Social welfare in sports leagues with profit-maximizing and/or win-maximizing clubs.
Dietl, Helmut M. ; Lang, Markus ; Werner, Stephan 等
1. Introduction
Welfare analysis is the heart of economics. There is a huge body of
literature devoted to the welfare effects of regulations, institutions,
policies, and the like. Surprisingly, there are hardly any welfare
analyses in the professional team sports industry. We believe that the
lack of welfare analysis in professional team sports is caused by the
confusion created by the so-called uncertainty of outcome hypothesis
(Rottenberg 1956; Neale 1964). According to this hypothesis, fans prefer
to attend games with an uncertain outcome and enjoy close championship
races. The uncertainty of outcome hypothesis describes one of the unique
economic characteristics of the team sports industry. Unlike Toyota,
Microsoft, and Wal-Mart, which benefit from weak competitors in their
respective industries, Real Madrid and the New York Yankees need strong
competitors to maximize their revenues. In sports, a weak team produces
a negative externality on its stronger competitors.
Based on the uncertainty of outcome hypothesis, professional team
sports leagues have introduced a variety of measures to increase
competitive balance. Two of the most prominent measures are reserve
clauses (1) and revenue-sharing arrangements. Whether these measures
actually increase competitive balance is the most disputed question in
the sports economics literature. According to Rottenberg's
invariance proposition, (2) the distribution of playing talent between
clubs in professional sports leagues does not depend on the allocation
of property rights to players' services. In particular, changes in
property rights, such as the introduction of a reserve clause, will not
alter the allocation of players and therefore have no impact on
competitive balance. Quirk and El-Hodiri (1974), Fort and Quirk (1995),
and Vrooman (1995) extended this invariance proposition to gate revenue
sharing. Invariance propositions provide economists with tough
challenges, both theoretically and empirically. Theoretically, it is
important to identify the exact assumptions under which such
propositions hold. The empirical challenge is to show whether these
assumptions actually hold and lead to the predicted results. So far, the
empirical challenge has proved to be too tough because apart from the
problems of measuring competitive balance, it has been impossible to
isolate the effect of single measures such as revenue sharing or free
agency on competitive balance.
A number of authors have taken on the theoretical challenge. Their
analysis can be grouped along two dimensions of assumptions: profit
maximization versus win maximization and fixed versus flexible supply of
talent. Along the first dimension, club owners may be modeled either as
profit maximizers or win maximizers. Profit maximizers do not care about
winning percentages unless they affect profits. Win maximizers invest as
much as they can into playing talent and are only constrained by zero
profit. The second dimension concerns the elasticity of talent supply.
Under the assumption of fixed supply, aggregate talent within the league
is constant, and the race for talent is a zero-sum game between owners.
Under flexible supply, owners can hire as much talent as they want at a
constant (exogenous) wage rate. According to this categorization, the
invariance proposition with regard to revenue sharing is derived under
the assumptions of profit maximization and fixed supply. There is wide
agreement that the invariance proposition does not hold in leagues with
either win-maximizing owners or flexible talent supply (see, e.g.,
Atkinson, Stanley, and Tschirhart 1988; Kesenne 2000, 2005; Vrooman
2008). There is disagreement, however, on whether the invariance
proposition holds in a league with profit-maximizing owners and fixed
talent supply. Szymanski and Kesenne (2004) argue that increased gate
revenue sharing results in a more uneven distribution of talent between
large- and small-market clubs. This result contradicts the invariance
proposition with respect to gate revenue sharing.
Where does this disagreement come from? Obviously, Szymanski and
Kesenne work from the same assumptions as do Quirk and El-Hodiri and
others. The root of the disagreement is in the underlying model
conjectures. As Szymanski (2004) has shown, the assumption of fixed
talent supply is often used to justify Walrasian fixed-supply
conjectures instead of contest-Nash conjectures. Under Walrasian
fixed-supply conjectures, the quantity of talent hired by at least one
club owner is determined by the choices of all the other club owners. In
a two-club league, the Walrasian fixed-supply conjecture collapses the
non-cooperative choice of talents into a choice of winning percentages
by only one club owner. Under the Walrasian fixed-supply conjectures,
the "game" between profit-maximizing owners loses its
non-cooperative character and leads to results that are more in line
with joint profit maximization.
We believe that the invariance proposition and the related
literature on competitive balance miss the point by raising the wrong
question. In our view, it is much more important to analyze the welfare
effects of different assumptions and issues of league design, such as
club owner objectives and revenue sharing, than their effect on
competitive balance. An exclusive focus on competitive balance would
only be justified if the uncertainty of outcome hypothesis completely
holds. If, on the other hand, social welfare does not monotonically
increase as competitive balance increases, an exclusive focus on the
effects of different assumptions and measures on competitive balance
will result in inefficient policy conclusions.
There is strong evidence that competitive balance is not a good
proxy for social welfare. Theoretically, a fully competitive league does
not maximize social welfare if clubs differ with respect to market size.
Large-market clubs have, on average, higher marginal revenues of wins
than do small-market clubs. As a result, league revenues (and profits)
are maximized when the large-market clubs have higher winning
percentages than do their small-market rivals. Empirical evidence
supports the assumption that match attendance is maximized when the home
team's winning probability is about twice as large as that of the
visiting team (e.g., Forrest and Simmons 2002; for an overview, see
Borland and Macdonald 2003).
Given this evidence, we present a model that analyzes the welfare
effects of heterogeneous club objectives. So far, most models have
assumed that leagues were homogeneous in the sense that all clubs
maximize identical objective functions.
Traditionally, these objectives were either profit maximization or
win maximization. Exceptions are Rascher (1997) and Vrooman (1997,
2000), who introduced a league in which owners maximize a combination of
profits and wins. This objective function is more general than are the
traditional assumptions because it allows club owners to trade off
profits for wins. Even with this more general objective function,
however, the league is still modeled as homogeneous because all the club
owners maximize identical objective functions.
Our major contribution in this respect is the introduction of
heterogeneous objective functions. This extension allows us to compare
mixed leagues in which club owners maximize different objective
functions with homogeneous leagues in which all the club owners maximize
identical objective functions. Mixed leagues have not yet been modeled
in sports economics despite the fact that most major leagues are mixed
leagues. For example, the most valuable team in 2008, according to
Forbes, Manchester United, is fully owned by the Glazer family and may
be regarded as a profit-maximizing club. In the prestigious Union of
European Football Associations (UEFA) Champions League, Manchester
United competes against clubs such as Real Madrid, F.C. Internazionale
Milano, and F.C. Barcelona. Since these clubs are organized as
(not-for-profit) members associations, they should be characterized as
win-maximizing clubs.
Second, and most importantly, we explicitly integrate the consumer
(fan) into our analysis in order to compare social welfare in
homogeneous and mixed leagues. We derive club-specific demand and
revenue from a general fan utility function by assuming that a
fan's willingness to pay depends on fan type, on the preferred
team's winning percentage, and on competitive balance.
Using this approach, we are able to extend the literature by
providing an integrated framework to analyze welfare effects. In
particular, we show that homogeneous leagues in which all clubs are
profit maximizers dominate all other leagues; whereas, mixed leagues in
which small-market clubs are profit maximizers and large-market clubs
are win maximizers (type-I mixed leagues) are dominated by all other
leagues. In addition, we show that, from a welfare perspective,
large-market clubs win too often in (purely) win-maximizing and type-I
mixed leagues; whereas, small-market clubs win too many games in
(purely) profit-maximizing leagues and in mixed leagues in which the
large-market clubs are profit maximizers and the small-market clubs are
win maximizers (type-II mixed leagues).
These results have important policy implications. For example, they
show that---contrary to prevailing claims--social welfare would increase
if clubs were reorganized from win-maximizing, non-profit members
associations to profit-maximizing (public or private) corporations.
Moreover, it is socially desirable to reorganize large-market clubs
first because in mixed leagues it is better if the large-market clubs
maximize profits instead of the small-market clubs. Furthermore, the
efficiency of measures that increase the competitiveness of small-market
clubs depends on the league type. If the large-market clubs are profit
maximizers, for example, small-market clubs should win fewer rather than
more games.
