Outsourcing and vertical integration in a competitive industry.
Ciliberto, Federico ; Panzar, John C.
1. Introduction
We develop a partial equilibrium, competitive framework of a
(potentially) vertically integrated industry. In our model there are
three types of firms: upstream firms that use primary factors to produce
an intermediate good; downstream firms that use primary factors and
intermediate goods to produce a final good; and vertically integrated
firms that do both. We establish conditions under which vertically
integrated firms exist and outsource (part of) the production of the
intermediate input. Specifically, we ask the following questions: Why do
competitive firms vertically integrate? What changes in the economy and,
in particular, in the demands of the intermediate and final goods can
explain the vertical disintegration or integration of competitive
We build on the literature of multiproduct firms in competitive
markets. That literature illustrates market structures when there are
two final goods: A and B. This article uses a very similar framework,
with the distinction being that good B is an intermediate good in the
production of good A. The results hinge on the concept of economies of
scope. The comparative statics show how the industry structure changes
in response to changes in the external demand of final goods and
intermediate goods and also to changes in the cost structure. In
particular, we show that if economies of vertical scope are present,
then the vertical organization of the industry is determined by the
relative ratio of demands of intermediate and final output and by the
ratio of costs. As the demand external to the industry for the
intermediate output changes, the equilibrium configuration of the
industry changes as well. To develop our analysis we use the simplest
functional forms for cost and demand functions that are necessary to
demonstrate the results. We then justify how our results carry forward
under more general forms. For this reason, we hope that our
simplifications are considered as a point of strength rather than a
point of critique.
This article formalizes George Stigler's (1951) take on
vertical integration in his article "The division of labor is
limited by the extent of the market." Stigler shows that when the
industry grows, the vertically integrated firm outsources (part of) the
production of the intermediate good, whose production process is subject
to increasing costs. Stigler also shows that when one of the production
processes displays increasing returns to scale, it will be turned over
to specialists as the market grows. The specialists cannot charge more
than the average incremental cost that the vertically integrated firm
would face if it were producing the intermediate input in-house. Thus,
the specialists face a negatively sloped elastic demand for the
intermediate input. As the market continues to grow, the new industry
will become competitive. Stigler limits the analysis to the case in
which there are no economies of vertical scope and one of the production
processes is subject to increasing costs.
To formalize George Stigler's (1951) take oil vertical
integration we extend the competitive framework developed by MacDonald
and Slivinski (1987). First, we allow for economies of vertical scope to
exist, and we study when outsourcing occurs in the industry. In our
model (partial) outsourcing of the production plays a critical role in
determining which firms are present in equilibrium. Clearly, there is no
scope for outsourcing in MacDonald and Slivinski's horizontal
multiproduct industry. Second, we determine the set of output
combinations that vertically competitive firms choose in equilibrium.
From this set of output combinations we are able to conclude whether
there are only vertically integrated firms in the industry or whether
there are also upstream or downstream firms. Third, we study the
industry when another industry sells the intermediate good into the
market. We show how the vertical structure of the industry depends on
the ability of the producers of intermediate output to compete at lower
prices than the upstream firms.
Before moving on to the analysis, we want to stress how our model
explains vertical integration patterns from a technological perspective.
In this sense, our approach stands in contrast to the incomplete
contracting literature (Williamson 1985: Hart and Moore 1988), which
often dismisses technological explanations of vertical integration.
In section 2 of the article we introduce the notions of economies
of vertical scope. In section 3 we introduce the notion of economies of
scope. In section 4 we define a vertical competitive equilibrium. We
also study the vertical structure and equilibrium of the industry when
vertically integrated firms cannot outsource the production of the
intermediate input and when the industry produces a surplus of the
intermediate output. In section 5 of the article we still consider the
industry as producing a surplus of the intermediate input, but the
vertically integrated firms now outsource the production of the input.
In section 6 we merge the results from section 3 and 4, and we present a
comparative statics analysis to show how the industry structure changes
with changes in the aggregate output demands. Finally, in section 7 we
present the case when the industry buys the intermediate input. Section
8 summarizes the results and concludes the article.
2. Economies of Specialization and of Vertical Scope
The industry deals with three categories of commodities: a final
good, y [greater than or equal to] 0; an intermediate product, k; and a
vector of primary factors, x [less than or equal to] 0. This netput
notation helps facilitate the analysis. Let p, r, and w denote the
associated market prices. Firms are price takers in all markets, and
there is free entry in the markets of the final good. There is free
entry in the market of the intermediate product when it is an output,
[p.sup.e] denotes the equilibrium price of the final good. [r.sup.e]
denotes the equilibrium price of the intermediate product when it is an
The firm is upstream if it only produces k, and it is downstream if
it only produces y. For any firm under study, the final good is always
an output (y [greater than or equal to] 0), and the primary factors are
always inputs (x [less than or equal to] 0). However, the intermediate
product is always an output for upstream firms ([k.sup.U] [greater than
or equal to] 0) and an input for downstream firms ([k.sup.D ] [greater
than or equal to] 0). The net supply of the intermediate product for a
vertically integrated firm may be positive, negative, or zero. That is,
an integrated firm may operate a process that generates more, less, or
exactly the amount of the intermediate product that it requires to
produce a specified level of the final good.
More formally, firms are assumed to operate one of the three
following production sets:
In this formulation, f and g are traditional production functions,
and H is a production transformation function.
Next, we need to develop definitions that reflect intuitive
definitions of the technological advantages of specialization and
integration. First, we consider the production of the intermediate good.
