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  • 标题:The link between advanced placement experience and early college success.
  • 作者:Klopfenstein, Kristin ; Thomas, M. Kathleen
  • 期刊名称:Southern Economic Journal
  • 印刷版ISSN:0038-4038
  • 出版年度:2009
  • 期号:January
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Southern Economic Association
  • 关键词:Advanced placement programs;Advanced placement programs (Education)

The link between advanced placement experience and early college success.

Klopfenstein, Kristin ; Thomas, M. Kathleen

1. Introduction

At its inception in 1957, the Advanced Placement (AP) Program was designed to allow high school students to earn credit, or at least advanced placement, for college-level coursework, thereby avoiding needless repetition once these students arrived at college. The Program primarily served students from elite private high schools. While the structure of the AP Program has not changed in 50 years, its scope has broadened dramatically. In 1960, 890 secondary schools participated in the AP Program. Forty years later, that number had risen to 13,253. Today, 15,122 U.S. schools offer AP courses, and 12,037 of those schools are public high schools (College Board 2007). Regardless of the exam-taking that earns students college credit, AP course-taking has become a primary signal used to identify motivated, high-achieving students in the college admissions process (Breland et al. 2002). In addition, state policy makers have begun mandating the inclusion of AP courses in their districts and high schools (see Table 1). This expansion proceeds with very little rigorous empirical evidence regarding the benefits and costs of AP participation.

The College Board provides plenty of studies showing that passing AP exam scores are strong predictors of college success (e.g., Willingham and Morris 1986; Morgan and Manackshana 2000; Hargrove, Godin, and Dodd 2007; and Keng and Dodd 2007). However, the public, including legislators, interpret this to mean that high AP exam scores cause college success, and subsequently infer that the expansion of the AP program will improve college outcomes for an expanded set of AP takers. This faulty reasoning does not come without costs. AP Programs can be emphasized, or even mandated, at the expense of other proven curricula or programs in the following ways: i) the best, most experienced teachers are assigned to small AP classes, while the non-AP classes necessarily grow larger; ii) schools, often with subsidies from the state or federal government, pay for AP teachers to attend the AP summer institute; iii) science labs must be equipped with more expensive equipment; iv) AP exam fees are subsidized, usually for low income students, but sometimes for all students regardless of need; and v) textbooks must be replaced more frequently (Klopfenstein and Thomas 2007).

This paper uses an extensively specified regression analysis to investigate AP course-taking as a potential cause of early college success. Because it is impossible to randomly assign students to AP courses, as an ideal experiment necessitates, we employ regression analysis using an extensive administrative database of all Texas public school students who entered Texas public universities directly after graduating from high school in May 1999. Our data are unique in that we are able to include a broad range of variables describing the student's non-AP curricular experience. We show that failing to control for the student's non-AP curricular experience leads to positively biased AP coefficients. Math is frequently shown to be a strong predictor of college success, so the omission of math-taking information in previous studies is particularly problematic (e.g., Rose and Betts 2001; Sadler and Tai 2007). We find no evidence that AP course-taking increases the likelihood of early college success beyond that predicted by the non-AP curriculum for the average student, regardless of race or family income. This finding casts serious doubt on the causal effect of AP experience on college success.

AP course experience matters now more than ever. In 2000, a survey of 962 four-year public and private colleges and universities showed that AP experience factors directly or indirectly into five of the top six criteria in college admissions (see Table 2). Grades on AP exams rank ninth. Note that the five criteria valued most heavily by colleges do not depend on AP exam scores, but on course participation. A 2005 survey of 539 public and private four-year and two-year colleges and universities supports the Breland survey. According to Sathre and Blanco (2006), 91% of the postsecondary institutions surveyed take AP into account in their admissions process.

Given that grade point averages (GPA) and class rank, as calculated by the high school, are the number one criteria in the admissions process, it is necessary to examine the non-trivial role of AP experience in these outcomes. Weighting grades in AP courses more heavily than grades in other courses is common practice. While grade weighting is not mandated in Texas, as it is in some other states (e.g., North Carolina), 98% of all Texas public high schools weight AP grades more heavily than other course grades when calculating class rank (College Board 2006, author's survey). (1) The College Board provides no grade-weighting guidelines, so weighting schemes vary dramatically across schools. The most common methods are to add one point on a four-point scale, yielding a 25% weight, or to add 10 points on a 100-point scale, yielding a 10% weight. In schools with a large number of AP course offerings, students must take a substantial number of AP courses to remain competitive in class rank.

The College Board is conspicuously silent on the use of AP in admissions decisions. Intentionally or not, the College Board supports the use of AP for admissions purposes by advertising AP classes as "college prep." Moreover, as revealed by President George W. Bush's remarks in his 2006 State of the Union Address, government at all levels is devoting considerable resources to expand the program further under the pretense that AP courses are college preparatory. In Section 1702 of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, the federal government supports "state and local efforts to raise academic standards through advanced placement programs, and thus further increase the number of students who participate and succeed in advanced placement programs" (U.S. Department of Education 2004). In 2006, they granted $5,867,284 to 26 states to help them achieve that goal through test fee subsidies (U.S. Department of Education 2006). Such efforts are driven, in large part, by a competitive college admissions process that places extraordinary emphasis on AP course work. The consequences of the decision to emphasize AP in admissions reach beyond the university itself. Fully aware of admissions policies, upper-class parents demand that schools maximize their AP course offerings. This places school administrators in the unenviable position of deciding whether to redirect resources from other areas of need in order to expand their AP Program.

