Theory versus application: does complexity crowd out evidence?
McClure, James E.
JEL Classification: All
1. Introduction
Winnowing theories by appeals to evidence is a practice that dates
to the beginnings of modern science. Here we test the hypothesis of
Donald F. Gordon (1955) that complex mathematical statements are less
operational than other economic statements. Operationalism means that
non-selfreferential evidence has a dominant role in the assessment of
theories. Mathematical "'proofs" of lemmas and theorems are self-referential and are generally nonoperational; (1) the
'proven" theorems may or may not be operational. Gordon,
echoing concerns raised in 1920 by Alfred Marshall (1964) (2) about the
use of mathematics in economics, argued that
... the essential point is the difference between theories using a
large number of functions and those using one or two, since formal
and mathematical reasoning is normally required when the number of
relationships simultaneously being considered becomes large. As we
have seen, even though each may be quite plausible, a combination of
very many will rarely be so. Consequently, it happens that the cases
in which formal and mathematical reasoning is most likely to be
required are precisely the cases in which, for other reasons, the
validity of any conclusions is likely to be conjectural. It is
frustrating but nevertheless true that, where mathematics is most
likely to be useful, the theory is least likely to be valid, while,
where the theory is most likely to be true, complex deduction is
generally not needed (p. 160).
Gordon argued that the realms of mathematics and real-world
economic behavior are not identical. Operational propositions are less
likely to arise from protracted mathematical formalism. He used an
example of a theory relating three variables x, y, and z to illustrate:
Again, the relationship between x and y may be stable long enough
for a shift along that function but not stable long enough for a
shift along that function plus a subsequent shift along another [z]
(p. 155).
Expressed more formally, let the relationship between x and y be
expressed as y = f(x), and that between y and z be z = g(y).
Substituting f(x) into the second expression, a composite function, z =
g[f(x)], is obtained. Differentiating the composite yields
(1) dz/dx = (dz/dt) x (dy/dx).
Equation 1 expresses the impact of a change in x upon z as an
indirect effect; a change in x leads to a change in y, and the change in
y then leads to a change in z. Mathematical conventions assume that the
indirectness of the effect of x upon z is irrelevant. It is irrelevant
because units of measure such as historic time do not exist in pure
mathematics. But if a mathematical technique is used to represent a
real-world situation in which it takes time for a change in one variable
to affect another, then the functional relationship may be devoid of
practical application. Gordon emphasized that economic phenomena are
time dependent; the more functions that were linked in a theory, the
more likely it is that the passage of time will materially affect the
relationships in ways that are inherently unpredictable. Gordon saw the
timelessness implicit in mathematics as an impediment to
operationalizing complex relationships between and among variables in
economic models. (3)
Our analysis of the Gordon hypothesis extends the literature that
has brought the content of published journal articles and citation data
to bear on issues in the history of economic thought. In a classic
article, George J. Stigler (1969, p. 229-30) concluded
Economics ... has a useful past, a past that is useful in dealing
with the future. Many useful commodities and services are not
produced in society because they are worth less than they cost: it
remains the unfulfilled task of the historians of economics to show
that their subject is worth its cost.
Since Stigler, the literature has provided practical reasons for
studying the history of economics. In an analysis of the citations of
"great" economists, Gary Anderson, David Levy, and Robert
Tollison (1989, p. 182) showed that although "a considerable
number" of the listed economists had little connection to the
"living" literature, "a fair number of pre-twentieth
century economists have impressive citation counts ... What Ricardo,
Marx, and Smith, et al. may not have been able to solve may be what is
most important about their work for contemporary economists." In
another article, David Laband and Robert Tollison (2000) quantified
aspects of intellectual collaboration in economics; one example was a
positive relationship between the probability of coauthorship and the
frequency of "'equations, tables, figures, and
appendices" (p. 641). Finally, Laband, Tollison, and Karahan (2002)
conducted a content analyses for The American Economic' Review
publications that produced insights into editorial quality control, the
decline of commentary, and rent seeking by authors.
