Prescription drug expenditures in the United States: the effects of obesity, demographics, and new pharmaceutical products.
Datta, Anusua
1. Introduction
During the period 1990-1998, real per capita expenditures on
prescription drugs in the U.S. increased by 84% (1996 dollars, GDP
deflator). Beginning in 1993, the average annual percentage increase in
prescription drug spending exceeded the overall percentage increase in
national health expenditures. By 1998, the annual percentage growth in
prescription drug spending was more than 16%, while overall spending on
health care rose less than 6% (compared to the previous year). In total,
U.S. consumers spent more than $90 billion on prescription drugs in
1998, or $334 on a per capita basis (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services 2002). Not surprisingly, prescription drug coverage and its
associated costs have become issues in national as well as state
political campaigns. (1)
But the rising expenditures were not simply caused by higher
prescription drug prices. While the CPI (Consumer Price Index) for
prescription drugs rose by 42%, nominal per capita expenditures on
prescription drugs rose 120% during the period (U.S. Bureau of the
Census 2002). Consequently, higher rates of prescription drug
consumption explain at least part of the story. Further, while overall
prescription drug spending has increased rapidly, per capita
prescription drug use in the United States varies widely by state. In
1998, some states had per capita prescription drug spending of more than
$400, while other states' residents spent half that much.
While we do not wish to absolve the pharmaceutical manufacturers,
this data suggests that arguments placing the blame for high
prescription drug costs on the prices and profits of pharmaceutical
manufacturers may be missing a portion of the story. The literature on
prescription drugs suggests a number of causes (e.g., new drug
introductions, aging of the population, insurance coverage). However,
Berndt (2002) notes that a shortcoming of the existing literature is the
lack of quantitative estimates of the causes for increased consumption
of prescription drugs since the mid-1990s. In a similar vein, Kane (1997) concludes that the effect of the managed care revolution has been
difficult to separate out from the other forces affecting
To better inform public policy, we provide some quantitative
estimates of the factors that have contributed to the increase in
prescription drug expenditures. We investigate the role of public health
factors (obesity, smoking, and alcohol consumption rates); aging
(population 65 and over); access to medical care (managed care
enrollments and the relative size of the uninsured population); new
pharmaceutical products; income; and unemployment on real prescription
drug expenditures, using panel data from all 50 U.S. states for the
period 1990-1998. The estimates should allow better projections of the
anticipated increase in prescription drug expenditures.
Gauging the costs of smoking, obesity, and alcohol consumption is
also important. High costs associated with any of these public health
problems make it easier to justify costly government programs to reduce
their prevalence. Thus, public policy responses to rising prescription
drug expenditures will vary based on the source of the increase. To the
extent that rising prescription drug expenditures are the result of
rising real income rather than public health conditions, the case for
laissez-faire is stronger.
We find that obesity rates, the relative size of the over-65
population, new pharmaceutical products, unemployment, and real income
exert a significant effect on prescription drug expenditures. Overall,
the estimates suggest that about 8% of the increase in spending on
prescription drugs during the period 1990-1998 can be explained by the
increase in obesity. In contrast, rising real incomes account for about
55% of the increase in prescription drug expenditures during the period.
While the percentage of the population over 65 and new drug approvals
exert a significant positive effect on per capita prescription drug
expenditures, an increase in the unemployment rate reduces per capita
prescription drug expenditures.
The paper is organized as follows: section 2 discusses the
background literature and provides the motivation for this study;
section 3 discusses the fixed effect instrumental variables model and
data sources; in section 4, we present the estimates of the instrumental
variables; and section 5 discusses the results from the prescription
drug expenditure model. Section 6 concludes.
2. Background
A number of recent papers have explored the causes of rising
prescription drug prices and expenditures (Berndt 2001; Reinhardt 2001;
Thomas, Ritter, and Wallack 2001; Berndt 2002; Kaufman et al. 2002;
Sturm 2002). (2) In general, the explanations have focused on the demand
side and have identified five basic causes: prescription drug spending
is a small percentage of total health expenditures; increases in the
percentage of the population with insurance coverage for prescription
drugs; the introduction of new blockbuster drugs; aging of the
population; and public health factors.
Berndt (2001) and Reinhardt (2001) argue that cost-cutting efforts
did not focus on prescription drugs because prescription drugs account
for a small portion of total health expenditure (8% in 1998) and that
increased third-party drug (insurance) coverage creates problems of
moral hazard. Patients are more likely to use lower-priced generic
products if they have to pay a large portion of costs out-of-pocket
rather than when they are covered by a third party. Indeed, the
percentage of out-of-pocket drug spending fell from 92% in 1965 to 26%
in 1998, implying an increase in prescription drug use. Lundin (2000)
shows that patients with large out-of-pocket costs are more likely to
choose to use generic drugs. Apparently, consumers with full coverage
have little incentive to search for low-cost alternatives to brand-name
drugs. Purchases of low-cost generic drugs may also fall because of the
introduction and aggressive marketing of new blockbuster drugs by the
pharmaceutical industry (Berndt 2001, 2002). However, there is little
systematic evidence to support this claim.