Admissions officials, parents, and state legislators are not the only stakeholders in the expansion of AP. The Education Commission of the States (ECS) is a prominent think-tank that used to manage the National Assessment of Educational Progress for the federal government. ECS currently recommends that every state adopt a comprehensive AP policy (Dounay 2006). Its central recommendation is for every state to mandate that a minimum number of AP courses be offered at every high school. At a minimum, they propose that all states provide financial incentives to encourage schools and districts to offer AP. Implicit behind policies that encourage AP participation is the belief that AP experience prepares students for college-level work. However, the widespread belief that AP experience produces positive outcomes in college has remained largely untested.

2. Conceptual Framework

There are two theories to explain why AP experience might be a good predictor of early college success. First, AP experience signals two important but difficult to measure personal characteristics: ability and motivation. Second, AP experience might build human capital, in which case AP participation is good preparation for college. AP exposes students to college-level material in a supportive high school environment, where students are, presumably, more likely to receive the individualized attention they need to develop study skills and habits of mind that will serve them well in college.

The two models are not mutually exclusive, and colleges are indifferent with respect to which model is at work, because a high-quality student is identified either way. However, from a policy standpoint, distinguishing which avenue is more or less at play is important. The human capital model provides justification for broadly expanding AP participation, while the signaling model does not. Before these theories can be disentangled, however, it must be determined that AP experience is in fact a good predictor of college success at all.

Prior research on the predictive power of AP course experience on college success is not compelling. Studies from the College Board, owner of the AP trademark, and the Educational Testing Service (ETS), administrator of the yearly AP examinations, are frequently cited by AP Program proponents (Willingham and Morris 1986; Morgan and Maneckshana 2000). The descriptive nature of these studies, however, is insufficient for isolating the independent impact of the AP Program, given that the typical AP student is bright, motivated, and likely to experience positive college outcomes regardless of AP experience. The public enthusiasm for AP waxes unabated, however, as shown by Newsweek's ranking of high schools based exclusively on the ratio of the number of AP exams taken to the number of graduating seniors. "The idea is that schools should be recognized for pushing even average students to take challenging AP courses, the more, the better" (Winerip 2006).

One study frequently cited by AP proponents as evidence of the program's success is Adelman's Answers in the Tool Box (1999). In The Tool Box Revisited (2006), a modified replication of his earlier study, Adelman makes it clear that his results have been repeatedly misinterpreted. In his original study, Adelman finds that a rigorous high school curriculum, of which AP is one component, is an important factor in obtaining a bachelor's degree. He does not find that AP participation alone contributes to bachelor's degree completion. Although Adelman never intended to investigate the independent impact of AP course experience on college success, he explores the issue in his 2006 study to address the misreading of the original Tool Box. He develops a model that replaces his index measuring the academic intensity of a student's high school curriculum with proxy variables measuring science momentum, foreign language study, and AP, while also controlling for academic performance and various demographic characteristics. He finds that AP does not explain bachelor's degree completion, and this is after controlling for a very limited representation of the student's high school experience.

A recent upsurge of independent research studying the AP Program is of significantly higher quality than the College Board and ETS studies and targets AP course experience specifically (Geiser and Santelices 2004; Dougherty, Mellor, and Jian 2005; Sadler and Tai 2007). Multivariate regression models are used in an attempt to identify the unique impact of AP after controlling for class rank, test scores, and/or high school quality. With the notable exception of Sadler and Tai (2007), these new studies remain problematic in that they omit student experience in non-AP coursework. Given that AP-taking and other rigorous course-taking are positively correlated, and that other rigorous courses, particularly math and science, have an established positive impact on the likelihood of college success, omitting student experience in these other courses leads to positive bias on the AP coefficients. In other words, it is misleading in favor of AP being effectual to consider the effect of AP on college outcomes without controlling for the body of the student's non-AP curricular experience. Our research suggests that, for the average AP student, much of the estimated AP effect found in previous studies is actually the effect of non-AP coursework in math and science.

It is worth noting that the effect of AP experience on first semester GPA may be negatively biased in regression models if students who pass AP exams enroll in more challenging first semester classes than non-AP students and consequently earn lower grades. Several studies provide evidence that such bias is unlikely to be large. For example, from a random sample of 8594 students in 128 first semester introductory college science courses at 63 colleges and universities, Sadler and Tai (2007) find that it is not uncommon for students who earn scores of 3 or higher on an AP science exam to retake the course at the university. Among the students in their sample, 283 out of 1029 AP-takers had earned a score of 3 or higher, yet were enrolled in the comparable introductory level course. Students reported several reasons for this: Some colleges require a score higher than a 3 for advanced placement; some colleges do not accept AP credit at all; some departments require a placement exam in addition to passing AP scores; and some students voluntarily re-enrolled in an effort to improve their understanding.

Further evidence comes from a recent National Research Council (2002) survey showing that, while substantially more than half of mathematics departments grant credit to students with passing scores on AP calculus exams, only one third of departments allow placement in advanced courses without additional testing and/or interviews. Hurdles such as these reduce the number of students placed directly into more advanced classes in their freshman year, which might lower first semester grades as a result. Lichten (2000) finds that only 22% of AP calculus students earning a 3 on the exam took a more advanced calculus course at any point in their college career. In his sample, which comes from ETS, 24% of students who earn 3s took no additional calculus, and 17% took a remedial course. Students who do place into more difficult courses in the popular subject areas of calculus, English language and composition, and biology generally do well in these classes (Dodd et al. 2002).

