Leading and merging: convex costs, Stackelberg, and the merger paradox.
Heywood, John S. ; McGinty, Matthew
1. Introduction
In the canonical model of the merger paradox, two firms with linear
costs never have an incentive to merge as long as there remains even a
single rival (Salant, Switzer, and Reynolds 1983). The reduction in
quantity by the newly merged firm is outweighed by the combination of a
loss of "a seat at the table" and the increase in quantity by
excluded rivals such that the merger cannot be profitable. Perry and
Porter (1985) show that with sufficiently convex costs, two firms can
profitably merge. Yet, Heywood and McGinty (2007) emphasize that even
when such a merger is profitable, the profit gained by the excluded
rivals exceeds that of the merger participants. Thus, although the
introduction of convex costs provides an incentive for merger, it does
not eliminate the free-rider aspect of the merger paradox: namely, each
firm would rather have other firms merge than do so itself.
Attempts to further resolve the paradox have moved in a wide
variety of directions, but we pick up the threads of those following
Daughety (1990), who examined models of Stackelberg leadership. (1)
Thus, Huck, Konrad, and Muller (2001) examine firms with linear costs,
showing that if a leader merges with a follower, the merged firm earns
more profit than its two premerger component firms. Feltovich (2001)
also produces this result and shows that such a merger results in a
decrease in total welfare. These results have sufficient currency that
they have found their way into current textbooks (Pepall, Richards, and
Norman 2003). Yet, as is the case with convex costs but without
leadership, the gain to remaining an excluded follower exceeds the gain
from merging with the leader. Thus, the free-rider portion of the merger
paradox remains stubbornly intact.
We combine for the first time the assumption of convex costs from
Perry and Porter (1985) with that of Stackelberg leadership. We show
that for most market structures, there is a wide range of convexity such
that a merger between the leader and a follower increases profit and
causes the gain to participating in the merger to exceed that of
remaining an excluded follower. Thus, in comparison with the canonical
model, the two firms can profitably merge, and there exists no
free-rider incentive that might otherwise stop them from merging.
Interestingly, there also exists a range not only in which the
free-rider problem vanishes, as the profit gain from merging exceeds
that from being excluded, but also a range in which the excluded firms
actually suffer reduced profit because of the merger and the resulting
lower price. Farrell and Shapiro (1990, p. 112) emphasize that such a
result can be generated only if a merger yields cost efficiencies
(synergies) and point out that such efficiencies do not exist in the
case of identical firms with convex costs. Two Cournot competitors with
convex costs produce equal quantities and, once merged, cannot produce
their premerger output at any lower cost. Yet, a Stackelberg leader and
a follower with convex costs produce very different quantities in
equilibrium and, once merged, can produce their premerger quantity at
lower cost by equalizing production between the two plants. Indeed, the
resulting harm to the excluded firms might well result in their
entreaties that antitrust officials investigate the competitive
consequences of the merger. As White (1988) points out, excluded rivals
are the most common source of antitrust complaints regarding mergers. In
sum, the combination of convex costs and Stackelberg leadership provides
a series of outcomes that help resolve important parts of the merger
Our emphasis on convex costs sets us apart from Huck, Konrad, and
Muller (2004) and Creane and Davidson (2004), who examine the
possibility of Stackelberg leadership among plants but within the firm.
Both begin with a standard simultaneous move oligopoly but assume that
after the merger, the merged firm can sequence the output decisions of
its constituent parts. Although somewhat in the vein of Daughety (1990),
in that the merger changes the ability to commit, these models allow a
resolution of the merger paradox that retains linear costs and allows
excluded rivals to be hurt. Importantly, our introduction of convex
costs dramatically limits the profitability of sequencing output across
plants within the firm. The differing output levels across plants that
result from the internal sequencing generate a cost inefficiency with
convex costs that is absent with linear costs. Thus, to focus on the
importance of convex costs, we ignore the possibility of internal
Our presentation also firmly fits within the mainstream of the
merger literature by taking the original number of firms as exogenous.
We exclude entry and assume that the extent of convexity is sufficient
that fixed cost savings from simply closing plants do not drive merger
dynamics. We recognize that the resulting model should be viewed as
either short-run or as having high entry barriers. We also recognize the
existence of a small literature on mergers with free entry (Cabral 2003;
Spector 2003; Davidson and Mukherjee 2007).