The notion of specialization in the production is related to the ability
of firms to produce one single good more efficiently than can
multiproduct firms if they only produce the same good. The following two
definitions capture this notion of specialization:
the final good is produced, the upstream technology is at least as good
as the integrated technology. That is, [Y.sub.U] [contains or equal to]
[Y.sub.I] for y = 0. Equivalently, this means that f(-x) [greater than
or equal to] [max.sub.K ]{k|H (x, 0, k) [less than or equal to] 0}.
intermediate good is not an output, the downstream technology is at
least as good as the integrated technology. That is, [Y.sub.D] [contains
or equal to] [Y.sub.I] for k [less than or equal to] 0. Equivalently, g
(-x, -k) [greater than or equal to] [max.sub.y] {y|H (x, y, k) [less
than or equal to ] 0, k [less than or equal to ] 0}.
The notion of downstream specialization is less intuitive than that
of upstream specialization. To see why, observe that only in exceptional
cases is the minimum efficient scale of producing an intermediate
proportional to that of producing the final good, so that the
technologies are perfectly matched in terms of their outputs. Hence, a
vertically integrated firm normally produces too much or too little of
the intermediate output for its own use. This is why we expect economies
of downstream specialization to exist.
When the vertically integrated firm can sell the intermediate good
as an output, then it can fully exploit economies of scope in the
production of the final and intermediate goods. We define economies of
vertical scope next.
upstream, downstream, and integrated technologies are said to exhibit
economies of vertical scope if and only if [Y.sub.I] [contains or equal
to] [Y.sub.U] + [Y.sub.D]. Equivalently, given [k.sup.U] [greater than
or equal to] 0, [k.sup.D] [less than or equal to ] 0, [x.sup.U] [less
than or equal to ] 0, [x.sup.D] [less than or equal to ] 0, and
[y.sup.D] [greater than or equal to] 0, such that [k.sup.U] [less than
or equal to ] f (- [x.sup.U]) and [y.sup.D] [less than or equal to] g(-
[x.sup.D], [k.sup.D]), then H ([x.sup.U] + [x.sup.D], [y.sup.D],
[k.sup.U] + [k.sup.D]) [less than or equal to ] 0.
We expect to observe economies of vertical scope when producing a
final good lowers the costs of producing the intermediate output. For
example, if learning by doing is important in designing the best
intermediate input for the final good, then producing them together can
be cheaper than producing them separately. However, if the intermediate
and final goods are standardized, then economies of vertical scope are
less likely to exist.
3. Vertical Competitive Equilibrium
There are two questions we need to address: First, are there
vertically integrated firms in the vertical competitive equilibrium?
Second, can there be both vertically integrated and specialized firms in
the equilibrium? The first question is easily answered. Panzar and
Willig's (1981) result, which claims that economies of scope are
necessary and sufficient for the existence of multiproduct firms in
equilibrium, is still valid here. (1) Thus, we need to address the
second question whether there are also upstream and downstream firms in
equilibrium, and we need to determine conditions that explain which type
of firm is present in equilibrium.
To address this question, we follow MacDonald and Slivinski (1987)
and introduce some structure in the model. We denote the aggregate
demand of final output by Y and the net demand of the intermediate input
by K. If K > 0, then K is sold (we might say "exported" to
make it simpler to understand) to another industry, which uses the same
intermediate input. If K < 0, then K is bought ("imported")
from another industry.
In order to simplify the analysis, we assume that K and Y are
exogenous. (2) However, we could assume that Y (p) = z (c - dp) and K =
z (a - br), where z is a large positive integer, and the results of this
article would still carry on. This latter weaker assumption would ensure
that there is always an interior solution by which all firms of the same
type produce the same combination of outputs. The prices p and k are
still endogenous.
Let [k.sub.p] be the amount of intermediate input that the
vertically integrated firm purchases on the market, and let [k.sub.i] be
the amount of intermediate output that the vertically integrated firm
produces for its own use. Then [k.sub.i] + [k.sub.p] = k(y), where k(y)
is the total amount of k that the vertically integrated firm needs to
produce y. We define by [k.sub.s] the surplus of intermediate input that
the vertically integrated firm may produce. We define by [k.sup.U] the
amount of intermediate output produced by the specialized upstream
firms. We define by [y.sup.D] the amount of final output produced by the
specialized downstream firms.
Let [n.sup.I], [n.sup.D], and [n.sup.U] denote the number of
vertically integrated, downstream, and upstream firms, respectively.
Next, we define a competitive vertical equilibrium: (3)
DEFINITION 4. A competitive vertical equilibrium with free entry is
given by a pair of prices for the final and intermediate goods
([p.sup.e], [r.sup.e]) and two market clearing conditions Y =
[n.sup.I][y.sup.I] + [n.sup.D][y.sup.D] and K = ([K.sup.I.sub.s] - -
[K.sup.I.sub.p])[n.sup.I] + [k.sup.U][n.sup.U], such that the pattern of
integration of an industry satisfies the following conditions: (i) No
active firm can benefit from altering its choice of the stages at which
it operates; (ii) No active firm can profit by changing output levels;
(iii) No potential firm finds it profitable to enter into the industry;
(iv) All the firms in the industry, both incumbent and potential
entrants, are price takers.
4. Equilibrium without Outsourcing
For sake of simplicity of exposition, we assume that the vertically
integrated firm cannot buy intermediate input on the market. In section
5 we relax this assumption and let the vertically integrated firm buy
some of the intermediate input on the market (this is what we call
outsourcing), and we study how the comparative statics results change.
In this section we also maintain that [K.sub.s] > 0; That is,
the industry produces a surplus of intermediate outputs. The industry
sells its surplus of intermediates to another industry.
