The effect of body weight on adolescent academic performance.
Sabia, Joseph J.
1. Introduction
A recent study by Cawley (2004) found evidence of a negative
relationship between body weight and wages for white females, even after
controlling for the endogeneity of body weight. If obesity causes white
females' wages to be lower, this may reflect the presence of
workplace discrimination against obese women or lower productivity
levels for these workers, while the results presented in Cawley (2004)
suggest that obesity may have an important negative economic effect. Our
current understanding of the adverse economic impact of obesity may be
understated if obesity also negatively affects early human capital
accumulation. If increased body weight reduces the academic performance
of adolescents or young adults, then the obesity-specific wage gap
estimated by Cawley may reflect only part of the economic harm of
Exploring the effect of adolescent obesity on human capital
accumulation is also important in the context of the current public
policy environment. There are increased efforts by policy makers to
fight childhood obesity by improving the nutritional quality of foods
provided in public schools. For example, in September 2005, California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed legislation creating the
nation's most rigorous nutrition standards in state public schools.
Effective in July 2007, the new California law will limit the sale of
many "junk foods," by regulating fat content, sugar content,
and portion size. While the promotion of such school policies highlights
the potential public health benefits of combating obesity, there may
also be positive educational spillovers associated with improving
adolescent body weight. In the context of the current policy environment
for preventing and reversing childhood obesity, and building on the work
of Cawley (2004), this study examines whether adolescent obesity
adversely affects early human capital accumulation.
There are several reasons to expect a negative relationship between
body weight and academic performance. First, it may be that poor
academic performance causes higher body weight. This may be the case if,
for example, adolescents choose to eat excessively to psychologically
compensate for doing poorly in school. Second, obesity could cause a
decline in academic performance. This could occur if teachers
discriminate against overweight students by giving them poorer grades or
if obesity has adverse psychological and physiological effects that
impede productive studying. Finally, it may be that there is no causal link between body weight and academic performance, but rather an
association that is explained by unobserved individual-level
characteristics. For example, it may be that those with the least
personal discipline expend the least amount of effort exercising and the
least amount of effort studying.
Alternatively, there may be a positive relationship between body
weight and academic performance. Poor academic performance may cause
psychological stress, which reduces one's appetite and resultant body weight. Or, there may be a positive relationship between body
weight and academic performance due to an unobserved heterogeneity. For
example, if individuals must allocate their time between efforts to
improve (or maintain) their physical well-being and efforts to enhance
academic performance, then individuals with the least to gain from
physical health investments (or the most to gain from investments in
academic pursuits) may choose to devote more time and efforts toward
academic endeavors and less toward monitoring and maintaining their
weight. (1)
This paper examines the sensitivity of the association between
adolescent body weight and academic performance to potential biases
caused by unmeasured heterogeneity. Using the National Longitudinal
Study of Adolescent Health, I estimate the relationship between several
measures of adolescent body weight and grade point average (GPA).
Ordinary least squares (OLS), instrumental variables (IV), and
individual fixed effects (FE) estimates produce consistent evidence of a
negative relationship between body weight and academic performance for
white females aged 14-17. Conservative estimates reflect a difference in
weight of 50 to 60 pounds (approximately two standard deviations) is
associated with an 8 to 10 percentile difference in standing in the GPA
distribution. For nonwhite females and white males, I find little
evidence of a significant relationship between body weight and academic
performance after controlling for unobserved heterogeneity. For nonwhite
males, however, there is some evidence of a nonlinear relationship
between body mass index (BMI) and GPA. Taken together, these findings
indicate that adolescent obesity may have adverse academic consequences
for white females. Thus, in principle, targeting obesity-reduction
policies to adolescents may not only improve health outcomes, but may
also have a positive impact on human capital accumulation.
2. Empirical Literature
Several empirical studies have found a negative association between
adolescent obesity and academic achievement. Sargent and Blanchflower (1994) find that females who were obese at age 16 had lower reading and
math test scores later in life than those who were not obese at the same
age. Crosnoe and Muller (2004) show that adolescents in the 85th or
higher percentile of the BMI distribution for their age-gender group
have lower mean GPAs than those in the lower 85th percent of the
distribution. They find that GPAs were even lower for obese adolescents
in schools with higher rates of romantic relationships and lower average
body size among students. Their results suggest that self-appraisal of
weight, relative to one's peers, may have an independent effect on
academic achievement.
Other related work has examined the relationship between obesity
and educational attainment. Gortmaker et al. (1993) find that relative
to women who were not overweight in 1981, women who were overweight in
that same year had fewer years of education accumulated five years
later. Sargent and Blanchflower (1994) also find that females who were
obese at age 16 accumulated fewer years of schooling later in life than
those who were not obese at age 16.
Each of these findings suggests evidence of a negative relationship
between obesity and human capital accumulation, but in each of these
studies, estimates could be biased by unmeasured characteristics
associated with both obesity and educational attainment. With regard to
heterogeneity bias, if the least disciplined individuals are most likely
to become obese and to achieve less in school, and this level of
personal discipline is unobservable, cross-section estimates of the
effect of obesity on academic achievement will be biased upward. On the
other hand, if unobserved time and effort must be allocated between
monitoring or regulating one's physical health and investing in
productive study time, and the most academically motivated individuals
choose to devote more time to studying and less time to personal health
care, then OLS estimates may be biased downward. Moreover, as noted
above, it is not difficult to imagine reverse causality, whereby
schooling outcomes could affect body weight.
While not specifically examining the relationship between body
weight and academic achievement, related work has shown that the
relationship between obesity and wages is quite sensitive to assumptions
about unobservables (see, for example, Pagan and Davila 1997; Behrman and Rosenzweig 2001; Baum and Ford 2004; Norton and Han 2006). Using a
sample of twins to control for unobserved family-level characteristics,
Behrman and Rosenzweig (2001) find no significant relationship between
obesity and wages. However, this may be due to the limited power of the
design implied by small sample sizes. Pagan and Davila (1997) find a
negative relationship between obesity and wages using instrumental
variables. However, Cawley (2004) notes that their choice of
instruments--health limitations and family poverty--may not be credible
because they may be directly related to wages. Norton and Han (2006) use
genetic information from specific genes linked to obesity as instruments
in identifying the causal effects of obesity on female labor supply and
wages. They find a small positive effect of obesity on employment
probabilities and no effect on wages. While the instruments are
credible, the relatively small sample size available for the wage
equations (around 500) suggests that obesity effects may be imprecisely estimated.
Cawley (2004) provides convincing evidence of a significant
negative relationship between body weight and wages using a large,
nationally representative sample of workers from the National
Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY79). Cross-section estimates show a
consistent negative relationship between obesity and wages for white
women, Hispanic women, and black women. However, after including
individual FE to control for fixed individual-level unobserved
heterogeneity, he finds that the relationship between obesity and wages
is only significant for white women, reflecting that selection on
unobservables likely explains the strong association for black women and
Hispanic women. Cawley finds similar results when he attempts to control
for potential endogeneity bias with instrumental variables models, using
a biological sibling's BMI as the key exclusion restriction.
Cawley (2004) offers one plausible explanation for race- and
gender-specific differences in the effect of obesity on wages. He cites
the sociological literature, which suggests that obesity may have a more
adverse psychological effect on white women than on black and Hispanic
women. In fact, for black and Hispanic females, Stearns (1997) finds
that heavier weight is associated with greater self-perceived stability
and power. Averett and Korenman (1996) find that obesity is correlated with lower self-esteem for white females (but not for nonwhite females
or males), but that controlling for self-esteem does not fully explain
race-specific differences in the association between obesity and wages.
This paper builds on the work by Cawley (2004) by examining whether
adolescent obesity affects academic achievement. The current study is
the first to explore the sensitivity of the association between body
weight and academic performance to unmeasured heterogeneity. Using an IV
strategy to control for endogeneity bias and individual FE models to
control for time-invariant unobserved heterogeneity bias, this study
presents evidence on the appropriateness of inferring a causal link
between adolescent body weight and academic performance.
3. Methodology
OLS Model
The most common estimator used in the literature to identify the
effect of obesity on education attainment is the OLS estimator, given by
[[gamma].sub.1] in the following equation: (2)
[A.sub.1] = X'[[beta].sub.1] + [BW.sub.2][[gamma].sub.1] +
[[epsilon].sub.1], (1)
where A is a measure of academic achievement, X is a vector of
individual-level, family-level, and community-level observables, and BW
is a measure of the adolescent's body weight. The estimate of
[[gamma].sub.1] will only be an unbiased estimate of the effect of
obesity on academic performance if there are no unobservable
individual-, school-, or family-level characteristics correlated with
both obesity and academic achievement; that is E([epsilon]\BW) = 0. If
this identification assumption is violated, then the OLS estimator will
be biased. This will be the case in the presence of endogeneity or
heterogeneity bias.
IV Models
A common method of addressing endogeneity bias is through the use
of instrumental variables. If the identification assumptions underlying
the IV model are satisfied, then this estimate will control for any
reverse causality whereby academic performance may cause changes in
obesity. For example, poor grades may cause adolescents to
psychologically compensate for their academic shortcomings by consuming
more food. On the other hand, poor academic performance may cause an
increase in stress, which may suppress appetite and reduce bodyweight.
IV estimation requires finding observable characteristics that
provide exogenous variation in adolescent body weight that are
uncorrelated with academic achievement except through body weight. The
two-stage least squares (2SLS) model jointly estimates the academic
performance in Equation 1 and a body weight equation:
[BW.sub.2] = X'[[beta].sub.2] + [[epsilon].sub.2]. (2)
The classic IV identification assumption requires setting one or
more elements in [[beta].sub.1] = 0. This implies that subset of X will
serve as exclusion restrictions (Z) to identify the model.
Two exclusion restrictions are chosen for identification of the
standard IV model: (i) the parent's report that the
adolescent's biological mother suffers from an obesity problem, and
(ii) the parent's report that the adolescent's biological
father suffers from an obesity problem. (4) The identification
assumption of the standard IV model first requires parental self-reports
of obesity to be strongly correlated to/with adolescent obesity. This is
theoretically expected to be the case because recent studies have found
that approximately half of the variation in weight can be explained by
genetics (Comuzzie and Allison 1998).
Identification of the model also requires that parental obesity not
be correlated with unmeasured determinants of adolescent academic
performance. This assumption may be problematic if parental obesity
serves as a proxy for unobserved family-level environmental
characteristics that are associated with schooling outcomes. For
example, if parental obesity is correlated with a lack of motivation by
parents and this motivation is both unmeasured and correlated with less
monitoring of adolescents' school work, then parental obesity may
have an independent effect on academic achievement, resulting in
upwardly biased IV estimates.
However, there is some empirical evidence to suggest that a
biologically related individual's BMI may serve as a credible
instrument. Using the BMI of a sibling as his key exclusion restriction,
Cawley (2004) provides a compelling case to suggest little empirical
evidence of an effect of common household environment on body weight. In
particular, he focuses on adoption studies that show that (i) the
association in BMI between children and their biological parents is the
same for children who live with their birth parents and those who live
with adoptive parents. (Stunkard et al. 1986; Vogler et al. 1995), and
(ii) the correlation in weight between biologically unrelated adopted
children is statistically equal to zero (Grilo and Pogue-Geile 1991).