Finally, we derive new insights regarding the invariance
proposition. Most importantly, the invariance proposition with respect
to revenue sharing does not hold in any league. Revenue sharing affects
both competitive balance and social welfare. In profit-maximizing
leagues, revenue sharing decreases competetive balance, and in
win-maximizing leagues, it increases competitive balance. In both cases,
the effect on social welfare is positive because profit-maximizing
leagues have too much and win-maximizing leagues too little competitive
balance without revenue sharing. In mixed leagues, on the other hand,
revenue-sharing arrangements decrease competitive balance and social
welfare. These results also have important policy implications because
they show how the effect of revenue sharing differs with respect to the
league type. Homogeneous leagues should introduce revenue sharing; mixed
leagues should not.
The remainder of the article is organized as follows. In the next
section, we present the model framework and derive fan demand, club
revenues, profits, and social welfare. In section 3, we consider
homogeneous leagues in which all club owners are profit maximizers or
win maximizers. In section 4, we consider mixed leagues and
differentiate two cases: (i) large-market clubs are win maximizers and
small-market clubs are profit maximizers and (ii) vice versa. Section 5
presents the welfare analysis, where we compare the different types of
league with respect to competitive balance and social welfare. In
section 6, we analyze the effect of revenue sharing on competitive
balance and social welfare in mixed leagues. Finally, section 7
summarizes the main results and their policy implications.
2. Model
We model a two-club league where both clubs participate in a
non-cooperative game and invest independently a certain amount in
playing talent. Each club i = 1, 2 generates its own revenues, denoted
by [R.sub.i], according to a fan demand function depending on the match
quality. We assume that there are two types of club: a large-market club
with a high drawing potential and a small-market club with a low drawing
potential. Talent investments, denoted by [x.sub.i] for club i,
determine the match quality and therefore, through fan demand, the
revenue of both clubs.
Fan Demand, Club Revenues, and Profits
Fan demand for a match with quality [q.sub.i] is derived as
follows. (3) We assume a continuum of fans who differ in their
willingness to pay for a match between club i and club j with quality
[q.sub.i]. Every fan k has a certain preference for match quality that
is measured by [[theta].sub.k]. For simplicity, we assume that these
preferences are uniformly distributed in [0, 1]; that is, the measure of
potential fans is 1. Furthermore, we assume a constant marginal utility
of quality and define the net utility of fan [[theta].sub.k] as
max{[[theta].sub.k][q.sub.i] - [p.sub.i], 0}. At price [p.sub.i], the
fan who is indifferent to the consumption of the product is given by
[[theta].sup.*] = [p.sub.i]/[q.sub.i]. (4) Hence, the measure of fans
who purchase at [p.sub.i] is derived as 1 - [[theta].sup.*] = ([q.sub.i]
- [p.sub.i])/[q.sub.i]. The fan demand function of club i = 1, 2 is
therefore given by (5)
d([m.sub.i], [p.sub.i], [q.sub.i]) := [m.sub.i]
[q.sub.i]-[p.sub.i]/[q.sub.i] = [m.sub.i] (1 - [p.sub.i]/[q.sub.i]),
where [m.sub.i][member of][R.sup.+] represents the market size
parameter of club i. We assume that clubs are heterogeneous with respect
to their market size or drawing potential. Without loss of generality,
we assume throughout this article that club 1 is the large-market club
with a high drawing potential and club 2 is the small-market club with a
low drawing potential; that is, [m.sub.1] > [m.sub.2]. As a
consequence, the large club generates higher demand for a given set of
parameters ([p.sub.i], [q.sub.i]) than does the small club. Since we
consider a two-club league, we can normalize one market size parameter
to unity such that [m.sub.1] := m and [m.sub.2] := 1. We assume m
[member of] ([], [bar.m]) with [] := 1 and [bar.m] := 2. (6)
By normalizing all other costs (e.g., stadium and broadcasting
costs) to zero, we see that club i's revenue is simply [R.sub.i] =
[p.sub.i] x d([m.sub.i], [p.sub.i], [q.sub.i]). Then, the club will
choose the profit-maximizing price [p.sup.*.sub.i]=[q.sub.i]/2. (7)
Given this profit-maximizing price, club i's revenue depends solely
on the quality of the match and is derived as
[R.sub.i] = [m.sub.i]/4 [q.sub.i]. (1)
Following Dietl and Lang (2008), we assume that match quality
[q.sub.i] depends on two factors: the probability of club i's
success and the uncertainty of outcome. Furthermore, we assume that both
factors enter the quality function as a linear combination with equal
weights; that is, quality = probability of success + uncertainty of
outcome. (8)
We measure the probability of club i's success by the win
percentage [w.sub.i] of this club. The win percentage is characterized
by the contest-success function (CSF), which maps the vector ([x.sub.1],
[x.sub.2]) of talent investment into probabilities for each club. We
apply the logit approach, which is the most widely used functional form
of a CSF in sporting contests. (9) The win percentage of club i = 1, 2
in this imperfectly discriminating contest is then given by
[w.sub.i]([x.sub.i], [x.sub.j]) = [x.sub.i]/[x.sub.i] + [x.sub.j],
with i, j = 1, 2, i [not equal to] j. Given that the win
percentages must sum up to unity, we obtain the adding-up constraint:
[w.sub.j] = 1 - [w.sub.i]. In our model, we adopt the contest-Nash
conjectures [partial derivative][x.sub.i]/[partial derivative][x.sub.j]
= 0 and compute the derivative of Equation 2 as [partial
derivative][w.sub.i]/[partial derivative][x.sub.j] =
[x.sub.j]/[([x.sub.i] + [x.sub.j]).sup.2]. (10) The uncertainty of
outcome is measured by the competitive balance in the league. Following
Szymanski (2003), Dietl and Lang (2008), and Vrooman (2008), we specify
competitive balance by the product of the winning percentages
with i, j = 1, 2, i [not equal to] j. Note that competitive balance
CB(x) attains its maximum of 1/4 for a completely balanced league in
which both clubs invest the same amount in talent such that [w.sub.1] =
[w.sub.2] = 1/2. A less balanced league is then characterized by a lower
value of CB(x).
With the specification of the win percentage given by Equation 2
and competitive balance given by Equation 3, the quality function is
derived as
with i, j = 1, 2, i [not equal to] j. Plugging Equation 4 into
Equation 1 and noting that [w.sub.j] = 1 - [w.sub.i], we derive the
revenue function of club i = 1, 2 as
with [m.sub.1] = m and [m.sub.2] = 1. This
"well-behaved," club-specific revenue function is consistent
with the revenue functions used, for example, in Hoehn and Szymanski
(1999), Szymanski (2003), Szymanski and Kesenne (2004), Kesenne (2006,
2007), and Vrooman (2007, 2008). However, in contrast to the articles
quoted, we have derived our revenue function from consumer preferences
and thus are able to perform a welfare analysis. (11) The cost function
of club i = 1, 2 is given by C([x.sub.i]) = c[x.sub.i], where c is the
marginal unit cost of talent. (12)
The profit function of club i = 1, 2 is then given by
with i, j = 1,2, i [not equal to] j and [m.sub.1] = m, [m.sub.2] =
Social Welfare
Social welfare is given by the sum of aggregate consumer (fan)
surplus, aggregate club profit, and aggregate player salaries. Aggregate
consumer surplus is computed by summing up the consumer surplus from
fans of club 1 and club 2. The consumer surplus [CS.sub.i] from fans of
club i = 1, 2 in turn corresponds to the integral of the demand function
d([m.sub.i], [p.sub.i], [q.sub.i]) from the equilibrium price [p.sup.*]
= q/2 to the maximal price [[bar.p].sub.i] = [q.sub.i] that fans are
willing to pay for quality [q.sub.i]
with [m.sub.1] = m and [m.sub.2] = 1. By assuming that the
players' utility corresponds to their salary, the total
players' utility is given by the aggregate salary payments PS =
c[x.sub.1] + c[x.sub.2] in the league. Addition of the aggregate
consumer surplus, aggregate club profit, and aggregate salary payments
produces social welfare as
W([x.sub.1], [x.sub.2]) = 3/8 [m[q.sub.1] ([x.sub.1], [x.sub.2]) +
[q.sub.2] ([x.sub.1], [x.sub.2])]. (6)
Note that salary payments do not directly influence social welfare
because salaries merely represent a transfer from clubs to players. As a
consequence, social welfare depends only on the quality of the league.
In the proposition that follows we derive the welfare-maximizing
win percentages.
Proposition 1. Social welfare is maximized for the following win
([w.sup.*.sub.1], [w.sup.*.sub.2]) = (m/m + 1, 1/m + 1). (7)
Proof. See the Appendix.
