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  • 标题:Inflation and relative price variability: new evidence for the United States.
  • 作者:Becker, Sascha S. ; Nautz, Dieter
  • 期刊名称:Southern Economic Journal
  • 印刷版ISSN:0038-4038
  • 出版年度:2009
  • 期号:July
  • 语种:English
  • 出版社:Southern Economic Association
  • 摘要:Various economic theories predict that inflation increases relative price variability (RPV) and thus, impedes the efficient allocation of resources. In fact, recent macroeconomic models put much emphasis on the distorting impact of inflation on relative prices, yet the empirical relationship between inflation and RPV seems underresearched. (1) In particular, recent theoretical and empirical contributions suggest that the impact of expected inflation on RPV may depend on the level of inflation. This article reexamines the empirical relationship between U.S. inflation and RPV in order to shed more light on the role of expected inflation during the recent low inflation period.
  • 关键词:Inflation (Economics);Inflation (Finance);Price indexes

Inflation and relative price variability: new evidence for the United States.

Becker, Sascha S. ; Nautz, Dieter

1. Introduction

Various economic theories predict that inflation increases relative price variability (RPV) and thus, impedes the efficient allocation of resources. In fact, recent macroeconomic models put much emphasis on the distorting impact of inflation on relative prices, yet the empirical relationship between inflation and RPV seems underresearched. (1) In particular, recent theoretical and empirical contributions suggest that the impact of expected inflation on RPV may depend on the level of inflation. This article reexamines the empirical relationship between U.S. inflation and RPV in order to shed more light on the role of expected inflation during the recent low inflation period.

Since the seminal study by Parks (1978), the empirical evidence on inflation's impact on RPV has been mixed and elusive. While most studies (see Jaramillo 1999) find a significant positive impact of inflation on RPV, the relationship has broken down, according to Lastrapes (2006), while Reinsdorf (1994) concludes that RPV decreases with inflation. Bick and Nautz (2008) partly reconcile this contradicting evidence by allowing for inflation thresholds where the marginal impact of inflation on RPV varies with the inflation regime.

Many empirical studies on the inflation-RPV nexus do not account for the different effects of expected and unexpected inflation emphasized by the theoretical literature. For example, menu cost models imply that RPV is increased only by expected inflation. An early attempt to account for the implications of economic theories relating inflation and RPV is provided by Aarstol (1999). Using U.S. producer price data from 1973 to 1997, he finds that both expected and unexpected inflation significantly increase RPV. Yet recent theoretical contributions question the stability of the empirical relationship between inflation and RPV. In particular, the monetary search model introduced by Head and Kumar (2005) suggests that the influence of expected inflation on RPV may have changed during the recent low inflation period. In order to investigate the empirical relevance of this prediction, the focus of our empirical analysis is on the (changing) role of expected inflation for the U.S. inflation-RPV nexus. However, to ensure that our results concerning expected inflation are not driven by further instabilities in the empirical relationship between inflation and RPV, we will also account for breaks in the role of unexpected inflation and inflation uncertainty.

Adopting the empirical framework of Aarstol (1999), we find that the effect of expected inflation on RPV becomes insignificant if the sample includes the recent low-inflation period. The instability of the relationship between inflation and RPV can be confirmed for different price indices, disaggregation levels, and RPV measures. In order to shed more light on the changing role of expected inflation for RPV, we employ endogenous break-point tests to identify the timing and to test for the significance of a structural break. In line with recent evidence obtained for Germany (Nautz and Scharff 2005) and the Euro area (Nautz and Scharff 2006), our results indicate that the influence of expected inflation on RPV has already disappeared since the early 1990s, when U.S. monetary policy made interest rates more responsive to inflation and, thereby, stabilized inflation expectations on a lower level (see, e.g., Judd and Trehan 1995; Mankiw 2001).

This article is organized as follows: Section 2 reviews theory and empirical evidence on the relationship between inflation and RPV. Section 3 provides first results suggesting a changing role of expected inflation for the U.S. inflation-RPV nexus. Section 4 uses endogenous breakpoint tests to assess the timing and significance of the structural break in the relationship between expected inflation and RPV, where we controlled for possible changes in the effects of unexpected inflation and inflation uncertainty on RPV. Section 5 concludes.

2. Inflation and Relative Price Variability: Theory and Evidence

Theoretical Literature

The theoretical literature on the relationship between inflation and RPV consists mainly of three types of models: menu cost models, signal extraction models, and monetary search models. Interestingly, the implications of these models concerning the role of expected and unexpected inflation are very different.

Menu Cost Models

Menu cost models assume that nominal price changes are subject to price adjustment costs (Sheshinski and Weiss 1977; Rotemberg 1983; Benabou 1992). In this case, it can be shown that firms set prices discontinuously according to an (S, s) pricing rule. Because of inflation, the firm's real price begins at S and then falls to s over time. At that point, the firm raises its nominal price so that the real price once again equals S. In case of deflation, a firm decreases its nominal price accordingly. Since the width of the (S, s) band depends on the size of its menu costs, firm-specific menu costs lead to staggered price setting, distorted relative prices, and an inefficient increase of RPV. The crucial point is that only the anticipated part of inflation affects the width of the (S, s) band. Therefore, increases in expected inflation amplify the distorting effect of menu costs on relative prices. Because of the symmetry in firms' pricing strategy, menu cost models typically imply that RPV is increasing in the absolute value of expected inflation.

Signal Extraction Models

Signal extraction models share the assumption that inflation is not always anticipated correctly. As a consequence, firms and households confuse absolute and relative price changes. For example, according to Lucas (1973), Barro (1976), and Hercowitz (1981), higher inflation uncertainty makes aggregate demand shocks harder to predict. Solving the implied signal extraction problem, firms adjust output less in response to all shocks, including idiosyncratic real demand shocks. As a result, increases in unexpected inflation and inflation uncertainty will raise RPV.