Following MacDonald and Slivinski (1987), we assume that k = g(x) -
[square root of x], and y = min {[square root of [x.sub.y]], k}. Hence,
[k.sub.i] + [k.sub.p] = y. Downstream, upstream, and vertically
integrated firms face fixed costs equal to [F.sup.D], [F.sup.U], and
[F.sup.I], respectively. (4) Then we can write their cost functions as
[C.sup.U] (k; w) = [F.sup.U] + [wk.sup.2],
[C.sup.D] (y; w, r) = [F.sup.D] + ry + [wy.sup.2],
The only interesting case is when [F.sup.I] < [F.sup.U] +
[F.sup.D], [F.sup.U] < [F.sup.I], and [F.sup.D] < [F.sup.I]. If
[F.sup.I] > [F.sup.U] + [F.sup.D], then there are no economies of
scope, and only specialized firms will be present in equilibrium. To see
why, observe that there are marginal rivalries (as opposed to
complementarities) between the production of y and k in a vertically
integrated firm, which are captured by the interaction term
[2wyk.sub.s]. It is the trade-off between marginal rivalries and
economies of scope in the fixed costs that leads to the simultaneous
presence of vertically integrated and specialized firms. This is the
critical element of the article and does not depend on the functional
forms we use and on the fact that we limit the analysis to economies of
scope only in the fixed costs. One could envisage a situation in which
economies of scope are in the marginal costs (i.e., cost
complementarities), while rivalries are in the fixed costs. As long as
there exists a trade-off, then more than one type of firm can exist in
The Equilibrium Conditions
If downstream and upstream firms are present in equilibrium, then
the prices of the intermediate input k and of the final output y are
uniquely pinned down and are given by re = 2[square root of [F.sup.U]w]
and [p.sup.e] = 2[square root of [F.sup.U]/w] + 2 2[square root of
[F.sup.D]w]. These are the average costs faced by the specialized firms
at their minimum efficient scales. [k.sup.mes] = [square root of
[F.sup.U]/w] and [y.sup.mes] = [square root of F.sup.D]/w] are the
minimum efficient scale outputs for the upstream and downstream firms,
respectively. Since the industry is perfectly competitive, firms will
charge prices where their average costs are the lowest. We now lay out
the conditions under which a vertically integrated firm exists.
Vertically integrated firms cannot charge higher prices than the
vertically specialized firms in a perfectly competitive industry. Thus,
[r.sup.e] [less than or equal to] 2 and [p.sup.e] [less than or equal
to] 2[square root of [F.sup.U]w]. Moreover, competitive vertically
integrated firms must produce locally at constant multiproduct returns
to scale or else they could increase their profits with a marginal
increase or decrease of their production outputs. Hence, the following
must hold:
CRS : FI = w[([y.sup.I] + [k.sup.I.sub.s]).sup.2] +
Competitive vertically integrated firms must also choose production
outputs where the product-specific economies of scale display either
increasing or constant returns to scale, otherwise they would be facing
decreasing returns to scale and would have an incentive to lower their
output production. Hence,
SPEC : [y.sup.I] [greater than or equal to] [square root of
[F.sup.I] - [F.sup.U]/2w].
Finally, the cost for a vertically integrated firm to produce a
combination of outputs must not be larger than those that specialized
firms jointly face if they produce at their minimum efficient scale or
else the specialized firms would be able to charge lower prices than the
vertically integrated firm can afford. Hence,
INT: 2([square root of [F.sup.U]w] + [square root of
[F.sup.D]w])[y.sup.I] + 2 [square root of [F.sup.U]w] [k.sup.I.sub.s]
[greater than or equal to] [F.sup.I] + w[([y.sup.I] +
[k.sup.I.sub.s]).sup.2] + w[([y.sup.I]).sup.2]
These three conditions are very intuitive and lead to clear
comparative statics predictions that depend on [F.sup.U], [F.sup.D], and
[F.sup.I], as shown in Figure 1.
The curve CRS in Figure 1 corresponds to the combinations of
outputs at which the vertically integrated firms are producing at
constant returns to scale. Any equilibrium combination of outputs
produced by vertically integrated firms must lie on this curve. All
points on the left hand side of SPEC are points at which the vertically
integrated firm is producing at product-specific decreasing returns to
scale. Finally, only the points inside the ellipsis INT are those at
which the vertically integrated firm is producing at lower costs than
specialized firms. If vertically integrated firms are present in
equilibrium then they must produce combinations of outputs that are in
the bold portion of CRS.
Figure 1 presents the possible equilibrium outputs produced by the
vertically integrated firms for different values of the ratio
[F.sup.U]/[F.sup.D]. Figure la presents the set of equilibrium
combinations that the vertically integrated firms can choose when the
fixed costs of the upstream firm are very high relative to those of the
downstream firm; Figure lb through d presents the same set of points for
decreasing values of the ratio FU/FD. As the ratio FU/FD decreases, the
set of combinations at which the vertically integrated firm can be in
equilibrium shifts to the southeast. The last two cases in which the
curve INT intersects the y-axis (Figure 1c, d) occur when [F.sup.U] +
[F.sup.D] + 2 [square root of [F.sup.U][F.sup.D]] > 2[F.sup.I]. (5)
Determination of the Equilibrium Structure
In the previous section we have determined the set of combination
of outputs that vertically integrated firms must produce to exist in
equilibrium. The aggregate demands of the intermediate and final goods
determine which of the possible combinations vertically integrated firms
produce in equilibrium.
The ratio of exogenous aggregate demands,
[K.sup.D.sub.s]/[Y.sup.D], can be plotted on the same Figure 1a and b.
Depending on where this ratio lies, either on the marked segment or
outside of it, a different market structure will occur. To see this,
denote by [K.sup.A.sub.s]/[Y.sup.A] the line that goes through the point
A and by [K.sup.B.sub.s]/[Y.sup.B] the line that goes through the point
B in Figure 2a and b.
