Institutions, capital, and growth.
Hall, Joshua C. ; Sobel, Russell S. ; Crowley, George R. 等
1. Introduction
The causes of economic development have been studied before Adam
Smith made his inquiry into the causes of the wealth of nations. As a
field of study, however, economic development did not really exist until
after World War II (Arndt 1997). The first development economists
focused primarily on the accumulation of physical capital as the driving
force in economic growth. (1) For example, Paul Rosenstein-Rodan, Sir
Arthur Lewis, and Walt Rostow all argued that developing countries
suffered from a "poverty trap," where they could not afford to
save enough to accumulate the necessary amounts of physical capital to
grow (Easterly 2006a). This focus on the accumulation of physical
capital provided the intellectual impetus for the large sums of foreign
aid provided to developing countries by international aid agencies
post-World War II because aid was seen as being crucial to giving poor
nations the physical capital they needed to break out of the
"poverty trap." The notion that developing countries are in a
poverty trap that prevents them from accumulating physical capital is
still alive today, both in the actions of the World Bank and
International Monetary Fund (IMF) as well as in the research of
economists such as Jeffrey Sachs. (2)
In the 1960s and 1970s, the pioneering work of Schultz (1961) and
Becket (1964) on human capital caused development economists to augment
their standard economic growth models to allow for human capital
investment to play a role. Early research into the effects of formal
education on economic growth found that education seemed to explain a
significant portion of economic growth (Hall 2000). These findings led
development economists to focus on human capital as a primary factor of
production throughout the 1980s and 1990s (Coyne and Boettke 2006).
International development organizations such as the World Bank
encouraged high levels of government investment in schooling in an
attempt to increase human capital levels. (3) As a result of these
efforts, there was a tremendous expansion of schooling in nearly all
developing countries (Easterly 2001). According to Pritchett (2001),
since 1960 primary enrollments in developing countries increased from 66
to 100% and secondary enrollments rose from 14 to 40%.
There is little evidence to suggest that efforts to increase either
physical or human capital levels in developing countries, especially in
Africa, have been successful in generating growth. Good historical data
on public investment in capital is available for 22 African countries
since 1970. From 1970-1994, those countries received $187 billion in aid
and spent $342 billion on public investment, only to achieve zero per
capita growth (Easterly 2006b). The same can be said of the increases in
formal schooling stimulated, in part, by foreign aid. Easterly (2001)
details how sub-Saharan African countries had larger increases in
schooling than any other region since 1960. Yet these countries remained
mired in poverty while Asian "tigers" like South Korea and
Taiwan had smaller increases in education levels but flourished
economically. In cross-country growth regressions, Pritchett (2001)
finds no relationship between increases in education and increases in
output per worker. Similarly, Gwartney, Holcombe, and Lawson (2004) find
that the growth of human capital per worker is not related to per capita
gross domestic product growth. (4)
The macroeconomic evidence is somewhat paradoxical because it is
contrary to the microeconomic evidence that increases in physical and
human capital increase individual productivity and remuneration. After
all, it would seem that summing all individual positives within a
country should aggregate to a social positive. Yet in many countries
this is clearly not the case. In an important paper trying to figure out
"where all the education has gone," Pritchett (2001) provides
a possible solution to this paradox. He argues that in some countries
the institutional environment could be so perverse that increasing
education actually leads to lower growth. (5)
More generally, societal payoffs to improvements in the levels of
both physical and human capital are likely dependent on the
institutional context in which those investments occur. In countries
with good institutions--where the social, political, and legal rules
provide for secure property rights, unbiased contract enforcement, and
reliance on market prices and profits and losses to guide economic
activity--investments in capital are both privately beneficial to
individuals and also create a positive return for society as a whole. In
countries with poor institutions, however, the higher returns to
investments in rent-seeking activities that plunder the wealth of
others, through lobbying and lawsuit abuse, for example--draw
significant resources into these privately beneficial, but socially
unproductive activities. Investments in education produce more
lobbyists, politicians, and lawyers, rather than engineers and
scientists. (6)
Building on Pritchett's (2001) insight, this article examines
the relationship between institutional quality and the impact of human
capital accumulation on economic growth, (7) We also extend this
analysis to physical capital. We begin by integrating this hypothesis
into the augmented Solow (1956) growth model of Mankiw, Romer, and Weil
(1992). In this respect, our theoretical approach is a clear extension
of the work of Dawson (1998) who was the first to incorporate
institutions into the standard growth models. We then empirically test
this hypothesis by interacting institutional quality with both physical
and human capital in cross-country growth regressions. In this respect,
our article is closely connected to the valuable work of Stroup (2007,
2008) who uses a similar approach to separate out the influence of
political and economic institutions on different human welfare
We use data on "risk of expropriation" from the
International Country Risk Guide (PRS 2007) as our primary measure of
institutional quality. The PRS Group annually grades each country using
a 0-to-10 scale with a score of 0 being consistent with a high risk of
confiscation or forced nationalization of property and a score of 10
indicating an extremely low risk of expropriation. We find that the
relationship between increases in human capital and economic growth is
indeed negative for countries with perverse institutional environments.
We calculate that for countries with risk of expropriation scores below
7.33 (e.g., South Africa, Costa Rica), additions to the stock of human
capital have a negative effect on growth of output per worker. The
relationship between growth of physical capital per worker and output
per worker also is negative in countries with poor institutions, albeit
at a much lower level. We find that the relationship between increases
in physical capital per worker and output per worker turns positive at
around a risk of expropriation score of 4.90 (roughly equivalent to
2. Institutions, Capital, and Growth of Output per Worker
The conventional perspective on the marginal effect of increases in
physical and human capital on economic growth is that they have the same
marginal effect regardless of the level of institutional quality. Figure
1 illustrates this view. The figure shows the marginal effect of a
change in capital per worker on the change in output per worker
conditional on the level of institutional quality. From this
perspective, an additional unit of capital has the same impact on
economic growth whether the country is in a good institutional
environment or a poor one. To put it in the context of human capital, an
additional year of education in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
would have the same effect on the growth of output per worker as a year
in Australia.