3. Data

We estimate the effect of AP course experience on early success in college using the Texas Schools Microdata Panel (TSMP). Our sample consists of over 28,000 Texas high school graduates who attended 31 four-year Texas public universities in the fall of 1999. We measure early college success via second year retention and first semester GPA. The vast majority of students who drop out of college do so during, or immediately following, the freshman year (Pascarella and Terenzini 1980; Tinto 1993, 1998), and "academic performance was the overwhelmingly most significant factor affecting a freshman's decision to continue into the sophomore year" (Braunstein, McGrath, and Pescatrice 2000, p. 191). If the AP Program is truly college preparatory, AP experience should improve academic performance in college and increase the likelihood of returning for the second year. Because the AP curriculum replicates freshman-level college courses, any preparatory benefits students derive from the program should be apparent within the first year of college. (2)

In our study, students who have a GPA of less than 2.0 and do not return to any four-year institution in Texas for their second year of study, including those who transfer to two-year postsecondary institutions are "not retained." While our data do not include information on students who transfer to private Texas universities or out of state, measurement error should be minimized by the substantial difficulty students would face transferring from one four-year institution to another with a GPA below 2.0. (3)

White AP students retain at the highest rate among the 1999 cohort of Texas public university students studied and non-AP taking black and Hispanic students at the lowest rates (see Table 3). The freshmen retention rates in our data are consistent with national trends given the range of colleges and universities represented in the sample (U.S. News and World Report 2003). While just 10% of white AP-takers do not return for a second year, this represents 870 students and provides substantial variation with which to estimate the model. Average first semester GPA is also highest for white AP-takers (2.77) and lowest for black students with no AP experience (2.01).

A handful of research, most of it quite recent, does account for individual ability and motivation by including such variables as high school GPA and test scores (Willingham and Morris 1986; Geiser and Santelices 2004; Dougherty, Mellor, and Jian 2005; Sadler and Tai 2007). However, with the exception of Sadler and Tai (2007), they fail to control for the body of the non-AP curriculum taken by AP students. Our data allow us to consider the years of science taken, years of foreign language taken, and the highest level of math completed, as well as participation in honors courses. Table 4 presents summary statistics of these variables.

We include a host of additional controls. Student variables include race, sex, SAT scores, high school GPA (standardized to a 4.0 scale), whether a student was in the top 10% of their graduating class, and whether Hispanic students have ever been designated as Limited English Proficient. Family characteristics include parent education and family income, as well as whether the student received a Stafford Loan. High school characteristics include the percentage of students who qualify for free or reduced price lunch, percentage of students who took college entrance exams, the student/teacher ratio, percentage of inexperienced teachers, and school size. We also include fixed effects for the university attended and a variable indicating whether the student enrolled part time. (4) Our retention logit and GPA regression are specified as follows:

Pr(R = 1) = X[[beta].sub.1] + Y[[beta].sub.2] + Z[[beta].sub.3] + U[[beta].sub.4] + C[[beta].sub.5] + AP[[beta].sub.6] + [epsilon],

GPA = X[[alpha].sub.1] + Y[[alpha].sub.2] + Z[[alpha].sub.3] + U[[alpha].sub.4] + C[[alpha].sub.5] + AP[[alpha].sub.6] + [mu],

where R is a dummy variable equal to one if the student returns for the second year; GPA is the student's first semester college GPA on a four-point scale; the [beta]s and [alpha]s are vectors of regression coefficients; X, Y, and Z are matrices of student, family, and high school characteristics, respectively; U is a matrix of university dummies; C is a matrix of non-AP curriculum variables; and AP is a matrix of AP participation variables.

4. Results

We consider the impact of the total number of AP credits taken in core subject areas on college retention and GPA, as well as the effect of experience in specific AP subject areas on the same outcomes. The appropriate modeling technique for persistence, which is a dichotomous variable equal to one if a student returns for a second year, is different from that for GPA, which is a continuous variable between zero and four. We model persistence using a logit model and GPA using ordinary least squares (OLS). (5) In every model, we include the student, family, and high school characteristics previously described, as well as college fixed effects. We estimate each model two ways. We first simulate previous studies by excluding the non-AP curriculum variables, and then we show how the addition of a host of non-AP course controls reduces the magnitude of the AP variable coefficients, in most cases to the point of eliminating statistical significance at conventional levels.

Retention Models

First consider the impact of the number of AP credits taken in high school on college retention. (6) In this model, the effect of AP credits on retention is allowed to follow a quadratic path, since diminishing returns are likely. Figure 1 summarizes the effect of the total number of AP credits in core courses on the probability a student persists to the second year of college when non-AP courses are included and excluded from the analysis. (7) Note that the marginal impact of AP courses for each specification is represented by the slope of the curve rather than the intercept. Differences in the predicted probabilities of retention between white and black students are generated solely by differences in mean characteristics because the coefficient estimates for white and black students are statistically indistinguishable. (8) However, marginal effects for Hispanic students differ based on both coefficient estimates and mean characteristics.


Consistent with prior research that also omits non-AP course-taking variables, we find a statistically significant positive, albeit small, effect of AP experience on the likelihood of persistence when non-AP course experience is omitted from the analysis. Each additional AP course taken (up to five credits) has a constant positive impact on white students, while black and Hispanic student retention increases only for the first two or three AP courses. Using these same data but including non-AP course-taking variables in the model, we find that these positive and significant findings vanish for all but Hispanic students. While there is generally an upward trend in the college retention rate for students with AP experience, the effects are small and insignificantly different from zero, indicating that any upward trend is likely due to random chance. The positive bias displayed in Figure 1 is theoretically predictable, given that difficult non-AP courses have a positive expected impact on college retention and are positively correlated with AP course-taking. It is important to recognize that omitted variable error leads to estimates that are biased and inconsistent, and the bias will not diminish as the sample size increases.

