Entry in foreign markets under asymmetric information and demand uncertainty.
Moner-Colonques, Rafael ; Orts, Vicente ; Sempere-Monerris, Jose J. 等
1. Introduction
Entry into foreign markets entails a number of difficulties. One
such difficulty is a lack of knowledge of the market characteristics,
which may persuade foreign firms to not enter the domestic market. This
paper elaborates on the idea that domestic firms hold an informational
advantage over foreign firms (see Hirsch 1976; Scherer 1999) in a
two-period model of entry mode choice. We offer a complementary
explanation for a foreign firm's choice between foreign direct
investment (FDI) and exports when FDI is the entry mode that provides
better knowledge of local demand. Then, our contribution focuses on a
firm's incentive to become multinational and exploit the advantages
of being close to the market (market-seeking FDI) rather than to exploit
cost advantages in different locations (efficiency-seeking FDI).
The foreign expansion of firms, through exports and FDI, is very
likely to involve uncertainty, since the environment in their home
market is different from the one they will face in foreign markets. In
fact, dissimilarities of any kind create obstacles to successful entry
(Buckley and Ghauri 1999). Informational asymmetries between local and
foreign brands that can eventually affect the mode of entry may be
particularly significant in consumer goods industries, such as consumer
electronics, pharmaceuticals, software, automobiles, household
appliances, and personal computers. The hypothesis in our paper is
reasonably intuitive; yet, to the best of our knowledge, it has not
received much attention in the literature--a couple of notable
exceptions are Horstmann and Markusen (1996) and Jain and Mirman (2001).
In particular, we analyze the role of differential information in
determining the foreign firm's entry mode decision.
The model that we examine assumes that (inverse) demand is linear
and stochastic. Specifically, the demand intercept consists of an
unknown recurrent term, which captures the idiosyncratic features of
local economy, and an additive period-specific random shock. The host
firm, which is only informed about the recurrent term, is the sole
producer in the initial time period, and this generates a noisy market
signal. (1) Then the foreign firm uses the information conveyed by the
observation of the first-period output choice and price to update its
prior beliefs about the stochastic demand in a Bayesian fashion. The
second period unfolds in two stages. In the first stage, the foreign
firm selects its mode of entry, which has some implications. If it
enters as an investor then it incurs a fixed cost, whereas it incurs a
variable unit cost if it enters as an exporter. Furthermore, if
investment takes place then the foreign firm learns the recurrent term
of the stochastic demand; otherwise, it employs its updated beliefs in
the second-stage decisions. There is Cournot competition in the second
stage, which amounts to either solving a duopoly under symmetric information and identical marginal costs when entry occurs through
direct investment, or solving an asymmetric duopoly both in terms of
information and marginal costs when entry is via exports.
We find that entry through FDI is favored by greater variability in
demand and that it may occur even if variable export costs are zero.
Interestingly enough, strategic behavior by the incumbent firm, which
deviates from its first-period monopoly output, might be aimed at
increasing the probability of foreign entry through FDI despite having
to compete against an equally informed and efficient entrant; this never
happens in a symmetric information environment. This is due to the
strategic uncertainty entailed in the export mode when the foreign firm
infers the state of demand based on the observation of the host
firm's output and price. If the state of demand inferred were large
enough and the uninformed firm entered as an exporter, then the cut into
the host firm's output would be so significant that it would be
better off facing an informed competitor. A comparison with the
symmetric information environment reveals that FDI may be observed in
more cases than under a symmetric information setting, either when the
foreign firm thinks after observing the first-period price, that local
demand is greater than what it actually is, or when there is
sufficiently large variability in demand. Finally, the possibility that
the foreign firm invests in the acquisition of information but services
the market as an exporter is also considered. A condition on the size of
the information purchasing cost for such an entry mode not to be an
equilibrium is provided.
There is a widespread view that a firm must have some offsetting
advantages relative to local firms for it to become a multinational firm
that compensates for the inherent costs and risks of doing business
abroad. Thus, recent models of the multinational corporation typically
give the potential multinational firm a leading role as compared with
domestically based firms. (2) Markusen (2002), in a simplified and
reworked version of Horstmann and Markusen (1987), assumes that the
multinational firm chooses between exports and FDI in a first period
and, in a second period, the host firm takes its entry decision. Note,
however, that the multinational firm's advantages can be lessened by letting the host firm enter in a later period when market size is
larger. Basically, the incumbent multinational firm can often preempt local competition by building a plant in the host country. This result
is also found in Smith (1987) and Motta (1992). (3) Our modeling assumes
that the local firm is already established and plays before the
multinational firm does. In contrast with Smith (1987) and Motta (1992),
we introduce uncertainty and asymmetric information to explicitly model
that local firms know the domestic market better than a foreign firm.
These two features are aimed at placing the potential multinational firm
at a disadvantage when entering a foreign market. There exist a few
papers that examine FDI in a stochastic setting. Most of them rely on a
supply-side view of the market; ours focuses on demand-side aspects. A
number of papers have analyzed the behavior of multinational firms under
cost and demand uncertainty (e.g., Das 1983; Itagaki 1991). However,
this line of research takes the existence of a multinational firm as a
given. Recently, Saggi (1998) has considered a monopolist's choice
between FDI and exports in a two-period setting with demand uncertainty
to examine the issue of timing of entry via FDI.
Very little theoretical work has considered that domestic firms
know the market better than foreign firms in a dynamic model. Eaton and
Mirman (1991) and Jain and Mirman (2001) analyze a two-period model of
learning when a firm holds private information about the demand function
in one of two markets. The former paper first examined the issue of
dumping under asymmetric information. The latter paper assumes a
multinational firm that is a monopolist in the home market and a Cournot
duopolist in the foreign market. Outputs are not observable, and the
multinational does not know the intercept of the foreign demand
function. The elements of information manipulation coupled with
increasing marginal costs give rise to deviation from the myopic analysis by both firms. We take this literature in a new direction by
studying the effects of asymmetric information on the foreign
firm's mode of entry. Some other theoretical works, such as Barros
and Modesto (1995) and Horstmann and Markusen (1996), incorporate
asymmetric information in the FDI versus export decision. (4) In
contrast with these two papers, which deal with a game of mechanism
design, we wish to put emphasis on oligopoly interaction in the presence
of both uncertainty and informational asymmetry.