The proposition shows that a certain degree of imbalance is
socially desirable. More precisely, from a welfare point of view, it is
desirable that the large club wins more often than does the small club,
since [w.sup.*.sub.1] > [w.sup.*.sub.2], with m > 1. From Equation
7, we compute the welfare optimal level of competitive balance as
[CB.sup.*] = m/[(m + 1).sup.2].
Note that the welfare optimal level of competitive balance
decreases in the market size parameter m; that is, [partial
derivative][CB.sup.*]/[partial derivative]m < 0. As a consequence,
the higher the asymmetry between the two clubs in terms of market size,
the higher the welfare optimal degree of imbalance in the league. In
other words, the league should be more imbalanced with the large club
winning more often than the small club, the bigger the difference
between the clubs.
3. Homogeneous Leagues
In this section, we first consider a homogeneous league consisting
of two clubs with pure profit-maximizing team owners (the so-called PM
league) and then a league with pure win-percentage-maximizing team
owners (the so-called WM league). In the subsequent section, we consider
a mixed league in which one team owner maximizes club profits and one
team owner maximizes the club's win percentage (we call such
leagues a "type-I" and a "type-II" mixed league,
Profit-Maximizing Clubs
We assume that both clubs are profit maximizers. The maximization
problem of club i = 1, 2 is therefore given by [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION
NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]. The corresponding first-order conditions
yield (13)
The equilibrium talent investments in a homogeneous league with
pure profit-maximizing clubs are then computed as
Using Equations 2 and 9, we derive the following equilibrium win
percentages in a PM league:
We derive [x.sup.PM.sub.1]/[x.sup.PM.sub.2] = [square root of
m]> 1 [for all]m [member of] ([], [bar.m]). Thus, in
equilibrium, the large club invests more in playing talent than does the
small club because the marginal revenue of talent investments is higher
for the club with the larger market size. Moreover, a bigger difference
between the two clubs in terms of market size induces both clubs to
increase their investment level in equilibrium, that is, [partial
derivative][x.sup.PM.sub.i]/[partial derivative]m > 0 for i = 1, 2.
The large club, however, increases its investments in playing talent
more than does the small club; that is, [partial
derivative][x.sup.PM.sub.i]/[partial derivative]m > [partial
derivative][x.sup.PM.sub.2]/[partial derivative]m. It follows that
competitive balance [CB.sup.PM] = [w.sup.PM.sub.1] x [w.sup.PM.sub.2]
decreases in the market size parameter m; that is, [partial
derivative][CB.sup.PM/[partial derivative]m < 0.
Social welfare is computed in the next lemma.
LEMMA 1. Social welfare in a PM league is given by [W.sup.PM] =
(3/8)(m[q.sup.PM.sub.1] + [q.sup.PM.sub.2]), with [q.sup.PM.sub.1] = 1 -
1/[(1+[square root of m]).sup.2] and [q.sup.PM.sub.2] = (1 + 2[square
root of m])/[(1 + [square root of m]).sup.2].
Proof. See the Appendix.
Win-Maximizing Clubs
In this section, both clubs are assumed to be win maximizers. Each
club chooses independently a level of talent in order to maximize the
level of own talents subject to its budget constraint. (14) The
maximization problem of club i = 1, 2 is then given by [MATHEMATICAL
EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] subject to c[x.sub.i] [less than
or equal to] [R.sub.i]([x.sub.i], [x.sub.j]). The first-order conditions
for this maximization problem yield
where [[lambda].sub.i] is the Lagrange multiplier for club i = 1,
2. It follows that each club will spend all its revenue on playing
talent such that the optimality conditions for this maximization problem
are reduced to
m([x.sub.1] + 2[x.sub.2])/4[([x.sub.1] + [x.sub.2]).sup.2] = c (for
club l) and 2[x.sub.1] + [x.sub.2]/4[([x.sub.1] + [x.sub.2]).sup.2] = c
(for club 2). (10)
The equilibrium talent investments in a homogeneous league with
pure win-maximizing clubs are computed from Equation 10 as
([x.sup.WM.sub.1], [x.sup.WM.sub.2]) = (3m(2m - 1)/4c[(m +
1).sup.2], 3m(2 - m)/4c[(m + 1).sup.2]). (11)
In order to guarantee positive equilibrium investments, the
difference between the two clubs in terms of market size must not be too
large. Formally, the market size parameter m of club 1 has to be bounded
from above such that m [member of] ([], [bar.m]) = (1, 2). (15)
Using Equations 2 and 11, we derive the following equilibrium win
percentages in a WM league:
([w.sup.WM.sub.1], [w.sup.WM.sub.2]) ] (2m - 1/m + 1, 2 - m/m + 1).
We derive
[x.sub.1.sup.WM]/[x.sub.2.sup.WM] = 2m - 1/2 - m > 1 [for all] m
[member of] ([], [bar.m]).
Thus, in equilibrium, the large club always invests more in playing
talent than does the small club. By comparing the equilibrium
investments in a WM league with the corresponding investments in a PM
league, we deduce that a large club in a WM league always invests more
than does the same large club in a PM league. The opposite is true for a
small club, but only if the market size parameter is sufficiently large;
that is, [x.sup.PM.sub.1] < [x.sup.WM.sub.1] [for all] m [member of]
([], [bar.m]) and [x.sup.PM.sub.2] > [x.sup.WM.sub.2] [??] m
[??] 1.61. In a WM league, however, the large (small) club always has a
higher (lower) win percentage in equilibrium than has the same large
(small) club in a PM league independent of the market size, that is,
[w.sup.WM.sub.1] > [w.sup.PM.sub.1] and [w.sup.WM.sub.2] >
[w.sup.PM.sub.2] [for all]m [member of] ([], [bar.m]).
Moreover, in a WM league, a bigger difference between the two clubs
in terms of market size induces the large club to increase its
investment level and the small club to decrease its investment level in
equilibrium; that is, [partial derivative][x.sup.WM.sub.1]/[partial
derivative]m > 0 and [partial derivative][x.sup.WM.sub.2]/[partial
derivative]m < 0. (16) The result of a
bigger difference between the clubs is, similar to a PM league, a
decrease of competitive balance [CB.sup.WM] = [w.sup.WM.sub.1] x
[w.sup.WM.sub.2] in the WM league; that is, [partial
derivative][CB.sup.WM]/[partial derivative]m < 0.
Social welfare is computed in the next lemma. (17)
LEMMA 2. Social welfare in a WM league is given by [W.sup.WM] =
(3/8)(m[q.sup.WM.sub.1] + [q.sup.WM.sub.2]) with [MATHEMATICAL
Proof. See the Appendix.
4. Mixed Leagues
In this section, we model a league in which clubs are heterogeneous
with respect to their objective function. We differentiate two types of
so-called mixed leagues. A type-I mixed league is a league where the
large-market club is a win maximizer and the small-market club a profit
maximizer. A type-II mixed league is, analogously, a league where the
large-market club is a profit maximizer and the small-market club is a
win maximizer.
Type-I Mixed League
We assume that the large club 1 is a win maximizer and the small
club 2 is a profit maximizer. The maximization problem for club 1 is
c[x.sub.1] [less than or equal to] [R.sub.1]([x.sub.1], [x.sub.2]), and
The first-order conditions for this problem are similar to the
homogeneous league cases above. Consider Equation 10 for the large,
win-maximizing club 1 and Equation 8 for the small, profit-maximizing
club 2. Simple algebra and rearrangements of the first-order conditions
yield the following equilibrium talent investments in a type-I mixed
league: (18)
Using Equations 2 and 12, we derive the following equilibrium win
percentages in a type-I mixed league:
The relationship between the equilibrium investments is given by
Thus, a large, win-maximizing club invests more in talents than
does a small, profit-maximizing club independent of their market size.
This result is intuitive since both the larger market size and the
win-maximizing behavior induce club 1 to invest more than club 2.
Similar to a WM league, equilibrium investments of the large,
win-maximizing (small, profit-maximizing) club increase (decrease)in the
IN ASCII]. As a consequence, competitive balance [CB.sup.TypeI.sub.1] =
[w.sup.TypeI.sub.1] x [w.sup.TypeI.sub.2] decreases in the market size
parameter m; that is, [partial derivative][CB.sup.TypeI]/[partial
derivative]m < 0.