The AP effect on retention may be biased downward in Figure 1 under both specifications if AP experience increases the likelihood of college attendance for first generation students, but colleges and universities do not support traditionally underrepresented students once they arrive on campus. Many high school administrators and AP teachers in schools serving a large proportion of low income and minority students believe that AP experience increases college awareness and helps traditionally underrepresented students identify themselves as college material, but this hypothesis has yet to be tested (Spencer 2005). Similarly, AP experience may increase the likelihood of a student enrolling at a more selective institution. This might introduce a negative bias on the AP coefficients in both the GPA and retention models if such students are in over their heads at these institutions. (9)

Interestingly, Hispanic AP-taking continues to increase the likelihood of retention even after the inclusion of non-AP control variables. We investigate this robust result further in order to discern which core AP subject area(s) facilitate Hispanic retention: English, math, science, economics, government, history, and/or psychology. Once again, we provide results for two logit models: one with AP course-taking only and one with additional course-taking information. Table 5 provides estimates of the marginal effects of AP course-taking for the "average student," the characteristics of whom are determined by the mean values of all continuous variables in the model (with each race calculated separately). Dummy variables are turned on or off to describe the "average student," based on which category contains the largest percentage of observations within each race.

In the model of Hispanic students with controls for a broad measure of curricular experience, we see that the entire AP effect on retention for the average Hispanic student is driven by AP science. Note, however, that AP science is not a significant predictor of retention for either white or black students, while the marginal effect of AP science is quite large and significant for Hispanic students: AP science increases the probability of retention to the second year of college by 2.9 percentage points, or 3.6%, for the average Hispanic student. This estimate, however, is 25% smaller than the estimated effect of AP science in the model without controls for the non-AP curriculum. (10)

Given the unexpected magnitude of the AP science effect for Hispanic students, we considered possible sources of omitted variable bias. Candidates included variables that were correlated with AP science-taking, being Hispanic, and staying in college. Interventions that target first generation students in largely Hispanic regions of the state may be responsible for the observed results. One such program, the Texas Prefreshmen Engineering Program (TexPREP), began in 1979 in San Antonio. Currently, eight San Antonio universities host "a three-year mathematics-based summer program of approximately eight weeks' duration ... [where the] curriculum is made up of interdisciplinary applied subject matter, with an emphasis on math-based logic and preparation for Advanced Placement classes" (emphasis added). (11) UT San Antonio, the original home of TexPREP, is a largely Hispanic institution, having graduated the third largest number of Hispanic students (46% of its graduating class) of any university in the nation in 2004-2005 (Rodriguez 2006). Although the program does not maintain detailed longitudinal data on its participants, 70% of Texas TexPREP sites are located at universities in the predominantly Hispanic Rio Grande Valley and in south Texas. Participants in the program have enjoyed high rates of college matriculation and graduation: In a 2002 general survey of 5380 former TexPREP participants over the age of 18, 88% reported attending college. Of those, 87% stayed at colleges in Texas, making them potential members of our sample, and 90% earned a postsecondary degree. (12) Although we can not empirically test the hypothesis that TexPREP is responsible for the Hispanic AP science effect, the facts that TexPREP university sites are located at campuses serving large proportions of Hispanic students, that TexPREP emphasizes AP science-taking, and that program participants have high rates of college success lead us to believe that TexPREP (or a similar intervention) is one possible cause.

The significant effect of AP economics on retention stands out in the white/black pooled sample, as does the positive bias when non-AP curriculum is excluded. Few high schools offer AP economics, and the significant coefficients may be driven by unobserved characteristics of schools and/or teachers who offer the course; however, the marginal effect of AP Economics on retention drops by as much as 20% when additional coursework is included in the model. The AP English effect shrinks by an even more impressive 70-76% when other courses are included.

As evidenced by both course-taking and exam-taking patterns, the vast majority of high schools involved in the AP Program offer, at a minimum, calculus AB, English, and history. These courses will likely be the first offered by schools under state mandates requiring an AP curriculum where none currently exists. These are the very courses--those central to the AP Program--that have no predictive power after accounting for a student's other rigorous high school courses.

GPA models

Unlike in the retention models, F tests confirm that the coefficients are statistically different for white and black students, as well as for Hispanic students in the GPA models. Figure 2 describes the relationship between AP course experience and changes in GPA with and without controlling for non-AP courses. The bias in much of the research on AP can be clearly seen. The coefficient estimate on the number of AP credits taken by white students is 1.6 times larger when only AP courses are considered, and only the AP effect for white students remains statistically different from zero. While the effect of the number of AP courses on GPA is insignificant for black and Hispanic students in both cases, bias is evident nonetheless: The coefficient on the number of AP courses is nearly eight-fold larger for Hispanic students when the non-AP curriculum is excluded, and the black coefficient behaves similarly. Thus, the omission of non-AP curriculum in previous studies can lead to erroneous conclusions regarding the effectiveness of the AP program for improving college outcomes, particularly for traditionally underserved students.