This scientific evidence suggests that genetics rather than household
environment is the most prominent influence on body weight.
Given the concern that parental obesity may be correlated with
family-level schooling sentiment that could affect adolescents'
academic performance, I control for several measures of family-level
schooling sentiment. The Add Health dataset provides a rich set of
family-level observable characteristics that capture schooling
attitudes. These variables include: whether the parent moved to the
neighborhood because of the quality of the local schools, whether the
parent is a member of the Parent-Teacher Association, whether the parent
prioritizes scholastic brilliance by their children, whether the mother
has graduated from college, whether the parent talks with the adolescent
about schoolwork, and the degree to which the parent monitors their
child's curfew and friends.
While the scientific literature and the included schooling
sentiment controls may enhance the credibility of the instrument
exogeneity assumption, there remains a concern that parental obesity may
capture unobserved genetic characteristics that contribute to both
adolescent obesity and to adolescent academic performance. While I do
control for a measure of innate academic intelligence using the
student's Add Health Picture and Vocabulary Test (AHPVT) score, an
unobserved genetic trait correlated with a genetic predisposition to
obesity and a genetic predisposition to intelligence could lead to a
violation of the identification assumption of the IV model. Because
there are two exclusion restrictions for one potentially endogenous
variable, overidentification tests are conducted to examine whether it
is appropriate to reject the null hypothesis that the instruments are
uncorrelated with the error term of the academic achievement equation.
Given concerns about the validity of the instruments described
above, a second set of IV models are estimated that do not rely on the
assumption that parental obesity is uncorrelated with adolescent
academic performance. In the presence of heteroskedastic disturbances in
Equation 2, Lewbel (2006) shows that [[gamma].sub.1] can be consistently
estimated using (Z - [bar.Z])[[??].sub.2] as exclusion restrictions,
where [[??].sub.2] are the estimated residuals from Equation 2, and Z is
a vector of observed exogenous variables that can be a subset of X or
can equal X. Thus, parental obesity is included in both Equations 1 and
2, with the identification of the parameters coming from heteroskedastic
disturbances in Equation 2. Thus, the identification assumption requires
cov (Z, [[epsilon].sup.2.sub.j]) = 0 (for j = 2 in the presence of a
single unobserved common factor, and for both j = 1 and j = 2 in the
presence of reverse causality) and cov (Z,
[[epsilon].sub.1][[epsilon].sub.2]) = 0. Unlike the standard 2SLS case,
no further restrictions are placed on Z. These assumptions required for
the identification of this model are shown by Lewbel (2006) to be
features that are quite common in models in which the correlation of
errors ([[epsilon].sub.1] and [[epsilon[.sub.2]) is due to an unobserved
common characteristic.
In models similar to Lewbel (2006), several researchers have
exploited heteroskedasticity for identification (see, for example, King,
Sentana, and Wadhwani 1994; Sentana and Fiorentini 2001; Rigobon 2002,
2003; Klein and Vella 2003). Learner (1981) and Feenstra (1994) also
exploit heteroskedasticity to aid in identification. The assumptions
underlying the Lewbel IV approach have also been exploited to identify
correlated random coefficients models (Heckman and Vytlacil 1998).
Moreover, as Lewbel (2006) notes, several recent papers have proposed
restrictions on higher order moments rather than traditional instruments
as an alternative method of identification (Vella and Verbeek 1997;
Dagenais and Dagenais 1997; Lewbel 1997; Cragg 1997; Erickson and Whited
2002). The Lewbel IV approach will provide an additional identification
method to test the robustness of standard IV results.
FE Model
Finally, while not explicitly controlling for reverse causality, an
individual FE model will control for time-invariant individual-level
unmeasured heterogeneity. The data used to estimate this model,
described in the next paragraph, are from two waves of data collected in
successive academic years. Thus, the individual FE model is a first
differences model that uses individual-specific changes in weight and
academic achievement to identify the effect of body weight on academic
One limitation of estimating this model is that the inclusion of
individual FEs may reduce the precision of estimates. For the individual
FE design to be powerful enough to detect significant effects, there
must be sufficient individual-specific variation in grades and body
weight. Furthermore, in a first differences model utilizing two years of
data, it is assumed that the effects of body weight on academic
performance will occur contemporaneously. This may understate the true
full effects of obesity on academic performance if there are important
lagged effects.
The key advantage of a FE model is that it will control for
individual-level characteristics that are unobservable to the
researcher--such as unobserved discipline, psychological makeup,
motivation, or genetic attractiveness--that may affect both body weight
and academic performance. Given that the types of unobserved
heterogeneity discussed to this point have been fixed individual-level
unobserved characteristics, these FE estimates may produce unbiased
estimates of the effect of body weight on academic achievement. However,
if there are time-varying unobservables correlated with changes both in
obesity and academic achievement, then FE estimates may be biased. (5)
While not achieving the level of internal validity that would be
established in a randomized social experiment, the estimation of OLS,
IV, and individual FE models will allow an examination of the
sensitivity of the association between body weight and academic
achievement to unobserved heterogeneity. These findings will inform the
appropriateness of inferring a causal link between body weight and
academic performance.
4. Data
This study utilizes data from the National Longitudinal Study of
Adolescent Health (Add Health) to examine the relationship between
adolescent obesity and academic achievement. The Add Health dataset is a
school-based nationally representative longitudinal study that surveys
adolescents enrolled in seventh to twelfth grade, their parents, and
school administrators beginning in the 1994-1995 academic year. Wave 1
was collected during or just after the 1994-1995 academic school year,
and Wave 2 was collected during the latter half or just after the
1995-1996 academic school year. Adolescents were asked questions on
their education, health, family, romantic relationships, peer groups,
neighborhoods, and sexual activity. Parents, mostly biological mothers,
were also interviewed. Mothers were asked about their relationships with
their children, their families, their backgrounds, their health status,
and the health status of the adolescent's biological father.
The sample is restricted to 14-17-year-old adolescents, and the
sample of females is further limited to those who reported not being
pregnant, so as not to confound the effect of body weight on academic
achievement with the impact of pregnancy. OLS, IV, and school FE models
are estimated on a sample of 5129 adolescents from Wave 1 of the Add
Health data. Individual FE models are estimated on a sample of 4218
adolescents with observations in both Wave 1 and Wave 2.
Dependent Variable
The dependent variable used to measure academic achievement is the
combined math and English/language arts GPA. Adolescents are asked,
"At (the most recent grading period/last grading period in the
spring), what was your grade in --?" Questions are asked separately
for math and English/language arts classes. (6) Adolescents could
respond to this question with "A," "B,"
"C," or "D or lower." From these survey items, I
created a measure of class-specific GPA, assigning a 4.0 for a reported
grade of A, 3.0 for a reported grade of B, 2.0 for a reported grade of
C, and 0.5 for a reported grade of D or lower. Then, giving each grade
equal weight, I created an average math-English GPA for each adolescent.
In Table 1, I present weighted means and standard deviations of the
dependent variable and all independent variables used in the OLS models,
collected at baseline (Wave 1). Given the possible heterogeneous effects
of body weight on academic achievement by sex and race, I conducted
analyses separately for each of four subgroups. Thus, in Table 1, I
present means for white (7) females, white males, nonwhite females, and
nonwhite males. The mean math-English GPA (MEGPA) is highest for white
females (2.93) and lowest for nonwhite males (2.44).
One limitation of this measure of the dependent variable is that it
is self-reported. Thus, reported grade point averages may be upwardly
biased if students provide inflated reports of their true grades.
However, the average GPAs measured in the Add Health dataset do not
appear to differ substantially from the National Longitudinal Survey of
Youth 1979 or the High School and Beyond datasets, each of which provide
transcript data. Oettinger (1999) reports the mean GPA for juniors in
1979-1983 to be 2.48. In the mid-1990s, the Add Health sample shows a
mean MEGPA for juniors of 2.66 and a mean cumulative GPA of 2.79. The
slightly higher GPAs reported in the Add Health dataset may be due to
inflated reporting of grades or due to increased grade inflation over
Key Independent Variables
Following Cawley (2004), I use several measures of weight to
estimate the effect of obesity on academic achievement. BMI is the
standard measure of body weight in the epidemiological and medical
literature, and was the key measure of body weight used by Cawley
(2004). BMI is calculated as the body weight of an individual in
kilograms divided by the height in meters squared. The mean BMI ranges
from 21.6 for white females to 23.0 for nonwhite females and males.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides
age-sex specific measures of obesity for children aged 2-20. If an
individual's BMI falls in the 5th percentile or lower in the
age-sex specific BMI distribution, then the individual is clinically
classified as underweight. If the individual's BMI falls in the 5th
to 85th percentile, the individual is classified as having a normal body
weight. An individual in the 85th to 95th percentile is classified as
at-risk of being overweight (ATRISK). An individual in the 95th
percentile or higher is classified as overweight (OBESE). In the sample,
1.7% of white females were underweight, 12.1% were at-risk of being
overweight, and 4.9% were classified as overweight. A higher proportion
of nonwhite females (28.3%) were at-risk of being overweight or
overweight than white females (17%).
Another measure of obesity employed in this analysis is body weight
in pounds, controlling for height in inches. The mean weight of white
females was 128.2 pounds and for nonwhite females 132.2 pounds. The mean
male weight was 154.4 pounds for whites and 149.8 for nonwhites. (8)
Mean heights ranged from 5'4" for nonwhite women to
5'9" for white males.
Finally, the Add Health dataset asks adolescents about their
perceptions of being overweight. If there are psychological effects
resulting from obesity that cause adverse schooling outcomes, then
self-perception of weight may be an important measure of obesity.
Crosnoe and Muller (2004) suggest that the relative obesity of peers may
influence the association between obesity and adverse schooling
outcomes, thus implying a psychological component of the effect of
obesity. Of all white females in the sample, 37.6% perceive themselves
as overweight, compared with 14.5% of white females who are clinically
defined as being at-risk for obesity or obese by the BMI classification.
The correlation between these two measures for white females is just
0.48. Among those white females who believed they were overweight, only
36.6% were at risk of being overweight or overweight as classified by
the BMI scale. Among those white females who were classified as
overweight or overweight by the BMI scale, 94.3% believed they were
For other sex-race categories, 41.1% of nonwhite females perceived
themselves as overweight compared with the 28.3% of nonwhite females who
are classified as at-risk of being overweight or overweight (correlation
= 0.54). The correlation between the two measures was higher for white
males (0.59) than for nonwhite males (0.51).
Exclusion Restrictions
The two key instruments used in the IV models are (i) perceived
obesity of the biological mother and (ii) perceived obesity of the
biological father. The parent of the adolescent, usually the biological
mother, is interviewed and asked, "Does the adolescent's
biological mother now have [the health problem] of obesity?" The
same question is asked of the parent with regard to the
adolescent's biological father. Of the respondents with white
female children, 19.6% reported that the biological mother had a current
problem with obesity; 11.9% reported that the biological father had a
problem with obesity.
One limitation of these instruments is that they are parental
self-reports of perceived obesity rather than a direct measure of
parental BMI. This could be problematic if there are unobserved
sentiments correlated with a parental assessment of obesity that are
also correlated with adolescent schooling outcomes. For example, parents
who are more likely to report obesity problems might have other
unobserved psychological problems that could negatively affect
adolescents' academic performance. While direct measures of
parental BMI would be preferred, given limitations of the data, such
measures cannot be utilized. This data limitation, and its implication for the validity of the instruments, should be kept in mind when
interpreting these IV estimates.
