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  • 标题:An examination of entry and competitive performance in rural banking markets.
  • 作者:Feinberg, Robert M. ; Reynolds, Kara M.
  • 期刊名称:Southern Economic Journal
  • 印刷版ISSN:0038-4038
  • 出版年度:2010
  • 期号:January
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Southern Economic Association
  • 摘要:The 1994 Riegle-Neal Act ushered forth a new era in banking deregulation. As noted by former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan in a 2005 speech, deregulation resulted in a 50% decline in the number of banks due to industry consolidation. However, this decline did not necessarily indicate that the level of competition declined; Greenspan (2005) further notes that despite the decline in the number of banks, measures of local market banking competition remained relatively stable between 1990 and 2005.
  • 关键词:Banking industry;Banking law;Banks (Finance);Deregulation

An examination of entry and competitive performance in rural banking markets.

Feinberg, Robert M. ; Reynolds, Kara M.

1. Introduction

The 1994 Riegle-Neal Act ushered forth a new era in banking deregulation. As noted by former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan in a 2005 speech, deregulation resulted in a 50% decline in the number of banks due to industry consolidation. However, this decline did not necessarily indicate that the level of competition declined; Greenspan (2005) further notes that despite the decline in the number of banks, measures of local market banking competition remained relatively stable between 1990 and 2005.

This article explores the nature of competition in rural banking markets over the decade following the 1994 Riegle-Neal Act. Using a recently developed empirical model that utilizes the number of banks as well as the value of deposits in a cross-section of rural markets, we decompose the impact of the entry of new banks into resulting changes in per capita demand and the costs/profits of local banks in 1994 and 2004. The results support Greenspan's claim that banking markets have become more competitive in the 10 years following passage of the Riegle-Neal Act.

2. Literature Review

There is a long empirical literature on entry--both determinants and effects--usually based on manufacturing industry data. Early banking entry articles include Hanweck (1971) and Rose (1977). More recently, Amel and Liang (1997) present interesting results on bank entry fairly closely related to this article's focus. They jointly explain bank profits and entry over the 1977-1988 period for about 2000 rural counties and about 300 urban markets (metropolitan statistical areas) and find that supranormal profits promote entry, as do population and population growth, and that entry has the anticipated procompetitive effect of reducing profits, though only in rural markets.

Most of the previous studies look at bank entry in the pre-Riegle-Neal Act (banking deregulation) period. However, since then Berger et al. (2004), Seelig and Critchfield (2003), and Keeton (2000) have all found--though with somewhat differing definitions of merger activity and samples--that merger activity generally tends to promote de novo entry. These findings are consistent with merger activity and/or the presence of "big banks" in a market as signaling to potential entrants the opportunities for supranormal profits to be earned. (1)

Others have recently studied market dynamics in local banking markets. Both Dick (2007) and Cohen and Mazzeo (2007b) find that the incumbent banks in markets tend to expand via new branches to aid in deterring new entry when demand grows. Similarly, Berger and Dick (2007) find that early entrants in banking markets seem to be able to entrench their positions and have persistently higher market shares.

The work by Bresnahan and Reiss (1991) stimulated a wave of empirical research on entry. They explain entry in terms of the cross-sectional response to market size; specifically, they hypothesize that if the per firm market size needed to support a given number of firms is getting higher with the number of firms in the market, then competition must be getting stronger. In other words, the fact that larger sales are required to offset the fixed costs of entry implies more competitive pricing. A discrete choice model relates these "entry thresholds" and how they change with subsequent entry to predictions about price behavior associated with increasing numbers of firms. (2) Bresnahan and Reiss (1991) take the view that isolated rural markets are best suited to testing hypotheses regarding entry, generally because of the difficulty in accurately drawing market boundaries in metropolitan areas or even in rural counties adjacent to metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs).

Cetorelli (2002) uses the Bresnahan and Reiss (1991) (BR) methodology to examine local banking markets and explain (equilibrium) market structure by population and other county economic characteristics; the article analyzes numbers of banks in a large sample of nonmetropolitan counties for 1999. While we would argue that contiguous rural counties may not represent the most appropriate geographic market definition for local banking, his estimated ordered-probit coefficients suggest significant market power at least until there are five banks in a county. (3)

Cohen and Mazzeo (2007a) apply a variant of the BR approach to rural banking markets. They look at data for a large number of rural banking markets in 2000 and 2003 to examine the nature of competition within and across three types of institutions: multimarket banks, singlemarket banks, and thrifts. As in this article, they choose to define markets in terms of Bureau of Labor Statistics "labor market areas" (LMAs), which combine contiguous counties depending on commuting patterns to better proxy geographical markets for financial services. Cohen and Mazzeo (2007a) find significant product differentiation (that competition within types is more aggressive than it is across types) and that variable profits are significantly reduced by the second firm in a given type, this reduction becoming smaller for subsequent entry.