2. Evidence on Gordon's Hypothesis
The Gordon hypothesis is that complex mathematical statements are
less likely to be operational relative to other economic statements: We
offer evidence on this proposition. (4) We use data from the JSTOR (Journal Storage) archive for 1963 through 1996. (5) We collected data
on four general interest economic journals in the archive: The American
Economic Review (AER), The Economic Journal (EJ), The Journal of
Political Economy (JPE), and The Quarterly Journal of Economics (QJE),
as well as The Journal of Economic History (JEH). We included the JEH
because it is empirically oriented: we wanted to observe how a journal
that emphasizes real-world applications compared to the general interest
journals. The Social Sciences Citation Index provided data for our
citation analysis. We used EViews3 and EViews5 software.
Trends in Theoretical Complexity
We examine the trends of mathematical complexity in the literature
to assess the importance of the Gordon hypothesis. If trends in the
publication of mathematically complex papers are constant or declining,
then the Gordon hypothesis is relatively less important than if the
trends turned out to be increasing. Toward an assessment of trends in
complexity, we conducted an annual full-text search in our sample
journals for either of the terms "multiple equilibria," or
"lemma." Articles found to contain either (or both) of these
temps were viewed as being more mathematically complex than those that
did not contain them.
The terms "lemma" and "'multiple
equilibria" were selected as proxies because they are indicative of
mathematical complexity, and because their initial usages in the
journals in JSTOR were in 1910 and 1934, respectively. These terms were
used infrequently prior to 1963, but they were in usage. (6) We did not
"clean" the data: articles that contained "lemma"
and/or "multiple equilibria" that did not contain complex
models were not excluded. (7)
The procedures for organizing data were as follows: let LM/.t
denote the JSTOR count of articles containing the terms
"lemma" and/or "multiple equilibria" for journal i
in year t (for example, L[M.sub.AER, 1963] would represent the JSTOR
count of articles in the 1963 American Economic Review containing
"lemma" and/or "multiple equilibria"). (8) To
correct for changes in the numbers of articles published, we divided
L[M.sub.i,t] by the total number of articles published by journal i in
year t, denoted as TOTA[L.sub.i,t]. These totals were found from the
JSTOR count of the number of articles containing four commonly used
words that JSTOR would search: "because," "which,"
"first," and/or "then." (9) The percentage of
articles in each journal i and for each year t containing
"lemma" and/or "multiple equilibria" is denoted
PCTL[M.sub.i,t]. (10)
Table 1 presents the data for LM and PCTLM for each journal from
1963 to 1996; it suggests that (it our measure of complexity is
increasing in the general interest journals (AER. EJ, JPE, and QJE) and
(ii) there is no tendency toward increasing usage of these terms in the
JEH. To formally test for the presence and significance of trends we
conducted augmented Dickey-Fuller unit root tests.
Table 2 shows the unit root test results for the levels and first
differences of the PCTLM time series for the AER, EJ, JPE, and QJE. (11)
The statistics in the table's second column indicate that the PCTLM
series for AE[R.sub.1963-1981], AE[R.sub.1982-1996]. E[Full Sample],
JP[E.sub.Full Sample], and QJ[E.sub.Full Sample] possess stationary and
significant time trends. This implies that for each series the existence
of a unit root must be rejected. Although the statistics found in the
row labeled AE[R.sub.Full Sample] may appear to suggest the existence a
unit root, the results ,just mentioned for the PCTLM series for the
AE[R.sub.1963-1981] and AE[R.sub.1982-1996] indicate that there is
actually a structural break in the PCTLM series for the AE[R.sub.Full
Sample] that occurs in 1981. (12)
To measure the magnitudes of the trends in the PCTLM time series,
for each journal i we independently estimated the linear trend equation:
(2) PCTL[M.sub.i,t] [K.sub.i] + [[beta].sub.i] TREN[D.sub.i].
