Deficits, explicit debt, implicit debt, and interest rates: some empirical evidence.
Wang, Zijun ; Rettenmaier, Andrew J.
1. Introduction
The effect of government borrowing on interest rates has been a
controversial issue for about three decades. The federal deficits of the
1980s and the early 1990s caused speculation as to whether higher
interest rates would follow. The current deficits have renewed interest
in the link to higher interest rates. Since the influential work of
Barro (1974), much of the discussion has focused on whether the
Ricardian equivalence hypothesis holds. Bernheim (1987), Barth et al.
(1991), Seater (1993), Elmendorf and Mankiw (1999), and Engen and
Hubbard (2005) provide excellent reviews of the literature on the topic.
Recent contributions include Cebula (1997); Gale and Orszag (2003);
Laubach (2003); and Ardagna, Caselli, and Lane (2004) among others.
Although empirical evidence obtained in earlier studies is mixed, as
argued by Gale and Orszag (2003), major macroeconometric models imply an
economically significant connection between changes in deficits and
long-term interest rates. Empirical evidence assembled by recent studies
seems to lean toward the existence of the relationship, but there is
still no consensus about the magnitude of the effect.
A missing piece in the debate is a formal investigation of the
effect of the implicit debt, as embodied in unfunded obligations of
Social Security and Medicare. Theoretically, it could be argued that
because the Ricardian equivalence proposition assumes that households
are rational and make decisions for long horizons, then like the
often-discussed public debt (explicit debt), the implicit debt (computed
based on 75-year, 100-year, or infinite horizons) might also have a role
to play in the determination of interest rates. The point we raise here
is not new. In his 1996 paper "Reflections on Ricardian
Equivalence," Barro writes "... (T)he basic invariance proposition for intergenerational transfers ... (is) that the
government's transfers implied by budget deficits or pay-as-you-go
social security would be fully undone if family members were connected
through voluntary transfers based on altruism" (p. 2). More
recently, Gokhale and Smetters (2005) also note that (Social
Security's) pay-as-you-go financing may "crowd out"
private saving and hence increase interest rates (p. 12). (1) Therefore,
it is problematic to test the Ricardian equivalence hypothesis without
considering the effect of the implicit debt. Empirically, the explicit
debt, although large in absolute amount (about $4300 billion by the end
of 2004), is only a part of the federal government's total
obligations. According to the Office of the Chief Actuary of the Social
Security Administration, the Social Security program alone carries
unfunded obligations ranging from about $3700 to $11,200 billion in
present values at the beginning of 2004 under various assumptions. These
numbers are even larger if the trust fund balances are subtracted. In
particular, projected Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance
payroll tax income will begin to fall short of outlays in 2017, which
means that Social Security will require transfers from general revenues
in the next decade (Social Security Trustees 2005).
While previous studies have investigated the effect of Social
Security wealth on saving and consumption (e.g., Feldstein 1974, 1996;
Smetters 1999), and some have also emphasized the importance of the
implicit debt in the discussion of the relationship between government
borrowing and interest rates (e.g., Gale and Orszag 2003, p. 463),
little has been done to quantify the effect of the implicit debt on
interest rates, with the exception of Wang (2005). The purpose of this
paper is to characterize the dynamic effects of government borrowing on
longo term interest rates using vector autoregression (VAR) models. This
paper contributes to the discussion in two ways. First, we consider both
explicit and implicit debt. Such a comprehensive total debt measure
provides a more accurate indication of the burden imposed on future
generations by government borrowing behavior than does a measure of
annual deficits or a measure of the explicit debt alone. (2)
Second, we also wish to contribute to the literature with respect
to the econometric method employed in the analysis. It is well known
that estimating the effects of government borrowing on interest rates is
complicated by the need to isolate the effects of fiscal policy from
other influences, for example, the impacts of monetary policy actions of
the Fed. Empirically, the identification in the context of reduced form VAR models is often achieved by assuming a Wold-causal order for the
elements of the multivariate process so as to organize the triangular
factorization of the innovations covariance matrix (Cholesky
factorization). The major problem of the Cholesky factorization is that
it critically depends on the ordering of variables in the VAR. Different
orderings may lead to quite different results depending on the degrees
of correlation between different innovations. Empirical researchers thus
often rely on economic theory or other prior knowledge to determine the
variable ordering. As is evident in the debate on the relationship
between deficits, debt, and interest rates, predictions of economic
theory are often ambiguous.