The next section begins by presenting the specifics of our model.
Then, we characterize the Bayesian-Nash subgame perfect equilibrium of
the above described multistage game with incomplete information. A
robustness section discusses some extensions of the model. Two sections
take up a comparison with the symmetric information setting and the
consideration of an additional entry mode. The final section closes the
2. A Duopoly Model with Uncertainty and Informational Asymmetry
The Model
We consider a host country h whose inverse demand for a homogenous good in period t is linear and stochastic in the following way,
where parameter [gamma] is market size, [Q.sub.t] is total output,
and [[??].sub.t] is the stochastic price. There are two risk-neutral firms, a host and a foreign firm. There are two sources of uncertainty:
(i) an unknown recurrent parameter [??] that reflects the idiosyncratic
characteristics of the local economy and (ii) a time-dependent demand
shock [[??].sub.t]. The second source of uncertainty makes total output
a noisy signal of the demand in the host market. It is assumed that each
of these two random variables has full support on R, and that they are
independently and normally distributed. (5) In particular, [??] ~ N(m,
v) and [[??].sub.t] ~ N(0, [mu]), where m is the mean of [??], v =
1/[[sigma].sup.2.sub.A] is [??]'s precision, and [mu] =
1/[[sigma].sup.2.sub.[epsilon]] is [[??]'s precision. It is
convenient to define the expectation of [??] + [[??].sub .t] as the mean
of the demand intercept, which in this case coincides with the mean of
[??]. These distributions are the priors, which are known by both firms
and are common knowledge.
The sequence of events is as follows. There is an initial period
where nature selects the true value a of [??] according to the
distribution N(m, v). This true value is not necessarily equal to m, but
note that a is closer to m when v is large. This value a is exclusively
revealed to the host firm, whereas it remains unknown for the foreign
firm, so that when the host firm chooses output it is informed about a.
In period t = 1, the host firm makes its output choice under
uncertainty, and this produces a noisy market signal, [p.sub.1] +
(1/[gamma])/[Q.sub.1], which is observed by both firms. Nature selects
the time-dependent shock el according to N(0, [mu]), and no firm
observes this realization. The prospective entrant observes [p.sub.1]
and [Q.sub.1], where [p.sub.1] and [[epsilon].sub.1] stand for the
realization of [[??].sub.t] and [[??].sub.t] in period t = 1,
respectively; the host firm can, however, deduce the value of
[[epsilon].sub.1] since it knows a and observes [p.sub.1]. The firm
outside the market updates its knowledge about the stochastic demand
after the observation of the signal. The posterior distribution of [??]
for a foreign firm according to Bayesian updating is [MATHEMATICAL
REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]. The posterior mean [??] is a function of the
priors and the signal observed; in particular, it is the weighted
average according to the relative precisions of the prior mean and the
signal. (6)
Then, the following two-stage game is played in period t = 2 using
all the information available from period t = 1. In the first stage the
foreign firm decides whether to invest or export, and in the second
stage both the host and foreign firms compete in quantities, noting that
the host firm has observed the foreign firm's entry mode. Before
firms compete in quantities, nature chooses the time-dependent demand
shock [[epsilon].sub.2] according to N(0, [mu]) and no firm observes its
realization. The first-stage decision has an informational implication:
(i) In the event of investing, the foreign firm will learn the true
value a, that is, it will be an informed firm in the second stage, and
(ii) if the foreign firm becomes an exporter then its output choice in
the second stage is based on its updated beliefs, that is, the posterior
distribution of A and [[??].sub.2] ~ N(0, [mu]). (7) There is then an
informational asymmetry between these two ways of serving the host
market. Just note that, whether investment or export occurs, there
remains some residual uncertainty linked to the random variable
[[??].sub.2]; this indicates that none of the firms are certain about
inverse host demand. Otherwise the observation of the quantity produced
in period t = 1 plus the market price would reveal the true value a to
the foreign uninformed firm (see Figure 1). (8)
It is assumed that the marginal cost of output is constant and
equal to c for all firms. If the foreign firm exports its output to h,
then the firm incurs an additional per-unit export cost [tau]. It can be
interpreted as due to natural (e.g., transportation costs) or artificial
(e.g., tariffs) barriers to trade. If, alternatively, it establishes a
plant in the host country, it incurs a setup cost of G [greater than or
equal to] 0, which includes any possible cost associated with the
gathering of information.
Equilibrium Analysis
We proceed to characterize the Bayesian-Nash subgame perfect
equilibrium of the above multistage game with incomplete information.
The game is solved in the standard backward way.
Analysis of Period t = 2
In the second stage of period t = 2, the foreign and the host firms
compete a la Cournot, facing a stochastic inverse demand [MATHEMATICAL
EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII]. Two different scenarios can be
reached that in fact are the two subgames that arise for every output
choice made by the host firm in period t = 1.
(i) If the foreign firm decides to invest in stage one, it learns
the true value a of, [??], so that there is a homogeneous duopoly with
demand uncertainty and symmetric information; the host and the investor
firms face the same marginal production costs. Note that for both firms
[[??].sub.2] + (1/[gamma])[Q.sub.2] ~ N(a, [mu]), as a result of the
residual uncertainty stemming from [[??].sub.2]. Duopolists maximize
expected payoffs, and straightforward computations yield the following
equilibrium quantities: [q.sup.*.sub.I] = [q.sup.*.sup.HI2] = [[gamma](a
- c)]/3, where [q.sup.*.sub.I] denotes the second-period equilibrium
output of the foreign firm when it invests and [q.sup.*.sub.HI2] denotes
second-period equilibrium output of the host firm when it competes
against an investor.
(ii) If the foreign firm enters as an exporter, then it employs its
updated beliefs on [??] to make its output choice. There is a
homogeneous duopoly with demand uncertainty and asymmetric information.
In particular, firms hold different beliefs, that is, for the host firm
[[??]sub.2] + (1/[gamma])[Q.sub.2] ~ N(a, [mu]), while for the exporter
setting entails a duopoly with different marginal production costs.
Firms maximize the following expected profits where the expectations are
taken with respect to all the information available to each firm. Thus
where [q.sub.E] denotes the second-period output of the foreign
firm when it exports and [q.sub.HE2] denotes the second-period output of
the host firm when it competes against an exporter.