We also use a variant of the BR approach to examine endogenous market structure in local banking markets (where price and cost information are difficult to obtain for the bundle of services provided). However, we consider only rural LMAs at least one market removed from an MSA and not adjacent to any other sample LMA. Although this restriction--designed to minimize errors in market definition and correlations across markets--makes our sample of markets somewhat smaller than that used in other recent studies of banking entry, it does encompass 278 rural markets (across 39 states) in the United States.

We also consider the issue of banking competition in small rural markets in a somewhat different manner than do Cetorelli (2002) and Cohen and Mazzeo (2007a), applying the methodology of Abraham, Gaynor, and Vogt (2007) (AGV). (4) AGV extend the BR approach by incorporating information on quantity to analyze the level of competition in the U.S. hospital industry. They claim (p. 266) that using information about quantity "allows us to separate changes in fixed cost associated with entry from changes in the toughness of competition." In their sample of hospital markets, they find that relatively few firms are required to bring competitive behavior (by reducing variable profits and increasing market quantity), with limited effects beyond three firms in a market.

Unlike Cohen and Mazzeo (2007a) and Mazzeo (2002), the AGV model assumes that firms produce a homogenous product. (5) But, unlike these aforementioned articles, this model does not have to assume that fixed costs of entry remain constant as the number of firms in the market grows. For this reason, we believe that the AGV model is ideally suited to study competitive conditions in the banking market. The requirement of homogeneity in the context of local consumer banking seems less onerous than the assumption that market crowding with increased numbers of banks has no impact on entry costs (as might be due to the need for greater marketing expenses). The model allows us to use observed data on market structure and quantity (but not prices) to study the level of competition in a market.

3. Model

As noted previously, we utilize an econometric model derived in Abraham, Gaynor, and Vogt (2007). In the following paragraphs, we provide a brief outline of the model. The market demand for banking services is defined by

Q = d(P, X)S(Y), (1)

where per capita demand, d(P, X), is a function of price and exogenous demand shifters (X), such as per capita income. The total market size, S(Y), is an increasing function of population. Each bank's costs are characterized by constant average variable costs, A VC(W), and a fixed cost, F(W), both of which depend upon cost shifters, W.

As in Bresnahan and Reiss (1991), we assume that each market reaches a symmetric equilibrium in price. The equilibrium market price in a market with N firms, [P.sub.N](X, W, [[theta].sub.N]), depends upon demand and cost conditions and the degree of competition, as represented by [[theta].sub.N]. The equilibrium market price determines the equilibrium values of per capita quantity, fixed costs, and variable profit margin (price minus average variable costs), or d([P.sub.N], X), [F.sub.N](W), and [V.sub.N]([P.sub.N], W), respectively.

We observe the number of banks (N) and the quantity of deposits (Q) for each market. A bank will enter the local market only if it will earn non-negative profits. The Nth firm in the market earns profits equal to

[[PI].sub.N] = [V.sub.N]S/N[d.sub.N] - [F.sub.N]. (2)

The minimum market size per firm needed to support N firms, [S.sub.N], can be found by solving Equation 2 for the zero-profit condition. As in Bresnahan and Reiss (1991), we calculate the ratio of the minimum per firm market size needed to support a market with N + 1 versus N firms, or the entry threshold ratio, as

[[S.sub.N+1]/[S.sub.N]] = [[F.sub.N+1]/[F.sub.N][[[V.sub.N][d.sub.N]/[V.sub.N+1][d.sub.N+1]]. (3)

As discussed above, Bresnahan and Reiss (1991) hypothesize that if the per firm market size needed to support a given number of firms is getting higher with the number of firms in the market, then competition must be getting stronger. Stronger competition reduces prices and, thus, profit margins; as a result, a larger market size is needed to cover the fixed costs of entry. A threshold ratio greater than one implies that competition is getting stronger, while a threshold ratio equal to one implies that the degree of competition remains unchanged with the entry of an additional firm. Threshold ratios should converge to one as the market converges to perfect competition with the number of firms.

As can be seen from Equation 3, the entry threshold ratio in this model is the product of the change in fixed costs that occurs due to the entrance of a new firm ([F.sub.N+1]/[F.sub.N]) and the change in variable profits per capita. If fixed costs do not change with entry, then convergence of the entry threshold ratio to one implies convergence of the market to a competitive one, as in Bresnahan and Reiss (1991). However, it is equally possible that the convergence of the entry threshold is instead driven by the convergence of the change in fixed costs in the industry. In other words, the decrease in the entry threshold ratio may be due to the fact that fixed costs increase significantly with the entry of the second firm, but less and less with the entry of additional firms. By incorporating data on per capita market demand ([d.sub.N]), the AGV methodology allows us to decompose the entry threshold ratios into a quantity effect ([d.sub.N+1]/[d.sub.N]), or the competition effect, and the cost effect.