In this study, we adopt a structural VAR approach, which is of the
Sims-Bernanke type (Bernanke 1986; Sims 1986). To achieve
identification, we introduce a data-driven method to search for the
causal structure in the innovations. The suggested method of directed
graphs is the graph-theoretic analysis of causality. As demonstrated
later in the paper, the study and application of the directed graph
method is in line with the growing interest among econometricians and
applied researchers in automated model discovery. (3)
An approach similar to this study is used by Wang (2005), who
studied the impact of the implicit debt on short-term interest rates using a generalized VAR approach. The basic finding of Wang (2005) is
that the implicit debt appears to have some moderate influence on real
interest rates only at long horizons. The current paper focuses on the
effect on long-term rates because, as argued by Engen and Hubbard
(2005), if federal government borrowing crowds out private capital
formation, then one would expect to find a larger impact on long-term
interest rates than on short-term interest rates. Both the generalized
impulse responses used by Wang (2005) and the directed acyclic graphs-based impulse responses adopted in the current paper are
invariant to the ordering of variables in the VAR model. However, one
calculates generalized impulse responses by conditioning on the future
shocks, which embody the empirical correlation between shocks. By doing
this, the generalized method tries to "separate" the impact of
a particular shock from others by integrating out the effects of other
shocks to the system. In this sense, the generalized method probably
does not have or build on a clear-cut "structural" assumption
about shocks, while the directed graph method explicitly sorts out
contemporaneous causal relationships among the variables (more about
this in the next section).
The overall evidence from our study suggests that deficits,
explicit debt, and implicit debt all have some effects on the 10-year
government bond interest rate, although with different dynamics. Based
on our preferred model specification, we estimate that a 1 percentage
point increase in the primary deficits, and explicit and implicit debt
(all normalized by gross domestic product [GDP]) may lead to a maximum
of a 56-, 10-, and 2-basis-point rise in the long-term interest rate,
respectively. Nevertheless, these effects appear to be temporary and
tend to die out within a 10-year horizon.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 briefly
introduces the directed graph method and discusses its use in the VAR
identification. Section 3 presents the data. Section 4 examines the
contemporaneous causal relationships between the set of variables under
study and presents the dynamic effects of federal deficits, explicit
debt, and implicit debt on long-term interest rates. Section 5
summarizes the major results and concludes.
2. Directed Graphs and Structural VAR Identification
Directed graphs have been studied for decades. The recent
developments are motivated by the research of Pearl (2000), Spirtes,
Glymour, and Scheines (2000), and their coauthors. Swanson and
Granger's (1997) work adapted the method to uncovering the causal
order within a VAR model. Demiralp and Hoover (2003) and Hoover (2005)
provide an accessible introduction to the method for causal analysis. In
this section, we briefly describe how to conduct the directed graphs
analysis using the variance-covariance matrix of the VAR innovations
The basic idea behind directed graphs is to represent causal
relationships among a set of variables using an arrow diagram.
Mathematically, directed graphs are designs for representing conditional
independence as implied by the recursive product decomposition:
where pr is the probability of variables [v.sub.1], [v.sub.2] ...,
[v.sub.n]. The symbol [[OMEGA].sub.i] refers to the realization of some
subset of the variables that precede (come before in a causal sense)
[v.sub.i] in order (i = 1, 2, ..., n), and [PI] is the product
(multiplication) operator.
As an important contribution to the literature, Pearl (1986, 1995)
proposed "d-separation" as a graphical characterization of the
conditional independence relationship just described. Two vertices (for
example, variables X and Y) are said to be d-separated if the
information flow between them is blocked. This occurs when: (i) one
variable is a common cause, say W in the graph X [left arrow] W [right
arrow] Y, or a mediator in a causal chain, say U in the graph X [right
arrow] U [right arrow] Y, and we condition on W or U; or (ii) if a
variable Z is the middle variable (a collider) in an inverted fork (X
[right arrow] Z [left arrow] Y) and we do not condition on Z or any of
its descendents (descendents are not shown here).