5. Empirical Results
Tables 2-5 present the main findings of this paper. (9) Only
parameter estimates on the key body weight measures are presented in the
tables, though a wide set of individual-level and household-level
observables are included to control for characteristics that could
influence both body weight and academic achievement. (10) Results
presented are robust to choice of individual-and family-level
covariates. Parameter estimates for non-obesity-related covariates are
available in Appendix A.
OLS Estimates
Table 2 presents OLS estimates of the relationship between body
weight and academic achievement for adolescents aged 14-17. Each column
presents results from four separate regression models. These four
regressions, which differ by the measure of body weight used, are
estimated for each sex-race category. The first regression uses a
continuous measure of BMI as the body weight measure (Row 1). The second
model uses weight in pounds, controlling for inches (Row 2). The third
specification uses the three CDC classifications of BMI: underweight,
at-risk of being overweight, and overweight (Rows 3-5). The fourth
regression model uses the adolescent's self-perception of being
overweight (Row 6).
OLS findings for females are presented in Columns 1 and 2 of Table
2. In Column 1, I present results for white females. Under the
assumption of a linear relationship between BMI and academic
performance, there is a statistically significant negative relationship
between BMI and grade point average for white females. For the average
white female in the sample, a 50% increase in BMI would be associated
with a 6.6% decline in GPA (approximately 0.2 GPA points). When obesity
is measured as body weight in pounds, controlling for height in inches,
I again find a significant negative relationship between weight and GPA
for white females. Holding height constant, a 50-pound gain is
associated with a 0.17 point decline in GPA.
In Rows 3-5, I allow the relationship between BMI on academic
achievement to be nonlinear. Dummy variables are included for being
underweight, at-risk of being overweight, and overweight, with the
omitted category being those in the age-gender specific healthy BMI
range. I find that, relative to healthy white females, overweight white
females have a 0.182 point lower mean GPA. This finding reflects that
much of the identifying variation in the relationship between BMI and
GPA observed in Row 1 may be explained by variation in BMI at the high
end of the BMI distribution. The findings in Models 1-3 confirm results
in previous obesity-academic achievement studies (Sargent and
Blanchflower 1994; Crosnoe and Muller 2004) and are consistent with
recent obesity-wage studies (Pagan and Davila 1997; Cawley 2004).
In Row 6, I estimate the relationship between a perception of being
overweight and GPA. Consistent with the other specifications, I find
evidence of a significant negative relationship between the perception
of being overweight and GPA. Controlling for observables, white females
who perceive themselves to be overweight have a mean GPA that is 0.153
points lower than those who do not perceive themselves to be overweight.
While the relationship between body weight and academic performance
is statistically significant for white females, the magnitude of the
association appears to be quite small. It would take a weight difference
of approximately 150 pounds (holding height constant) for there to be a
one-half letter grade difference in GPA. Thus, my findings may appear to
suggest that body weight is a significant, but practically unimportant,
determinant of academic performance.
However, it is important to note that one need not observe GPA
differences as large as one-half letter grade for there to be important
economic consequences. For example, a weight difference of 55 pounds
(approximately two standard deviations) is associated with a GPA
difference of approximately 0.18 points. This represents an
approximately 8 percentile lower ranking in the GPA distribution. (11) A
GPA difference of this magnitude could have important effects on the
quality of colleges to which a student could gain admission. Manski and
Wise (1983) show that GPA differences approaching a decile could have
nontrivial impacts on the probability of admissions to a high-quality
college. To put the magnitude of this finding in context, Cawley finds
that a 65-pound difference in weight (approximately two standard
deviations) for adult white women is associated with a difference in
wages of approximately 9%.
For nonwhite females (Column 2), the results are similar, with the
magnitudes of the coefficients even larger than for whites. Whether body
weight is measured by BMI or weight, controlling for height, there is a
significant negative relationship between weight and academic
achievement. As with white females, this relationship is driven by
overweight nonwhite women. Relative to nonwhite females with a healthy
BMI level, overweight nonwhite females have a mean GPA that is 0.273
points lower. However, unlike the finding for white females, I find that
for black females, there is no significant correlation between the
perception of being overweight and academic achievement.
Columns 3 and 4 present findings for males. In contrast to the
findings for females, I find less consistent evidence of a significant
relationship between weight and GPA for males. For white males (Column
3), after controlling for observables, I do not observe a significant
negative relationship between obesity and academic achievement. This is
consistent with findings by Sargent and Blanchflower (1994), who find no
significant effect of obesity on reading and math scores for 16-year-old
adolescent males. It is also consistent with Cawley (2004), who finds no
relationship between obesity and wages for white males. For nonwhite
males (Column 4), there is some evidence that weight may have nonlinear
effects on academic achievement. Relative to nonwhite males with healthy
BMI levels, obese nonwhite males have mean GPAs that are 0.180 points
lower. However, nonwhite males who are underweight also have mean GPAs
that are lower (0.472 points) than those who have healthy BMIs. This
latter finding is consistent with Cawley (2004), who finds that
underweight black males have lower mean wages than black males with
healthy BMIs.
One must be cautious in interpreting OLS estimates causally because
of the possibility of endogeneity bias or unobserved heterogeneity bias.
The OLS estimates presented in Table 2 will only be unbiased estimates
of the effect of obesity on academic achievement in the absence of
reverse causality, whereby academic performance affects obesity, and if
there are no unmeasured characteristics associated with both body weight
and measured GPA. Thus, I present instrumental variables estimates and
FE estimates to test the sensitivity of the OLS results to control for
unmeasured heterogeneity.
Standard IV Estimates
To address the possibility of reverse causality in the relationship
between obesity and academic performance, I estimate standard IV models,
using the two measures of parental obesity as exclusion restrictions.
These estimates appear in Table 3. OLS estimates are presented as well,
so as to allow direct comparison. F-tests of the joint significance of
the instruments are presented in the table along with p-values from the
Sargan overidentification test and the [R.sup.2] from the first-stage models. Joint significance tests are consistently larger than 10 in most
models, suggesting little evidence of weak instruments (Staiger and
Stock, 1997). Moreover, p-values for Sargan overidentification tests are
generally greater than 0.10, suggesting a failure to reject the null
hypothesis that the exclusion restrictions are invalid.
After accounting for the endogeneity of body weight, I find
consistent evidence of a negative relationship between body weight and
GPA for white females (Column 2). Whether body weight is defined as BMI,
weight in pounds (controlling for height), self-perception of being
overweight, or obesity, this negative relationship persists. The
findings are consistent with those in Cawley (2004), who finds negative
effects of obesity on wages for white women, even after accounting for
the endogeneity of weight via IVs. The IV estimates in Table 3 reflect
little evidence that the endogeneity of body weight upwardly biases OLS
estimates; in fact, Hausman tests reveal that the magnitudes of the
coefficients are larger for standard IV models than for OLS models.
One interpretation of the differences in OLS and standard IV
estimates for white females is that unobserved heterogeneity biases OLS
estimates downward. For example, it may be that poor academic
performance causes a reduction in bodyweight among white females. This
might occur if, for example, poor grades cause psychological stress
among white females that causes them to lose weight. However, it may be
that the exclusion restrictions are correlated with other unobserved
characteristics that could also impact adolescent academic achievement.
While there is reason to believe that household-level environmental
characteristics associated with parental obesity do not have an
independent effect on body weight, as evidenced by much of the
scientific literature (see, for example, Stunkard et al. 1986; Grilo and
Pogue-Geile 1991; Vogler et al. 1995), parental self-reports of obesity
may still be correlated with unobserved genetic determinants of
adolescent academic performance. Moreover, parental self-reports of
obesity may be correlated with unobserved household-level psychological
effects that may adversely affect academic performance.
While the exclusion restrictions are strong predictors of body
weight for white females (F-statistics between 17 and 29) and also
satisfy the Sargan overidentification test, these statistical tests do
not guarantee that the identification assumptions are not violated. The
overidentification test may, in fact, be insufficiently powerful to
detect weak instruments. In fact, the first-stage [R.sup.2] values are
quite low, reflecting that the instruments may, indeed, be weak,
resulting in large size distortions (Stock and Yogo 2004). Hence, the IV
estimates in Column 2 should be cautiously interpreted.
For nonwhite females (Columns 4 and 5), OLS estimates of the
relationship between body weight and academic performance are
significant, but IV estimates are not. One interpretation of these
findings is that unobserved heterogeneity explains the OLS estimates and
that there is no causal link between obesity and GPA after controlling
for the endogeneity of body weight. This interpretation is consistent
with evidence from Cawley (2004), who finds that after controlling for
the endogeneity of body weight, there is no significant association
between obesity and wages. However, it is important to note that, unlike
the findings for white females, the magnitudes of the OLS and IV
estimates are quite similar for three of four specifications. IV
estimates are insignificant due to inflated standard errors.
For white males (Columns 7 and 8), IV estimates are consistent with
OLS estimates, indicating no significant relationship between obesity
and academic achievement for white males. These findings are also
consistent with the obesity-wage findings in Cawley (2004). For nonwhite
males (Columns 10 and 11), however, I find evidence of a negative effect
of weight on academic achievement. Whether body weight is measured via
BMI, weight in pounds controlling for height, obesity, or perception of
weight, there is a significant negative relationship between obesity and
academic achievement for nonwhite males. However, I note that the
instruments appear to be quite weak predictors of adolescent body weight
in two of the four models.
Taken together, the IV estimates suggest evidence of a significant
negative relationship between body weight and academic performance for
white females and nonwhite males, but not for nonwhite females or white
males. However, these estimates should be cautiously interpreted given
the data available for the exclusion restrictions.
Lewbel IV Estimates
Because parental obesity may be directly correlated with adolescent
academic performance, the Lewbel IV approach provides a method by which
these measures can also be included in the academic performance
equation. In these models, the elements in Z are included in X (i.e.,
the parental obesity measures), with heteroskedasticity in the
body-weight equation used to identify the model. Across all
specifications, Breusch-Pagan heteroskedasticity tests reveal the
presence of heteroskedasticity in the first-stage body weight equation,
as well as in the second stage.
Lewbel IV estimates are generally consistent with OLS estimates and
are much smaller in magnitude than standard IV estimates. For white
females (Column 3), the Lewbel IV estimates are closer in magnitude to
OLS estimates than standard IV estimates in most cases. However, the
standard errors are larger, leading to findings that are not
consistently statistically significant. For nonwhite females (Column 6),
there is inconsistent evidence of a negative relationship, but the
p-values on the Sargan overidentification test suggest that the Lewbel
instruments may not be uncorrelated with the error of the academic
performance equation. The Lewbel results for white males and nonwhite
males are generally consistent with OLS estimates. For white males,
there is no evidence of a significant relationship between body weight
and academic performance, while for nonwhite males, parameters on the
body weight measures are negative and significant. (12,13)
Taken together, the Lewbel IV estimates are smaller in magnitude
than standard IV estimates. The [R.sup.2] values on the first-stage
equations are generally higher than those in the standard IV models,
suggesting stronger instruments in some cases. The magnitudes of the
Lewbel estimates appear more plausible and, in some specifications,
suggest that reverse causality may not be a sufficient explanation for
the negative relationship between body weight and academic performance
for white females and for nonwhite males.