The total quantity of deposits in the market is equal to

[Q.sub.N] = [Sd.sub.N]. (4)

Following AGV, we utilize the following specifications:

S = exp(Y[lambda] + [[epsilon].sub.s]) (5)

[d.sub.N] = exp(X[[delta].sub.x] + W[[delta].sub.w] + [[delta].sub.N] + [[epsilon].sub.d]) (6)

[V.sub.N] = exp(X[[alpha].sub.x] + W[[alpha].sub.w] + [[alpha].sub.N] + [[epsilon].sub.v]) (7)

[F.sub.N] = exp(W[[gamma].sub.w] + [[gamma].sub.N] + [[epsilon].sub.w]). (8)

In these equations the parameters [[delta].sub.N], [[alpha].sub.N], and [[gamma].sub.N] are coefficients on dummy variables for the market structure, or the number of banks in the market. They capture the differences in per capita quantity, average variable profit margins, and fixed costs between markets with one firm and markets with N firms.

Substituting Equations 5-8 into Equation 2 and taking logs, we find that the Nth firm will enter when

Y[lambda] + X([[delta].sub.x] + [[alpha].sub.x]) + W([[delta].sub.w] + [[alpha].sub.w] - [[gamma].sub.w]) + [[delta].sub.N] + [[alpha].sub.N] - [[gamma].sub.N] - ln N + [[epsilon].sub.s] + [[epsilon].sub.d] + [[epsilon].sub.v] - [[epsilon].sub.F] > 0. (9)

Denote [[mu].sub.x] = [[delta].sub.x] + [[alpha].sub.x], [[mu].sub.w] = [[delta].sub.w] + [[alpha].sub.w] - [[gamma].sub.w], and [[mu].sub.N] = [[gamma].sub.N] - [[alpha].sub.N] + ln (N) - [[delta].sub.N]. Furthermore, allow [[epsilon].sub.[pi]] to equal the sum of the error terms in Equation 9. Because the number of firms will be the max {N: [[PI].sub.n] > 0}, we can rewrite the empirical model as (6)


If [[epsilon].sub.[pi]] is normally distributed, then Equation 10 can be estimated as a standard ordered probit.

The quantity equation is obtained by substituting Equations 5 and 6 into Equation 4 and taking logs:

ln [Q.sub.N] = Y[lambda] + X[[delta].sub.x] + W[[delta].sub.W] + [[delta].sub.N] + [[epsilon].sub.Q], (11)

where [[epsilon].sub.Q] = [[epsilon].sub.s] + [[epsilon].sub.d] + [epsilon], and [epsilon] captures measurement error.

Identification and Empirical Methodology

Although our primary variables of interest, the market structure dummy variables [[delta].sub.N], could be estimated from Equation 11, these dummies are endogenous. Markets with high unobserved components of demand and market size ([[epsilon].sub.s] and [[epsilon].sub.d]) will have both a higher value of market demand and a greater number of firms in the market (via the entry equation). To account for this endogeneity, we jointly estimate Equations 10 and 11. As explained in AGV, the empirical model is equivalent to a selection model in which the entry Equation l0 selects which market structure dummy we will be estimating. The parameters of the selection model are identified by excluding the determinants of fixed costs from the demand equation. Specifically, we exclude the physical size of the market and a measure of the liberalness of the state-level regulatory climate (as of 1994), both of which we expect to affect fixed costs of entry but not variable profits or demand. (7)

Joint estimation of the quantity and entry equation allows for separate identification of the impact of the explanatory variables and market structure on per capita demand ([[delta].sub.w], [[delta].sub.x], [[delta].sub.N]) from variable profits and fixed costs ([[alpha].sub.x], [[alpha].sub.w] - [[gamma].sub.w], [[alpha].sub.N] - [[gamma].sub.N]). As noted above, the fact that we can identify the effect of entry on the per capita quantity demand ([[delta].sub.N]) allows us to identify the competitive effects of entry on the market.

The errors in the ordered probit and quantity equations are highly correlated, as they have two terms in common, [[epsilon].sub.s] and [[epsilon].sub.d]. Therefore, we assume a variance components model in which

[[epsilon].sub.[pi]] = [v.sub.[pi]] + [rho][eta] (12)

[[epsilon].sub.Q] = [v.sub.Q] + [eta]. (13)

We assume that [v.sub.[pi]] and [v.sub.Q] are independently and normally distributed with means of zero and standard deviations of [[sigma].sub.[pi]] and [[sigma].sub.Q], respectively. Furthermore, we assume that [eta] is independent of both [v.sub.[pi]] and [V.sub.Q] and is normally distributed with a mean of zero and a standard deviation of [[sigma].sub.[eta]]. (8) If the parameter [rho] is positive, then the two errors are positively correlated. Joint estimation of Equations 10 and 11 allows us to separately identify the variance of the entry equation error, [[sigma].sub.[pi]], which is typically normalized to one in ordered probit regressions. (9)

The model is estimated using maximum likelihood. We choose to use Gaussian quadrature techniques to integrate the likelihood function over the distribution of [eta]. (10) Haan and Uhlendorff (2006) find in their analysis that numerical integration of the likelihood function using Gaussian quadrature results in virtually the same parameter estimates as maximum simulated likelihood based on Halton sequences, but with more stable results.