Here, TREN[D.sub.i] and [K.sub.i] represent the time trend and
constant for journal i. Table 3 summarizes the results of estimating
Equation 2 for each journal. The coefficient estimates for TREN[D.sub.i]
are all positive, and the p values indicate they are significant at the
1% level. The estimate for PCTLM in the AE[R.sub.Full Sample] is subject
to specification error. The significance of the trend for PCTLM for
AE[R.sub.Full Sample] was not established by the unit root test in Table
2. The estimates for PCTLM for the JEH are also unreliable as indicated
by the adjusted [R.sup.2] statistic shown in Table 3.
The TREND estimates that are both reliable and significant in Table
3 are those for the PCTLM series for AE[R.sub.1963-1981],
AE[R.sub.1982-1996], and the full samples for the QJE, JPE, and the EJ.
The estimated coefficients for the TREND variable range from 0.32 for
the AE[R.sub.1963-1981] to 1.34 for the AE[R.sub.1982-1996]. This means
that, on average, every 10 years the percentage of articles containing
"lemma" and/or "multiple equilibrium" rose by 3.2%
for the AE[R.sub.1963-1981] series and 13.4% for the AE[R.sub.1982-1996]
series. (13)
Tests of the Gordon Hypothesis
We test the Gordon hypothesis by (i) comparing the contents of more
complex articles to the contents of a random sample of articles and (ii)
comparing the contents of articles that cite more complex articles to
the contents of a random sample of articles. (14)
An Empirical Analysis of Articles' Contents
We compared the contents of complex articles with the contents of
less mathematically complex articles. We conducted a content analysis of
a subsample of the 1963 to 1996 period, and limited (due to the costs of
scrutinizing each article's contents) our analysis to the AER. The
operational content of the articles using the terms "lemma"
and "multiple equilibria" in the AER for the years 1975, 1980,
1985, 1990, and 1995 was compared to the operational content of a random
sample of the AER articles from the same years not containing the terms.
The pages of each article were inspected. Articles containing
casual empiricism and/or references to "stylized facts" were
counted as nonoperational articles. Similarly, articles that presented
self-referential simulations were designated nonoperational. But
articles containing data from surveys and/ or experiments were counted
as operational.
The construction of the random sample followed standard statistical
procedures. For each of the years a list of all AER articles was
created, we removed from this list any citations that were on the list
of articles containing "lemma" and/or "multiple
equilibria." We excluded any citations to The Papers and
Proceedings of the AER. Finally, we excluded from both the random sample
and from the population all citations that had the terms
"comment," "reply," and/or "rejoinder" in
their titles. These procedures allowed a comparison between the
operational content of original articles containing the terms
"lemma" and/or "multiple equilibrium" to original
articles not containing the terms.
In the five sample years there were a total of 58 AER articles
containing either "lemma" and/or "multiple
equilibria" (excluding comment articles and articles in The Papers
and Proceedings). (15) Of the 58 articles, 10 contained nonreferential
analysis of statistical data (in other words, approximately 18% of the
total articles included analysis of data). The distribution of these
articles over time and the presence of data are presented in Table 4.
The random sample had a total of 50 articles from JSTOR. To select
10 articles for each sample year, we employed a table of random digits
and chose 10 articles from the AER for each sample year whose edited
JSTOR rank corresponded to the random digits. (16) The distribution of
the articles in the random sample and its characteristics are also in
Table 4. In the random sample of 50 articles, 38% had data.
To test the Gordon hypothesis, we estimated Equation 3 by the
binary probit method to assess the impact of the appearance of the
selected terms (lemma and/or multiple equilibria) on the probability
that the article contained data:
(3) DAT = c + [[alpha].sub.1]LM + [[alpha].sub.2]YR80 +
[[alpha].sub.3]YR85 + [[alpha].sub.4]YR90 + [[alpha].sub.5]YR95,
where (i) DAT equals one for articles with data analysis, and zero
otherwise: (ii) LM equals one for articles containing the term
"lemma" and/or "multiple equilibria," and zero
otherwise; (iii) YR80, YR85, YR90, and YR95 are dummies for 1980, 1985,
1990, and 1995: and (iv) c is a constant.