The first-order condition corresponding to the foreign uninformed
firm is given by
[??] - c - [tau] - [2q.sub.E]/[gamma] - [E.sub.qHE2]/[gamma] = 0,
and the one corresponding to the informed host firm and for all
possible a is given by
a - c - [2.sub.qHE2](a)/[gamma] - [q.sub.E]/[gamma] = 0, (4)
where [q.sub.HE2](a) denotes that the output of the informed host
firm is a function of the true value of a and [E.sub.qHE2] stands for
the expectation the uninformed foreign firm has over the output of the
informed host firm. The uninformed firm's expectation of
[q.sub.HE2] coincides with the equilibrium output that the informed firm
would set if it played a symmetric information game with the beliefs of
an uniformed firm--see for instance the no information game in Ponssard
(1979). (9) The equilibrium outputs are the following: [q.sup.*.sub.E] =
[[gamma]([??] - c-2[tau])]/3 and [q.sup.*.sub.HE2](a) = [[gamma](a - c +
[tau])]/3 + [[gamma](a - [??])]/6.
In fact, [q.sup.*.sub.E] can be rewritten as [[gamma](a - c -
2[tau])]/3 - [[gamma](a - [??])]/3 so that these output expressions
contain two terms: The first one gathers the absence of uncertainty,
while the second one captures the effect of demand uncertainty and
informational asymmetry. (10) Note that [partial
derivative][q.sup.*.sub.HE2]/[partial derivative][??] < 0, whereas
[partial derivative][q.sup.*.sub.E]/[partial derivative][??] > 0. In
fact, depending on the first-period realization of demand, the
difference ([q.sup.*.sub.HE2] - [q.sup.*.sub.E]) might be negative. If
this realization is low enough such that a > [??], then the informed
host firm will always produce more than the uninformed exporter at
equilibrium. In contrast, if the first-period realization of demand is
high enough such that a < [??], the difference ([q.sup.*.sub.HE2] -
[q.sup.*.sub.E]) shrinks and it might well become negative; this occurs
when [??] > a + 2[tau]. Thus, if the uninformed foreign firm thinks
after observing the noisy market signal that the market is better than
what it actually is, it will produce more compared with a setting where
all firms know the true value a of demand. Since the choice variables
are strategic substitutes under Cournot competition, the rival informed
firm responds with an output decrease. The opposite happens when the
uninformed firm, after observing the noisy market signal, thinks that
the market is worse than what it actually is. This strategic behavior
leads to less variation in price adjustments. Graphically, an informed
firm faces a downward sloping demand with an expected vertical intercept
a, whereas an uninformed firm faces one with an expected intercept [??].
The distance between these vertical intercepts depends on how precise
the observed signal is. To sum up, anything making demand more variable
will benefit from the direct investment option.
At stage one in period t = 2, the foreign firm decides on the mode
of entry by comparing the expected profits if it enters as an exporter
or as an investor. Taking into account beliefs [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION
NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], the expected payoffs of entry as an investor
for all possible a, given that it will learn the true value a of [??],
are obtained as follows:
If the foreign firm enters as an exporter, then its expected
payoffs are given by
E[[PI].sub.E] = [gamma][([??] - c - 2[tau]).sup.2]]/9. (6)
A threshold value for [??], denoted by [??], is defined by
E[[PI].sub.E] - E[[PI].sub.1] = 0, such that for [??] below (above) [??]
the foreign firm will enter the host market as an exporter (investor).
(11) Hence, the probability of [??] < [bar.m] is the probability of
entry as an exporter. The threshold value is [bar.m] = c + [tau] +
[(9G)l(4[tau][gamma])] - [[??].sup.2]/(4[tau])]. The next proposition
shows period t = 2 Bayesian-Nash equilibrium.
PROPOSITION 1. Given ([??], [[??].sup.2]), period t = 2
Baycsian-Nash equilibrium is as follows:
(a) The foreign firm enters as an investor iff:
G/[gamma] < 4[tau]([??] - c - [tau]/9 + [[??].sup.2]/9,
with equilibrium outputs given by [q.sup.*.sub.I](a) =
[q.sup.*.sub.HI2](a) = [[gamma](a - c)]/3.
(b) Otherwise, it enters as an exporter with the following
equilibrium outputs:
[q.sup.*.sub.E] = [gamma]([??] - c - 2[tau])/3 [q.sup.*.sub.HE2](a)
= [gamma](a - c + [tau])/3 + [gamma](a - [??])/6.
As usual, the decision about the mode of entry depends on the
well-known tension between export variable costs, [tau], and G/[gamma],
which is a normalized measure of the costs associated with establishing
a subsidiary in the host market.
In the sequel, they will be referred to as adjusted setup costs.
Additionally, in this model the entry mode decision is influenced by the
updated beliefs (both [??] and [[??].sup.2]). Specifically, the
comparative statistics are as follows. Lower adjusted setup cost and
higher export variable costs encourage entry as an investor.
Furthermore, more dispersion in posterior beliefs and a higher expected
intercept for the foreign firm favor entry through FDI. Note that the
relationship between [??] and the relevant parameters disclosed by
Proposition 1 requires that export variable costs be strictly positive.
If these costs were zero, then the entry mode decision would just rely
on the expected incremental gains relative to the costs that are
associated with entry through FDI rather than via exports. Consequently,
it is possible to encounter entry through FDI for zero export variable
costs. To fully understand the effect of [??] on the mode of entry, a
comparison with a symmetric information environment is required and will
be developed below.
Analysis of Period t = 1
Let V([??]) denote the expected value of second-period payoffs to
the host firm as a function of the updated beliefs. Recalling that the
updated beliefs are a function of first-period output, the expected
value V([??]) is given by
where [[??].sub.1] = a - (1/[gamma])[q.sub.H1] + [[??].sub.1] is
first-period price and [q.sub.H1] denotes the first-period output of the
host firm, [[PI].sub.HE] ([??]([q.sub.H1])) stands for the host
firm's payoffs when the foreign firm enters as an exporter,
[[PI].sub.H1](x) is the host firm's payoffs when the foreign firm
enters as an investor, and f is the density function of the random
variable [[??].sub.i] + (1/[gamma])[q.sub.H1]. Note that in the event
that the foreign firm invests the payoffs are not a function of [??]
since both firms know a.