If we formulate a directed graph in which the variables
corresponding to [OMEGA]i are represented as the parents (direct causes)
of [v.sub.i], then the independencies implied by Equation 1 can be read
off the graph using the criterion of d-separation. Geiger, Verma, and
Pearl (1990) showed that there is a one-to-one correspondence between
the set of conditional independencies, X [perpendicular to] Y | Z (X is
orthogonal to Y conditional on Z) and the set of triples (X, Y, Z) that
satisfy the d-separation criterion in a graph G. Specifically, if G is a
directed acyclic graph with variable set V, and if X and Y are in V, and
Z is also in V, then the implied linear correlation between X and Y in
G, conditional on Z, is 0 if and only if X and Y are d-separated given
Z. Here, "acyclic" means that one cannot return to any
starting variable by following arrows that lead away from that starting
variable. Thus, the chain relationship X [right arrow] Y [right arrow] X
is not allowed in a final directed graph. For convenience, this type of
graph is abbreviated as DAG later in the paper. From the preceding brief
description, we can see that conditional independence plays a central
role in the graph method. Of course, the idea of conditional
independence is not new in econometric modeling. For example, in the
long-standing debate of the money-income causality, Sims (1980) found
that the causality exists in the bivariate case but virtually disappears
in the trivariate case when an interest rate variable is also included.
There exist several alternative search algorithms in the literature
that can be used to implement directed graphs. Spirtes, Glymour, and
Scheines (2000) describe the PC algorithm. A Bayesian search algorithm,
the greedy equivalent search (GES) algorithm, is given in Chickering
(2002). The GES algorithm is a stepwise search over alternative DAGs
using Bayesian posterior scores. The algorithm consists of two stages,
beginning with a DAG representation with no edges (independence among
all variables). Edges are added and/or edge directions reversed in a
systematic search across classes of equivalent DAGs if the Bayesian
posterior score is improved. The first stage ends when a local maximum
of the Bayesian score is found such that no further edge additions or
reversals improve the score. From this final first stage DAG, the second
stage commences to delete edges and reverse directions if such actions
result in improvement in the Bayesian posterior score. The algorithm
terminates if no further deletions or reversals improve the score. Both
the PC and the GES algorithms are embedded in the TETRAD IV software
(available online at Similar to
parametric tests that can make type I and type II errors, these search
algorithms may make errors of two types: edge inclusion or exclusion and
edge direction (orientation); the latter appears to be more likely than
the former, especially when the sample size is small. Therefore, the
following results should be viewed with caution and should be
interpreted in light of other relevant information.
Swanson and Granger (1997) and Wang, Yang, and Li (2007) are two
studies that apply the directed graph method to economic time series. We
follow these papers in the study of innovations from a first stage VAR.
Specifically, let [Y.sub.t] denote a (m x 1) vector of stationary
processes. The dynamic relationship among these processes can be modeled
as a VAR of order k,
[Y.sub.t] = [k.summation over (i = 1)][[PHI].sub.i][Y.sub.t-i] +
[[epsilon].sub.t](t = 1, ..., T) (2)
Following Bernanke (1986), we can write the innovation vector
([[epsilon].sub.t]) from the estimated VAR model as A[[epsilon].sub.t] =
[v.sub.t], where A is an m x m matrix and [v.sub.t] is a new m x 1
vector of orthogonal shocks. As has been discussed, the key issue here
is how to specify the A matrix. As a special case, the Cholesky
factorization provides an identified causal structure. Doan (2000) gives
conditions for identification of the elements of A. The literature that
follows the lead of Sims (1986) typically uses nonsample information to
specify A, which can result in overidentification. Here, we apply the
directed graph method to find the causal order using the reduced form
innovations of the covariance correlation structure as input. Starting
with an identity matrix M, we then replace element M (i, j) with a 1 if
shocks in variable j contemporaneously cause shocks in variable i, based
on the identified causal structure (DAG). Given the structural pattern
matrix M, the decomposition factor matrix A can be estimated following
Doan (2000, pp. 292-3).