4. Data

The data sources used are the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's Summary of Deposits Data and the Federal Reserve System's National Information System, along with census population, land area and retail sales estimates, and Bureau of Economic Analysis personal income and wage estimates. Table 1 presents some descriptive statistics on the sample of 278 nonmetropolitan Bureau of Labor Statistics LMAs for 1994 and 2004. (11) The sample was constructed as all LMAs (which are generally individual counties, but sometimes combinations of counties) that were at least one market away from an MSA and not adjacent to another in the sample. (12)

The choice of rural markets somewhat isolated from metropolitan areas (and from each other) was designed, as discussed in Bresnahan and Reiss (1991), to allow for more accurate measurement of market entry. (13) The choice of the two time periods, 1994 and 2004, allows us to examine the implications for competitive behavior in local banking markets of the surge in bank branching activity occurring after the passage of the Riegle-Neal Act in 1994.

Many of the markets are quite small, with an average population in 1994 of 18,208 (ranging in size from 610 to 137,710). The mean number of banking institutions per market was 4.7 in 1994 (rising slightly to 4.9 by 2004), varying between 0 and 19; (14) while certainly distinctions remain, as noted above we consider both banks and thrifts as "banking institutions" and do not (as do Cohen and Mazzeo [2007a]) address the issue of how closely competitive they are. (15) We do, however, consider credit unions as a competitive threat to both banks and thrifts, especially in small rural markets (and include a credit union variable as a demand shifter).

The average population per bank/thrift is less than 4000. The data suggest surprisingly low thresholds for multiple banks and thrifts; seven of the eight markets with mean populations of 1500 or less over the 1994-2004 period and 13 of the 18 markets with populations under 2300 had monopoly banks or thrifts in both years. In contrast, no markets averaging over 7250 in population had monopoly banks. At the other end of the spectrum are four relatively large markets which may be outliers in the sample: two in Hawaii, one in South Carolina, and one in California--all with at least 115,000 in population both sample years, while the next largest is more than 20,000 smaller. However, results are not sensitive to the inclusion of these very large rural markets.

In order to implement the AGV methodology, a measure of output is needed; we choose bank/thrift deposits as this variable. On one hand, this may be viewed as an input into (part of) what banks are selling--loans--while, on the other hand, this may not seem a bad proxy, to the extent that we view the output of banks as a bundle of services (one of which is providing a depository role). (16)

5. Econometric Results and Interpretation

As noted earlier, we consider two time periods in our analysis: (i) 1994, when state-level regulation was still likely to be a major determinant of entry patterns and potential competition from entry was likely to be less significant, and (ii) 2004, when--a decade past the Riegle-Neal Act--bank branching and entry were virtually unregulated and one might expect to see more competition resulting in local markets. (17)

As listed in Table 1, we include a number of potential demand shifters in the model, including income per capita, retail activity (retail sales per capita), and the presence of competition from local credit unions. (18) We include the average wage in the market as a potential cost shifter. We expect fixed costs to increase with the physical size of the market (land area). Intuitively, the cost of serving the market may increase with the physical size as banks are forced to invest in more branches. As noted above, the final explanatory variable we include is a measure of the regulatory environment of the state, which we view as a proxy for fixed costs of entry that should not affect quantity demanded or variable profits. Results from the maximum likelihood estimation of the model are included in Table 2.

As expected, the parameter estimates associated with market population are highly significant and positive. The coefficients indicate that a 1% increase in market population increased the quantity of deposits in the market by approximately 0.5% in 1994 and nearly 0.7% in 2004. The remaining parameter estimates associated with Equation 11 are listed in Table 2 in the per capita quantity ([delta]) section. The single variable cost shifter included in the model, average wage, has the expected negative impact on per capita quantity in both years, with a 1% increase in the average wage raising prices and, thus, decreasing per capita quantity by 0.1% in 1994 and 0.3% in 2004. Two of the primary demand shifters, income and retail sales per capita, have significant positive impact on per capita demand in both years. As one might expect, as income levels and retail activity in a market increase, so do the per capita quantity of bank deposits. (19)

Only some of the coefficient estimates associated with variable profits are significant, in part reflecting the positive correlation between per capita personal income and per capita retail sales. Variable profits increase with the income per capita of the market in both years. The negative coefficient on retail sales per capita in 1994 (while surprising) is far smaller than the anticipated positive coefficient on per capita income. Estimates confirm that costs increase with the average wage in the market. The variable measuring the state regulatory climate is positive and significant in the 1994 subsample, suggesting that those markets with more liberal regulatory mechanisms (as of 1994) have higher fixed costs. (20) Parameter estimates suggest that fixed costs increase with the physical size of the market in the 2004 subsample, perhaps reflecting the increase in branch banking in the 2004 sample.