Beyond being a theoretical exercise, the case of merger involving a
leading and dominant firm commands special policy interest.
Historically, the dominant market shares of the Standard Oil trust and
the sugar trust were maintained through the purchase of much smaller
rivals (Leeman 1956; Zerbe 1956). Later in the 1960s, the Court
prohibited the takeover of even very small market share firms if the
suitor was a dominant firm. Thus, Alcoa, the leading producer of
aluminum conduit with nearly 30% of the market, was prohibited in 1964
from purchasing Rome Cable, which had only 1.3% of the market (Shepherd
1985, p. 231). Even today, the merger guidelines add emphasis to markets
with dominant firms, as the resulting asymmetry of market shares results
in a larger Herfindahl Index and so increase the chance for initial
scrutiny. A recent antitrust case in the UK nicely illustrates many of
the dimensions of our theoretical inquiry. The UK Competition Commission
found that IMS Health Inc. was the leading provider of pharmaceutical
business information services in the UK. These services enable
pharmaceutical firms to monitor their competitive position, identify
areas of product development, focus their marketing, and remunerate sales personnel. In 1997, IMS had a market share between 37 and 85%,
depending on how narrowly the product was defined. They wished to merge
with Pharmaceutical Marketing Services Inc., which had an 8% market
share under the narrow definition. Excluded firm Taylor, Nelson, Sofres
objected to the merger, citing that it would reduce their profits and
viability. The commission found that the merger "could be expected
to have adverse effects on efficiency" and "operate against
the public interest" (UK Competition Commission 2006).
In the next section, we model the case of a merger between a leader
and a single follower in a market in which all firms have convex costs.
We isolate the profit consequences of the merger for the merger
participants and for the excluded followers. We also isolate the welfare
consequences. The third section generalizes the model to consider
multiple followers merging with a leader. Again, the profit consequences
for participants and excluded rivals are identified. We isolate the
range of convexity that resolves the key components of the paradox as
the merger size is varied. The welfare consequences of such multiple
mergers are isolated through simulation. The final section draws
conclusions, makes policy observations, and suggests future research.
2. Merger between the Leader and Single Follower
We consider a market with one leader and n followers and examine a
merger between the leader and one follower. The merged firm remains the
leader after merger, and all excluded followers prior to merger remain
followers after merger. (2) By assuming that the roles of the firms
remain what they were prior to merger, we explicitly exclude the case in
which two followers merge to become a leader (Daughety 1990). As in
other models of merger and Stackelberg (Huck, Konrad, and Muller 2001),
we take the leadership as given. We note that a substantial literature
has examined the conditions under which leadership can emerge
endogenously in duopolies of otherwise similar firms (Saloner 1987;
Hamilton and Slutsky 1990; Robson 1990; Pal 1996). Moreover, recent
laboratory experiments have suggested that followers can emerge even
among identical agents (Fonseca, Muller, and Normann 2006). Nonetheless,
we recognize that leadership in our model is an assumption. We will
show, however, that the profit of the leader after merging with an
existing firm exceeds that earned by the leader after building a new
plant. (3)
Following previous work, we assume a linear demand curve, P = a -
Q, where Q = [q.sub.l] + [n.summation over (i=1)] [q.sub.i] is the sum
of the leader's and the n followers' output. The subscript l
denotes the leader, and i denotes each identical follower. All firms
have the same convex costs schedule, [C.sub.j] = (1/2)[cq.sup.2.sub.j],
resulting in marginal cost curves that are a ray from the origin with
slope c. (4) We assume that fixed costs are sufficiently small that
eliminating a plant does not create an incentive for merger. In this
case, nonzero fixed costs have no impact on the incentive to merge, and
so we normalize them to zero. (5) Following the vast majority of work in
this area, we also take n to be exogenous. The results that follow are
determined by the pre- and postmerger profit comparisons of the leader,
the follower included in the merger, and the excluded followers.