Table 5 displays the results. The coefficient on the LM variable is
negative and is significant at the 1% level. This means that the
presence of the terms "lemma" and/or "multiple
equilibria" in an article has a negative impact on the probability
that the article has any empirical content. These results are consistent
with the hypothesis that theoretical complexity reduces operationalism.
A Content Analysis of Citations
A question remains: What is the relative contribution made by
complex mathematical models to future operational economic analyses? We
addressed this by comparing the operational content of articles that
cite articles containing complex mathematics to the operational content
of articles that cite articles that are less complex. To this end, we
undertook a content analysis of the citations of the articles from the
two data sets from the AER on which we had performed content analysis.
We examined the contents of all articles in JSTOR that cited articles in
the two data sets. The analysis was for the five years following
publication. For 1975 we searched the Social Science Citation Index for
the years 1976 through 1980; for the articles from 1980, we looked at
the citing articles between 1981 and 1985; and so on for the articles in
1985, 1990, and 1995. Each base article had its own list of citing
publications from the JSTOR archives for the five-year period following
publication. (17)
Table 6 lists the ratios of citations with operational content
(data analysis) to the total numbers of JSTOR citations found in the
Social Science Citation Index for 1975-1980, 1980-1985, 1985-1990,
1990-1995, and 1995-2000. (18) In all intervals, except that from 1980
to 1985, the ratios of citations tracing to the random sample exceeded
those tracing to the AER population of articles containing
"lemma'" and/or "multiple equilibria.'"
To test Gordon's hypothesis, we used the binary probit method
to assess the impact of the appearance of the selected terms in the
source articles in the citation period on the probability that citations
contained data in the following:
(4) CDAT = c + [[alpha].sub.1] LMNSRC + [[alpha].sub.2]YR80 +
[[alpha].sub.3]YR85 + [[alpha].sub.4]YR90 + [[alpha].sub.5]YR95,
where (i) CDAT equals one for articles having data analysis, and
zero otherwise; (ii) LMNSRC equals one if the citing JSTOR article cites
an AER source article containing "lemma" and/or "multiple
equilibria," and equals zero otherwise; (iii) YR80, YR85, YR90, and
YR95 are dummies variables for 1980, 1985, 1990, and 1995; (19) and (iv)
c is the constant term.
The results of the probit estimation are in Table 7. The estimated
LMNSCR coefficient is negative and significant at the 1% level. This can
be interpreted as meaning that the presence of the term
"lemma" and/or "multiple equilibria" in the source
article has a negative impact on the probability of a citation
containing any empirical analysis. These results are consistent with the
hypothesis that theoretical complexity reduces the operationalism.
3. Summary and Conclusions
The assumption that resources are scarce relative to human wants is
used in economics to generate operational statements about how things in
the world behave. Empirical evidence and statistical analyses allow us
to (i) cull theories whose predictions are inconsistent with
observational reality and (ii) provide circumstances in which theories
are applicable.
A tradeoff between operationalism and the mathematical complexity
of economic theories was suggested by Alfred Marshall, directly
hypothesized by Donald F. Gordon, and restated by Leontief. This article
tested Gordon's hypothesis. Over the period of the study, analyses
of the contents of complex mathematical articles and of the contents of
the articles that cited the complex articles failed to refute the
hypothesized tradeoff. Mathematically complex articles were less
operational and were less likely to be cited in articles containing
operational statements. Nevertheless, editors appear to have become
consistently more likely to publish complex theorizing as shown by the
presence of significant and positive trends toward increasing
mathematical complexity in the time series data for general interest
journals between 1963 and 1996. (20) In contrast, the empirically
oriented JEH has shown no trend toward increasing complexity.