Individual FE
While not explicitly controlling for reverse causality, individual
FE models control for individual-specific time-invariant unobserved
heterogeneity. This is the form of unobserved heterogeneity--in the form
of motivation, discipline, and self-esteem--that is theoretically
posited to be the most likely source of heterogeneity bias in OLS
estimates. These estimates are obtained by exploiting the longitudinal
nature of the Add Health data, which have repeated observations on the
same individuals in successive school years. Data from Waves 1 and 2 are
used to estimate first difference models.
Identification of the effects of body weight on academic
performance requires sufficient within-person variation in weight and
GPA. (14) The variation in GPA across Waves 1 and 2, as well as the
variation in key independent variables of interest are presented in
Appendix B. While mean values have not changed much across successive
waves, this masks some important person-specific variation across waves.
The first difference models control for several time-varying observable
characteristics theoretically believed to affect changes in GPA and body
weight. (15)
Table 4 presents FE results along with OLS estimates for
comparison. The FE sample is slightly smaller than the IV sample because
the FE sample requires nonmissing observations on academic performance
and obesity in both waves of data. OLS estimates on the FE sample are
generally similar to those obtained with the previous, larger sample.
For white females (Columns 1 and 2), I find that individual FE estimates
are generally consistent with OLS estimates. Consistently, I find a
significant negative relationship between body weight and academic
achievement. Whether body weight is defined as BMI weight in pounds,
controlling for height, or the perception of being overweight, FE models
consistently show that an increase in body weight is associated with a
decline in academic achievement. The magnitudes of the coefficients are
generally statistically equivalent to OLS estimates. The one area where
there is some difference between OLS and individual FE estimates is in
the model that assumes a nonlinear relationship between body weight and
academic achievement. While the parameter estimates on ATRISK and OBESE
are negative, as expected, neither is significant. This likely occurs
because there is insufficient within-person variation in OBESE to
identify the model, as shown in Appendix B. When the definition of
obesity is expanded to include those white females with BMIs in the 85th
percentile or higher (ATRISK or OBESE) so as to allow additional
identifying variation, I find that being at risk of being overweight or
being overweight is associated with a statistically significant 0.18
point lower GPA. (16) One important caveat to the first differences
model is that it assumes that any effects of bodyweight on academic
performance occur contemporaneously.
Thus, if there are lagged adverse effects of obesity on academic
performance, then individual FE estimates may be understated. (17)
In summary, for white females, OLS, IV, and individual FE estimates
each suggest strong evidence of a negative relationship between body
weight and academic performance. (18) OLS, Lewbel IV, and individual FE
estimates reflect that a difference in body weight of 50 pounds
(approximately two standard deviations) is associated with a 0.15 to 0.2
point difference in GPA. These findings on academic performance are
consistent with Cawley (2004), who found that the negative relationship
between obesity and wages for white women was robust to controls for
unmeasured heterogeneity.
For nonwhite females, however, the evidence from individual FE
models suggests that unobserved heterogeneity is the likely explanation
for the negative association between obesity and academic achievement
observed in the cross section. FE results for nonwhite females are
presented in Columns 3 and 4. While OLS estimates consistently show a
significant negative relationship, FE estimates show no significant
association. This suggests that time-invariant unobservables rather than
a causal link likely explains the positive association observed by OLS
estimates. These findings are generally consistent with IV estimates,
suggesting little evidence that obesity causes lower academic
achievement for nonwhite females. These results are also consistent with
Cawley (2004), who finds little evidence of a negative relationship
between weight and wages for black females or Hispanic females.
For white males, there is little consistent evidence of a negative
relationship between obesity and academic achievement (see Columns 5-6)
in either OLS or individual FE estimates. For nonwhite males, I find no
evidence of a significant negative relationship between obesity and
academic achievement after controlling for individual-level
time-invariant unobservables. In fact, there is some evidence that being
underweight, relative to having a healthy BMI, is associated with lower
academic achievement. This curious result is consistent with
Cawley's (2004) findings that being underweight was associated with
lower intelligence levels and educational attainment for black males.
This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that, for nonwhite males,
being underweight may actually result in a social stigma that could
adversely affect academic performance.
Taken together, the estimation results presented in Tables 2-4
reflect that the negative relationship between obesity and academic
achievement for white females is robust to controls for endogeneity bias
and heterogeneity bias. I find no evidence that higher body weight
causes lower grade point averages among nonwhite females. For males, the
evidence is less clear. While there is some evidence of a nonlinear
relationship between body weight and academic achievement, this
relationship needs further empirical exploration given the inconsistency of IV and FE estimates.
Robustness of Findings
Given the strong evidence of a negative relationship between body
weight and academic performance for white females, understanding the
mechanisms by which body weight may cause a contemporaneous decline in
grades is important. There are two hypotheses in the literature that may
explain such a causal mechanism. First, there is a possibility of
teacher-specific discrimination against overweight white females. Data
limitations in Add Health preclude estimation of teacher FE models,
which could shed some light on this question. If the inclusion of
teacher effects reduced the magnitude and significance of the estimated
relationship between body weight and GPA, this would suggest some
evidence in support of the discrimination hypothesis.
While not permitting teacher FE models, the Add Health data do have
information from the student on whether she gets along with her
teachers. One might expect that in the presence of teacher
discrimination, students might express displeasure at being treated
unfairly. If the inclusion of this measure of the student's
relationship with her teachers reduces the magnitude and significance of
the relationship between body weight and wages, this may suggest some
support for the discrimination hypothesis. However, when this variable
is included in the individual FE model, the magnitude and significance
of the relationship does not change, as shown in the first and second
rows of Table 5. While this finding does not rule out the possibility of
teacher-specific discrimination, it does cast some doubt on this
Another mechanism by which body weight may influence academic
performance is suggested in the sociology literature. This literature
suggests that the mental health or self-esteem of white women may be
adversely affected by obesity, which, in turn, may affect academic
performance. The Add Health data allows me to test the robustness of the
relationship between body weight and academic performance to control for
observed measures of mental health. Rows 3-5 of Table 5 present results
of alternate individual FE specifications that control for several
measures of adolescent mental health: self-assessed depression, frequent
reports of "having the blues," loneliness, frequent difficulty
with paying attention in class, and thoughts of suicide. Across all
models, the relationship between BMI (or weight in pounds, controlling
for height) and grade point average remains negative and significant
after controlling for observed measures of mental health and physical
An alternative path through which obesity may reduce academic
performance is through physical impairment. For example, the medical and
public health literatures suggest a strong link between obesity and
sleep apnea in adults (see, for example, Young et al. 1993). There is
some evidence that sleep disorders of this sort may have significant
adverse effects across several measures of cognition (Kales et al. 1985;
Bedard et al. 1993; Adams et al. 2001; Naismith et al. 2004; El-Ad and
Lavie 2005). While the Add Health data do not allow a direct test of
whether obesity affects sleep disorders, adolescents are asked questions
about whether they perceive themselves as being in good health, whether
they are tired frequently (almost every day or every day), and whether
they frequently wake up tired. When these variables are included in the
model (see Rows 6 and 7 of Table 5), the magnitude of the coefficients
on the key body weight measures remains unchanged. (19) The results in
Table 5 suggest the importance of future research to understand the
psychosocial and physical mechanisms by which obesity adversely affects
the academic performance of white females.
6. Conclusions
Building on the work of Cawley (2004), this paper examines the
relationship between adolescent body weight and academic performance.
OLS, IV, and individual FE estimates suggest robust evidence of a
negative relationship between body weight and academic achievement among
white females. There is little consistent evidence of a robust negative
relationship between body weight and academic performance among males or
nonwhite women after controlling for various forms of unmeasured
heterogeneity. These findings are consistent with the obesity wage
findings in Cawley (2004), and can be interpreted in several ways.
First, the results may suggest that the obesity-specific wage
differential observed for white females can be partially explained by
differences in human capital accumulation. Second, it may be that body
weight impacts a common unobserved factor that affects both academic
achievement and wages, such as self-esteem. Finally, the results may
suggest that there is school- and market-level discrimination against
obese white women.
The interpretation of results in this study requires a few
important caveats. While statistically significant, the magnitude of the
effect of changes in body weight on academic performance is likely to be
rather small for the average white female. A difference of 50 to 60
pounds is associated with a 0.2 point difference in GPA. A body weight
difference of this magnitude is quite large (approximately two standard
deviations), but the impact of such a weight difference on GPA standing
may not be trivial. A difference in GPA of 0.2 points is associated with
an approximately 10 percentile difference in a student's position
in the GPA distribution. If this effect is not transitory, but rather
represents a permanent GPA difference, this could significantly affect
the quality of college to which an adolescent could gain admittance (Manski and Wise 1983).
Future research is important in understanding the mechanisms by
which obesity reduces academic performance among white adolescent
females. Data that allow the inclusion of teacher FE would allow tests
of whether teacher-specific fixed unobservables reduces the magnitude
and significance of the relationship between body weight and academic
performance. If the relationship were weakened after accounting for
teacher-level unobserved heterogeneity, this would strengthen the
hypothesis that teacher-specific discrimination explains the
However, in the absence of support for a discrimination hypothesis,
further research is needed on the psychological or physiological
mechanisms by which obesity may affect the human capital accumulation of
white females. While I found little evidence that controlling for
various measures of depression and self-worth reduces the magnitude or
significance of the relationship between body weight and academic
performance, increases in body weight may have important contemporaneous
effects on other psychological traits--such as unmeasured self-esteem or
stress--that affect academic performance of white females. Future work
in this area would be an important contribution to the literature.
Regardless of the mechanism through which obesity affects
adolescent human capital accumulation, the evidence presented here
suggests that targeting anti-obesity efforts toward children could, in
principle, enhance the collective human capital of the United States.