Estimates of the standard errors of the model's errors are fairly stable over the two subperiods. Recall that the parameter P represents the degree of correlation between the error in the entry equation and the error in the quantity equation. Given the error structure of the model, one might also think of this variable as the degree of correlation between the unobserved factors influencing demand and those unobserved factors influencing the firm's costs. The estimate for p is negative in the 1994 subsample but positive in the 2004 subsample. While we had no a priori belief regarding the direction of the correlation prior to estimating, it is slightly surprising that the direction of the correlation should change over the 10-year period. This may reflect changes in the importance of omitted variables that we do not observe.

Tables 3 and 4 analyze the market structure dummies by calculating entry threshold ratios and the per firm population thresholds, respectively. The threshold ratios from the 1994 subsample suggest that the third firm requires about 48% more per firm population than the second to be profitable, and the fourth firm requires a 53% increase in per firm population when compared to the third. The 5/4 and 6/5 thresholds continue to decrease and reach closer to one, suggesting that the market is becoming more competitive.

If one assumes that fixed costs are constant in the number of firms in the market, the reduction in the threshold ratio suggests that competition is pushing prices lower and lower, with the market reaching closer to a competitive equilibrium. However, banks (in markets at mean values of all explanatory variables) continue to have market power at least through the entry of the seventh bank.

The threshold ratios from 2004 suggest a similar pattern. The third bank requires 54% more per firm population when compared to the second, and the fourth bank requires 62% more per firm population than the third. The threshold ratios decline through entry of the sixth bank prior to increasing slightly with entry of the seventh bank in the market.

The benefit of the AGV method is that we do not have to assume that fixed costs are constant in the number of firms that enter the market, thus providing a more accurate depiction of the level of competition in the marketplace. Note that the decreasing thresholds found in 1994 and 2004 could be occurring even if there are no changes in the competitive conditions as firms enter the market if the fixed costs increase with the number of banks in the market. Similarly, an increase in the ratio with the entry of the seventh bank that we found in both years could be due to interactions between the rate at which fixed costs increase and the rate at which markets reach a competitive equilibrium.

Tables 5 and 6 decompose the threshold ratio into the per capita demand effect and the variable profit/fixed cost effect for 1994 and 2004, respectively. In this decomposition, we expect the per capita demand effect to initially be some fraction below one. Intuitively, the entrance of new firms causes the market to become more competitive. As prices fall, per capita demand will increase, thus the ratio [d.sub.N]/[d.sub.N] + 1 will be less than one. This ratio should, however, gradually increase and stabilize at one as the marginal increase in the level of competition with each additional entrant will fall until the market eventually becomes completely competitive. Tables 5 and 6 include p-values associated with the null hypotheses that (i) the per capita quantity contribution to the threshold ratio remains unchanged with entrance of a new firm and (ii) this component of the threshold ratio is equal to one, or the per capita demand remains unchanged with entry of the new firm, suggesting that the market has become competitive. Note that the overall threshold effect is the product of the per capita quantity effect and the average profit effect.

These results indicate that in 1994 the second firm requires a per firm market size only 70% as large as the first firm. In other words, per capita demand increases by approximately 30% with the entry of the second firm. Per capita demand increases by an additional 21% and 24% with the entrance of the third firm and fourth firm, respectively; as indicated in Table 5, hypothesis tests indicate per capita demand (or the level of competition) increases by the same amount with the entrance of the fourth firm as it did with the entrance of the third firm (failing to reject this equal effect with a p-value of 0.08). Entrance of a fifth firm results in no statistically significant change in per capita demand (with a p-value of 0.51), suggesting that the market has become competitive by this time. This result is consistent with the findings in Cetorelli (2002), who finds in his analysis of banking markets in 1999 that significant market power is suggested at least until the number of banks in a county reaches five. Strangely, the thresholds for entrance of the sixth and seventh firms suggest that per capita demand increases again, by 15% and 22%, respectively, as the number of firms in the market grows, which makes a clear prediction on competitive conditions from these results more difficult.

The threshold estimates for 2004 behave in a more predictable manner, with one exception. For example, the estimates suggest that per capita demand increases by 36% with the entrance of the second firm. However, there is no statistically discernable change in per capita demand after the entrance of the third firm, suggesting that the market has become competitive by this point. (21) This result is consistent with the findings in Cohen and Mazzeo (2007a), who estimate that variable profits are significantly reduced by the second firm of a given type and this reduction becomes smaller for subsequent entry. The exception to this clear pattern in our estimates is the entry threshold for the fifth firm, which indicates that per capita demand increases by 33% with the fifth firm.

It is likely that this is a statistical anomaly, but it also points to possible weaknesses in our empirical approaches. As noted above, deposits may not be the most appropriate measure of demand for banking services. Ideally, one might want a quantity measure that more directly determines usage, such as number of bank accounts held in the market or number of withdrawals or deposits. Unfortunately, these data are not publicly available, and the alternative measures of quantity that we tried, such as the number of bank branches in the county, produced results qualitatively similar to those presented here.

Nevertheless, the results are consistent with the view that local banking markets have become more competitive in the era of bank deregulation. While markets needed, at the very least, five firms to reach competitive conditions in 1994, our estimates suggest that by 2004 markets with as few as three firms could be considered highly competitive.