Table 1. Number of Articles (LM) and Percentage of Articles (PCTLM)
Containing the Terms Lemma and/or "Multiple Equilibria" by Journal
and by Year (Percentages Were Rounded to the Nearest Percent)
1963 0 0 0 0 0 0
1964 1 1 0 0 0 0
1965 1 2 0 0 0 0
1966 2 3 0 0 1 2
1967 2 2 1 2 2 2
1968 1 1 0 0 0 0
1969 2 2 2 5 2 3
1970 4 3 0 0 0 0
1971 4 3 0 0 2 2
1972 2 1 0 0 1 1
1973 4 3 0 0 5 4
1974 3 2 0 0 2 2
1975 4 4 0 0 7 9
1976 6 5 3 5 3 3
1977 3 3 2 5 3 4
1978 5 5 1 3 3 4
1979 10 8 4 7 7 8
1980 7 6 1 2 1 1
1981 9 8 1 1 2 3
1982 6 5 1 2 6 8
1983 13 10 3 5 9 16
1984 5 4 4 6 10 17
1985 14 11 7 9 7 10
1986 6 5 7 10 11 16
1987 12 12 6 9 12 18
1988 13 13 7 12 11 17
1989 11 9 9 14 12 17
1990 19 18 9 10 11 17
1991 24 21 10 10 9 16
1992 18 18 10 11 13 25
1993 14 15 7 7 5 9
1994 16 17 10 11 8 16
1995 17 19 10 11 9 18
1996 24 30 8 8 12 26
1963 0 0 0 0
1964 0 0 1 0
1965 2 4 0 0
1966 6 11 0 0
1967 1 2 0 0
1968 2 5 0 0
1969 5 10 0 0
1970 2 3 0 0
1971 3 6 0 0
1972 2 3 0 0
1973 5 10 1 0
1974 1 2 1 2
1975 1 1 0 0
1976 5 9 0 0
1977 5 10 0 0
1978 2 4 2 4
1979 4 8 0 0
1980 9 9 1 0
1981 5 11 1 2
1982 4 9 1 0
1983 10 18 1 0
1984 6 12 0 0
1985 11 16 1 0
1986 8 16 1 2
1987 14 29 2 2
1988 9 18 0 0
1989 12 27 1 0
1990 11 20 0 0
1991 10 17 2 0
1992 10 18 2 2
1993 15 32 0 0
1994 6 14 0 0
1995 8 20 2 0
1996 11 27 1 0
Table 2. Augmented Dickey-Fuller Unit Root Tests for the PCTLM Time
Series Data Found in Table 1
Level First Difference
Intercept With
Journal Intercept and Trend No Constant Constant
AE[R.sub.Full Sample] 0.77 -2.82 -7.72 * -8.19 *
AE[R.sub.1963-1981] 0.92 -3.37 ** -4.49 * -5.34 *
AE[R.sub.1982-1996] 0.02 -3.56 ** -5.18 * -5.55 *
E[J.sub.Full Sample] -1.79 -3.53 * -8.25 * -8.26 *
JP[E.sub.Full Sample] -0.15 -4.72 * -8.69 * -5.82 *
QJ[E.sub.Full Sample] -0.31 -5.86 * -2.55 * -2.90 **
The unit root tests were not conducted for the JEH because there were
insufficient nonzero observations to make the results meaningful.
* Significant at the 5% level.
** Significant at the 10% level.
Table 3. Least Squares Estimates of PCTL[M.I,t] = [K.sub.I] + [[beta].