Of course, prescription drug spending may rise because of changes
in the demographic composition of the population rather than consumption
choices. Thomas, Ritter, and Wallack (2001) and Kaufman et al. (2002)
provide data that shows that prescription drug usage is the highest
among the elderly due to a higher incidence of cardiovascular and
gastrointestinal diseases and chronic conditions. For example, among
elderly people who spent more than $4000 annually on medications, 88%
took cardiovascular medications, 64% took gastrointestinal medications,
and 57% took lipid-lowering medications.
The rapid rise in obesity over the past decade has been a
significant source of worry for public health officials (Nestle and
Jacobson 2000). Obesity is associated with a variety of risk factors for
cardiovascular diseases, such as hypertension, elevated cholesterol, and
type-II diabetes, as well as cancer, stroke, and osteoarthritis and
other diseases (Must et al. 1999). Using survey data from 1997-1998,
Sturm (2002) measures medication costs by mapping survey responses on
regularly used medications to insurance claims for prescription drugs
and wholesale prices for other types of medication. He found that
obesity increases an individual's average medication costs by 77%
and smoking (present and past) increases such costs by 28-30%. However,
the analysis fails to control for insurance status, income, or new drug
Other studies, such as Coulson and Stuart (1995) and Coulson et al.
(1995), use subject self-reports of health status to control for health
as a determinant of prescription drug use. However, such treatment of
public health factors suggests that these factors are beyond the reach
of public policy. Most of these studies are based on survey data or
self-reports, which make it harder to generalize the results. Moreover,
the studies do not provide statistical estimates of the extent to which
each of these factors affects prescription drug expenditures.
Suraratdecha (1996) analyzes prescription drug spending across
states for years 1980-1990 using four independent variables: the
percentage of the population that is over 65 years of age, the
proportion of Medicaid recipients, real income per capita, and physician
services expenditures per capita (a proxy for the number of physicians
per capita). Each of the variables, save physician services, has a
significant positive impact on per capita prescription drug
expenditures. However, Suraratdecha does not account for public health
factors and new drug introductions.
In sum, the literature on prescription drug spending does not
provide a comprehensive analysis of the factors underlying rising
prescription drug costs. While some studies (Suraratdecha 1996; Lundin
2000; Berndt 2001; Reinhardt 2001) have estimated the effects of
economic factors such as income and insurance coverage on prescription
drug spending, they do not account for the role of public health
factors. In addition, the analyses fail to correct for the two-way
causality that exists between insurance factors and prescription drug
expenditures. Other studies (Thomas, Ritter, and Wallack 2001; Kaufman
et al. 2002; Sturm 2002), while highlighting the significance of public
health factors in prescription drug spending, do not control for effects
of economic variables such as insurance coverage and income. Finally,
some of the latter estimates are based on survey response data, which
makes it harder to generalize the results.
The purpose of the present study is to fill this gap in the
literature by examining the role of public health factors, along with
income and insurance status, on prescription drug expenditures. In
addition, the study also accounts for the effect of new drug
introductions, which is shown to be a significant factor. A fixed
effects panel data model is used to control for state-specific
differences. Our model also controls for the problem of endogeneity
between prescription drug expenditures and some key explanatory variables through an instrumental variables approach.
3. Empirical Model and Data
Empirical studies of the determinants of prescription drug
expenditures in the U.S. have been conducted using a cross-section
framework (e.g., Lundin 2000; Sturm 2002), time-series (Berndt 2001,
2002), or a simple pooling of cross-section and time-series data (e.g.,
Suraratdecha 1996). However, assuming a common intercept with
cross-section and time-series data ignores "individual
effects," which can lead to biased results (Islam 1995). To
eliminate such biases, we employ a fixed-effects panel-data model to
analyze prescription drug expenditures across the United States for the
period 1990-1998. F-test and Hausman test results suggest that in this
case, the fixed-effects model is superior to the common intercept and
random-effects model. (3)
The fixed-effects model assumes that differences across states are
captured by differences in the constant term.
[] = [X'][delta] + [[alpha].sub.i] +
[], (1)
where i indexes states; t indexes year; [] represents
real per capita prescription drug expenditure; [X'] is a
vector of explanatory variables; [[alpha].sub.i] is the time-invariant,
unobserved state effects; and [] is the random error term that
varies across states and time periods. Under the assumption that the
[[alpha].sub.i] are constant and [] is normally distributed with
a zero mean, Equation 1 is estimated using the least squares dummy
variable (LSDV) method. The LSDV eliminates a major portion of the
variation between the dependent and independent variables when the
between-cross-section and between-time variation is large.
Based on the prior discussion, we regressed real per capita
prescription drug expenditures (Drug) on per capita income (Income),
unemployment rate (Unemployment), percentage of the population over 18
years of age that is obese (Obese), percentage of the total population
over 65 years of age (65+ Years), percentage of the population without
insurance (Uninsured), percentage of the population over 18 years of age
that smokes (Smoke), per capita alcohol consumption (Alcohol), and the
percentage of the total population that is enrolled in HMOs (HMO).