Consider first the case in which the output ratio
[K.sup.D.sub.s]/[Y.sup.D] crosses the marked segment: That is to say,
[K.sup.A.sub.s]/[Y.sup.A] [less than or equal to]
[K.sup.D.sub.s]/[Y.sup.D] [less than or equal to ]
[K.sup.B.sub.s]/[Y.sup.B] in Figure 2a or 0 [less than or equal to ]
[K.sup.D.sub.s]/[Y.sup.D] [less than or equal to ]
[K.sup.B.sub.s]/[Y.sup.B] in Figure 2b. If each vertically integrated
firm chooses to produce a combination of outputs ([k.sup.I.sub.s],
[y.sup.I]) such that [k.sup.I.sub.s], [y.sup.I] =
[K.sup.D.sub.s]/[Y.sup.D] and such that [n.sup.I][K.sup.I.sub.s] =
[K.sup.D.sub.s] and [n.sup.I][y.sup.I] = [Y.sup.D] where n is the number
of vertically integrated firms in the market, then there would not be
demand left for any specialized firm. Hence, only vertically integrated
firms would be present in equilibrium. It turns out that this is the
only equilibrium market structure when [K.sup.A.sub.s]/[Y.sup.A] [less
than or equal to] [K.sup.D.sub.s]/[Y.sup.D] [less than or equal to]
PROPOSITION l. When max {[K.sup.A.sub.s]/[Y.sup.A]} [less than or
equal to] [K.sup.D.sub.s]/[Y.sup.D] [less than or equal to]
[K.sup.B.sub.s]/[Y.sup.B] then only vertically integrated firms are
present in equilibrium. Each one of them produces the output combination
(y, k,) that is located where the ratio KD/YD crosses the curve CRS. The
prices pe and re are functions of the ratio [K.sup.D.sub.s]/[Y.sup.D].
For example, let [K.sup.D.sub.s]/[Y.sup.D] = (3/2) and let the
vertically integrated firms choose the output combination ([y.sup.I],
[k.sup.I.sub.s]) such that [k.sup.I.sub.s] = (3/2)[y.sup.I]. At that
output ratio, [p.sup.e] = [2wk.sup.I.sub.s] + [4wy.sup.I] = [7wy.sup.I],
and [r.sup.e] = [5wy.sup.I]. In equilibrium firms must make zero profit:
hence, [y.sup.I] = [square root of (4/29)([F.sup.I]/w)], [p.sup.e] =
7[square root of (4w/29)[F.sup.I]], [k.sup.I.sub.s] = 3[square root of
(1/29)([F.sup.I]/w)], and [r.sup.e] = 5[square root of
Vertically integrated firms all choose the same combination of
outputs for a given set of input and output prices, and they are able to
fully serve the aggregate demands [K.sup.D.sub.s] and [Y.sup.D]. In such
a context, the upstream and downstream firms cannot be present in the
market because they are unable to supply outputs at lower prices (since
condition INT holds).
Consider now the case in which [K.sup.D.sub.s]/[Y.sup.D] crosses
the CRS curve outside of the bold segment of the curve CRS. We need to
address two questions: Will vertically integrated firms be present in
equilibrium? Will they be able to serve both the aggregate demand of the
final and intermediate outputs? The answer to the first question is
always positive (as from Panzar and Willig [1981]), and the answer to
the second question is always negative.
Figure 2 presents two sets of possible equilibrium output
combinations for the vertically integrated firms, which are drawn for
different values of the parameters [F.sup.U], [F.sup.I], and [F.sup.D].
We will only comment on the equilibrium configurations in Figure 2a,
since Figure 2b is a special case of Figure 2a.
Suppose that [K.sup.D.sub.s]/[Y.sup.D]
>[K.sup.B.sub.s]/[Y.sup.B], which is the situation in which there is
a relatively large demand (external to the industry) for k. Upstream
firms must be present to satisfy part of this demand, since an industry
with only vertically integrated firms would be unable to serve the
demand. To see this, observe that each vertically integrated firm must
choose the same output ratio, but [k.sup.I.sub.s]/[y.sup.I] [less than
or equal to] [K.sup.B.sub.s]/[Y.sup.B] < [K.sup.D.sub.s]/[Y.sup.D],
so there is no number of integrated firms that can serve both
[K.sup.D.sub.s] and [Y.sup.D]. There is an excess demand of intermediate
output that the vertically integrated firms cannot serve in equilibrium.
In order for the equilibrium to be perfectly competitive, firms must
produce where their average costs are lowest. Hence, the price of the
intermediate input in equilibrium must be [r.sup.e] = 2[square root of
[F.sup.U]w]. Using the condition that the marginal costs must be equal
to prices, 2w(y + [k.sub.s]) = 2[square root of [F.sup.U]w] and 2w (y +
[k.sub.s]) + 2wy = [p.sup.e]. Using the zero profit condition, we find
that the price of the final output in this equilibrium is [p.sup.e] = 2
+ [square root of [F.sup.U]w] + 2 [square root of w([F.sup.I] -
[F.sup.U]], which is lower than 2[square root of [F.sup.U]w] + 2[square
root of w[F.sup.D]], the price that a downstream firm would set.
The proofs in this article use this recursive approach: When
specialized firms exist in equilibrium, they must set prices equal to
the lowest average cost. Then, we use the profit maximization condition
and the free entry condition to determine the price of the other good
that the vertically integrated firms must charge in equilibrium.
The following proposition characterizes the full set of equilibria
for this market for different values of the parameters [F.sup.U],
[F.sup.I], and [F.sup.D]:
PROPOSITION 2. There are two general cases.