Social welfare is computed in the next lemma. (19)
LEMMA 3. Social welfare in a type-I mixed league is given by
[W.sup.TypeI] = (3/8)(m[q.sup.Type.sub.1] + [q.sup.TypeI.sub.2]), with
Proof. See the Appendix.
Type-II Mixed League
In this last case, we assume that the large club 1 is a profit
maximizer and the small club 2 a win maximizer. The maximization problem
ASCII], and for club 2 it is given by [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII] subject to c[x.sub.2] [less than or equal to]
[R.sub.2]([x.sub.1], [x.sub.2]).
For the first-order conditions, consider Equation 8 for club 1 and
Equation 10 for club 2. The equilibrium investments are then computed as
Using Equations 2 and 13, we derive the following equilibrium win
percentages in a type-II mixed league:
The relationship between the equilibrium investments is given by
Thus, in a type-II mixed league, a small, win-maximizing club
invests more in playing talent than does a large, profit-maximizing club
independent of their market size. We derive the following corollary:
COROLLARY 1. In a mixed league in which clubs differ with respect
to their objective function, the win-maximizing club always invests more
than does the profit-maximizing club independent of the market size.
The fact that the large, profit-maximizing club invests less than
does the small, win-maximizing club shows that the clubs' objective
functions have a stronger influence on the investment behavior than does
the market size. In particular, in a type-II mixed league, the
win-maximizing behavior of club 2 overcompensates for the positive
effect on talent investments of club l's larger market size.
Increasing the market size m in a type-II mixed league induces the
large, profit-maximizing club to increase and the small, win-maximizing
club to decrease their investment level in equilibrium, with
increases in the market size parameter m; that is, [partial
derivative][CB.sup.TypeII]/[partial derivative], > 0.
Social welfare is computed in the next lemma.
LEMMA 4. Social welfare in a type-II mixed league is given by
[W.sup.TypeII] = (3/8) (m[q.sup.TypeII.sub.1] + [q.sup.TypeII.sub.2]),
Proof. See the Appendix.
5. Welfare Analysis
In this section, we analyze how the clubs' objective functions
influence social welfare. However, before proceeding with the welfare
analysis, we provide a comparison between the leagues with respect to
competitive balance.
Proposition 2.
(a) The PM league dominates all other leagues with respect to
competitive balance.
(b) The type-I mixed league is dominated by all other leagues with
respect to competitive balance.
(c) The type-II mixed league dominates the WM league with respect
to competitive balance if the market size of the large club is
sufficiently large.
Proof. See the Appendix.
The proposition shows that a league with two profit-maximizing
clubs is the most balanced league; that is, [CB.sup.PM] >
[CB.sup.[mu]] for[mu] [member of] {WM, TypeI, TypeII}; whereas, a mixed
league in which the large club is a win maximizer and the small club a
profit maximizer proves to be the least balanced league; that is,
[CB.sup.TypeI] < [CB.sup.[mu]] for [mu] [member of] {PM, WM, TypeII}.
The homogeneous win-maximizing league and the type-II mixed league are
somewhere in between, depending on the market size parameter. Moreover,
if the difference between the large club and the small club is
sufficiently large, then the type-II mixed league is more balanced than
is the WM league; that is, [CB.sup.TypeII] > [CB.sup.WM] [??] m >
[m.sup.CB] [approximately equal to] 1.31. (20)
Together with the results from sections 3 and 4, we derive from
Proposition 2 that, in a type-II mixed league, the small (large) club
always has a higher (lower) win percentage in equilibrium than does the
large (small) club in a PM league independent of the market size; that
is, [w.sup.TypeII.sub.2] > [w.sup.PM.sub.1] > 1/2 and
[w.sup.TypeII.sub.1] > [w.sup.PM.sub.2] < 1/2 [for all]m [member
of] ([], [bar.m]). The opposite is true with respect to a type-I
mixed league: The small (large) club in a type-II mixed league always
has a lower (higher) win percentage in equilibrium than has the large
(small) club in a type-I mixed league independent of the market size;
that is, 1/2 < [w.sup.TypeII.sub.2] < [w.sup.TypeII.sub.1] and 1/2
> [w.sup.TypeII.sub.1] > [w.sup.TypeII.sub.2] [for all]m [member
of] ([], [bar.m]). The relationship between the win percentages in
a type-II mixed league and a WM league, however, are dependent on the
market size parameter. Formally [w.sup.TypeII.sub.2] <
[w.sup.WM.sub.1] and [w.sup.TypeII.sub.1] > [w.sup.PM.sub.2] if and
only if m > [m.sup.CB]. These results are depicted in Figure 1.
We now start our welfare analysis and first compare the
welfare-maximizing win percentages ([w.sup.*.sub.1], [w.sup.*.sub.2])
and the respective equilibrium win percentages in the different leagues.
The following results can be deduced:
Proposition 3. From a welfare point of view, the small (large) club
wins too often and the large (small) club does not win often enough in
the PM league and the type-II mixed league (in the WM league and the
type-I mixed league).
Proof. See the Appendix.
The proposition shows that the degree of competitive balance is too
high, and a more unbalanced league is socially desirable in pure
profit-maximizing leagues. A decrease in the win percentage of the small
club and an increase in the win percentage of the large club would thus
result in higher social welfare. (21)
The opposite is true in pure win-maximizing leagues and type-I
mixed leagues: The degree of competitive balance is too low, and a more
balanced league is socially desirable. The large club wins too often,
and the small club does not win often enough. An increase in the win
percentage of the small club and a decrease in the win percentage of the
large club would thus result in higher social welfare in a WM league and
a type-I mixed league.
In mixed leagues in which the large club is a profit maximizer and
the small club is a win maximizer (type-II mixed leagues), the degree of
competitive balance is also too low from a welfare perspective. The
difference from the WM league and the type-I mixed league is, however,
that the small club wins too often and the large club does not win often
enough. (22) A decrease in the win percentage of the small club and an
increase in the win percentage of the large club would result in higher
social welfare in a type-II mixed league.
How do the different leagues compare to each other with respect to
social welfare? More precisely, which league approximates the
welfare-maximizing win percentages from Proposition 1 in the best way?
Similar to Proposition 2, a unique ordering between the leagues
regarding social welfare does not exist. However, we can derive the
following results:
(a) The PM league dominates all other leagues with respect to
social welfare.
(b) The type-I mixed league is dominated by all other leagues with
respect to social welfare.
(c) The type-II mixed league dominates the WM league with respect
to social welfare if the market size of the large club is sufficiently
PROOF. See the Appendix.
A homogeneous league in which both clubs are profit maximizers (PM
league) generates the highest level of social welfare; that is,
[W.sup.PM] > [W.sup.[mu]] for [mu] [member of] {TypeI, TypeII, WM}.
The PM league is the welfare-dominating league not because it is the
most balanced league but because the equilibrium win percentages
([w.sup.PM.sub.1], [w.sup.PM.sub.2]) and competitive balance [CB.sup.PM]
in the PM league approximate the welfare-maximizing win percentages
([w.sup.*.sub.1], [w.sup.*.sub.2]) and competitive balance CB* in the
best way.
On the other hand, a mixed league in which the small club is a
profit maximizer and the large club is a win maximizer (type-I mixed
league) generates the lowest level of social welfare; that is,
[W.sup.TypeI] < [W.sup.[mu]] for [mu] [member of] {TypeII, PM, WM}.
In this league the equilibrium win percentages ([w.sup.TypeI.sub.1],
[w.sup.TypeI.sub.2]) and competitive balance [CB.sup.TypeI] are furthest
away from the corresponding welfare optimal win percentages and
competitive balance. (23) The mixed league in which the large club is a
profit maximizer and the small club is a win maximizer (type-II mixed
league) and the homogeneous league in which both clubs are win
maximizers (WM league) are somewhere in between, depending on the market
size parameter. More precisely, social welfare is higher in the type-II
mixed league than in the WM league if the difference between the clubs
in terms of market size is sufficiently large; that is, [W.sup.TypeII]
> [W.sup.WM] [??] m > [m.sup.W] [approximately equal to] 1.72.
6. Revenue Sharing
In this section, we analyze the welfare effect of revenue sharing.
In our model, the share of revenues that is assigned to the home team is
given by the parameter [alpha] [member of] [1/2, 1], while (1 - [alpha])
is assumed to be the share of revenues received by the away team. The
after-sharing revenues of club i, denoted by [R.sup.*.sub.i], are then
given by [R.sup.*.sub.i] = [alpha][R.sub.i] + (1 - [alpha]) [R.sub.j],
with [alpha] [member of] [1/2, 1] and i, j = 1, 2, i [not equal to] j.
