Does the length of maternity leave affect maternal health?
Markowitz, Sara
1. Introduction
In the United States, 51% of mothers of infants currently work
outside the home (Bureau of Labor Statistics 2003). Among mothers who
return to work during the first year after childbirth, almost all return
to work by the third month (Klerman and Leibowitz 1994; Cantor et al.
2001). The large number of infants with employed mothers has led to an
increased interest in the effects of maternal employment during infancy on child health and development. Recent studies suggest that some forms
of maternal employment during the child's first year are
detrimental to children's cognitive development and lead to more
behavioral problems (Blau and Grossberg 1992; BrooksGunn, Han, and
Waldfogel, 2002; Waldfogel, Han, and Brooks-Gunn 2002; Baum 2003). These
studies imply that longer maternal leaves will benefit children.
Previous research, however, does not consider that in addition to
improving children's health and development, longer maternity
leaves also may affect the health and well-being of mothers. A few
correlational studies in the public health literature show that women
who are employed postpartum or who return to work soon after childbirth
experience more mental and physical health symptoms than other women
(Gjerdingen et al. 1993, 1995; Hyde et al. 1995), perhaps because of
increased stress and obligations. While the detrimental effects of
physical and mental health problems to the mother are obvious, these
conditions also may affect the child and other family members through
emotional and financial distress. We know very little about this aspect
of maternal employment despite the large number of women in the United
States who currently balance a job outside the home with the care of a
young infant (Hyde 1995).
From a policy perspective, it is useful to consider the effect of
maternity leave length on both mothers and children. Concerns about the
health of infants and postpartum women were motivating forces behind the
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993. The case for longer leaves
is bolstered if longer leaves benefit mothers as well as children. In
the case that longer leaves have neutral or detrimental effects on
maternal health, this information still is needed to inform the debate
over family leave policy. To date, however, despite a number of recent
studies on maternal employment and child health, there is little
empirical evidence regarding whether longer maternity leave affects
maternal health (Hyde 1995). This evidence is still needed today despite
the passage of the FMLA because states currently are passing or are
considering legislation that would provide paid family leave. This
policy change would likely increase the length of maternity leave but at
a cost to states, employees, and businesses. Without information about
the health impact of longer maternal leave after childbirth, it is
difficult to weigh the costs and benefits of these proposed state-level
policy changes.
This paper investigates how the length of maternity leave affects
maternal health in a sample of mothers who returned to work after
childbirth. Data come from the National Maternal and Infant Health
Survey (NMIHS) of 1988. This survey is particularly useful because it
was conducted before the FMLA was enacted in 1993, allowing us to use
empirical methods that take advantage of pre-FMLA variation in maternal
leave policies across states. Maternal health is represented by three
measures. As discussed further here, the first two examine depressive symptoms using the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression (CES-D)
Scale, a widely used screening tool for depression. The third measure of
maternal health represents overall health and is a dummy variable indicating whether the mother had at least three outpatient visits for
any health problems (mental or physical) during the first six months
after childbirth. We estimate baseline models using ordinary least
squares (OLS) methods and then address the potential endogeneity of the
return-to-work decision using instrumental variables (IV) methods.
The results indicate that among employed mothers of infants,
delaying the return to work decreases the number of depressive symptoms.
Holding other factors constant, a one-week increase in the length of
maternal leave from work would reduce a scale of depressive symptoms on
average by 6-7%; however, it is not clear whether this reduction has
clinical significance because we find only weak evidence that the length
of maternity leave is significantly associated with a reduction in the
probability of meeting a threshold of depressive symptoms that is
indicative of clinical depression. We also find a negative but
statistically insignificant association between the length of maternal
leave and having had at least three postpartum outpatient visits for
mental or physical health problems. These findings contribute to the
growing literature on maternal leave policy, which focuses primarily on
the benefits of leave for child health and development, by evaluating
the influence of longer maternal leave on the health of mothers.
2. Returning to Work and Maternal Health
To the best of our knowledge, no previous study in the economics
literature has explored the effect of the length of maternity leave on
maternal well-being. In the economics literature, most of the research
on maternal leave has focused on the impact of leave and leave policies
on labor market outcomes, such as employment, wages and job continuity
(Waldfogel 1998; Klerman and Leibowitz 1999), and child health and
development (Winegarden and Bracy 1995; Ruhm 2000; Baum 2003). These
latter studies suggest that longer maternity leave has positive effects
on children's physical health (proxied by mortality) and cognitive
Winegarden and Bracy (1995) and Ruhm (2000) use time-series data
from European countries to study the effect of paid maternal leave on
child health. Both Winegarden and Bracy and Ruhm find that longer paid
leave is associated with reductions in infant mortality; Ruhm
additionally finds that longer maternal leave is associated with lower
rates of young child mortality. Baum (2003), using data from the
National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, demonstrates that returning to
work within the first three months of life is associated with lower
cognitive test scores during childhood. These studies suggest that
longer maternal leave after childbirth may benefit child health and
A few studies from other disciplines have explored the impact of
returning to work on the mother's health. In regard to physical
health, employed postpartum women have higher rates of respiratory
infections, breast symptoms, and gynecologic problems compared to
postpartum women who are not employed (Gjerdingen et al. 1993, 1995).
This research on physical health is based on a sample of 436 first-time
mothers in Minnesota. In regard to mental health, there is some mixed
evidence that among employed mothers, returning to work earlier
increases depressive symptoms. Hyde et al. (1995), for example, uses a
sample of 570 mostly white mothers in Wisconsin to explore the
postpartum employment experience. They find that among mothers who are
back at work four months postpartum, a short length of maternal leave
increases the probability of depression but only among mothers who also
have marital concerns and mothers who feel their jobs are unrewarding.
Gjerdingen and Chaloner (1994), based on a sample of 436 married,
employed, first-time mothers in Minnesota, find that returning to work
within 24 weeks alter childbirth, as well as longer work hours, is
associated with poor mental health. These studies are based on small,
nonrepresentative samples. Moreover, it is not clear whether the
association between shorter maternity leave and increased depressive
symptoms is causal.
McGovern et al. (1997) address some of these problems by accounting
for the possibility that the timing of the return-to-work decision is
endogenous. They find that maternity leave length has a positive effect
on a mother's well-being, measured at about seven months postpartum
using a generic measure of mental health, vitality, and role function.
As identifying instruments, these researchers use a set of variables
that measure the infant's health endowment (birth weight and
gestation, congenital anomalies), the infant's race, health
insurance, maternal leave policies, child care arrangements, and job
characteristics. These variables are shown in the analysis to be
reasonably adequate predictors of maternal leave length. However, it
seems unlikely that they can be validly left out of the maternal health
equation. For example, there is evidence from other studies that infant
health and child care arrangements affect maternal stress and depression
(Gjerdingen et al. 1995; Mandl et al. 1999: McLennan, Kotelchuck, and
Cho 2001). No results from overidentification tests are shown to justify
these exclusions.
The present study addresses the endogeneity problem with a
different set of instruments. We use state-level labor market conditions
and state-level maternal leave policies as identifying instruments
rather than the potentially endogenous individual characteristics used
by McGovern et al. (1997). State-level variables are more likely than
individual-level variables to be exogenous to the model. We test the set
of identifying instruments to gauge whether they can be validly left out
of the maternal health equation and to determine whether they are
reasonably strong predictors of the length of maternal leave from work.
All models are estimated using several sets of independent variables to
see whether the estimates are sensitive to the variables included in the
model, some of which may be endogenous.
We use data from the NMIHS, which includes a national, racially
diverse sample of mothers. The McGovern et al. sample is limited to the
Twin Cities region of Minnesota, and 91% of the sample respondents are
white. The NMIHS is a national survey that oversampled blacks and
low-birth-weight infants, and our sample respondents come from all 50
states. The analysis sample used in the paper is not necessarily
representative of employed mothers in 1988. Consequently, the results
should be generalized with caution.
3. Modeling the Return-to-Work and Maternal Health Relationship
This paper is based on the hypothesis that among women who were
employed while pregnant and who return to work during the first six
months of the child's life, longer leave from work will influence
maternal health. For some mothers, time at work may be more
complementary to health than time at home; for other mothers, the
opposite may be true. Intuitively, the direction of the impact is
indeterminate, and it remains an empirical question.