6. Conclusion

Other work has examined determinants of entry in local banking markets. In this article we apply to this sector a promising new extension to the Bresnahan and Reiss (1991) framework. Examining rural markets in both 1994 and 2004, we find in the earlier period demand effects of entry consistent with modest reductions in price, suggesting increasing competition, up until the entry of the fifth firm. In contrast, three-firm markets seem relatively competitive in 2004.

While our results are not as clear-cut as we would have liked, they are suggestive of greater competition in banking markets post-Riegle-Neal. Whether this increase in competition is in fact due to the greater threat of entry associated with the Riegle-Neal Act, the rise of Internet banking, or other changes affecting the banking sector is a topic for another day.


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Robert M. Feinberg * and Kara M. Reynolds([dagger])

* Department of Economics, American University, Washington, DC 20016-8029, USA; E-mail feinber@american.edu; corresponding author.

([dagger]) Department of Economics, American University, Washington, DC 20016-8029, USA; E-mail reynolds@american.edu.

We thank John Pepper and several anonymous referees for helpful comments on earlier drafts of this article, though all errors and omissions remain those of the authors. Received May 2008; accepted January 2009. 36:680-99.

(1) A similar result is found in a nonbanking context by Toivanen and Waterson (2005), who explain patterns of fast food entry in the United Kingdom by market structure and find that the presence of a major rival increases entry (this presence is viewed as a proxy for future growth and a means of learning by the potential entrant).

(2) Strictly speaking, while Bresnahan and Reiss (1991) and the literature following typically use the term "entry" to describe the topic of analysis, what is really at issue is endogeneity in market structure.

(3) Adams and Amel (2007) present further results on bank entry, also finding past entry to induce future entry, and provide a nice review of the previous bank entry literature.

(4) A somewhat similar approach was adopted by Asplund and Sandin (1999) in a study of local competition among Swedish driving schools.

(5) Generally, in the presence of product differentiation, entry threshold ratios are less informative about the degree of competition in the market. However, for routine financial services that consumers generally need from local banks (deposits, checking, ATM access, small loans), the assumption of homogeneity seems plausible.

(6) As is typical in the literature following the BR approach, we create a residual category of markets; we choose this to be markets with seven or more banks. While the exact cutoff is arbitrary, our main results are not very sensitive to this choice.

(7) The state regulatory measure is set equal to 1 if the state (based on appendix table B6 in Berger, Kashyap, and Scalise [1995]) allowed all of the following: limited branching, statewide branching, limited multibank holding companies, statewide multibank holding companies, and interstate multibank holding companies.

(8) As discussed in Mroz (1999), imposing a normal distribution can result in bias if [eta] is not normally distributed. To avoid this bias, we experimented with using a nonparametric distribution, specifically a discrete factor approximation. Most of the specifications using discrete factor approximations failed to converge, which we believe can be attributed to the fact that the parameters of the discrete factor approximation are underidentified if the true distribution of the error is normal, as also noted in Mroz (1999).

(9) The variance of the entry equation error is identified by constraining the parameter on market population size, [lambda], to be equal across the two equations.

(10) The parameter values presented in this article were estimated using six points of support.

(11) The sample of LMAs is available from the authors upon request.

(12) Specifications in which we exclude the 10 Bureau of Labor Statistics LMAs that incorporate more than one county were similar to those presented here. Thus, our results are robust to whether we define markets using rural labor market areas or rural counties.

(13) Due to this relative isolation from nearby markets, we ignore market characteristics in neighboring regions. For work noting the impact of distance on lending decisions, see Degryse and Ongena (2005) and Agarwal and Hauswald (2007).

(14) In 1994, there is 1 market with no banks; 20 with one bank; 32 with two; 53 with three; 52 with four; 31 with five; 34 with six; 17 with seven; 11 with eight; 12 with nine; and 15 with 10 or more banks.

(15) For a nice, concise discussion of similarities (and some differences) between banks and thrifts, see http://www.frbsf.org/econrsrch/wklyltr/wklyltr98/el98-13.html.

(16) AGV use hospital admissions as their measure of quantity. As with local banks, hospitals offer a bundle of services, and total admissions was taken to be a reasonable proxy for the quantity of the service provided. In specifications not presented here, we utilized the number of branches in the county as an alternative definition of quantity. Most of the parameter estimates were qualitatively the same as those presented here, as was the analysis of market competition.

(17) We do not, however, claim that differences observed between 1994 and 2004 are due to the change in regulatory policy incorporated in that legislation.

(18) Recent evidence on the role of credit unions in local financial services markets is somewhat mixed. Amel and Hannan (1999) find commercial banks alone to constitute a relevant "antitrust market," while Feinberg (2002) supports the view of credit unions as fringe suppliers in a broader local consumer financial services market.

(19) The counterintuitive positive effect of credit union presence in 1994 may reflect an endogeneity between local banking demand growth and credit union entry.