Measuring the effects of the introduction of new drugs by
pharmaceutical companies is less straightforward. Following Cockburn
(2004), we have included FDA approvals of new molecular entities (NMEs)
as our measure of new drugs. We expect that an increase in any of the
independent variables (except for Uninsured and Unemployment) would
cause an increase in per capita prescription drug use. The Uninsured
variable counts individuals with either private or public (e.g.,
Medicaid) insurance as insured. Unfortunately, we are not able to
identify the percentage of the population that has insurance coverage
for prescription drugs.
We include the unemployment rate (in addition to the percentage
uninsured) because Ruhm (2003) finds that unemployment improves health.
A one-percentage-point decrease in the unemployment rate significantly
increases the prevalence of medical problems, acute morbidities,
restricted-activity days, bed days, ischemic heart disease, and
invertebral disc disorders. If higher unemployment rates cause health to
improve, prescription drug expenditures may fall as well.
A closer look at the explanatory variables suggests that there may
be an endogeneity problem between some key determinants of prescription
drug expenditures and prescription drug expenditures. HMO, Uninsured,
and 65+ Years may have two-way causality with prescription drug
expenditures. HMOs have traditionally offered better coverage for
prescription drugs than standard fee-for-service plans. Thus, higher
rates of HMO enrollment may cause higher spending on prescription drugs.
On the other hand, it is also possible that individuals react to higher
prescription drug costs by joining HMOs.
Similarly, we would expect two-way causality between the
prescription drug expenditures and the percentage of uninsured.
Uninsured individuals may reduce purchases of prescription drugs because
all costs are out of pocket, but higher prescription drug costs may make
employers less able to offer insurance to employees. Likewise, an
increase in the relative size of the 65+ population may increase per
capita expenditures on prescription drugs, but an increase in
prescription drug expenditures may raise life expectancy and increase
the relative size of the 65+ population. Consequently, we addressed
these endogeneity biases using an instrumental variables approach. We
use the labor force participation rate as an instrument for HMO
enrollments, the poverty rate as an instrument for the percentage
uninsured, and birthrate as an instrument for percentage of the
population 65 and over. We estimate the following set of equations:
[] = [Y'.sub.1it] [[gamma].sub.1] + [Z']
[[delta].sub.1] + [[phi].sub.1i] + [e.sub.1it], (2)
[] = [Y'.sub.2it] [[gamma].sub.2] +
[Z'] [[delta].sub.2] + [[phi].sub.2i] + [e.sub.2it], (3)
65 + [] = [Y'.sub.3it] [[gamma].sub.3] +
[Z'] [[delta].sub.3] + [[phi].sub.3i] + [e.sub.3it], (4)
where [Z'] is a vector of exogenous variables (obesity
rate, smoking rate, per capita income, unemployment rate, alcohol
consumption, and NME), [Y'] are the instruments--poverty
rate, labor force participation, and birthrate--used in Equations 24,
respectively, and [[phi].sub.i] and [] are the state-effects and
regression errors for the respective instrumental variables equations.
We then save the estimated values of the dependent variable for
Equations 2, 3, and 4 for use in the equation for prescription drug
[] = [[??].sub.1][] + [[??].sub.2]
[] + [[??].sub.3]65 + [] + [Z']
[[delta].sub.4] + [[alpha]] + []. (5)
Equations 2 through 5 were estimated using the instrumental
variables procedure with fixed effects available in LIMDEP. The LIMDEP
panel procedure for instrumental variables automatically corrects the
standard errors to reflect the use of predicted variables as covariates.
Data for the study was collected from the Centers for Medicare and
Medicaid Services website (prescription drug expenditures) and The
Statistical Abstract of the U.S. (per capita income, percentage of the
population over 65, poverty rate, percentage of population with
insurance coverage, and birthrate). Real per capita prescription drug
spending and real per capita income are in 1996 dollars and include both
public and private spending. In the results reported in this paper,
nominal values are converted using the GDP deflator. Converting the
nominal values using the CPI had no effect on the results. Data on the
employment variables are taken from the Bureau of Labor Statistics'
Local Area Unemployment Statistics (unemployment rate and labor force
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Behavioral
Risk Factor Surveillance System supplied the data on smoking and obesity
rates. Obesity is based on Body Mass Index (BMI) where BMI is weight in
kilograms divided by height in meters squared. An individual with a BMI
[greater than or equal to] 30 is considered obese. The alcohol
consumption data is from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse at the
National Institutes of Health. The data reports annual per capita
consumption of alcohol by state based on sales data. All alcohol
consumption (e.g., beer, wine, and spirits) is converted to an ethanol equivalent and the per capita calculation includes the population 14
years of age and older. InterStudy's Competitive Edge HMO Industry
Report provides HMO enrollment rates. Data on New Molecular Entities was
collected from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Center for Drug
Evaluation and Research. (4)
The data contains annual observations on each variable across the
50 U.S. states for each year during the period 1990-1998 (9 years and 50
cross-sections). While prescription drug expenditures grew steadily from
1990-1998, substantial differences among the states remained. In 1998,
nominal per capita spending on prescription drugs was highest in New
Jersey ($437), West Virginia ($428), Pennsylvania ($420), and Florida
($416) and lowest in Alaska ($217), New Mexico ($231), California,
($231), and Colorado ($244). Table 1 reports means, standard deviations,
and definitions for the dependent and independent variables. There are
some missing observations on smoking and obesity rates for Alaska,
Arkansas, Kansas, Nevada, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Wyoming (13
total missing observations). (5) Because the autoregressive panel
procedure requires a balanced panel, we interpolate these values. (6)
The District of Columbia is excluded because estimates of its HMO
enrollment are not reliable.