3. Data and Variables
Based on both theoretical and empirical work, particularly Miller
and Russek (1996) and Ardagna, Caselli, and Lane (2004), we include the
following annual observations in our VAR analysis: The long-term
interest rate (represented by the 10-year constant maturity Treasury
note yield, rlong), the short-term interest rate (represented by the
three-month Treasury bill secondary market rate, rshort), the inflation
rate (infl), the GDP growth rate (growth), the primary deficit (national
income and product account measures, deficit), federal debt held by
private investors (explicit debt, debt), and Social Security unfunded
obligations (uf) (deficit, debt, and uf are all measured as a ratio of
GDP). The first six time series are easily accessible from the online
resources of the corresponding government agencies.
Note that we use the primary deficit, rather than the total
deficit, because it "strips out" the direct effect of interest
rates on government spending, thus better capturing autonomous changes
in fiscal policy (Ardagna, Caselli, and Lane 2004). To estimate the
effect of public debt on interest rates, we use public debt held by
private investors rather than total public debt. This is because
government debt that is purchased by the Federal Reserve to increase the
money supply may not have the same effect as federal debt held by
private investors (Engen and Hubbard 2005). Furthermore, the inclusion
of the inflation rate variable in the system should help capture the
effect of the federal debt owned by the Federal Reserve. Nevertheless,
the two series are highly correlated with each other. Further note that
both deficits and public debt variables are included in the regression.
While this might add some complication in interpreting the effects of
the two variables, it helps capture possible nonlinear effects of
government borrowing on interest rates (Ardagna, Caselli, and Lane
2004). By construction, the two variables are not perfectly correlated.
Finally, Calomiris et al. (2003) find from their event study that news
suggesting more robust economic growth is associated with an increase in
interest rates. To control for this effect, GDP growth rate is included
in the VAR model.
The Office of the Chief Actuary of the Social Security
Administration calculates two major types of annual estimates of the
Social Security unfunded obligations. The types are distinguished by the
group of participants included in the unfunded obligation measure. The
open group obligation measures that are calculated over a 75-year and an
infinite horizon include both current and future participants in Social
Security. In contrast the closed group measure is limited to current
participants and is equal to the present value of the benefits they
expect to receive less the remaining taxes they will pay. The most often
cited estimate, however, is based on a rolling 75-year open group
assumption (denoted as uf75). It is basically the present value of the
difference between future revenues (taxable payroll) and expenditures of
the program for the next 75 years less the value of the Trust Fund. This
estimate is used to determine the required tax increase that is
necessary to attain actuarial solvency for the program over the 75-year
horizon. At the writing of this paper the series is available for the
period of 1979 through 2003. For our analysis, the value of the Trust
Fund, consisting of special Treasury notes, is removed from the
estimates given that we are trying to capture a more complete measure
for debt. We expand the series back to 1976 with data from Goss (1999,
Table 3) (see Wang 2005 for more details). (4)
Similar to Levine, Loayza, and Thompson's (2000) measure of
public debt, here both explicit and implicit debt series at year t are
constructed as the average of debt stocks at period (t - 1) and period t
(in case of the implicit debt, the period t value is actually the period
[t + 1] beginning value).
4. Empirical Results
VAR Estimation
With annual observations spanning the period 1976 through 2003, we
estimate a VAR system of the following variables: rlong, rshort, infl,
growth, deficit, debt, and uf75. The augmented-Dickey-Fuller (ADF) test
indicates that all variables except uf75 appear to be stationary at the
10% significance level (a maximum of three lags are allowed in the
test). This is consistent with Ardagna, Caselli, and Lane's (2004)
finding based on a panel of 16 OECD countries for the similar period.
(5) The apparent nonstationarity property of the implicit debt series is
probably caused by two sharp drops of the estimates following
legislative changes to Social Security in 1977 and 1983. Because we have
only 28 effective sample observations, we do not pursue this further.