The study focuses on estimating the following equation:
H = [b.sub.0] + [b.sub.1]E + [b.sub.2]X + u + e. (1)
This equation is specific to the mother/child dyad. The dependent
variable H is a measure of maternal health, which in our case is
represented by two measures of depressive symptoms and a measure
indicating whether the mother had at least three outpatient visits for
mental or physical health problems during the first six months after
The main independent variable of interest is E, the length of time
after the birth of the child when the mother returns to work. We
hypothesize that returning to work alters maternal health, generating
measurable differences in health status among women with varying
durations of time away from the labor force. The coefficient on E shows
the direction and magnitude of this effect.
The vector X includes observed maternal factors that may affect
maternal health, such as the mother's age, marital status, number
of children, education, occupation, and income, and observed
child-specific factors that may influence maternal health, such as the
child's health endowment. Specific details about the variables
included are discussed here. In addition to these measured variables,
there may exist unobserved, individual-level factors that are associated
with both health status and employment decisions. These unobserved
factors are represented by u in Equation 1, and e is a random
disturbance term.
Initially, a standard OLS model is used to estimate Equation 1.
Estimating Equation 1 by OLS, however, can lead to biased and
inconsistent estimates if a problem of reverse causality exists (e.g.,
postpartum health affects the timing of returning to work) or if
unobserved, mother-specific factors exist that influence both maternal
health and return-to-work decisions (e.g., u is correlated with E and
H). Examples of unobserved, mother-specific factors might include the
degree of stress in home or work environment, social support, or marital
discord. The direction of any bias, however, is unknown--mothers
experiencing depressive symptoms and other health problems may return to
work later because of their health (see Lennon, Blome, and English 2001), but this may not necessarily be the case.
We attempt to account for this problem using IV methods, which
purge the potentially endogenous return-to-work variable of its
correlation with the error term. We use the Durbin-Wu-Hausman test to
test whether the endogeneity of maternity leave length with respect to
maternal health affects the consistency of the estimates. The results
from this test are useful in deciding which estimates, OLS or IV, are
preferred. Additionally, the validity of the overidentifying
restrictions is tested, and the predictive power of the identifying
instrumental variables is assessed. In all models, t-statistics are
computed from Huber-White standard errors with adjustment for clustering
on state of residence. This adjustment helps account for any correlation
in the error term among residents of the same state.
The OLS and IV models initially are estimated with a set of basic
covariates that are exogenous from the mother's perspective (such
as age and race). We then estimate the same models with two larger sets
of covariates that may include potentially endogenous variables (such as
smoking and occupation) that are treated as exogenous. Excluding these
variables could potentially lead to a spurious association between
maternity leave length and maternal health in the OLS models. Comparing
results across these models allows us to gauge whether the estimates are
sensitive to the inclusion of potentially endogenous covariates.
Even though black respondents and mothers of low-birth-weight
babies are oversampled, we do not use sample weights in the regression analyses. The NMIHS sample weights are designed so that researchers can
make inferences about the population of women with live births and fetal or infant deaths. We have limited the sample to a very specific group of
respondents--women who worked at any point during pregnancy and who had
returned to work by the time the infant was six months old. This group
accounts for only 7% of the original sample of 26,355 women. Employing
the sample weights will not make the results generalizable to the
population of employed women. Also, Maddala (1983) shows that the
estimation of weighted regressions is not required in the case of
exogenous stratification (oversampling based on exogenous regressors
such as race), and DuMouchel and Duncan (1983) show that weighted
regressions are not appropriate if averages of strata-specific
regression coefficients are desired.
4. The NMIHS
This study uses data from the 1988 NMIHS. The objective of the
NMIHS was to investigate the determinants of negative pregnancy outcomes
(for more information, see U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [USDHHS] 1992). The survey respondents were a national sample of women
between 15 and 49 years old who had a pregnancy in 1988. The NMIHS
oversampled very low-birth-weight, low-birth-weight, and black intents.
Initially, 26,355 women were sampled based on birth certificates, death
certificates, and reports of fetal death from 1988. The sample includes
13,417 women who had live births, 4772 women who had fetal deaths, and
8166 women who had infant deaths. This paper uses data only from NMIHS
respondents who had live births in 1988 (USDHHS 1992).
Of the 13,417 mothers who had live births, 9953 completed the
survey, a response rate of 74%. On average, mothers of live births
completed the NMIHS survey 17 months after the child's birth
(USDHHS 1992). The NMIHS dealt with item nonresponse by imputing many
variables using the hot-deck imputation procedure (for more details
about this procedure, see USDHHS 1992). In most cases, this imputation
affected less than 1% of respondents, although for a few key variables
used in this study, such as income, imputation was performed in more
than 10% of cases (USDHHS 1992).
The NMIHS is particularly suitable for this study because it
contains detailed information on prenatal and childbirth characteristics
(which may be important predictors of length of maternity leave),
depression, and the dates when the mother left and returned to
employment. Another advantage of using these data is the timing of the
survey. Because all infants were born in 1988, the mothers returned to
work before the passage of the FMLA of 1993, which mandates 12 weeks of
leave for eligible mothers. This feature of the survey is important
because we use variation in state-level maternity leave policies to
instrument for the length of maternity leave.
Analysis Sample
We limit the sample to eligible respondents of at least 18 years of
age who had worked at any point during pregnancy and who had returned to
work by the time the infant was six months old. We exclude mothers with
infants older than 24 months at the time of the survey, mothers who were
no longer employed at the time of the interview, and mothers who were
pregnant with another child at the time of the survey. These exclusions
reduce the sample size to 1762 mothers.
The reason for limiting the sample to mothers who returned to work
within six months is because most mothers who return to work during the
first year do so within three months of childbirth (Klerman and
Leibowitz 1994). Mothers who return to work within six months are more
likely than mothers who return to work later to be returning to their
prechildbirth employer; maternity leave statutes pertain only to mothers
who return to the same employer after childbirth. By limiting the sample
to those returning within six months, we exclude about 296 mothers who
met all other sample inclusion criteria (aside from being currently
employed). (1) We limit the sample to adults because the focus of the
study is employment. Mothers who are currently pregnant with another
child are excluded because the new pregnancy may affect their depressive
symptoms and health services utilization.
There were 411 mothers who were excluded from the analysis sample
because even though they were employed before the child's birth and
returned to work within six months, they were no longer employed at the
time of the survey. It is possible that these mothers may have
experienced health problems after returning to work that caused them to
eventually stop working. To gauge whether this issue affected the
results shown in the paper, we estimated the OLS and IV models including
these mothers. The estimates are very similar to those shown in the
paper, although the Hausman test statistic indicates that OLS estimates
are preferred (results available on request).
Dependent Variables
CES-D. We focus on depression because this condition is a leading
cause of lost years of healthy life as measured by disability-adjusted
life years (Murray and Lopez 1996). (2) Furthermore, depression is
particularly common among women with young infants, 10-20% of whom
develop postpartum depression within six months of delivery (Miller
2002). Postpartum depression is defined as major depression that has its
onset during the postpartum period, within four weeks after delivery
(American Psychiatric Association 2000). Such depression is not to be
confused with postpartum blues, in which new mothers experience
short-term increases in emotional reactivity for up to several weeks
following the birth of a child (Miller 2002). It is important to note
that in this study, we measure mothers' depressive symptoms when
their infants are between 6 and 24 months old (as described later in
this section), which is somewhat outside the period during which
postpartum depression per se is diagnosed.
The NMIHS survey includes the CES-D to measure depressive symptoms.
The CES-D is one of the most widely used psychiatric scales. The scale
captures symptoms of depression and includes 20 items that focus on
mood, somatic problems, interactions with others, and motor functioning,
such as "I felt lonely," "my sleep was restless,"
and "I could not get going." (3) The CES-D has been widely
used in studies of postpartum depression (Campbell and Cohn 1991; Civic
and Holt 2000; Weinberg et al. 2001; Beeghly et al. 2002, 2003) and has
demonstrated excellent psychometric properties in studies involving
diverse populations, including postpartum women (Radloff 1977; Husaini
et al. 1980).