4. Instrumental Variables Estimates
In this section, we discuss the results from the fixed-effects
regressions on HMO, Uninsured, and 65+ Years. Because newly developed
drugs may take a year or so to penetrate the market, we report parameter estimates for new drug approvals (NMEs) with no lag and a lag of two
years. (7) The results reported in Table 2 provide some interesting
insights. The estimated values of the dependent variables in Table 2 are
used as instruments in fixed-effects regressions on real per capita
prescription drug spending.
HMO Equations'
The results show that the rate of HMO enrollment is greater in
high-income states and states with higher rates of obesity. A $1000
increase in per capita income causes an increase of about 2.5 percentage
points in HMO enrollment. A one percentage-point increase in obesity
causes an increase of about 0.75 percentage points in HMO enrollment.
Each of these factors is consistent with the argument in Dranove (2000)
that HMOs were a response to rising health care costs. In addition, HMO
enrollments are lower where labor force participation is higher. A one
percentage-point increase in labor force participation causes a decrease
of about 1.1 percentage points in HMO enrollment. Higher unemployment
rates also lower HMO enrollments. A one percentage-point increase in the
unemployment rate lowers HMO enrollments by about half a percentage
Finally, the estimates show that new drug introductions initially
have a significant positive effect on HMO enrollments. An additional NME
initially raises HMO enrollments by about 0.08 percentage points. This
is a substantial effect. In an average year, there are about 30 NMEs.
Thus in an average year, HMO enrollments rise 2.4 percentage points
because of new drug introductions.
Uninsured Equations
The percentage of uninsured people is positively related to both
state per capita income and the poverty rate. A $1000 increase in per
capita income causes an increase of about 0.5 percentage points in the
percentage of uninsured. This likely reflects the higher health care
costs that prevail in high-income areas. A one percentage-point increase
in poverty causes an increase of 0.26 percentage points in the
percentage of uninsured. Surprisingly, higher alcohol consumption lowers
the percentage of uninsured. This may be the result of the link between
alcohol consumption and depression. An increase of one gallon in the
annual per capita consumption of alcohol lowers the number of uninsured
by about two percentage points. Smoking, obesity, unemployment, and new
drug approvals have no statistically significant impact on the
percentage of uninsured. Even with a two-year lag, additional NMEs have
no effect on the percentage that is uninsured.
65+ Years Equations
Increases in obesity, alcohol consumption, income, and the
birthrate are associated with a reduction in the percentage of the
population over 65. A one percentage-point increase in obesity reduces
the relative size of the over-65 population by 0.01 percentage points.
New drug introductions (lagged two years) cause a small but significant
impact on the percentage of the population over 65. Thirty new drug
introductions (the sample average) increase the percentage of the
population over 65 by 0.12 percentage points. Per capita alcohol
consumption, income, and the birthrate may be endogenous. While high
alcohol consumption may lower life expectancies, it is also possible
that individuals on average consume less alcohol as they age. While the
over-65 population may migrate away from the high income/high tax
states, it is also possible that a high percentage of the population
over 65 decreases income, because income typically drops at retirement.
Higher birthrates may reduce the relative size of the over-65
population, but a large over-65 population will reduce the birthrate.
5. Determinants of Rising Prescription Drug Expenditures
Table 3 shows fixed effects regression on real per capita
prescription drug spending. Columns 1 and 2 of Table 3 show the results
of a fixed-effect regression with per capita income, unemployment,
percentage of the population over 65, percentage of population
uninsured, smoking rate, obesity rate, per capita alcohol consumption,
HMO enrollment rates, and new drug approvals (NMEs) as independent
To test whether the instruments (poverty rate, labor force
participation rate, and birthrate) are uncorrelated with the error term
in the final prescription drug expenditures equation, we estimate the
final prescription drug expenditures equation (with the fitted values
for HMO, Uninsured, and 65+ Years) and obtain the residuals. Then, we
regress the residuals on all exogenous variables (including the three
instruments and a constant). The results show that for each of the
instruments (birthrate, labor force participation, and poverty rate) the
t-statistics in the residuals regression are insignificant, with
t-values between 0.017 and 0.216 ([r.sup.2] = 0.002). Thus, the
instruments are uncorrelated with the errors in the main equation
(prescription drug expenditures).
Consequently, we employ poverty rate, labor force participation
rate, and birthrate as instruments in the instrumental variables
estimates for HMO enrollment and percentage of population uninsured, and
percentage of the population over the age of 65. Columns 3, 4, and 5 of
Table 3 substitute the estimated values of HMO enrollment and percentage
of population uninsured, and percentage of the population over 65 for
the actual values using the estimates in Table 2. As in Table 2, we
report estimates for new drug approvals and new drug approvals lagged
two years. Because there is some evidence of serial correlation, we ran
an autoregressive procedure. The results of the autoregressive procedure
with instrumental variables appear in column 5 of Table 3. In the
discussion that follows, we use the estimates in column 5 as the
definitive results unless indicated otherwise.
