Do real exchange rates follow a nonlinear mean reverting process in developing countries?
Bahmani-Oskooee, Mohsen ; Kutan, Ali M. ; Zhou, Su 等
1. Introduction
The debate on the validity of the purchasing power parity (PPP)
hypothesis continues. To test PPP, many researchers rely on evidence
from unit root tests regarding the (non) stationarity of real exchange
rates (RER). Initial studies, which were based on the augmented
Dickey-Fuller (ADF) tests, showed evidence against the theory. The
failure of validating PPP has been attributed to the low power of these
tests. As a result, the literature has moved on in two new directions:
While some researchers have turned to panel unit root tests, others have
proposed alternative tests that emphasize a nonlinear stationary
process. (1)
Using either panel or nonlinear unit root tests, several studies
have provided fresh evidence on the validity of ppp. (2) However, these
studies focus mainly on industrial countries. Empirical evidence on PPP
in developing countries has been scant, especially using the recent
tests that have higher power against the conventional ADF tests. In the
present paper, we fill this gap in the literature by providing
comprehensive evidence on the validity of PPP in 88 developing
economies. To do so, we use the recently developed exponential smooth
transition autoregressive (ESTAR) procedure introduced by Kapetanios,
Shin, and Snell (KSS, hereafter) (2003). They have developed a new
technique for the null hypothesis of a unit root against an alternative
of nonlinear smooth exponential autoregressive (STAR) process. If real
exchange rates in developing countries follow nonlinear stationary
processes, the alternative hypothesis of the ADF unit root tests based
on the linear model would be misspecified. KSS (2003) have illustrated
that their tests are more powerful than the ADF tests for the series
that may revert to their mean nonlinearly.
There are several theories outlining why we would expect nonlinear
adjustment toward ppp. (3) One potential source arises from
nonlinearities in international goods arbitrage because of factors such
as transportation costs and trade barriers, causing a price gap among
similar goods traded in spatially separated markets. These costs and
barriers are much higher in developing countries than industrial
countries, suggesting a strong case for nonlinear adjustment toward PPP
in these countries. Another reason is the higher level of foreign
exchange rate interventions in developing countries. In an effort to
manage inflation and manipulate trade flows, these countries tend to
intervene much more frequently than industrial countries, causing
nonlinearity in the adjustment of the nominal exchange rate, and given
sticky prices, in the adjustment of the real exchange rate as well
(Sarno and Taylor 2001a; Taylor 2003). Finally, different beliefs among
market participants regarding the equilibrium level of real exchange
rates is given as another source of nonlinearity (Sarno and Taylor
2001b). Because of information barriers and a high level of government
involvement in developing countries, we expect a higher number of
heterogeneous economic agents interacting in the foreign exchange
markets in these countries, causing some nonlinear adjustment of RER.
Comprehensive evidence on the validity of PPP in developing
countries is scant. To our knowledge, the most inclusive evidence comes
from a recent study by Alba and Park (2003). (5) They provide evidence
from 65 developing countries during the 1976-1999 period. They find weak
evidence on PPP, and PPP tends to hold better for the post-1980 period.
Our study provides complementary evidence on their findings regarding
the validity of PPP in developing economies in the following sense.
While Alba and Park (2003) use panel unit root tests, we base our
evidence on the nonlinear ESTAR tests. If RERs exhibit nonlinear
behavior, panel unit root tests that assume linear behavior may bias the
inferences. (6)
Besides using a different approach, our study is also different
from Alba and Park (2003) in terms of the definition of the real
exchange rate we employ: We use real effective exchange rates (REERs) in
our analysis, while they employ bilateral RERs against the U.S. dollar.
Unit root tests on REERs set a more comprehensive stage to test PPP
because they indicate movement in the overall value of a country's
currency rather than a movement against the currency of only one trading
partner embodied in the real bilateral exchange rate. Testing whether
REERs follow nonstationary mean-reverting behavior is also a test of the
multicountry version of PPP, rather than that of PPP based on a
bilateral trading partner. Overall, we offer complementary evidence on
the legitimacy of PPP in developing countries using an alternative
approach (nonlinear ESTAR) to that of Alba and Park (2003) and a
multicountry framework. Furthermore, we discuss whether the membership
of a country in a trade association has some impact on the time series
behavior of its REER. Our study is also different from Sarno (2000) and
Liew, Baharumshah, and Chong (2004). Although, like ours, they use
nonlinear unit root tests, they employ bilateral real exchange rates
whereas we use REER. In addition, they provide evidence only from
selected Middle Eastern and Asian countries, while we cover all the
available data from all the regions of the world.
In addition to developing countries, we also provide evidence on
the so-called transition economies of the former Soviet Union and of
Central and Eastern Europe. For the purposes of this study we call them
European less-developed economies. These countries' RERs are
understudied. (7) However, it is important to investigate these
countries' RERs for several reasons, as discussed in detail in Alba
and Park (2005). First, most of these countries are in the process of
entering the euro zone, and they therefore need an estimate of
equilibrium exchange rates prior to a permanent link to the euro. If PPP
does not hold well for these countries, then using PPP rates as an
equilibrium exchange rate measure, as typically suggested in the
literature, may not yield an appropriate exchange rate between these new
European Union (EU) members and the euro. Second, it is argued that
testing PPP for EU candidate economies has implications for testing
income convergence between these economies and their EU partners.
Because PPP is generally used in measuring and hence comparing income
across countries, the comparison may not be accurate if PPP fails to
hold. Alba and Park (2005) consider these issues empirically by
providing evidence about the validity of PPP for Turkey. Our study
extends their study to other EU candidate economies, as well as the
transition economies that are likely to apply for EU membership in the
near future. (8)
We apply the KSS tests to REERs of 88 developing economies, which
consist of 24 Asian, 18 African, 25 European, and 21 Latin American
less-developed countries (LDCs). Like Alba and Park (2003), our sample
focuses on the post-Breton Woods floating period. We employ monthly
data, which start around the 1980s for most of the countries, except the
European LDCs. The sample period for these countries starts in the early
1990s. The very early years of 1990 are eliminated in estimations
because of the erratic changes in RERs due to reforms initiated at the
same time.