This view is incorrect because it ignores the impact of
institutional quality on the productivity and allocation of labor. An
additional year of education in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is
not the same as an additional year of education in Australia because of
the opportunities provided by the overall institutional environment. (8)
The best opportunities for more educated individuals in countries with
low-quality institutions are more likely to be zero-or-negative sum,
such as working in the government bureaucracy. When the institutional
environment is "bad," increases in education levels will be
less socially productive than in countries with a "good"
institutional environment. While individuals will always choose the
occupation that gives them the highest personal return, good
institutions create a correspondence between positive personal and
positive social returns.
In the long run, the higher payoffs to public sector activity
distort the choices individuals make in the types of education to
acquire. Thus in a society where the payoffs to the private sector are
low because of poor institutions but payoffs to the public sector are
high (also because of poor institutions), individuals will tend to
invest in human capital more valued by the public sector. For example,
Nobel Laureate Sir Arthur Lewis discusses in his Nobel Prize lecture how
he wanted to be an engineer but could not find employment in St. Lucie
as an engineer because of discrimination, thus he went into business
studies with the goal of working in the civil service or private sector
(Lewis 1992). While both the public and private sector employ engineers,
the issue is that in countries with poor institutional environments, the
payoffs to being a private sector engineer will be lower; thus we will
get fewer engineers, and the ones we do have will be less alert to
positive-sum entrepreneurial opportunities.
Countries with bad institutions have more zero- or negative-sum
opportunities, and thus the marginal effect of more education could be
negative if enough of the additional education goes into negative-sum
activities. Not only are resources being removed from production to
increase education levels (in terms of expenditures on education but
also opportunity costs), but if educated individuals move into rent
seeking, the societal payoffs from their education will be negative. At
some level of institutional quality, however, the rewards to
positive-sum activities begin to outweigh the rewards to zero- and
negative-sum activities and the marginal effect of human capital
increases on growth becomes positive.
Figure 2 illustrates this proposed relationship. The marginal
effect of an increase in capital is negative when institutional quality
is "zero." While all societies have some level of formal or
informal institutions, countries like present-day Somalia, Rwanda, or
Venezuela would be examples of countries that have extremely low levels
of institutional quality according to most measures. At some break-even
level of institutional quality, the allocation of resources between
sectors of the economy is balanced so that net additions to capital
neither add to nor diminish output per worker. As institutional quality
rises beyond that break-even point, the additions to capital flow to the
productive sectors of the economy and have a positive contribution to
output per worker. This view of the role of institutions in channeling
increases in capital toward socially productive areas of the economy
helps to explain why public investment in human and physical capital
have not uniformly led to increases in output per worker in the
developing world.
3. Theoretical Model
In this section we follow Dawson (1998) in augmenting the standard
macroeconomic growth model of Mankiw, Romer, and Weil (1992) to formally
include the quality of a country's institutions. Consider a
standard aggregate production function given by
where Y is output, A is the level of technology that augments
physical capital K, human capital H, and labor L. The production
function exhibits the standard assumption of constant returns to scale
([[alpha].sub.1] + [[alpha].sub.2] [[alpha].sub.3] = 1). Dividing
through by L puts Equation 1 in per worker terms:
This traditional model implicitly assumes an underlying set of good
institutions. In our model, the quality of institutions affects output
through the effect that institutions have on the productivity of human
and physical capital. Thus we specify the technology parameter as
where [A.sub.0] represents the basic level of technology, [I.sup.*]
represents the ideal institutions implicitly assumed in the traditional
growth model, and I is the country's current level of institutional
quality. Thus, I - [I.sup.*] measures the degree to which the
country's institutions fall short of ideal conditions. When I =
[I.sup.*], the model reduces to its standard form in the previous
Substituting Equation 3 into Equation 2 yields
Taking logs
ln [y.sub.t] = ln [A.sub.0] + [[alpha].sub.1] + [[beta].sub.1] (I-
[I.sup.*])] ln [h.sub.1,] + [[[alpha].sub.2] + [[beta].sub.2] (I-
[I.sup.*])] ln [k.sub.t]. (6)
Here we follow Pritchett (2001) in focusing on explaining the
growth of output per worker using the growth of physical and human
capital per worker. We do this by taking differences, which gives the
growth rate of output as
where ^ denotes a growth rate. Simplifying
Defining [[delta].sub.i] = ([[alpha].sub.i] - [[beta].sub.i]I*) and
[[alpha].sub.0] = [[??].sub.t], and adding an error term,
[[epsilon].sub.t], yields our equation to be estimated as
Equation 9 is the primary equation we use to test the impact of
institutions on the productivity of physical and human capital. Of
interest are the coefficient estimates for [[delta].sub.1],
[[delta].sub.2], [[beta].sub.1], and [[beta].sub.2] x [[delta].sub.1]
and [[delta].sub.2] measure the return to human and physical capital
investments in a country with the worst possible institutional quality
(the left y-axis intercept value in Figure 2), while [[beta].sub.1] and
[[beta].sub.2] are the slopes of the respective lines in the figures,
showing an increasing social return to these capital investments as the
country's institutional quality improves to the ideal level for a
well-functioning market economy.
4. Data and Empirical Approach
Our initial analysis covers a cross section of 96 countries for the
years 1980-2000. We obtain data on real output per worker from Baier,
Dwyer, and Tamura (2006a) and calculate the cumulative growth of output
per worker from 1980 to 2000. The included countries are a comprehensive
mixture of developed and developing nations from all regions, mitigating
any concerns over sample selection bias that can be an issue in
cross-country growth studies (De Long 1988). A full list of the
countries is included in Appendix A. The average country in our sample
had a 16.4% increase in output per worker increase over the period, with
Cyprus having the top growth rate of 276% and the Republic of Congo
seeing output per worker fall by 79%.