Given the significant effect of AP experience on first semester college GPA for white students, we again disaggregate AP courses by subject to identify the source of the positive result (see Table 6). This time, it appears that AP government is the driving force once the appropriate non-AP courses are included in the model. As expected, none of the individual courses emerge as significant for black students, but for Hispanic students, AP science is once again a positive factor, as are AP economics and AP psychology. AP government, economics, and psychology are not flagship courses of the AP program. The positive coefficients on these courses are most likely capturing some unobserved characteristics of the high schools that can offer an AP curriculum of such breadth and the students who choose to take AP courses outside the core. The most striking result of our analysis is that, just as in the retention model, the three most popular AP courses--calculus, English, and history--have no effect on first semester GPA for any group. Participation in the core AP courses has no effect on early college success. Our large sample sizes, coupled with low correlation coefficients among and between honors courses and AP courses, make it unlikely that these results are driven by collinearity. (13)


AP math, which theoretically includes both calculus and statistics classes, but in reality is heavily dominated by calculus classes, has a statistically insignificant impact on both retention and GPA. On the surface, this result appears to contradict the finding that rigorous math prepares students for success in college. However, calculus (with or without an AP designation) is included among the math curriculum variables and has the expected positive and large impact on both retention and GPA (see Appendix). The inclusion of the AP math dummy captures the additional effect of converting a non-AP calculus class into an AP calculus class; the insignificant but negative coefficient reveals that converting to an AP class confers no additional benefit in terms of college preparation. (14)

5. Conclusions

The exam-based structure of the AP Program was designed in 1957 to provide a mechanism by which students might engage in accelerated learning in high school and then bypass previously mastered material once in college. The use of AP course experience as a criterion in college admissions is a relatively recent phenomenon and an application of the AP Program that was, we believe, unanticipated. Despite this, policy makers at all levels of government and many members of the public do not recognize the distinction between these two very different, though not necessarily mutually exclusive, applications of the program. Well-intentioned education advocates have come to believe that AP is an appropriate, and even necessary, component in the portfolio of the well-prepared college student. Our research finds no conclusive evidence that, for the average student, AP experience has a causal impact on early college success.

Our findings support a clear distinction between courses that are "college preparatory" and those that are "college level." The former type of course emphasizes the development of skills needed to succeed in college, such as note taking, study skills, and intellectual discipline; the latter type assumes that such skills are already in place. At-risk high school students particularly benefit from skills-based instruction, including "how to study, how to approach academic tasks, what criteria will be applied, and how to evaluate their own and others' work," where writing and revising are ongoing (Darling-Hammond, Ancess, and Ort 2002, p. 658). AVID, Gear Up, and TexPREP are three programs that provide explicit training in these skills, and implementing such a program in conjunction with a limited, aligned, high-quality AP Program is a promising way to improve college outcomes (Watt, Yanez, and Cossio 2003; Dougherty, Mellor, and Jian 2006). (15) Future research should synthesize the existing data on these and similar programs and disentangle the most effective aspects of the programs.

It is important to recognize that prediction and causality are not the same, and that the practice of placing extraordinary weight on AP participation in the college admissions process absent evidence of human capital gains from program participation distorts incentives. Our research finds that AP course-taking alone may be predictive of college success, a finding that is consistent with College Board research by Dodd et al. (2007) but casts doubt on the notion that AP participation imparts a positive causal impact on college performance for the typical student. (16) Our research indicates that the predictive power of AP-taking is likely the result of signaling: high ability, motivated students take more AP classes to differentiate themselves from other students in the college application process. Once other rigorous high school courses and demographic and school characteristics are considered, however, students typically do well in college regardless of their AP experience. The power of the AP Program as a signal will be at least partially diminished if the AP Program continues to expand its enrollment to students with less ability and/or motivation under the guise of human capital benefits.

Stakeholders in the AP Program, as well as members of state and federal governments, mistakenly interpret the predictive power of AP as a causal impact. The belief that AP enhances human capital leads to the policy prescription of assisting more, perhaps many more, students to enroll in AP courses with the goal of improving their chances of college success (beyond the admissions process). Unfortunately, under the signaling model, this policy is suboptimal, as high-achieving students take more and more AP classes to differentiate themselves from the less-qualified college candidates taking fewer. Inefficiency arises when the high-ability students continue to enroll in high numbers of AP classes even when the costs (stress; reduction in sports, music, or other extracurricular activities; reduction in social interactions) exceed the benefits (greater chance of college admission, possibly a semester or more of college credit) (Klopfenstein and Thomas 2007). Moreover, the marginal student who responds to changes in legislative policy and enrolls in an AP class overestimates the benefits of AP participation in believing that AP-taking improves their college readiness. AP courses are not explicitly designed to develop the study skills and discipline necessary to succeed in college, and the benefit of having students who have not mastered high-school-level material take college-level classes in high school is unproven. Under the signaling scenario, college admissions officers will ultimately have to find an alternative signal as the pool of AP-taking applicants becomes of lower average ability.

It would be more efficient for postsecondary institutions to focus on the years of high school science and math studied as math and science experience consistently emerge as strong predictors of college and labor force success, and there is much stronger evidence of a causal link between math and science training and life success (e.g., Rose and Betts 2001). Given the sophistication of current data systems and the increase in whole file review for universities engaging in affirmative action in admissions, the costs of changing from an emphasis on AP to math- and science-taking should be relatively small. If universities change the intensity of their admissions focus from AP courses to math and science, either with or without the AP designation, parents of college-bound students and state policy makers will have the incentive to shift their own emphasis toward math and science learning. Currently, the trend among policy makers is to legislate quite strongly in favor of AP, necessarily at the expense of other areas of need. Much more study is needed about the benefits and costs of the AP Program for all students, including those who do not participate in AP, before such policies are further expanded.
Coefficient Estimates of Non-AP Curriculum Variables