In this paper, besides testing PPP, we take an additional step and
try to explain productivity differentials as one of the factors that may
determine the deviation of PPP-based exchange rates from the equilibrium rate, i.e., the real exchange rate. It is well known that
Balassa-Samuelson type effects may be present in developing economies,
especially in the transition economies, (9) reflecting the differential
rates of productivity growth in traded and nontraded goods sectors of a
country relative to that of her major trading partners. Besides the
Balassa-Samuelson effects, a trend appreciation of the REER in
transition economies would be due to dramatic changes in product quality
and a progressive shift in both domestic and foreign consumers'
preferences toward domestically produced goods, as well as
transition-specific adjustments in administered or regulated prices
(Egert and Kutan 2005). In addition, Kutan and Yigit (2007) show that
integration into the EU brings about significant productivity gains,
which may further cause REER to appreciate in the transition economies,
many of which now are the new EU members. (10) Previous research that
tested the Balassa-Samuelson effect concentrated on regression analysis in which the real exchange rate was regressed on productivity
differentials. (11) Within a unit-root testing procedure, the
Balassa-Samuelson effect can be tested by including a time trend in the
regression model. If there is evidence of mean reversion in REER, and it
is to a constant mean, then we conclude in favor of PPP, while if the
reversion in REER is to a trend, indicating the effects of productivity
shocks, etc., we consider it as evidence for the existence of the
Balassa-Samuelson type effect.
To this end, we review and outline the KSS test for nonlinear
stationarity in section 2. Section 3 reports the results. Section 4
analyzes the economic characteristics of the countries to see whether
such characteristics are consistent with the PPP theory. Finally,
section 5 concludes.
2. Methodology (12)
In identifying the order of integration of a time series variable,
the ADF test is perhaps the most commonly used test, in which the null is nonstationarity of a variable against an alternative of stationarity.
Recently, KSS (2003) expanded the standard ADF test by keeping the null
hypothesis as nonstationarity in a time series variable against the
alternative of a nonlinear but globally stationary process. They
demonstrate that the new test could be based on the following ESTAR
[DELTA][y.sub.t] = [gamma][y.sub.t-1][1 -exp
(-[theta][y.sup.2.sub.t-1]) + [[epsilon].sub.t], [theta] [greater than
or equal to] 0, (1)
where [y.sub.t] is the de-meaned or detrended series of interest,
[epsilon] is an i.i.d, error with zero mean and constant variance, and
[1 -exp (-[theta][y.sup.2.sub.t-1]) is the exponential transition
function adopted in the test to present the nonlinear adjustment. The
null hypothesis of a unit root in [y.sub.t] (i.e., [DELTA][y.sub.t] =
[[epsilon].sub.t]) implies that [theta] = 0, so that the term [1 -exp
(-[theta][y.sup.2.sub.t-1]) is 0. If [theta] is positive, it effectively
determines the speed of mean reversion.
The KSS test hence directly focuses on the 0 parameter by testing
the null hypothesis of nonstationarity [H.sub.0]: [theta] = 0 against
the alternative hypothesis of nonlinear mean-reversion, [H.sub.1]:
[theta] > 0. Because [theta] in Equation 1 is not identified under
the null, it is not feasible to directly test the null hypothesis. KSS
thus reparameterize Equation 1 by computing a first-order Taylor series
approximation to specification (1) to obtain the auxiliary regression
specified by Equation 2:
[DELTA][y.sub.t] = [delta][y.sup.3.sub.t-1] + error. (2)
For a more general case where the errors in Equation 2 are serially
correlated, Equation 2 is extended to
[DELTA][y.sub.t] = [p.summation over (j=1)][[rho].sub.j]
[DELTA][y.sub.t-j] + [delta][y.sup.3.sub.t-1] + error, (3)
with the p augmentations to correct for serially correlated errors.
The null hypothesis to be tested with either Equation 2 or 3 is
[H.sub.0]: [delta] = 0 against the alternative of [H.sub.1]: [delta]
< 0. KSS show that the t-statistic for [delta] = 0 against [delta]
< 0, i.e., [t.sub.NL], does not have an asymptotic standard normal
distribution, and they therefore tabulate the asymptotic critical values
of the [t.sub.NL] statistics via stochastic simulations.
We estimate the [t.sub.NL] statistics with both regression
Equations 2 and 3 and refer to them as [t.sub.NL11] and [t.sub.NL12],
respectively, for de-meaned data, and [t.sub.NL21] and [t.sub.NL22],
respectively, for detrended data. The de-meaned or detrended data are
obtained by first regressing each series on a constant or on both a
constant and a time trend, respectively, and then saving the residuals.
The conventional ADF test statistics are also estimated, denoted as
[t.sub.ADF1] for the model with a constant only, and [t.sub.ADF2] for
the model with both a constant and a time trend. The rejection of the
null by the KSS test with de-meaned data or by the ADF test that only
includes a constant indicates reversion in REER to a constant mean,
supporting PPP. If there is no evidence of reversion to a constant mean,
but we are able to reject the null by the KSS test with detrended data
or by the ADF test that includes a constant and trend, this would be an
indication of linear or nonlinear reversion in REER to a trend,
supporting the Balassa-Samuelson effect.
Following the suggestion of KSS (2003, p. 365), the number of
augmentations p for either the ADF tests or the KSS tests is selected
based on the significance testing procedure in Ng and Perron (1995). The
maximum number of p was set to 24 mostly because the data are monthly,
and insignificant augmentation terms were excluded.
3. Data, Sample Period, and the Empirical Results
The tests discussed in the previous section are applied to the
monthly real effective exchange rates of 24 Asian, 18 African, 25
European, and 21 Latin American LDCs. Data of the REERs of African and
Latin American LDCs (except Mexico) and five European LDCs (Armenia,
Cyprus, Macedonia, Malta, and Moldova) are collected from the
International Monetary Fund (IMF)'s International Financial
Statistics online. Those of Mexico and Turkey are from the OECD Economic
Indicators. For the other 19 European countries and 24 Asian LDCs, the
data of their REERs are obtained from the Information Notice System of
the IMF. The sample period for each country is reported in tables along
with the test results. Because the available data for most countries
begin around 1980, we start our sample from 1980. For some countries,
the sample period starts later than 1980; this is either due to the data
availability or the exclusion of the periods with existing large breaks
in their REERs during the 1980s or the early 1990s. The ending month of
the samples is August 2005 for most of the countries and is July 2003 or
October 2003 for some countries when their samples have some missing
observations in 2003-2004.
We report the results of the KSS test along with the standard ADF
statistic for 24 Asian LDCs in Table 1. Tables 2-4, report the results
for 18 African, 25 European, and 21 Latin American LDCs, respectively.
The exact sample periods are listed in Tables 14.
As indicated before, six statistics are reported. The test
statistic of the standard ADF that only includes a constant is denoted
by [t.sub.ADF1]. TWO tests outlined by Equations 2 and 3 are applied to
de-meaned data. The KSS test with no augmented terms that is based on
Equation 2 is denoted by [t.sub.NL11], and the one with augmented terms
that is based on Equation 3 is denoted by [t.sub.NL12]. These are the
statistics for testing PPP. The comparable statistic with a trend in the
ADF is [t.sub.ADF2] and the two KSS statistics without and with
augmentation for detrended data are [t.sub.NL21] and [t.sub.NL22],
respectively. They are utilized to test the Balassa-Samuelson effect.