Monetary Search Models

Monetary search models emphasize that buyers have only incomplete information about the prices offered by different sellers. In these models, the overall effect of inflation on RPV is not always obvious (Reinsdorf 1994; Peterson and Shi 2004). On the one hand, higher expected inflation lowers the value of flat money, which increases sellers' market power and thereby, the dispersion of prices. On the other hand, higher expected inflation also raises the gains of search, which lowers sellers' market power and, thus, RPV. As inflation rises, the RPV increasing effect will eventually dominate. Yet there will be a region within which small changes in expected inflation have little effect on RPV. Head and Kumar (2005) showed that expected inflation may increase RPV only if it exceeds a critical value.

Empirical Literature

The early empirical evidence on the relationship between inflation and relative price variability is typically based on linear regressions of RPV on inflation. In line with menu cost and signal extraction models, most empirical contributions find a significant positive coefficient of expected inflation, unexpected inflation, or inflation uncertainty (Grier and Perry 1996; Parsley 1996; Debelle and Lamont 1997; Aarstol 1999; Jaramillo 1999). Yet there are notable exceptions. In particular, according to Lastrapes (2006) the relationship between U.S. inflation and RPV broke down in the mid-1980s, while Reinsdorf (1994) demonstrates that the relationship is negative even during the disinflationary early 1980s. Similarly, Fielding and Mizen (2000) and Silver and Ioannidis (2001) show for several European countries that RPV decreases in inflation.

In accordance with the implications of monetary search models, more recent evidence suggests that the relationship between inflation and RPV might be more complex. In particular, several studies have found that the impact of inflation on RPV is different for high- and low-inflation periods and countries with different inflationary contexts (Caglayan and Filiztekin 2003; Caraballo, Dabfls, and Usabiaga 2006). Using nonparametric methods, Fielding and Mizen (2008) find that the U.S. inflation-RPV linkage is nonlinear. Nautz and Scharff (2006) apply panel threshold models to price data of Euro-area countries. In line with Head and Kumar (2005), they find evidence in favor of threshold effects in the European link between expected inflation and RPV. Similar threshold effects are found by Bick and Nautz (2008) using price data from U.S. cities, although they do not differentiate between expected and unexpected inflation. Finally, analyzing price observations from bazaars, convenience stores, and supermarkets in Turkey, Caglayan, Filiztekin, and Rauh (2008) show that the relationship between RPV and expected inflation confirms the predictions of monetary search models. In particular, expected inflation increases RPV only if it exceeds a certain threshold.

Given the overall decline of U.S. inflation and inflation expectations over the past decades, the focus of our analysis is on the impact of expected inflation on RPV in the United States. In light of the recent theoretical and empirical literature, a changing role of expected inflation should be reflected in a structural break of the traditional inflation-RPV nexus.

3. The Empirical Relation between Inflation and RPV

Data and Variables

Our benchmark measures of inflation ([[pi].sup.PPI]) and relative price variability (RPV) use monthly price data of the U.S. Producer Price Index (PPI). At the two-digit disaggregation level, the corresponding RPV measure, [RPV.sub.PPI-2], is based on the prices of the complete set of 15 subcategories. In order to check the robustness of our results, we additionally employ four alternative inflation and RPV measures typically applied in the empirical literature. Specifically, we consider [RPV.sub.core] as a second RPV measure, where food and energy prices are excluded to control for supply shocks. More precisely, we eliminated the prices of "farm products," "processed foods and feeds," and "fuels and related products and power," that is, 3 out of the 15 PPI subcomponents (compare, e.g., Aarstol 1999). Our results should not depend on the aggregation level of the price index. Therefore, the third RPV measure, [RPV.sub.PPI-3], is based on the three-digit PPI disaggregation level, that is, on the prices of 77 subcategories. Fourth, we consider [RPV.sub.Abs] = [square root of ([RPV.sub.PPI-2])] since it should not be important whether one measures RPV by the variance or the standard deviation of relative prices. And, finally, we define inflation ([[pi].sup.CPI]) and RPV ([RPV.sub.CPI-2]) with respect to the eight subcategories of the two-digit Consumer Price Index (CPI) to guarantee that the following empirical results are robust with respect to the choice of the price index. The definitions of the various RPV measures are summarized in Table 1.

Following Aarstol (1999), we define each RPV measure via the unweighted variance of subcategory-specific inflation rates around the corresponding rate of inflation. (2) It is worth noting, however, that the use of weighted RPV measures that account for the importance of subcomponents in the price index does not affect our main results. More detailed information on the price indices and the corresponding subcategories is presented in the Appendix (see Tables A1 and A2). All data run from January 1973 to December 2007 and are provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Unit root tests clearly indicate that all inflation and RPV measures are stationary. (3)

Inflation Forecasts

The theories on the relationship between inflation and RPV presented in section 2 highlight the different roles of expected inflation, unexpected inflation, and inflation uncertainty. It is a general problem of any such decomposition that the empirical results might depend on the accuracy of the expected inflation measure. Many measures of inflation expectations exist, including the forecasts of professional economists, results from consumer surveys, or information extracted from financial markets. Despite the increasing importance and quality of this kind of data, survey data are not available over the whole sample period and on a monthly basis. In particular, there are no surveys on expectations about PPI inflation. In view of these problems, we follow the bulk of the empirical literature and base our measure of expected inflation on a time-series representation of inflation. Note, however, that beating the forecasting performance of univariate time series models of inflation is not an easy task, particularly over a monthly forecast horizon (see, e.g., Elliott and Timmermann 2008).