However, in the absence of market failures, adolescent and parental
choices over the production of health and human capital may result in
outcomes that are socially efficient. If, however, the presence of
imperfect health information or schooling externalities precludes the
achievement of socially optimal private decision making, school policies
aimed at improving nutrition or enhancing physical education could, in
principle, enhance efficiency if the social benefits of such policies
exceeded the social costs. Thus, in future research on this question,
addressing the social welfare implications of policy changes will be
Appendix A
OLS Estimates of Relationship between BMI and Academic Performance
White Females (1) Nonwhite Females (2)
BMI -0.018 *** (0.007) -0.015 ** (0.007)
SPORT 0.033 (0.065) 0.047 (0.062)
EXERCISE 0.100 * (0.055) 0.082 (0.056)
ASPIRE 0.391 *** (0.076) 0.455 *** (0.082)
AHPVT 0.018 *** (0.002) 0.007 *** (0.002)
PUBLIC -0.065 (0.083) -0.268 ** (0.110)
RURAL 0.141 (0.089) -0.051 (0.107)
SUBURBAN 0.045 (0.075) 0.001 (0.067)
SOUTH 0.062 (0.077) 0.070 (0.093)
WEST 0.021 (0.086) 0.012 (0.101)
MIDWEST -0.029 (0.077) 0.145 (0.112)
PARDISCOL -0.085 (0.059) -0.073 (0.074)
PARTEACH 0.097 * (0.059) 0.089 (0.064)
NGHBRHD 0.121 ** (0.057) 0.026 (0.060)
BRILLIANT 0.118 ** (0.054) -0.047 (0.062)
PARPROJECT -0.074 (0.119) 0.167 * (0.095)
PARTALK 0.033 (0.058) 0.141 ** (0.072)
SINGLEPAR -0.305 *** (0.108) -0.043 (0.080)
COLGRAD 0.185 *** (0.062) 0.205 *** (0.072)
PARWORK 0.002 (0.063) -0.132 * (0.073)
CURFEW 0.150 *** (0.057) -0.097 (0.063)
DINNERWK 0.021 * (0.013) 0.035 *** (0.012)
MEAT 0.108 (0.125) -0.082 (0.056)
RELIGIONWK 0.065 (0.075) -0.000 (0.088)
RELIGIONMO 0.044 (0.090) -0.011 (0.097)
RELIGIONYR -0.091 (0.089) 0.069 (0.105)
ROMANTIC 0.022 (0.068) -0.031 (0.064)
INTERCOURSE -0.080 (0.075) -0.180 ** (0.073)
OLDERSIB -0.114 * (0.056) -0.067 (0.060)
HHINC 0.007 (0.040) 0.004 (0.041)
DRINK -0.139 ** (0.060) -0.116 * (0.064)
AGE15 -0.017 (0.073) -0.082 (0.070)
AGE16 0.029 (0.081) 0.082 (0.089)
AGE17 -0.085 (0.095) 0.114 (0.097)
BLACK -- -0.326 *** (0.089)
HISPANIC -- -0.402 *** (0.087)
N 1472 1059
White Males (3) Nonwhite Males (4)
BMI 0.001 (0.006) -0.020 *** (0.006)
SPORT 0.143 * (0.080) 0.211 * (0.107)
EXERCISE 0.072 (0.060) -0.025 (0.065)
ASPIRE 0.379 *** (0.069) 0.248 *** (0.076)
AHPVT 0.011 *** (0.003) 0.012 *** (0.002)
PUBLIC -0.113 (0.093) -0.145 (0.128)
RURAL 0.046 (0.088) 0.212 * (0.124)
SUBURBAN 0.036 (0.076) 0.118 (0.073)
SOUTH 0.021 (0.081) -0.099 (0.105)
WEST 0.061 (0.097) -0.287 ** (0.100)
MIDWEST 0.174 *** (0.082) -0.173 (0.118)
PARDISCOL 0.020 (0.060) 0.053 (0.068)
PARTEACH 0.111 * (0.062) -0.029 (0.070)
NGHBRHD 0.147 ** (0.059) 0.046 (0.061)
BRILLIANT -0.012 (0.060) 0.050 (0.071)
PARPROJECT 0.114 (0.097) 0.085 (0.114)
PARTALK 0.138 ** (0.063) -0.007 (0.069)
SINGLEPAR -0.033 (0.106) -0.213 ** (0.095)
COLGRAD 0.082 (0.066) 0.067 (0.076)
PARWORK -0.049 (0.066) -0.123 * (0.076)
CURFEW 0.024 (0.060) 0.133 ** (0.068)
DINNERWK 0.028 (0.016) 0.025 * (0.013)
MEAT -0.046 (0.015) -0.193 ** (0.080)
RELIGIONWK 0.038 (0.076) 0.038 (0.095)
RELIGIONMO 0.081 (0.086) -0.058 (0.106)
RELIGIONYR -0.032 (0.092) -0.000 (0.115)
ROMANTIC -0.012 (0.060) 0.044 (0.066)
INTERCOURSE -0.283 *** (0.077) -0.265 *** (0.071)
OLDERSIB -0.016 (0.060) -0.020 (0.065)
HHINC 0.122 *** (0.042) -0.014 (0.039)
DRINK -0.124 ** (0.062) -0.232 *** (0.068)
AGE15 0.060 (0.083) -0.050 (0.109)
AGE16 0.055 (0.083) 0.011 (0.107)
AGE17 0.181 ** (0.089) -0.011 (0.120)
BLACK -- -0.050 (0.122)
HISPANIC -- -0.250 ** (0.116)
N 1561 1055
All models also include a set of dummy variables for parental
monitoring. Nonwhite models include dummy variables for black
and Hispanic identified youth.
* Significant at 10% level.
** Significant at 5% level.
*** Significant at 1% level.
Appendix B1
Coefficient Estimates on Instruments in First-Stage of 2SLS
Models for Females
(1) (3) (5) (7)
OBESEMOM 2.164 *** 12.65 *** 0.078 *** 0.190 ***
(0.255) (1.52) (0.012) (0.033)
OBESEDAD 1.163 *** 6.91 *** 0.067 *** 0.081 **
(0.309) (1.830) (0.015) (0.040)
N 1472 1472 1472 1472
(9) (11) (13) (15)
OBESEMOM 2.903 *** 17.47 *** 0.172 *** 0.211 ***
(0.507) (2.970) (0.041) (0.059)
OBESEDAD 1.714 ** 10.51 *** 0.084 * 0.126 *
(0.759) (4.370) (0.053) (0.079)
N 1059 1059 1059 1059
* Significant at 10% level.
** Significant at 5% level.
*** Significant at 1% level.
Appendix B2
Coefficient Estimates on Instruments in First-Stage of 2SLS
Models for Males
(1) (3) (5) (7)
OBESEMOM 2.564 *** 17.61 *** 0.140 *** 0.186 ***
(0.285) (1.980) (0.016) (0.028)
OBESEDAD 2.095 *** 14.11 *** 0.107 *** 0.107 **
(0.342) (2.37) (0.019) (0.033)
N 1561 1561 1561 1561
(1) (3) (5) (7)
OBESEMOM 2.465 *** 17.14 *** 0.150 *** 0.092 *
(0.592) (4.13) (0.048) (0.048)
OBESEDAD 1.163 * 9.12 * 0.136 ** 0.129 **
(0.709) (4.94) (0.063) (0.064)
N 1055 1055 1055 1055
* Significant at 10% level.
** Significant at 5% level.
*** Significant at 1% level.
Appendix C
Means and Variation in Key Dependent and Independent Variables
Used in Individual FE Model
White Females
Wave 1 Wave 2
MEGPA 2.97 (0.874) 2.98 (0.835)
% with GPA [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 0.5] 64.7
% with GPA [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 1.0] 24.6
% with GPA [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 1.5] 7.5
% with GPA [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 2.0] 2.3
BMI 21.51 (3.74) 21.80 (4.07)
% with BMI [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 1.0] 38.6
% with BMI [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 2.0] 13.9
% with BMI [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 3.0] 6.2
% with BMI [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 4.0] 3.3
POUNDS 128.05 (24.50) 131.76 (26.55)
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 10] 28.0
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 20] 6.0
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 30] 2.5
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 40] 1.2
INCHES 64.7 (2.80) 65.0 (2.75)
UNDER 0.010 (0.090) 0.028 (0.166)
ATRISK 0.124 (0.329) 0.100 (0.300)
OBESE 0.047 (0.212) 0.058 (0.235)
% who [DELTA] BMI Category 12.7
% who [DELTA] in/out of ATRISK 8.8
% who [DELTA] in/out of OBESE 2.5
PEROVER 0.373 (0.484) 0.349 (0.479)
% who [DELTA] PEROVER 17.1
N 1209 1209
Nonwhite Females
Wave 1 Wave 2
MEGPA 2.77 (0.894) 2.74 (0.844)
% with GPA [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 0.5] 69.9
% with GPA [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 1.0] 28.8
% with GPA [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 1.5] 7.4
% with GPA [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 2.0] 1.8
BMI 22.71 (4.48) 22.93 (4.78)
% with BMI [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 1.0] 43.9
% with BMI [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 2.0] 19.3
% with BMI [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 3.0] 9.9
% with BMI [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 4.0] 5.0
POUNDS 131.31 (27.64) 135.46 (30.52)
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 10] 29.0
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 20] 5.8
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 30] 2.6
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 40] 0.9
INCHES 63.7 (2.91) 64.2 (2.83)
UNDER 0.019 (0.136) 0.036 (0.186)
ATRISK 0.169 (0.375) 0.150 (0.358)
OBESE 0.098 (0.298) 0.083 (0.277)
% who [DELTA] BMI Category 16.5
% who [DELTA] in/out of ATRISK 12.5
% who [DELTA] in/out of OBESE 3.6
PEROVER 0.399 (0.490) 0.395 (0.489)
% who [DELTA] PEROVER 15.9
N 823 823
White Males
Wave 1 Wave 2
MEGPA 2.78 (0.940) 2.77 (0.909)
% with GPA [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 0.5] 70.5
% with GPA [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 1.0] 32.2
% with GPA [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 1.5] 12.8
% with GPA [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 2.0] 5.4
BMI 22.45 (4.43) 23.05 (4.60)
% with BMI [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 1.0] 49.7
% with BMI [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 2.0] 22.3
% with BMI [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 3.0] 9.4
% with BMI [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 4.0] 4.9
POUNDS 152.92 (36.60) 162.00 (36.71)
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 10] 47.1
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 20] 16.7
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 30] 5.3
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 40] 1.6
INCHES 69.0 (3.62) 70.0 (3.18)
UNDER 0.023 (0.150) 0.022 (0.148)
ATRISK 0.149 (0.356) 0.149 (0.356)
OBESE 0.137 (0.344) 0.132 (0.339)
% who [DELTA] BMI Category 16.7
% who [DELTA] in/out of ATRISK 13.8
% who [DELTA] in/out of OBESE 5.2
PEROVER 0.225 (0.418) 0.224 (0.412)
% who [DELTA] PEROVER 11.2
N 1339 1339
Nonwhite Males
Wave 1 Wave 2
MEGPA 2.51 (0.935) 2.43 (0.923)
% with GPA [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 0.5] 67.7
% with GPA [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 1.0] 29.3
% with GPA [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 1.5] 12.1
% with GPA [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 2.0] 3.9
BMI 22.67 (4.33) 23.17 (4.40)
% with BMI [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 1.0] 46.1
% with BMI [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 2.0] 19.6
% with BMI [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 3.0] 8.9
% with BMI [DELTA]
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 4.0] 4.1
POUNDS 149.69 (33.38) 157.44 (33.94)
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 10] 47.6
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 20] 14.7
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 30] 4.9
[greater than or equal to]
[absolute value of 40] 1.9
INCHES 68.0 (3.43) 68.9 (3.160
UNDER 0.014 (0.117) 0.020 (0.140)
ATRISK 0.177 (0.382) 0.142 (0.350)
OBESE 0.133 (0.340) 0.132 (0.338)
% who [DELTA] BMI Category 15.7
% who [DELTA] in/out of ATRISK 14.1
% who [DELTA] in/out of OBESE 4.7
PEROVER 0.200 (0.400) 0.203 (0.402)
% who [DELTA] PEROVER 12.7
N 822 822
The author wishes to thank two anonymous referees, Julie Hotchkiss,
and participants at the March 2006 meeting of the Georgia Policy
Leadership for Active Youth (PLAY) for helpful comments and suggestions.
Thanks also to Nikki Williams for excellent editorial assistance. This
research uses data from Add Health, a program project designed by J.