(20) While somewhat counterintuitive, one possible explanation could be greater costs of cross-state multibank entry versus the within-state or new small bank entry typical in more restrictive states.

(21) The hypothesis tests fail to reject the null hypothesis that per capita demand does not change with the entrance of the fourth firm or that the per capita quantity ratio [d.sub.3]/[d.sub.4] is different than one, with a p-value of 0.34. Given that the hypothesis tests also fail to reject the hypothesis that the per capita quantity ratio changes with the entrance of the fourth firm, in other words that [d.sub.2]/[d.sub.3] is different than [d.sub.3]/[d.sub.4], with a p-value of 0.07, it seems reasonable to infer that there is some statistical evidence to suggest that the market has become competitive by the entrance of the third firm.
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics (n = 278)

                                      Mean         Min         Max

  Number of banks                      4.719       0.000      19.000
  Deposits ($millions)               189.493       0.000    1186.000
  Population (thousands)              18.208       0.610     137.710
  Credit union presence                0.356       0.000       1.000
  Average wage (thousands)            17.907      12.279      29.256
  Income per capita (thousands)       16.594       8.576      32.523
  Retail sales per capita
    (thousands)                        4.963       1.139      11.576
  Number of banks                      4.942       0.000      21.000
  Deposits ($millions)               260.982       0.000    2468.000
  Population (thousands)              19.021       0.685     162.970
  Credit union presence                0.435       0.000       1.000
  Average wage (thousands)            25.088      17.355      44.318
  Income per capita (thousands)       24.161      12.674      51.125
  Retail sales per capita
    (thousands)                        7.627       1.466      21.845
Land area (thousand square miles)      1.248       0.167      11.206
State regulatory measure               0.309       0.000       1.000

Table 2. Maximum Likelihood Parameter Estimates


Parameter                                 Estimate         Error

  Market size ([lambda])

Market population                         0.5087 **       0.0073

Per capita quantity ([delta])

  Constant                                2.7428 **       0.1660
  Average wage                           -0.1112 **       0.0430
  Income per capita                       0.2754 **       0.0256
  Retail sales per capita                 0.4540 **       0.0105
  Credit union presence                   0.1184 **       0.0098
  [[delta].sub.2]                         0.3500 **       0.0152
  [[delta].sub.3]                         0.5852 **       0.0151
  [[delta].sub.4]                         0.8592 **       0.0168
  [[delta].sub.5]                         0.8506 **       0.0179
  [[delta].sub.6]                         1.0078 **       0.0193
  [[delta].sub.7]                         1.2520 **       0.0258

Variable profits: demand shifters ([[alpha].sub.x])

  Credit union presence                  -0.1426 **       0.0622
  Income per capita                       1.3396 **       0.2346
  Retail sales per capita                -0.4760 **       0.0813

Variable profits: cost shifters ([[gamma].sub.w] -

  Constant                                7.6270 **       2.9268
  Average wage                            1.0594 **       0.2391

Fixed costs ([[gamma].sub.w])

  State regulatory measure                0.1533 **       0.0616
  Land area                              -0.0026           0.036

Entry effects ([[gamma].sub.n] - [[alpha].sub.n])

  [[gamma].sub.2] - [[alpha].sub.2]       1.2239 **       0.3667
  [[gamma].sub.3] - [[alpha].sub.3]       1.4632 **       0.3797
  [[gamma].sub.4] - [[alpha].sub.4]       1.8318 **       0.3975
  [[gamma].sub.5] - [[alpha].sub.5]       1.9092 **       0.4124
  [[gamma].sub.6] - [[alpha].sub.6]       2.0798 **       0.4229
  [[gamma].sub.7] - [[alpha].sub.7]       2.4291 **       0.4404

Standard errors and correlations

  [[sigma].sub.vQ]                        0.0446 **       0.0014
  [[sigma].sub.v[pi]]                     0.3960 **       0.0336
  [[sigma].sub.[eta]]                     0.2166 **       0.0027
  [rho]                                  -1.0712 **       0.2591


Parameter                                 Estimate         Error

  Market size ([lambda])

Market population                         0.6860 **       0.0070

Per capita quantity ([delta])

  Constant                                3.2067 **       0.1702
  Average wage                           -0.2738 **       0.0383
  Income per capita                       0.5166 **       0.0299
  Retail sales per capita                 0.2760 **       0.0109
  Credit union presence                   0.0175          0.0109
  [[delta].sub.2]                         0.4458 **       0.0188
  [[delta].sub.3]                         0.4067 **       0.0217
  [[delta].sub.4]                         0.4237 **       0.0218
  [[delta].sub.5]                         0.8183 **       0.0246
  [[delta].sub.6]                         0.7575 **       0.0341
  [[delta].sub.7]                         0.7481 **       0.0253

Variable profits: demand shifters ([[alpha].sub.x])

  Credit union presence                  -0.0169          0.0686
  Income per capita                       0.9201 **       0.2075
  Retail sales per capita                 0.0782          0.0930