Allowing for time-varying inflation uncertainty (CVAR), the forecast equations for overall U.S. producer price inflation ([[pi].sup.PPI]) and consumer price inflation ([[pi].sup.CPI]) are specified as GARCH models, where the corresponding mean equations follow an ARMA process. (4) Expected inflation (EI) is derived as the one-period-ahead inflation forecast, while unexpected inflation (UI) is the resulting forecast error (UI = [pi] - EI). The GARCH equations provide us with time series for inflation uncertainty (CVAR). Using maximum-likelihood estimation, we applied a standard information criterion (Bayesian information criterion) to determine the optimal lag structure. Detailed results of the estimated inflation forecast equations are shown in the Appendix (see Table A3). It is worth noting that alternative specification strategies for obtaining the inflation forecast equations lead to very similar results. In particular, using inflation forecasts based on a simple AR(12) mean model will not affect the following outcomes.

Aarstol (1999) finds that the impact of unexpected inflation on RPV depends on the sign of the inflation forecast error. In order to control for this effect, we define positive unexpected inflation as UIP = UI if UI [greater than or equal to] 0 and UIP = 0 otherwise and negative unexpected inflation as UIN accordingly.

The (Changing) Impact of Expected Inflation on RPV

After these preliminaries, let us now estimate the impact of expected inflation (E/), unexpected inflation (UIP, UIN), and inflation uncertainty (CVAR) on RPV. Using the various inflation and RPV measures, we estimate the relationship between inflation and RPV based on two specifications, typically applied in the empirical literature. Following Aarstol (1999), Equation 1 contains squared terms of inflation and is applied to the four RPV measures based on the variance of relative prices ([RPV.sub.PPI-2], [RPV.sub.Core], [RPV.sub.CPI-2], and [RPV.sub.PPI-3]):


Accordingly, Equation 2, which explains the standard deviation of relative prices, [RPV.sub.Abs], includes the absolute value of the inflation terms:


Table 2 summarizes the results for the U.S. inflation-RPV nexus for all RPV measures. For the sake of comparability, the upper part of Table 2 presents the estimates for the sample period used by Aarstol (1999), ranging from January 1973 until May 1997. Since he used the two-digit PPI, the results shown in the first row exactly replicate his findings. Specifically, there is a significant positive impact of expected inflation ([[gamma].sub.1]) on RPV. According to Wald tests of parameter equality, the effect of unexpected inflation ([[gamma].sub.2], [[gamma].sub.3]) depends on the sign of the inflation forecast error. And, finally, the coefficient of inflation uncertainty ([[gamma].sub.4]) is significant and plausibly signed. During the first sample period, most of these conclusions remain valid with respect to different RPV and inflation measures. Although the absolute size of the inflation coefficients changes with the underlying RPV measure, the relative size of the inflation coefficients and their statistical significance remain merely unaffected. The only exception refers to the coefficient of inflation uncertainty, where the evidence is more elusive.

The overall impression of structural stability of the U.S. inflation-RPV linkage changes, however, if the sample period is extended by more recent data (January 1973-December 2007; see the middle part of Table 2). In particular, both magnitude and significance of the impact of expected inflation on RPV have decreased regardless of the underlying measures of inflation and RPV. The evidence in favor of a structural break stirred by a changing role of expected inflation gets even more striking if the inflation-RPV equations are estimated for the recent period separately (see the lower part of Table 2).

Table 2 indicates that the impact of expected inflation on RPV has become insignificant in the United States over the past years. The implied instability of the inflation-RPV nexus may explain the breakdown of the traditional linear relation between RPV and U.S. inflation found by Lastrapes (2006). However, before we have a closer look at the changing role of expected inflation, two remarks are in order. First, it is worth mentioning that Equations 1 and 2 involve generated regressors such that the appropriateness of an ordinary least squares (OLS) estimation and the validity of standard t-statistics is not obvious. Pagan (1984) has shown that OLS estimation is consistent and does not necessarily lead to efficiency losses if generated regressors (EI) as well as forecast errors (UIP and UIN) enter the equation. The only problem concerns the OLS-generated t-statistic of the coefficient of EI ([[gamma].sub.1]), which tends to be overstated. Since the acceptance of the relevant null hypothesis (no influence of expected inflation) with the overstated t-statistic must lead to the acceptance with the correct one, only those EI coefficients require further investigation for which the null hypothesis is rejected. Therefore, we reinvestigated the significance of EI in the early sample period (January 1973-May 1997) using Pagan's corrected t-statistics. In line with Silver and Ioannidis (2001), however, the corrected t-statistics had no quantitative effect on the significance of expected inflation (see Table A4).

Second, Table 2 further suggests that the vanishing influence of expected inflation might not be the only source of instability in the relationship between inflation and RPV. Therefore, we have to ensure that the results concerning the changing role of expected inflation are not driven by further instabilities. To that aim, the following endogenous breakpoint analysis of the empirical relationship between expected inflation and RPV will also control for the effect of instabilities in the role of unexpected inflation and inflation uncertainty (see section 4).

In the United States, average inflation has significantly decreased over the past two decades. Therefore, in line with the predictions of the monetary search model introduced by Head and Kumar (2005), our empirical results may indicate that the impact of expected inflation on RPV has been reduced because inflation expectations have been stabilized on a low level. This interpretation of our empirical results obtained for recent U.S. data would be in line with evidence for Germany and the Euro area, two textbook examples for low-inflation currency areas (see Nautz and Scharff 2005, 2006). Finally, note that our findings are compatible with the thresholds effects of U.S. inflation established by Bick and Nautz (2008) and the nonlinear relationship between expected inflation and RPV found by Fielding and Mizen (2008).