Case 1. Let 2[F.sup.U] > [F.sup.I]. Then (a) if
[K.sup.D.sub.s]/[Y.sup.D] > [K.sup.B.sub.s]/[Y.sup.B], then
vertically integrated firms and upstream firms are present in
equilibrium. Vertically integrated firms produce a surplus of k,
[k.sub.s] > 0, to be sold in the market. In particular, [r.sup.e] =
2[square root of [F.sup.U]w] and [p.sup.e] = 2[square root of
[F.sup.U]w] + 2[square root of w([F.sup.I] - [F.sup.U])]; and (b) If
[K.sup.D.sub.s]/[Y.sup.D] < [K.sup.A.sub.s]/[Y.sup.A], then
vertically integrated firms and downstream firms are present in
equilibrium. Vertically integrated firms produce a surplus of k,
[k.sub.s], > 0, to be sold in the market. In particular, [r.sup.e] =
2[square root of w([F.sup.I] - [F.sup.D])]and [p.sup.e] = [r.sup.e] =
2[square root of w([F.sup.I] - [F.sup.D])] + 2[square root of
Case 2. Let 2[F.sup.D] > [F.sup.I] and [F.sup.U]+ [F.sup.D] +
2[square root of [F.sup.U][F.sup.D]] > [2F.sup.I]. Let
[K.sup.D.sub.s]/[Y.sup.D] > [K.sup.B.sub.s]/[Y.sup.B]. Then upstream
and vertically integrated firms are present in equilibrium. The prices
are [r.sup.e] = 2[square root of [F.sup.U]w] and [p.sup.e] = 2[square
root of w[F.sup.I]].
5. Equilibrium with Outsourcing
In the previous section we described the case in which vertically
integrated firms might produce a surplus of intermediate good. Now we
consider the opposite case, when they purchase (part of) the
intermediate input they need to produce the final output, which occurs
when the upstream fixed costs are small relative to the downstream fixed
costs. We still maintain that [K.sub.s] > 0: That is, the industry
produces a surplus of intermediate outputs that it sells to another
If the size of [K.sup.D.sub.s]/[Y.sup.D] >
[K.sup.B.sub.s]/[Y.sup.B], then the vertically integrated firm prefers
to outsource part of the production to the upstream firm and exploit its
economies of vertical scope to produce y at a lower cost than the
downstream firm requires to produce it. Only the cost function of the
vertically integrated firm changes and is described as follows:
where [k.sub.i ]represents the amount of intermediate input
produced in-house, y - [k.sub.i] is the amount of production of input
[k.sub.i] that is outsourced to specialized firms.
We rewrite the cost function in terms of [k.sub.p] = y - [k.sub.i]:
Thus, the combinations ([k.sup.I.sub.p], [y.sup.I]) that are
compatible with a vertical competitive equilibrium must be such that:
CRS : [F.sup.I] = w[(y - [k.sub.p]).sup.2] + [wy.sup.2],
INT: 2([square root of ([F.sup.U]w) + [square root of ([F.sup.D]w)]
y [greater than or equal to] [F.sup.I] + w[(y - [k.sub.p]).sup.2] +
[wy.sup.2] + 2[square root of ([F.sup.W][wk.sub.p])]
As before, if vertically integrated firms are present in
equilibrium, then they must produce combinations of outputs that are in
the bold portion of CRS. Also, only the points inside the ellipsis INT
are those at which the vertically integrated firm is producing at lower
costs than specialized firms. Notice that the condition that vertically
integrated firms produce at product-specific decreasing returns to scale
(SPEC) is always satisfied when the vertically integrated firm does not
produce a surplus of intermediate good.
When vertically integrated firms outsource part of the production
of the intermediate input to specialized firms, their internal cost of
producing k must equal to the market price for k. Hence, the marginal
cost of an additional unit of intermediate good must be equal to the
market price for it, thus:
OUT : y = [k.sub.p] + [square root of ([F.sup.W]/w]).
For a vertically integrated firm to be in equilibrium, it must
produce a combination of outputs that is inside the ellipsis INT; it
lies along the curve CRS and is on the line OUT. Figure 3 shows there is
only one point that satisfies all three conditions, where OUT intersects
CRS. This observation leads to the second set of possible market
PROPOSITION 3. Let [2F.sup.D] > [F.sup.1] and [F.sup.U] +
[F.sup.D] + 2[square root of ([F.sup.U][F.sup.D]]) < 2[F.sup.1]. Then
(outsourcing) vertically integrated firms and upstream firms are present
in equilibrium. The combination of outputs chosen by the vertically
integrated firm is given by [y.sup.I] = ([F.sup.I] - [F.sup.U])/w and
[k.sup.I.sub.p] = [square root of ([F.sup.I] - [F.sup.U]/w)] - [square
root of ([F.sup.U]/w))]. The equilibrium prices are given by [r.sup.e] =
2[square root of ([F.sup.U]w)] and [p.sub.e] = 2[square root of
(w([F.sup.I] - [F.sup.U])] + 2[square root of (w[F.sup.U])].
6. Equilibrium and Comparative Statics
In this section, we illustrate the full set of equilibrium market
structures for an industry that sells (e.g., "exports") the
intermediate good to another industry. To do this, we first give the
exact definition of the cost function of the vertically integrated firm:
ASCII] (y, y + [k.sub.p]; w, r) when [k.sub.s] = 0 and [k.sub.p] =
0--the cost function is continuous when the vertically integrated firm
consumes all the intermediate output that it produces in-house.
Depending on the values taken by [F.sup.U], [F.sup.D], and
[F.sup.I], there are three possible equilibrium configurations for the
industry, and they are presented in Figure 4 (where, as usual, [k.sub.p]
= -[k.sub.i], for simplicity of exposition). Consider first the cases
illustrated by Figure 4a and b. Here, there are three possible industry
structures: when there is a relatively large demand for the intermediate
good, [K.sup.D.sub.S/[Y.sub.D] > [K.sup.B.sub.S]/[Y.sub.B], then we
have upstream and vertically integrated firms in equilibrium. Vertically
integrated firms produce a surplus of intermediate output if the
upstream costs are very high, while they outsource part of the
production of the intermediate to specialized firms if the downstream
costs are high. The intuition here is that the vertically integrated
firms are more flexible than specialized firms and can dedicate their
production to the good with the highest costs.