The impact of revenue sharing on competitive balance is stated in the
following proposition: (24)
(a) Revenue sharing decreases competitive balance in a homogeneous
league with profit-maximizing clubs; whereas, it increases competitive
balance in a homogeneous league with win-maximizing clubs.
(b) Revenue sharing decreases competitive balance in mixed leagues
where clubs differ with respect to their objective function.
PROOF. See the Appendix.
ad (a) The effect of revenue sharing on competitive balance in
homogeneous leagues has been extensively analyzed in the literature. In
a league with two profit-maximizing clubs, revenue sharing reduces the
incentive to invest in playing talent for both clubs. This so-called
dulling effect of revenue sharing, however, is stronger for the small
club than for the large club. (25) As a consequence, the small club will
reduce its investment level more than will the large club. Since the
large club dominates the small club in terms of talent, a higher degree
of revenue sharing produces a more unbalanced league and thus decreases
competitive balance. (26)
However, in a league with two win-maximizing clubs, any
revenue-sharing arrangement that transfers revenues from the large to
the small club induces the small club to increase and the large club to
decrease its talent investments. As a consequence, revenue sharing
improves competitive balance by assuming again that the large club is
the dominant team in terms of talent. (27)
ad (b) In mixed leagues where clubs differ with respect to their
objective function, revenue sharing has, similar to the PM league, a
dulling effect on the investment incentives. Both types of club reduce
their investments in playing talent through a higher degree of revenue
sharing. The profit-maximizing club, however, will reduce its
investments more than will the win-maximizing club (see Table A1).
Since, in both types of mixed leagues, the profit-maximizing club always
invests less than does the win-maximizing club independent of the market
size (see Corollary 1), a higher degree of revenue sharing decreases
competitive balance and produces a more unbalanced league.
The welfare implications of these results are stated in the
following corollary.
COROLLARY 2. Revenue sharing increases social welfare in
homogeneous leagues; whereas, it decreases social welfare in mixed
leagues where clubs differ with respect to their objective function.
The first part of the corollary shows that revenue sharing is
beneficial to social welfare in both types of homogeneous league. The
mechanism behind this result, however, differs between the leagues.
According to Proposition 3, in a PM league (WM league), the small
(large) club wins too often and the large (small) club does not win
often enough from a welfare point of view. In other words, the degree of
competitive balance in a league with profit-maximizing (win-maximizing)
clubs is too high (low). Since revenue sharing decreases (increases)
competitive balance in a PM league (WM league), it will increase social
welfare in both homogeneous leagues.
In contrast, the second part of the corollary states that revenue
sharing is detrimental to social welfare in mixed leagues where clubs
have different objective functions. The intuition is as follows: We know
from Proposition 3 that, from a welfare perspective, in both types of
mixed leagues, the profit-maximizing club does not win often enough and
the win-maximizing club wins too often (independent of the market size).
In a type-II mixed league, the small, win-maximizing club invests more
than does the large, profit-maximizing club. Revenue sharing decreases
competitive balance by inducing the profit-maximizing club to decrease
its investments more than does the small, win-maximizing club. As a
result, both clubs depart from the welfare-maximizing win percentages,
and social welfare declines. For a type-I mixed league, the reasoning is
the same except for the fact that the win-maximizing club is the large
club that already invests more than does the small, profit-maximizing
7. Summary and Policy Implications
In this article, we develop a contest model of a team sports league
to compare social welfare in homogeneous leagues in which all clubs
maximize identical objective functions and mixed leagues in which clubs
maximize different objective functions. Starting from a general fan
utility function, we provide an integrated framework to analyze welfare
In particular, we show that a unique ordering regarding social
welfare does not exist: Leagues in which all clubs are profit maximizers
dominate all other leagues; whereas, mixed leagues in which small-market
clubs are profit maximizers and large-market clubs are win maximizers
(type-I mixed leagues) are dominated by all other leagues. Mixed leagues
in which the large-market clubs are profit maximizers and the
small-market clubs are win maximizers (type-II mixed leagues) dominate a
homogeneous league of win-maximizing clubs if the market size of the
large-market clubs is sufficiently large.
In addition, we show that, from a welfare perspective, small-market
clubs win too many games in (purely) profit-maximizing and type-II mixed
leagues; whereas, the large-market clubs win too often in (purely)
win-maximizing and type-I mixed leagues. These results show that social
welfare would increase if clubs were reorganized from non-profit members
associations to profit-maximizing corporations. Some leagues, however,
still try to prevent the transformation of professional sports clubs
from not-for-profit members associations to profit-maximizing public or
private corporations. A typical example is the German Soccer League
(DFL). The DFL allows its clubs to hive off their professional football
units by forming a public or private corporation under the provision
that 50% of the voting rights plus one voting right will remain with the
members association. This 50 + 1 rule practically prevents the clubs
from changing their overall objective from win maximization to profit
maximization. The major rationale for the 50 + 1 rule was to ensure that
fans have a voice in their club's decision. Our results show that
fans may benefit from a reorganization of their clubs into public or
private corporations. If such a reorganization takes place, it is
socially desirable to reorganize large-market clubs first because in
mixed leagues it is better if the large-market clubs maximize profits
instead of the small-market clubs.
Furthermore, the efficiency of measures that increase the
competitiveness of small-market clubs depends on the league type. If the
large-market clubs are profit maximizers, for example, small-market
clubs should win fewer rather than more games. In such leagues, all
measures in favor of small-market clubs, such as transfer restrictions
and reverse-order drafts, can be dangerous because they may lead to a
decrease instead of an increase in social welfare.
Finally, we derive new insights regarding the invariance
proposition with respect to revenue sharing. In our model, the
invariance proposition with respect to revenue sharing does not hold in
any league. Revenue sharing affects both competitive balance and social
welfare. In pure profit-maximizing leagues, revenue sharing decreases
competitive balance, and in pure win-maximizing leagues, it increases
competitive balance. In both cases, the effect on social welfare is
positive because profit-maximizing leagues have too much competitive
balance and win-maximizing leagues too little competitive balance
without revenue sharing. In mixed leagues, on the other hand,
revenue-sharing arrangements decrease competitive balance by inducing
the profit-maximizing clubs, which already invest less, to decrease
their investments more than do the win-maximizing clubs. As a result,
social welfare decreases in both types of mixed league through the
introduction of revenue-sharing arrangements.
The current revenue-sharing arrangements differ widely among
professional leagues all over the world. In 1876, Major League Baseball
in the United States introduced a 50-50 split of gate receipts that was
reduced over time. Since 2003, all the clubs in the American League have
to put 34% of their locally generated revenue (gate, concession,
television, etc.) into a central pool, which is then divided equally
among clubs. The current revenue-sharing arrangement of the National
Football League (NFL) in the United States secures the visiting team 40%
of the gate receipts (revenues from luxury boxes, parking, and
concessions are excluded from this sharing arrangement). In the
Australian Football League, gate receipts were split evenly between the
home and the visiting team. This 50-50 split was finally abolished in
2000. In Europe, there is less gate revenue sharing. The soccer leagues
have adopted various forms of gate revenue sharing in their history. For
instance, in England, until the early 1980s, up to 20% of the gate
receipts were given to the visiting teams in league matches. Gate
revenue sharing, however, is quite common in most cup competitions with
a knockout system. Our model suggests that the welfare effect of these
revenue-sharing arrangements depends on the prevailing league type. In
homogeneous leagues, such as the NFL or DFL, revenue sharing may
increase social welfare. In mixed leagues, such as the UEFA Champions
League, the English Premier League, and many other leagues around the
world, revenue sharing may decrease social welfare.
PROOF OF PROPOSITION 1. Social welfare W = (3/8)([mq.sub.1] +
[q.sub.2]) = (3/8)[m(2[w.sub.1] - [w.sup.2.sub.1]) + 2[w.sub.2] -
[w.sup.2.sub.2]] can be expressed in terms of [w.sub.1] only. Note that
[q.sub.2] = 2[w.sub.2] - [w.sup.2.sub.2] = 2(1 - [w.sub.1]) - [(1 -
[w.sub.1]).sup.2] = 1 - [w.sup.2.sub.1]. By substitution, we compute W=
(3/8)[m(2[w.sub.1] -[w.sup.2.sub.1]) + (l - [w.sup.2.sub.1])].