The respondent is asked to respond to each item in the CES-D scale
according to a four-point Likert scale, with higher values corresponding
to higher frequency of the item in the past week. For example, for the
item "I felt lonely," mothers responded either "less than
1 day" (zero points), "1-2 days" (one point), 3-4 days
(two points), or 5-7 days (three points). The final CES-D score is
computed by adding the points assigned to each item. The maximum score
is 60 (20 items x maximum of three points per item), and a score of 16
or higher is generally considered a likely case of clinically defined
depression. Scores on the CES-D between 2 and 12 are considered to be in
the normative range (Beeghly et al. 2002). The CES-D scale does not
correspond to a diagnosis of major depression according to the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th ed.; American
Psychiatric Association 2000). It is used primarily as a screening tool
for depression, not as a diagnostic tool (Eaton et al. 2003).
Because the CES-D is skewed to the right in these data, we use the
natural log of the total CES-D score as a dependent variable in this
analysis. All models also were estimated with the CES-D score in its
natural units (not logged) to gauge whether the estimates are sensitive
to this issue. Results are discussed here. We also consider a dummy
variable indicating whether the respondents' CES-D score is 16 or
higher. This dummy variable is not equivalent to a psychiatric diagnosis
of depression, but it does capture respondents who are experiencing many
symptoms of depression or several symptoms with high frequency in the
past week (Eaton et al. 2003).
Ideally, we would have liked to measure depression at the same
point in time for all mothers (i.e., when all infants were one year
old). Unfortunately, this approach is not possible because although all
the infants were born in 1988, the mothers did not complete the
depression screener when all their infants were a particular age.
Because it is possible that the timing of return to work impacts the
mother's depressive symptoms differently depending on the current
age of the child, we limit the sample to mothers whose children are 24
months old or younger, and we control for the child's age in
months. Since the youngest infant in the sample was six months old at
the time of the survey, the sample is effectively limited to mothers of
infants who are between 6 and 24 months old.
Postpartum Utilization of Outpatient Health Services. We capture
another dimension of maternal health using a measure of the
mother's postpartum health services utilization. The NMIHS
respondents were asked to report the number of outpatient visits they
made to a clinic or physician concerning their own physical or mental
health during the first six months after childbirth. The American
College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that healthy
postpartum women have one outpatient visit for physical health four to
six weeks after childbirth (American Academy of Pediatrics and the
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 1997). Since the
NMIHS oversampled low-birth-weight infants, who may be more likely than
normal-weight infants to have had complicated deliveries, outpatient
utilization may be higher than normal for the analysis sample even if
the mothers are not experiencing postpartum health problems.
As seen in Figure 1, 57% of the respondents have zero or one visit
within six months of childbirth, 25% have two visits, and 18% have three
or more visits. The median number of outpatient visits in the data is 1,
the mean is 1.8, and the standard deviation is 2.5. Because one or two
postpartum visits for physical health would be expected for healthy
women, we measure maternal health using a dummy variable set equal to
one if the mother had at least three outpatient visits during the first
six months after childbirth. This variable is a crude indicator of poor
postpartum health.
Clearly, using a measure of health services utilization to proxy
maternal health has limitations. Health care utilization is influenced
by many factors other than health, and although we can control for many
of these factors (i.e., insurance status, health behaviors), some remain
unobserved. The use of IV methods addresses the possibility that
unobserved factors that are associated with health services utilization
are also correlated with the timing of return to work. The NMIHS
respondents were not asked about the exact timing of outpatient visits,
the reasons for their outpatient visits, or physical health symptoms
they experienced during the first six months after childbirth. Moreover,
they provided this information on health care utilization
retrospectively. (4)
Despite these limitations, considering health services utilization
as an outcome in addition to depressive symptoms enhances this analysis
for several reasons. First, the timing of returning to work may impact
physical as well as mental health, and the utilization measure may
capture physical health problems. Second, respondents were asked about
health care utilization that took place within the first six months
after childbirth. Since approximately 50% of the sample returned to work
within eight weeks and over 75% returned within 12 weeks, this outcome
captures much of the short-term health impact of returning to work. In
contrast, depressive symptoms were measured more than a year (on
average) after the mother has returned to work. Focusing on depressive
symptoms alone, therefore, would limit the analysis to studying the
effect of the timing of returning to work on the long-term depressive
symptoms of mothers. Considering both outcomes allows one to study both
the short- and the long-term effects of the timing returning to work on
maternal health.
Independent Variables
The main independent variable of interest in this study is the
number of weeks after giving birth when the mother returns to work. This
variable was constructed by NMIHS based on the mother's reported
date of return to work and the child's date of birth, which is
confidential and not provided to researchers. We do not have information
regarding whether the mother returned to the same employer; however,
previous research by Klerman and Leibowitz (1999) suggests that during
the time period when NMIHS mothers gave birth, most mothers who worked
full time during pregnancy continued to work for the same employer after
childbirth. We also do not have information regarding whether the mother
took paid or unpaid leave from work. During the time period when these
data were collected, paid maternity leave was very rare (for more
details, see Family and Medical Leave Commission 1995), but it is
possible that some mothers used accrued vacation and sick time for
maternity leave.
In the analysis sample, the mean child age when the mother returned
to work was nine weeks. To proxy the intensity of work, we also include
as a covariate whether the mother worked part time (defined as less than
35 hours) at the time of the interview. Although we treat this variable
as exogenous, it is possibly endogenous to the model. For this reason,
we examine the sensitivity of the estimates to this variable by
estimating models with and without part-time work (as well as other job
characteristics) as covariates.
In addition to the length of leave from work, maternal depressive
symptoms and outpatient services utilization are likely to be influenced
by numerous other personal and family-level factors. Previous research
suggests that important predictors of postpartum depression include poor
prenatal mental and physical health, low social support, concerns about
child care arrangements, young maternal age, and low income. (Gjerdingen
and Froberg 1991; Gjerdingen et al. 1993; Gjerdingen and Chaloner 1994;
Gjerdingen et al. 1995; McGovern et al. 1997; Deal and Holt 1998;
Chaudron et al. 2001). To proxy these factors, we include the following
variables in all the models: (i) mother's age in years, (ii)
mother's education (dummy indicators with high school graduate as
the baseline, dropout, some college completed, four-year college
degree), (iii) gross household income 12 months prior to the
child's birth (measured in approximate quartiles, with the lowest
quartile as the baseline), (5) (iv) race/ethnicity (dummy indicators
with white as the baseline, black, Hispanic, Asian), (v) a dummy
variable indicating whether the mother is married, (vi) the number of
other children in the household, (vii) a dummy variable indicating a
multiple birth, and (viii) the age of the child in months at the time of
the interview.
Ideally, we also would want to control for how long the mother has
been back at work at the time of the interview (which ranges from 3 to
24 months) since this factor may affect depressive symptoms. However, it
is not possible to control for both the age of the child and how long
the mother has been back at work since the age of the child is the sum
of how long the mother has been back at work and the length of maternity
leave. Thus, the estimated coefficient on maternal leave in our models
captures both the effect of the length of leave and the effect of how
long the mother has been back at work. Clearly, mothers who take
relatively long maternity leaves will have returned to work more
recently than mothers who took relatively short maternity leaves. If
long maternal leave has health benefits, these benefits may be dampened
by the fact that these mothers have returned to work relatively recently
and may be experiencing stress related to the transition.
Alternatively, if we had included how long the mother had been back
at work as a covariate and excluded the child's age, the estimated
coefficient on maternal leave would have captured both the effect of the
child's age and the effect of the length of maternity leave. We
estimated models this way to examine the sensitivity of the estimates to
this change. Qualitatively, the results are very similar. The main
change is that the OLS results for the logged CES-D score become
statistically significant, and the magnitudes of the IV results are
somewhat smaller. These results are available on request.
Previous research suggests that other factors, such as
socioeconomic stresses, insurance status, preexisting depression and
health problems, and poor infant health, may affect maternal depression
as well as health services use (Mandl et al. 1999; McLennan, Kotelchuck,
and Cho 2001). For this reason, in some models, we include the following
measures of socioeconomic stress: (ix) whether the mother receives
welfare and (x) whether the mother has any kind of health insurance.
Although we have no direct measures of the mother's physical and
mental health before the child was born, we have proxies for prenatal
and preconception health behaviors that may be correlated with her
health status at the time. These proxies are (xi) whether the mother
smoked during pregnancy, (xii) whether the mother initiated prenatal
care during the first trimester, (xiii) whether the mother exercised
regularly before pregnancy, and (xiv) whether the mother was a daily
smoker before pregnancy. Finally, to proxy the mother's prenatal
health and child's initial health endowment, we include (xv)
whether the mother was advised by a doctor to stay in bed for at least a
week during the pregnancy, (xvi) whether the child was born prematurely
(before 37 weeks' gestation), and (xvii) whether the child was low
birth weight (less than or equal to 2500 grams). It is arguable as to
whether these variables are endogenous to the return-to-work decision.