We measure institutional quality using an index of the "risk
of expropriation" within a country. Produced by the PRS Group
(2007) and published in the International Country Risk Guide, these data
were first used as a measure of institutional quality by Knack and
Keefer (1995) and more recently by Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson
(2001a, b) and Glaeser et al. (2004). The PRS Group annually grades each
country on the risk of confiscation or forced nationalization of
property, using a 0-to-10 scale. A score of 0 is consistent with a high
risk of property expropriation, and a country with a score of 10 would
represent an extremely low risk of expropriation. We feel this measure
of institutions is most consistent with Acemoglu and Johnson's
(2005) finding that property-right institutions are what matter for
long-run growth. Baier, Dwyer, and Tamura (2006b) also show protection
of property rights to be the most important measure of institutions when
looking at factor productivity. While concerns have been raised over
"outcome" measures of institutions (Glaeser et al. 2004),
written rules ostensibly designed to protect citizens from government
are useless unless the politically powerful are willing to commit to
obeying the rules (Boettke 2001, pp. 191-65).
We follow convention and use the average risk of expropriation
within a country over the period in question. (9) The average country in
the sample had a score of 7.3. The country with the lowest risk of
expropriation was Switzerland with an average risk of expropriation of
9.98, while the country with the greatest average risk of expropriation
was the Democratic Republic of the Congo with a score of 3.71. The
Democratic Republic of the Congo having the highest risk of
expropriation is illustrative of the problem that exists in trying to
use input measures of institutions such as constitutions instead of
output measures because the recent switch from dictatorship to
constitutional democracy has not seemed to reduce expropriation of
private property (Boettke and Leeson 2009).
Our measure of education is average years of schooling per worker,
and it is obtained from Baier, Dwyer, and Tamura (2006a). They calculate
the average number of years of schooling per worker from primary,
secondary, and higher education enrollment figures using the perpetual
inventory method. The perpetual inventory method uses census-survey
figures on attainment by age as a measure of the stock of schooling and
then updates the stock using lagged enrollment figures. We use their
estimates of average schooling per worker in 1980 and 2000 to calculate
the change in schooling per worker by country from 1980-2000. Our
measure of the change in physical capital per worker from 1980 to 2000
is also obtained from Baier, Dwyer, and Tamura (2006a). They use the
perpetual inventory method to calculate the physical capital stock per
worker using annual investment data from the Summers and Heston (2000)
data set and assuming 7% annual depreciation.
These data on a cross section of 96 countries allow us to begin
addressing the relationship between institutions and the productivity of
human and physical capital. Our equation to be estimated using ordinary
least squares is obtained from the equation derived in section 3.
where [[??].sub.t] is the cumulative growth rate from 1980 to 2000,
[[alpha].sub.0] is a constant term, [[??].sub.t] is the change in
schooling over that period, and [[??].sub.t] is the change in physical
capital. The interaction terms, I[[??].sub.t] and I[[??].sub.t] measures
how economic growth in different countries might respond differently to
changes in human and physical capital depending upon the level of
institutions, measured here by the average level of expropriation risk
during the period. Our use of interaction terms to isolate the effect of
institutional quality on the return to increases in human capital
follows from the estimating equation but is also inspired by the
empirical work of Stroup (2007, 2008) on institutions, democracy, and
different measures of well-being.
In addition to this basic model, we provide several robustness
checks that consider additional explanatory variables. For example, a
prominent strain of the development literature, most notably associated
with Sachs (2003), argues that geographic factors play an extremely
important role in the economic development of nations. From Gallup,
Sachs, and Mellinger (1999), we obtain three geographic variables that
might influence the rate of economic growth. The first geographic
variable is the minimum air distance a country is from the core markets
of Rotterdam, New York, or Tokyo. The hypothesis is that the farther a
country is from one of these core markets, the more costly it is for the
country to engage in international trade. Reduced trade will, in turn,
reduce gains from the division of labor, economies of scale, and
specialization. The second geographic variable, the percentage of a
country's population living within 100 km of an ocean, also
attempts to measures the degree to which it is costly for the citizens
of a country to engage in international trade. A high percentage of a
country's population with access to an ocean coastline should exert
a positive impact on economic growth.
Finally, a country located in a tropical climate might have low
rates of economic growth because a hot and humid climate reduces the
productivity of labor. This can occur directly through work effort or
indirectly through health. The prevalence of malaria in tropical
climates provides one channel through which tropical climate can affect
health and, indirectly, the productivity of labor. To capture the effect
of tropical climate on growth, we employ a third geographic variable
measuring the proportion of a country located in the tropics as an
explanatory variable, with the tropics defined as the area located
between the Tropic of Cancer (latitude 23.5[degrees] north) and Tropic
of Capricorn (latitude 23.5[degrees] south). These geographic variables
are employed both in the baseline empirical analysis in section 6 as
well as the sensitivity analysis in section 7.
5. A First Look
Before proceeding to the regression analysis, we provide some
evidence for the proposition that the effect of investment in capital
depends on the institutional environment using the raw data. To get an
idea of how the returns to schooling differ by institutional quality, we
broke down countries into two groups: those with the lowest risk of
expropriation and those with the highest risk. We split the sample of 96
countries into two groups based on their average risk of expropriation
score, with countries below the median score of 7.06 being defined as
"high risk" and those above defined as "low risk."
Figure 3 shows the relationship between changes in schooling per worker
and growth in output per worker for these different groups.
Among countries with the lowest risk of expropriation, countries
with schooling growth above 50% from 1980-2000 grew slightly faster than
countries where schooling growth was below 50%. For countries with the
highest risk of expropriation, however, the exact opposite was the case.