Maximizing W with respect to [w.sub.1] yields the welfare optimal win
percentage [w.sup.*.sub.1], = m/(m + 1). Due to the adding-up
constraint, we derive [w.sup.*.sub.2] = 1 - [w.sup.*.sub.1] = 1/(m + 1).
This proves the proposition. QED.
PROOF OF LEMMA 1. Aggregate consumer surplus in a PM league is
given by [CS.sup.PM] = (1/8) ([mq.sup.PM.sub.1] + [q.sup.PM.sub.2]),
[q.sup.PM.sub.1] = 1 - 1/[(1 + [square root of m]).sup.2] and
[q.sup.PM.sub.2] = 1 + 2 [square root of m]/[(1 + [square root of
Addition of aggregate club profits and aggregate salary payments
yields aggregate club revenues, given by [R.sup.PM.sub.1] +
[R.sup.PM.sub.2] = (1/4) ([mq.sup.PM.sub.1] + [q.sup.PM.sub.2]). Recall
that salary payments do not directly influence social welfare because
salaries merely represent a transfer from clubs to players. By summing
up aggregate club revenues and aggregate consumer surplus, we derive
[W.sup.PM] = 3/8 ([mq.sup.PM.sub.1] + [q.sup.PM.sub.2]) = 3[1 +
[square root of m](2 + 2m + [m.sup.3/2])]/ 8[(1 + [square root of
PROOF or LEMMA 2. Similar to the PM league, we derive aggregate
consumer surplus in a WM league as [CS.sup.WM] = (1/8)([mq.sup.WM.sub.1]
+ [q.sup.WM.sub.2]), with
[q.sup.WM.sub.1] = 3(2m - 1)/[(1 + m).sup.2] and [q.sup.WM.sub.2] =
3(2 - m)m/[(1 + m).sup.2].
Aggregate club profits are zero because each club spends all its
revenue on playing talent; that is, [cx.sup.WM.sub.i] =
[R.sup.WM.sub.i]. As a consequence, aggregate salary payments are
derived as [cx.sup.WM.sub.1] + [cx.sup.WM.sub.2] = [R.sup.WM.sub.1] +
[R.sup.WM.sub.2] = (1/4)([mq.sup.WM.sub.1] + [q.sub.WM.sub.2]). By
summing up aggregate salary payments and aggregate consumer surplus, we
derive [W.sup.WM] = (3/8) ([mq.sup.WM.sub.1] + [q.sup.WM.sub.2]) =
9m/[8(1 + m)]. QED.
PROOF OF LEMMA 3. Similar to the PM and WM leagues, aggregate
consumer surplus in a type-I mixed league is given by [CS.sup.TypeI] =
(1/8) ([mq.sup.TypeI.sub.1] + [q.sup.TypeI.sub.2]), with
[q.sup.TypeI.sub.1] = [square root of (16+m) (4+m) - m(12 + m)/8
and [q.sup.TypeI.sub.2] = 8 - m[8 + m - [square root of m(16 + m)]/8
Note that club 1 spends all its revenue on playing talent; that is,
[cx.sup.TypeI.sub.1] = [R.sup.TypeI.sub.1] = (m/4) [q.sup.TypeI.sub.1],
such that it makes zero profits. By summing up club 2's profit and
salary payments, we derive club 2's revenue as [R.sup.TypeI.sub.2]
= (1/4) [q.sup.TypeI.sub.2]. Note again that salaries represent a
transfer from club 2 to its players. Addition of aggregate consumer
surplus [CS.sup.TypeI], club l's salary payments
(m/4)[q.sup.TypeI.sub.1], and club 2's revenue
(1/4)[q.sup.TypeI.sub.2] produces social welfare as
[W.sup.TypeI] = 3/8([mq.sup.TypeI.sub.1] + [q.sup.TypeI.sub.2]) =
3{8 - m[8 + m(13 + m) - [square root of m(16 + m)] + (5 + m)]}.
PROOF OF LEMMA 4. Similar to the proof for a type-I mixed league,
we derive social welfare in a type-II mixed league as
[W.sup.TypeII] = 3/8([mq.sup.TypeI.sub.1] + [q.sup.TypeI.sub.2]) =
3[[square root of 16m + 1] - 1 + m(8m(m - 1) + 5 [square root of 16m + 1
- 13)].
[q.sup.TypeII.sub.1] = 8m(m - 1) - 1 + [square root of 16m + 1] and
[q.sup.TypeII.sub.2] = [square root of 16m + 1](4m + 1) - (1 +
PROOF OF PROPOSITION 2. Competitive balance [CB.sup.[mu]](m) with
[mu] [member of] {PM, WM, TypeI TypeII}, as a function of the market
size parameter m, has the following properties:
(1) [CB.sup.[mu]](m), with [mu] [member of] {PM, WM, TypeI, TypeII}
is a well-defined and continuous function in ([], [bar.m]).
(2) [CB.sup.[mu]](m) is a strictly increasing function for [mu] =
TypeII and a strictly decreasing function for [mu] [member of] {PM, WM,
TypeI} in ([], [bar.m]).
(3) [CB.sup.PM](1) = [CB.sup.WM] (1) = (1/4) > [CB.sup.TypeI]
(1) = [CB.sup.TypeII] (1) = (1/8)(3, [square root of 17] - 11)
[approximately equal to] 0.17 and [CB.sup.PM] (2) = 3 [square root of 2]
- 4 [approximately equal to] 0.242 > [CB.sup.TypeII] (2) = (1/32)(5
[square root of 33] - 21) [approximately equal to] 0.241 >
[CB.sup.WM](2) = [CB.sup.TypeI](2) = 0.
(4) [??]m [member of] ([], [bar.m]) such that [CB.sup.PM](m) =
[CB.sup.[mu]](m), with [mu] [member of] {WM, TypeI, TypeII}.
(5) [??]m [member of] ([], [bar.m]) such that [CB.sup.WM](m) =
[CB.sup.[mu]] (m), with [mu] [member of] {PM, TypeI, TypeII}.
(6) [there exists]!m [member of] ([], [bar.m]) such that
[CB.sup.TypeII]([m.sup.CB]) = [CB.sup.WM]([m.sup.CB]), with [m.sup.CB]
[approximately equal to] 1.3128.
From properties 1-4, we derive that [CB.sup.PM](m) >
[CB.sup.[mu]](m) [for all]m [member of] ([], [bar.m]), with [mu]
[member of] {WM, TypeI, TypeII}. This proves claim (a).
From properties 1-3 and 5, we derive that [CB.sup.TypeI](m) <
[CB.sup.[mu]](m) [for all]m [member of] ([], [bar.m]), with [mu]
[member of] {PM, WM, TypeII}. This proves claim (b).
From properties 1-3 and 6, we derive that [CB.sup.TypeII](m) >
[CB.sup.WM](m) [??] m > [m.sup.CB] [approximately equal to] 1.3128.
This proves claim (c). QED.
(i) By comparing the welfare-maximizing win percentages
([w.sup.*.sub.1], [w.sup.*.sub.2]) = (m/m+1, 1/m+1)
with the equilibrium win percentages in the PM league
([w.sup.PM.sub.1], [w.sup.PM.sub.2]) = ([square root of m]/[square
root of m] + 1, 1/[square root of m] + 1)
and the type-If mixed league
([w.sup.TypeII.sub.1], [w.sup.TypeII.sub.2]) = (1 + 4m - [square
root of 16m + 1/ 4m, [square root of 16m + 1] - 1/4m),
we derive [w.sup.*.sub.1] > [w.sup.[mu].sub.1] and
[w.sup.*.sub.2] < [w.sup.[mu].sub.2] [for all]m [member of] ([],
[bar.m]), with [mu] [member of] {PM, TypeII}.
Thus, from a welfare point of view the small club wins too often
and the large club does not win often enough in both the PM league and
the type-II mixed league.
(ii) By comparing the welfare-maximizing win percentages
([w.sup.*.sub.1], [w.sup.*.sub.2]) = (m/m + 1, 1/m + 1)
with the equilibrium win percentages in the WM league
(w.sup.WM.sub.1], [w.sup.WM.sub.2]) = (2m - 1/m + 1, 2 - m/m + 1)
and the type-I mixed league
([w.sup.TypeI.sub.1], [w.sup.TypeI.sub.2]) = ([square root of m(16
+ m) - m/4, 4 + m - [square root of m(16 + m)/4),
we derive [w.sup.*.sub.1] < [w.sup.[mu].sub.1] and
[w.sup.*.sub.2] > [w.sup.[mu].sub.2] [for all]m [member of] ([],
[bar.m]) with [micro] [member of] {WM, TypeI}.