Variable profits: cost shifters ([[gamma].sub.w] -

  Constant                                4.5247 *        2.6022
  Average wage                            0.7118 **       0.2453

Fixed costs ([[gamma].sub.w])

  State regulatory measure                0.1346          0.0683
  Land area                               0.0344 **       0.0422

Entry effects ([[gamma].sub.n] - [[alpha].sub.n])

  [[gamma].sub.2] - [[alpha].sub.2]       1.4236 **       0.3700
  [[gamma].sub.3] - [[alpha].sub.3]       1.4673 **       0.3684
  [[gamma].sub.4] - [[alpha].sub.4]       1.6661 **       0.3706
  [[gamma].sub.5] - [[alpha].sub.5]       2.2372 **       0.3745
  [[gamma].sub.6] - [[alpha].sub.6]       2.2616 **       0.3792
  [[gamma].sub.7] - [[alpha].sub.7]       2.4106 **       0.3849

Standard errors and correlations

  [[sigma].sub.vQ]                        0.0528 **       0.0017
  [[sigma].sub.v[pi]]                     0.4567 **       0.0362
  [[sigma].sub.[eta]]                     0.2600 **       0.0038
  [rho]                                   0.3135 **       0.2384

**, * indicate those parameters significant at the 5%
and 10% level, respectively.

Table 3. Threshold Ratios

                               1994                   2004

                                   Standard               Standard
Ratio                  Estimate     Error     Estimate     Error

[S.sub.2]/[S.sub.1]    7.839 **     3.955     6.976 *      3.734
[S.sub.3]/[S.sub.2]    1.487 **     O.152     1.545 **     O.180
[S.sub.4]/[S.sub.3]    1.534 **     O.114     1.624 **     O.138
[S.sub.5]/[S.sub.4]    1.421 **     0.087     1.533 **     0.108
[S.sub.6]/[S.sub.5]    1.217 **     0.063     1.302 **     0.079
[S.sub.7]/[S.sub.6]    1.371 **     0.089     1.415 **     0.098

**, * indicate those parameters significant at the 5%
and 10% level, respectively.

Table 4. Per Firm Population Thresholds Threshold Ratios

Number of Banks    1994 Threshold    2004 Threshold

1                        204               173
2                       1243               948
3                       1591              1273
4                       2194              1873
5                       2872              2658
6                       3269              3251
7+                      4235              4363

Table 5. Threshold Ratios' Decomposition (1994)

Component                             2/1      3/2      4/3

Overall ([S.sub.N + 1]/[S.sub.N])     7.839   1.487    1.534
Fixed cost and profit effect         11.124   1.881    2.017
Per capita quantity effect
  ([d.sub.N]/[d.sub.N + 1])           0.705   0.790    0.760
p-value ([H.sub.0]: [d.sub.N]/
  [d.sub.N + 1] = [d.sub.N + 1]/
  [d.sub.N + 2])                              0.000    0.075
p-value ([H.sub.0]:
  [d.sub.N]/[d.sub.N + 1] = 1)                0.000    0.000

Component                             5/4      6/5      7+/6

Overall ([S.sub.N + 1]/[S.sub.N])    1.421    1.217    1.371
Fixed cost and profit effect         1.409    1.424    1.750
Per capita quantity effect
  ([d.sub.N]/[d.sub.N + 1])          1.009    0.855    0.783
p-value ([H.sub.0]: [d.sub.N]/
  [d.sub.N + 1] = [d.sub.N + 1]/
  [d.sub.N + 2])                     0.000    0.000    0.002
p-value ([H.sub.0]:
  [d.sub.N]/[d.sub.N + 1] = 1)       0.506    0.000    0.000

Table 6. Threshold Ratios' Decomposition (2004)

Component                              2/1      3/2      4/3

Overall ([S.sub.N + 1]/[S.sub.N])     1.424    1.467    1.666
Fixed cost and profit effect          2.223    1.411    1.695
Per capita quantity effect
  ([d.sub.N]/[d.sub.N + 1])           0.640    1.040    0.983
p-value ([H.sub.0]: [d.sub.N]/
  [d.sub.N + 1] = [d.sub.N + 1]/
  [[d.sub.N + 2])                              0.000    0.068
p-value ([H.sub.0]: [d.sub.N]/
  [d.sub.N + 1] = 1)                           0.031    0.336

Component                              5/4      6/5      7+/6

Overall ([S.sub.N + 1]/[S.sub.N])     2.237    2.262    2.411
Fixed cost and profit effect          3.319    2.128    2.388
Per capita quantity effect
  ([d.sub.N]/[d.sub.N + 1])           0.674    1.063    1.010
p-value ([H.sub.0]: [d.sub.N]/
  [d.sub.N + 1] = [d.sub.N + 1]/
  [[d.sub.N + 2])                     0.000    0.000    0.305
p-value ([H.sub.0]: [d.sub.N]/
  [d.sub.N + 1] = 1)                  0.000    0.036    0.701