By both excluding and including this set of variables, we are able to
gauge the sensitivity of the return to work coefficient to these factors
(items 9-17) in the OLS regressions.
Because previous work shows that employment factors, work
intensity, and child care arrangements are associated with maternal
postpartum depression and health, we also include in some models (xviii)
the mother's occupational class (manager, service, or technical,
with other occupation as the baseline), (xix) whether the mother
currently works part time, and (xx) child care arrangements (day care
center as the baseline, nonrelative babysitter, relative babysitter, and
other type of child care). As with the socioeconomic and health
variables, all these independent variables are potentially endogenous.
Consequently, the OLS and IV models are also estimated with and without
this richer set of variables.
Identifying Instrumental Variables
The NMIHS respondents gave birth in 1988, when the United States
was one of just two industrialized countries that did not have a
national maternal leave policy (Hyde 1995). The FMLA of 1993 guarantees
12 weeks of unpaid leave for eligible mothers and the right to return to
their jobs. However, before this national legislation was passed, many
states had laws that provided some of the leave provisions (or more
generous ones) that currently are covered by the FMLA (Department of
Labor 1990: RAND Labor and Population Program Research Brief 1995). As
of 1990, 30 states had some kind of maternity or parental leave law,
ranging from laws that allow only for leave for the mother during
recovery from childbirth to laws that allow for up to one year of leave
for either parent to care for an infant (Department of Labor 1990). Of
the 30 states with maternity/paternal laws of some kind, 12 had laws
that applied to state employees only. Most state laws regarding leave
exempted small businesses, but the definition of a small business varied
by state (Family and Medical Leave Commission 1995). Several states in
1990 also had temporary disability laws that provided some salary
support during leave from work (Department of Labor 1990). The temporary
disability laws covered all employers with at least one employee (Family
and Medical Leave Commission 1995).
In this study, we use the cross-sectional variation in these
state-level policies to instrument for the length of the mother's
leave from work. We use three dummy indicators to represent these state
policies: (i) whether the state had any kind of unpaid, job-protected
maternity leave law in 1988 that applied to private-sector workers, not
just state employees (states with salary replacement laws are excluded
here): (ii) an interaction term between this maternity leave law and the
number of weeks of unpaid leave provided by the law: and (iii) whether
the state had a temporary disability law in 1988 that would provide some
level of salary replacement for non-work-related disabilities, including
pregnancy related conditions and childbirth. These data come from the
Department of Labor (1990) and Waldfogel (1999). We expect that mothers
who lived in states with maternity leave laws and disability laws will
take longer leaves from work compared to mothers who lived in states
without these laws.
Following Baum's (2003) work on maternal employment and child
development, we use additional instruments that are intended to proxy
local labor market conditions. Mothers living in more economically
depressed labor markets are expected to return to work earlier than
other mothers because of concerns about retaining their jobs. Also,
women with higher potential earnings in the market, as proxied by local
per capita income, are expected to return to work sooner than other
women. However, state-level labor market variables are not expected to
directly impact maternal health after controlling for a range of
individual-level socioeconomic factors.
To proxy local labor market conditions, Baum (2003) uses measures
such as the local unemployment rate, the percentage of the local labor
market that is female, local per capita income, and the percentage of
the local population that has a high school and college degree. We have
access to state but not local identifiers for NMIHS respondents.
Therefore, we proxy local labor market conditions by using state-level
measures of unemployment, the percentage of women in the labor force,
the percentage of the population with a college degree, and average real
per capita income.
5. Results
Table 1 displays means and standard deviations for all variables
used in the analyses. The average CES-D score in the sample is 9.5, and
20% of the respondents have a CES-D score of at least 16, which is
considered to be an elevated rate of depressive symptoms that may be
indicative of clinical depression. This rate of depression is much
higher than rates reported in community samples of women of childbearing age (O'Hara et al. 1990; Campbell et al. 1992). However, it is
consistent with other research on disadvantaged mothers (Siefert et al.
2000: Lennon, Blome, and English 2001; Reading and Reynolds 2001:
Beeghly et al. 2003), some of which is based on NMIHS (McLennan,
Kotelchuck, and Cho 2001). McLennan. Kotelchuck, and Cho (2001), for
example, use a sample of 7537 mothers from NMIHS and report that 24% had
a CES-D score of at least 16. About 18% of mothers in the sample report
having made at least three visits to an outpatient provider during the
first six months after childbirth.
On average, the sample mothers returned to work nine weeks after
childbirth, and more than 75% had returned to work by the time their
infants were 12 weeks old (Figure 2). This finding is consistent with
the work of Klerman and Leibowitz (1994) and Cantor et al. (2001), who
find that most mothers who return to work during the first year do so
within three months of childbirth. Almost all mothers in the sample have
at least a high school degree (97%), and 44% have completed some college
or a college degree. The sample includes a large proportion of black
mothers (39%) and low-birth-weight infants (23%) because the NMIHS
oversampled these groups. However, the sample is only 5% Hispanic and 3%
Table 2 shows results from all models that are estimated with the
log of the CES-D score as the dependent variable. Columns 1-3 display
OLS estimates with increasingly richer specifications. Column 1 presents
a model with only basic, sociodemographic variables included on the
right-hand side. Column 2 shows a model that also includes potentially
endogenous socioeconomic and infant health endowment variables. Finally,
column 3 displays a model that additionally includes employment
characteristics and child care arrangements as covariates. Columns 4-6
show IV models that correspond to each of the OLS specifications
presented in columns 1-3.
All the models indicate that returning to work later is associated
with fewer depressive symptoms (Table 2, columns 1-6). In the OLS
models, returning to work a week later is associated with a 1% decline
in the mother's CES-D score, but this association is not
statistically significant. Moreover, because the CES-D is a scale and
not a symptom count, the clinical significance of this improvement is
hard to assess. The reduction in depressive symptoms could correspond to
no longer validating a particular depressive symptom in the past week or
experiencing a depressive symptom less frequently in the past week. The
OLS models show no evidence that the timing of returning to work is
correlated with other, observed characteristics that also affect
depressive symptoms. The magnitude of the estimated effect remains
virtually the same regardless of the model specification. When the
models are reestimated with the CES-D measure in its natural units
(unlogged), returning to work later has a larger but still statistically
insignificant negative effect on depression. These results are available
on request.
The OLS models do not account for the possibility of reverse
causality--mothers may return to work later or earlier as a response to
their depressive symptoms. Also, the OLS estimates may be confounded by
unmeasured characteristics that are correlated with both the timing of
returning to work and depression. The IV methods account for these
problems by purging the potentially endogenous return-to-work variable
of its correlation with the error term.
The IV results demonstrate in every case that returning to work
later is associated with a reduction in depressive symptoms that is
statistically significant at the 0.10 level (Table 2, columns 4-6). The
magnitudes of the IV estimates, however, are six to seven times larger
than the OLS estimates, which would suggest that mothers experiencing
more depressive symptoms return to work later (and/or that mothers with
unobserved characteristics that are positively associated with
depression return to work later). Returning to work one week later is
associated with a 6-7% reduction in depressive symptoms. Like the OLS
estimates, the IV estimates are not sensitive to the covariates included
in the models. When the IV models are reestimated with the unlogged
version of the CES-D score, returning to work later is still associated
with a negative albeit marginally statistically significant decline in
CES-D score (results available on request).
The identifying instrumental variables perform reasonably well in
these models. First-stage estimates are presented in the Appendix. The
first-stage results show that respondents living in states with a
maternity leave policy or a temporary disability law take about a week
longer of maternity leave. Respondents living in states with higher per
capita incomes also take longer maternity leaves. The F-test on the
identifying instruments ranges from approximately 14 to 16 and are
statistically significant at the 0.001 level. The overidentification
test suggests that the instruments can be validly excluded from the
depression equation. The Durbin-Wu-Hausman test is used to test for the
consistency of the OLS estimate. The null hypothesis is rejected in
every case at the 5% level. Thus, there is evidence that the IV
estimates are the preferred estimates.