While all countries with poor protection of property rights saw negative
real growth during this period, those countries with schooling growth
below 50% had an average growth of output per worker of negative 3.7%
compared with negative 17.8% for countries with schooling growth above
50%. Clearly, countries with bad institutions did poorly over this
period; however, those countries with the largest increases in education
did the worst.
Figure 4 shows the relationship between changes in physical capital
per worker and growth in output, again split by risk of expropriation.
Among countries with low risk of expropriation, those with physical
capital growth above 50% grew much faster. As before, countries with the
highest risk of expropriation experienced negative real growth; though
countries with capital growth above 50% performed slightly better. These
results suggest that the level of institutional quality at which the
productivity of physical capital turns positive is lower than for human
capital. Our estimation methods will allow us to examine this more
Additional insight comes from examining the relationship between
institutional quality and total factor productivity. Total factor
productivity (or alternatively, the "Solow residual") is
traditionally used to explain changes in output not directly
attributable to changes in physical or human capital. In previous
literature, these exogenous factors were assumed to include changes in
technology and institutions (Baier, Dwyer, and Tamura 2006a). Because
our study extends traditional growth models by accounting for
institutional variation, a comparison between the conventional view of
total factor productivity and our measure of institutions is necessary
and insightful.
We follow Baier, Dwyer, and Tamura (2006a) in calculating total
factor productivity (TFP) for the 96 countries mentioned earlier.
Specifically, we assume physical capital's share of income to be
0.33. The natural log of TFP is calculated by taking the natural log of
output per worker and subtracting the natural logs of physical and human
capital, weighted by their respective shares. TFP growth over 1980-2000
is the log difference between TFP in those two periods. Figure 5
illustrates the relationship between changes in TFP and institutional
quality. The relationship is clearly positive with those countries
characterized by the worst institutions also exhibiting the lowest
growth in TFP. The correlation coefficient between the average risk of
expropriation and the log difference of TFP is 0.74, and the [R.sup.2]
of the trend line is 0.55. This result confirms that previous empirical
papers, by omitting institutional quality, forced the impact of it into
TFP, potentially leading to biases in their estimates. It also suggests
that previous estimates of the Solow residual are largely explained by
institutional quality differences rather than other factors.
6. Empirical Results
Table 1 presents our regression results that examine the effect of
institutions on the impact of human and physical capital growth on a
country's rate of economic growth. Column 1 is the baseline
regression consistent with Equation 9 derived in section 3. The model
fits the data well, explaining 56% of the variation in the change in
output per worker between 1980 and 2000. The coefficients on both
interaction terms are positive and statistically significant, while the
coefficients on the change in physical capital and the change in human
capital are negative and significant. These results are consistent with
our hypothesis that changes in physical and human capital only have a
positive effect on the rate of economic growth where strong
property-rights institutions are in place. In countries with strong
institutions, increases in human and physical capital have a larger
effect on economic growth rates than in countries with bad institutions.
In columns 2, 3, and 4 of Table 1, we included additional
geographic variables thought to affect economic growth. Importantly, the
inclusion of these variables does not qualitatively change the results
of our basic regression. In all three additional columns, the signs and
coefficients on each of the variables are very similar to those in
column 1. One notable exception is in column 4, where the coefficients
on human and physical capital per worker variables were reduced in
magnitude. Note, however, that the coefficients on each of the
interaction terms are very similar to the coefficients in the previous
regressions, suggesting that good institutions still channel physical
and human capital to productive ends in tropical environments.
The only geographic variable to add any explanatory power to the
model is the percentage of the land area in the tropics. A country
entirely located in the tropics is expected to have a cumulative growth
rate 24.3 percentage points lower from 1980-2000 than a country with
none of its area in the tropics. The other two geographic variables are
not statistically or economically meaningful, with the percentage of the
population within 100 km even having the opposite sign of what is
In Figure 6 we take the coefficients from column 1 of Table 1 and
put them in the context of the framework put forth in Figure 2. The
negative left y-axis intercept values of -0.719 and -0.789 for human and
physical capital, respectively, show the socially negative returns to
investments in these areas in countries scoring the worst possible value
on the risk of expropriation measure (remember this index increases with
property rights protection). The intercept values along the right y-axis
show the return in a country with ideal institutional quality. We find
that the "break-even" point is a risk of expropriation score
of 7.33 for human capital investment and 4.90 for physical capital
investment. (10) In countries with a high risk of expropriation (a score
below 4.90), the social returns to both types of capital investment are
negative. Increases in either type of capital have a positive effect on
output per worker in countries with a risk of expropriation score
greater than 7.33. The level of institutional quality required to
generate a positive return to education is higher than the level
necessary to produce a positive return to physical capital investment.
(11) This implies that in countries with midrange scores (between 4.90
and 7.33), focusing on investments in physical capital is likely to
promote economic development to a much greater extent than additional
investments in human capital. The greater slope coefficient for physical
capital implies that the productivity of physical capital investment is
more sensitive to institutional quality than the productivity of human
capital investment.
Our estimates explain why some countries that have had large
increases in formal schooling from 1980 to 2000 have also seen real
output decline over that period. A country that falls in this category
is Haiti, which had an average risk of expropriation over this period of
4.17. Education levels in Haiti increased by over 120% from 1980 to
2000. At the same time, however, real output per worker declined by 26%.
Guineau-Bissau, Iran, Madagascar, Niger, the Republic of the Congo, and
Uganda are all countries with high (below 5.6) risk of expropriation
scores that had increases in education levels over 80% and real output
per worker declines of greater than 20%.
