Proxies for economic freedom: a critique of the Hanson critique.
Heckelman, Jac C.
1. Introduction
Economic freedom indicators have become quite popular recently as a
useful tool to quantify the relationship between a country's
institutional structure and its promise for prosperity. Recent surveys
include those by Berggren (2003), Mueller (2003, chapter 22), and
Holcombe (2001). The most prominent indicators, denoted in the order of
how extensively they have been used in empirical studies, are those
developed by the Fraser Institute, the Heritage Foundation, and Freedom
House. Recently, Hanson (2003) has criticized these types of studies on
a number of grounds. Hanson expresses concern that these various proxies
for the institutional environment have been adopted unquestioned and
that they have been considered interchangeable despite having been
developed independently by divergent agencies. In particular, he notes
that Freedom House uses different criteria than Fraser or Heritage in
developing its economic freedom rankings. Although several scholars have
shown the three sets of rankings to be highly correlated, Hanson
considers this to be problematic. He then presents bivariate regressions
to test the relationship of freedom ranking to national wealth and
argues that the results cannot be trusted, calling them
"statistical nonsense" (p. 640).
Although the purpose of Hanson's study was a larger concern,
namely what he regards as an unreliable reliance on econometric regression analyses that engage in false correlation and corroboration
tests, he uses the economic freedom literature as his foil. Although
there may be a useful cautionary tale here in general, by focusing on a
single economic freedom study (specifically, Hanke and Walters 1997) as
his whipping boy and failing to mention any others, Hanson's
criticism may be interpreted as denigrating the empirical economic
freedom literature in its entirety. Thus, it is useful to closely
scrutinize his criticisms of this particular study, and the economic
freedom literature more generally, to assess their accuracy. Although
published only recently, Hanson's article has already garnered a
lot of attention. In a simple search on the Internet, I found several
working papers already citing his article. It would appear, therefore,
that a thorough review of Hanson's study is in order.
Each of the next three sections considers Hanson's arguments
in order. These can be summarized as follows. First, Hanson argues that
empiricists working with the various economic freedom indicators fail to
adequately distinguish between these different proxies. Second, Hanson
notes that the economic freedom indicators may suffer from endogeneity
to GDP in their construction, and also in empirical applications in
which they are used in cross-country regressions to explain variations
in GDP. Finally, Hanson presents a series of bivariate regressions
between the Fraser index and GDP that he claims refutes any connection
by focusing on the differences in the estimates over time. Most of these
arguments are shown to be of questionable legitimacy and/or apply only
to a select few empirical studies rather than to the literature as a
2. Incompatibility of the Different Economic Freedom Measures
Hanson believes that the Freedom House indicators are fundamentally
different from those developed by Fraser and Heritage. Although Hanson
agrees with the standard interpretation in the literature that Fraser
and Heritage are strictly measures of institutional support for the free
market, he suggests that an alternative label for the Freedom House
index would be "Liberal Values Index." Hanson believes,
"It is troubling, in any case, that measures that differ so
strikingly with one another are often taken to measure the same
thing" (p. 642). Hanson seems to indicate that the tendency is for
most researchers to treat these measures equivalently. In practice,
however, it is rare for empirical researchers to use Freedom House or
Heritage instead of, or even in addition to, the Fraser index. This may
be because of researchers' belief in the superiority of the Fraser
index, but some have conjectured that reliance on Fraser is simply
because it is the only one of the three constructed for years prior to
1995 (De Haan 2003; Berggren 2003). Either way, the relevance of
Hanson's criticism to the general literature is questionable. Given
that the Freedom House scores, unlike Fraser or Heritage, have never
been updated, they are unlikely to be of much use in the future either,
rendering the whole point moot.
The argument itself, in addition to being somewhat irrelevant to
the literature, can be questioned. If someone were interested in using
Freedom House scores as a proxy for economic freedom, Hanson's
argument should not by itself alter this inclination, because it is not
clear that the various measures are indeed at odds with each other as
Hanson concludes. The seeming incompatibility appears because, as Hanson
points out, Freedom House includes policies supporting the rights to
organize and protecting rights of women and minorities, which are not
directly considered by Fraser or Heritage. Hanson's mistake is that
he seemingly conflates activist government policies with the absence of
official governmental barriers.
The Fraser methodology follows closely from the outline proposed by
Alvin Rabushka at a series of Liberty Fund/Fraser Institute conferences
(Walker 1996). As Rabushka (1991) explains, economic freedom as a broad
sense would allow for all mutually voluntary transactions to occur, and
for enforcement of voluntary commitments (contracts). The Freedom House
methodology is consistent with this view because it assigns lower scores
when the state prevents such activity from taking place, and does not
address how individual market actors behave. Freedom House is explicit
in measuring only legal barriers, and this notion of economic freedom is
based on
a government that refrains from dictating wages, controlling
prices, erecting trade barriers, or otherwise hindering private
economic endeavors. It is of course elementary that an individual
cannot be free if the state infringes his or her rights to exchange
goods and services or join together to pursue economic ends. ...