Table 3 shows results from models where the dependent variable is a
dummy variable indicating whether the mother had a CES-D score of at
least 16. This threshold is commonly used as a cutoff for a likely
clinical case of depression (Eaton et al. 2003). In all the OLS and IV
models, returning to work later is associated with a small reduction in
the probability of being a depressive case. (6) The estimated effects
are not statistically significant in any of the models, but this is not
entirely surprising given that we lose information when dichotomizing
the outcome. It is notable that many of the previously statistically
significant coefficients also lose their statistical significance in
these models. Therefore, we believe that these findings are still
suggestive of an impact of returning to work later on the probability of
being a likely case of clinical depression.
We consider health care utilization in Table 4. The dependent
variable in these models is a dummy variable indicating whether the
respondent visited an outpatient physician or clinic at least three
times during the six months after childbirth. This measure is intended
to proxy the mother's physical and mental status during the time
period when she first returns to work. In contrast, maternal depressive
symptoms, which were the focus of Tables 2 and 3, were measured on
average about a year after the mother returned to work.
The OLS results in Table 4 (columns 1-3) indicate that returning to
work later is associated with a very small, statistically significant
increase in the probability of having had at least three outpatient
visits. It is likely that these results are confounded by effect of
health on the timing of returning to work--mothers in poor health may
postpone their return to employment. The IV results, which address this
potential problem, suggest the opposite. Returning to work later is
associated with a reduction in the probability of having at least three
outpatient visits in every model. The size of the effect indicates about
a one- to two-percentage-point reduction in the probability, which is
about a 6-11% reduction in the probability of having at least three
outpatient visits when measured at the sample mean of 0.18. The
estimated coefficients on maternity leave length are not statistically
significant in these models, but, as in the case of clinical depression,
most coefficients lose statistical significance in these models. The
F-tests on the identifying instruments are statistically significant at
the 0.001 level, and the overidentification test suggests that the
instruments can be validly excluded from the second-stage equation.
Based on the Durbin-Wu-Hausman test results, the consistency of the OLS
estimates is rejected at about the 5% level, making the IV estimates
preferred in this case.
6. Discussion and Conclusions
In 2002, California became the first state to provide up to six
weeks of paid family leave to care for a newborn or a seriously ill family member. In 2001 and 2002, paid leave bills were introduced in at
least 28 states. States are considering a variety of different options
to finance paid family leave, including using general funds from state
budgets, giving tax credits to employers who provide paid leave,
extending existing temporary' disability systems, and expanding
unemployment insurance programs to families with newborn children
(National Partnership for Women and Families 2004). All these policy
initiatives are intended to help families actually take advantage of the
FMLA. which currently guarantees 12 weeks of unpaid leave.
To understand the net impact of these policies, states need
information on the benefits of maternity leave to families. Previous
economic research on maternal employment has focused on understanding
how the length of maternal leave after childbirth influences
children's health and development. This study extends this
literature by examining the effect of maternal leave length on the
health of the mother. We focus on depression because of its very high
prevalence among women of childbearing age, because of its potential
negative effects on children, and because this disorder tends to be
recurrent. We also consider outpatient health services utilization in
the first six months after childbirth as a measure of the mother's
overall health.
The results suggest that longer leave from work is associated with
a reduction in the number or frequency of depressive symptoms.
Specifically, increasing maternal leave by one week is associated with a
6-7% decline in depressive symptoms. This result, which comes from IV
models, means that mothers are experiencing fewer symptoms of
depression, are experiencing depressive symptoms with less frequency, or
both. It is difficult to determine what these reductions in the CES-D
scale mean in terms of maternal functioning and well-being. Indeed,
there is only suggestive evidence that returning to work later lowers
the probability, of having a CES-D score of 16 or higher. There is also
only suggestive evidence that returning to work later alters the
probability of having at least three outpatient visits in the first six
months alter childbirth. In sum, the findings indicate that longer
maternal leave may have some lasting benefits for maternal health.
This paper offers the first evidence that policies that lengthen maternity leaves, such as state initiatives to offer paid leave, may
have the added benefit of reducing symptoms of depression among employed
mothers. We caution, however, that most of the variation in maternity
leave in our sample is small, making it difficult to assess the effects
of substantial changes in maternity leave policy, such as paid family
leave. Furthermore, data limitations may have affected our ability to
find statistically significant effects of maternity leave length on
maternal health. As we note in the paper, we measure maternal depressive
symptoms relatively late in terms of when mothers have returned to work.
The results for the measures of depression may be diluted by the fact
that mothers who return to work late have been back at work for a
shorter period of time. Also, our measures of maternal health have
limitations; the use of the CES-D, a screening tool for depression,
captures many women experiencing transient stresses, and our measure of
outpatient health services use is quite crude. To better understand how
maternity leave length affects maternal health, better data are needed
on mothers' mental and physical health in the months immediately
after they return to work. These data would allow future researchers to
focus on refining our understanding of the ways in which returning to
work affects maternal health.
First-Stage Results Estimate (t-Statistic)
(1) (2)
Basic Full Set of
Covariates Covariates
State unemployment rate -0.117 (-1.36) -0.132 (-1.57)
State female labor force
participation -0.079 (-1.58) -0.084 (-1.62)
State income 0.0002 (2.37) 0.0002 (2.31)
State college degree -0.073 (-0.82) -0.074 (-0.83)
State leave law 0.958 (1.79) 0.949 (1.79)
State temporary disability law 1.331 (2.04) 1.239 (1.86)
Interaction term between state
leave law and number of weeks
of leave permitted -0.024 (-0.86) -0.023 (-0.81)
Mother's age 0.082 (2.78) 0.074 (2.58)
High school dropout -0.047 (-0.07) -0.003 (0.00)
Some college 0.321 (1.23) 0.267 (1.03)
College graduate 0.429 (1.31) 0.324 (1.03)
Income in low-middle
approximate quartile -0.864 (-2.38) -1.011 (-2.71)
Income in high-middle
approximate quartile -0.081 (-0.23) -0.285 (-0.76)
Income in highest approximate
quartile 0.355 (0.66) 0.125 (0.23)
Hispanic 0.467 (0.94) 0.545 (1.12)
Black 1.086 (4.63) 1.030 (4.35)
Asian -0.155 (-0.21) -0.215 (-0.29)
Married 0.823 (2.54) 0.621 (2.11)
Number of children -0.361 (-3.46) -0.323 (-3.21)
Multiple birth -0.034 (-0.07) -0.279 (-0.58)