In period t = 1 the host firm is a monopolist and solves
The first and second terms in Equation 8 are the first-period and
the second-period expected payoffs, respectively. We are interested in
assessing whether [partial derivative]V[[??]([q.sub.H1])]/[partial
derivative][q.sub.H1] is different from zero. In case it is zero, the
output [q.sub.H1] that solves [partial derivative]E[[PI].sub.H]/[partial
derivative][q.sub.H1] = 0 coincides with the monopoly output, which will
be referred to as the myopic solution. On the other hand, if it differs
from zero its sign will determine whether the host firm chooses an
output above or below the myopic solution.
LEMMA 1. [partial derivative]V[[??]([q.sub.H1])]/[partial
derivative][q.sub.H1] = (1/[gamma])f([bar.m])[[[PI].sub.HE]([bar.m]) -
PROOF. See the Appendix.
Therefore, the sign of [partial
derivative]V[[??]([q.sub.H1])]/[partial derivative][q.sub.HI] is given
by the sign of [[PI].sub.HE]([bar.m]) - [[PI].sub.H1](x). Since [partial
derivative][q.sup.*.sub.HE2]/[partial derivative][??] is negative,
[[PI].sub.HE]([bar.m]) are interpreted as the lowest payoffs the host
firm will obtain provided the foreign firm enters as an exporter. A
positive sign on the difference means that the host firm is better off
with an exporter rival. It implies that the host firm will produce an
output above the myopic solution. Such an output choice is intended to
increase the probability mass that lies in the lower tail of
f[[[??].sub.2] + (1/[gamma])[Q.sub.2]]. In other words, the host firm
may influence in probabilistic terms the entry mode of the foreign firm
at the beginning of period t = 2. Since [[PI].sub.HE]([bar.m]) =
{[gamma][[2(a - c + [tau]) + a - [bar.m]].sup.2]]}/36 and [[PI].sub.H1]
= [[gamma] [(a - C).sup.2]]/9, the difference is positive iff G/[gamma]
< [4[tau](a - c + [tau]) + [[??].sup.2]/9, which allows us to
characterize the first-period equilibrium. (12)
PROPOSITION 2. Period t = 1 Bayesian-Nash equilibrium for the host
monopolist entails an equilibrium output above the myopic one iff
G/[gamma] < 4[tau](a - c + [tau]) + [[??].sup.2]/9;
the equilibrium output is set below the myopic one, otherwise.
Once competition takes place in period t = 2 it is known that, in a
certainty context, the host firm definitely prefers to compete with a
foreign exporter since the rival bears higher marginal costs.
Nevertheless, this intuition is unclear in the presence of asymmetric
information where the host firm is better informed about market demand
since the host firm's profits are decreasing in [??] in case the
foreign firm enters as an exporter. The export entry mode precisely
entails strategic uncertainty when the foreign firm infers the state of
demand based on the host firm's first-period output and price. As
noted above, if the uninformed foreign exporter's revised beliefs
are that the market is much better than what it actually is, then the
host firm will enjoy a smaller market share since outputs are strategic
substitutes. It is therefore natural that the host firm acts
strategically by deviating from the myopic solution in order to modify,
in probabilistic terms, the foreign firm's entry decision and the
corresponding market equilibrium. Specifically, Lemma 1 states that the
host firm does change its first period monopoly output, which means that
it sacrifices first-period payoffs to later enjoy greater profits in the
second period. Thus, Proposition 2 presents the direction of the
deviation in the first-period output choice with respect to the myopic
solution in order to try and induce either mode of entry. Note that
overproduction, an equilibrium output choice in period t = 1 above the
myopic solution, will rise for sufficiently low adjusted setup costs
since the host firm will then prefer to compete against an exporter;
that is, the host firm is better off coping with some strategic
uncertainty rather than competing against a more efficient rival. Notice
that small adjusted setup costs will imply the foreign firm's entry
via FDI for a relatively low expected demand intercept, other things
equal. This is not an attractive scenario for the host firm provided
that condition G/[gamma] < [4[tau](a - c + [tau]) + [[??].sup.2]/9 is
the same as condition [bar.m]] < a + 2[tau], and this means that the
lowest second-period profits the host firm could expect in case of entry
via exports are indeed higher than the corresponding ones in the case of
entry via FDI (i.e., [[PI].sub.HE]([bar.m] > [[PI].sub.HI](x)). In
such a setting, the host firm selects a first-period equilibrium output
above the myopic one in order to decrease the rival's probability
of entry as an investor, i.e., the probability that [??] > [bar.m].
Graphically, the host firm tries and shifts leftward the density
function f[[??].sub.2] + (1/[gamma])[Q.sub.2]] for the foreign firm.
Overproduction entails the host firm favoring its most preferred mode of
entry while increasing its expected second-period payoffs in case of
entry via exports. Besides, overproduction will imply a lower expected
first-period price, which, since the monotone likelihood ratio property (MLRP) holds, is interpreted by the foreign firm as a worse host market.
Then, in the case of entry via exports the foreign firm will produce
less in equilibrium and, given that firms compete in quantities, the
host firm will produce more in the second period. Therefore, the host
firm would obtain greater payoffs had it produced the myopic output in
the first period.
On the other hand, if adjusted setup costs are sufficiently high
(i.e., [4[tau](a - c + [tau]) + [[??].sup.2]]/9 < G/[gamma]) then
underproduction, an equilibrium output choice in period t = 1 below the
myopic solution, appears in equilibrium. Underproduction is aimed at
shifting rightward the density function f[[??].sub.2] +
(1/[gamma])[Q.sub.2]] for the foreign firm to induce entry via FDI. The
reason for this is that, since now a + 2[tau] < [bar.m], the
strategic uncertainty borne by the host firm when entry occurs via
exports is rather large since there are higher levels of [??] that will
imply entry via exports, as compared with the case where [bar.m] < a
+ 2[tau]. Since the second-period host firm's profits are
decreasing in [??], we will find situations where [[P].sub.HE]([??])
< [[PI].sub.HI](x). In such a case, the host firm finds it optimal to
underproduce to encourage a change in the entry mode; this is better
than choosing a first-period output above the myopic solution, and
thereby a reduction of [??], despite increasing its second-stage profits
in case it faced an exporter.