For the same reason, in estimating the high-dimension system, we include
one lag for each variable in the VAR. In addition to an intercept term,
a linear trend term is also included in model 2 because it is
significant (at the 0.05 significance level) in some equations of the
VAR. The estimated innovations (residuals) correlation matrix is a key
input for the previously discussed statistical-based structural
identification of contemporaneous causal links. We report them in Table
1. (6)
Causal Relationships and Decomposition of the Innovations
The PC algorithm has been widely used by applied researchers in the
past. However, Monte Carlo simulation evidence suggests that the GES
algorithm performs better in identifying directed acyclic graphs when
the sample size is small or moderate. Following Wang and Bessler (2006),
here we rely on GES to determine contemporaneous causal flows between
interest rates and the other macro variables. Figure 1 plots the final
directed acyclic graph, which is based on the innovations estimated from
the VAR model. Notice that eight directed edges have been added to the
graph. (7) We offer a brief discussion on the edges of interest in the
following paragraph.
The innovation in short-term interest rate (rshort) is caused by
two other innovation processes. The first factor is the inflation rate,
which is not surprising because both short- and long-term interest rates
are measured in nominal terms. Consistent with the findings reported by
many empirical studies (as reviewed in the preceding discussion), the
graph shows that changes in deficits have a contemporaneous impact on
the short-term interest rate. Of central interest, the long-term
interest rate (rlong) is caused by the short-term interest rate, not the
other way around. This causal direction is in agreement with the
familiar term structure of interest rates. Recall from Table 1 that
rlong is also correlated with infl and deficit. However, when
conditional on information on rshort, these two variables no longer have
direct causal impact on the long-term interest rate. Alternatively, they
do not have further impact on rlong beyond the part that has been
incorporated in rshort. Because most new issues of debt (deficits) are
held by private investors, changes in deficits have a direct impact on
debt. This is confirmed by the search results in Figure 1.
Based on the DAG in Figure 1, the factorization pattern matrix M to
decompose the VAR innovations can be specified as:
Recall that the order of the seven variables is rlong, rshort,
infl, growth, deficit, debt, and uf75. Clearly, model 2 is now
overidentified. The usual chi-square test for the imposed restrictions
has a statistic of 8.66 with 13 d.f., which equals 21 (the number of
free parameters if the model is just identified) minus 8 (the number of
free parameters implied by the causal graph in Figure 1, or number of 1s
in off-diagonal M). Because the p-value is 0.80, we do not reject the
We note from Figure 1 that deficits cause the short-term interest
rate, which in turn causes the long-term rate. There is no direct casual
flow from deficits to the long-term rate. This result is not in line
with some of the existing empirical literature, which finds that
long-term interest rates are affected by fiscal variables above and
beyond the effect of fiscal variables on short-term interest rates. The
latter finding would imply that an edge from deficit to rlong should
remain in the final graph. A more complicated model allowing for this
possibility has a p-value of 0.81, only slightly higher than the p-value
of our chosen model, 0.8. The more complicated model is thus rejected by
the Bayesian information criterion, which balances the model fit and
Impulse Response Analysis
Given the factorization pattern matrix M and the VAR parameter
estimates, we now study the impulse responses of the long-term interest
rate to fiscal shocks in deficits, and in explicit and implicit debts.
The responses are calculated over an out-of-sample 10-year horizon. We
call these types of responses the DAG-based impulse responses. As a
comparison, we also calculate the impulse responses based on the widely
used Cholesky decomposition by simply making the reduced form
innovations orthogonal. Following Ardagna, Caselli, and Lane (2004), we
consider two extreme cases in ordering the variables in the VARs. In the
initial ordering, fiscal policy variables come first. Specifically, the
variables enter into the VAR in this order: deficit, debt, uf75, infl,
growth, rshort, and rlong. Second, the monetary policy variable comes
first. That is, the variables are ordered as follows: rshort, infl,
growth, deficit, debt, uf75, and rlong. We refer to these two types of
responses as orthogonalized responses of order I and order II,
respectively. Note that we place rlong last in both orderings. While it
is true that the short-term rate "comes before" the long-term
rate in the contemporaneous causal sense, there is no theoretical
foundation that deficits and debt should always "come before"
rlong. The orthogonalized impulse responses might show a different
pattern if rlong is ordered otherwise. Nevertheless, we focus on the
DAG-based impulse responses, which are invariant to the ordering of the
variables in the VAR.
Figure 2 plots the time profiles of the long-term interest
rate's responses to shocks in deficits and explicit and implicit
debt. Also plotted are the corresponding error bands generated by the
bootstrap method with 1000 replications. Note that because the impulse
responses often have a highly asymmetric distribution, especially when
the sample size is small (as evident here), we follow Sims and
Zha's (1999) recommendation to use the error band formed by the
0.16 and 0.84 fractiles rather than the one standard deviation band
(under the normal distribution, one standard error band also has a
coverage of 0.68). We will say that a variable has an insignificant
effect on interest rates if the point estimate falls outside the error
Consider the orthogonalized responses in Panel A where the fiscal
policy variables are assumed to come first. An unexpected 1 percentage
point increase in the deficit-to-GDP ratio raises the long-term rate by
0.50% in the same year as the shock [Graph (a)]. This estimate falls in
between Laubach's (2003) estimate of 25 basis points (based on the
projected deficit) and that of Canzoneri, Cumby, and Diba (2002) (53 to
60 basis points). However, our estimate is based on the impulse response
functions while the estimates reported by others are often the
coefficients of fiscal variables in interest rate regressions. Thus, the
comparison should be made with caution. As is clear from the figure, the
contemporaneous effect appears to overshoot. It decreases in the next
three years and is statistically insignificant from zero. Graph (b) in
Panel A shows that the explicit debt has a slightly larger
contemporaneous effect than does the deficit; although, it is not
significant for the longer horizons. The implicit debt does not have an
immediate impact on rlong until three years after the shock.
A somewhat different picture emerges from Panel B, where the
short-term interest rate, inflation, and GDP growth rate come before
deficits and debt. Both the magnitudes and patterns of rlong's
responses to shocks in deficit and debt differ. Specifically, with this
ordering, shocks in deficits have a negative effect on the long-term
interest rate in the first two years (-0.44%). In contrast to Panel A,
debt now does not have significant contemporaneous effects on rlong. The
implicit debt, uf75, does not have a significant contemporaneous effect
either. However, note that the change in variable ordering has a
relatively small impact on the estimates of uf75's effects.
Now consider the DAG-based impulse responses of the long-term
interest rate in Panel C. Contemporaneously, a 1 percentage point shock
to the primary deficit-to-GDP ratio leads rlong to increase by 0.56%,
which is slightly larger than the orthogonalized response estimate
(order I). After the overshooting in the first period, rlong decreases
over time and is 0.15% lower at period 4 than its level in the absence
of the deficit shock. The effect becomes positive again at periods 6, 7,
and 8 before it dies out. A shock to the explicit debt has no
contemporaneous effect on rlong, but it leads to about a 0.10% increase
in rlong for periods 4 and 5. One possible reason for the delayed effect
of debt is that the contemporaneous, or short-term, impact of government
borrowing is mostly picked up by the other variable of deficits. This
may also explain why the impact of debt is relatively small compared
with that of deficit. Graph (c) shows the dynamic effect of the implicit
debt. Similar to explicit debt, uf75 does not have a contemporaneous
effect on rlong. However, the long-term rate increases by 0.02% at
period 3 following a shock of a 1 percentage point increase in the
implicit debt-to-GDP ratio. Because innovations in deficits, explicit
debt, and implicit debt are of different magnitudes, to make the
interest rate effects more comparable across variables, we also compute
the impulse responses of the long-term interest rate to one standard
deviation of innovations in the three variables (one standard deviation
of the innovations are 0.80, 1.05, and 8.83 for deficit, debt, and uf75,
respectively). The maximum effects over the 10-year horizon are 0.45,
0.05, and 0.15% increases in rlong due to shocks in deficit, debt, and
uf75, respectively.
Comparing Panels A, B, and C, we can see that the results based on
recursive structures (through Cholesky decomposition) are sensitive to
the ordering of variables, either in direction or magnitude or both. In
this sense, the structural identification based on the data-driven
directed graph method should be emphasized more in empirical studies as
the appropriate model to evaluate the effect of government borrowings on
interest rates.
The causality findings based on the DAG can also be useful
information in determining the Cholesky ordering. (8) For example,
deficit and infl should precede rshort; growth is preceded by debt,
which in turn is preceded by deficit. One possible ordering meeting
these restrictions is as follows: deficit, infl, rshort, debt, uf75,
growth, and rlong. Panel D of Figure 2 plots the corresponding
orthogonalized impulse responses of rlong to the innovations in deficit,
debt, and uf75. The impact is similar to that observed in Panels A and
C, while the patterns of explicit and implicit debt are close to those
in Panel B.
Additivity of Explicit and Implicit Debt
Thus far, we have modeled the implicit debt as a separate
endogenous variable relative to the explicit debt. This treatment allows
the implicit debt to have different impacts on the interest rates than
the explicit debt because changes in the implicit debt may affect the
public's expectation on equilibrium interest rates differently than
the explicit debt does. The empirical evidence obtained in the preceding
discussion largely supports this method: The effects of the two types of
debt have different dynamics in many cases. A more restrictive
assumption is that the two types of debt are additive. For example, Liu,
Rettenmaier, and Saving (2002) propose that Social Security and Medicare
entitlement commitments made by the federal government should be added
to its balance sheet as debts on par with the debt held by the public.
To evaluate the implication of this possibility for our empirical
results, we form a new debt variable by simply adding the explicit and
the implicit debt series together. The combined debt measure is denoted
as debt75.
We reestimate model 2 using the combined debt measure and report
the innovations (residuals) correlation matrix in the lower half of
Table 1. Figure 3 provides the corresponding directed graph describing
the contemporaneous causal relationships between innovations. The causal
links between short and long interest rates, and between inflation rate,
deficit, and the short rate all remain the same. The most noticeable
change is that the edge between deficits and explicit debt no longer
remains in the graph. This makes sense because the new debt measure
consists of two parts with potentially different natures; the
relationship between deficits and debt is thus less direct. The
DAG-based impulse responses of the long-term interest rate using the new
combined debt measure are presented in Figure 4. The basic results we
have derived earlier all seem to hold using the combined debt measure. A
unit shock (of the size of 1 percentage point in the deficit-to-GDP
ratio) leads to a contemporaneous increase of 0.35% in the long-term
interest rate. The effect dies out over time. In contrast, there is no
immediate effect from a shock in the combined debt.
5. Summary
In this paper, we revisited the long-standing issue of whether
federal government borrowing can cause changes in long-term interest
rates. Based on the data-driven method of directed acyclic graphs for
structural identification of contemporaneous causal links, we examined
the impulse responses of the 10-year government bond interest rate to
fiscal shocks. We included in the analysis both the explicit debt and
the implicit debt of Social Security unfunded obligations.
Our primary finding is that the explicit debt and the implicit debt
both appear to have some positive effect on the long-term interest rate
within a 10-year horizon. Under the preferred model specification, a 1
percentage point increase in the deficit-to-GDP ratio causes the
interest rate to increase by 0.56% in the period of the shock. Neither
the explicit debt nor the implicit debt has any contemporaneous effect
on the interest rate. However, a 1 percentage point shock to the two
types of debt, explicit and implicit, as a percentage of GDP, causes an
increase in the interest rate by 0.10 and 0.02%, respectively, a few
years later. The smaller effect of the implicit debt may be because
legislative action can change this debt's magnitude.
Secondly, the effects of deficits on interest rates may persist for
up to eight years, but they are not permanent and tend to die out after
that. The effects of the explicit and implicit debt appear to be less
persistent. This implies that households or other market participants
gradually adjust their behavior to the new level of debt.
In sum, the exact magnitude of the effect of the implicit debt on
interest rates is clearly subject to further research given that we have
a very small sample. Nevertheless, the overall evidence herein suggests
that future studies on the impact of fiscal policy on interest rates and
other macro variables may benefit from considering the significant
magnitude of unfunded obligations embodied in the generational transfer
programs. Furthermore, the financial problems of these programs are not
unique to the United States, meaning they could have important
implications for both domestic and world financial markets.