Comparative Statics
A Change in the Demand
Consider the effect of a change in the aggregate demands. Suppose
that we start with 2[F.sup.D] > [F.sup.I] > 2[F.sup.U] and an
output ratio [K.sup.A.sub.S]/[Y.sup.A] [less than or equal to]
[K.sup.D.sub.S]/[Y.sup.D] [less than or equal to]
[K.sup.B.sub.S]/[Y.sup.B]. We are then in the economy depicted by Figure
4a, where only vertically integrated firms serve the demands [Y.sup.D]
and [K.sup.D.sub.S]. As [K.sup.D.sub.S] increases (for example, because
another industry is growing and demands k), then the output ratio
[K.sup.D.sub.S]/[Y.sup.D] increases as well, and at some point it
becomes greater than [K.sup.B.sub.S]/[Y.sup.B]. As soon as that happens,
upstream firms start entering into the market to serve part of the
(external) demand of intermediate output. When [K.sup.D.sub.S] decreases
and becomes smaller than [K.sup.A.sub.S]/[Y.sup.A] we will observe entry
of downstream firms into the industry. Notice that vertically integrated
firms will always be present in the industry as long as economies of
vertical scope exist.
A Change in the Costs
Now consider changes in the fixed costs. Suppose that both
[F.sup.D] and [F.sup.I] increase while [F.sup.U] remains unchanged, so
that we still have [F.sup.I] < [F.sup.U] + [F.sup.D]. Suppose,
moreover, that [K.sup.D.sub.S]/[Y.sup.D] is smaller than
[K.sup.A.sub.S]/[Y.sup.A] so that we are in Figure 4a, with vertically
integrated and downstream firms serving the markets. As [F.sup.D]
increases relative to [F.sup.U], the set of combinations that the
vertically integrated firms can choose in equilibrium moves to the
southeast, and when FD becomes larger than [F.sup.U] (with [F.sup.I]
< [F.sup.U] + [F.sup.D] still holding), the industry attains the
configuration given in Figure 4b, with outsourcing and vertically
integrated and upstream firms serving the markets.
7. Equilibrium and Comparative Statics in an Importing Industry
To close the model, we consider an industry (e.g., its vertically
integrated firms) that is a net buyer of the intermediate output: That
is, [K.sub.p] = -[K.sub.s] > 0. For this to occur, it has to be true
that another industry that produces k can produce it at a lower cost.
Call the price of the intermediate good k produced by the other industry
[r.sup.f]. Thus, [r.sup.f] < 2[square root of ([F.sup.U]w]), and
upstream firms cannot be present in equilibrium because their lowest
average cost is higher than the market price for the intermediate input.
The relevant issue is which type of firms--vertically integrated
and specialized downstream--exist in equilibrium. Not surprisingly, it
depends on the relative magnitude of the fixed costs faced by the
downstream and by the vertically integrated firms. When the price of the
intermediate good produced by another industry is very low, then
vertically integrated firms cannot be in the market, regardless of how
strong the economies of vertical scope are. Hence, we will observe
downstream specialization when the imported intermediate goods are very
cheap relative to the prices that the domestic upstream producers would
When the price at which another industry is selling the
intermediate good is not too low, then whether we observe vertically
integrated firms or downstream specialized firms depends on the
magnitude of the economies of vertical scope. If the economies of
vertical scope are very strong, then the vertically integrated firms
will outsource some of their demand of intermediate good to firms in
another industry. However, when the economies of vertical scope are not
strong enough, then again, only downstream firms will be serving the
market for the final good.
The following proposition formalizes these results:
PROPOSITION 4. There are three possible industry configurations: If
[r.sup.f] > 2[square root of (w[F.sup.D])] and [F.sup.D] +
[[([r.sup.f]).sup.2]/4w] - [F.sup.I] < 0, or if [r.sup.f1] l<
2[square root of (w[F.sup.D]]), then only downstream firms are present
in equilibrium, and [p.sup.e] = [r.sup.f]+ 2[square root of
([F.sup.D]w)]. If [r.sup.f] > 2[square root of (w[F.sup.D])] and
[F.sup.D] + [[([r.sup.f]).sup.2]/4w] - [F.sup.I] > 0, then only
vertically integrated firms are present in equilibrium. The prices are
functions of the output ratio [K.sup.D.sub.p]/[Y.sup.D].
8. Summary and Conclusions
We summarize the results of this article ill Figure 5:
* When the fixed costs for the upstream producers are small
relative to those of the downstream producers, vertically integrated
firms exploit their economies of vertical scope in the production of the
final good and possibly outsource part of the production of the
intermediate input to specialized upstream firms.
* When the fixed costs for the upstream producers are large
relative to those of the downstream producers, then the industry
structure is determined by the ratio of the demand for the final good
and the demand for the intermediate inputs by another industry.
* Finally, when the industry is a net buyer (e.g., an
"importer") of the intermediate input, then vertically
integrated firms can only exist in equilibrium if the economies of
vertical scope are very strong.
While the results are for specific functional forms, the economic
trade-off underlying them is very general, and, thus, the results are
likely to hold if we extend the model to allow for cost
complementarities or for more general specifications of demand
functions. The critical idea is that there must exist some trade-off in
the production of the intermediate and final goods. In the model that we
have considered, vertically integrated firms can exploit economies of
vertical scope in the fixed costs, but they face rivalries (rather than
complementarities) in the marginal costs. Hence, both types of firms can
Economies of vertical scope in the fixed costs are likely to exist
when firms are still learning how to produce final goods and how to
design the best intermediate inputs for the final goods. Firms can then
benefit from producing both at the same time. As time goes on, the
process of learning by doing will standardize the production processes,
and economies of scope will slowly disappear.
We would like to conclude with a discussion of the limitations of
our analysis and with a suggestion for future research topics. First,
our article offers no explanation of the production activities in the
industry that buys the surplus of intermediate input. That is, where
does the external demand and supply come from for the intermediate good
k? Future work might draw interesting conclusions by intertwining our
ideas of scope economies with those in the trade literature. Second, our
article takes the existence of economies of scope as a "black
box." Future work might look at what originates economies of scope.