sub.I] [TREND.sub.i]
Intercept ([K.sub.i])
Coefficient Standard
Journal Estimate Error Probability
AE[R.sub.Full Sample] -2.5 1.22 0.05
AE[R.sub.1963-1981] 0.37 0.59 0.54
AE[R.sub.1982-1996] -20.99 6.81 0.01
E[J.sub.Full Sample] -1.56 0.81 0.06
JP[E.sub.Full sample] -2.94 1.28 0.03
QJ[E.sub.Fu11 Sample] -0.08 1.62 0.96
JE[H.sub.Full Sample] 0.17 0.30 0.58
Coefficient Standard Adjusted
Journal Estimate Error Probability [R.sup.2]
AE[R.sub.Full Sample] 0.63 0.06 0.00 * 0.74
AE[R.sub.1963-1981] 0.32 0.06 0.00 * 0.63
AE[R.sub.1982-1996] 1.34 0.23 0.00 * 0.69
E[J.sub.Full Sample] 0.89 0.04 0.00 * 0.72
JP[E.sub.Full sample] 0.70 0.07 0.00 * 0.77
QJ[E.sub.Fu11 Sample] 0.72 0.08 0.00 * 0.69
JE[H.sub.Full Sample] 0.01 0.02 0.00 * -0.01
* Significant at the 1% level.
Table 4. Ratios of Numbers of AER Articles Containing Data to Total
Numbers of AER Articles, by Year and by Source (AER Population
Containing the Terms "Lemma" and/or "Multiple Equilibria"
versus AER Random Sample)
Ratios of Numbers Ratio of Number
of AER Articles of AER Articles
Year Containing Data to Containing Data
Total Number of AER to Total Number
Articles (a) of AER Articles
1975 1/4 (25) 1/10 (10)
1980 1/7 (14) 3/10 (30)
1985 2/13 (15) 4/10 (40)
1990 3/19 (16) 4/10 (40)
1995 3/15 (20) 7/10 (70)
(a) Source: AER articles containing the terms "Lemma" and/or "Multiple
Equilibria" (%).
(b) Source: Random sample of AER articles (%).
Table 5. Impact of Mathematical Complexity on the Probability of an
Article Having Operational Content
Variable Coefficient Error z Statistic Probability
Constant (c) -0.845 0.415 -2.035 0.42 *
LM -0.798 0.281 -2.838 0.005 **
YR80 0.403 0.535 0.753 0.451
YR85 0.606 0.507 1.197 0.231
YR90 0.619 0.494 1.250 0.211
YR95 1.117 0.501 2.228 0.026 *
Dependent variable, DAT; method, binary probit; 107 in the sample
(adjusted for endpoints); 29 DAT 0 observations; 78 DAT = 1
observations; mean DAT = 0.271; SD DAT = 0.447; SE of regression 0.425;
Akaike information criterion = 1.167; sum squared residuals 18.169;
Schwarz criterion 1.316; log likelihood = 56.383; Hannan-Quinn
criterion 1.227; restricted log likelihood =-62.518; average log
likelihood = -0.527; LR statistic (5 df)= 12.270; McFadden [R.sup.2] =
0.098; probability (LR statistic) = 0.031.
* Significant at the 5% level.
** Significant at the 1% level.
Table 6. Ratios of JSTOR Citations Having Operational Content to Total
JSTOR Citations, by Year and by Citation Source (AER Articles with
"Lemma" and/or "Multiple Equilibria" versus Random Sample of AER
Ratios of JSTOR
Ratios of JSTOR Citations
Citations Containing Data
Containing Data to Total Number
to Total Number of JSTOR
of JSTOR Citations
Years Citation * ([dagger])
1976-1980 3/20 (15) 4/16 (25)
1981-1985 6/11 (55) 1/7 (14)
1986-1990 15/56 (27) 8/13 (62)
1991-1995 17/69 (25) 13/32 (41)
1996-2000 5/27 (19) 38/51 (75)
* Source: AER articles with "Lemma" and/or "Multiple Equilibira" in
1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, and 1995 (%).
([dagger]) Source: Random sample of AER articles in 1975, 1980, 1985,
1990, and 1995 (%).