The premerger equilibrium price, quantities, and profits are
[[pi].sub.i] [a.sup.2](1 + (n + 2)c + [c.sup.2])(2 + (5 + 2n)c + (n
+4)[c.sup.2] + [c.sup.3])/2[(1 + n + c).sup.2][[DELTA].sup.2] [[for
all].sub.i], i = 1, ..., n,
where [DELTA] = 2+ (3+n)c + [c.sup.2].
After a merger between the leader and a follower, there remain n -
1 followers. The merged leader now has two advantages relative to the
remaining followers. The merged firm enjoys not only the standard
Stackelberg advantage, but also the ability to allocate output across
its plants. The merged firm's composite cost function becomes
[C.sub.l] = [(c/4)[q.sup.2.sub.l]. The slope of the merged firm's
composite marginal cost curve is cut in half because the merged firm has
two different plants (Perry and Porter 1985). This function reflects the
underlying advantage of being able to direct output across multiple
plants. If each of the constituent plants produces its premerger output,
total cost remains the same. The merger by itself does not immediately
provide cost savings. Yet, the composite cost function means that the
merged firm can reallocate its output to lower costs for a given level
of combined output. In addition, the merged firm finds it less costly to
change output than did its premerger constituent firms or than do firms
excluded from the merger. Marginal costs are increasing, and so the
merged firm has the advantage of spreading output changes across
multiple plants, reducing costs. Note also that given our assumption of
sufficiently small fixed costs, merging does not close a plant, as would
happen with constant marginal cost models.
We investigate the consequences of a merger between the leader and
a single follower. The equilibrium is given by Equation 2, where the
superscript reminds us that a single follower is merged with the leader
and sets the stage for allowing merger with multiple followers.
[[pi].sup.1.sub.i] = [a.sup.2](2 + (2 + n)c + [c.sup.2])(4 + (6 +
2n)c + (4 + n)[c.sup.2] + [c.sup.3])/2[[OMEGA].sup.2][(n + c).sup.2],
[[for all].sub.i], i = 1, ..., n - 1,
where [OMEGA] = 4 + (4 + n)c + [c.sup.2].
Comparing Equations 1 and 2 characterizes the consequences of the
merger. The additional profit generated by a merger between the leader
and a single follower is g(c,n) = [[pi].sup.1.sub.l] - [[pi].sub.l] -
[[pi].sub.i]. The additional profit generated by this merger for
excluded followers is h(c,n) = [[pi].sup.1.sub.i] - [[pi].sub.i]. These
expressions are presented in Appendix 1, Equations A1 and A2, and we
begin with the evaluation of g(c,n).
PROPOSITION 1. It is always profitable for the leader and a single
follower to merge.
PROOF. Set g(c,n) = 0 and solve for the critical n in terms of c.
This yields four roots, but only one is real, and it is less than zero
for all c [greater than or equal to] 0 and for all n > critical n, it
can be checked that g(c,n) > 0. Also, Appendix Figure 1 shows the
graph g(c,n) > 0. (6)
Proposition 1 states that there is always a profit incentive to
merge. This matches previous Stackelberg merger models assuming linear
costs (Huck, Konrad, and Muller 2001) but differs from models assuming
convex costs without leadership. With linear costs, the leader produces
half the competitive output both pre- and postmerger. The merger
increases the leader's market share and profit through a reduction
in the number of followers. Nonetheless, the profit of excluded rivals
rises as the increase in market concentration increases the market
price. With convex costs but no leadership, merger is profitable only
for sufficiently large 6. values (Perry and Porter 1985). Only then does
the restriction in output by the merged firm bring about sufficient cost
savings (through the ability to coordinate the output restriction
between the two parts of the merged firm) that profit increases. The
introduction of leadership makes these cost savings inherently larger.
To see this, consider the absence of leadership, and imagine two firms
merge and produce the same total quantity as prior to the merger. As
each firm was initially producing an identical amount, there are no cost
savings from the merger. If the same two firms merge and one of them is
a leader, producing the same total quantity as prior to merger now
allows a cost savings by reallocating that output such that the two
plants of the merged firm now produce the same quantity. The asymmetry
in output associated with leadership, combined with convex costs,
creates a larger incentive for merger.