[In addition] the state must do more than simply stand aside and
let the market work. ... Contracts must be enforced, property
rights defined, and the other institutional prerequisites required
for the conduct of economic affairs set in place. (Messick 1996, p.
Thus, if workers decide to voluntarily organize, Freedom House
would consider it a breach of freedom to enact laws controlling unions
or prohibiting their existence. This should not be viewed as contrasting
with Fraser's concept of economic freedom, because in its new
economic freedom index for the Canadian provinces and U.S. states,
Fraser explicitly recognizes that "Workers should have the right to
form and join unions, or not to do so, as they choose" (Karabegovic
et al. 2004, p. 7). Likewise, according to Freedom House there should
not be any legal barriers for women or minorities to engage in all the
activities afforded to others. Note that this does not make them
privileged groups as Hanson seems to imply, but rather only serves to
ensure that there is no governmental discrimination targeted against
these groups. Hanson argues that Freedom House "frowns on a lack of
labor market regulations or ones without teeth" (p. 642), but the
introductory essay accompanying the Freedom House volume suggests that
it assigns higher scores to the absence of such legal regulations. (1)
Although Hanson is correct to point out that neither Fraser nor Heritage
includes these specific institutional considerations in their measures
of national-level economic freedom, it is still reasonable to conclude
that they can be consistent with attempts to quantify the degree of
economic freedom.
As another example, consider the case of child labor, which is not
discussed by Hanson. Here, Freedom House assigns higher scores when laws
banning child labor exist and are enforced. On the one hand, this may be
a better example of Hanson's "liberal values," because
child labor represents a potentially voluntary transaction that
according to Freedom House should be actively thwarted by the
government. Conversely, an argument can be made that children are not
yet old enough to properly form contracts. Child labor itself can also
be an act of coercion in that parents may force their children into
working, so child labor laws may be necessary to preserve their economic
freedom. (2) The point here is not to advocate the abolishment of child
labor laws, but simply to recognize that it is not clear whether such
laws protect or interfere with economic freedom in the purest sense as
put forth by Rabushka (1991). A reasonable argument could be made on
either side. In line with the consideration of the rights of women and
minorities, the fact that neither Fraser nor Heritage considers the
issue of child labor does not necessarily imply that child labor laws
conflict with their views on economic freedom. (3) If it clearly did,
then they would want to include such a measure but code it in the
opposite direction from Freedom House.
Fraser includes a measure for conscription because it restricts
freedom of labor. Neither Freedom House nor Heritage includes this
measure, but there is no particular reason to assume that they believe
conscription does not limit economic freedom. None of these
organizations directly consider the presence of slavery in a nation, but
it is reasonable to assume they would all agree that such institutions
violate economic freedom and should be actively banned. Noninclusion of
a particular measure does not automatically imply that such a measure
would be incompatible with the notion of economic freedom. Thus, the
different measures considered between Freedom House, Fraser, and
Heritage are not prima facie evidence that their views on economic
freedom contrast.
Because economic freedom is not directly observable, Freedom House,
Fraser, and Heritage have constructed proxies to capture the essential
elements. The indexes are related but certainly not identical. The
differences between the particular components included in each measure
may be reflective of differing points of emphasis rather than of
contrasting views of the notion of economic freedom.
3. Potential Endogeneity of Economic Freedom Rankings
Hanson shows in a series of bivariate regressions that the rankings
developed by Fraser, Heritage, and Freedom House are significantly
correlated with the level of GDP per capita. There are a number of
reasons Hanson gives for suggesting that these correlations do not truly
support the notion that greater economic freedom will generate a higher
standard of living. Many of these concerns, however, are an artifact of
his particular specification. Specifically, Hanson regresses the log of
GDP per capita (relative to the United States) in 1995 on the freedom
rankings for the same year. As he details, such correlation comparisons
lead to two types of endogeneity concerns.