Thus, from a welfare point of view, the large club wins too often
and the small club does not win often enough in both the WM league and
the type-I mixed league. QED.
PROOF OF PROPOSITION 4. Analogous to the proof of Proposition 2, we
derive that [W.sup.[mu]](m) with [mu] [member of] {PM, WM, TypeI,
TypeII}, as a function of the market size parameter m, has the following
(1) [W.sup.[mu]](m), with [mu] [member of] {PM, WM, TypeI, TypeII},
is a well-defined and continuous function [for all]([], [bar.m]).
(2) [W.sup.[mu]](m), with [mu] [member of] {PM, WM, TypeI, TypeII},
is a strictly increasing function [for all]([], [bar.m]).
(3) [W.sup.PM](1) = [W.sup.WM](1) = 9/16 > [W.sup.TypeI](1) =
[W.sup.TypeII] (1) = (3/32)(3 [square root of 17] - 7) [approximately
equal to] 0.503 and [W.sup.PM](2) = 3 [square root of 2] - 27/8
[approximately equal to] 0.868 > [W.sup.TypeII](2) = (3/256) (11
[square root of 33] + 5) [approximately equal to] 0.799 >
[CB.sup.WM](2) = [CB.sup.TypeI](2) = 3/4.
(4) [??]m [member of] ([], [bar.m]), such that [W.sup.PM](m) =
[W.sup.[mu]](m), with [mu] [member of] {WM, TypeI, TypeII}.
(5) [??]m [member of] ([], [bar.m]), such that [W.sup.WM](m) =
[W.sup.[mu]](m), with [mu] [member of] {PM, TypeI, TypeII}.
(6) [??]m [member of] ([], [bar.m]), such that
[W.sup.TypeII]([m.sup.W]) = [W.sup.WM]([m.sup.W]), with [m.sup.W]
[approximately equal to] 1.72.
From properties 1-4, we derive that [W.sup.PM](m) >
[W.sup.[mu]](m) [for all] m [member of] ([], [bar.m]), with [mu]
[member of] {WM, TypeI, TypeII}. This proves claim (a).
From properties 1-3 and 5, we derive that [W.sup.TypeI](m) <
[W.sup.[mu]](m) [for all] m [member of] ([], [bar.m]), with [mu]
[member of] {PM, WM, TypeII}. This proves claim (b).
From properties 1-3 and 6, we derive that [W.sup.TypeII](m) >
[W.sup.WM](m) [??] m > [m.sup.W] [approximately equal to] 1.72.
This proves claim (c). QED.
ad (a) The effect of revenue sharing on competitive balance in
homogeneous leagues has been extensively analyzed in the literature;
see, for example, Szymanski and Kesenne (2004), Kesenne (2005, 2006,
2007), and Dietl and Lang (2008). We omit the proof and refer to the
articles quoted.
ad (b) In a first step (l), we will show that revenue sharing
decreases competitive balance in mixed leagues where clubs differ with
respect to their objective function but are symmetric with respect to
their market size; that is, m = 1. In a second step (2), we will show
numerically that this claim is true more generally for clubs with
asymmetric market size.
(1) By normalizing the market size parameter m of club 1 to unity,
the revenues of club i are given by [R.sub.i] = (1/4)[q.sub.i] =
(1/4)(2[w.sub.i] - [w.sup.2.sub.i]) for i = 1, 2. The after-sharing
revenues of club i, denoted by [R.sup.*.sub.i], are then given by
[R.sup.*.sub.i] = [alpha][R.sub.i] + (1 - [alpha])[R.sub.j], with
[alpha] [member of] [1/2, 1], i, j = 1, 2, i [not equal to] j. Without
loss of generality, we assume that club 1 is a win maximizer and club 2
a profit maximizer.
The maximization problem for the win-maximizing club 1 is given by
[cx.sub.1] [less than or equal to] [R.sup.*.sub.1] ([x.sub.1],
[x.sub.2]). Similar to section 3, the corresponding optimality condition
1/[x.sub.1] ([alpha][R.sub.1] + (1 - [alpha]) [R.sub.2]) =
1/[x.sub.1] [[alpha] (2[w.sub.1] - [w.sup.2.sub.1]) + (1 - [alpha]) 1/4
(1 - [[omega].sup.2.sub.1])] = c.
Note that [R.sub.2] = (1/4) (2[w.sub.2] - [w.sup.2.sub.2]) =
(1/4)(1 - [w.sup.2.sub.1]) due to the adding-up constraint [w.sub.2] = 1
- [w.sub.1].
The maximization problem for the profit-maximizing club 2 is given
section 3, the corresponding optimality condition yields
with [partial derivative][w.sub.1]/ [partial derivative][x.sub.2] =
-([partial derivative][w.sub.2]/ [partial derivative][x.sub.2]) due to
the adding-up constraint. With [partial derivative][R.sub.2]/[partial
derivative][w.sub.2] = (1/2)(1 - [w.sub.2]) = (1/2)[w.sub.1], [partial
derivative][R.sub.1]/[partial derivative][w.sub.1] = (1/2)(1 -
[w.sub.1]), and [partial derivative][w.sub.2]/[partial
derivative][x.sub.2] = [x.sub.1][([x.sub.1] + [x.sub.2]).sup.2] =
[w.sub.1][1/([x.sub.1] + [x.sub.2])], Equation A2 can be simplified as
1/2 [[alpha][w.sub.1] - (1 - [alpha])(1 - [w.sub.1])[w.sub.1]
1/[x.sub.1] + [x.sub.2] = c. (A3)
Combining Equations A1 and A3, we compute
[alpha](2[w.sub.1] - [w.sup.2.sub.1]) + (1 - [alpha])(1 -
[w.sup.2.sub.1]) = 2[[alpha][w.sub.1] - (1 - [alpha]) (1 -
Rearranging yields (1/4) [2[w.sup.3.sub.1] + (2[alpha] -
1)[w.sup.2.sub.1] - 2[alpha]w1, + ([alpha] - 1)] = 0. This equation
implicitly characterizes the equilibrium win percentage [w.sup.*.sub.1]
of club 1 as a function of the revenue-sharing parameter a. Applying the
implicit function theorem yields
[partial derivative][w.sup.*.sub.1]/[partial derivative][alpha] = -
2[w.sub.1] ([w.sub.1] - 1) + / 2 [3[w.sup.2.sub.1] + [w.sub.1] (2[alpha]
- 1) - [alpha]] < 0.
The numerator and the denominator are both positive, since [alpha]
[member of] [1/2, 1] and [w.sub.1] > 1/2.
Remember that club 1 is the win-maximizing club that invests more
in equilibrium than does the profit-maximizing club 2. As a consequence,
a higher degree of revenue sharing (i.e., a lower value of a) increases
the difference between the clubs' win percentages in equilibrium
and thus produces a more unbalanced league.
(2) We provide a numerical simulation to show that revenue sharing
decreases competitive balance in type-I and type-II mixed leagues. Table
A1, Panel a gives a numerical simulation for a type-I mixed league,
where club 1 is the large, win-maximizing club and club 2 is the small,
profit-maximizing club. Table A1, Panel b provides a type-II mixed
league where club 1 is the large, profit-maximizing club and club 2 is
the small, win-maximizing club. We differentiate the case where the
difference between both clubs in terms of market size is low (m = 1.1)
and the case where the difference in terms of market size is high (m =
1.9). The first column shows the degree of revenue sharing where a
higher value of [alpha] characterizes a league with a lower degree of
revenue sharing. Note that [alpha] = 1 denotes a league with no revenue
sharing, whereas [alpha] = 1/2 characterizes a league with full revenue
sharing. The next columns characterize the investment level [x.sub.i]
and win percentage [w.sub.i] of club i = 1, 2, as well as the level of
competitive balance CB in equilibrium. Without loss of generality, we
can normalize the marginal unit cost of talent c to unity.