Age of child in months 0.027 (0.76) 0.026 (0.73)
Welfare recipient -0.667 (-0.86)
Prescribed bed rest 0.269 (0.79)
Premature infant -0.475 (-1.83)
Low birth weight 0.501 (1.26)
Prenatal care in first trimester 0.622 (1.66)
Insured 0.585 (1.72)
Smoked daily during pregnancy -0.284 (-0.61)
Exercised before pregnancy 0.010 (0.03)
Smoked daily during pregnancy -0.240 (-0.56)
Works part time
Relative babysitter
Nonrelated babysitter
Other child care
F-test on instruments
(test statistic
and p-value) 15.040 (0.000) 15.640 (0.000)
Model (2) plus
Occupation and
Child Care
State unemployment rate -0.115 (-1.36)
State female labor force
participation -0.072 (-1.40)
State income 0.0002 (2.11)
State college degree -0.079 (-0.89)
State leave law 0.845 (1.55)
State temporary disability law 1.247 (1.85)
Interaction term between state
leave law and number of weeks
of leave permitted -0.021 (-0.74)
Mother's age 0.081 (2.78)
High school dropout -0.102 (-0.15)
Some college 0.245 (0.91)
College graduate 0.401 (1.14)
Income in low-middle
approximate quartile -0.938 (-2.53)
Income in high-middle
approximate quartile -0.258 (-0.68)
Income in highest approximate
quartile 0.206 (0.38)
Hispanic 0.495 (0.98)
Black 1.070 (4.51)
Asian -0.219 (-0.31)
Married 0.629 (2.16)
Number of children -0.351 (-3.53)
Multiple birth -0.241 (-0.49)
Age of child in months 0.035 (0.96)
Welfare recipient -0.829 (-1.05)
Prescribed bed rest 0.250 (0.73)
Premature infant -0.448 (-1.67)
Low birth weight 0.437 (1.08)
Prenatal care in first trimester 0.581 (1.54)
Insured 0.587 (1.73)
Smoked daily during pregnancy -0.257 (-0.55)
Exercised before pregnancy 0.013 (0.04)
Smoked daily during pregnancy -0.246 (-0.61)
Works part time 0.498 (1.45)
Manager 0.0005 (0.00)
Technical 0.031 (0.10)
Service 0.085 (0.17)
Relative babysitter 0.910 (2.69)
Nonrelated babysitter -0.372 (-0.70)
Other child care 0.675 (2.07)
F-test on instruments
(test statistic
and p-value) 13.920 (0.000)
Table 1. Sample Means and Standard Deviations (N = 1762)
Variable Definition Deviation)
Maternal health
Center for
Studies Depression
(CES-D) Score on CES-D screener 9.47 (9.37)
Scale score
Depressive case Dummy variable = 1 if 0.198
respondent reports a
score of at least 16 on
the CES-D, 0 otherwise
At least three Dummy variable = 1 if 0.184
outpatient visits in respondent reports having
first six months after visited a clinic or
childbirth physician for mental or
physical health problems
at least three times in
the first six months
after childbirth,
0 otherwise
Length of maternal leave
Number of weeks since The number of weeks after 9.18 (4.99)
birth when mother the birth when the
returned to work respondent returned to
Other independent variables
Mother's age Mother's age in years at 27.81 (5.03)
time of birth
High school dropout Dummy variable = 1 if 0.034
respondent is a high
school dropout,
0 otherwise
Some college Dummy variable = 1 if 0.242
respondent completed some
college but did not
graduate, 0 otherwise
College graduate Dummy variable = 1 if 0.192
respondent is a college
graduate, 0 otherwise
Income in low-middle Dummy variable = 1 if 0.253
approximate quartile respondent's gross
household income in the
12 months preceding
childbirth is between
$17,001 and $27,500,
which corresponds
approximately to the
second-to-lowest quartile
in the analysis sample
distribution, 0 otherwise
Income in high-middle Dummy variable = 1 if 0.325
approximate quartile respondent's gross
household income in the
12 months preceding
childbirth is between
$27,501 and $45,000,
which corresponds
approximately to the
quartile in the analysis
sample distribution, 0
Income in highest Dummy variable = 1 if 0.168
approximate respondent's gross
quartile household income in the
12 months preceding
childbirth is greater
than $45,000, which
corresponds approximately
to the highest quartile
in the analysis sample
distribution, 0 otherwise
Hispanic Dummy variable = 1 if 0.053
respondent is Hispanic, 0
Black Dummy variable = 1 if 0.389
respondent is black and
not Hispanic, 0 otherwise
Asian Dummy variable = 1 if 0.025
respondent is Asian
(Chinese, Japanese,
Hawaiian, Filipino, or
other Asian) and not
Hispanic, 0 otherwise
White/other Dummy variable = 1 if 0.533
respondent is white/not
Hispanic or of other
race/not Hispanic (such
as other nonwhite, Native
Married Dummy variable = 1 if 0.775
respondent is married at
the time of the birth, 0
Number of children Number of children in 1.50
Multiple birth Dummy variable = 1 if 0.038
respondent's child was
part of a multiple birth,
0 otherwise
Age of child in Age of child in months at 15.26
months time of interview
Welfare recipient Dummy variable = 1 if 0.026
respondent receives AFDC
at time of survey,
0 otherwise
Prescribed bed rest Dummy variable = I if 0.236
respondent reports that
her physician advised her
to stay in bed for at
least one week during her
pregnancy, 0 otherwise
Premature infant Dummy variable = 1 if 0.210
respondent's child was
born earlier than 37
weeks' gestation, 0
Low birth weight Dummy variable = 1 if 0.228
respondent's child was
low birth weight, 0
Prenatal care in Dummy variable = 1 if 0.895
first trimester respondent initiated
prenatal care during
first trimester, 0
Insured Dummy variable = 1 if 0.850
respondent has health
insurance, 0 otherwise
Smoked daily during Dummy variable = 1 if 0.178
pregnancy respondent Smoked daily
during pregnancy 0
Exercised before Dummy variable = 1 if 0.457
pregnancy respondent exercised or
played sports at least
three times per week
before finding out she
was pregnant, 0 otherwise
Smoked daily before Dummy variable = 1 if 0.260
pregnancy respondent smoked daily
during the three months
before finding out she
was pregnant, 0 otherwise
Works part time Dummy variable = 1 if 0.231
respondent worked less
than 35 hours per week at
the time of the
interview, 0 otherwise
Manager Dummy variable = 1 if 0.261
respondent has a
managerial occupation, 0
Technical Dummy variable = 1 if 0.460
respondent has a
technical occupation, 0
Service Dummy variable = 1 if 0.148
respondent has a service
occupation, 0 otherwise
Relative babysitter Dummy variable = 1 if 0.487
respondent has a relative
who watches child on
workdays, 0 otherwise
Nonrelated babysitter Dummy variable = 1 if 0.310
respondent has a baby-
sitter (not a relative)
who watches child on
workdays, 0 otherwise
Other child care Dummy variable = 1 if 0.071
respondent uses other
child care arrangements
State unemployment rate State unemployment rate 5.62
in 1988
State female labor force State female labor force 0.568
participation participation in 1988
State college degree Percent of state 0.189
population with college
degree or higher
State income Average real per capita 16,924 (2475)
income in state in 1988
State leave law Dummy variable = 1 if 0.098
state had passed by 1988
any type of maternity
leave law that applies to
private-sector employees
(not just state
employees) and does not
have a temporary
disability law, 0
State temporary Dummy variable = 1 if 0.145
disability law state had passed by 1988
a temporary disability
law (in addition to
having a state leave
law), 0 otherwise
Interaction term between Interaction between the 2.37 (5.29)
state leave law and state leave law dummy
number of weeks of leave variable and the maximum
permitted number of weeks of leave
mandated by the law
(e.g., 12 weeks, six
Table 2. Depression Score and Length of Maternal Leave Estimate
(t-Statistic) (a)
Dependent Variable: Log CES-D Score
(2) plus
(2) Occupation
(1) Full and Child
Basic Set of Care
Covariates Covariates Variables
Number of weeks -0.010 -0.010 -0.010
since birth when (-1.16) (-1.10) (-1.14)
mother returned
to work
Mother's age -0.009 -0.009 -0.009
(-1.74) (-1.89) (-1.87)
High school dropout 0.196 0.144 0.122
(1.88) (1.31) (1.13)
Some college -0.098 -0.091 -0.082
(-1.69) (-1.59) (-1.32)