For further intuition, note that the worst situation for the host
firm is to compete with an exporter that believes that the market is
largely better than what it actually is, but not enough to change the
foreign firm's entry choice to FDI. The reason is that the exporter
will produce more at equilibrium and the host firm's best response
is to accommodate by producing less. As a result, [[PI].sub.HE]([??])
are lower than those obtained if the host firm faced a foreign investor,
that is, [[gamma][(a - c).sup.2]]/9. The host firm knows that when the
foreign firm believes that the market is good enough then it will enter
via FDI. Therefore, the departure from the myopic output is aimed at
changing the foreign firm's expected mode of entry. With
underproduction, a higher expected first-period price is realized,
which, since the MLRP holds, is interpreted by the foreign firm as a
good market. This thus reduces the likelihood of facing an exporter that
incorrectly believes that the market is better than it is, but not
enough to enter via FDI. Summarizing, over- or underproduction is a way
for the host firm to exchange lower payoffs today for higher payoffs
tomorrow in a profitable manner.
Therefore, the first-period output decision influences, in
probabilistic terms, the foreign firm's mode of entry at the
beginning of period two. Finally, note that, had we assumed symmetric
information, then the host monopolist would have never deviated from the
myopic equilibrium output since the choice of [q.sub.H1] would not have
any commitment value given that both periods would not be linked
anymore. Similarly, in case export variable costs were zero, then the
foreign firm's entry mode decision would not depend on [??]; in
such an eventuality it is pointless for the host firm to sacrifice
profits in period t = 1 to affect the entry mode, and it chooses the
myopic solution in the first period.
Figure 2 summarizes the direction of the deviations, above or below
the first period myopic output, for the host firm, and the mode of
entry, direct investment or exports, for the foreign firm. By
Proposition 1, entry through direct investment (FDI) will rise if
G/[gamma] < [4[tau]([??] - c - [tau]]/9 + ([[??].sup.2]/9), or
equivalently if [bar.m] < [??], that is, above the 45[degrees] line;
otherwise, there will be entry via exports (E). As indicated by
Proposition 2, whenever G/[gamma] < [4[tau](a - c + [tau]) +
[[??].sup.2]]/9, or equivalently for all [bar.m] < a + 2[tau], the
informed host firm will deviate from the myopic solution and overproduce with the purpose of favoring entry via exports. This is more likely to
happen for relatively low [bar.m], which will be observed when adjusted
setup costs are rather low or when there is a greater variability in
demand. However, as Figure 2 shows, we may find situations where the
host firm overproduces, and there is entry via FDI; this is because the
first-period realization of the demand shock is such that [??] is
greater than [bar.m] There are other situations where the realization of
the demand shock is such that [??] is lower than [bar.m]. Only in these
latter cases is the host firm's goal achieved in the sense that its
most preferred entry mode actually occurs. Similarly, underproduction by
the host firm followed by entry via FDI (its preferred mode of entry)
shows up when adjusted setup costs are relatively high (or [[??].sup.2]
relatively low) and the realization of the demand shock is sufficiently
Robustness Analysis
We have just characterized the behavior of the host firm in the
first period. This section elaborates on some extensions to assess how
robust our result is.
Given that the host firm's output is crucial to the analysis
and that it may not be empirically valid, it is interesting to discuss
how the fact that the host firm's first-period output was not
observed might alter the foregoing incentives that the informed host
firm has to deviate from in the myopic solution. Put differently, we
wish to elaborate on how the results will change when there is signal
jamming. Since the uncertainty is assumed on the demand intercept, the
host firm cannot affect the (noisy market) signal but it can modify the
position of the density function of the stochastic price. In particular,
it can be proved that the host firm will deviate by producing above the
myopic solution in more situations as compared with the setting where
signal jamming was not at stake. The change in the second-period host
firm's expected profits now includes a new term, which is positive.
(13) The change in the first-period price has an effect on the expected
intercept [??], and the host firm's profits when facing an exporter
vary as [??] varies. Since the host firm's second-period profits
are decreasing in [??] when competing with an exporter, and it also
happens that [??] increases with [p.sub.1], it follows that the host
firm has a greater incentive to overproduce with the purpose of shifting
leftward the density function of the stochastic price and consequently
further favoring entry via exports.
Consider that in the first period there is already a duopoly where
the informed host firm competes with an uninformed foreign exporter. If,
as in the model, outputs are observable, then information from period
one might make the foreign firm decide to switch to FDI in the second
period. Concerning the host firm's behavior, note that the expected
value of second-period payoffs would now be written in terms of the
corresponding updated beliefs, but the same effects are at work. There
is, however, an additional strategic effect since the host firm is not a
monopolist anymore. Still, we should expect deviations from the myopic
duopolistic output choice. If, on the other hand, outputs are not
observable, then signal jamming occurs when firms have different
information sets about the state of demand. The informed firm's
incentives to manipulate information become increasingly complex, and
the analysis is beyond the scope of the paper.
We next wish to discuss variations of the distribution functions of
the key random variables. The proof of our results has assumed a
Gaussian model approach; that is, both the state of nature and the
private signals are the realizations of Gaussian random variables. Each
of the two random variables has full support on R, and they are
independently and normally distributed. One then wonders whether our
conclusions might change under different assumptions. Before proceeding
it is worth mentioning that in situations where Bayesian learning
occurs, the Gaussian model approach is very often used because of the
simplicity of this learning rule. Such simplicity relies on the
following features. First, the normal distribution is summarized by the
most intuitive parameters of a distribution, the mean and the variance (or the precision). Second, both the Bayesian updating rules for the
mean and the variance are linear, which simplifies computations. Third,
the signal contributes to the information on the state of nature in a
way that is measured by the increase in the precision of the latter,
which exactly coincides with the signal precision. Finally, and more
importantly, the increase in the precision on the state of nature is
independent of the realization of the signal and, therefore, can be
computed ex ante. This is central since, when firms decide about some
action that will have consequences on information acquisition, as in our
setting, it is crucial to get an ex ante measurement of the information
We argue that our results are not sensitive to the particular
distribution functions of the random variables so long as any
alternative distributions of the noise component of the signal satisfy
both the strict MLRP and full support on the real line. The discussion
that follows is focused on these features. The distribution of the noise
component of the signal is very often assumed to satisfy the strict MLRP
by the modeling methods employed in information economics, as is the
case of the literature on experimentation and information manipulation.