First, Hanson believes that the indicators Freedom House considered
to be important determinants of economic freedom were based on the
prevailing environment within the wealthier nations. As such, regressing
wealth against the Freedom House ranking of freedom does not represent
an independent test, because a positive correlation is built into the
indicator scores. Analyzing the Freedom House rankings may provide
support for his position. It turns out that all seven G7 nations, which
are generally considered to be the most industrialized nations, are
assigned the highest ranking of "free" (Freedom House ranking
[greater than or equal to] 13). Among all the OECD nations, only Greece,
Hungary, South Korea, Mexico, Turkey, and the Slovak Republic (which did
not join OECD until the end of 2000) are not designated as
"free" (Iceland and Luxembourg are not rated by Freedom
House). Furthermore, Freedom House explicitly forgives some of the
wealthier nations for particular transgressions: "[E]ven though the
United States and West European nations control the price and supply of
many agricultural commodities and Japan restrains foreign trade in a
number of ways, these factors alone did not bar these countries from
being rated 'free'" (Messick 1996, p. 6). In fact, these
factors do not even bar the United States and some of the West European
nations from receiving the maximum possible freedom ranking (Freedom
House ranking = 16). Thus Hanson raises a potentially legitimate
It must be noted, however, that most studies that test for the
impact of economic freedom (predominantly using the Fraser index) choose
to relate it to growth, not to the level of GDP. Such an approach should
limit this particular concern and thus does represent an independent
test, especially because most growth studies (not specific to economic
freedom) find only a weak or even an inverse relationship to exist
between the level of GDP and subsequent growth. Hanson bases much of his
criticism on the single empirical study by Hanke and Walters (1997) that
did examine the level of GDP, but Berggren (2003), in his comprehensive
survey, lists only one other study (Leschke 2000) that related freedom
to the level of GDP, whereas he includes eighteen studies that test for
a relationship between the freedom ranking and growth. (4) Thus,
although Hanson justifiably criticizes Hanke and Waiters (1997) for
attempting to use an institutional index to explain concurrent levels of
national wealth, such studies are rare and not representative of the
literature as a whole.
The use of growth rates could also eliminate the second source of
endogeneity troubling Hanson, namely that the regression results may
simply be indicating reverse causality. If economic freedom is a normal
good, then it may be that wealthier nations demand more freedom. Several
growth studies considered in Berggren (2003) unfortunately overlook this
consideration and use freedom rankings that are contemporaneous with the
growth period, or examine the change in freedom during the same growth
period, possibly falling into an endogeneity trap. Others are more
careful and use the freedom ranking at the start of the growth period,
which provides for consistent estimates because future growth could not
cause past institutional arrangements. The overall consensus of these
studies is that economic freedom (or its change) significantly affects
current growth and future growth. Studies that test for the latter are
not subject to the econometric problem of endogeneity.
The potential for reverse causality in growth studies has been
noted before (Dawson 1998; Farr, Lord, and Wolfenbarger 1998; De Haan
and Sturm 2000; Heckelman and Stroup 2000). De Haan and Sturm (2000)
perform tests that reject endogeneity of the change in economic freedom
for growth but do not report relevance tests for their exogenous instruments. This is an important consideration because Hanson noted
that instrumental variable regressions could be used to account for
possible reverse causality between GDP and the freedom index, but he
claimed not to be able to find any suitable instruments.
In addition, there are other studies that directly consider the
endogeneity issue in a Granger-causality framework. Dawson (2003) finds
that the Fraser ranking precedes growth intertemporally but not the
reverse, and similar findings are found by Heckelman (2000) using the
Heritage ranking. (5) Dawson (2003) also concludes that changes to the
economic freedom ranking are jointly determined with growth, which
corroborates Hanson's concern and those that made the same point
before him.
4. Hanson's Fraser Regressions
Although the Freedom House rankings are available only for the
single year of 1995, and the Heritage rankings are available only
starting in 1995, the Fraser rankings go back in five-year intervals to
1975. Hanson uses each five-year Fraser ranking (6) as the explanatory
variable for the same year value of the log of GDP per capita relative
to the United States, in separate bivariate cross-section regressions to
compare the results over time. Hanson uses a matched sample of those
nations rated by Fraser for each regression year. His regressions
contain 78 observations per year, but there are 92 nations rated by
Fraser for each five-year interval. (7) Hanson uses Penn World Table
(PWT) income data for the years prior to 1995 and World Bank data for
the 1995 regression. If the World Bank dataset is missing income data
for several of these nations, this could explain the discrepancy in
sample size. Version 6.1 of PWT has data through 2000, but may not have
been available at the time Hanson began his study. The regressions
presented here include all 92 nations, (8) using PWT GDP data for all
Regressions presented in the top portion of Table 1 largely
corroborate Hanson's findings. With the exception of 1980, the time
patterns are very similar to what Hanson finds. (9) In each regression
the Fraser ranking generates a statistically significant positive
coefficient, yet Hanson questions the validity of these results in truly
supporting the economic freedom-wealth relationship:
Although the coefficients on the Fraser index are always positive
and statistically significant, they are enough lower than the 1995
coefficient that the difference is statistically significant,
according to the Chow test; likewise for the coefficients of
determination, which are low before 1990. Observe also that the
coefficients on the Fraser index trend upward over time. The
decline in the intercept term over time, with a loss of statistical
significance by 1995, also is curious (p. 645).