4. Structural Break Tests for the U.S. Inflation-RPV Nexus

Endogenous Break-Point Tests

This section sheds more light on the changing role of expected inflation for the inflation-RPV nexus. In particular, we investigate the timing and the significance of the structural instability in the relationship between expected inflation and RPV using endogenous break-point tests. Specifically, we apply the testing procedure by Andrews (1993) and Andrews and Ploberger (1994), which is designed to detect a structural break even if the break-point is unknown.

The endogenous break-point tests are implemented as follows: Having defined a sequence of dummy variables, D(j), that equal 0 if t < j and equal 1 otherwise, we estimate for each j a break-augmented RPV equation that allows a shift in the marginal impact of expected inflation at date j. For example, for the four variance-based RPV measures, we obtain the following test equations (5):


In a first step, we derive for each j [member of] [[T.sub.1], [T.sub.2]] the likelihood ratio statistic, LR(j), corresponding to the null hypothesis that [[delta].sub.j], the coefficient of the dummy variable, is zero. In a second step, we compute the test statistics ave-LR and sup-LR for the unknown break-point defined as the average and the maximum of all LR(j)-statistics, respectively. The date j that corresponds to sup-LR serves as the estimate of the break date.

Andrews (1993) showed that the asymptotic distributions of the test statistics are nonstandard and depend on the number of coefficients that are allowed to break and on the fraction of the sample that is examined. (6) Below, we use the approximate asymptotic p-values provided by Hansen (1997).

Test Results on the Changing Role of Expected Inflation

Table 3 summarizes the test results obtained for the various measures of inflation and RPV. With the exception of [RP.sub.Abs], the LR-statistics clearly indicate a structural break in the impact of expected inflation on RPV. The estimated break dates implied by the maximum of the LR-statistics are August 1990 for [RPV.sub.PPI-2] and [RPV.sub.Abs] and September 1990 for [RPV.sub.CPI-2]. According to the sup-LR statistics, the breaks for the other two RPV measures, [RPV.sub.PPI-3] and [RPV.sub.Core], occur in December 1992 and June 1995, that is, about two and five years later.

However, a closer inspection of the underlying sequence of LR-test statistics reveals that even for these RPV measures, the instability of the inflation-RPV nexus has already started around December 1990, very close to the break-date estimates of the other RPV measures (compare to Figure 1). In both cases, [RPV.sub.PPI-3] and [RPV.sub.Core], the enormous jump in the LR-test values at the end of 1990, strongly suggest that the instability in the relationship between expected inflation and RPV has started before the LR-statistics eventually reached their maximum. This break date is confirmed by the Chow-type break-point tests [LR.sup.12/1990] (also presented in Table 3), which for both RPV measures clearly indicate that the relationship between expected inflation and RPV was already unstable in December 1990.

Next, we revisit the inflation-RPV equation for all RPV measures, taking into account the insights of the endogenous break-point tests. Assuming the break point in 1990, as suggested by the behavior of LR-statistics, we reestimate the RPV equation for the two resulting sample periods. For the early subsample, the results presented in Table 4 confirm the significant impact of expected inflation on RPV established by Aarstol (1999) and others. (7) However, the results look very different for the more recent subperiod. The former significant impact of expected inflation on RPV has disappeared in the recent low-inflation period, independent of the price index, the disaggregation level, and the RPV measure.


Sensitivity Analysis: The Role of Further Instabilities in the Inflation-RPV Nexus

The evidence in favor of a structural break in the relationship between expected inflation and RPV might be affected by further instabilities in the empirical inflation-RPV nexus. In fact, according to Table 4, there seem to be considerable movements in the coefficients of both unexpected inflation and inflation uncertainty that may distort the estimated relationship between expected inflation and RPV. Therefore, this section reexamines the stability of the EI-RPV relationship, taking into account possible breaks in the coefficients of unexpected inflation and inflation uncertainty.

Testing for Further Instabilities in the Inflation-RPV Nexus

In a first step, we test for the presence of additional structural breaks in the inflation-RPV nexus related to unexpected inflation or inflation uncertainty. In a second step, in case of a significant break in one of the coefficients of UIP, UIN, or CVAR, we rerun the endogenous break-point test for the relationship between expected inflation and RPV based on an augmented test equation that takes this further instability into account. If the augmented test equation confirms the changing role of expected inflation, we can be confident that the vanishing impact of expected inflation on RPV is a robust result and not a statistical artifact stirred by the instability of other variables.

For example, the test for an additional break in the RPV equation corresponding to a changing role of inflation uncertainty is based on the following test equation (8):


where the step dummy variable, [D.sub.90], is defined in accordance with the changing coefficient of expected inflation (see Table 4).

Table A5 summarizes the test results for the various empirical specifications of the inflation-RPV nexus. Overall, the results confirm the conclusion of modest instability in unexpected inflation and inflation uncertainty already suggested by the estimation results obtained for the different sample periods (see Table 4). In accordance with Table 4, the evidence in favor of a structural break is strongest for the variable UIN, that is, for the impact of negative unexpected inflation.

The Changing Role of Expected Inflation in the Presence of Further Instabilities

Let us now investigate how the results on the changing role of expected inflation are affected by these additional breaks in the relationship between inflation and RPV. To that aim, we augment the original test equations for the EI-RPV relationship, Equations 3 and 4, by the break dummies that were found to be significant for unexpected inflation or inflation uncertainty. For example, in the case of the RPV measure [RPV.sub.PPI-2], we found significant breaks in the coefficients of UIP and UIN in August 1990 and August 1985, respectively, while the coefficient of CVAR remained stable over the whole sample period (see Table A5). As a consequence, the augmented test equation for [RPV.sub.PPI-2] is obtained as


where [D.sub.07/90] and [D.sub.07/85] are the step dummy variables indicating the corresponding break dates of UIP and UIN.