It might be suggested that the leader need not merge if it can
simply open a new plant. Yet, opening a new plant results in a lower
profit for the leader than does the merger. This can be seen by
recognizing that the profit of a leader with two plants but with n
followers instead of n -1 (as the merged firm has) will be identical to
that shown in Equation 2 after substituting n + 1 in for n. The value of
the leader's profit after this substitution is obviously smaller.
While the profit of the merged firm always increases in our model,
that of an excluded rival may either rise or fall as a result of the
merger. In traditional models without merger-created efficiencies, the
profit of the excluded firms increases. The merged firm attempts to
increase its profit by restricting output. This restriction increases
the profit of the excluded rivals. However, with convex costs, the
merged Stackelberg leader may actually increase output beyond that of
its premerger constituent firms. When that happens, excluded rivals see
their output and profits fall. Setting the profit change of an excluded
follower to zero, h(c,n) = n] - [[pi].sup.1.sub.i] = [[pi].sub.i] = 0,
and solving for n yields the following critical relationship:
[n.sup.*](c) = (2 + c)c + [square roof of (16c + 44[c.sup.2] +
36[c.sup.3] + 9[c.sup.4])/2c. (3)
For values of n greater than [n.sup.*](c), merger causes the
profits of the excluded rivals to fall. Proposition 2 formalizes this
PROPOSITION 2. For n > [n.sup.*], the profits of excluded rivals
decrease as a result of the merger, and for n < [n.sup.*], the profit
of excluded rivals increase as a result of the merger.
PROOF. sgn([n.sup.*] - n) = sgn(h).
Figure 1 graphs [n.sup.*](c) and identifies region I as the
combinations of n and c for which the profit of the excluded rivals
falls as a result of the merger. Mergers in this region may well be
those that fit with White's (1988) observation that excluded rivals
often object to a merger and with the historical evidence from Banerjee
and Eckard (1998) that excluded rivals frequently suffer financially
following a merger. The function [n.sup.*] (c) has a minimum of 6.16 at
c = 0.498. Thus, when there are very few firms, excluded rivals continue
to benefit from the merger.
For values of n and c in region I, the merged firm increases output
relative to its premerger components. (7) The introduction of convex
costs gives the merged firm the advantage of spreading output changes
across two plants. This advantage is greatest when the marginal cost
slope is small for a given n, allowing the merged firm to increase
output by a greater amount. It is also interesting to note that the
total output for the market follows the output change of the leader.
Thus, when the output of the merged firm increases, so does the total
market output, even as that of the excluded rivals decline.
Although a reduction in the profits of the excluded rivals
certainly eliminates the free-rider incentive, so would far less
stringent conditions. To eliminate the free-rider problem so common in
past models, the profit gain to being an excluded rival need only be
smaller than the profit gain from joining the merger. To identify this
condition, we define f(c, n) = g(c,n)-h(c,n), the difference between the
profit gain to the merging firms and that of an excluded rival. This
expression is presented in Appendix 1 as Equation A3. As in the earlier
propositions, we set f(c,n) equal to zero and solve for n. This yields
n(c), analogous to the earlier [n.sup.*] (c). (8) Again, for values of n
> n(c), f(c,n) > 0, and for values of n < n(c), f(c,n) < 0.
This allows us to formalize the conditions for the existence of the
free-rider incentive.
PROPOSITION 3. For all n > n, each follower earns more as a
merger participant than as an excluded rival. For all n < n, each
follower earns less as a merger participant than as an excluded rival.
PROOF. For any given c, sgn(n - n) = sgn(f).
Figure 1 graphs n(c) and identifies the sum of region I and region
II as the combinations of n and c for which a follower earns greater
profit as a merger participant than as an excluded rival. This stands in
contrast either to Stackelberg leadership without convex costs (Huck,
Konrad, and Muller 2001) or to convex costs without leadership (Perry
and Porter 1985; Heywood and McGinty 2007). In either of these cases,
firms always prefer to remain an excluded rival, even when the merger is
profitable for the participants. For n < n, the merger continues to
be profitable but less profitable than if remaining an excluded rival.
Thus, Figure 1 identifies region III as combinations of n and c for
which the standard free-rider problem remains. (9)
We confirm that the region where the output of the merged firm (and
total output) increases is a subset of that for which the free-rider
problem is absent.