For example, one might look at the role of "learning by doing"
and investigate how growth affects industry structure or, vice versa,
how endogenizing vertical structure affects growth.
Proof of Proposition 1
PROOF. Let the equilibrium price of k be [r.sup.e] and the
equilibrium price of y be [p.sup.e.] Each vertically integrated firm
must choose [k.sup.I] and [y.sup.I] such that [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] = [r.sup.e]. Because of the assumptions on the
cost functions (they are U-shaped) this is a system of two equations ill
two unknowns with a unique solution (if it exists). Hence, all
vertically integrated firms choose the same combination ([y.sup.I],
[k.sup.I.sub.s]) such that [k.sup.I.sub.s]/[y.sup.I] =
[K.sup.D/[Y.sup.D].] Thus, 2[wy.sup.I][1 + ([K.sup.D]/[Y.sup.D])] =
[r.sup.e] and 2[wy.sup.I][2 + ([K.sup.D.sub.S]/ [Y.sup.D])] = [p.sup.e].
In equilibrium firms must make zero profit: hence. [F.sup.I] =
w[([y.sup.I]).sup.2] {1 + [1 + [([K.sup.D.sub.S]/[Y.sup.D]).sup.2]]} and
so [y.sup.I] = [square root of ([F.sup.I]/ {1 + [1 +
(([K.sup.D.sub.S]/[Y.sup.D])].sup.2]}]). From [y.sup.I] we can determine
[k.sup.I] and the equilibrimn prices.
Proof of Proposition 2
Proof. The first case, when 2[F.sup.U] > [F.sup.I], is already
proved in the text. Consider the second case, when
[K.sup.D.sub.S/[Y.sup.D] < [K.sup.A]/[Y.sup.A]. Downstream firms must
be present in equilibrium because the vertically integrated firms cannot
serve all of the demand of y on their own. The price of the final good
must then be equal to [p.sup.e] = [r.sup.e] + 2[square root of
([F.sup.D]w)]. Hence, 2w([y.sup.I] + [k.sup.I.sub.S]) = [r.sup.e]. This
implies that [y.sup.I] = [square root of ([F.sup.D]w)] and [r.sup.e] =
2w([square root of ([F.sup.D]/w)] + [k.sup.I.sub.S]) Using the zero
profit condition, we find [k.sup.I.sub.S] = [square root of
([F.sup.I]-[F.sup.D]/w)] - [square root of ([F.sup.D]/w)] [r.sup.e] =
2[square root of ([w[F.sup.I] - [F.sup.D])] and [p.sup.e] = 2[square
root of (w[F.sup.I] - [F.sup.D]) + 2[square root of ([F.sup.D]w)].
[r.sup.e] = 2[square root of (w([F.sup.I] - [F.sup.D]))] is less than
2[square root of ([F.sup.U]w)], the average cost at the minimum
efficient scale of production of the upstream firms.
Now consider the cases in which 2[F.sup.D] > [F.sup.I] and
[F.sup.C] + [F.sup.D] + 2[square root of ([F.sup.U][F.sup.D])] >
2[F.sup.I.]. [K.sup.D.sub.S]/[Y.sup.D] > [K.sup.B.sub.S]/[Y.sup.B]--
there is again a relatively large demand for k, and upstream firms must
be present to satisfy at least part of this demand. Vertically
integrated firms are still present. To see this, first observe that
[r.sup.e] = 2[square root of ([F.sup.U]w)], since upstream firms must be
in equilibrium.
The only way in which the optimization problem of tile vertically
integrated firm could have an interior solution is if [k.sup.I.sub.S] =
[square root of ([F.sup.U]/w)] - [square root of (([F.sup.I] -
[F.sup.U])w)], which is negative. We assumed that the vertically
integrated firm cannot purchase intermediate input; hence, the best that
the vertically integrated firm can do is to set [k.sup.I.sub.s] - 0.
[p.sup.e] and [k.sup.I.sub.s] = 0. we find 4wy = [p.sup.e.] Using the
CRS condition we have [F.sup.I] = 2[wy.sup.2], y = [square root of
([F.sup.I]/2w)]. Thus, [p.sup.e] = 2[square root of (w[F.sup.I])], which
is smaller than the price that the downstream firm would set, 2[square
root of ([F.sup.U]w)] + 2[square root of ([F.sup.D]w)].
Proof of Proposition 3
PROOF. To show that a market structure with vertically integrated
and upstream firms would be an equilibrium configuration, observe that
the price of the intermediate input has to be equal to r = 2[square root
of ([F.sup.U]w)]. The vertically integrated firm chooses [k.sup.I.sub.i]
and [y.sup.I] to maximize its profits. Thus, [y.sup.I] = [square root of
([F.sup.I] - [F.sup.U])/w)] and [k.sub.i] = [square root of
([F.sup.U]/w)], or [k.sup.I.sub.p] = [square root of (([F.sup.I] -
[F.sup.U])/w)] - [square root of ([F.sup.U]/w)]. The price of the final
output is then [p.sup.e] = 2[square root of (w([F.sup.I] - [F.sup.U])] +
2[square root of (w[F.sup.U])], lower than the price the downstream
firms would be able to set. The profits of both types of firms are zero.