Among the public health indicators, obesity is positively related
to prescription drug expenditures and is significant in all
specifications. Obesity is associated with a variety of risk factors for
cardiovascular disease, such as hypertension, elevated cholesterol, and
type-II diabetes, as well as an increased risk of cancer, stroke,
osteoarthritis, and other diseases (Must et al. 1999). These secondary
effects of obesity typically require additional expensive medicines to
treat complications and can substantially increase expenditures on
prescription drugs. Surprisingly, neither smoking nor alcohol
consumption has a significant effect on prescription drug expenditures.
Of course, smoking rates may impact prescription drug expenditures after
many years. We experimented with lags of zero to three years on the
smoking variable and found that none of the specifications were
significant. Ideally, we would have also investigated lags of 10 to 20
years, but we could not locate data to conduct such an analysis.
The estimates in Table 3 (column 5) show that a one
percentage-point increase in the obesity rate raises per capita
prescription drug expenditures by $1.63. While obesity exerts only a
modest effect on per capita prescription drug expenditures, obesity
increased dramatically from 1990-1998. The U.S obesity rate was 11.6% in
1990, but by 1998 it had risen to 18.3%, which is an increase of 57%.
Thus, the increases in obesity rate from 1990-1998 raised per capita
prescription drug expenditures about $11. (8) Overall, the estimates
suggest that about 8% of the increase in spending on prescription drugs
during the period 1990-1998 can be explained by the increase in obesity.
Our estimates suggest that obesity is associated with a 71%
increase in prescription drug spending. To help picture this, suppose
that one person in a population of 100 becomes obese. Because per capita
spending rises by $1.63, the change in obesity status must have raised
spending for that individual by $163. We know that the mean per capita
prescription drug spending (1996 dollars) for our data set is $229 and
163/229 is 0.71. (9) Thus, according to our estimates, the effect of
obesity on prescription drug expenditures is about the same as the
estimates in Sturm (2002). Using a different data set (Medical
Expenditure Panel Survey [MEPS]), Sturm found that obesity was
associated with a 77% rise in prescription drug costs.
Turning to demographic factors, the results show that the
percentage of the population over 65 is an important influence on
prescription drug use. A one percentage-point increase in this
population leads to an increase in real per capita prescription drug
expenditures per capita of $21.86. The relative size of the over-65
population varies a great deal among states and it accounts for much of
the variation across states at any point in time. While the magnitude of
this effect is large, changes in percentage of the population over 65
cannot account for the rise in prescription drug expenditures for the
period 1990-1998. During the period 1990-1998, the percentage of the
population over 65 increased only 0.1 percentage points, from 12.6% to
12.7%. However, if the projected increase in the relative size of the
population over 65 does in fact materialize, it would exert a strong
effect on prescription drug spending.
Because prescription drugs are likely a normal good, we expect
increases in income to raise prescription drug expenditures. Income
sensitivity of prescription drugs likely increased as a result of
introduction of a series of so-called "lifestyle" drugs (e.g.,
Rogaine, Viagra). Access to medical care also likely rises with income.
The estimates in Table 3 show a strong positive effect of about $23 on
real per capita prescription drug spending for every $1000 increase in
real per capita income. During the period 1990-1998, real per capita
income rose about $3550. Consequently, increases in income caused an
increase in real per capita prescription drug spending of about $80.
Overall, the estimates suggest that about 55% of the increase in
spending on prescription drugs during the period 1990-1998 can be
explained by the increase in real per capita income.
The effect of unemployment on per capita prescription drug
expenditures was more modest. The estimates in Table 3 suggest that a
one percentage-point increase in the unemployment rate decreases per
capita prescription drug expenditures by about $4. During the period
1990-1998, the U.S. average annual unemployment rate rose from 5.6% in
1990 to 7.5% in 1992, and then fell to 4.5% in 1998. Thus, the net
change in the unemployment rate accounts for only a small percentage of
the increase (about 2%) in per capita prescription drug expenditures for
the period 1990-1998.
Access to prescription drugs is measured by the percentage of the
population enrolled in HMOs and the percentage of the population that is
uninsured. Increases in the percentage of the population without health
insurance were expected to decrease the rate of prescription drug use.
People without health insurance must pay full price for their
prescriptions, and as a result will tend to purchase less. Rather
surprisingly, the uninsured coefficient is insignificant in both
regressions. This may be the result of price discrimination or a failure
of the variable to capture the extent of prescription drug coverage.
Frank (2001) shows that individual cash payers at pharmacies pay roughly
30% more than those who use managed care plans for prescription drugs.
Thus, higher prices per prescription may offset the reduction in the
number of prescriptions. In addition, the percentage of uninsured may
show no effect on prescription drug expenditures because medical
insurance coverage for individuals may or may not include coverage for
prescription drugs.
From a theoretical perspective, increases in HMO membership might
either increase or decrease expenditures. Because HMOs tend to have good
prescription drug plans, increases in the percentage of the population
covered by HMOs should increase the rate of prescription drug use
(higher Q). However, HMOs are also able to obtain prescription drugs at
lower prices (Frank 2001). The estimates in column 5 of Table 3 show
that an increase in HMO enrollment has no effect on prescription drug
expenditures. While the estimates in columns 1 through 4 show a modest
and consistent effect (a one percentage-point increase in the percentage
of the population enrolled in HMOs raises per capita prescription drug
expenditures by about $1.30), the correction for serial correlation
eliminates this effect.