7. Sensitivity Analysis
A potential concern about the basic results presented in section 6
is that they might be sensitive to how institutional quality or changes
in schooling are measured. For example, much of the cross-country
economic growth literature uses educational levels from Barro and Lee
(2000). While we employ the Baier, Dwyer, and Tamura (2006a) data in our
initial analysis because we believe they are more up-to-date and
expansive than the Barro-Lee calculations, we obtained the Barro-Lee
data for the available countries in our data set to test the robustness
of our results to an alternative measure of schooling increase. From the
Barro and Lee (2000) data set, we obtained the years of education for
individuals 15 and older in 1980 and 2000 and then calculated the change
in education from 1980 to 2000. (12) Twelve countries in our sample were
not in the data set, thus the sample contains only 84 countries. (13)
The correlation between the two measures of schooling is 0.56.
Table 2 presents the results using the Barro and Lee measure of
schooling rather than the Baier, Dwyer, and Tamura measure. In the table
we consider each of the specifications from Table 1. The basic
specification is in column 1, and the results are similar in
significance to our previous results. In the other specifications, the
results are consistent with those in Table 1 with the exception of the
growth of physical capital per worker. While the sign on that variable
is still negative, it is not statistically significant in columns 2-4.
However, the coefficient on the interaction of physical capital growth
and risk of expropriation remains positive and significant in all
specifications, consistent with our hypothesis. Two other items of note
are that air distance from major trading centers is statistically
significant and the coefficient on the percentage of population within
100 km of the coast now has the correct sign.
In following Pritchett (2001), the model we developed in section 3
differs from the original empirical specification of Mankiw, Romer, and
Weil (1992) because it does not include labor force growth or a measure
of initial output. For robustness, we reestimate all of the
specifications from Table I, including these additional variables.
Initial output is measured by output per worker in 1980, and the growth
of the labor force from 1980-2000 is calculated from the Baier, Dwyer,
and Tamura (2006a) data.
The results in Table 3 are analogous to those in Table 1 but
include the additional variables described previously. Importantly, all
coefficients retain their significance as well as similar magnitudes,
indicating that our results are robust to the inclusion of these
variables. Labor force growth is negative and significant in all
specifications, consistent with the findings of Mankiw, Romer, and Weil
(1992). Similarly, the coefficient on initial output per worker is
negative (indicating convergence), though it only obtains significance
in the specification controlling for tropical location.
To this point, our measure of institutional quality has been the
"risk of expropriation" of private property. The other measure
of institutions frequently employed in the literature is the Economic
Freedom of the World (EFW) index by Gwartney and Lawson (2003). The EFW
index measures the degree to which a country's economy is
consistent with "economic freedom," e.g., personal choice,
voluntary exchange, and security of private property. The index measures
the quality of a country's policies and institutions in five areas:
(i) size of government, (ii) legal structure and security of property
rights, (iii) access to sound money, (iv) freedom to trade
internationally, and (v) regulation of capital, labor, and business.
Data from third-party international sources such as the World Bank and
IMF are used to derive each country's ratings in each of the five
areas. The area rankings are then averaged to create a summary ranking
for each country included in the index. (14) The ranking theoretically
varies from 0 (no economic freedom) to 10 (complete economic freedom).
As an additional measure of institutions, the EFW index has two
advantages. First, like the risk of expropriation data, the index has
been used in a number of studies on institutions and growth (Dawson
1998; Sturm and De Haan 2001; Adkins, Moomaw, and Savvides 2002; Cole
2003; Gwartney, Holcombe, and Lawson 2006). Second, because the EFW
index is calculated using policy variables such as tax rates, use of the
index provides clearer guidance to policymakers, unlike indirect
measures of institutions such as surveys or instrumental variables
(Gwartney, Holcombe, and Lawson 2006). For our period of 1980-2000, the
EFW index is available at 5-year intervals starting with 1980. The
average country in our data set had a mean economic freedom score of
5.67, equal to Guatemala's mean summary ranking for the period.
Hong Kong has the highest average economic freedom over the period with
a score of 8.6 and the Democratic Republic of the Congo has the lowest
score at 3.61.
Table 4 shows the results for the regressions run in Table 1 with
the average EFW score inserted used instead of the risk of
expropriation. The results are less robust using the EFW index, with
growth of physical capital per worker and its interaction with the index
being statistically insignificant in all but the last specification. The
growth of schooling per worker and its interaction with economic freedom
have the correct signs, however, and are strongly significant except in
the final specification that includes the tropical location variable. In
all cases, however, a joint F-test shows that each pair of variables is
jointly significant. These results seem to confirm the general
hypothesized relationship found earlier.
As a final check for robustness, we explore alternative functional
forms. To this point we have assumed returns to capital are linear in
institutional quality, though conceivably this may not be the case.
Specifically, the role of institutions may diminish as they become
better--that is, for countries with a high risk of expropriation,
increases in institutional quality may have a greater impact on returns
to capital than they would in low-risk countries. Further, because our
results suggest certain break-even points of institutional quality for
each type of capital, we divide our sample and examine returns to
capital for those countries with the best and worst institutions in an
attempt to explore a possible stepwise linear relationship.
Results from these additional specifications are presented in Table
5. The first column shows estimates for a specification, including
squared interaction terms. These additional terms help identify the
second-order relationship of institutional quality on returns to human
and physical capital. Once again, estimates for returns to each type of
capital are negative and statistically significant. The interaction
between capital growth and risk of expropriation remains positive and
significant for both types of capital as well. Both squared interaction
terms are negative, though only the physical capital term is
statistically significant. The positive interaction terms and negative
squared interaction terms can be interpreted as institutional quality,
increasing the returns to capital at a decreasing rate.
The final two columns in Table 5 present estimates for the
truncated samples. We define "Lowest Risk" as those countries
with a risk of expropriation score in the 90th percentile. Similarly,
"Highest Risk" countries have scores in the 10th percentile.
Our results show positive and statistically significant returns to both
types of capital for the lowest risk countries and negative and
statistically significant returns to both types of capital for those
countries with the highest risk. This lends further credence to our
claim that returns to capital "switch" from negative to
positive as institutional quality increases.