The results for the augmented break-point tests do not differ qualitatively from those of the previous section (see Table A6). Therefore, regardless of further, less theory-related structural breaks in the inflation-RPV nexus due to unexpected inflation and inflation uncertainty, the results confirm the evidence in favor of a changing role of expected inflation for RPV. In particular, in line with our previous results, the various breaks in the impact of EI can all be dated around 1991. Moreover, confirming the results of Table 4, pre- and after-break estimations of the augmented inflation-RPV equations reveal that for all RPV and inflation measures the impact of expected inflation is significant before the break but small and insignificant thereafter. (9)

5. Conclusions

This article provided new evidence on the empirical relationship between inflation and RPV in the United States. Reconciling the mixed results offered by earlier contributions, we found that the impact of expected inflation on RPV has declined significantly since the 1990s. Endogenous break-point tests confirmed the timing and statistical significance of the changing role of expected inflation for RPV regardless of the inflation and RPV measure.

Our results support the implications of recent monetary search models that predict that the inflation-RPV nexus depends on the level of expected inflation (see Head and Kumar 2005; Caglayan, Filiztekin, and Rauh 2008). In accordance with the evidence obtained by Nautz and Scharff (2005, 2006) for Germany and the Euro area, our results suggest that the impact of expected inflation on RPV broke down in the United States because inflation expectations had been stabilized on a low level.

According to recent macroeconomic theory, the impact of expected inflation on RPV is a major channel for real effects of inflation (see Woodford 2003). The current study demonstrated that the empirical analysis of the relation between inflation and RPV can be largely improved by paying more attention to the predictions of theoretical models. In addition to the different role of expected and unexpected inflation implied by well-established menu cost and signal extraction models, our results suggest that recent monetary search models provide particularly useful insights on the functional form of the inflation-RPV nexus.

Table A1. Subcategories of the U.S. Consumer Price Index

Food and beverages
Medical care
Education and communication
Other goods and services

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics. Series IDs:
CUSR0000SAA-CUSR0000SAT. Note that in January 1998, the
subcategory "Entertainment" was replaced by the
subcategories "Recreation" and "Education and Communication."

Table A2. Subcategories of the U.S. Producer Price Index (Two Digit
and Three Digit)

Two Digit                          Three Digit

Farm products                      Fruits and melons, fresh/dry
                                     vegetables and nuts
                                   Slaughter livestock
                                   Chicken eggs
                                   Plant and animal fibers

Processed foods and feeds          Cereal and bakery products
                                   Processed fruits and vegetables
                                   Fats and oils
                                   Sugar and confectionery
                                   Miscellaneous processed foods

Textile products and apparel

Hides, skins, leathers, and        Hides and skins, including
  related products                   cattle

Fuels and related products and     Coal
  power                            Petroleum arid coal products
                                   Electric power

Chemical and allied products       Industrial chemicals
                                   Fats and oils, inedible

                                   Drugs and pharmaceuticals

Rubber and plastic products        Rubber and rubber products

Lumber and wood products           Lumber

Pulp, paper, and allied products   Pulp, paper, and products,
                                     excluding building paper

Metal and metal products           Iron and steel
                                   Fabricated structural metal
                                   Metal containers

Machinery and equipment            Agricultural machinery and
                                   General purpose machinery and
                                   Metalworking machinery and
                                   Miscellaneous machinery

Furniture and household durables   Household furniture
                                   Household appliances
                                   Floor coverings

Nonmetallic mineral products       Glass

                                   Clay construction products,
                                     excluding refractories
                                   Gypsum products
                                   Concrete products
                                   Other nonmetallic minerals

Transportation equipment           Motor vehicles and equipment

Miscellaneous products             Toys, sporting goods, small arms,
                                     and so on

                                   Photographic equipment and
                                   Other miscellaneous products

Two Digit                          Three Digit

Farm products                      Grains

                                   Slaughter poultry
                                   Hay, hayseeds, and oilseeds
                                   Fluid milk

Processed foods and feeds          Meats, poultry, and fish
                                   Beverages and beverage materials
                                   Prepared animal feeds
                                   Dairy products

Textile products and apparel

Hides, skins, leathers, and        Leather
  related products                 Other leather and related

Fuels and related products and     Gas fuels
  power                            Petroleum products, refined

Chemical and allied products       Plastic resins and materials
                                   Agricultural chemicals and
                                     chemical products
                                   Other chemicals and allied

Rubber and plastic products        Plastic products

Lumber and wood products           Millwork
                                   Other wood products

Pulp, paper, and allied products   Building paper and building
                                     board mill products

Metal and metal products           Nonferrous metals
                                   Plumbing fixtures and fittings
                                   Heating equipment

                                   Miscellaneous metal products

Machinery and equipment            Construction machinery and
                                   Special industry machinery and
                                   Electrical machinery and

Furniture and household durables   Commercial furniture
                                   Home electronic equipment
                                   Other household durable goods

Nonmetallic mineral products       Concrete ingredients and
                                     related products

                                   Glass containers
                                   Asphalt felts and coatings

Transportation equipment           Railroad equipment

Miscellaneous products             Tobacco products, including
                                     stemmed and redried


Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics. Series IDs (two digit):
WPU01-WPU15. Series IDs (three digit): WPU011-WPU159.