Finally, lagged new drug approvals (measured as New Molecular
Entities approved by the FDA) show a stronger effect on per capita
prescription drug expenditures than contemporary new drug approvals. An
additional new drug approval (NME) lagged two years raises per capita
prescription drug spending by about $0.65. We experimented with lags of
zero to three years. For lags of zero and three years, we found no
significant effect of new drug approvals on prescription drug
expenditures. For lags of one and two years, the effect was significant
and positive. We report only the two-year lag in Table 3 because the
parameter estimate and the t-statistic were a bit higher for the
two-year lag.
This result should be interpreted cautiously because measuring
innovation as the number of NMEs does not account for differences in the
medical or economic significance of each of the new molecules.
Nevertheless, our estimate suggests that the effect of new drug
approvals is substantial. On average, the FDA approved about 30 new
drugs annually during the period 1988 to 1996. This implies that in an
average year, per capita prescription drug spending rose by about $19
solely as a result of new drug introductions. The cumulative effect of
the new drug introductions on per capita prescription drug expenditures
is less certain as drugs approved in the current year may displace spending on older drugs.
6. Conclusion
During the period 1990-1998, real per capita expenditures on
prescription drugs in the U.S. increased by 84% (1996 dollars, GDP
deflator). Nominal per capita expenditures on prescription drugs rose
120% during the period while the CPI for prescription drugs rose by 42%
(U.S. Bureau of the Census 2002). This suggests that higher rates of
prescription drug use must be at least part of the story. This paper
provides some quantitative measures of the factors that have contributed
to the increase. We examined the factors driving prescription drug
expenditures using panel data from all 50 U.S. states for the period
1990-1998. Results indicate that public health, population over the age
of 65, new pharmaceutical products, and income are all important in
explaining prescription drug expenditures.
Among public health indicators, obesity is a significant factor,
but smoking and alcohol consumption are not. Overall, the estimates
suggest that about 8% of the increase in spending on prescription drugs
during the period 1990-1998 can be explained by the increase in obesity.
Obesity rates registered a dramatic increase (57%) during this period.
This suggests reductions in the obesity rate could yield modest
reductions in health care spending, holding health outcomes constant.
Indeed, we also find that increases in the obesity rate also raise HMO
enrollments. A one percentage-point increase in obesity causes an
increase of 0.8 percentage points in HMO enrollment.
Another factor that is strongly significant is the percentage of
population over the age of 65. Although the percentages do not change
much over the time period, it appears that the magnitude effect of the
population over 65 is very large, making it a significant determinant of
prescription drug expenditures. As other studies have shown, high
incidence of chronic illnesses and poor health among the elderly
population contribute to higher spending on prescription drugs.
The results also show that a large chunk of the increase in
prescription drug expenditures is caused by rising income. Prescription
drugs are normal goods and 1990-1998 marks a period of relative
prosperity in the United States. The subsequent rise in real incomes
accounts for about 55% of the increase in real per capita prescription
drug spending. Despite the strong effect of income on prescription drug
expenditures, we find no evidence that changes in the percentage of
uninsured residents cause changes in prescription drug expenditures.
However, the uninsured variable counts only the percentage of the
population that has insurance coverage for medical care and insurance
for medical care may fail to offer coverage for prescription drug costs.
More surprising, labor force participation and unemployment have no
statistically significant impact on the percentage of uninsured.
Finally, we find that new drug approvals (NMEs) cause substantial
increases in per capita prescription drug expenditures. An additional
new drug approval (lagged two years) raises per capita prescription drug
expenditures by about $0.65. Given that in an average year about 30 new
drugs are approved, the average annual increase in per capita
prescription drug spending caused by new drug introductions is about
$19. Moreover, we find that new drug approvals raise HMO enrollments and
increase the relative size of the over-65 population (with a two-year
We wish to thank Subarna Samanta, Judith Shinogle, and Karen Conway
for helpful discussions and comments. Julie L. Hotchkiss provided us
with valuable suggestions for an earlier version of this article, and we
benefited from advice given by two anonymous referees at this journal.
Ellie Fogarty, Ravi Kaneriya, Michael Ferlise, and Leigh Ann Culbertson
provided valuable research assistance.
Received August 2004; accepted January 2006.
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(1) Anticipating some form of new regulation, the pharmaceutical
industry spent at least $16 million on issue ads in the 2002 election
cycle (Hitt 2002). In particular, the industry was concerned about
Democratic Party proposals that would administer prescription drug
benefits through Medicare and about legislation that might make generic
drugs more accessible. In the 2004 presidential campaign, prescription
drug costs remained a significant issue as George W. Bush touted the
creation of a prescription drug benefit under Medicare and as John Kerry argued for reimportation of prescription drugs from Canada and
overhauling the Medicare drug plan.