College graduate -0.140 -0.117 -0.096
(-2.01) (-1.67) (-1.22)
Income in low-middle -0.237 -0.238 -0.231
approximate (-2.96) (-3.07) (-2.93)
Income in -0.202 -0.200 -0.188
high-middle (-2.49) (-2.31) (-2.19)
Income in highest -0.416 -0.413 -0.392
approximate (-4.48) (-4.24) (-3.79)
Hispanic 0.299 0.292 0.295
(2.89) (2.65) (2.61)
Black 0.289 0.287 0.287
(4.96) (4.69) (4.24)
Asian 0.191 0.197 0.201
(1.99) (1.81) (1.82)
Married -0.137 -0.108 -0.109
(-2.14) (-1.73) (-1.73)
Number of children -0.034 -0.028 -0.030
(-1.54) (-1.21) (-1.40)
Multiple birth 0.020 -0.033 -0.026
(0.180) (-2.900) (-0.230)
Age of child -0.018 -0.017 -0.017
in months (-3.46) (-3.20) (-3.08)
Welfare recipient 0.360 0.348
(2.29) (2.27)
Prescribed bed rest 0.148 0.147
(2.54) (2.52)
Premature infant -0.010 -0.010
(-0.110) (-0.110)
Low birth weight -0.010 -0.001
(-0.120) (-0.120)
Prenatal care in -0.106 -0.102
first trimester (-1.32) (-1.23)
Insured 0.053 0.061
(0.900) (0.990)
Smoked daily -0.098 -0.103
during pregnancy (-1.24) (-1.28)
Exercised before -0.008 -0.007
pregnancy (-0.190) (-0.170)
Smoked daily 0.177 0.177
before pregnancy (2.33) (2.34)
Works part time 0.044
Manager -0.048
Technical -0.029
Service 0.036
Relative babysitter -0.017
Nonrelated babysitter -0.076
Other child care -0.060
Overidentification test
(test statistic and
Hausman test
(test statistic and
F-test on instruments
(test statistic and
N 1762
(5) plus
(5) Occupation
(4) Full and Child
Basic Set of Care
Covariates Covariates Variables
Number of weeks -0.062 -0.063 -0.072
since birth when (-1.90) (-1.85) (-1.81)
mother returned
to work
Mother's age -0.004 -0.005 -0.003
(-0.570) (-0.750) (-0.480)
High school dropout 0.183 0.136 0.108
(1.58) (1.08) (0.840)
Some college -0.084 -0.080 -0.072
(-1.39) (-1.32) (-1.10)
College graduate -0.125 -0.107 -0.080
(-1.91) (-1.62) (-1.06)
Income in low-middle -0.274 -0.287 -0.283
approximate (-3.38) (-3.69) (-3.56)
Income in -0.195 -0.208 -0.197
high-middle (-2.44) (-2.56) (-2.44)
Income in highest -0.374 -0.387 -0.358
approximate (-4.11) (-4.14) (-3.47)
Hispanic 0.321 0.318 0.324
(2.76) (2.58) (2.54)
Black 0.344 0.341 0.354
(4.79) (4.50) (4.02)
Asian 0.223 0.224 0.232
(2.46) (2.26) (2.28)
Married -0.106 -0.088 -0.084
(-1.54) (-1.30) (-1.19)
Number of children -0.057 -0.049 -0.056
(-2.13) (-1.79) (-2.00)
Multiple birth 0.015 -0.049 -0.042
(1.500) (-0.450) (-3.900)
Age of child -0.013 -0.012 -0.011
in months (-2.31) (-2.16) (-1.84)
Welfare recipient 0.324 0.291
(2.06) (1.86)
Prescribed bed rest 0.162 0.162
(2.59) (2.54)
Premature infant -0.040 -0.041
(-0.440) (-0.470)
Low birth weight 0.015 0.015
(0.180) (0.160)
Prenatal care in -0.064 -0.058
first trimester (-0.660) (-0.570)
Insured 0.096 0.110
(1.55) (1.65)
Smoked daily -0.115 -0.120
during pregnancy (-1.29) (-1.31)
Exercised before -0.008 -0.007
pregnancy (-0.170) (-0.140)
Smoked daily 0.167 0.164
before pregnancy (2.09) (2.06)
Works part time 0.086
Manager -0.040
Technical -0.017
Service 0.050
Relative babysitter 0.056
Nonrelated babysitter -0.021
Other child care -0.077
Overidentification test 3.27 4.17 4.31
(test statistic and (0.774) (0.654) (0.635)
Hausman test 3.13 2.99 2.93
(test statistic and (0.077) (0.084) (0.087)
F-test on instruments 15.04 15.64 13.92
(test statistic and (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
N 1762
(a) t-statistics computed from Huber-White standard errors with
adjustment for clustering on state of residence. CES-D = Center
for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale; OLS = ordinary
least squares.
Table 3. Depressive Case and Length of Maternal Leave Estimate
(t-Statistic) (a)
Dependent Variable: Dummy Variable
Indicating a Score of at
Least 16 on CES-DOLS
OLS (Linear Probability Model)
(2) plus
(2) Occupation
(1) Full and Child
Basic Set of Care
Covariates Covariates Variables
Number of weeks since -0.001 -0.001 -0.001
birth when mother (-0.350) (-0.300) (-0.320)
returned to work
Mother's age -0.002 -0.002 -0.002
(-0.880) (-0.830) (-0.840)
High school dropout 0.061 0.054 0.047
(0.930) (0.800) (0.690)
Some college -0.030 -0.028 -0.025
(-1.13) (-1.02) (-0.900)
College graduate -0.029 -0.024 -0.020
(-1.28) (-1.02) (-0.800)
Income in low-middle -0.038 -0.039 -0.036
approximate quartile (-1.17) (-1.18) (-1.05)
Income in high-middle -0.046 -0.047 -0.042
approximate quartile (-1.49) (-1.39) (-1.22)
Income in highest -0.095 -0.095 -0.089
approximate quartile (-2.42) (-2.28) (-1.94)
Hispanic 0.019 0.016 0.020
(0.630) (0.490) (0.620)
Black 0.074 0.075 0.078
(2.81) (2.70) (2.72)
Asian 0.019 0.021 0.019
(0.330) (0.360) (0.320)
Married -0.082 -0.074 -0.073
(-2.26) (-2.03) (-1.97)
Number of children 0.003 0.004 0.003
(0.390) (0.450) (0.350)
Multiple birth 0.059 0.065 0.065
(1.04) (1.07) (1.09)
Age of child in months -0.003 -0.003 -0.002
(-1.26) (-1.11) (-1.02)
Welfare recipient 0.095 0.097
(0.940) (0.980)
Prescribed bed rest 0.023 0.024
(0.970) (1.03)
Premature infant -0.006 -0.005
(-0.180) (-0.180)
Low birth weight -0.017 -0.017
(-0.490) (-0.510)
Prenatal care in first -0.009 -0.006
trimester (-0.230) (-0.160)
Insured 0.003 0.003
(0.080) (0.090)
Smoked daily during -0.041 -0.040
pregnancy (-0.980) (-0.960)
Exercised before -0.017 -0.016
pregnancy (-0.950) (-0.900)
Smoked daily before 0.055 0.053
pregnancy (1.64) (1.58)
Works part time 0.009
Manager -0.032
Technical -0.031
Service -0.004
Relative babysitter 0.003
Nonrelated babysitter 0.030
Other child care 0.004
Overidentification test
(test statistic and
Hausman test
(test statistic and
F-test on instruments
(test statistic and
N 1762
Dependent Variable: Dummy Variable
Indicating a Score of at
Least 16 on CES-DOLS
(5) plus
(5) Occupation
(4) Full and Child
Basic Set of Care
Covariates Covariates Variables
Number of weeks since -0.017 -0.018 -0.020
birth when mother (-1.23) (-1.22) (-1.24)
returned to work
Mother's age -0.0003 -0.0004 -0.0001
(-0.120) (-0.160) (-0.040)
High school dropout 0.058 0.051 0.043
(0.850) (0.740) (0.600)
Some college -0.026 -0.024 -0.022
(-0.960) (-0.880) (-0.780)
College graduate -0.025 -0.021 -0.015
(-1.14) (-0.930) (-0.620)
Income in low-middle -0.049 -0.054 -0.051
approximate quartile (-1.49) (-1.57) (-1.46)
Income in high-middle -0.044 -0.049 -0.044
approximate quartile (-1.45) (-1.52) (-1.35)
Income in highest -0.082 -0.087 -0.080
approximate quartile (-1.99) (-2.01) (-1.65)
Hispanic 0.026 0.024 0.029
(0.810) (0.710) (0.840)
Black 0.091 0.091 0.098
(3.12) (2.95) (2.84)
Asian 0.028 0.029 0.029
(0.580) (0.580) (0.540)
Married -0.073 -0.068 -0.065
(-1.96) (-1.82) (-1.71)
Number of children -0.003 -0.002 -0.005
(-0.350) (-0.250) (-0.460)
Multiple birth 0.057 0.060 0.060
(1.05) (1.00) (1.03)
Age of child in months -0.001 -0.001 -0.001
(-0.500) (-0.390) (-0.230)
Welfare recipient 0.085 0.080
(-0.390) (0.800)
Prescribed bed rest 0.027 0.029
(1.18) (1.26)
Premature infant -0.015 -0.015
(-0.480) (-0.500)
Low birth weight -0.009 -0.010
(-0.260) (-0.290)
Prenatal care in first 0.004 0.007
trimester (0.100) (0.160)
Insured 0.016 0.017
(0.480) (0.510)
Smoked daily during -0.045 -0.045
pregnancy (-1.05) (-1.01)
Exercised before -0.017 -0.016
pregnancy (-0.900) (-0.840)
Smoked daily before 0.052 0.049
pregnancy (1.56) (1.50)
Works part time 0.021
Manager -0.029
Technical -0.028
Service -0.001
Relative babysitter 0.025
Nonrelated babysitter 0.046
Other child care -0.001
Overidentification test 6.43 6.67 5.71
(test statistic and (0.377) (0.353) (0.457)
Hausman test 1.47 1.47 1.51
(test statistic and (0.226) (0.225) (0.219)
F-test on instruments 15.04 15.64 13.92
(test statistic and (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
N 1762
(a) t-statistics computed from Huber-White standard errors with
adjustment for clustering on state of residence. CES-D = Center
for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale; OLS = ordinary
least squares.