PROPOSITION 4. For all c > 0, it is the case that [n.sup.*] >
PROOF. Fix c > 0: [n.sup.*] > n.
For any c, the value of n that overcomes the free-rider problem is
strictly lower than that which increases the output of the merged firm.
Finally, we examine the welfare consequences of merger. The welfare
prior to merger is the sum of consumer surplus and the profits of the
leader and n followers. The welfare after merger is the sum of consumer
surplus and the profits of the merged leader and n-1 followers. The
difference between these allows an evaluation of the welfare
consequences of the merger.
W(c,n) = {([Q.sup.1]).sup.2]/2 + [[pi].sup.1.sub.1] + (n -1)
[[pi].sup.1.sub.1]} - {[(Q).sup.2]/2 + [[pi].sup.l] + (n - 1)
[[pi].sup.i]}, (4)
where [Q.sup.1] = [q.sup.1.sub.1] + [[summation].sup.n-1.sub.i=1]
[q.sup.1.sub.i] from Equation 2 and Q = [q.sub.1] +
[[summation].sup.n.sub.i=1] from Equation 1.
The potential for a reduction in welfare depends on whether or not
there is a restriction in output that reduces consumer surplus. If such
a restriction happens, the reduction in consumer surplus must be large
enough to overcome the increased profits associated with the
cost-reducing properties of the merger. Substituting into Equation 4
from Equations 1 and 2 gives the welfare change as a function of only c
and n. This substitution is available from the authors on request.
Again, setting this expression equal to zero and solving for n yields
the critical value [n.sub.w](c) that allows signing the welfare change.
PROPOSITION 5. If n > [n.sub.w], W(c,n) > 0. If n <
[n.sub.w], W(c,n) < 0.
PROOF. Solve W(c,n) = 0 for [n.sub.w] and sgn(n - [n.sub.w]) =
sgn(W(c,n)). Thus, welfare may either increase or decrease depending on
the slope of the marginal cost curve and on market structure. Through
steps analogous to those in Proposition 4, it can be established that
[n.sub.w] < n for all c values. Thus, [n.sub.w](c) lies entirely in
region III and is plotted in Figure 2.
The welfare consequences can be summarized as follows: All mergers
that overcome the free-rider problem (and so are more likely to occur)
enhance welfare. Of those potential mergers that do not overcome the
free-rider problem, a small share close to the critical free-rider locus
n would also enhance welfare, but the remaining mergers would harm
welfare. This result is unique to the combination of leadership and
convex costs and contrasts with Stackelberg with linear costs in which
all mergers with followers reduce welfare (Huck, Konrad, and Muller
2001). (11)
Table 1 summarizes the main results associated with Figure 1. In
region III, the merger is profitable to the participants but not as
profitable as remaining an excluded follower. This result mimics that
for Stackelberg leadership with constant costs. In this region, the
output of the merged firm and total market output declines while that of
the excluded rivals increases. In region II, the merger is profitable to
the participants and is more profitable than remaining an excluded
rival. The output of both the merged firm and the total market continues
to decline, while that of the excluded rivals continues to increase. In
region I, the merger is profitable to the participants and unprofitable
to the remaining excluded rivals. The output of both the merged firm and
the total market now increases, while that of the excluded rivals now
decreases. Thus, not only is the free-rider problem absent but excluded
rivals are actually harmed by the merger. Region I corresponds to those
cases in Farrell and Shapiro (1990) in which the efficiencies
(synergies) from merger are so great as to cause a reduction in price
and so increase welfare. Interestingly, in this case, the excluded firms
will complain of harm, but a welfare-maximizing authority should ignore
their complaints, taking them as evidence of a welfare improvement.
Again, neither Stackelberg leadership without convex costs or
convex costs without leadership generates the pattern of results shown
in regions I and II, which stand as a reasonable resolution to the
merger paradox. All mergers in regions I and II enhance welfare, while
those in region III may either enhance or harm welfare. As the next
section shows, with multiple merging followers, it becomes possible to
simultaneously eliminate the free-rider problem and have mergers that
harm welfare.
3. Merger between the Leader and Multiple Followers
Because a merger with a single follower is profitable, it would
seem that a merger with multiple followers would be more profitable. The
merged firm gains the cost advantage of allocating production changes
across even more plants, as well as the advantage of increasing the
market share of the leader. In expanding the model to allow merger with
multiple followers, we note that results that could be proven
analytically for a single follower must now often be demonstrated
through simulation.
The resulting cost function for the merged firm created by the
leader and m followers is [C.sub.t] = {c/[2(1 + m)]}
[([q.sup.m.sub.1]).sup.2]. This is a straightforward generalization from
the merger of two firms (Heywood and McGinty 2007). Using this composite
cost function, a new set of postmerger equilibrium values can be derived
and are analogous to those in Equation 2.
[[pi].sup.m.sub.i] = [a.sup.2](1 + m + (2 + nc) c + [c.sup.2])(2(1
+ m) + (5 + 2n + m)c + (4 + n)[c.sup.2] + [c.sup.3])/2[[PSI].sup.2][(n -
m + 1 c).sup.2],
where [PSI] = 2(1 + m) + (3 + m + n)c + [c.sup.2]. The profit gain
associated with a merger between the leader and m followers is then
g(c,m,n) = [[pi].sup.m.sub.l] - [[pi].sub.l] - m[[pi].sub.i]. This is
the difference between the profit of the merged firm as taken from
Equation 5 and that of premerger leader and m followers as taken from
Equation 1. The full expression for this profit difference is presented
in Appendix 2 as Equation A4.
PROPOSITION 6. For n [less than or equal to] 30 and for the
discrete value of c, g(c,m,n) > 0 for all integer values n [greater
than or equal to] m [greater than or equal to] 1.
PROOF. A grid simulation evaluated g(c,m,n) for all n from 2 to 30,
all m from 1 to n, and for c from 0.1 to 30 by increments of 0.1. Every
value of g is strictly greater than zero.
Thus, the profit from merging is positive, and it typically grows
in the number of followers that participate in the merger. (12) The gain
occurs because of the ability of the merged firm to spread output among
more plants and to restrict quantity. Furthermore, these simulations
show (perhaps not surprisingly) that merger to monopoly (m = n) is
always the most profitable merger.
We next examine the condition under which an excluded rival is hurt
as a result of the merger. Define h(c,m,n) = [[pi].sup.m.sub.i] -
[[pi].sub.i] = 0, where [[pi].sub.i] remains the profit of an excluded
rival before a merger of the leader with m followers, and
[[pi].sup.m.sub.i] remains the profit of an excluded rival after that
merger. This difference comes directly from Equations 1 and 5 but is a
large expression and so is available from the authors on request.
Following previous examinations, we set it equal to zero and solve for
the critical level of [n.sup.*](c,m). The expression for [n.sup.*](c,m)
is considerably shorter and is presented in Appendix 2. It allows us to
identify when excluded rivals are harmed.
PROPOSITION 7. If n > [n.sup.*](c,m), h(c,n,m) < 0, and if n
< [n.sup.*](c,m), h(c,m,n) > 0 and [partial derivative]
[n.sup.*](c,m)/ [partial derivative]m > 0.
PROOF. sgn(h) = sgn([n.sup.*] - n), where both [n.sup.*](c,m) and
[partial derivative][n.sup.*](c,m)/[partial derivative]m > 0 are
given in Appendix 2 as Equations A5 and A6.
Thus, there continues to exist an equivalent to region I in which
the excluded rival is hurt from the merger, but this region shrinks as
the size of the merger increases.
We can also identify the less stringent condition such that the
profit gain from merger to the excluded follower remains less than that
of a participating follower. Again, when f(c,m,n) = g(c,m,n) - h(c,m,n)
> 0, the free-rider problem does not exist. We set f(c,m,n) = 0 and
solve for n(c,m). While the algebra is significantly more involved, we
are able to identify and plot the critical value of n(c,m) and examine
this function as m increases. In general, region II increases in size as
m grows, and for values of m greater than or equal to 4 (and so n
greater than or equal to 5), n(c,m) never takes a positive value,
implying that all mergers bring larger profits to the followers
participating in the merger than those excluded from the merger.
Finally, the question remains if multiple mergers are welfare
enhancing. Increasing industry concentration may offset the benefits
from cost savings, thereby reducing welfare. The c,m locus for
welfare-enhancing mergers is found by solving W(c,m,n) - W(C,0,n) = 0.
The solution to this equation is a ninth order polynomial expression and
intractable. However, simulations show a consistent pattern. As m
increases, mergers eventually will hurt welfare. They will lower welfare
for a smaller value of m as c increases. When n is very large, there may
emerge another range of m in which welfare is enhanced, but this will
again turn to welfare diminishing as m increases further. We have
displayed a sample of the simulation results in Table 2, illustrating
each of these patterns.
The important point of such simulations is to isolate the fact that
it is possible to have three conditions simultaneously exist in the case
of multiple mergers. First, the merging firms increase their profit.
Second, the participants do not face a free-rider problem, as their
profit gain exceeds that of excluded rivals. Third, the merger can hurt
welfare. While there are many examples, one would be c = 1, m = 4, n =
10. Such cases fit commonly observed patterns that mergers are
profitable, do happen, and should be objected to by welfare-maximizing
antitrust authorities. Nonetheless, we recognize that simultaneous
mergers involving multiple followers, four in this example, are rarely,
if ever, observed.
4. Conclusion
This paper has shown that the combination of convex costs and
Stackelberg leadership can largely eliminate the merger paradox. Not
only do mergers between the leader and a single follower generate a
profit gain but that gain often exceeds the gain earned by an excluded
rival. Indeed, there exists a wide range of parameter values in which
the profit of the excluded rivals actually falls. This occurs when the
merging firms increase output relative to their premerger component
firms. In this region, the variable cost savings generated by the merged
firm's ability to allocate output across multiple locations
dominates the tendency for the merged firm to restrict output. These
mergers can actually increase market output. Accordingly, welfare is
unambiguously improved in this region; however, firms excluded from the
merger have incentive to object to the merger and complain to antitrust
officials. Thus, in the single-follower mergers (far more common than
multiple-follower mergers), if excluded firms complain, it can be
anticipated that welfare has increased.
The impact of the Stackelberg assumption should be emphasized. In
Cournot competition, Perry and Porter (1985) show that there always
exists a c high enough for an initial merger to be profitable with the
demand and cost specifications of our paper. With Stackelberg
leadership, mergers for any c are profitable. In Cournot competition,
the free-rider component of the merger paradox always exists. Each firm
prefers to remain outside the merger because the additional profit of
the excluded firms is greater than the additional profit generated by
the merger (Heywood and McGinty 2007). With Stackelberg leadership, the
free-rider component of the merger paradox often vanishes: in regions I
and II for two-firm mergers and for all multiple mergers with four or
more followers. Finally, some multiple-firm mergers can simultaneously
be profitable to participants who overcome the free-rider issue and be
harmful to social welfare. It is such mergers that might be
appropriately pursued by antitrust officials.
Future studies might build on the work with multiple-firm mergers
to examine the question of stability among the merging firms. This
reintroduces the free-rider problem to determine when it is profitable
to remain among those merging and when it is profitable for an
individual firm to defect. Even more fundamentally, future studies might
imagine that the leader enjoys a cost advantage. Indeed, such an
advantage may be seen as the reason for leadership in the first place.
In the context of our model, the cost advantage would presumably emerge
as a uniformly smaller marginal cost slope for the leader (marginal cost
would be a flatter ray from the origin). We anticipate two offsetting
effects from introducing such an advantage. First, the cost reduction
associated with combining two convex cost structures increases as the
cost advantage grows (McGinty 2007). Although not originally applied to
mergers, this insight certainly carries over. Second, as the cost
advantage of the leader grows, the closer the premerger equilibrium
resembles a monopoly with the associated greater profit. Thus, both the
premerger profit and the postmerger profit can be expected to grow with
the cost advantage of the leader, but it remains for future research to
determine which influence dominates and whether or not the incentive to
merge remains.
Appendix 1:
Critical Expressions for Merger with a Single Follower
Appendix 2:
Critical Expressions for Merger with Multiple Followers
The authors thank both reviewers and the editor for helpful
suggestions that improved the paper.
Received June 2006; accepted March 2007.