Table A3. The Inflation Forecast Equations
(January 1973-December 2007)

Producer Price Index


Adjusted [R.sup.2]=0.23   Q(12)=5.42 [0.49]   ARCH(12)=7.65 [0.81]

Consumer Price Index


Adjusted [R.sup.2]=0.30   Q(12)=4.23 [0.64]   ARCH(12)=5.50 [0.93]

For both equations, the optimal lag structure is determined using
Bayesian information criteria. Alternative specification strategies
lead to very similar estimates of expected inflation (EI, UI) and
inflation uncertainty (CVAR). Q(12) denotes the Ljung-Box statistic
testing for serial correlation in the residuals; ARCH(12) denotes
the LM-statistic testing for ARCH effects.

p-Values are given in square brackets, t-Statistics are given in

Table A4. The Impact of Expected Inflation on RPV (the Role of the
Generated Regressor Problem)

Sample January 1973-May 1997


[RPV.sub.PPI-2]   0.897 ***

[RPV.sub.Abs]     0.254 *

[RPV.sub.PPI-3]   3.897 ***

[RPV.sub.Core]    0.445 **

[RPV.sub.CPI-2]   0.118 *

The results of this table demonstrate that the significant impact of
expected inflation on RPV found by Aarstol (1999) and others is not an
artifact of the generated regressor problem (see Pagan 1984). Numbers
in parentheses are t statistics, ignoring that expected inflation is a
generated regressor, as in Table 2. Numbers in square brackets are t
statistics corrected for the generated regressor problem (see Silver
and Ioannidis 2001). *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%,
5%a, and 1% levels, respectively (based on the corrected t-statistics).
See Table 2 for further explanations.

Table A5. Test for Unknown Break Point in the U.S. Inflation-RPV
Nexus: The Case of Unexpected Inflation and Inflation Uncertainty

                  [H.sub.0]: No Break in the Coefficient on
                  UIP ([[gamma].sub.2])

Model             ave-LR        sup-LR

[RPV.sub.PPI-2]    3.48     6.67    (August 1990)
                  [0.05]   [0.06]

[RPV.sub.Abs]      1.13     3.65
                  [0.28]   [0.23]

[RPV.sub.PPI-3]    0.16     0.36
                  [0.89]   [1.00]

[RPV.sub.Core]     0.02     0.10
                  [1.00]   [1.00]

[RPV.sub.CPI-2]   14.43    25.97    (July 1994)
                  [0.00]   [0.00]

                  [H.sub.0]: No Break in the Coefficient
                  on UIN ([[gamma].sub.3])

Model             ave-LR        sup-LR

[RPV.sub.PPI-2]   12.48    23.08    (August 1985)
                  [0.00]   [0.00]

[RPV.sub.Abs]     4.89     12.37    (August 1985)
                  [0.02]   [0.00]

[RPV.sub.PPI-3]   0.31     0.60
                  [0.70]   [0.96]

[RPV.sub.Core]    11.96    19.33    (April 1985)
                  [0.00]   [0.00]

[RPV.sub.CPI-2]   16.65    26.45    (March 1986)
                  [0.00]   [0.00]

                  [H.sub.0]: No Break in the Coefficient
                  on CVAR ([[gamma].sub.4])

Model             ave-LR        sup-LR

[RPV.sub.PPI-2]   0.04     0.23
                  [1.00]   [1.00]

[RPV.sub.Abs]     0.34     0.68
                  [0.66]   [0.94]

[RPV.sub.PPI-3]   0.43     1.10
                  [0.59]   [0.77]

[RPV.sub.Core]    2.03     4.47
                  [0.15]   [0.16]

[RPV.sub.CPI-2]   11.01    15.25    (March 1986)
                  [0.00]   [0.00]

Test equations assume a break in the coefficient of expected inflation
as it is indicated by the results of the endogenous break-point tests
(see Table 3 and Equation 5). p-values of the ave-LR and sup-LR
statistics according to Hansen (1997) in square brackets, and estimated
break dates are in parentheses. Feasible range of break points is
September 1984-April 1996. See section 4 for further explanations.

Table A6. Test for Unknown Break Point in the EI-RPV Relationship
(Accounting for Structural Breaks of UIP, UIN, and CVAR)

[H.sub.0]: No Break in the Role of Expected Inflation for RPV

Model             Statistic                               Value

[RPV.sub.PPI-2]   ave-LR statistic      (November 1990)    5.17
                  sup-LR statistic                         8.05

[RPV.sub.Abs]     ave-LR statistic      (November 1990)    1.39
                  sup-LR statistic                         2.33

[RPV.sub.PPI-3]   ave-LR statistic      (June 1995)       11.15
                  sup-LR statistic                        12.22
                  [LR.sup.12/1990                         11.54

[RPV.sub.Core]    ave-LR statistic      (December 1990)    6.10
                  sup-LR statistic                         8.61

[RPV.sub.CPI-2]   ave-LR statistic      (March 1991)       9.02
                  sup-LR statistic                        12.46

[H.sub.0]: No Break in the Role of Expected Inflation for RPV

Model             Statistic             Probability

[RPV.sub.PPI-2]   ave-LR statistic           0.01
                  sup-LR statistic           0.02

[RPV.sub.Abs]     ave-LR statistic           0.23
                  sup-LR statistic           0.51

[RPV.sub.PPI-3]   ave-LR statistic           0.00
                  sup-LR statistic           0.00
                  [LR.sup.12/1990            0.00

[RPV.sub.Core]    ave-LR statistic           0.00
                  sup-LR statistic           0.02

[RPV.sub.CPI-2]   ave-LR statistic           0.00
                  sup-LR statistic           0.00

p-values of ave-LR and sup-LR according to Hansen (1997), and estimated
break dates are in parentheses. Feasible range of break points is
September 1984-April 1996. [LR.sup.12/1990] refers to a standard Chow
break-point test. See section 4 for further explanations.

Received August 2008; accepted November 2008.


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(1) For example, standard new Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium models support price stability as an outcome of optimal monetary policy only because inflation increases RPV; see Woodford (2003).

(2) [[pi].sub.it] = ln([P.sub.it]/[P.sub,it-1] is the inflation rate, and [P.sub.it] is the price index of the ith subcategory in period t. rot is the aggregate inflation rate.