8. Conclusion
Since World War II, the development-policymaking community has
stressed the importance of capital accumulation. Large amounts of aid
from developed countries and international aid organizations such as the
IMF and World Bank have flowed to developing countries to encourage the
capital investment thought necessary for poor countries to
"takeoff" on the path to development. Cross-country studies
show, however, that the macroeconomic relationship between capital
accumulation and growth is not as robust as the microeconomic
relationship would suggest.
In this article we model and empirically test Pritchett's
(2001) hypothesis that the quality of a country's institutions
plays an important role in ensuring that increases in human capital lead
to increases in economic growth. We empirically test this hypothesis
using data on a large cross-section of countries and find that the
effect of changes in both human and physical capital varies considerably
along the institutional quality continuum, as measured by International
County Risk Guide (IRG) data on the risk of expropriation within a
country. We calculate that for countries with risk of expropriation
scores below 4.90, additions to both the stock of physical and human
capital have a negative effect on growth of output per worker. For
countries between 4.90 and 7.33, increases in physical capital per
worker have a positive impact but increases in schooling are still
negative. Above 7.33, all increases in capital per worker increase
output per worker.
The finding that capital increases only have a positive impact on
growth once a break-even level of institutional quality has been reached
is a strong argument against naive proposals to double the capital stock
in developing countries to double their income. (15) If aid flows are
inevitable, however, our findings suggest that spending should be
focused on investment in physical capital if the country has a risk of
expropriation score between 4.90 and 7.33. More important, however,
these results focus attention toward institutional reform as the key to
economic progress so that future increases in physical and human capital
will generate positive social returns as well as private ones.
Appendix A. List of Countries
Benin (a
Bulgaria (b)
Burundi (a)
Central African Republic (a)
Chad (a)
Congo, Democratic Republic
Congo, Republic of the
Costa Rica
Cote d'Ivoire (b)
Dominican Rep.
El Salvador
Gabon (b)
Guinea-Bissau (b)
Hong Kong
Madagascar (b)
Mauritius (a)
Morocco (b)
Namibia (b)
New Zealand
Nigeria (b)
Oman (b)
Papau New Guinea
Romania (b)
Rwanda (a)
Sierra Leone
South Africa
South Korea
Sri Lanka
Tanzania (b)
Trinidad & Tobago
United Arab Emirates (b)
United Kingdom
United States
(a) Countries without risk of expropriation data and thus excluded
from Tables 1, 3, and 5 regressions.
(b) Countries without Barro schooling data and thus excluded from
Table 2 regressions.
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Joshua C. Hall, Department of Economics and Management, Beloit
College, 700 College Street, Beloit, WI 5351 l, USA; E- mail; corresponding author.
Russell S. Sobel, Department of Economics, West Virginia
University, P.O. Box 6025, Morgantown, WV 26506-6025, USA; E-mail
George R. Crowley, Department of Economics, West Virginia
University, P.O. Box 6025, Morgantown, WV 26506-6025, USA; E-mail
The authors would like to thank Peter Boettke, Chris Coyne,
Stratford Douglas, Peter Leeson, Santiago Pinto, Frank Stephenson, two
anonymous referees, and participants at the 77th Annual Meeting of the
Southern Economic Association in Charleston, South Carolina, for helpful
comments and suggestions. Hall gratefully acknowledges the support of
the Visiting Scholar program at the Social Philosophy and Policy Center
at Bowling Green State University. We also thank Gerald Dwyer for
generously providing data.
Received April 2008; accepted November 2009.
(1) One notable exception is Peter Bauer (1948, 1954, 1957) who
viewed the accumulation of capital as an outcome of successful economic
performance, not an input.
(2) For example, in his book The End of Poverty, Sachs (2005, pp.
56-7) says, "This is the main reason why the poorest of the poor
are most prone to becoming trapped with low or negative economic growth
rates. They are too poor to save for the future and thereby accumulate
the capital that could pull them out of their current misery." For
more on the revival of the "Big Push" and "poverty
trap" theories of development, see Easterly (2006b).
(3) For example, according to Leeson (2007) education in Somalia
was completely financed through foreign aid prior to the collapse of the
Somalia central government in 1991. While this may have led to higher
school enrollments and literacy rates, it is not clear that it led to
better economic well-being or living standards in Somalia (Leeson 2007:
Powell, Ford, and Nowrasteh 2008).
(4) There is a large body of empirical literature showing that
initial education levels matter for economic growth (Barro 1991; Barro
and Sala-i-Martin 1995). Pritchett (2001, p. 381) argues that these
papers are misspecified because growth rates are stationary and the
education stock is nonstationary and globally increasing. A stable
relationship is thus not possible between education and growth when
formulated in that manner. In addition, such a formulation cannot
explain negative growth rates or the fact that the initial level of
education has been rising for over 40 years in sub-Saharan Africa but
growth has stagnated or declined.
(5) While brought into the contemporary debate by Pritchett (2001),
the idea that additional education, in some instances, might actually
yield low or negative social returns is not new. In Free to Choose: A
Personal Statement, Milton and Rose Friedman (1980, p. 34) suggested
that higher education might lead to the disruption of the social order
and political institutions. Griliches (1997) suggests in a footnote that
the effect of education on productivity might be muted in countries
where most educated individuals end up working within governments not
known for productivity.
(6) There is a clear parallel between our argument and that of
Murphy, Shleifer, and Vishny (1991) who take the proportion of students
enrolled in law as representative of the societal payoffs to
rent-seeking. They find that countries with a higher proportion of law
students grow slower than those with a smaller share of students
studying law.