We are grateful to Kent Kimbrough (editor) and two anonymous
referees for their comments, which significantly improved the paper.
Financial support from the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation and the
National Center for Policy Analysis (NCPA) is acknowledged.
Received August 2006; accepted June 2007.
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(1) The Congressional Budget Office estimated in 1998 that one
dollar's worth of closed-group obligations could reduce private
saving between 0 and 50 cents.
(2) Throughout the paper, we consider only the unfunded obligations
in Social Security because there has not been a consistent series of
Medicare implicit debt. Projections of Medicare outlays involve far more
uncertainty because of continued dramatic innovations in medical
technology and procedures. Another complicating factor is that Medicare
Part B is partially financed through general revenue transfers. The
trustees started to report comprehensive measures of Medicare's
unfunded obligations in their 2004 report.
(3) See Granger (2005) for a brief discussion on the relationship
between directed graphs and modeling methodology in the new century;
also see contributions from the twentieth anniversary issue of
Econometric Theory (2005, volume 21) for more on the topic.
(4) We also examined another type of estimate on Social Security
unfunded obligations, which is based on the 100-year closed group
assumption (denoted as uf 100). While the basic causal relationships are
similar to those summarized in Figure 1, the model using uf100 provides
unrealistic estimates for the effects of deficits, explicit debt, and
implicit debt. A possible reason is that uf75 corresponds more closely
to projections of financial market players on the magnitude of the debt
implicit in Social Security. That is, they may care about the solvency
of Social Security but much less about whether the program is fully
advance funded. Thus. uf75 is probably more relevant than uf100 for the
purpose of studying the effect of Social Security unfunded obligations
on long-term interest rates.
(5) However, should there be no interest payment, the debt variable
would be I(1) by construction if the deficit variable is stationary
(I(0)). There are probably two reasons that the ADF test rejects the
nonstationarity of the variable debt. First, the two variables are not
perfectly correlated as we pointed out earlier. More importantly, unit
root or cointegration tests based on this small size of sample are known
to have lower power. Nevertheless, because all variables enter the VAR
in levels form, the bias in coefficients (hence computed impulse
responses) incurred by regressing variables in different orders of
integration are likely to be small. The previous discussions are
motivated by an important comment from an anonymous referee.
(6) To account for small sample bias in the estimation, we follow
Longstaff (2000).
(7) The GES algorithm is not able to direct the edge between infl
and uf75. This is because the model with infl [right arrow] uf75 and the
model with uf75 [right arrow] infl have equal Bayesian posterior scores.
Because the two competing models have the same number of free
parameters, we score the models by the trace of covariance matrix
(because the determinants of the matrices of the two models are equal
here). This leads to the choice of infl causing uf75. We use [right
arrow] to indicate that the direction is based on a different criterion
than the rest of the model.
(8) This interesting application was suggested by one of the
Zijun Wang * and Andrew J. Rettenmaier ([dagger])
* Private Enterprise Research Center, Allen Building, Room 3028,
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-4231, USA; E-mail; corresponding author.
([dagger]) Private Enterprise Research Center, Allen Building, Room
3028, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-4231, USA;
Table 1. Residuals Correlation Matrices
rlong rshort infl growth deficit debt uf
From the VAR with implicit debt uf75
rlong 1.000
rshort 0.754 1.000
infl 0.138 0.308 1.000
growth 0.689 0.823 0.199 1.000
deficit 0.543 0.815 0.045 0.799 1.000
debt 0.666 0.824 0.120 0.825 0.856 1.000
uf75 -0.007 -0.028 -0.449 0.071 0.099 0.052 1.000
From the VAR with combined debt measure debt75
Hong 1.000
rshort 0.734 1.000
infl 0.139 0.250 1.000
growth 0.636 0.703 0.244 1.000
deficit 0.470 0.797 -0.064 0.499 1.000
debt75 -0.006 -0.109 -0.264 0.232 -0.182 1.000
See Figure 1 for variable definitions.