With this assumption, the agents' beliefs are affected by the
signal in a regular way. In our model, the posterior mean of host
inverse demand increases in the observation of a higher price. Thus, a
high price is interpreted as a better state of demand since, by the
MLRP, it is more likely to have come from a high demand curve. In this
way, the host firm has an incentive to underproduce with the purpose of
shifting rightward the density function of the stochastic price and
consequently to favor entry through FDI, when it is the host firm's
preferred entry mode; such an effect does not depend on the normality assumption. Among the families of density functions and probability mass
functions that exhibit the MLRP are (apart from the normal with mean a,
the true state of nature) the exponential and Poisson with mean a, the
uniform under the interval [0, a], the chi-square (with noncentrality
parameter a), and many others. It is more difficult to reach clearcut
conclusions when the MLRP fails. For example, in the literature on
experimentation, the direction of experimentation might change; here,
underproduction might not be always undertaken when the host firm
prefers facing an investor.
The support of the noise component of the signal is unbounded in
the Gaussian model approach adopted. To examine the likely changes that
a bounded support might bring about, consider the following modification
and simplifications in our model. (14) Assume that host inverse demand
is given by [p.sub.t] = [??] - [Q.sub.t] + [[??].sub.t] and that
marginal cost of production c equals zero. There are two possible
realizations of the state of nature [??] = {[a.bar], [bar.a]} with
[bar.a] > [a.bar] > 0. The uninformed firm's prior
probability that [??] - [bar.a] is denoted by [[rho].sup.0], and
[rho]([p.sub.1], [q.sub.H1], [[rho.sup.0]) denotes the updated
probability of the good state of nature. Further assume that the
distribution of the random variable [[??].sub.t], the noise component of
the signal, is characterized by a continuously differentiable density
function f([[??].sub.t]) with zero mean and supp([[??].sub.t]) = (- s,
s), for s [member of] [R.sup.+]. A direct implication of the boundedness
of the support for [[??].sub.t] is that, depending on the first-period
price, the uninformed firm might learn the true state of nature. To see
this, note that two intervals of the conditional distribution of
[[??].sub.1] can be constructed: In one, the observation of [p.sub.1]
conditional on [??] = [a.bar] must satisfy that [p.sub.1] + [q.sub.H1]
[member of] [[a.bar] - s, [a.bar] + s], and in the other, the
observation of [p.sub.1] conditional on [??] = [bar.a] must satisfy that
[p.sub.1] + [q.sub.H1] [member of] [[bar.a] - s, [bar.a] + s]. Hence,
there are two possibilities:
(i) The everywhere fully revealing case (EFR), which occurs when
the above two intervals do not overlap, that is, when [a.bar] + s <
[bar.a] - s or s < ([bar.a] - [a.bar])/2. In this case, the
uninformed foreign firm always learns the true state of nature and,
therefore, if it observes [p.sub.1] such that [p.sub.1] + [q.sub.H1]
[member of] [[a.bar] - s, [a.bar] + s], it updates its beliefs to
[rho]([p.sub.1], [q.sub.H1], [[rho].sup.0]) = 0, whereas if it observes
[p.sub.1] such that [p.sub.1] + [q.sub.H1] [member of] [[bar.a] - s,
[bar.a] + s], then [rho]([p.sub.1], [q.sub.H1], [[rho].sup.0]) = 1.
(ii) The not everywhere fully revealing case (NEFR), which occurs
when s > ([bar.a] - [a.bar])/2 and the intervals overlap. The updated
beliefs of the good state of nature are then given by
so that there is full revelation of the true state of nature
depending on the realization of [p.sub.1].
Considering the above, the conclusions of the paper have to be
qualified. If in the EFR case asymmetric information is removed after
period one, then the foreign firm's mode of entry will coincide
with the one that would occur under symmetric information--which happens
to be entry via exports when [??] = [a.bar] and entry via FDI when [??]
= [bar.a]. Since the host firm is unable to affect the posterior beliefs
of the foreign firm, it will produce the myopic output because there is
nothing to gain in deviating from the first-period monopoly quantity.
However, the NEFR case yields similar results to the analysis in the
paper. When the observation of [p.sub.1] is such that we are in the
middle branch of Equation 9 then the uninformed firm's posterior is
nondegenerate. We may then compute its expected payoffs for each entry
mode. The uninformed foreign firm reaches a decision rule in a way that,
when [rho]([p.sub.1], [q.sub.H1], [[rho].sup.0]) is smaller than a
threshold probability [[rho].sup.*], entry occurs via exports; if it is
greater than [[rho].sup.*], then entry occurs via FDI. As to the host
firm's behavior in period one, consider that the true state of
nature is [a.bar]. Since this is known by the host firm, then it knows
that any possible realization of [p.sub.1] implies that [p.sub.1] +
[q.sub.H1] belongs to either the interval [[a.bar] - s, [bar.a] - s) or
the interval [[bar.a] - s, [a.bar] + s]. The former interval fully
reveals the state of nature and the latter one does not. Therefore, the
corresponding second-period expected payoffs consist of two terms. The
first term is equal to the probability that the market signal falls in
the fully revealing interval multiplied by the payoffs of competing
against an exporter who knows that [??] = [a.bar]. The second term is
equal to the probability that the market signal falls in the other
interval multiplied by the expected payoffs of facing an exporter (when
[rho] < [[rho].sup.*]) plus the expected payoffs of facing an
investor (when [rho] > [[rho].sup.*]). The latter term indeed
captures the analysis in the model where the support is unbounded, given
that with the Gaussian model approach there is no full revelation. The
former term introduces the possibility that the host firm might deviate
from the myopic output in order to reveal that the state of nature is
bad. Consequently, the host firm's period one output choice
internalizes that its decision affects the probability that the market
signal may fall in the fully revealing interval.
A Comparison with the Symmetric Information Setting
To fully understand the role played by uncertain demand and
informational asymmetry in the export versus direct investment decision,
we proceed to establish a comparison with the symmetric information
case. First, note that in the latter case, as indicated above, the host
monopolist would not deviate from its monopoly output because its choice
has no commitment value, and hence both periods would not be linked
anymore. Therefore, the only interesting issue amounts to studying the
mode of entry choice and comparing it with that of the previous section.