Disaggregated GPA model        Disaggregated Retention Model (a)

Variable                         White (b)           Black (b)

Science = 3 years
  (relative to <3)             0.19 *** (0.07)    0.19 *** (0.07)
Science > 3 years
  (relative to <3)              0.16 ** (0.07)     0.16 ** (0.07)
Foreign language = 2 years
  (relative to <2)                 0.02 (0.08)        0.02 (0.08)
Foreign language > 2 years
  (relative to <2)                 0.03 (0.09)        0.03 (0.09)
High math algebra             -0.59 *** (0.18)    -0.35 ** (0.17)
High math geometry            -0.45 *** (0.11)    -0.21 ** (0.11)
High math algebra 2           -0.24 *** (0.05)           omitted
High math trigonometry            -0.05 (0.08)    0.20 *** (0.08)
High math pre-calculus            omitted         0.24 *** (0.05)
High math calculus              0.19 ** (0.08)         *** (0.09)
Honors English                 0.20 *** (0.06)    0.20 *** (0.06)
Honors science                    -0.17 (0.06)       -0.17 (0.06)
Honors social science              0.01 (0.06)        0.01 (0.06)
N ([double dagger])                     23,127             23,127

                                 Retention         Disaggregated
Disaggregated GPA model          Model (a)           GPA model

Variable                          Hispanic             White

Science = 3 years
  (relative to <3)                 *** (0.13)       0.05 ** (0.03)
Science > 3 years
  (relative to <3)            0.39 *** (0.14)          0.02 (0.03)
Foreign language = 2 years
  (relative to <2)                0.02 (0.16)         -0.01 (0.03)
Foreign language > 2 years
  (relative to <2)               -0.02 (0.17)          0.01 (0.04)
High math algebra                -0.21 (0.38)     -0.31 *** (0.10)
High math geometry               -0.26 (0.26)     -0.21 *** (0.06)
High math algebra 2           -0.21 ** (0.10)     -0.09 *** (0.02)
High math trigonometry            0.06 (0.15)         -0.01 (0.02)
High math pre-calculus            omitted              omitted
High math calculus                0.07 (0.15)       0.05 ** (0.02)
Honors English                    0.12 (0.11)          0.02 (0.02)
Honors science                   -0.10 (0.11)         -0.07 (0.02)
Honors social science            -0.07 (0.11)       0.04 ** (0.02)
N ([double dagger])                      5194              19,281

Disaggregated GPA model             Disaggregated GPA model

Variable                           Black             Hispanic

Science = 3 years
  (relative to <3)                0.02 (0.05)        0.06 (0.06)
Science > 3 years
  (relative to <3)                0.07 (0.06)        0.02 (0.06)
Foreign language = 2 years
  (relative to <2)             0.10 ** (0.06)        0.07 (0.07)
Foreign language > 2 years
  (relative to <2)              0.10 * (0.07)        0.08 (0.07)
High math algebra                -0.11 (0.10)        0.03 (0.18)
High math geometry                0.07 (0.07)       -0.04 (0.10)
High math algebra 2               omitted        -0.08 ** (0.04)
High math trigonometry            0.07 (0.08)      -0.002 (0.05)
High math pre-calculus         0.08 ** (0.04)         Omitted
High math calculus                0.10 (0.08)    0.12 *** (0.05)
Honors English                    0.04 (0.05)        0.02 (0.04)
Honors science                   -0.10 (0.05)       -0.04 (0.04)
Honors social science             0.09 (0.05)       -0.02 (0.04)
N ([double dagger])                      3017               5037

(a) As with all logit estimates, the coefficients presented for the
retention model are not equal to the marginal effects.

(b) "Disaggregated models" are those including the seven categories
of AP courses.

(c) White and black retention results based on a pooled sample, and
the sample consists of 20,260 white and 2867 black students

*** p [less than or equal to] 0.01; ** p [less than or equal to]
0.05; * p [less than or equal to] 0.10 based on one-tailed
hypothesis tests. Standard errors are in parentheses.

We express our deepest gratitude to the late John F. Kain and the staff at the UTD Texas Schools Project. Thanks to Trevor Packer at the College Board and Bob Leal and Rudy Reyna at TexPREP. Thanks also to seminar participants at the meetings of the American Economic Association, Georgia State University, and The University of Mississippi, and very helpful referees. Any errors are our own.

Received February 2007; accepted April 2008.


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Kristin Klopfenstein, Department of Economics, Texas Christian University, Box 298510, Fort Worth, TX 76129, USA; E-mail k.klopfenstein@tcu.edu.

M. Kathleen Thomas, Department of Finance and Economics, Mississippi State University, Box 9580, 326 McCool Hall, Mississippi State, MS 39762, USA; E-mail kthomas@cobilan.msstate.edu; corresponding author.

(1) Klopfenstein conducted a telephone survey of counselors at all Texas public high schools during the 2003-2004 academic year regarding AP-related practices, including grade weighting. Surveys were completed by approximately 80% of high schools. Among respondents, 15% did not offer AP Programs, which resulted in a sample size of approximately 725 AP-offering high schools.

(2) While passing AP exam scores should reduce overall time to graduation by earning students credit, this outcome is fully consistent with the original purpose of the AP Program and not the outcome of interest in this study.

(3) This approach is modeled after that taken by Geiser and Santelices (2004). Students who leave the data set with a GPA above 2.0 are assumed to have transferred to a private or out-of-state institution. Regression results are qualitatively identical with and without the GPA restriction.