(7) There is a rich and interesting literature examining why some
countries have better institutional quality than others. One strand
explores how a country's legal origins matter, and a good review
and summary of this literature can be found in La Porta,
Lopez-de-Silanes, and Shleifer (2008). Another strand of literature,
commonly referred to as the 'resource curse,' examines how the
presence of natural resources affects institutional quality. See
Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson (2001b), Robinson, Torvik, and Verdier
(2006), Mehlum, Moene, and Torvik (2006), and Easterly and Levine
(8) The years of education are also different in that they might
come at different levels (primary vs. secondary) and that the quality of
the education surely differs. As described later, the first problem is
dealt with in how measures of education growth are constructed.
Correction of the second problem is hampered by the lack of systematic
test score data for a large number of countries.
(9) Specifically, the variable is the average from 1982-1997,
obtained from Glaeser et al. (2004).
(10) A risk of expropriation score of 7.33 is consistent with the
institutions of a country such as South Africa, while Guinea-Bissau is a
country just below 4.90.
(11) A possible explanation for this result is that protection of
large-scale physical capital investment can likely be purchased either
through the use of private protection or bribery of public officials.
Conversely, it is likely more difficult to protect incremental
investments in human capital absent good institutional quality. We thank
an anonymous referee for providing this insight.
(12) Note that here education is not measured in per worker terms
but in per capita (15 and older) terms. The Barro and Lee (2000) data
set does not provide enough detail for conversion to per worker terms.
(13) The regressions presented in Table l were run using only the
84 countries available in Table 2, and the results were qualitatively
and quantitatively similar.
(14) The most recent version of the EFW index (Gwartney and Lawson
2006), which measures economic freedom for 2004, rates 130 countries.
The decision to include or exclude from the index depends solely on the
quality of the available data, with data being unavailable mainly for
autocratic or small countries.
(15) For example, Sachs (2005, p. 250) has said that "The
likelihood is that doubling the human and physical capital stock will
actually more than double the income level, at least at very low levels
of capital per person."
Table 1. The Determinants of Economic Growth
Dependent Variable: Growth of Output per Worker, 1980-2000
Independent Variables 1 2
Constant -1.17 (0.28) 0.96 (0.11)
Growth of schooling per worker -0.719 *** (3.59) -0.734 *** (3.64)
(Baier et al.), 1980-2000
Growth of physical capital per -0.789 *** (8.05) -0.793 *** (8.10)
worker, 1980-2000
Growth of schooling per worker 0.098 *** (3.60) 0.100 *** (3.64)
x risk of expropriation
Growth of physical capital per 0.161 *** (10.83) 0.162 *** (10.73)
worker x risk of
Percentage of population -0.042 (0.34)
within 100 km of coast
Air distance from major
trading centers
Percentage of land area
located in tropics
Number of observations 96 96
Adj. [R.sup.2] 0.56 0.56
Independent Variables 3 4
Constant 6.17 (0.81) 9.91 (1.54)
Growth of schooling per worker -0.637 *** (3.13) -0.362 * (1.67)
(Baier et al.), 1980-2000
Growth of physical capital per -0.735 *** (6.56) -0.762 *** (7.62)
worker, 1980-2000
Growth of schooling per worker 0.087 *** (3.14) 0.050 * (1.68)
x risk of expropriation
Growth of physical capital per 0.153 *** (9.63) 0.158 *** (11.65)
worker x risk of
Percentage of population
within 100 km of coast
Air distance from major -0.0018 (1.15)
trading centers
Percentage of land area -0.243 ** (2.54)
located in tropics
Number of observations 96 96
Adj. [R.sup.2] 0.56 0.59
Absolute value of heteroskedasticity-corrected t-statistics
in parentheses.
* Significant at the 10% level.
** Significant at the 5% level.
*** Significant at the 1% level.
Table 2. The Determinants of Economic Growth, Alternative Measure
of Education
Dependent Variable: Growth of Output per Worker, 1980-2000
Independent Variables 1 2
Constant 2.20 (0.39) 1.21 (0.17)
Growth of schooling per worker -0.800 *** (3.10) -0.788 *** (2.92)
(Barro), 1980-2000
Growth of physical capital per -0.593 * (1.85) -0.592 * (1.83)
worker, 1980-2000
Growth of schooling per worker 0.106 *** (2.69) 0.104 ** (2.52)
x risk of expropriation
Growth of physical capital 0.134 *** (3.47) 0.133 *** (3.43)
per worker x risk of
Percentage of population 0.017 (0.18)
within 100 km of coast
Air distance from major
trading centers
Percentage of land area
located in tropics
Number of observations 84 84
Adj. [R.sup.2] 0.67 0.63
Independent Variables 3 4
Constant 10.74 (1.53) 12.74 *** (2.67)
Growth of schooling per worker -0.779 *** (2.81) -0.628 ** (2.37)
(Barro), 1980-2000
Growth of physical capital per -0.478 (1.50) -0.470 (1.43)
worker, 1980-2000
Growth of schooling per worker 0.106 ** (2.54) 0.087 ** (2.28)
x risk of expropriation
Growth of physical capital 0.117 *** (3.05) 0.117 *** (2.98)
per worker x risk of
Percentage of population
within 100 km of coast
Air distance from major -0.0023 * (1.69)
trading centers
Percentage of land area -0.243 *** (3.21)
located in tropics
Number of observations 84 84
Adj. [R.sup.2] 0.64 0.68
Absolute value of heteroskedasticity-corrected t-statistics
in parentheses.
* Significant at the 10% level.