Proof of Proposition 4
PROOf. Suppose that downstream firms arc present in equilibrium and
vertically integrated firms are not outsourcing any of the production of
k. Then 2w([y.sup.I] + [k.sup.I.sub.S]) = [r.sup.f] and 2w([y.sup.I] +
[k.sup.I.sub.S] + 2[wy.sup.I] = [r.sup.f] + 2[square root of
([F.sup.D]w)]. Then [y.sup.I] = [square root of ([F.sup.D]/w)] and
[k.sup.I.sub.s] = ([r.sup.I]/2w) - [y.sup.I] or [k.sup.I.sub.s] =
([r.sup.f]/2w) - [square root of ([F.sup.U]/w)]. This can be an
equilibrium if [r.sup.f] > 2[square root of (w[F.sup.D])]. However,
it is not an equilibrium because tile vertically integrated firm makes
positive profits. To see this, observe that the profit can be written as
(2[square root of (w[F.sup.D])] + [r.sup.f]) [square root of
([F.sup.D]/w)] [r.sup.f][[([r.sup.f]/2w) - [square root of
([F.sup.D/w)]] - [F.sup.I] - w[([r.sup.f]/2w).sup.2] - ([F.sup.D], which
turns out to be equal to [F.sup.D] + [[([r.sup.f]).sup.2]/ 4w] -
[F.sup.I]. Only downstream firms are present in equilibrium if [F.sup.D]
+ [[([r.sup.f).sup.2]/4w] - [F.sup.I] < 0, while only vertically
integrated firms are present in equilibrium if [F.sup.D] +
[[([r.sup.f]).sup.2/4w] - [F.sup.I] > 0.
Now consider [r.sup.f] < 2[square root of (w[F.sup.D])]. If
vertically integrated firms and downstream firms are in equilibrium,
then 2[wk.sup.I.sub.i] - [r.sup.f] = [r.sup.f] and 2[wy.sup.I] +
[r.sup.f] = [r.sup.f] + 2[square root of ([F.sup.D]w)], with [y.sup.I] =
[square root of ([F.sup.D]/w)] and [k.sup.I.sub.p] = [r.sup.f]/2w. The
profit of the vertically integrated firm is now given by [F.sup.D] -
[F.sup.I] - [[([r.sup.f]).sup.2]/2w], which is again less than zero, and
so only downstream firms are present in equilibrium.
Baumol, William J.. John C. Panzar. and Robert D. Willig. 1982.
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Firms. markets and vertical contracting. New York: Free Press.
(1) Proposition 1 in Panzar and Willig (1981) states that economies
of scope are sufficient for the existence of multiproduct firms in a
multiproduct competitive equilibrium, and weak economies of scope are
necessary for such existence of a multiproduct firm. Notice that their
proposition does not refer to the nature (e.g., final or intermediate)
of the goods. Here, a multiproduct firm is a vertically integrated firm.
(2) See Eaton and Lemche (1991) for an extension of MacDonald and
Slivinski (1987) that allows for endogenous demands. The analysis could
be developed with inverse demand schedules r = A - [BK.sup.s] and P = C
- D Y instead of a fixed-demands [K.sup.D.sub.s] and [Y.sup.D]. Consider
the case in which only vertically integrated firms are in the market.
Then they would choose 2w( [y.sup.I] + [k.sup.I.sub.s]) = A -
[Bn.sup.I][k.sup.I.sub.s] and 2w([y.sup.I] + [k.sup.I.sub.s] +
[2wy.sup.I] - C [Dn.sup.I][y.sup.I]. Once we add the zero profit
condition [[F.sup.I] = w[([y.sup.I] + [k.sup.I.sub.s).sup.2] +
w[([y.sup.I ]).sup.2]], these are three equations in three unknowns
([y.sup.I], [k.sup.I.sub.s], and n), and the analysis is analogous to
the one in the text. When we do the comparative statics exercises, we
would study changes in the parameters A, B, C, and D rather than
[K.sup.D.sub.s]. For the sake of simplicity we have decided to present
the model with [K.sup.D.sub.s] exogenous. See Baumol, Panzar, and Willig
(1982) for more on this.
(3) Perry (1989) first defined a vertical equilibrium to be a
pattern of integration in the industry such that no firm would alter its
choice of the stages at which it operates. Perry also provides a superb
review of the early literature on vertical integration.
(4) The analysis in this article, as in MacDonald and Slivinski
(1987), assumes that the source of economies of scope is differences in
the fixed costs across firms. However, we could develop the analysis
assuming that there are cost complementarities in the production and no
differences in the fixed costs. For example, assume [MATHEMATICAL
EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]. The term denotes the extent to
which there are cost complementarities in the production of y and k. In
ASCII], there are cost complementarities in the production of the final
and intermediate output. The vertically integrated firm saves money even
if 0 < d < 1, although there are cost rivalries in such a case.
The equilibrium analysis would be analogous, but the results would
depend on the magnitude of d rather than on the relationship among
[F.sup.U], [F.sup.D], and [F.sup.I]. Interestingly. Stigler (1951) talks
about complementary and rival production processes in his article.
(5) To see why, observe that when INT and the y-axis intersect,
[k.sub.s] = 0, and so 2[([square root of [F.sup.U]w] + [square root of
[F.sup.D]w]).sup.2][y.sup.I] = [F.sup.I] + 2w[([y.sup.I]).sup.2]. This
equation has a solution when [F.sup.U] + [F.sup.D] + 2 [square root of
[F.sup.U][F.sup.D]] > 2[F.sup.I].
Federico Ciliberto, Department of Economics, University of
Virginia, P.O. Box 400182, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4182, USA; Email
ciliberto@virginia.edu; corresponding author.
John C. Panzar, The University of Auckland Business School, Owen G.
Glenn Building, 12 Grafton Road, Auckland, New Zealand; E-mail
We would like to thank two referees and the Editor for their
comments, as well as seminar participants at the 2001 European
Association for Research in Industrial Economics Conference in Dublin,
the 2001 Northeast Universities Development Consortium Conference in
Boston, and the 2001 Southeastern Economic Theory and International
Trade Conference in Miami. Federico Ciliberto acknowledges financial
support from the Center for the Studies of Industrial Organization at
Northwestern University. This article comprises a revised version of the
third chapter of the PhD dissertation of Federico Ciliberto at
Northwestern University.
Received July 2009; accepted January 2010.