Table 4. At Least Three Outpatient Visits and Length of Maternal
Leave Estimate (t-Statistic) (a)
Dependent Variable: Dummy
Variable Indicating at Least
Three Outpatient Visits during
Six Months after Childbirth
OLS (Linear Probability Model)
(2) (2) plus
(1) Full Occupation
Basic Set of and Child Care
Covariates Covariates Variables
Number of weeks since 0.004 0.004 0.003
birth when mother (2.15) (2.01) (1.96)
returned to work
Mother's age -0.001 -0.001 -0.001
(-0.380) (-0.390) (-0.510)
High school dropout 0.042 0.021 0.030
(0.770) (0.400) (0.560)
Some college 0.010 0.011 0.005
(0.440) (0.480) (0.200)
College graduate 0.009 0.012 -0.004
(0.340) (0.480) (-0.170)
Income in low-middle 0.026 0.032 0.031
approximate quartile (1.05) (1.26) (1.18)
Income in high-middle 0.017 0.022 0.016
approximate quartile (0.870) (1.02) (0.660)
Income in highest 0.053 0.058 0.044
approximate quartile (1.57) (1.56) (1.19)
Hispanic -0.030 -0.037 -0.027
(-0.580) (-0.770) (-0.530)
Black -0.010 -0.014 -0.004
(-0.560) (-0.680) (-0.180)
Asian 0.071 0.065 0.073
(1.31) (1.14) (1.21)
Married -0.064 -0.057 -0.057
(-2.83) (-2.39) (-2.39)
Number of children 0.003 0.009 0.009
(0.310) (0.980) (1.07)
Multiple birth -0.038 -0.107 -0.110
(-0.950) (-2.40) (-2.48)
Age of child in months -0.002 -0.002 -0.002
(-1.05) (-0.910) (-1.05)
Welfare recipient 0.120 0.110
(1.73) (1.58)
Prescribed bed rest 0.059 0.058
(2.67) (2.62)
Premature infant -0.009 -0.007
(-0.300) (-0.240)
Low birth weight 0.074 0.074
(2.42) (2.41)
Prenatal care in first 0.011 0.008
trimester (0.350) (0.290)
Insured -0.010 -0.008
(-0.340) (-0.270)
Smoked daily during -0.055 -0.052
pregnancy (-1.42) (-1.32)
Exercised before 0.014 0.013
pregnancy (0.680) (0.650)
Smoked daily before 0.037 0.038
pregnancy (1.17) (1.18)
Works part time 0.018
Manager 0.062
Technical 0.039
Service 0.037
Relative babysitter 0.004
Nonrelated babysitter 0.029
Other child care 0.022
test (test statistic
and p-value)
Hausman test
(test statistic
and p-value)
F-test on instruments
(test statistic
and p-value)
N 1762
Dependent Variable: Dummy
Variable Indicating at Least
Three Outpatient Visits during
Six Months after Childbirth
(5) (5) plus
(4) Full Occupation
Basic Set of and Child Care
Covariates Covariates Variables
Number of weeks since -0.019 -0.018 -0.022
birth when mother (-1.52) (-1.46) (-1.62)
returned to work
Mother's age 0.001 0.001 0.001
(0.670) (0.490) (0.530)
High school dropout 0.037 0.018 0.023
(0.700) (0.340) (0.450)
Some college 0.016 0.016 0.008
(0.620) (0.610) (0.330)
College graduate 0.015 0.016 0.002
(0.590) (0.620) (0.070)
Income in low-middle 0.011 0.014 0.011
approximate quartile (0.420) (0.510) (0.380)
Income in high-middle 0.020 0.019 0.013
approximate quartile (1.00) (0.880) (0.540)
Income in highest 0.071 0.068 0.057
approximate quartile (1.88) (1.74) (1.49)
Hispanic -0.022 -0.027 -0.016
(-0.410) (-0.550) (-0.300)
Black 0.012 0.006 0.023
(0.460) (0.230) (0.780)
Asian 0.084 0.075 0.085
(1.40) (1.26) (1.29)
Married -0.051 -0.049 -0.047
(-1.91) (-1.83) (-1.70)
Number of children -0.007 0.001 -0.001
(-0.690) (-0.080) (-0.060)
Multiple birth -0.041 -0.113 -0.116
(-0.880) (-2.27) (-2.30)
Age of child in months -0.0004 -0.0002 -0.0002
(-0.140) (-0.090) (-0.050)
Welfare recipient 0.106 0.088
(1.35) (1.07)
Prescribed bed rest 0.064 0.063
(2.60) (2.51)
Premature infant -0.021 -0.020
(-0.590) (-0.570)
Low birth weight 0.083 0.083
(2.52) (2.53)
Prenatal care in first 0.027 0.026
trimester (0.910) (0.900)
Insured 0.006 0.011
(0.190) (0.340)
Smoked daily during -0.061 -0.059
pregnancy (-1.68) (-1.57)
Exercised before 0.014 0.013
pregnancy (0.630) (0.580)
Smoked daily before 0.033 0.034
pregnancy (0.990) (0.970)
Works part time 0.035
Manager 0.065
Technical 0.044
Service 0.042
Relative babysitter 0.033
Nonrelated babysitter 0.051
Other child care 0.015
Overidentification 5.29 4.71 4.39
test (test statistic (0.508) (0.581) (0.624)
and p-value)
Hausman test 3.68 3.42 3.94
(test statistic (0.055) (0.064) (0.047)
and p-value)
F-test on instruments 15.04 15.64 13.92
(test statistic (0.000) (0.000) (0.000)
and p-value)
N 1762
(a) t-statistics computed from Huber-White standard errors with
adjustment for clustering on state of residence. OLS = ordinary
least squares.
The authors would like to express sincere thanks to Kareo Conway,
Dhaval Dave, Margarita Alegria, Thomas McGuire, and two anonymous
referees who helped to greatly improve this paper.
Received July 2004; accepted January 2005.
(1) Among these mothers who took leaves that were longer than six
months, the median length of leave was 11 months. Therefore, it seems
likely that many of these mothers who took long leaves may have returned
to different employers.
(2) Maternal depression imposes costs not only on individuals but
on employers as well. It is estimated that workers with major depression
have between 1.5 and 3.2 more short-term disability days per 30 days
than other workers (Kessler et al. 1999). Moreover, maternal depression
is important to study as an outcome because it is associated with
adverse outcomes for children, including insecure infant/mother
attachment and children's behavior problems (Civic and Holt 2000;
Martins and Gaffan 2000).
(3) In the NMIHS, two items of the CES-D were imputed using the
hot-deck method because of item nonresponse in 5-10% of cases. These two
items were "people were unfriendly" and "I talked less
than usual."
(4) Because the exact timing of the outpatient visits within the
six-month period is not known, we cannot be certain that the outpatient
visits occurred before or after "the mother returned to work. This
issue affects the interpretation of the results. Preparing for the
return-to-work (both physically and emotionally) could affect maternal
health--therefore, in these models, it is not clear whether it is the
actual return to work or the preparation for returning to work that
affects outcomes. Although this distinction may not matter from a policy
perspective, this problem remains a limitation of the analysis.
(5) Income is reported in ranges and the distribution of ranges
does not yield values corresponding exactly to the 25th, 50th, and 75th
percentiles. Approximations are used as described in Table 1.
(6) We estimated the models in Tables 3 and 4 using a probit and an
IV probit instead of a linear probability model and 2SLS. The results
were not appreciably different from those presented here and are
available oil request.
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Pinka Chatterji * and Sara Markowitz ([dagger])
* Center for Multicultural Mental Health Research at Cambridge
Health Alliance/Harvard Medical School, 120 Beacon Street, Fourth Floor,
Somerville, MA 02143, USA; E-mail:;
corresponding author.
([dagger]) Department of Economics, Rutgers University, 360 Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, Newark, NJ 07102, USA: E-mail: