the longer
term, the protracted rebuilding of the capital stock is associated with
below-trend output and persistent, above-trend paths for employment,
investment, and inflation. (17)
The endogenous response of monetary policy to inflation and output,
via the Taylor rule, drives the movements in the nominal interest rate.
The policy reaction to higher inflation after a disaster puts upward
pressure on the nominal interest rate, whereas the decline in output
generates downward pressure. In the standard Taylor rule calibration,
the inflation rate effect dominates, so that an increase in the nominal
interest rate is the prescribed monetary policy response. The initial
increase in the nominal interest rate is more than 80 basis points in
the flexible model, whereas it rises only by about 30 basis points in
the sticky price model and the sticky price and wage model. Destruction
of the capital stock also increases future capital rental rates, which
causes the equilibrium real interest rate to rise. The real interest
rate rises initially by around 50 basis points in the flexible model but
only by about 20 basis points in the models with nominal rigidities.
Finally, the gradual reconstruction of the capital stock keeps inflation
and inflation expectations above their steady states for an extended
period of time in all of the models.
Both components of the disaster shock--the destruction of the
capital stock and the temporary decline in technology affect key
economic variables after such a shock. Table 2 decomposes the
contemporaneous effect of a disaster shock on output, inflation, and the
nominal interest rate into the two separate components of the models in
Figure 2. Immediately after the disaster shock, the temporary reduction
in technology amplifies the decline in output and the rise in inflation
and the nominal interest rate caused by the destruction of the capital
shock. In subsequent periods, the persistent responses of the variables
shown in Figure 2 are entirely attributable to the gradual rebuilding of
the capital stock.
To evaluate the optimality of policy rules, we make use of
Woodford's (2002) finding that an optimal monetary policy
replicates the efficient level of output. (18) The introduction of
monopolistic competition in our model creates an inefficiency wedge
between the efficient level of output and the flexible price and wage
level of output. (19) Those markup distortions, however, are
nonstochastic, so that wedge remains constant. In particular, our
disaster shock--which produces a temporary decline in technology and a
loss of capital--has no effect on the wedge. Accordingly, the optimal
monetary policy response to a disaster shock is closely approximated by
the output dynamics of the flexible model. (20) With the use of this
criterion, the dynamics illustrated in Figure 2 show that this
calibration of the Taylor rule is suboptimal in the presence of nominal
distortions. An optimal monetary policy should enable output to reach
its flexible price and wage equilibrium.
5. Optimal Monetary Policy
The specifications of the Taylor rule considered in the previous
section fail to generate the optimal monetary policy response to a
disaster shock, and a discretionary departure from the Taylor rule can
worsen the outcome from a welfare perspective. In this section, we
consider systematic optimal monetary policy rules as derived in the
literature and evaluate their implications for our disaster shock model.
Because such policy rules might not be feasible in practice, we also
consider a constrained optimal monetary policy in which the monetary
authority responds directly to the disaster shock.
An Example of Optimal Monetary Policy
The optimal monetary policy rule depends on the source of nominal
rigidities in the economy. Woodford (2002) argues that stabilizing the
price level is the optimal monetary policy when prices are sticky. In a
Taylor rule setting, that finding indicates that the parameter on
inflation, [[theta].sub.[pi]], should be set to an extremely high value.
Erceg, Henderson, and Levin (2000) find that it is optimal for the
monetary authority to target the wage inflation rate when wages are
sticky. That is, the monetary authority should place a large weight on
the wage inflation parameter, [[theta].sub.w], in the Taylor rule. In a
sticky price and wage model, however, neither extreme monetary policy
rule will suffice. A monetary policy rule vigorously targeting price
inflation eliminates the effects of the price distortion but the wage
rigidity remains. When wage inflation is the target of monetary policy,
the effects of the wage distortion are removed from the model, but the
effect of price stickiness remains.
The effect of a disaster shock when the monetary authority follows
an extreme price inflation control policy ([[theta].sub.[pi]] = 10,000)
is illustrated in the left-hand column of Figure 3. When the monetary
authority aggressively responds to price inflation, monetary policy
effectively prevents price inflation from changing, which eliminates
distortions due to the price rigidity. That policy is optimal for the
sticky price model because it enables the model to generate precisely
the same output response as the flexible model. Elimination of the price
distortion also causes the sticky price and wage model to resemble a
model with nominal wage rigidities. The reduction in output pushes down
labor demand, which produces a decline in the real wage. Because price
inflation is unchanged, the nominal wage inflation rate falls after a
disaster shock in all of the models.
The middle column of Figure 3 shows the effect of a disaster shock
when the monetary authority pursues an extreme wage inflation target
([[theta].sub.w] = 10,000). By aggressively targeting the wage inflation
rate, the monetary authority eliminates distortions caused by the
nominal wage rigidity. Therefore, wage inflation is unchanged after a
disaster shock in all three models. That policy causes the sticky price
and wage model to resemble the sticky price model. Targeting wage
inflation, however, is not optimal for either of the models with nominal
rigidities because real output deviates from the flexible price and wage
equilibrium. The lower real wage rate caused by lower labor demand
combined with a monetary policy objective of maintaining a constant
nominal wage rate forces price inflation to rise in all three models.
A monetary policy that aggressively targets both price inflation
and wage inflation fails to eliminate the effects of either price or
wage distortions. The right-hand column of Figure 3 shows the effect of
a disaster shock for a policy that targets both price and wage
inflation. In all of the models, price inflation rises, but wage
inflation declines. The wage inflation decline is caused by a falling
real wage rate which dominates the price inflation increase. In the
Taylor rule, the downward pressure from wage inflation cancels out the
upward pressure on the nominal interest rate from the rising price
inflation rate. Because the effects of both nominal rigidities are still
present, the output response is suboptimal in both the sticky price
model and the sticky price and wage model.
Constrained Optimal Policy Responses
A monetary policy rule that vigorously responds to price or wage
inflation fluctuations might be optimal in theory but might not be
feasible in practice. The impulse responses illustrated in Figure 3
require that the market participants believe the monetary authority will
respond with "excessive force" to any price or wage
deviations, so that prices or wages will never change. Assuming such a
policy is not feasible in practice, we consider an alternative strategy
in which the monetary authority systematically and directly responds to
a disaster shock in an otherwise standard Taylor rule.
We begin by searching for the optimal monetary policy response to
the disaster shock, [[theta].sub.D], in a standard calibration of the
Taylor rule ([[theta].sub.[pi]] = 1.5, [[theta].sub.y] = 0.125, and
[[theta].sub.w] = 0.0). Following Woodford (2002), the optimal policy
response to a disaster shock in a model with nominal rigidities is the
value of [[theta].sub.D] that minimizes variation of output from its
flexible price and wage equilibrium. Figure 4 displays a grid search
across a range of values for [[theta].sub.D], in which a positive value
for 0o implies an increase in the nominal interest rate target. (21) In
both models with nominal rigidities, the optimal value for
[[theta].sub.D] is positive, which suggests that the optimal conditional
response to a disaster shock is a policy tightening. A comparison of the
output responses in Figure 5 indicates that when [[theta].sub.D] is set
equal to its optimal value, the interest rate rises more than indicated
by the Taylor rule alone, and the reduction in output more closely
mirrors the flexible price and wage equilibrium.
The optimal coefficient on the response of the nominal interest
rate target to a disaster shock can be negative in some circumstances.
Figure 6 illustrates an example of a plausible policy rule calibration
([[theta].sub.[pi]] = 5.0, [[theta].sub.y] = 0.0, and [[theta].sub.w] =
0.0) in which the optimal value of [[theta].sub.D] is found to be
negative for the sticky price and wage model. In this case, the
systematic response to price inflation in the policy rule now eliminates
much of the distortion from the price stickiness. Inefficiencies from
the nominal wage rigidity, however, remain in the sticky price and wage
model. Eliminating that wage distortion requires an easing of monetary
policy in direct response to a disaster shock (i.e., [[theta].sub.D] is
negative). Figure 7 demonstrates that the output response to a disaster
shock is much closer to the optimal output response from the flexible
model when policy directly responds to the disaster shock. On the other
hand, it also shows that the aggressive response of monetary policy to
rising inflation still makes it optimal to raise the nominal interest
rate target in response to a disaster shock. The direct response to the
disaster ([[theta].sub.D] < 0) only partly mitigates the increase in
the nominal interest rate.
The results from Figures 4 and 6 indicate that the optimal monetary
policy response to a disaster shock, [[theta].sub.D], depends on the
calibration of the other monetary policy rule parameters. Figures 5 and
7 then show that the impulse responses of output and the nominal
interest rate to a disaster shock depend on the calibration of monetary
policy parameters including [[theta]sub.D]. Given those results, we
examine the sensitivity of both the optimal value of [[theta].sub.D] and
the impulse responses of output and the nominal interest rate to
different calibrations of the monetary policy rule. Table 3 displays the
optimal value for [[theta].sub.D] and the contemporaneous effect of a
disaster shock on output and the nominal interest rate for parameter
values of [[theta].sub.[pi]] that range from 1.5 to 5.0 and
[[theta].sub.y] that is either 0 or 0.125. Our results reveal that the
calibration of the monetary policy has a small effect on the optimal
value for [[theta].sub.D] in the sticky price model but has a more
sizable effect on [[theta].sub.D] in the sticky price and wage model.
Regardless of the calibration of the monetary policy rule, however, the
optimal response of monetary policy to a disaster shock is an increase
in the nominal interest rate target.
6. Conclusion
Once the damage from Hurricane Katrina became apparent, the media
and financial markets speculated that the Federal Reserve might ease
policy by delaying an expected 25--basis point increase in the federal
funds rate. Three weeks later at its next meeting, however, the Federal
Reserve decided to maintain its pre-Katrina policy stance and raise the
federal funds rate by 25 basis points. In this article, we examined the
appropriate monetary policy response to a natural disaster such as
Hurricane Katrina.
Our findings suggest that, in most circumstances, the monetary
authority should increase its nominal interest rate target after a
natural disaster that temporarily reduces productivity and destroys some
capital stock. When monetary policy is conducted using a Taylor-style
rule, the higher inflation effect dominates the lower output effect such
that the endogenous policy response to a disaster is a rise in the
nominal interest rate. We then apply Woodford's (2002) findings on
optimal monetary policy to show that the optimal response to a disaster
depends on the sources of nominal rigidities. Any direct easing after a
disaster, nonetheless, is dominated by the need to tighten policy in
response to higher inflation and to accommodate the increase in the real
interest rate. Thus, the optimal monetary policy response to a natural
disaster entails an increase in the nominal interest rate.
The reaction of monetary policy to any recurring shock should be
evaluated in terms of systematic responses to infrequent events, not as
discretionary responses to random shocks. Individuals observe policy
actions and form expectations about similar future events. Those
expectations must be endogenized within economic models to provide
robust policy analysis. The findings from our disaster scenario
framework demonstrate that a rigorous model-based approach to policy
analysis sometimes generates prescriptions that are at odds with the
prevailing public opinion expressed in the popular press.
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Contributions to Macroeconomics 2:Article 1.
(1) Estimates on the economic losses from Hurricane Katrina vary.
Risk Management Solutions, for example, on September 9, 2005, estimated
that insured losses were between $40 and $60 billion, whereas total
economic losses exceeded $100 billion.
(2) A quarterly decline of 0.4% in U.S. third quarter GDP is based
on estimates by the forecasting firms Macroeconomic Advisors and Global
Insight. According to Cashell and Labonte (2005), Macroeconomic Advisors
lowered their third quarter GDP annual growth forecast from 4.6-3.2% and
their fourth quarter forecast from 3.6-3.3%. Insight lowered its
forecast for annual GDP growth in the second half of 2005 by 0.7%.
Evaluating those magnitudes for a single quarter, at a non-annualized
rate, suggests an impact on output of approximately 0.4%.
(3) In his lone dissent, Governor Olsen recommended no change in
the federal funds rate "pending the receipt of additional
information on the economic effects resulting from the severe shock of
Hurricane Katrina."
(4) Although the FOMC did not respond directly to Hurricane
Katrina, the Committee did take explicit action in the wake of a
previous catastrophic event: the 9/11 attack. The 9/11 event differed
from other disasters in that it threatened to disrupt the efficient
functioning of the financial system (Ncely 2004).
(5) In related work, Wei (2003) models the effects of the 1973-1974
energy crisis as a negative shock to the capital stock in a general
equilibrium framework.
(6) Our finding that a natural disaster generates a rise in prices
and inflation expectations is consistent with inflation forecasts before
and after Hurricane Katrina. The Philadelphia Fed's Survey of
Professional Forecasters" estimate for the average 2005 inflation
rate rose from 2.9% before Katrina (August 15, 2005) to 3.9% afterward
(November 14, 2005).
(7) Our model is similar to that of Gavin, Keen, and Pakko (2009),
except it also includes a disaster shock.
(8) One advantage of indexing to the steady-state inflation rate.
as opposed to partial or full indexation to the lagged inflation rate,
is that it is not a form of adaptive expectations.
(9) The parameter [[lambda].sub.t] is the Lagrange multiplier from
the households' real budget constraint.
(10) A 2% disaster probability implies that a disaster occurs, on
average, once every 10 years. We experimented with other calibrations
for the disaster probability that are consistent with a rare event and
found that our qualitative results were unchanged.
(11) See Hamilton (1994, p. 684) for a detailed description of the
AR(I) representation of the two-state Markov process. This procedure of
linearizing a two-state Markov process also is used in Pakko (2005).
(12) The expression [p.sub.11] + [p.sub.22] - 1 defines the stable
eigenvalue of the probability transition matrix, P.
(13) Given our assumed values for the elements of the probability
transition matrix, the implied autocorrelation coefficient equals 0 in
this application.
(14) This calibration of the response to output is the equivalent
of a coefficient of 0.5 on annualized percent changes. In addition, the
coefficients on the gross wage inflation rate and the disaster shock are
set to 0.
(15) Alternatively, we could calibrate the shock separately in each
model to generate a 0.4% fall in output. Such a modification would
require us to magnify the effect of the disaster shock on technology in
Equation 11 (i.e., the absolute value of [zeta] would be higher).
Because Table 2 shows that the technology component of the disaster
shock simply amplifies the capital stock component's effects on key
economic variables, calibrating all of the models to a 0.4% change in
output will only enhance our key qualitative results.
(16) An alternative approach is to calibrate the disaster shock so
that output falls by 0.4% in the models with nominal rigidities. To
generate that result, the disaster shock would need to have a larger
effect on the level of productivity, [Z.sub.t] (i.e., [zeta] is larger).
Because we will show in Table 2 that the productivity component of the
disaster shock further pushes output down and inflation and the nominal
interest rate up, raising the calibration of [zeta] to generate an
output decline of 0.4% in the models with nominal rigidities will
strengthen our qualitative results in Figure 2.
(17) These longer term effects distinguish our disaster shock from
a simple, transitory technology shock. The persistent increase in
inflation is one property of the Taylor rule policy that indicates its
(18) Kim and Henderson (2005) also analytically derive this result
in a model with one-period price and wage contracts.
(19) The efficient level of output occurs when the economy has no
nominal rigidities and no distortions due to market power or taxes.
(20) Smets and Wouters (2003) also use this criterion for
evaluating optimal monetary policy. It should be noted that this
criterion identifies "optimal" policy as that which eliminates
the distortions due to sticky prices. It does not address the welfare
costs of inflation (area under the money demand carve) and the
inefficiency of monopolistically competitive pricing, which remain even
in the flexible price equilibrium.
(21) For each set of parameter values, the model is simulated 1000
times over a sample period of 160 quarters.
Benjamin D. Keen, Department of Economics, University of Oklahoma,
329 Hester Hall, 729 Elm Avenue, Norman, OK 73019, USA; E-mail; corresponding author.
Michael R. Pakko, Chief Economist, Institute for Economic
Advancement, University of Arkansas at Little Rock, 2801 South
University Avenue, Little Rock, AR 72204, USA; E-mail
The authors acknowledge the helpful comments of participants at the
82nd annual conference of the Western Economics Association
International, San Diego, CA, 2007. The research on this project was
conducted while Michael R. Pakko was an economist at the Federal Reserve
Bank of St, Louis and Benjamin D. Keen was a visiting scholar. The views
expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect official positions of the Federal Reserve Bank of
St. Louis, the Federal Reserve System, or its Board of Governors.
Received September 2009; accepted April 2010.
Table 1. Parameter Calibrations
Parameter Symbol Value
Depreciation rate [delta] 0.025
Discount factor [beta] 0.99
Leisure utility parameter [[sigma].sub.1] 0.33
Consumption utility parameter [[sigma].sub.2] 0.5
Capital's share of output [alpha] 0.33
Steady state gross quarterly [pi] 1.005
inflation rate
Steady state labor supply n 0.3
Price elasticity of demand [[epsilon].sub.p] 6.0
Wage elasticity of demand [[epsilon].sub.w] 6.0
Average capital adjustment costs [phi](.) i/k
Marginal capital adjustment costs [phi]'(.) 1.0
Elasticity of the ilk ratio with x = [(i/k) [phi]" (.)/ -0.2
respect to Tobin's q [phi]'(.)].sup.-1]
Table 2. The Contemporaneous Effect of a Disaster Shock
Flexible model y [pi] (a.r.) R (a.r.)
Full disaster shock -0.40 0.65 0.78
Capital only ([zeta] = 0) -0.11 0.14 0.16
Technology only ([kappa] = 0) -0.29 0.51 0.62
Sticky price model y [pi] (a. r.) R (a. r.)
Full disaster shock -0.16 0.25 0.29
Capital only ([zeta] = 0) -0.09 0.13 0.15
Technology only ([kappa] = 0) -0.07 0.12 0.15
Sticky price and wage model y [pi] (a.r.) R (a. r.)
Full disaster shock -0.18 0.29 0.35
Capital only ([zeta] = 0) -0.13 0.20 0.23
Technology only ([kappa] = 0) -0.05 0.10 0.11
a.r.--annualized rate.
Table 3. Direct Responses to a Disaster Shock: A Sensitivity Analysis
Sticky Price Model
[[theta].sub.y] = 0 Contemp. Impact, %
[[theta].sub.[pi]] [[theta].sub.D] y R (a.r.)
1.5 0.40 -0.39 0.69
2.0 0.40 -0.39 0.67
2.5 0.40 -0.40 0.66
3.0 0.40 -0.40 0.66
3.5 0.40 -0.40 0.65
4.0 0.40 -0.40 0.65
4.5 0.40 -0.40 0.65
5.0 0.40 -0.40 0.65
[[theta].sub.y] = 0.125 Contemp. Impact, %
[[theta].sub.[pi]] [[theta].sub.D] y R (a.r.)
1.5 0.50 -0.39 0.78
2.0 0.50 -0.39 0.72
2.5 0.50 -0.40 0.70
3.0 0.50 -0.40 0.69
3.5 0.50 -0.40 0.68
4.0 0.50 -0.40 0.67
4.5 0.50 -0.40 0.67
5.0 0.50 -0.40 0.67
Sticky Price and Wage Model
[[theta].sub.y] = 0 Contemp. Impact, %
[[theta].sub.[pi]] [[theta].sub.D] Y R (a.r.)
1.5 0.20 -0.38 0.60
2.0 0.15 -0.40 0.55
2.5 0.05 -0.38 0.44
3.0 0.00 -0.38 0.41
3.5 0.00 -0.40 0.45
4.0 -0.10 -0.37 0.36
4.5 -0.05 -0.42 0.45
5.0 -0.10 -0.41 0.43
[[theta].sub.y] = 0.125 Contemp. Impact, %
[[theta].sub.[pi]] [[theta].sub.D] Y R (a.r.)
1.5 0.40 -0.40 0.82
2.0 0.30 -0.40 0.69
2.5 0.20 -0.39 0.59
3.0 0.15 -0.39 0.55
3.5 0.10 -0.39 0.52
4.0 0.05 -0.39 0.49
4.5 0.05 -0.41 0.52
5.0 -0.05 -0.39 0.45
a.r.--annualized rate.