Table 7. Impact of Theoretical Complexity on the Probability of
Citations Having Operational Content
Variable Coefficient Error z Statistic Probability
Constant (c) -0.515 0.256 -2.013 0.044 **
LMNSRC -0.695 0.165 -4.200 0.000 ***
YR80 0.660 0.383 1.723 0.085 *
YR85 0.636 0.297 2.143 0.032 **
YR90 0.436 0.280 1.559 0.119
YR95 0.902 0.287 3.147 0.002 ***
Dependent variable: CDAT; method, binary probit; 301 sample
observations; 191 CDAT = observations; 110 CDAT = 1 observation; Mean
CDAT = 0.364; SD CDAT 0.482; SE of regression = 0.455; Akaike
information criterion 1.229; sum squared residuals = 61.045; Schwarz
criterion = 1.3113; log likelihood = -179.038; Hannan-Quinn criterion =
1.259; restricted log likelihood = 197,603; average log likelihood =
-0.595; LR statistic (5 df) = 37.130; McFadden [R.sup.2] = 0,094;
probability (LR statistic) = 5.64 x [10.sup.-7].
* Significant at the 10% level.
** Significant at the 5% level.
*** Significant at the 1% level.
(1) All that mathematical "proofs" show is that the
symbolic language is internally consistent.
(2) Samuelson (1952, p. 57) stated that Marshall's disdain for
"long chains of logical reasoning" was because "Marshall
treated such chains as if their truth content was subject to radioactive
decay and leakage at the end of n propositions only half truth was left.
at the end of a chain of 2n propositions, only half of hall the truth
remained, and so forth in a geometric multiplier series converging to
zero truth."
(3) Without reference to Gordon, Leontief (1971) reasoned
analogously: "'Uncritical enthusiasm for mathematical
formulation tends often to conceal the ephemeral substantive content of
the argument behind the formidable front of algebraic signs" (pp.
(4) We are not testing whether economics is becoming more or less
empirical: a preliminary investigation suggests that the journal
literature is becoming more empirical. What we are doing is examining
the empirical content of mathematically complex publications in
economics. If the literature is becoming more empirical and if
mathematically complex articles are defying this trend, then evidence
supporting the Gordon hypothesis is enhanced.
(5) JSTOR provides electronic copies of journals: it is text
searchable on a variety of levels.
(6) From 1910 to the beginning of our sample period in 1963 the
terms "lemma" and "multiple equilibria" appeared 33
times in the four general interest journals (including The Papers and
Proceedings of the AER) in JSTOR. The same search criteria of JSTOR for
the years 1963 to 1996 yielded a count of 853. The year 1996 was the
terminal year because the EJ and JEH were covered only through 1996 in
the version of JSTOR available to us.
(7) This is because (i) we want our procedures to be easily
replicated, and (ii) biases that enter into our sorting process
invariably produce more statistical "noise": the introduction
of this "noise" makes the attainment of statistical
significance more difficult. Any bias introduced by not
"'cleaning" the data is a bias against accepting
Gordon's hypothesis.
(8) There were no double countings: articles containing both terms
were counted once. Articles in the AER Papers and Proceedings were
excluded because the selection criteria for these differ from the
criteria for the AER land also the other journals).
(9) JSTOR will not count terms such as "the" or
"and." Other common terms were tried, but none were as
inclusive; our goal was to get as close an approximation to the total
number of publications as possible given our resource constraints.
(10) The percentages were calculated by the following:
PCTL[M.sub.i,t] = (L[M.sub.i,t]/TOTA[L.sub.i,t]) x 100.
(11) There were insufficient data for meaningful testing for unit
roots to be conducted on the PCTLM time series for the JEH.
(12) Other evidence confirming the significance of this structural
break is presented later in Endnote 14. It is worth noting that 1981 is
the year when the editorship of the AER changed from George H. Borts
(who had been editor since 1969) to Robert W. Clower (who was replaced
in 1985 by Orley Ashenfelter who continued until 2001).