The corresponding second-stage output expressions for period t = 2 can
be easily obtained by taking a = [??] in part (b) of Proposition 1.
Then, the next result immediately follows:
RESULT 1. If 0 < G/[gamma] [4[tau](a - c - [tau])]/9, then the
foreign firm enters as an investor; otherwise, it enters as an exporter.
To be consistent with the analysis of the uncertain demand with
informational asymmetry case, we assume that no entry is not allowed.
This is implied by the following restriction on the parameters: a >
max{c + 2[tau], c + 3 [square root of (G/[gamma]]}. The comparison of
Proposition 1 with the above result yields the following Proposition.
PROPOSITION 3. The range of G/[gamma] that induces entry by the
foreign firm as an investor does not necessarily shrink when demand
uncertainty with informational asymmetry is introduced.
The proof easily follows by comparing expressions [4[tau](a - c -
[tau])]/9 and [4[tau]([??] - c - [tau]) + [[??].sup.2]]/9. For the case
([??] - a > 0), the latter expression is always greater than the
former; therefore, the range of G/[gamma] that induces entry as an
investor is greater under demand uncertainty and informational
asymmetry. On the contrary, if a - [??] > 0, the range of G/[gamma]
that induces entry as an investor is greater under demand uncertainty
and informational asymmetry if the updated variance is sufficiently
large, that is a - [??] < ([[??].sup.2]/4[tau]); the opposite holds
otherwise. Note that, while it might be expected that direct investment
will occur in more cases under a certainty environment, we have found
that uncertainty and informational asymmetry need not go against the
direct investment decision.
An Additional Entry Mode
The foregoing analysis has considered that the informational aspect
and the cost aspect of each entry mode are nonseparable. One wonders how
the entry mode choice would be affected by letting the foreign firm
invest in that acquisition of information about the permanent
characteristics of the local economy and serve the host market as an
exporter. Thus, there is a third scenario in the second stage of period
t = 2 where both the host and foreign firms are informed about the true
value a of [??], but duopolists are asymmetric in marginal costs since
the foreign firm bears an additional per-unit export cost [tau]. The
amount paid for the acquisition of the information is denoted by
[beta]G. It is assumed that [beta] belongs to the interval (0, 1);
values of [beta] greater than one imply that this entry mode is never
employed at equilibrium. The parameter [beta] is interpreted as the
proportion of the setup costs devoted to purchasing the information. The
second-stage equilibrium quantities are the following: [q.sup.*.sub.M] =
[[gamma](a - c - 2[tau])]/3 and [q.sup.*.sub.HM2] = [[gamma](a - c +
[tau])]/3, where subscript M stands for the entry mode that mixes
investing in information and exporting.
At stage one in period t = 2 the foreign firm's expected
payoffs corresponding to this additional mode of entry are obtained as
Comparing the three entry modes leads to the following result:
RESULT 2. Investing in information and exporting will not be an
equilibrium entry mode as long as
[beta] > 1/(G/[gamma]) min {G/[gamma] - 4[tau]([??] - c -
[tua])/9, [[??].sup.2]/9}.
Subtracting Equation 10 from Equation 6 yields the first term in
the above condition. It gathers the opportunity cost of tariff jumping
provided that both entry modes suppose knowledge about a. Therefore, the
sign of this difference is the result of the tradeoff between the
adjusted setup costs of FDI versus the export variable costs. Similarly,
the second term is obtained by subtracting Equation 10 from Equation 7,
which measures the opportunity cost of acquiring the information about a
provided both entry modes entail the same export variable costs. Note
that the condition that establishes which of the two terms is the
minimum coincides with the one that determines the FDI versus export
choice in Proposition 1. Thus, the above condition discloses that the
proportion of the setup costs devoted to purchasing the information must
be sufficiently large for the entry mode through investing in
information and exporting not to appear at equilibrium. Hence, the
previous results would remain valid to the consideration of this
additional mode of entry.
3. Concluding Remarks
This paper has moved one step further in the study of entry and
information acquisition with an application to the internationalization decisions of firms. While the entry mode decision has been extensively
explored, the impact of uncertainty for all firms along with the fact
that potential entrants hold less information on domestic demand
characteristics has thus far been ignored. We have argued that a foreign
firm may engage in direct investment in order to acquire knowledge about
foreign markets rather than exploit advantages of any type. We have
considered a two-period model with one host firm and one foreign firm;
the host firm produces in both periods but the foreign firm produces
only in the second period. The foreign firm decides, before
second-period production, whether to serve the host market via exports
or FDI. The analysis offers some interesting insights that remain valid
as long as either entry mode has both cost and informational
implications. There are no structural linkages between the two periods,
yet the host firm's first-period decision provides a noisy signal
that conveys statistical information about market size; the incumbent
host firm will typically deviate from its first-period monopoly output
to influence, in probabilistic terms, the foreign firm's entry
mode. The consideration of several modes of entry together with the fact
that there is not a uniquely preferred mode for the incumbent results in
output choices below or above the myopic solution. Interestingly enough,
the informed host firm may produce below the myopic solution in
equilibrium to favor entry via FDI. This occurs when strategic
uncertainty is important since otherwise entry via exports of the
uninformed foreign firm would imply a large reduction in the
second-period expected profits so that the host firm indeed prefers to
compete against an informed and equally efficient entrant. A fruitful line of future research would be to deepen into the combination of entry
in foreign markets and information gathering. One such possibility could
contemplate a dynamic model where the timing of investment is thoroughly
analyzed in order to better understand some observed behavior by
multinational firms.
PROOF OF LEMMA 1. Recall that [[??].sub.1] + (1/[gamma])qH1 ~ N(a,
[mu]), with density function
F([[??].sub.1] + 1/[gamma][q.sub.H1]) = [square root of
[mu]/2[pi][e.sup.-1/2[mu]([[??].sub.1] + 1/[gamma][q.sub.H1] - a).