(2) Two other strains of the literature consider the market factors
that allow price discrimination in prescription drugs (Danzon 1997;
Elzinga and Mills 1997; Frank 2001) and the effect of insurance on
prescription drug use (Coulson and Stuart 1995; Coulson et al. 1995;
Lundin 2000; Van Vliet 2001).
(3) The random-effects regressions yield similar results, but a
Hausman test rejects the null of random effects.
(4) See also Cockburn (2004) for this data.
(5) The missing observations are: 1990 (Alaska, Arkansas, Kansas,
Nevada, New Jersey, Wyoming), 1991 (Kansas, Nevada, Wyoming), 1992
(Arkansas, Wyoming), 1993 (Wyoming), and 1994 (Rhode Island).
(6) We interpolate these values by locating the most recent year
for which we have an observation for state i. For that year, we
calculate the difference between the state rate and the national rate
(for smoking or obesity). We then use that difference to adjust the
national rate and use it for the state value. For example, the obesity
rate for Alaska in 1990 is missing. Alaska's obesity rate for 1991
is 13.4 and the U.S. obesity rate for 1991 is 12.6--a difference of 0.8.
Since the U.S. obesity rate for 1990 is 11.6, the imputed value for
Alaska in 1990 is 11.6 + 0.8 = 12.4. Repeating the analyses to exclude
Wyoming (four missing values) or 1990 (six missing values) does not
affect the results. To further reduce confusion, we use n = 450
throughout. The estimates in Table 2 and columns 14 in Table 3 are
essentially the same regardless of whether we interpolate for the
missing 13 observations on the obesity and smoke variables. Rather than
switch between the interpolated data set (n = 450) and the
noninterpolated data set (n = 437), we use the interpolated data
(7) We investigated lags of zero, one, two, and three years on the
NME variable in the prescription drug equation. Lags of one and two
years showed a significant effect on prescription drug expenditures.
Lags of three and zero showed no statistically significant effect. We
report estimates of NME for a lag of zero and two years. We report the
zero lag to show that there is no contemporaneous effect and we report
the two-year lag because the parameter estimate is a bit larger than the
one-year lag.
(8) Calculation: (18.3 - 11.6 = 6.7 and 6.7 x $1.63 = $10.92).
(9) As a robustness check, we also ran both pooled regressions and
between regressions estimates. In each case, the parameter estimate for
obesity is positive, significant, and slightly higher than in the
fixed-effects regressions reported in Table 3. These estimates show a
weaker positive effect (but still significant) for income and percentage
of the population over 65 years of age than the fixed-effects estimates.
The HMO variable is not significant in either of these alternative
Donald Vandegrift, Professor of Economics, The College of New
Jersey, 2000 Pennington Rd., Ewing, NJ 08628, USA; E-mail
Anusua Datta, Associate Professor of Economics, School of Business
Administration, Philadelphia University, School House Lane and Henry
Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19144, USA; E-mail,
corresponding author.
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics
Variable Mean Deviation Minimum Maximum
Drug 229.23 58.72 114.96 423.29
Obese 14.71 3.003 6.9 23.9
Smoke 23.2 2.88 13.2 31.7
Alcohol 2.31 0.541 1.2 4.78
Income 22.61 3.41 15.21 35.95
65+Years 12.65 2.05 3.97 18.55
HMO 16.22 11.96 0 54.2
Uninsured 14.01 4.09 2.1 25.6
Poverty 13.17 3.94 5.23 27.63
Labor 50.93 2.78 42.45 56.76
Unemp. 5.57 1.51 2.2 11.4
Birthrate 14.93 1.81 11 21.52
NME 30.67 9.77 22 53
NME (-2) 27.33 9.72 18 53
[]: Real per capita prescription drug expenditures
(1996 dollars) for state i in year t. []: Percentage
of the population 18 years of age and over in state i who is
obese (BMI [greater than or equal to] 30) in year t.
[],: Percentage of the population 18 years of
age and over in state i that smokes in year t. []:
Per capita (population 14 years of age and older) annual
consumption of alcohol (ethanol equivalent) in gallons for
state i in year t. [] Real per capita income
(in thousands of 1996 dollars) for state i in year t. 65+
[]: Percentage of the total population 65 years
of age and older for state i in year t. []:
Percentage of the total population enrolled in an []
for state i in year t. []: Percentage of the
total population uninsured for state i in year t. []
: Percentage of the total population in poverty for state i in
year t. []: Labor force divided by civilian
noninstitutional population for state i in year t. []:
Unemployment rate for state i in year t. [],: Live
births per 1000 in population for state i in year t. [NME.sub.t]:
Number of new molecular entities approved by the FDA in year t.
NME[(-2).sub.t]: Number of new molecular entities
approved by the FDA in year t - 2.