Table A1 shows that both types of club reduce their investment
level in equilibrium through a higher degree of revenue sharing. The
profit-maximizing club, however, reduces its investment level in a
stronger way than does the win-maximizing club in both types of mixed
league. As a consequence, the win percentage of the profit-maximizing
club decreases and the win percentage of the win-maximizing club
increases. Since the profit-maximizing club always invests less than
does the win-maximizing club independent of the market size, competitive
balance decreases and the (type-I and type-II) mixed league becomes more
unbalanced through a higher degree of revenue sharing. QED.
Table A1. The Effect of Revenues Sharing in Mixed Leagues
m = 1.1
[x.sub.1] [x.sub.2] [w.sub.1]
Panel a: type-I mixed league
[alpha] = 1 0.265 0.062 0.809
[alpha] = 0.8 0.229 0.042 0.845
[alpha] = 0.6 0.185 0.025 0.881
[alpha] = 0.5 0.160 0.018 0.900
Panel a: type-II mixed league
[alpha] = 1 0.077 0.235 0.247
[alpha] = 0.8 0.053 0.212 0.201
[alpha] = 0.6 0.320 0.178 0.154
[alpha] = 0.5 0.023 0.156 0.130
[w.sub.2] CB
Panel a: type-I mixed league
[alpha] = 1 0.191 0.475
[alpha] = 0.8 0.155 0.381
[alpha] = 0.6 0.119 0.287
[alpha] = 0.5 0.100 0.240
Panel a: type-II mixed league
[alpha] = 1 0.753 0.186
[alpha] = 0.8 0.799 0.160
[alpha] = 0.6 0.846 0.130
[alpha] = 0.5 0.870 0.113
m = 1.9
[x.sub.1] [x.sub.2] [w.sub.1]
Panel a: type-I mixed league
[alpha] = 1 0.475 0.008 0.983
[alpha] = 0.8 0.381 0.005 0.986
[alpha] = 0.6 0.287 0.003 0.990
[alpha] = 0.5 0.240 0.002 0.991
Panel a: type-II mixed league
[alpha] = 1 0.137 0.211 0.394
[alpha] = 0.8 0.106 0.231 0.314
[alpha] = 0.6 0.070 0.222 0.241
[alpha] = 0.5 0.053 0.207 0.204
[w.sub.2] CB
Panel a: type-I mixed league
[alpha] = 1 0.017 0.017
[alpha] = 0.8 0.014 0.013
[alpha] = 0.6 0.010 0.010
[alpha] = 0.5 0.009 0.009
Panel a: type-II mixed league
[alpha] = 1 0.606 0.239
[alpha] = 0.8 0.686 0.215
[alpha] = 0.6 0.759 0.183
[alpha] = 0.5 0.796 0.163
[alpha], revenue-sharing parameter; m, market size parameter of club
1; [x.sub.i], investment level, and [w.sub.i], win percentages of club
i = 1, 2 in equi;ibrium; CB, level of competetive balance in
Received August 2008; accepted January 2009.
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Helmut M. Dietl, * Markus Lang, ([dagger]) and Stephan Werner
([double dagger])
* Institute for Strategy and Business Economics, University of
Zurich, Plattenstrasse 14, 8032 Zurich, Switzerland; E-mail
([dagger]) Institute for Strategy and Business Economics,
University of Zurich, Plattenstrasse 14, 8032 Zurich, Switzerland;
E-mail; corresponding author.
([double dagger]) Institute for Strategy and Business Economics,
University of Zurich, Plattenstrasse 14, 8032 Zurich, Switzerland;
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by the
Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF research project no. 105270) and
the research fund of the University of Zurich.
(1) The reserve clause binds a player to his club beyond the
expiration of his contract until the player either is released, retires,
or is traded to another club. Although the player's obligation to
play for his club, as well as the club's obligation to pay the
player, is terminated, the player is not free to enter into another
contract with another club.
(2) Rottenberg's invariance proposition is often regarded as a
predecessor of the famous Coase Theorem (see, e.g., Fort 2005).
(3) We follow the approach in Falconieri, Palomino, and Sakovics
(2004); Dietl and Lang (2008); and Dietl, Lang, and Rathke (2009).
(4) The price [p.sub.i] can, for example, be interpreted as the
gate price or the subscription fee for TV coverage of the match.
(5) Note that fan demand increases in quality, albeit with a
decreasing rate; that is, [partial derivative]d/[partial
derivative][q.sub.i] > 0 and [[partial derivative].sup.2]d/[partial
derivative][q.sub.i.sup.2] < 0.
(6) Note that we also have to bound m from above in order to
guarantee positive equilibrium investments in the win maximizing league
and the type-I mixed league.
(7) Note that the optimal price is increasing in quality, that is,
[partial derivative][p.sup.*.sub.i]/[partial derivative][q.sub.i] >
(8) We will see below that this specification of the quality
function gives rise to a quadratic revenue function widely used in the
sports economics literature.
(9) The logit CSF was generally introduced by Tullock (1980) and
was subsequently axiomatized by Skaperdas (1996) and Clark and Riis
(1998). An alternative functional form would be the probit CSF (e.g.,
Lazear and Rosen 1981; Dixit 1987) and the difference-form CSF (e.g.,
Hirshleifer 1989). For applications in sporting contests, see, for
example, Szymanski (2003); Szymanski and Kesenne (2004); and Dietl,
Franck, and Lang (2008).
(10) See Szymanski (2004).
(11) Note that the fans' preferences in the quality function
(given by Eqn. 4) for own team winning and competitive balance is equal
for both clubs. As a consequence, the parameters of the linear term
[w.sub.i] and the quadratic term [w.sup.2.sub.i] in the revenue function
(given by Eqn. 5) are equal for both clubs. Without this simplifying
assumption, the relationship between competitive balance in the
win-maximizing league and in the profit-maximizing league would be
indeterminate (see Fort and Quirk 2004; Kesenne 2007, p. 42).
(12) By assuming a competitive labor market, the market clearing
cost of a unit of talent is the same for every club. Moreover, for the
sake of simplicity, we do not take into account non-labor costs and
normalize the fixed capital cost to zero. Note that the results derived
from this cost function do not necessarily hold for a more general cost
function. See Vrooman (1995) for a more general cost function where
clubs have different marginal costs or Kesenne (2007) for a cost
function with a fixed capital cost.
(13) It is easy to show that the second-order conditions for a
maximum are satisfied.
(14) We choose this objective function since, according to Kesenne
(2006, p. 417), "win maximization is not an operational objective,
because clubs cannot control their winning percentage. Clubs can only
maximize the talents of the team. The best guarantee for a high winning
percentage is fielding a performing team by attracting the best
(15) For m [greater than or equal to] 2, the optimal choice for the
small club is zero. Since we are not interested in a situation where a
club is not participating, we choose to restrict the range of m to
ensure positive equilibrium investments.
(16) Note that the increase in talent investments of the large club
is bigger than the decrease of the small club in absolute values; that
(17) Note that in a WM league, aggregate club profits are zero
because each club spends all its revenue on playing talent; that is,
c[x.sup.WM.sub.i] = [R.sup.WM.sub.i], I = 1, 2.
(18) Note that m < [bar.m] guarantees positive equilibrium
investments of club 2.
(19) Note that the win-maximizing club 1 spends all its revenue on
playing talent; that is, c[x.sup.TypeI.sub.1] = [R.sup.TypeI.sub.1],
such that it makes zero profits.
(20) See also Kesenne (2007, p. 46). In contrast to Kesenne (2007),
we derive, however, that the PM league is the most balanced league.
(21) See also Szymanski (2006) and Dietl and Lang (2008).
(22) Recall that in a type-II mixed league, the small club is the
dominant team that always invests more than does the large club,
independent of the market sizes.
(23) See also Figure 1.
(24) Note that our results are robust with respect to pool revenue
sharing, which is another popular form of revenue sharing in sports
leagues. Under a pool-sharing arrangement, each club receives an a-share
of its revenue and an equal (1 - [alpha])-share of a league revenue
pool, where [alpha] [member of] [0, 1]. In this case, the after-sharing
revenues of club i are given by [R.sup.*.sub.i] = [alpha][R.sub.i] + [(1
- [alpha])/2] ([R.sub.i] + [R.sub.j]).
(25) The notion "dulling effect" was introduced by
Szymanski and Kesenne (2004).
(26) See, for example, Szymanski and Kesenne (2004), Kesenne (2005,
2007), and Dietl and Lang (2008).
(27) See, for example, Kesenne (2006, 2007).