** Significant at the 5% level.
*** Significant at the 1% level.
Table 3. The Determinants of Economic Growth, Alternative Specification
Dependent Variable: Growth of
Output per Worker, 1980-2000
Independent Variables 1 2
Constant 31.01 ** (2.20) 29.82 * (1.93)
Growth of schooling per worker -0.632 *** (2.78) -0.630 *** (2.70)
(Baier et al.), 1980-2000
Growth of physical capital per -0.752 *** (8.32) -0.748 *** (8.18)
worker, 1980-2000
Growth of schooling per worke 0.087 *** (2.79) 0.086 *** (2.71)
r x risk of expropriation
Growth of physical capital 0.149 *** (10.32) 0.147 *** (9.91)
per worker x risk of
Output per worker, 1980 -0.0004 (1.33) -0.0004 (1.65)
Growth of labor force, -37.13 *** (2.79) -37.89 *** (2.98)
Percentage of population 5.110 (0.52)
within 100 km of coast
Air distance from major
trading centers
Percentage of land area
located in tropics
Number of observations 96 96
Adj. [R.sup.2] 0.64 0.64
Dependent Variable: Growth of
Output per Worker, 1980-2000
Independent Variables 3 4
Constant 36.23 ** (2.20) 43.84 *** (2.65)
Growth of schooling per worker -0.617 *** (2.67) -0.479 ** (2.31)
(Baier et al.), 1980-2000
Growth of physical capital per -0.719 *** (7.03) -0.754 *** (8.68)
worker, 1980-2000
Growth of schooling per worke 0.085 *** (2.68) 0.066 ** (2.32)
r x risk of expropriation
Growth of physical capital 0.144 *** (9.07) 0.147 *** (11.03)
per worker x risk of
Output per worker, 1980 -0.0005 (1.43) -0.0008 ** (2.14)
Growth of labor force, -35.34 *** (2.71) -28.25 ** (2.18)
Percentage of population
within 100 km of coast
Air distance from major -0.0013 (0.82)
trading centers
Percentage of land area -25.870 ** (2.43)
located in tropics
Number of observations 96 96
Adj. [R.sup.2] 0.64 0.66
Absolute value of heteroskedasticity-corrected t-statistics
in parentheses.
* Significant at the 10% level.
** Significant at the 5% level.
*** Significant at the 1% level.
Table 4. The Determinants of Economic Growth, Alternative Measure
of Institutions
Dependent Variable: Growth of Output per Worker, 1980-2000
Independent Variables 1 2
Constant 9.27 * (1.68) 12.96 (1.21)
Growth of schooling per worker -0.732 *** (3.03) -0.782 *** (2.78)
(Baier et al.), 1980-2000
Growth of physical capital per -0.220 (0.50) -0.234 (0.53)
worker, 1980-2000
Growth of schooling per worker 0.109 *** (3.03) 0.116 *** (2.78)
x avg. EFW 1980-2000
Growth of physical capital per 0.097 (1.46) 0.100 (1.52)
worker x avg. EFW 1980-2000
Percentage of population -0.06 (0.47)
within 100 km of coast
Air distance from major
trading centers
Percentage of land area
located in tropics
Number of observations 103 103
Adj. [R.sup.2] 0.35 0.35
Independent Variables 3 4
Constant 26.05 *** (2.94) 24.49 *** (3.44)
Growth of schooling per worker -0.529 ** (2.18) -0.297 (0.96)
(Baier et al.), 1980-2000
Growth of physical capital per -0.192 (0.50) -0.431 (1.25)
worker, 1980-2000
Growth of schooling per worker 0.079 ** (2.19) 0.044 (0.97)
x avg. EFW 1980-2000
Growth of physical capital per 0.091 (1.55) 0.129 ** (2.47)
worker x avg. EFW 1980-2000
Percentage of population
within 100 km of coast
Air distance from major -0.005 ** (2.48)
trading centers
Percentage of land area -0.376 *** (3.70)
located in tropics
Number of observations 103 103
Adj. [R.sup.2] 0.39 0.44
Absolute value of heteroskedasticity-corrected t-statistics
in parentheses.
* Significant at the 10% level.
** Significant at the 5% level.
*** Significant at the 1% level.
Table 5. The Determinants of Economic Growth, Alternative
Functional Forms
Dependent Variable: Growth of Output per Worker, 1980-2000
Independent Variables Quadratic Lowest Risk
Constant -12.52 * (1.74) -1.08 (0.27)
Growth of schooling per
worker (Baier et al.),
1980-2000 -0.689 *** (3.62) 0.464 *** (4.96)
Growth of physical capital
per worker, 1980-2000 -0.801 *** (8.72) 0.822 *** (11.95)
Growth of schooling per
worker x risk of
expropriation 0.117 *** (3.41)
Growth of physical capital
per worker x risk of 0.191 *** (8.84)
Growth of schooling per
worker x risk of
expropriation, squared -0.000000205 (1.41)
Growth of physical capital
per worker x risk of
expropriation, squared -0.000018 * (1.87)
Number of observations 96 8
Adj. [R.sup.2] 0.57 0.97
Independent Variables Highest Risk
Constant 28.15 (1.67)
Growth of schooling per
worker (Baier et al.),
1980-2000 -0.613 *** (2.85)
Growth of physical capital
per worker, 1980-2000 -0.047 *** (3.21)
Growth of schooling per
worker x risk of
Growth of physical capital
per worker x risk of
Growth of schooling per
worker x risk of
expropriation, squared
Growth of physical capital
per worker x risk of
expropriation, squared
Number of observations 10
Adj. [R.sup.2] 0.51
Absolute value of heteroskedasticity-corrected t-statistics
in parentheses.
* Significant at the 10% level.
** Significant at the 5% level.
*** Significant at the 1% level.
Figure 3. The Stratification of the Returns to Schooling
by Risk of Expropriation
Real Growth in Output Per Worker, 1980-2000
Highest Risk Lowest Risk
Schooling Growth Below 50% -3.7 49.3
Schooling Growth Above 50% -17.8 53.6
Note: Table made from bar graph.
Figure 4. The Stratification of the Returns to Physical Capital by
Risk of Expropriation
Real Growth in Output Per Worker, 1980-2000
Highest Risk Lowest Risk
Physical Capital Growth Below 50% -14.1 15.0
Physical Capital Growth Above 50% -11.4 81.3
Note: Table made from bar graph.