The partial derivative of the expected value of second-period
payoffs is given by
(a) Integration of the second term by parts, noting that {[partial
derivative]f[p.sub.1] + (1/[gamma])[q.sub.H1]]}/[partial
derivative]f[p.sub.1] + (1/[gamma])[q.sub.H1]]}/[partial
derivative][p.sub.1], yields
(b) Integration of the third term reads
Noting that [partial derivative][??]/[partial derivative][q.sub.H1]
= [partial derivative][??]/[partial derivative][p.sub.1] x 1/[gamma]
gives the expression in Lemma 1
[partial derivative]V([??]([q.sub.H1]))/[partial
derivative][q.sub.H1] = 1/[gamma] f([bar.m]) [[[PI].sub.HE]([bar.m]) -
We would like to thank Christos Constantatos, Amparo Urbano, the
editor Laura Razzolini, and two referees for their useful comments and
suggestions. We gratefully acknowledge the financial support from
Spanish Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia and FEDER projects
SEJ2004-07554/ECON and SEJ2005-08764/ECON.
Received April 2006; accepted January 2007.
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(1) A portion of the literature on entry deterrence has examined
the role of prices as signals that convey information about determinants
of postentry profitability (see the preeminent paper by Milgrom and
Roberts 1982). Both private information and uncertainty are assumed in
Matthews and Mirman (1983) so that price is a noisy signal that only
delivers statistical information.
(2) Specifically, oligopolistic settings that formally address the
strategic role of FDI by making use of a game-theoretic approach include
Smith (1987), Horstmann and Markusen (1987, 1992), and Motta (1992,
1994), among many others.
(3) Both these papers consider a change in the sequentiality of
decisions so that the host firm makes its entry decision before the
foreign firm's choice about how to serve the host market. In
particular, Motta (1992) suggests that if the host firm is the first
mover then it may happen that the foreign firm does not enter at all the
no entry strategy is not contemplated by Smith (1987).
(4) Specifically, these authors compare entry by a foreign firm via
FD1 with entry via a contractual arrangement with a local agent, who has
private information about market characteristics. This creates agency
problems, and the multinational firm must weigh the gains from
information gathering--and thus avoid costly mistakes if direct
investment occurs--against the surplus the agent can extract because she
has superior (private) information about the market.
(5) The distributional assumption of normality of the random
variable makes a closed-form solution possible. However, this assumption
is by no means essential since the results in the paper will continue to
hold as long as the probability distribution function satisfies the
monotone likelihood ratio property (MLRP) and the support is unbounded.
A robustness discussion of variations of the distribution functions, as
well as of the support of the random variables, is given later.
(6) These formulae can be found in DeGroot (1970). Further, note
that the sign of ([??] - m) is ambiguous since it is given by the sign
of (a + [[epsilon].sub.1] - m) and, therefore, it can be either positive
or negative regardless of a being above or below m. This is because of
the influence of the time-dependent demand shock. Also, the posterior
precision increases with the mere fact of observing the signal.
(7) This assumption relating the information about a and the way of
serving the host market is made for the sake of exposition. There are no
qualitative changes in the results as long as the investment strategy
implies learning about a in a faster way than the exporting strategy.
(8) There is an extensive literature devoted to the analysis of
information acquisition and manipulation. Finns facing stochastic demand
have an incentive to gather information by engaging in experimentation;
this is achieved by adjusting their myopic decisions in order to affect
their own information flow. Firms will find it optimal to experiment
depending on the nature of the strategic variables and whether
uncertainty is on the intercept or the slope of demand (see, e.g.,
Mirman, Samuelson, and Urbano 1993b; Harrington 1995; Alepuz and Urbano
1999). If, in addition, the actions of firms are not observable by
rivals, then there arises an informational interaction even when the
opportunity to experiment is not present. This interaction leads firms
to adjust their unobserved actions to manipulate the beliefs of rivals;
this conduct is known as signal jamming (see Mirman, Samuelson, and
Urbano 1993a; Urbano 1993). Neither experimentation nor signal jamming
are an issue here given the structure of information; also, the
incumbent cannot affect the precision of the noisy signal by altering
its first-period output since uncertainty is assumed on the intercept
and not on the slope of demand. The incumbent can nevertheless
manipulate its output to modify the foreign firm's mode of entry in
probabilistic terms since, by doing so, it conveys statistical
information about its private information.
(9) This is equivalent to taking the expected value with respect to
the information available to the uninformed firm for all possible a in
the informed firm's first-order condition, which yields
[Eq.sub.HE2] = [[gamma]([??] - c) - [q.sub.E]/2. Substituting this in
the uninformed firm's first-order condition and solving for
[q.sub.E] and [q.sub.HE2](a) yields the equilibrium quantities in the
(10) Note that given the normality assumptions on the random
variables, their realizations may take on negative values. Since firms
are constrained to choose positive quantities, this possibility can be
disregarded by appropriately choosing the variances in the model.
(11) Note that we are disregarding the case of no entry. No entry
will not happen if [??] is sufficiently large, that is, if and only if
[??] > max{c + 2[tau], c + [square root of (9G/[gamma]) + [??]]}.
(12) The Bayesian learning rule from a Gaussian model implies,
among other things, that [[??].sup.2] can be computed by the host firm
ex ante since it is obtained directly from the priors.
(13) This term is -(1/[gamma])[[partial
derivative][[PI].sub.HE](m)/[partial derivative][bar.m]]([partial
derivative][[bar.m]/[partial derivative][p.sub.1])
[[integral].sup.m.sub.-[infinity]] f[p.sub.1] +
(1/[gamma])[q.sub.H1]][dp.sub.1] > 0.
(14) The computations are available from the authors upon request.
Rafael Moner-Colonques, * Vicente Orts, ([dagger]) and Jose J.
Sempere-Monerris ([double dagger])
* Department of Economic Analysis and ERI-CES, University of
Valencia, Campus dels Tarongers, Avda, dels Tarongers s/n,
46022-Valencia, Spain; E-mail Rafael.Moner@uv.es; corresponding author.
([dagger]) Department of Economics and International Economics
Institute, University Jaume I, Castellon, Campus Riu Sec, Avda. Sos
Baynat, s/n, 12006-Castellon, Spain; E-mail orts@eco.uji.es.
([double dagger]) Department of Economic Analysis and ERI-CES,
University of Valencia, Campus dels Tarongers, Avda, dels Tarongers s/n,
46022-Valencia, Spain; E-mail Jose.J.Sempere@uv.es.