(3) Results of ADF and KPSS tests are not presented but are available on request.

(4) Preliminary investigations indicate that the forecast errors of the best-fitting ARMA model are heteroscedastic.

(5) Accordingly, in case of RPV = [RPV.sub.abs], the test equations are obtained as [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII].

(6) Note that the distributions become degenerate as the first period tested approaches the beginning of the equation sample, or the end period approaches the end of the equation sample. To compensate for this behavior, it is generally suggested that the start/end of the equation sample should not be included in the testing procedure. In accordance with Andrews (1993), the sample range where breaks are considered is defined by [T.sub.1] = 1/3 * T and [T.sub.2] =2/3 * T. Therefore, possible break dates range from September 1984 to April 1996.

(7) Note that this result is not driven by the generated regressor problem because using corrected t-statistics does not affect the significance of [[??].sub.i] (see section 3).

(8) In the case of RPV = [RPV.sub.Abs], test equations are obtained by replacing all squared terms by the corresponding absolute values and the CVAR term by its square root.

(9) For brevity, the results of the augmented pre- and after-break regressions, which are very similar to those shown in Table 4, are not presented but are available on request.

Sascha S. Becker, Department of Economics, Freie Universitat Berlin, Boltzmannstr. 20, D-14195, Berlin, Germany; E-mail sascha.becker@fu-berlin.de.

Dieter Nautz, Department of Economics, Freie Universitat Berlin, Boltzmannstr. 20, D-14195, Berlin, Germany; E-mail dieter.nautz@fu-berlin.de; corresponding author.

We thank Alex Bick and two anonymous referees for their helpful comments and suggestions. Financial support by the Monetary Stability Foundation is gratefully acknowledged.
Table 1. RPV Measures

Variable          Measure

[RPV.sub.PPI-2]   1/15 [[SIGMA].sup.15.sub.i=1] [([[pi].sub.it] -

[RPV.sub.Core]    1/12 [[SIGMA].sup.12.sub.i=1] [([[pi].sub.it] -

[RPV.sub.PPI-3]   1/77 [[SIGMA].sup.77.sub.i=1] [([[pi].sub.it] -

[RPV.sub.Abs]     [square root of 1/15 [[SIGMA].sup.15.sub.i=1]
                  [([[pi].sub.it] - [[pi].sub.t]).sup.2]]

[RPV.sub.CPI-2]   1/8 [[SIGMA].sup.8.sub.i=1] [([[pi].sub.it] -

Variable          Data

[RPV.sub.PPI-2]   PPI, two digit
                  15 subcategories

[RPV.sub.Core]    PPI two digit
                  12 subcategories

[RPV.sub.PPI-3]   PPI, three di t
                  77 subcategories

[RPV.sub.Abs]     PPI, two digit
                  15 subcategories

[RPV.sub.CPI-2]   CPI two digit
                  8 subcategories

Price data provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The variable
[RPV.sub.PPI-2] accounts for the change in the composition of the CPI
subcategories in January 1998.

Table 2. The Changing Impact of Expected Inflation on RPV

[RPV.sub.t] = [[gamma].sub.0] + [[gamma].sub.1] [EI.sup.2.sub.t] +
[[gamma].sub.2] [UIP.sup.2.sub.t]; + [[gamma].sub.3]
[UIN.sup.2.sub1] + [[gamma].sub.4] [CVAR.sub.t] + [v.sub.t]

                  Sample January 1973-May 1997

                  [[??].sub.1]        [[??].sub.2]

[RPV.sub.PPI-2]   0.897 *** (5.40)    1.276 *** (9.78)
[RPV.sub.Abs]     0.254 ** (2.10)     0.844 *** (6.23)
[RPV.sub.PPI-3]   3.897 *** (3.53)    5.520 *** (11.77)
[RPV.sub.Core]    0.445 ** (2.46)     0.867 *** (12.58)
[RPV.sub.CPI-2]   0.118 * (1.97)      0.647 *** (3.58)

                  Sample January 1973-December 2007

                  [[??].sub.1]        [[??].sub.2]

[RPV.sub.PPI-2]   0.161 (0.35)        1.438 *** (20.59)
[RPV.sub.Abs]     0.233 * (1.76)      0.911 *** (10.19)
[RPV.sub.PPI-3]   2.294 ** (2.31)     5.541 *** (13.49)
[RPV.sub.Core]    0.324 (1.33)        0.886 *** (16.32)
[RPV.sub.CPI-2]   -0.012 (-0.21)      0.935 *** (6.88)

                  Sample June 1997-December 2007

                  [[??].sub.1]        [[??].sub.2]

[RPV.sub.PPI-2]   0.107 (0.15)        1.638 *** (6.21)
[RPV.sub.Abs]     0.189 (1.15)        0.996 *** (10.10)
[RPV.sub.PPI-3]   2.041 (1.26)        5.248 *** (3.81)
[RPV.sub.Core]    0.318 (0.86)        0.927 *** (10.96)
[RPV.sub.CPI-2]   -0.207 (-0.58)      1.611 *** (9.85)

                  [[??].sub.3]        [[??].sub.4]

[RPV.sub.PPI-2]   0.210 (1.40)        0.316 ** (1.84)
[RPV.sub.Abs]     0.594 *** (3.88)    0.805 (1.62)
[RPV.sub.PPI-3]   0.668 ** (2.07)     1.455 ** (2.12)
[RPV.sub.Core]    0.166 * (1.91)      0.226 (1.50)
[RPV.sub.CPI-2]   0.578 *** (3.21)    0.202 (0.74)

                  [[??].sub.3]        [[??].sub.4]