(13) The estimates and standard errors for the PCTLM series for
AE[R.sub.1963-1981] and AE[R.sub.1982-1996] indicate the independence of
the trend estimates. The 95% confidence intervals are nonoverlapping
(the intervals were established by adding and subtracting two times the
respective standard errors to the respective coefficient estimates). The
interval for the AE[R.sub.1963- 1981] series is 0.32 [+ or -] 0.12 and
the interval for the AE[R.sub.1982-1996] series is 1.34 [+ or -] 0.46.
(14) Repeating two previous points (i) the trend estimates can be
used as a gauge of the importance of Gordon's hypothesis, but they
are not a test of it, and (ii) again, our tests of the Gordon hypothesis
are not trying to assess the extent to which empirical analysis is
occurring in economics. Again, Gordon's hypothesis says nothing
about the trends in economics toward, or away from, empiricism; his
hypothesis only states that increased mathematical complexity in
economic research reduces the probability of it being assessed
(15) The original sample had 61 entries containing the terms: two
of these had "comment," "reply," or
"rejoinder" in their titles and were eliminated. Also removed
was a presidential address (Amartya Sen 1995). Consequently, the data in
the years 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, and 1995 in the comparison sample we
obtained for the AER are not strictly comparable to the data that were
used to construct Tables 1, 2, and 3. Because we were interested in the
overall trends in Tables 1,2, and 3, we included all citations.
(16) The table of random digits was taken from Morris H. DeGroot
(17) Citations include notes, comments, replies, and rejoinders as
well as articles in the AER Papers and Proceedings. The search was
limited to economics and finance; we limited our citation analysis to
those that came up in the search using the author list as it occurred in
JSTOR. Any listing that incorrectly cited the ordering of an
article's authors was not included in our analysis.
(18) Only the Social Science Citation Index listings that were in
JSTOR were included.
(19) Estimations (unreported) showed that the significance of the
year dummies varied with the choice of the base year, but the
significance of LMSRC was invariant to changes in the base year.
(20) This is not a condemnation of nonoperational theories. Such
theories may, generate operational statements in the future: them is a
potential payoff. But economic analysis requires an assessment not only
of the probabilities and magnitudes of potential benefits, but also the
costs. The publication of nonoperational theories entails sacrificing
the net benefits that forgone operalionalized analyses would have
Anderson. Gary M., David M. Levy, and Robert D. Tollison. 1989. The
half-life of dead economists. Canadian Journal of Economics XXII:174-83.
DeGroot, Morris H. 1975. Probability and statistics. Reading, MA:
Gordon. Donald F. 1955. Operational propositions in economic
theory. Journal of Political Economy, 63:150-61. JSTOR. 2000-2002.
Laband, David N., and Robert D. Tollison. 2000. Intellectual
collaboration. Journal of Political Economy 108:632-62.
Laband, David N., Robert D. Tollison, and Gokhan Karahan, 2002.
Quality control in economics. Kyklos 55:315-33.
Leontief, Wassily. 1971. Theoretical assumptions and nonobservable
facts. American Economic Review 61:1-7.
Marshall. Alfred. 1964. Principles of economics. 8th edition.
London: MacMillan & Co.
Samuelson, Paul A. 1952. Economic theory and mathematics--an
appraisal. American Economic Review 42:56-66.
Sen, Amartya. 1995. Rationality and social choice. American
Economic Review 85:1-24.
Social Science Citation Index. 1963-1996. Philadelphia, PA:
Thompson Scientific.
Stigler, George J. 1969. Does economics have a useful past? History
of Political Economy 1:217-30.
Philip R.P. Coelho, Department of Economics, Ball Slate University.
Muncie, IN 47304. USA: E-mail corresponding author.
[dagger] Department of Economics, Ball Stale University. Muncie, IN
47304. USA: E-mail
For comments, suggestions, and assistance we express our
appreciation to the following people: Moheb Ghali, Tung Lui, Frank
Machovec. Eric Munshower, Robert Ohsfeldt. Gary Santoni, Lee Spector,
John Umbeck, the editor, and two anonymous referees of this journal. All
remaining errors are our responsibility.
Received March 2004: accepted July 2004.