Table 2. Fixed-Effects Regression Results
for Instruments: HMO and Uninsured
Variable 1 2
Obese 0.740 *** (0.160) 0.850 *** (0.162)
Smoke -0.204 (0.158) 0.123 (0.157)
Alcohol -3.144 (2.17) -4.100 * (2.17)
Income 2.298 ** (0.326) 2.683 *** (0.378)
Unemp. -0.472 * (0.269) -0.394 (0.277)
NME 0.083 *** (0.024) --
NME (-2) -- -0.047 (0.030)
Labor -1.151 *** (0.229) -1.159 *** (0.232)
Poverty -- --
Birthrate -- --
N 450 450
(group effects) 0.74 0.74
(X variables) 0.42 0.41
(X and group 0.90 0.9
[R.sub.2] 0.89 0.88
F value 63.18 *** 61.56 ***
Uninsured Uninsured
Variable 3 4
Obese 0.010 (0.063) -0.011 (0.063)
Smoke 0.007 (0.062) 0.006 (0.062)
Alcohol -1.901 ** (0.869) -1.842 ** (0.859)
Income 0.576 *** (0.128) 0.456 *** (0.146)
Unemp. 0.164 (0.109) 0.136 (0.111)
NME -0.010 (0.010) --
NME (-2) -- 0.018 (0.012)
Labor --
Poverty 0.268 *** (0.047) 0.263 *** (0.047)
Birthrate -- --
N 450 450
(group effects) 0.83 0.83
(X variables) 0.48 0.49
(X and group 0.86 0.87
[R.sub.2] 0.85 0.85
F value 44.91 *** 45.09 ***
65+ Years 65+ Years
Variable 5 6
Obese -0.010 (0.006) -0.013 ** (0.006)
Smoke -0.005 (0.006) -0.003 (0.006)
Alcohol -0.282 *** (0.101) -0.276 *** (0.099)
Income -0.059 *** (0.012) -0.083 *** (0.014)
Unemp. 0.011 0.005 (0.010)
NME 0.0001 --
NME (-2) -- 0.004 *** (0.001)
Labor -- --
Poverty -- --
Birthrate -0.224 *** (0.017) -0.229 *** (0.017)
N 450 450
(group effects) 0.99 0.99
(X variables) 0.44 0.44
(X and group 0.99 0.99
[R.sub.2] 0.99 0.99
F value 1419.73 *** 1466.21 ***
Dependent variables: []: Percentage of the total
population enrolled in an HMO for state i in year t.
[]: Percentage of the total population
uninsured for state i in year t. 65+ []:
Percentage of the total population 65 years of age and
older for state i in year t. All cross-section estimates
are suppressed. Standard errors in parentheses.
* = significant at 0.10.
** = significant at 0.05.
*** = significant at 0.01.
Table 3. Fixed-Effects Regression Results for Real Per
Capita Prescription Drug Spending
Fixed Fixed
Effects Effects
Variable 1 2
Obese 3.67 *** (0.645) 3.18 *** (0.604)
Smoke -0.698 (0.633) -0.035 (0.582)
Alcohol -2.62 (9.87) -10.22 (9.23)
Income 24.27 *** (1.42) 18.94 *** (1.51)
Unemployed -2.09 ** (1.09) -3.37 *** (1.04)
HMO # 1.17 *** (0.198) 1.31 *** (0.184)
Uninsured # 0.990 ** (0.489) 0.655 (0.459)
65+ Years # 22.87 *** (4.51) 19.50 *** (4.24)
NME 0.107 (0.098) --
NME (-2) -- 0.847 *** (0.112)
N 450 450
[R.sup.2] (group
effects only) 0.33 0.33
[R.sup.2] (X
variables only) 0.74 0.78
[R.sup.2] (X and
group effects) 0.93 0.94
Adjusted R2 0.92 0.93
F value 94.76 *** 109.27 ***
IV Fixed IV Fixed
Effects Effects
Variable 3 4
Obese 2.497 *** (0.908) 2.02 ** (0.891)
Smoke -0.142 (0.749) 0.294
Alcohol 9.11 (14.555) 9.46
Income 21.88 *** (2.51) 18.38 *** (2.55)
Unemployed -0.882 (1.44) -2.318 * (1.30)
HMO # 2.87 *** (0.894) 2.39 *** (0.820)
Uninsured # -0.169 -0.979
65+ Years # 29.80 *** (9.06) 36.48 *** (8.13)
NME -0.050 (0.133) --
NME (-2) -- 0.874 *** (0.133)
N 450 450
[R.sup.2] (group
effects only) 0.33 0.33
[R.sup.2] (X
variables only) 0.74 0.78
[R.sup.2] (X and
group effects) 0.92 0.93
Adjusted R2 0.91 0.92
F value 76.37 *** 91.17 ***
AR & IV Fixed
Variable 5
Obese 1.63 * (0.856)
Smoke 0.632 (0.455)
Alcohol 9.93 (12.294)
Income 22.99 *** (2.39)
Unemployed -3.689 *** (1.13)
HMO # 0.189 (0.814)
Uninsured # -1.118 (1.35)
65+ Years # 21.86 ** (10.89)
NME --
NME (-2) 0.653 *** (0.098)
N 400
[R.sup.2] (group
effects only) 0.33
[R.sup.2] (X
variables only) 0.68
[R.sup.2] (X and
group effects) 0.88
Adjusted R2 0.87
F value 45.19 ***
*** Dependent variable: [] = Real per
capita prescription drug expenditures (1996 dollars)
for state i in year t. All cross-section estimates are
suppressed. # = Instrument in Equations 3, 4, and 5.
Standard errors in parentheses.
* = significant at 0.1.
** = significant at 0.05.
*** = significant at 0.01.