Concentrating on the first three tests, we gather from Tables 1-4,
that the null of nonstationarity in REER is rejected by [t.sub.ADF1] at
the 10% level of significance in 12 countries--Cambodia, Pakistan,
Samoa, Singapore, Vietnam, Morocco, Zambia, Ukraine, Chile, Costa Rica,
Ecuador, and Mexico. Thus, the REER of these countries reverts to a
constant mean linearly. However, there are 19 additional countries in
which the null of nonstationarity of REER is only rejected by
[t.sub.NL11] or [t.sub.NL12] but not by [t.sub.ADF1], implying a
nonlinear mean reversion in these countries (again, rejection of the
null is based on the 10% level of significance, which is the level we
use throughout the paper). The list includes Indonesia, Korea, Lao,
Maldives, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Sierra Leone, Togo, Armenia, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Moldova, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Turkey, Uzbekistan,
Paraguay, St. Kitts and Nevis, and St. Vincent and Grenades. Thus, the
KSS test validates PPP in more countries than the standard ADF test.
Putting the three tests together, the results support PPP at least by
one of the three statistics in a total of 31 out of 88 countries (35%).
Our results, based on using real effective exchange rates, are
similar to those of Cerrato and Sarantis (2006), who applied the KSS
test to the real bilateral exchange rates of 35 less-developed countries
using the U.S. dollar as the numeraire currency. Their results revealed
that PPP was supported by the standard ADF test in five countries and by
the KSS test in 10 additional countries for a total of 15 out of 35
countries, i.e., in 43% of the cases. (14) Obviously, the difference
could be attributed to using REER in this paper against real bilateral
exchange rates in Cerrato and Sarantis (2006). Liew, Baharumshah, and
Chong (2004), who applied KSS tests to real bilateral exchange rates of
11 Asian countries, showed that there is no mean reversion in the real
bilateral exchange rate of India when the Japanese yen is used as the
numeraire. However, when the U.S. dollar was used as the numeraire, PPP
was validated by the KSS test. Moreover, when the dollar was used as the
numeraire, there was support for nonlinear mean reversion in 8 out of 11
countries (73%), and when the yen was used as the numeraire, nonlinear
mean reversion was supported in 6 out of 11 countries (55%). In none of
the countries was linear mean reversion supported by the standard ADF
test in Liew, Baharumshah, and Chong (2004). Indeed, incidence of
nonlinear mean reversion was much higher in Liew, Baharumshah, and Chong
(2004) than in this study or in Cerrato and Sarantis (2006). One
explanation could be that Liew, Baharumshah, and Chong (2004) used
quarterly data that included observations from the pre- and post-1973
period. Clearly, the structural break that took place in 1973 because of
a shift in the international monetary system could introduce
nonlinearity into real exchange rates that could increase the incidence
of nonlinear mean reversion and reduce the incidence of linear mean
reversion. All in all, these two studies are consistent with ours in
that all three studies reveal that the nonlinear KSS test provides more
support for PPP than for the linear ADF test.
We next discuss the evidence with respect to mean reversion to a
trend, i.e., the Balassa-Samuelson type effects. As indicated before,
for this purpose we rely on the last three statistics in Tables 14 for
the 57 countries for which there is no evidence of PPP. Concentrating on
[t.sub.ADF2], the null of nonstationarity is rejected in favor of
reversion to a linear trend in 4 out of 57 countries. The list includes
Belize, Malawi, Papua New Guinea, and Romania. However, when we consider
the nonlinear tests, there are nine additional countries for which the
null is rejected in favor of nonlinear reversion to a trend either by
[t.sub.NL21] or [t.sub.NL22] but not by [t.sub.ADF2]. Again, it appears
that nonlinear tests provide more support for the productivity bias
hypothesis as compared with linear tests. Overall, Balassa-Samuelson
type effects receive support in a total of 13 out of 88 countries, of
which four are transition economies (Albania, Czech Republic, Macedonia,
and Romania). All in all, evidence for mean reversion in REER to a
constant mean or to a trend is found for 44 out of 88 countries, i.e.,
in 50% of the cases.
Does the membership of a country in a trade association have some
impact on the time series behavior of its REER? If we just look at the
test results of Asian LDCs, the answer might be in the affirmative. The
nonstationarity of REER is rejected for seven out of nine members of the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations, but only for 5 out of 15 other
Asian economies, implying that the REERs of the countries in a trade
association are more likely to be stationary. However, the results of
African, European, and Latin American LDCs may suggest the opposite:
Belonging to a trade bloc does not seem to make a notable difference for
the behavior of a country's REER. There is evidence for the
stationarity of REERs for only 7 out of 15 African LDCs who are members
of the Southern African Customs Union, the Common Market for Eastern and
Southern Africa, the Economic Community of Central African States, or
the Economic Community of West African States, and for two of the three
remaining African LDCs in our sample who are not members of any of these
regional trade blocs. For the 10 new EU entrants, the null of a unit
root in their REERs is rejected for only three of them. Yet, the same
null is rejected for 10 of the other 15 European LDCs in our study.
Among the 21 Latin American LDCs in our sample, the null hypothesis is
rejected for Paraguay and Uruguay (two Mercosur members), Mexico (a
North American Free Trade Agreement [NAFTA] member), and Chile (who
signed free-trade agreements with each of the NAFTA countries), but only
for 5 out of 15 countries in either the Andean Community or the
Caribbean Community or in the Central American Common Market.
4. Country Characteristics and Mean Reversion of REER
Cheung and Lai (2000), Alba and Park (2003), and Alba and Papell
(2006) show that country characteristics are significantly linked to
both adherence to and deviations from long-run PPP. PPP may hold better
for countries with a higher ratio of openness to trade because PPP
theory is based on arbitrage of tradable goods across countries.
Evidence for PPP could be higher for countries subject to high inflation
because prices adjust more quickly to ensure that the parity holds. On
the other hand, PPP may hold less for highest-income or lowest-income
countries because they have a relatively higher or lower productivity of
tradable goods sector than that of their major trading partners. (15)
Table 5 reports some country characteristics, the number of countries in
each group, the number of cases in which REER reverts to a constant
mean, the number of countries in which REER reverts to a trend, and the
number of countries in which REER reverts to a constant mean or a trend.
We measure openness by the average of the sum of merchandise
exports and imports as a share of gross domestic product (GDP), and
measure GDP growth by the average of annual percentage growth rate of
PPP-adjusted per capita real GDP. Inflation is measured by the average
annual change in CPI. The data are collected from the Worm Development
Indicators (2005). Two measures of nominal exchange rate flexibility are
calculated by the standard deviations of the logs of monthly exchange
rates: national currency per SDR and national currency per U.S. dollar.
These exchange rates are obtained from the International Financial
Statistics online.
For each characteristic, we divide the 88 countries in our sample
into four groups, based on the magnitude of the measure of the country
against the particular criterion. For example, for nominal exchange rate
flexibility, the 22 countries with the smallest or the largest standard
deviations of the logs of monthly exchange rates are grouped as
"lowest flexibility" or "highest flexibility,"
respectively. The countries falling in between the range of the smallest
and the largest standard deviations are classified as "moderately
low flexibility" and "moderately high flexibility,"
respectively. Each group includes 22 countries except for the
characteristics of inflation and GDP growth, where some groups include
21 countries because the price indices of Antigua and Barbuda,
Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan, and the GDP of Netherlands Antilles are not
From Table 5 we gather that PPP is validated (i.e., REER reverts to
a constant mean) somewhat more often for countries with highest
inflation (10 out of 21 cases or 48%) or highest nominal exchange rate
flexibility (12 out of 22 cases or 55%) as compared with the countries
in the three lower quartiles. Turning to countries in which REER reverts
to a trend, we see mixed outcome between country characteristics and the
number of cases in each group. For example, there are four countries in
the lowest and highest quartiles of the exchange rate flexibility
category for which REER reverts to a trend. In the inflation category,
there are eight countries in the last two quartiles versus five
countries in the first two quartiles, supporting the notion that the
REER reverts to a trend more frequently in relatively high-inflation
countries. The opposite is true in the openness and GDP growth
categories. This may imply that the Balassa-Samuelson effect is not as
sensitive to country characteristics as PPP.
As an additional exercise we combine the two columns and report the
results in the last column of Table 5, which reflects the number of
countries in each group for which the null of the unit root is rejected
in favor of reversion to a constant mean or a trend. The combined
results once again suggest that reversion in REER to a constant mean or
to a trend is more likely to occur for countries with highest inflation
(14 out of 21 cases or 67%) or highest nominal exchange rate flexibility
(16 out of 22 cases or 73%). Further inspection revealed that most of
the 14 countries in the highest inflation group with reversion in their
REER do belong to the highest exchange rate flexibility category. The
exceptions were Albania, Armenia, and Croatia, which belonged to the
first group but not to the second group. Similarly, most of the 16
countries with reversion in their REER in the highest exchange rate
flexibility group also belonged to the highest inflation category,
except Algeria, Chile, Costa Rica, Indonesia, and Paraguay, which are
within the highest exchange rate flexibility group but not in the
highest inflation group. Thus, for the former three countries, we can
attribute the reversion of their REER to high inflation, while high
exchange rate flexibility may contribute to the reversion in REER for
the latter five countries. In the remaining 11 countries that belonged
to both groups, perhaps a combination of both high inflation and high
exchange rate flexibility have contributed to the mean reversion of
REER. (16)
Note that PPP or reversion in REER does not seem to be closely
related to the openness of the countries, nor does it hold or emerge
less for the countries with highest or lowest real GDP growth. (17)
Besides, reversion in REER could be attributed to rather high inflation
and/or exchange rate flexibility while the position in the lower
quartiles would not be much relevant. (18) An explanation for this is
that when high inflation and nominal shocks in developing countries
dominate real factors such as openness and productivity growth, REERs
would respond to large nominal shocks quickly to ensure parity or revert
to equilibrium. (19)
5. Summary and Conclusions
Since the introduction of unit-root testing procedures, many
studies have tested the stationarity or mean-reverting properties of
RERs by using the ADF test in which the null of nonstationarity or unit
root is tested against an alternative hypothesis of linear stationarity.
Not much support for PPP is produced by the standard ADF test. However,
when the new test that incorporates nonlinearity in the mean reverting properties of the real exchange rate into the testing procedure is
employed, PPP is validated by most authors, though generally for
industrial countries with no comprehensive evidence for developing and
transition countries.
The main purpose of this paper is to test PPP by using the
conventional ADF test as well as the KSS test (which could be considered
a nonlinear version of the ADF test) that assumes the alternative
hypothesis to be nonlinear stationarity. Our study differs from previous
research in that we concentrate on the experience of as many developing
countries and transition economies as possible. Furthermore, rather than
using the real bilateral exchange rate between one country and her major
trading partner, we use real effective exchange rate, which is a more
comprehensive measure of movement in the overall value of a
country's currency and hence it is a test of PPP based on multiple
trading partners.
Monthly real effective exchange rates were available for 24
countries from Asia, 18 from Africa, 25 from Europe, and 21 from Latin
America for a total of 88 less-developed countries in the sample. The
results could be best summarized as follows: While the standard or
linear version of the ADF test supports PPP in 12 countries, the
nonlinear version of the ADF test supports PPP in an additional 19
countries, implying that the real effective exchange rates of developing
countries revert to their mean following a nonlinear path more often
than a linear path. Therefore, studies modeling real exchange rates or
testing PPP in developing countries by using the standard ADF test may
have significant inference bias.
In addition to testing PPP, unlike previous research, we also test
mean reversion in the real effective exchange rates to a trend, which is
considered to be a method of testing the Balassa-Samuelson effect or the
productivity bias hypothesis within the unit-root testing framework. We
found, again, more evidence supporting nonlinear reversion to a trend
than linear reversion. The standard linear ADF test supported reversion
to a trend in four countries, whereas nonlinear ADF supported nonlinear
reversion to a trend in nine additional countries. Thus, productivity
bias hypothesis seems to be supported in 13 countries. One
recommendation that follows from our study is that researchers should
use both linear and nonlinear tests to determine the appropriate data
generating process for real exchange rates.
Another important finding is that the productivity bias hypothesis
or the Balassa-Samuelson effect does not appear to be a particularly
important factor in the behavior of REER for the transition economies as
claimed in some previous studies. This suggests that transition-specific
factors, such as changes in product quality, shift in consumer
preferences toward Western goods, and adjustments in administered or
regulated prices do not seem to dominate real exchange movements in
these economies. Furthermore, evidence on country characteristics
suggested that reversion to a constant mean or to a trend occurs more
often in high-inflation countries and in countries with high nominal
exchange rate flexibility.
Valuable comments of two anonymous referees are greatly
appreciated. We also thank Aleg Bulir for his help with data. Any error,
however, is ours.
Received September 2006; accepted March 2007.
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(1) For a review of the literature, see Lothian and Taylor (2005)
and Sarno (2005).
(2) Panel unit root studies, among others, include Papell and
Theodoridis (2001) and Alba and Park (2003). Taylor, Peel, and Sarno
(2001), Kapetanios, Shin, and Snell (2003), Chortareas and Kapetanios
(2004), Sarno, Taylor, and Chowdhury (2004), and Lothian and Taylor
(2005), among others, employ nonlinear real exchange rate adjustment
models to examine PPP.
(3) Taylor (2003) and Lothian and Taylor (2005) review related
theories and summarize the available empirical evidence. Overall,
evidence from limited studies indicates that RERs exhibit some nonlinear
adjustment patterns.
(4) For application of nonlinear tests versus a test based on
structural breaks under the gold standard, see Heywood and Papell (2002)
and Paya and Peel (2004).
(5) Other notable studies are Sarno (2000) and Liew, Baharumshah,
and Chong (2004). They test PPP for 11 Middle Eastern and 11 Asian
countries, respectively, using bilateral real exchange rates. Alba and
Papell (2006) investigate PPP for a very diverse group of 84 developed
and developing countries, using panel unit root tests and real bilateral
exchange rates. Their focus is on the role of individual country
characteristics on PPP, rather than how PPP holds in developed versus
developing countries, however.
(6) Alba and Park (2003) also report some ADF test results as some
preliminary evidence to their panel unit root tests. Hence, our results
based on nonlinear adjustment processes may be considered an extension
of their ADF tests.
(7) Available studies either focus on the sources of real exchange
movements (e.g., Dibooglu and Kutan 2001; Kutan and Wyzan 2005: De
Broeck and Slok 2006; and Egert, Lommatzsch, and Lahreche-Revil 2006) or
estimating equilibrium real exchange rates (for a survey, see Egert.
Halpern, and MacDonald 2006).
(8) The only study we are aware of testing PPP for transition
economies is Payne. Lee, and Hofler (2005), but only for one country,
Croatia. They find evidence against PPP.
(9) See Egert, Halpern, and MacDonald (2006) and Egert, Lommatzsch,
and Lahreche-Revil (2006).
(10) On the other hand, evidence shows that the introduction of the
euro in 1999 reduced the variability and the persistence of bilateral
RER shocks in the most recent EU members (Kutan and Zhou 2008). This may
slow down or even reverse the trend appreciation observed in these
former transition economies.
(11) For a review article on productivity bias hypothesis and PPP,
see Bahmani-Oskooee and Nasir (2005).
(12) This section draws on Bahmani-Oskooee, Kutan, and Zhou (2007),
who apply the KSS methodology to 23 OECD countries.
(13) Note that out of 19 countries, eight are transition economies.
These economies during our sample period had significant central bank
interventions to manipulate the value of their domestic currencies to
stay competitive in international markets. More important, market
participants tend to have different opinions regarding the equilibrium
level of RER in the transition economies. This is expected because these
countries did not have much market economy until the early 1990s, so
there was some speculation regarding the correct equilibrium value of
real exchange rates. The debate has intensified over time because many
of the transition countries were or had been in the process of entering
the euro zone, and they, therefore, needed an estimate of the
equilibrium exchange rates prior to a permanent link to the euro. Hence,
besides central bank interventions, different beliefs among market
participants regarding the equilibrium level of real exchange rates have
likely contributed to the nonlinear reversion to the mean in these
(14) Concentrating only on nonlinear mean reversion, our results
support PPP in 19 out of 88 countries, i.e., in 22% of the eases. The
comparable figure in Cerrato and Sarantis (2006) is 10 out of 35
countries or 29%. This analysis is based on the fact that in countries
where PPP is supported by both the ADF and KSS test, the reversion to
mean is linear.
(15) A detailed description of country characteristics for each
region is not reported, but it is available upon request from the
(16) These 11 countries are Bulgaria, Ecuador, Lao, Malawi, Mexico,
Romania, Sierra Leone, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay, and Zambia.
(17) Using data on dollar-based real exchange rates for 94
countries, Cheung and Lai (2000) also find that openness and per capita
GDP growth are not linked to the persistence of deviations from PPP.
(18) Note that there are 12 cases of mean reversion within the 22
moderately less open economies category. Further inspection of the
relevant data revealed that among these 12 cases, one had high
inflation, two had high exchange rate volatility, and three had high
inflation and high exchange rate volatilities. That is, six of them
exhibit high inflation and/or high exchange rate volatility.
(19) From Table 5 we gather that in each category out of 88
countries in the sample, PPP is supported in a total of 31 countries. In
13 of the remaining countries in which PPP is not supported, the
Balassa-Samuelson type effect may explain the failure of PPP. In the
remaining 44 countries, deviation of relative prices from the
equilibrium rate is due to other factors such as speculation, trade
restrictions, arbitrage activities, transportation cost, nontradable
goods, monetary instability, etc. (see Davutyan and Pippenger 1985).
Mohsen Bahmaniu-Oskooee, * Ali M. Kutan, ([dagger]) and Su Zhou
([double dagger])
* The Center for Research on International Economics and the
Department of Economics, The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee,
Milwaukee, WI 53201, USA; E-mail; corresponding author.
([dagger]) Department of Economics and Finance, Southern Illinois
University, Edwardsville, IL 62026-1102, USA; The Emerging Markets
Group, Sir Cass Business School, 106 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8TZ; The
William Davidson Institute, University of Michigan, 724 East University
Avenue, Wyly Hall, First Floor, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1234, USA; E-mail
([double dagger]) Department of Economics, University of Texas at
San Antonio, San Antonio, TX 78249-0633, USA; E-mail
Table 1. Unit Root Test Results for Asian LDCs
Country Sample Period
Bangladesh 1980:1-2005:8
Cambodia 1992:1-2005:8
China 1980:1-2005:8
Fiji 1980:1-2005:8
Hong Kong,
China 1980:1-2005:8
India 1980:1-2005:8
Indonesia 1980:1-2005:8
Korea 1980:1-2005:8
Lao 1988:1-2005:8
Malaysia 1980:1-2005:8
Maldives 1992:1-2005:8
Myanmar 1980:1-2005:8
Nepal 1980:1-2005:8
Pakistan 1980:1-2005:8
Papua New
Guinea 1980:1-2005:8
Philippines 1980:1-2005:8
Samoa 1980:1-2005:8
Singapore 1980:1-2005:8
Solomon Islands 1980:1-2005:8
Sri Lanka 1980:1-2005:8
Thailand 1980:1-2005:8
Tonga 1980:1-2005:8
Vanuatu 1980:1-2005:8
Vietnam 1990:1-2005:8
Country [t.sub.ADF1] [t.sub.NL11] [t.sub.NL12]
Bangladesh 1.32 1.37 1.39
Cambodia -4.21 *** -5.73 *** -4.90 ***
China 2.53 2.59 1.41
Fiji 1.77 0.90 1.01
Hong Kong, 1.26 1.17 1.88
China 1.57 1.44 1.27
India 2.30 -2.94 ** -3.08 **
Indonesia 2.54 -2.78 * -4.44 ***
Korea 2.45 -3.15 ** -3.25 **
Lao 1.32 0.93 1.41
Malaysia 1.52 -3.29 ** 1.91
Maldives -2.30 -2.75 1.23
Myanmar 1.60 1.81 1.98
Nepal -3.14 ** -4.14 *** -3.22 **
Pakistan 1.10 2.22 2.16
Papua New 1.80 1.67 1.40
Guinea -2.93 ** 2.31 2.35
Philippines -2.75 * 1.25 -2.92 *
Samoa 2.18 1.92 1.89
Singapore 2.56 2.21 -2.94 **
Solomon Islands 1.27 2.57 -2.80 *
Sri Lanka 1.84 1.95 1.76
Thailand 1.85 2.12 2.06
Tonga -2.90 ** -3.70 *** -4.83 ***
Vanuatu -1.85 -2.12 -2.06
Vietnam -2.90 ** -3.70 *** -4.83 ***
Country [t.sub.ADF2 [t.sub.NL21] [t.sub.NL22]
Bangladesh 2.51 1.92 2.07
Cambodia -4.27 *** 2.46 2.80
China 1.81 1.47 2.64
Fiji 1.62 0.99 1.60
Hong Kong, 1.05 1.56 1.61
China 0.85 0.65 1.96
India 1.69 3.04 -3.61 **
Indonesia 2.66 2.40 -4.16 ***
Korea 2.47 3.06 -3.54 **
Lao 2.61 1.76 2.62
Malaysia 1.13 -3.33 * 1.97
Maldives -0.66 0.58 -4.28 ***
Myanmar 1.47 2.47 2.68
Nepal 1.65 2.74 2.63
Pakistan -3.58 ** -3.60 ** -4.25 ***
Papua New 2.15 1.65 1.48
Guinea 1.35 2.41 2.11
Philippines 2.75 1.20 2.83
Samoa 1.96 1.90 2.14
Singapore 2.65 1.91 2.49
Solomon Islands 2.49 -5.23 *** -6.70 ***
Sri Lanka 2.56 2.21 1.98
Thailand 1.43 2.46 2.40
Tonga 2.68 -3.41 ** -4.69 ***
Vanuatu -1.43 -2.46 -2.4
Vietnam -2.68 -3.41 ** -4.69 ***
[t.sub.ADF1] and [t.sub.ADF2] are the standard ADF test statistics
for the null of stationarity and the null of trend stationarity,
respectively, of the variable in the study. [t.sub.NL11] and
[t.sub.NL12] are the KSS test statistics for the de-meaned data using
the models without and with augmentations, respectively. [t.sub.NL21]
and [t.sub.NL22] are the KSS test statistics for the detrended data
using the models without and with augmentations, respectively. The
10, 5, and 1% asymptotic critical values for [t.sub.ADF1] are -2.57,
-2.86, and -3.43, respectively, and those for [t.sub.ADF2] are -3.12,
-3.41, and -3.96, respectively. The 10, 5, and 1% asymptotic critical
values for [t.sub.NL11] and [t.sub.NL12] are -2.66, -2.93, and -3.48,
respectively, and those for [t.sub.NL21] and [t.sub.NL22] are -3.13,
-3.40, and -3.93, respectively, taken from Kapetanios, Shin, and Snell
(2003, p. 364).
*, **, and *** denote rejection of the null hypothesis at the 10, 5,
and 1% significance levels, respectively.
Table 2. Unit Root Test Results for African LDCs
Country Sample Period [t.sub.ADF1] [t.sub.NL11]
Algeria 1980:1-2005:8 -1.34 -0.72
Burundi 1980:1-2005:8 -1.50 -1.45
Cameroon 1980:1-2003:7 -1.39 -1.90
Central African
Rep. 1980:1-2003:10 -1.35 -1.94
Cote d'Ivoire 1980:1-2003:7 -1.94 -2.13
Equatorial Guinea 1985:1-2005:8 -1.20 -2.41
Gabon 1980:1-2005:8 -1.04 -1.49
Gambia 1986:1-2005:8 0.35 0.26
Ghana 1986:1-2005:8 -1.77 -1.35
Lesotho 1980:1-2003:7 -0.91 -1.50
Malawi 1980:1-2003:7 -1.34 -1.76
Morocco 1980:1-2005:8 -2.90 ** -3.14 *
Sierra Leone 1987:1-2005:8 -2.15 -4.51 ***
South Africa 1980:1-2005:8 -1.79 -1.27
Togo 1980:1-2003:10 -1.94 -2.95 **
Tunisia 1980:1-2005:8 -2.09 -1.81
Uganda 1990:1-2005:8 -0.82 -1.55
Zambia 1980:1-2005:8 -3.05 ** -4.15 ***
Country [t.sub.NL12] [t.sub.ADF2]
Algeria -1.85 -2.41
Burundi -1.88 -2.43
Cameroon -1.40 -2.16
Central African
Rep. -1.64 -2.78
Cote d'Ivoire -2.18 -2.10
Equatorial Guinea -0.57 -2.00
Gabon -1.23 -1.87
Gambia -0.32 -1.10
Ghana -1.98 -2.43
Lesotho -1.96 -2.06
Malawi -1.30 -3.57 **
Morocco -2.41 -2.84
Sierra Leone -3.71 *** -2.22
South Africa -1.57 -2.14
Togo -2.13 -2.72
Tunisia -1.80 -1.92
Uganda -1.46 -2.46
Zambia -4.32 *** -2.91
Country [t.sub.NL21] [t.sub.NL22]
Algeria -1.12 -3.64 **
Burundi -2.83 -3.42 **
Cameroon -2.51 -1.92
Central African
Rep. -2.56 -2.47
Cote d'Ivoire -2.76 -2.91
Equatorial Guinea -1.77 0.10
Gabon -3.22 * -2.99
Gambia -1.07 -1.71
Ghana -1.33 -1.97
Lesotho -1.92 -2.62
Malawi -2.26 -1.79
Morocco -2.30 -2.18
Sierra Leone -4.19 *** -3.34 *
South Africa -2.86 -3.64 **
Togo -2.91 -1.88
Tunisia -1.74 -2.70
Uganda -2.74 -2.85
Zambia -3.73 ** -3.82 **
[t.sub.ADF1] and [t.sub.ADF2] are the standard ADF test statistics
for the null of stationarity and the null of trend stationarity,
respectively, of the variable in the study. [t.sub.NL11] and
[t.sub.NL12] are the KSS test statistics for the de-meaned data using
the models without and with augmentations, respectively. [t.sub.NL21]
and [t.sub.NL22] are the KSS test statistics for the detrended data
using the models without and with augmentations, respectively. The
10, 5, and 1% asymptotic critical values for [t.sub.ADF1] are -2.57,
-2.86, and -3.43, respectively, and those for [t.sub.ADF2] are -3.12,
-3.41, and -3.96, respectively. The 10, 5, and 1% asymptotic critical
values for [t.sub.NL11] and [t.sub.NL12] are -2.66, -2.93, and -3.48,
respectively, and those for [t.sub.NL21] and [t.sub.NL22] are -3.13,
-3.40, and -3.93, respectively, taken from Kapetanios, Shin, and Snell
(2003, p. 364).
*, **, and *** denote rejection of the null hypothesis at the 10, 5,
and 1% significance levels, respectively.
Table 3. Unit Root Test Results for European LDCs
Country Sample Period [t.sub.ADF1] [t.sub.NL11]
Albania 1992:1-2005:8 -1.07 -1.14
Armenia 1994:1-2005:8 -0.82 -2.91 *
Azerbaijan 1994:1-2005:8 -0.95 -1.67
Belarus 1994:1-2005:8 -1.22 -1.93
Bulgaria 1992:1-2005:8 -0.80 -2.69 *
Croatia 1992:1-2005:8 -2.18 -6.64 ***
Cyprus 1980:1-2005:8 -1.95 -2.51
Czech Republic 1992:1-2005:8 -1.10 -1.14
Estonia 1992:6-2005:8 -2.45 -1.82
Hungary 1992:1-2005:8 0.77 0.46
Kyrgyz Republic 1994:1-2005:8 -2.40 -1.65
Latvia 1992:6-2005:8 -1.26 -0.53
Lithuania 1994:1-2005:8 -2.17 -1.70
Macedonia 1992:6-2005:8 -1.71 -1.62
Malta 1980:1-2005:8 -2.42 -1.72
Moldova 1994:1-2005:8 -2.45 -4.44 ***
Poland 1992:1-2005:8 -1.79 -1.70
Romania 1992:1-2005:8 -0.75 0.32
Russia 1994:1-2005:8 -1.95 -1.11
Slovak Republic 1992:1-2005:8 -1.08 -0.50
Slovenia 1992:6-2005:8 -1.49 -4.41 ***
Tajikistan 1992:1-2005:8 -1.55 -2.60
Turkey 1980:1-2005:8 -2.01 -2.27
Ukraine 1992:1-2005:8 -2.79 * -2.56
Uzbekistan 1994:1-2005:8 -1.44 -2.96 **
Country [t.sub.NL12] [t.sub.ADF2]
Albania -1.57 -2.51
Armenia -0.84 -1.75
Azerbaijan -2.44 -2.14
Belarus -1.73 -1.98
Bulgaria -2.70 * -3.71 **
Croatia -4.95 *** -3.35 *
Cyprus -2.46 -1.44
Czech Republic -1.27 -2.92
Estonia -2.00 -2.30
Hungary 0.05 -2.19
Kyrgyz Republic -1.94 -1.79
Latvia -1.03 -1.24
Lithuania -1.52 -1.06
Macedonia -2.18 -2.17
Malta -2.38 -1.40
Moldova -5.84 *** -2.40
Poland -2.13 -2.32
Romania -0.89 -3.50 **
Russia -1.85 -1.93
Slovak Republic -3.25 ** -3.24 *
Slovenia -3.44 ** -1.98
Tajikistan -2.52 -1.10
Turkey -2.74 * -1.81
Ukraine -4.75 *** -2.86
Uzbekistan -2.85 * -2.25
Country [t.sub.NL21] [t.sub.NL22]
Albania -2.50 -3.93 ***
Armenia -3.11 -0.97
Azerbaijan -1.81 -2.44
Belarus -1.81 -1.25
Bulgaria -4.10 *** -4.34 ***
Croatia -6.59 *** -6.00 ***
Cyprus -1.25 -1.49
Czech Republic 3.23 * -3.27 *
Estonia -1.03 -1.37
Hungary -2.21 -2.50
Kyrgyz Republic -1.90 -2.01
Latvia -0.02 -1.01
Lithuania -0.35 -0.99
Macedonia -2.50 -3.51 **
Malta -2.01 -2.79
Moldova -4.45 *** -5.89 ***
Poland -2.07 -2.53
Romania -2.58 -3.89 **
Russia -1.33 -1.96
Slovak Republic -0.88 -3.82 **
Slovenia -3.23 * -2.29
Tajikistan -2.18 -2.17
Turkey -1.77 -2.20
Ukraine -2.56 -4.60 ***
Uzbekistan -2.99 -2.85
[t.sub.ADF1] and [t.sub.ADF2] are the standard ADF test statistics
for the null of stationarity and the null of trend stationarity,
respectively, of the variable in the study. [t.sub.NL11] and
[t.sub.NL12] are the KSS test statistics for the de-meaned data using
the models without and with augmentations, respectively. [t.sub.NL21]
and [t.sub.NL22] are the KSS test statistics for the detrended data
using the models without and with augmentations, respectively. The
10, 5, and 1% asymptotic critical values for [t.sub.ADF1] are -2.57,
-2.86, and -3.43, respectively, and those for [t.sub.ADF2] are -3.12,
-3.41, and -3.96, respectively. The 10, 5, and 1% asymptotic critical
values for [t.sub.NL11] and [t.sub.NL12] are -2.66, -2.93, and -3.48,
respectively, and those for [t.sub.NL21] and [t.sub.NL22] are -3.13,
-3.40, and -3.93, respectively, taken from Kapetanios, Shin, and Snell
(2003, p. 364).
*, **, and *** denote rejection of the null hypothesis at the 10, 5,
and 1% significance levels, respectively.
Table 4. Unit Root Test Results for Latin American LDCs
Country Sample Period [t.sub.ADF1] [t.sub.NL11]
Antigua and
Barbuda 1980:1-2005:8 -2.01 -1.32
Belize 1980:1-2005:8 -2.40 -0.95
Bolivia 1986:1-2005:8 -1.50 -0.56
Chile 1980:1-2005:8 -4.64 *** -3.66 ***
Colombia 1980:1-2005:8 -2.28 -1.23
Costa Rica 1981:1-2005:8 -2.75 * -2.05
Dominica 1980:1-2005:8 -2.33 -1.98
Republic 1980:1-2005:8 -2.39 -2.46
Ecuador 1980:1-2005:8 -2.86 ** -3.39 ***
Grenada 1980:1-2003:7 -1.46 -1.58
Guyana 1990:1-2005:8 -2.18 -2.10
Mexico 1980:1-2005:8 -3.61 *** -3.29 **
Antilles 1980:1-2003:7 -2.21 -1.10
Nicaragua 1992:1-2005:8 -2.28 -1.17
Paraguay 1980:1-2003:7 -2.29 -2.68 *
St. Kitts and
Nevis 1980:1-2005:8 -1.82 -2.15
St. Lucia 1980:1-2003:7 -1.72 -2.42
St. Vincent
and Grens. 1980:1-2005:8 -2.02 -2.56
Trinidad and
Tobago 1986:1-2005:8 -1.94 -2.06
Uruguay 1983:1-2003:7 -1.46 -1.28
Venezuela 1980:1-2003:7 -1.82 -1.74
Country [t.sub.NL12] [t.sub.ADF2]
Antigua and
Barbuda -1.70 -2.79
Belize -2.19 -3.54 **
Bolivia -1.07 -1.75
Chile -3.96 *** -3.67 **
Colombia -1.51 -1.97
Costa Rica -2.94 ** -2.77
Dominica -2.32 -2.73
Republic -2.20 -2.17
Ecuador -3.03 ** -2.14
Grenada -1.73 -1.73
Guyana -1.87 -1.54
Mexico -4.03 *** -5.79 ***
Antilles -1.36 -2.86
Nicaragua -1.98 -2.30
Paraguay -2.07 -1.95
St. Kitts and
Nevis -3.17 ** -1.90
St. Lucia -2.40 -1.73
St. Vincent
and Grens. -2.99 ** -2.19
Trinidad and
Tobago -1.84 -2.06
Uruguay -1.89 -1.19
Venezuela -1.71 -1.79
Country [t.sub.NL21] [t.sub.NL22]
Antigua and
Barbuda -1.88 -2.41
Belize -1.10 -2.35
Bolivia -2.36 -2.89
Chile -2.79 -3.22 *
Colombia -0.90 -1.59
Costa Rica -1.96 -2.77
Dominica -2.03 -2.39
Republic -1.80 -1.93
Ecuador -2.65 -2.36
Grenada -1.67 -1.83
Guyana -1.32 -1.61
Mexico -5.51 *** -6.65 ***
Antilles -1.65 -2.23
Nicaragua -1.47 -2.38
Paraguay -1.75 -0.23
St. Kitts and
Nevis -2.32 -3.39 *
St. Lucia -2.41 -2.38
St. Vincent
and Grens. -2.67 -3.12
Trinidad and
Tobago -1.84 -1.57
Uruguay 0.03 -3.14 *
Venezuela -1.64 -1.60
[t.sub.ADF1] and [t.sub.ADF2] are the standard ADF test statistics
for the null of stationarity and the null of trend stationarity,
respectively, of the variable in the study. [t.sub.NL11] and
[t.sub.NL12] are the KSS test statistics for the de-meaned data using
the models without and with augmentations, respectively. [t.sub.NL21]
and [t.sub.NL22] are the KSS test statistics for the detrended data
using the models without and with augmentations, respectively. The
10, 5, and 1% asymptotic critical values for [t.sub.ADF1] are -2.57,
-2.86, and -3.43, respectively, and those for [t.sub.ADF2] are -3.12,
-3.41, and -3.96, respectively. The 10, 5, and 1% asymptotic critical
values for [t.sub.NL11] and [t.sub.NL12] are -2.66, -2.93, and -3.48,
respectively, and those for [t.sub.NL21] and [t.sub.NL22] are -3.13,
-3.40, and -3.93, respectively, taken from Kapetanios, Shin, and Snell
(2003, p. 364).
*, **, and *** denote rejection of the null hypothesis at the 10, 5,
and 1% significance levels, respectively.
Table 5. Mean Reversion of REER and Country Characteristics
Number of
with the REER
Number of Reverting to a
Country Group Countries Constant Mean
Openness (%)
Least open (<44) 22 6
Moderately less open (44-62) 22 12
Moderately more open (62-85) 22 7
Most open (>85) 22 6
GDP growth (%)
Lowest (<0.11) 21 6
Moderately low (0.11-2) 22 8
Moderately high (2-3.65) 22 8
Highest (>3.65) 22 9
Inflation (%)
Lowest (< 5.3) 22 9
Moderately low (5.3-11) 21 5
Moderately high (11-23) 21 6
Highest (> 23) 21 10
Nominal exchange rate (log of national currency per SDR) flexibility
Lowest (<0.22) 22 5
Moderately low (0.22-0.4) 22 8
Moderately high (0.4-0.92) 22 6
Highest (>0.92) 22 12
Nominal exchange rate (log of national currency per U.S. dollar)
Lowest (<0.2) 22 5
Moderately low (0.2-0.36) 22 9
Moderately high (0.36-0.86) 22 5
Highest (>0.86) 22 12
Number of
Number of with REER
Countries with the Reverting to a
REER Reverting Constant Mean
Country Group to a Trend or to a Trend
Openness (%)
Least open (<44) 6 12
Moderately less open (44-62) 2 14
Moderately more open (62-85) 3 10
Most open (>85) 2 8
GDP growth (%)
Lowest (<0.11) 6 12
Moderately low (0.11-2) 3 11
Moderately high (2-3.65) 2 10
Highest (>3.65) 2 11
Inflation (%)
Lowest (< 5.3) 2 11
Moderately low (5.3-11) 3 8
Moderately high (11-23) 4 10
Highest (> 23) 4 14
Nominal exchange rate (log of national currency per SDR) flexibility
Lowest (<0.22) 4 9
Moderately low (0.22-0.4) 2 10
Moderately high (0.4-0.92) 3 9
Highest (>0.92) 4 16
Nominal exchange rate (log of national currency per U.S. dollar)
Lowest (<0.2) 4 9
Moderately low (0.2-0.36) 2 11
Moderately high (0.36-0.86) 3 8
Highest (>0.86) 4 16
Openness is the average of the sum of exports and imports measured
as a share of GDP. GDP growth is the average of annual percentage
growth rate of PPP-adjusted per capita real GDP. Inflation is the
average annual change in CPI. Nominal exchange rate volatility is
the standard deviation of the log of the monthly exchange rate.
Real effective exchange rate volatility is the standard deviation
of the rate used in this study for the unit root tests.