(4) Students in our sample attended 1066 different high schools. If we use high school fixed effects in addition to college fixed effects, we lose all significance in our regressions. Consequently, we control for measurable differences across high schools as described.

(5) Although GPA is restricted to between zero and four, it is commonly modeled using OLS. See Betts and Morell (1999) and Stinebrickner and Stinebrickner (2003). Moreover, in our samples, truncation is a minor issue: 6% of the white sample earned a 4.0 GPA, as did just 1.3% of the black sample and 3% of the Hispanic sample.

(6) Psychology, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, U.S. Government, and Comparative Government count for half of a credit each, while English, Science, Math, and History courses count as a full credit.

(7) Complete regression results are available from the authors upon request.

(8) In addition, coefficient estimates for students with family income below the median are statistically indistinguishable from those with family income greater than or equal to the median.

(9) Because our data do not include college information for students attending private universities or those outside the state of Texas, it is not possible to test these hypotheses here.

(10) Changes in the marginal effects from one model to another are calculated using the percent differences from the baseline (the numbers in parentheses). Changes in the point differences are not comparable across models because the baselines differ.

(11) http://www.prep-usa.org/portal/texprep/default.asp, accessed February 1, 2008. There are also four TexPREP sites at universities in the Rio Grande Valley (Brownsville, Harlingen, Edinburg, and Laredo), three sites in south Texas (Corpus Christi, Victoria, and Houston), one site in west Texas (Lubbock), and five sites in north Texas (Fort Worth, Arlington, Austin, and two in Dallas).

(12) http://www.prep-usa.org/portal/generaldetail.asp?ID=107, retrieved February 1, 2008.

(13) Because the average AP student takes courses in just two of the seven AP subjects we examine, the correlations among the AP courses are low. Furthermore, the AP course coefficients do not change in sign or significance when the honors courses are jointly removed from the model. While the absence of high pairwise correlations between AP courses and other independent variables does not eliminate the possibility of collinearity involving more than two variables, the robustness of our results is further supported by the general math and science curriculum variables, which are of the expected sign and significance (see Appendix).

(14) Sample sizes are large enough to facilitate the division of calculus into non-AP and AP sections. In the white sample, 18% of students took AP calculus, and 18% took non-AP calculus, and the two groups are essentially mutually exclusive. In the black sample, 9% of students took AP calculus, and 6% took non-AP calculus; in the Hispanic sample, 13% took AP calculus, and 11% took non-AP calculus. These numbers do not align with those presented in Table 4 because the variable AP math includes AP statistics.

(15) The AVID program started in Texas in 1999, after the cohort we study graduated from high school. For information on AVID, see http://www.avidonline.org/. For information on Gear Up, see http://www.ed.gov/programs/gearup/index.html. For information on TexPREP, see http://www.prep-usa.org/portal/texprep/default.asp.

(16) Passing scores on AP exams are likely to be better predictors of college success than AP course-taking alone, particularly if a student's general pattern of high school course-taking is not considered (Geiser and Santelices 2004). Because we do not have access to AP exam score data, we cannot test this hypothesis.
Table 1. State Mandated AP Course Offerings

                     All Districts school        All Districts
State                    Must Offer AP           Must Offer AP

Arkansas                    [check]
Indiana                     [check]
Mississippi (a)             [check]
South Carolina (b)          [check]
West Virginia                                       [check]

                       All High Schools       All Districts Must
                          Must Offer            Offer Advanced
                       Advanced Classes          Classes That
State                That May Included Ap       May Include AP


Idaho                       [check]
Kentucky                    [check]
Mississippi (a)
Ohio                                                [check]
Oregon                                              [check]
South Carolina (b)
Vermont                     [check]
Virginia                    [check]
West Virginia               [check]

Source: Education Commission of the States. Accessed 29 January 2008.
Available at http://mb2.ecs.org/reports/Report.aspx?id=996.

(a) Mississippi accepts online delivery as an acceptable alternative.

(b) South Carolina's mandate is contingent upon school size.

Table 2. AP and College Admissions

Rank     Factors in College Admissions

1        High school GPA or class rank
2        SAT/ACT score
3        Pattern of high school coursework
4        College level work in HS
5        AP course enrollments (a)
6        AP course grades (b)
7        Letters of recommendation
8        Essays
9        AP Exam Grades (c)

Source: Survey of 962 four-year public and private colleges and
universities in 2000 (Breland et al. 2002).

(a) Moves up to number 4/tied for number 3 for private/public
universities if exclude "not considered" in the average importance

(b) Moves up to number 5/tied for number 3 for private/public
universities if exclude "not considered" in the average importance

(c) Jumps above both letters of recommendation and essays but below
SAT II (otherwise ranked number 12) for public universities if
exclude "not considered" in the average importance computation.

Table 3. Descriptive Statistics of Dependent Variables

                      White                  Black

               No AP        AP Taker   No AP      AP Taker
  retained         83.7       90.6       78.7       84.9
Average fall        2.43       2.77       2.01       2.33
  GPA              (1.02)     (0.96)     (0.98)     (1.02)
N              10,112       9240       2093       939


               No AP      AP Taker
  retained       78.0       86.0
Average fall      2.11       2.39
  GPA            (1.06)     (1.05)
N              2883       2154

Source: Texas Schools Microdata Panel.