Richard Udry, Peter S. Bearman, and Kathleen Mullah Harris, and funded
by a grant P01-HD31921 from the National Institute of Child Health and
Human Development, with cooperative funding from 17 other agencies.
Special acknowledgment is due Ronald R. Rindfuss and Barbara Entwisle
for assistance in the original design. Persons interested in obtaining
data files from Add Health should contact Add Health, Carolina Population Center, 123 W. Franklin Street, Chapel Hill, NC 27516-2524
Received November 2005; accepted June 2006.
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(1) For example, consider a student lacking innate athletic
ability. Because such a student has a very low propensity to excel
athletically or obtain an athletic scholarship, she may choose to devote
more time to studying and less to participating in athletic activities,
which could, in turn, raise her body weight. High schools and colleges
clearly recognize the trade-off students must make between time spent on
athletic endeavors and time spent studying. Athletes are often required
to meet some minimum grade standards to remain eligible for athletic
(2) An adolescent (or parent) is assumed to maximize the
adolescent's utility, which is a function of human capital, health,
and other consumption goods. Equation 1 may be interpreted as the
production function for human capital, measured by academic performance,
and Equation 2 to follow may be interpreted as the production function
for health, measured by body weight.
(3) Alternatively, it may be that poor academic performance causes
adolescents to reprioritize time away from scholastic endeavors and
toward more productive athletic pursuits, which may reduce body weight.
(4) The parent that is most often interviewed is the biological
(5) Thus, for example, if there are unobserved within-person
changes in personal discipline or motivation, these changes could lead
to biased estimates.
(6) Questions were also asked for history and science classes, but
I chose to focus on grades in math and English courses for two reasons.
First, math and English are the core courses taken by most adolescents
in both waves of data collection. Including history and science classes
in the GPA calculation in each wave (necessary for the FE estimation)
would reduce the sample size substantially (24%), thereby diminishing the power of the design, which is of particular concern in this study
because I endeavor to produce estimates separately by race and sex.
Second, among those who have taken all four courses, the
math/English/language arts GPA captures 78% of the variation in overall
GPA. Thus, the gain in power is likely worth the reduction in precision
in GPA measurement. However, the central findings in this study are
generally robust to choice of dependent variable, with FE estimates most
affected because of the dramatic reduction in sample size caused by
restricting the sample to those students who took all four courses in
consecutive academic years.
(7) These are non-Hispanic, non-mixed-race whites.
(8) An important limitation to this study is that height and weight
data are self-reported. If there is sufficient measurement error,
estimates of the effect of BMI on academic achievement may be biased
toward zero and, as Aschenfelter and Krueger (1994) have shown, FE
estimates can exacerbate this bias. However, the results presented in
this study are consistent with those of Cawley (2004), who corrected for
measurement error in the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth using
information on true and reported height and weight from the Third
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (see, for example, Lee
and Sepanski 1995; Bound, Brown, and Mathiowetz 2002). The consistency
of findings across datasets in our studies suggests that measurement
error bias alone cannot explain the results of this study.
(9) All models are weighted with robust standard errors presented
in parentheses.
(10) All cross-section models include dummy variables for age and
control for race, intelligence (via AHPVT Score), whether living in a
single parent household, whether the mother works outside the home,
household income, whether the household receives Aid to Families with
Dependent Children, the presence of older siblings in the household,
public or private school, age of mother at birth of child, whether the
parent attended college, whether the parent moved to the neighborhood
because of the local schools, whether adolescent aspires to attend
college, religious attendance, parental monitoring of school and
friends, parental disapproval of failure to attend college,
adolescent's alcohol consumption, whether the adolescent is in a
romantic relationship, whether the adolescent is sexually active,
frequency of family dinners, and share of people in the census tract with a high school diploma.
(11) This finding is consistent with other studies. For example,
using NLSY79 data, Oettinger (1999) finds that a 0.2 point GPA reduction
is associated with a 10 percentile reduction in standing in the GPA
(12) The choice of variables to include in Z to identify the Lewbel
IV model requires Coy(Z, [[epsilon].sub.1][[epsilon].sub.2]) = 0 and Cov
(Z, [[epsilon].sup.j.sub.2]) [not equal to] 0. Thus, unlike standard IV
models, the model does not require that any of the Zs be uncorrelated
with unmeasured determinants of academic performance. While not
presented here, the robustness of the Lewbel IV results to choice of Z
was examined. The results of these models suggest that the choice of
variables to include in Z did marginally affect results. For example,
the inclusion of the OBESEMOM ([Z.sub.1]) as a variable in Z did
diminish the size and precision of the parameter estimate for white
girls. In an auxiliary academic performance regression that included
both OBESEMOM and ([Z.sub.1] - [Z.sub.1]) [[??].sub.2] as covariates,
the coefficient on ([Z.sub.1] - [Z.sub.1]) [[??].sub.2] was found to be
significantly associated with GPA. Thus, it is not clear that ([Z.sub.1]
- [Z.sub.1]) [[??].sub.2] is an appropriate exclusion restriction to
identify the Lewbel model. Thus, a separate set of Lewbel IV models were
estimated, where the choices of variables in Z were restricted to a
clearly more exogenous set of Zs: regional dummies and urbanicity
measures. Auxiliary academic performance regressions did not find that
the parameter estimates on any of the ([Z.sub.1] - [Z.sub.1])
[[??].sub.2] variables were significant. The results of these models
were generally consistent in sign and magnitude with those presented in
Table 3, but the parameters were imprecisely estimated.
(13) For nonwhite males, Lewbel IV estimates are consistently
larger than OLS estimates, though they are not statistically different.
One explanation for this finding may be that overweight nonwhite males
have greater self-perceived unobserved stability and power (Stearns
(14) Another FE model considered was a school FE model, which can
be estimated with the Add Health data. While not presented here, school
FE models produced results that are statistically equivalent to OLS
(15) Time-varying covariates in the models include aspirations to
attend college, parental involvement in student's schoolwork,
parent's labor force participation, parental setting of weekend
curfew, weekly religious attendance, whether in a romantic relationship,
whether had sexual intercourse, and whether changed schools between
(16) Results of these alternate specifications are available upon
request of the author.
(17) However, when I compare the OLS estimate of the relationship
between BMI in Wave 1 on GPA in Wave 2 and the OLS estimate of the
relationship between BMI in Wave 1 on GPA in Wave 1, I do not find that
the estimates are statistically different.
(18) In unreported results, I also estimate Lewbel IV models on the
fixed-effects sample. In these models, Lewbel IV estimates are generally
similar to OLS estimates, as in Table 3.
(19) The findings are similar for OLS models.
Joseph J. Sabia, University of Georgia, Department of Housing &
Consumer Economics, Athens, GA 30602, USA; E-mail
Table 1. Weighted Means and Standard Deviations of Variables (a)
Variable Name Definition White Females
MEGPA Math and English GPA 2.93 (0.899)
MATH Math GPA 2.77 (1.15)
ENGLISH English GPA 3.09 (0.992)
BMI Body Mass Index (weight in
kilograms/height in meters
squared) 21.56 (3.82)
POUNDS Weight in pounds 128.21 (24.99)
INCHES Height in inches 64.6 (2.79)
UNDER BMI < 5th percentile for age-sex
category 0.017 (0.128)
ATRISK BMI between 85th and 95th percentile
for age-sex category 0.121 (0.326)
OBESE (b) BMI greater than 95th percentile for
age-sex category 0.049 (0.216)
PEROVER Perceive oneself to be overweight 0.375 (0.484)
OBESEMOM Parent reports biological mother has
obesity problem 0.196 (0.397)
OBESEDAD Parent reports biological father has
obesity problem 0.119 (0.324)
SPORT Adolescent plays school sport 0.688 (0.464)
EXERCISE Adolescent exercises regularly 0.538 (0.499)
MEAT Meat consumption for breakfast 0.042 (0.202)
ASPIRE Adolescent aspires to attend college 0.792 (0.406)
AHPVT Add Health Picture-Vocabulary Test
Score 105.8 (11.9)
PUBLIC Adolescent attends public school 0.929 (0.256)
RURAL Adolescent's school in rural area 0.213 (0.409)
SUBURBAN Adolescent's school in suburban area 0.598 (0.490)
SOUTH Adolescent lives in the southern
region of United States 0.308 (0.462)
WEST Adolescent lives in western region
of United States 0.130 (0.337)
MIDWEST (c) Adolescent lives in midwestern
region of United States 0.419 (0.494)
PARDISCOL Strong parental disapproval if
adolescent does not attend college 0.630 (0.483)
PARTEACH Parent a member of PTA 0.395 (0.489)
NGHBRHD Parent moved to neighborhood because
of school system 0.558 (0.497)
BRILLIANT Parent believes adolescent being
brilliant is top priority 0.631 (0.483)
PARPROJECT Parent recently aided adolescent
with school project 0.077 (0.267)
PARTALK Parent recently spoke with
adolescent about grades 0.674 (0.469)
SINGLEPAR Single-parent household 0.096 (0.295)
COLGRAD Parent graduated from college 0.285 (0.451)
PARWORK Parent is employed outside the home 0.758 (0.428)
CURFEW Parent has strict weekend curfew for
adolescent 0.253 (0.435)
DINNERWK Number of days per week adolescent
has dinner with family 5.09 (2.28)
RELIGIONWK Family attends religious services
at least once per week 0.404 (0.491)
RELIGIONMO Family attends religious services
about once per month 0.179 (0.383)
RELIGIONYR (d) Family attends religious services
about once per year 0.192 (0.394)
NOMONITOR Parent does not monitor friends of
adolescent 0.158 (0.365)
ROMANTIC Adolescent in romantic or
romantic-like relationship 0.612 (0.487)
INTERCOURSE Adolescent engaged in sexual
intercourse 0.274 (0.446)
OLDERSIB Older sibling in household 0.423 (0.494)
HHINC Log of household income (in 000s) 3.82 (0.706)
DRINK Adolescent consumed alcoholic
beverages in absence of parents
during previous month 0.537 (0.499)
AGE 15 Adolescent aged 15 0.318 (0.466)
AGE16 Adolescent aged 16 0.258 (0.438)
AGE 17 (e) Adolescent aged 17 0.157 (0.364)
N 1472
Variable Name Definition Females
MEGPA Math and English GPA 2.72 (0.903)
MATH Math GPA 2.56 (1.15)
ENGLISH English GPA 2.89 (l.04)
BMI Body Mass Index (weight in
kilograms/height in meters
squared) 22.69 (4.56)
POUNDS Weight in pounds 131.26 (30.81)
INCHES Height in inches 63.7 (2.99)
UNDER BMI < 5th percentile for age-sex
category 0.017 (0.129)
ATRISK BMI between 85th and 95th percentile
for age-sex category 0.160 (0.367)
OBESE (b) BMI greater than 95th percentile for
age-sex category 0.101 (0.302)
PEROVER Perceive oneself to be overweight 0.397 (0.490)
OBESEMOM Parent reports biological mother has
obesity problem 0.172 (0.378)
OBESEDAD Parent reports biological father has
obesity problem 0.084 (0.277)
SPORT Adolescent plays school sport 0.602 (0.490)
EXERCISE Adolescent exercises regularly 0.574 (0.495)
MEAT Meat consumption for breakfast 0.143 (0.351)
ASPIRE Adolescent aspires to attend college 0.826 (0.379)
AHPVT Add Health Picture-Vocabulary Test
Score 97.1 (14.5)
PUBLIC Adolescent attends public school 0.911 (0.285)
RURAL Adolescent's school in rural area 0.089 (0.284)
SUBURBAN Adolescent's school in suburban area 0.465 (0.499)
SOUTH Adolescent lives in the southern
region of United States 0.462 (0.499)
WEST Adolescent lives in western region
of United States 0.263 (0.441)
MIDWEST (c) Adolescent lives in midwestern
region of United States 0.152 (0.359)
PARDISCOL Strong parental disapproval if
adolescent does not attend college 0.736 (0.441)
PARTEACH Parent a member of PTA 0.327 (0.469)
NGHBRHD Parent moved to neighborhood because
of school system 0.443 (0.497)
BRILLIANT Parent believes adolescent being
brilliant is top priority 0.780 (0.414)
PARPROJECT Parent recently aided adolescent
with school project 0.068 (0.252)
PARTALK Parent recently spoke with
adolescent about grades 0.744 (0.436)
SINGLEPAR Single-parent household 0.234 (0.423)
COLGRAD Parent graduated from college 0.217 (0.412)
PARWORK Parent is employed outside the home 0.741 (0.438)
CURFEW Parent has strict weekend curfew for
adolescent 0.229 (0.420)
DINNERWK Number of days per week adolescent
has dinner with family 4.41 (2.57)
RELIGIONWK Family attends religious services
at least once per week 0.493 (0.500)
RELIGIONMO Family attends religious services
about once per month 0.228 (0.420)
RELIGIONYR (d) Family attends religious services
about once per year 0.157 (0.364)
NOMONITOR Parent does not monitor friends of
adolescent 0.307 (0.462)
ROMANTIC Adolescent in romantic or
romantic-like relationship 0.495 (0.500)
INTERCOURSE Adolescent engaged in sexual
intercourse 0.306 (0.461)
OLDERSIB Older sibling in household 0.432 (0.496)
HHINC Log of household income (in 000s) 3.36 (0.864)
DRINK Adolescent consumed alcoholic
beverages in absence of parents
during previous month 0.430 (0.495)
AGE 15 Adolescent aged 15 0.340 (0.474)
AGE16 Adolescent aged 16 0.247 (0.432)
AGE 17 (e) Adolescent aged 17 0.147 (0.354)
N 1059
Variable Name Definition White Males
MEGPA Math and English GPA 2.73 (0.955)
MATH Math GPA 2.71 (1.18)
ENGLISH English GPA 2.74 (1.10)
BMI Body Mass Index (weight in
kilograms/height in meters
squared) 22.55 (4.50)
POUNDS Weight in pounds 154.41 (36.86)
INCHES Height in inches 69.2 (3.59)
UNDER BMI < 5th percentile for age-sex
category 0.021 (0.142)
ATRISK BMI between 85th and 95th percentile
for age-sex category 0.152 (0.329)
OBESE (b) BMI greater than 95th percentile for
age-sex category 0.133 (0.340)
PEROVER Perceive oneself to be overweight 0.226 (0.419)
OBESEMOM Parent reports biological mother has
obesity problem 0.198 (0.399)
OBESEDAD Parent reports biological father has
obesity problem 0.126 (0.332)
SPORT Adolescent plays school sport 0.836 (0.371)
EXERCISE Adolescent exercises regularly 0.528 (0.499)
MEAT Meat consumption for breakfast 0.078 (0.269)
ASPIRE Adolescent aspires to attend college 0.727 (0.446)
AHPVT Add Health Picture-Vocabulary Test
Score 106.9 (0.116)
PUBLIC Adolescent attends public school 0.918 (0.274)
RURAL Adolescent's school in rural area 0.201 (0.401)
SUBURBAN Adolescent's school in suburban area 0.632 (0.482)
SOUTH Adolescent lives in the southern
region of United States 0.343 (0.475)
WEST Adolescent lives in western region
of United States 0.128 (0.335)
MIDWEST (c) Adolescent lives in midwestern
region of United States 0.381 (0.486)
PARDISCOL Strong parental disapproval if
adolescent does not attend college 0.612 (0.487)
PARTEACH Parent a member of PTA 0.396 (0.489)
NGHBRHD Parent moved to neighborhood because
of school system 0.573 (0.495)
BRILLIANT Parent believes adolescent being
brilliant is top priority 0.655 (0.476)
PARPROJECT Parent recently aided adolescent
with school project 0.074 (0.262)
PARTALK Parent recently spoke with
adolescent about grades 0.616 (0.486)
SINGLEPAR Single-parent household 0.085 (0.279)
COLGRAD Parent graduated from college 0.269 (0.444)
PARWORK Parent is employed outside the home 0.765 (0.424)
CURFEW Parent has strict weekend curfew for
adolescent 0.337 (0.473)
DINNERWK Number of days per week adolescent
has dinner with family 5.32 (2.05)
RELIGIONWK Family attends religious services
at least once per week 0.367 (0.473)
RELIGIONMO Family attends religious services
about once per month 0.193 (0.395)
RELIGIONYR (d) Family attends religious services
about once per year 0.176 (0.381)
NOMONITOR Parent does not monitor friends of
adolescent 0.164 (0.370)
ROMANTIC Adolescent in romantic or
romantic-like relationship 0.528 (0.499)
INTERCOURSE Adolescent engaged in sexual
intercourse 0.278 (0.448)
OLDERSIB Older sibling in household 0.395 (0.489)
HHINC Log of household income (in 000s) 3.80 (0.730)
DRINK Adolescent consumed alcoholic
beverages in absence of parents
during previous month 0.501 (0.500)
AGE 15 Adolescent aged 15 0.274 (0.446)
AGE16 Adolescent aged 16 0.246 (0.431)
AGE 17 (e) Adolescent aged 17 0.192 (0.394)
N 1561
Variable Name Definition Nonwhite Males
MEGPA Math and English GPA 2.46 (0.927)
MATH Math GPA 2.39 (1.21)
ENGLISH English GPA 2.54 (1.07)
BMI Body Mass Index (weight in
kilograms/height in meters
squared) 22.63 (4.48)
POUNDS Weight in pounds 149.00 (33.96)
INCHES Height in inches 67.9 (3.52)
UNDER BMI < 5th percentile for age-sex
category 0.016 (0.124)
ATRISK BMI between 85th and 95th percentile
for age-sex category 0.156 (0.363)
OBESE (b) BMI greater than 95th percentile for
age-sex category 0.139 (0.348)
PEROVER Perceive oneself to be overweight 0.206 (0.405)
OBESEMOM Parent reports biological mother has
obesity problem 0.163 (0.370)
OBESEDAD Parent reports biological father has
obesity problem 0.086 (0.281)
SPORT Adolescent plays school sport 0.863 (0.344)
EXERCISE Adolescent exercises regularly 0.547 (0.498)
MEAT Meat consumption for breakfast 0.211 (0.408)
ASPIRE Adolescent aspires to attend college 0.737 (0.441)
AHPVT Add Health Picture-Vocabulary Test
Score 97.8 (14.3)
PUBLIC Adolescent attends public school 0.915 (0.279)
RURAL Adolescent's school in rural area 0.101 (0.301)
SUBURBAN Adolescent's school in suburban area 0.491 (0.500)
SOUTH Adolescent lives in the southern
region of United States 0.440 (0.497)
WEST Adolescent lives in western region
of United States 0.281 (0.450)
MIDWEST (c) Adolescent lives in midwestern
region of United States 0.168 (0.374)
PARDISCOL Strong parental disapproval if
adolescent does not attend college 0.738 (0.440)
PARTEACH Parent a member of PTA 0.332 (0.471)
NGHBRHD Parent moved to neighborhood because
of school system 0.433 (0.496)
BRILLIANT Parent believes adolescent being
brilliant is top priority 0.721 (0.449)
PARPROJECT Parent recently aided adolescent
with school project 0.089 (0.285)
PARTALK Parent recently spoke with
adolescent about grades 0.687 (0.464)
SINGLEPAR Single-parent household 0.235 (0.424)
COLGRAD Parent graduated from college 0.262 (0.440)
PARWORK Parent is employed outside the home 0.749 (0.434)
CURFEW Parent has strict weekend curfew for
adolescent 0.352 (0.478)
DINNERWK Number of days per week adolescent
has dinner with family 4.42 (2.59)
RELIGIONWK Family attends religious services
at least once per week 0.462 (0.499)
RELIGIONMO Family attends religious services
about once per month 0.195 (0.397)
RELIGIONYR (d) Family attends religious services
about once per year 0.148 (0.355)
NOMONITOR Parent does not monitor friends of
adolescent 0.278 (0.448)
ROMANTIC Adolescent in romantic or
romantic-like relationship 0.529 (0.499)
INTERCOURSE Adolescent engaged in sexual
intercourse 0.426 (0.495)
OLDERSIB Older sibling in household 0.431 (0.495)
HHINC Log of household income (in 000s) 3.38 (0.894)
DRINK Adolescent consumed alcoholic
beverages in absence of parents
during previous month 0.378 (0.485)
AGE 15 Adolescent aged 15 0.301 (0.459)
AGE16 Adolescent aged 16 0.272 (0.445)
AGE 17 (e) Adolescent aged 17 0.176 (0.381)
N 1055
(a) Sample restricted to students enrolled in English/language
arts and math courses and had nonmissing observations for all
right-hand side variables in the OLS regression analysis.
(b) Omitted category is BMI in 5th to 85th percentile of BMI
(c) Omitted category is northeast region of country.
(d) Omitted category is never attending religious services.
(e) Omitted category is age 14.
Table 2. OLS Estimates of Relationship between Obesity and Academic
Achievement for Adolescents Aged 14-17 (a)
Females Males
White (1) Nonwhite (2) White (3) Nonwhite (4)
BMI -0.018 *** -0.015 ** 0.003 -0.020 ***
(0.007) (0.007) (0.006) (0.006)
POUNDS (b) -0.003 *** -0.003 ** 0.0002 -0.003 ***
(0.001) (0.001) (0.0008) (0.001)
UNDER (c) 0.060 0.153 -0.013 -0.362 **
(0.165) (0.157) (0.061) (0.152)
ATRISK (c) -0.034 0.069 0.066 -0.120
(0.066) (0.081) (0.065) (0.087)
OBESE (c) -0.182 * -0.270 *** -0.049 -0.278 ***
(0.099) (0.103) (0.069) (0.088)
PEROVER -0.153 *** 0.006 -0.052 -0.123
(0.055) (0.060) (0.065) (0.080)
N 1472 1059 1561 1055
Standard errors presented in parentheses. All models weighted.
(a) All models include controls for age, intelligence (AHPVT Score),
race, whether in romantic relationship, whether sexually active,
whether household receives AFDC, age of mother at adolescent's birth,
whether single parent household, whether mother works outside home,
household income, whether public school, rural/urban/suburban,
region of country, presence of older siblings, alcohol consumption,
parental strictness, religious attendance, frequency of family
dinners, meat consumption at breakfast, whether adolescent aspires
to attend college, educational attainment of parent, whether parent
moved to neighborhood because of school system, parental monitoring
of school and friends, parental disapproval if adolescent does not
attend college, whether plays a sport, and whether exercises
(b) Controlling for height in inches.
(c) Omitted category includes adolescents with BMI in 5th to
85th percentile for their age-sex category.
* Significant at 10% level.
** Significant at 5% level.
*** Significant at 1% level.
Table 3. IV Estimates of Relationship between Obesity and Academic
Achievement for Adolescents Aged 14-17 (a)
White Female
(1) (2) Lewbel
BMI -0.018 *** -0.096 *** -0.012
(0.007) (0.030) (0.012)
F-stat on instruments F = 29.4 F = 12.8
p-value p = 0.48 p = 0.31
First-stage [R.sup.2] [R.sup.2] = 0.16 [R.sup.2] = 0.35
Breusch-Pagan p-value -- p = 0.00
POUNDS (b) -0.003 *** -0.016 *** -0.003 *
(0.001) (0.005) (0.002)
F-stat on instruments F = 26.1 F = 12.6
p-value p = 0.53 p = 0.38
First-stage [R.sup.2] [R.sup.2] = 0.31 [R.sup.2] = 0.48
Breusch-Pagan p-value -- p = 0.00
PEROVER -0.153 *** -1.011 *** -1.14 ***
(0.055) (0.363) (0.377)
F-stat on instruments F = 26.1 F = 0.6
p-value p = 0.53 p = 0.67
First-stage [R.sup.2] [R.sup.2] = 0.09 [R.sup.2] = 0.08
Breusch-Pagan p-value -- p = 0.00
OBESE -0.177 * -1.85 *** -0.076
(0.099) (0.257) (0.125)
F-stat on instruments F = 17.0 F = 58.9
p-value p = 0.64 p = 0.46
First-stage [R.sup.2] [R.sup.2] = 0.10 [R.sup.2] = 0.67
Breusch-Pagan p-value -- p = 0.00
N 1472 1472 1472
Nonwhite Female
(4) (5) Lewbel
BMI -0.015 ** -0.015 -0.016
(0.007) (0.021) (0.010)
F-stat on instruments F = 22.3 F = 10.0
p-value p = 0.68 p = 0.04
First-stage [R.sup.2] [R.sup.2] = 0.17 [R.sup.2] = 0.40
Breusch-Pagan p-value p = 0.00
POUNDS (b) -0.003 *** -0.002 -0.003 *
(0.001) (0.003) (0.002)
F-stat on instruments F = 23.1 F = 15.3
p-value p = 0.68 p = 0.03
First-stage [R.sup.2] [R.sup.2] = 0.31 [R.sup.2] = 0.50
Breusch-Pagan p-value p = 0.00
PEROVER 0.006 -0.208 -0.353
(0.060) (0.301) (0.354)
F-stat on instruments F = 13.7 F = 0.57
p-value p = 0.68 p = 0.07
First-stage [R.sup.2] [R.sup.2] = 0.09 [R.sup.2] = 0.11
Breusch-Pagan p-value p = 0.06
OBESE -0.287 *** -0.266 -0.277 **
(0.102) (0.370) (0.130)
F-stat on instruments F = 14.5 F = 19.3
p-value p = 0.71 p = 0.11
First-stage [R.sup.2] [R.sup.2] = 0.13 [R.sup.2] = 0.51
Breusch-Pagan p-value p = 0.00
N 1059 1059 1059
White Male
(7) (8) Lewbel
BMI 0.001 -0.029 0.016
(0.006) (0.018) (0.010)
F-stat on instruments F = 28.0 F = 15.1
p-value p = 0.20 p = 0.31
First-stage [R.sup.2] [R.sup.2] = 0.20 [R.sup.2] = 0.40
Breusch-Pagan p-value p = 0.00
POUNDS (b) 0.0002 -0.004 0.002
(0.001) (0.003) (0.001)
F-stat on instruments F = 27.2 F = 30.7
p-value p = 0.20 p = 0.37
First-stage [R.sup.2] [R.sup.2] = 0.43 [R.sup.2] = 0.58
Breusch-Pagan p-value p = 0.00
PEROVER -0.052 -0.478 0.011
(0.065) (0.298) (0.119)
F-stat on instruments F = 21.2 F = 9.6
p-value p = 0.28 p = 0.64
First-stage [R.sup.2] [R.sup.2] = 0.12 [R.sup.2] = 0.28
Breusch-Pagan p-value p = 0.00
OBESE -0.061 -0.437 -0.047
(0.068) (0.288) (0.103)
F-stat on instruments F = 25.8 F = 28.6
p-value p = 0.22 p = 0.41
First-stage [R.sup.2] [R.sup.2] = 0.15 [R.sup.2] = 0.50
Breusch-Pagan p-value p = 0.00
N 1561 1561 1561
Nonwhite Male
(10) (11) Lewbel
BMI -0.020 *** -0.078 *** -0.031 ***
(0.006) (0.030) (0.010)
F-stat on instruments F = 14.5 F = 13.8
p-value p = 0.28 p = 0.17
First-stage [R.sup.2] [R.sup.2] = 0.10 [R.sup.2] = 0.42
Breusch-Pagan p-value p = 0.00
POUNDS (b) -0.003 *** -0.011 *** 0.005 ***
(0.001) (0.004) (0.002)
F-stat on instruments F = 15.5 F = 13.5
p-value p = 0.25 p = 0.16
First-stage [R.sup.2] [R.sup.2] = 0.31 [R.sup.2] = 0.55
Breusch-Pagan p-value p = 0.00
PEROVER -0.123 -1.14 * -0.099
(0.080) (0.604) (0.102)
F-stat on instruments F = 5.4 F = 18.6
p-value p = 0.10 p = 0.77
First-stage [R.sup.2] [R.sup.2] = 0.07 [R.sup.2] = 0.58
Breusch-Pagan p-value p = 0.00
OBESE -0.249 *** -0.966 *** -0.270 **
(0.087) (0.423) (0.124)
F-stat on instruments F = 10.1 F = 15.0
p-value p = 0.14 p = 0.25
First-stage [R.sup.2] [R.sup.2] = 0.06 [R.sup.2] = 0.41
Breusch-Pagan p-value p = 0.00
N 1055 1055 1055
Robust standard errors presented in parentheses for OLS and IV
models. Lewbel IV models not corrected for heteroskedasticity
because the heteroskedasticity in the first state is used to
identify the models.
(a) All models include controls for age, intelligence, race,
whether in romantic relationship, whether sexually active, whether
household receives AFDC, age of mother at adolescent's birth,
whether single parent household, whether mother works outside home,
household income, whether public school, rural/urban/suburban
region, region of country, presence of older siblings, alcohol
consumption, parental strictness, religious attendance, frequency
of family dinners, share in census tract w/ high school diploma,
whether adolescent aspires to attend college, educational attainment
of parent, whether parent moved to neighborhood because of school
system, parental monitoring of school and friends, and parental
disapproval if adolescent does not attend college.
(b) Controlling for height in inches.
* Significant at 10% level.
** Significant at 5% level.
*** Significant at 1% level.
Table 4. OLS and Individual FE Estimates of Impact of Obesity on
Academic Achievement for Adolescents Aged 14-17 (a)
White Females Nonwhite Female
(1) OLS (2) FE (3) OLS (4) FE
BMI -0.022 *** -0.031 ** -0.020 ** 0.001
(0.008) (0.016) (0.008) (0.018)
POUNDS (b) -0.004 ** -0.005 * -0.004 *** -0.000
(0.001) (0.003) (0.001) (0.004)
UNDER (c) -0.193 0.245 0.413 * 0.139
(0.249) (0.267) (0.229) (0.137)
ATRISK (c) -0.059 -0.012 0.032 -0.048
(0.087) (0.100) (0.093) (0.088)
OBESE (c) -0.310 ** -0.253 -0.312 *** -0.120
(0.135) (0.190) (0.121) (0.196)
PEROVER -0.154 *** -0.111 * -0.054 0.205 **
(0.057) (0.069) (0.068) (0.089)
N 1209 1209 823 823
White Males Nonwhite Males
(5) OLS (6) Fixed (7) OLS (8) Fixed
BMI 0.001 0.014 -0.019 ** 0.013
(0.007) (0.019) (0.008) (0.025)
POUNDS (b) 0.0002 0.003 -0.003 *** 0.002
(0.001) (0.003) (0.001) (0.005)
UNDER (c) -0.203 -0.134 -0.493 *** -0.354
(0.182) (0.154) (0.190) (0.574)
ATRISK (c) 0.072 0.008 -0.233 ** -0.112
(0.079) (0.096) (0.096) (0.129)
OBESE (c) -0.076 -0.205 -0.243 ** -0.256
(0.083) (0.172) (0.104) (0.287)
PEROVER -0.020 -0.049 -0.117 0.226 **
(0.067) (0.098) (0.093) (0.104)
N 1339 1339 822 822
Standard errors presented in parentheses. All models weighted.
(a) All OLS models include controls for age, whether in romantic
relationship, whether sexually active, whether household receives
AFDC, age of mother at adolescent's birth, whether single parent
household, whether mother works outside home, household income,
whether public school, rural/urban/suburban region, region of
country, presence of older siblings, alcohol consumption, parental
strictness, religious attendance, frequency of family dinners,
share in census tract w/high school diploma, whether adolescent
aspires to attend college, educational attainment of parent,
whether parent moved to neighborhood because of school system,
and parental monitoring of school and friends. FE models include
controls for the following time-varying covariates: aspirations
to attend college, whether had sexual intercourse, whether in
romantic relationship, parental involvement in adolescent's school
work, parent's labor force participation, adolescent's alcohol
consumption, religious attendance, athletic activity, parental
setting of weekend time limits, and whether the adolescent changes
(b) Controlling for height in inches.
(c) Omitted category includes adolescents with BMI in 5th to
85th percentile for their age/sex category.
* Significant at 10% level.
** Significant at 5% level.
*** Significant at 1% level.
Table 5. Robustness of Individual FE Estimates of Relationship
between BMI and Academic Performance for White Females (a)
Additional Controls BMI POUNDS (b)
No additional controls -0.031 ** -0.005 *
(0.015) (0.003)
Model includes difficulty getting along with -0.033 ** -0.005 **
teachers (0.015) (0.002)
Model includes self-assessed depression -0.033 ** -0.005 **
(0.015) (0.003)
Model includes frequent loneliness, having -0.033 ** -0.005 **
the blues, and suicidal thoughts (0.015) (0.003)
Model includes measure of frequent difficulty -0.034 ** -0.005 **
paying attention in class (0.015) (0.003)
Model includes self-assessment of general bad -0.032 ** -0.005 **
health (0.015) (0.002)
Model inclues measures of whether tired a lot -0.031 ** -0.005 **
or wake up tired frequently (0.014) (0.003)
Model includes absences from school -0.033 ** -0.005 **
(0.014) (0.003)
Model includes all above controls -0.035 ** -0.006 **
(0.014) (0.003)
N 1566 1566
(a) All models control for the following time-varying covariates:
aspirations to attend college, whether had sexual intercourse, whether
in romantic relationship, parental involvement in adolescent's school
work, parent's labor force participation, adolescent's alcohol
consumption, religious attendance, athletic activity, and parental
setting of weekend time limits.
(b) Weight in pounds, controlling for height in inches as a
right-hand variable.
* Significant at 10% level.
** Significant at 5% level.