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(1) Other attempts to resolve the paradox include adopting Bertrand
competition (Deneckere and Davidson 1985), moving the examination to
spatial models (Reitzes and Levy 1995; Heywood, Monaco, and Rothschild
2001), and considering merged firms that sequence output decisions
across plants (Creane and Davidson 2004; Huck, Konrad, and Muller 2004).
(2) For more details on theories of how a Stackelberg leader may
emerge, see Higgins (1996).
(3) The authors thank one of the reviewers for suggesting this line
of inquiry.
(4) As Perry and Porter (1985) make clear, convex costs and the
resulting increasing marginal costs would follow naturally from
examining a time frame in which the capital in the industry is fixed.
Moreover, combining Stackelberg leadership and convex costs is a
standard assumption in the long literature on mixed oligopoly in which a
public firm acts as a leader but cannot produce the total market
quantity because of increasing marginal costs (see DeFraja and Delbono
(5) In typical constant marginal cost models, the number of plants
in the postmerger firm is irrelevant as marginal cost is invariant.
(6) The Maple 8 programs described in this and other proofs are
available on request.
(7) The correspondence between the profit loss of the excluded
firms and an increase in output for the merged firm is intuitive, but a
formal proof is available on request.
(8) The actual expression for n(e) is many lines, and we have
spared the reader. It is available from the authors on request.
(9) As in the original merger paradox, each firm prefers another
rival to be the one that merges. This represents a type of "chicken
game" that does not have an easy resolution without further
(10) Again, the expression of the difference between [n.sup.*] (c)
and n(c) is unwieldy but available from the authors. Note that Figure 1
presents an exact graphing of both functions and makes clear the
relative magnitudes.
(11) of course, with linear costs, there is no possibility that
merger will reallocate output in a manner that lowers total production
(12) The derivative [partial derivative]g (c,m,n)/[partial
derivative]m is generally, but not always, positive. This ambiguity makes the simulation in Proposition 6 necessary.
John S. Heywood * and Matthew McGinty ([dagger])
* Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, P.O.
Box 413, Milwaukee, WI 53201, USA; Email heywood@uwm.edu; corresponding
([dagger]) Department of Economics, University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee, P.O. Box 413, Milwaukee, WI 53201, USA; Email
Table 1. Profit and Output Changes Resulting from Merger
Regions g h f [q.sub.g] [q.sub.h] [DELTA]Q W
I + - + + - + +
II + + + - + - +
III + + - - + - [+ or -]
The regions correspond to those derived in the text and identified
in terms of n and c in Figure 1. g = change in profit for the merging
firms; h = change in profit for an excluded rival; f = (g - h), and
negative values indicate the free-rider effect; [q.sub.g] = change in
quantity for the merging firms; [q.sub.h] = change in quantity for an
excluded rival; [DELTA]Q = change in total market quantity; W = change
in welfare.
Table 2. Welfare Consequences of Multiple Firm Mergers
C 10 20 40
0.5 + for m = 1-5 - for m = 1 - for m = 1-6
- for m = 6-10 + for m = 2-10 + for m = 7-21
- for m = 11-20 - for m = 22-40
1 + for m = 1-3 - for m = 1 - for m = 1-6
- for m = 4-10 + for m = 2-8 + for m = 7-16
- for m = 9-20 - for m = 17-40
3 + for m = 1-2 + for m = 1-4 - for m = 1-3
- for m = 3-10 - for m = 5-20 + for m = 4-9
- for m = 10-40
6 + for m = 1 + for m = 1-2 - for m = 1
- for m = 2-10 - for m = 3-20 + for m = 2-5
- for m = 6-40
12 - for m = 1-10 + for m = 1 + for m = 1-3
- for m = 2-20 - for m = 4-40
The negative sign indicates a welfare reduction from mergers in the
range of m, and the positive sign indicates a welfare enhancement
from mergers in the range of m.
For n > [bar.n](c), the profit from merging exceeds the profit from
being an excluded rival. For n > n*(c), the profit of an excluded
rival decreases as a result of merger.
For n > [bar.n](c), the profit from merging exceeds the profit from
being an excluded rival. For n > [n.sub.W](c), the total welfare
increases as a result of merger.