[RPV.sub.PPI-2]   0.949 *** (5.00)    0.171 (1.17)
[RPV.sub.Abs]     0.737 *** (8.54)    0.515 (1.37)
[RPV.sub.PPI-3]   1.112 *** (5.75)    1.221 ** (2.48)
[RPV.sub.Core]    0.429 *** (6.64)    0.119 (1.36)
[RPV.sub.CPI-2]   0.932 *** (5.02)    0.282 (1.03)

                  [[??].sub.3]        [[??].sub.4]

[RPV.sub.PPI-2]   1.189 *** (17.24)   0.087 (0.61)
[RPV.sub.Abs]     0.833 *** (12.08)   0.129 (0.25)
[RPV.sub.PPI-3]   1.102 *** (4.46)    -0.384 (-0.54)
[RPV.sub.Core]    0.528 *** (10.78)   -0.008 (-0.15)
[RPV.sub.CPI-2]   1.513 *** (5.92)    0.306 (0.68)

Estimation results of [RPV.sub. Equations 1 and 2 using different
inflation and [RPV.sub. measures for various sample periods. The
inflation forecast equations implying expected inflation (En,
unexpected (UIP, UIN) inflation, and inflation uncertainty (CVAR) are
shown in Table A3. r-Statistics (Newey-West standard errors) in
parentheses. *, **, and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and
1% significance levels, respectively.

Table 3. Test for Unknown Break Point in the U.S. Inflation-RPV Nexus:
The Case ofExpected Inflation

[H.sub.0]: No Break in the Role of Expected Inflation for

Model              Statistic                             Value

[RPV.sub.PPI.-2]   ave-LR statistic   (August 1990)      10.56
                   sup-LR statistic                      11.36

[RPV.sub.Abs]      ave-LR statistic   (August 1990)       2.07
                   sup-LR statistic                       2.41

[RPV.sub.PPI-3]    ave-LR statistic   (June 1995)        11.15
                   sup-LR statistic                      12.22
                   [LR.sup.12/1990]                      11.54

[RPV.sub.Core]     ave-LR statistic   (December 1992)     8.62
                   sup-LR statistic                       8.83
                   [LR.sup.12/1990]                       8.74

[RPV.sub.CPI-2]    ave-LR statistic   (September 1990)    5.05
                   sup-LR statistic                       7.23

Model              Statistic          Probability

[RPV.sub.PPI.-2]   ave-LR statistic   0.00
                   sup-LR statistic   0.00

[RPV.sub.Abs]      ave-LR statistic   0.14
                   sup-LR statistic   0.47

[RPV.sub.PPI-3]    ave-LR statistic   0.00
                   sup-LR statistic   0.00
                   [LR.sup.12/1990]   0.00

[RPV.sub.Core]     ave-LR statistic   0.00
                   sup-LR statistic   0.01
                   [LR.sup.12/1990]   0.00

[RPV.sub.CPI-2]    ave-LR statistic   0.00
                   sup-LR statistic   0.04

Table 4. The Inflation-RPV Nexus in the United States

                                Before the Break

                                [[??].sub.1]       [[??].sub.2]

[RPV.sub.PPI-2]                 0.902 ** (2.34)    1.349 *** (13.67)
  January 1973-July 1990
[RPV.sub.Abs]                   0.374 ** (2.11)    0.771 *** (4.08)
  January 1973-July 1990
[RPV.sub.PPI-3]                 3.823 *** (2.97)   5.385 *** (9.84)
  January 1973-November 1990
[RPV.sub.Core]                  0.557 *** (2.74)   0.905 *** (12.23)
  January 1973-November 1990
[RPV.sub.CPI-2]                 0.109 ** (2.01)    0.667 *** (3.60)
  January 1973-August 1990

                                After the Break

                                 [[??].sub.1]       [[??].sub.2]

[RPV.sub.PPI-2]                  -0.102 (-0.17)     1.859 *** (5.96)
  August 1990-December 2007
[RPV.sub.Abs]                    0.078 (0.56)       1.054 *** (9.97)
  August 1990-December 2007
[RPV.sub.PPI-3]                  1.794 (0.85)       5.648 *** (6.41)
  December1990-December 2007
[RPV.sub.Core]                   0.351 (0.78)       0.932 *** (11.37)
  December 1990-December 2007
[RPV.sub.CPI-2]                  -0.094 (-0.50)     1.468 *** (8.34)
  September 1990-December 2007

                                [[??].sub.3]        [[??].sub.4]

[RPV.sub.PPI-2]                 0.178 (1.06)        0.307 (1.43)
  January 1973-July 1990
[RPV.sub.Abs]                   0.472 *** (2.68)    0.932 * (1.82)
  January 1973-July 1990
[RPV.sub.PPI-3]                 0.673 (1.37)        1.254 * (1.91)
  January 1973-November 1990
[RPV.sub.Core]                  0.145 (1.46)        0.207 (1.28)
  January 1973-November 1990
[RPV.sub.CPI-2]                 0.597 *** (3.09)    0.157 (0.65)
  January 1973-August 1990

                                 [[??].sub.3]        [[??].sub.4]

[RPV.sub.PPI-2]                  1.215 *** (18.00)   0.102 (0.78)
  August 1990-December 2007
[RPV.sub.Abs]                    0.864 *** (14.08)   -0.056 (-0.12)
  August 1990-December 2007
[RPV.sub.PPI-3]                  1.138 *** (4.87)    0.627 (0.86)
  December1990-December 2007
[RPV.sub.Core]                   0.537 *** (10.73)   0.005 (0.11)
  December 1990-December 2007
[RPV.sub.CPI-2]                  1.362 *** (5.39)    0.520 (1.12)
  September 1990-December 2007

t-Statistics (Newey-West standard errors) in parentheses. *, **,
and *** indicate significance at the 10%, 5%, and 1% significance
levels, respectively. See Table 2 for further explanations.