Table 4. Descriptive Statistics of Curriculum Variables (a)

Variable                      White           Black         Hispanic

Science = 3 years              0.39           0.44           0.38
Science > 3 years              0.47           0.32           0.48
Foreign language = 2
  years                        0.41           0.51           0.45
Foreign language > 2
  years                        0.48           0.29           0.44
High math geometry             0.02           0.07           0.02
High math algebra 2            0.23           0.40           0.27
High math trigonometry         0.09           0.06           0.09
High math pre-calculus         0.38           0.30           0.36
High math calculus             0.29           0.14           0.25
Honors English                 0.58           0.42           0.54
Honors science                 0.49           0.30           0.44
Honors social science          0.46           0.31           0.41
AP math                        0.19           0.09           0.14
AP science                     0.15           0.10           0.13
AP English                     0.29           0.18           0.25
AP economics                   0.13           0.07           0.10
AP government                  0.16           0.09           0.14
AP history                     0.13           0.07           0.08
AP psychology                  0.03           0.03           0.01
AP-taker                       0.47           0.31           0.42
Number of AP courses
  taken take one              2.3 (1.5)      2.0 (1.3)      2.1 (1.4)
N                         19,801           3126           5240

Source: Texas Schools Microdata Panel.

(a) The means for dummy variables represent the proportion of the
sample reporting a one. Standard deviations are reported in
parentheses for continuous variables.

Table 5. Disaggregated Marginal Effects (a) of AP Experience on
Student Retention


                          AP Only       Broad Curriculum (b)

Baseline Pr(retain)        85.20               88.23
AP math                1.91 ** (2.25)      -0.02 (-0.02)
AP science                0.23 (0.27)       0.22 (0.25)
AP English             1.20 ** (1.40)       0.29 (0.33)
AP economics          2.68 *** (3.15)   2.21 *** (2.51)
AP government             0.90 (1.06)       0.66 (0.75)
AP history                0.92 (1.08)       0.72 (0.82)
AP psychology             0.21 (0.25)       0.67 (0.76)
N (b)                     23,127               23,127


                          AP Only       Broad Curriculum (b)

Baseline Pr(retain)        73.58               73.25
AP math                3.00 ** (4.08)      -0.04 (-0.05)
AP science                0.35 (0.48)       0.41 (0.56)
AP English             1.86 ** (2.53)       0.55 (0.75)
AP economics          4.24 *** (5.76)   4.31 *** (5.89)
AP government             1.40 (1.91)       1.27 (1.73)
AP history                1.44 (1.95)       1.37 (1.87)
AP psychology             0.33 (0.45)       1.28 (1.74)
N (b)                     23,127               23,127


                          AP Only       Broad Curriculum (b)

Baseline Pr(retain)        75.33               82.29
AP math               3.17 * (4.21)      -1.25 (-1.52)
AP science            3.58 ** (4.75)    2.93 * (3.57)
AP English               0.04 (0.05)     -1.09 (-1.32)
AP economics            -0.03 (-0.05)    -1.86 (-2.26)
AP government            1.86 (2.46)      1.13 (1.37)
AP history               0.21 (0.28)     -0.56 (-0.68)
AP psychology           -3.06 (-4.07)    -4.59 (-5.58)
N (b)                      5194              5194

(a) Marginal effects are presented as point differences from the
baseline with the percent differences from the baseline in

(b) Broad curriculum includes the following: the highest level of
math achieved (six categories); years of science (three categories);
years of foreign language (three categories); and a dummy variable
each for honors English, natural science, and social science.

(c) Black and white students are pooled in the retention model, and
the sample consists of 20,260 white and 2867 black students.

*** p [less than or equal to] 0.01; ** p [less than or equal to]
0.05; * p [less than or equal to] 0.10 based on one-tailed hypothesis

Table 6. Disaggregated Marginal Effects (a) of AP Experience
on First Semester Grade Point Average


                        AP Only         Broad Curriculum (b)

AP math             0.07 *** (0.02)           0.03 (0.02)
AP science             -0.01 (0.02)          -0.01 (0.02)
AP English           0.03 ** (0.02)           0.02 (0.02)
AP economics            0.02 (0.03)           0.02 (0.03)
AP government         0.04 * (0.03)         0.04 * (0.02)
AP history              0.02 (0.02)           0.02 (0.02)
AP psychology          -0.01 (0.04)           0.02 (0.04)
N                       19,281               19,281


                        AP Only         Broad Curriculum (b)

AP math             0.11 ** (0.07)            0.07 (0.09)
AP science             0.00 (0.06)            0.01 (0.06)
AP English            -0.02 (0.05)           -0.05 (0.05)
AP economics          -0.02 (0.09)           -0.05 (0.09)
AP government          0.10 (0.08)            0.09 (0.08)
AP history             0.02 (0.07)           -0.01 (0.07)
AP psychology          0.10 (0.10)            0.10 (0.10)
N                        3017                 3017


                        AP Only         Broad Curriculum (b)

AP math                0.01 (0.04)             -0.09 (0.06)
AP science          0.08 ** (0.04)           0.10 ** (0.05)
AP English            -0.01 (0.04)             -0.01 (0.04)
AP economics         0.08 * (0.06)            0.08 * (0.06)
AP government          0.02 (0.06)              0.02 (0.06)
AP history            -0.09 (0.05)             -0.07 (0.05)
AP psychology        0.16 * (0.11)            0.15 * (0.11)
N                        5037                   5037

(a) Standard errors in parentheses.

(b) Broad curriculum includes the following: the highest level of
math achieved (six categories); years of science (three
categories); years of foreign language (three categories); and a
dummy variable each for honors English, natural science, and social

*** p [less than or equal to] 0.01; ** p [less than or equal to]
0.05; * p [less than or equal to] 0.10 based on one-tailed
hypothesis tests.