Except for 1980, the regressions presented in Table 1 also show an
increasing magnitude for the economic freedom variable and a decreasing
magnitude for the intercept, which fails to achieve statistical
significance only in the last year of 1995. Also, as Hanson finds, the
[R.sup.2] measures are surprisingly high (for a bivariate regression)
for 1995, and particularly poor before 1990. (10) Hanson concludes from
these results that there is "no support for the free-market
argument" (p. 645). It would seem, in fact, that the only
conclusion one could reach, based on his results and on those reported
here, is direct support for the "free-market argument."
Hanson's interpretations are faulty in two ways. First, it is
not clear why it should be expected that the marginal impact of a
one-unit increase in freedom should always be identical in each year.
Thus, reliance on a Chow test to refute the consistent relationship
seems unwarranted. There is also a logical explanation as to why these
results should be expected. Like the Freedom House and Heritage
rankings, the Fraser rankings are based on an aggregation of various
freedom components, as described by Hanson. The 1995 rankings include
two additional components not considered for any of the earlier years,
as well as a third component that is also included only for the 1990
ranking. In addition, earlier years contain more missing data, so
rankings are based on even fewer components, which vary by country. In
fact, Fraser cautions against using some of the particular nation
rankings for certain years because they are based on only a few of the
15 components for which data were available. Thus, earlier rankings are
less precise, and therefore the lower [R.sup.2] and coefficient
estimates for earlier years are not surprising.
Second, concern over the shrinking intercept term is completely
misplaced. In these regressions, the intercept term represents the
predicted value for the log of per capita GDP, relative to the United
States, for a nation receiving a 0 economic freedom rating, which would
imply a 0 in every Fraser freedom category. No such nation actually
exists in the Fraser dataset for any year, and therefore should be of
little interest. Again, however, Hanson's finding is actually fully
in accord with the "free market argument," given that the
United States receives a relatively high ranking every year. The
shrinking intercept implies merely that a hypothetical nation having no
economic freedom whatsoever would find its GDP shrinking over time (or,
more precisely, its GDP gap relative to the United States growing over
time), and the nonsignificant intercept term in 1995 implies that such a
hypothetical nation with a ranking of 0 would have a per capita GDP
close to 0. Free market advocates would consider this to be strong
evidence in support of the importance of economic freedom.
It is not even clear what is gained by testing for statistical
significance of the intercept term, which, again, is equivalent to
determining whether the dependent variable has a value of 0 when the
hypothetical nation has a Fraser rating of 0. A value of 0 for the
dependent variable represents such a nation having a log of relative
income per capita equal to zero, which implies that unlogged relative
income per capita has a value of 1, meaning 1% of U.S. GDP per capita.
There is nothing special about the 1% criteria, except that this nation
would obviously be very poor compared to the United States. One could
instead inquire with the same rationale whether such a nation might be
very poor, but not quite as poor, having a relative GDP per capita of
only 2% compared to the United States. This would imply that the
intercept term equals log(2) = 0.69. Using the 1995 regression presented
in Table 1, the relevant t-statistic in this case would be -2.04 and
thus be considered statistically significant. Why anyone should be
concerned with the difference between testing against 1% of U.S. GDP per
capita, where the intercept is not statistically significant, and 2% of
U.S. GDP per capita, where the null is easily rejected, remains a
Alternatively, one might investigate if this hypothetical nation
with a 0 Fraser rating would be even poorer, perhaps with less than even
1% of U.S. GDP per capita. A low enough threshold would also generate a
statistically significant t-statistic. If Hanson were to present a moral
here, it should be against blind reliance on machine-generated
Furthermore, even if one were not to accept the interpretation of
the t-test on the intercept term as given above, Hanson's concern
is still erroneous, because the finding of no statistical significance
for the default value of 0 for the intercept in 1995 is purely an
artifact of the way the GDP data are constructed. The Penn World Table
estimates of relative income per capita assign the United States a value
of 100, and all other nations' incomes are expressed as a
percentage of the U.S. value. If instead the other nations' incomes
were expressed as a ratio of the U.S. GDP per capita, with the United
States thereby normalized to a value of 1 rather than 100, then, as
shown in the middle portion of Table 1, the intercept term for 1995
would still be statistically significant.
Although these regressions still show a declining intercept over
time (again, except for 1980), the constant term is always negative, and
thus the t-values grow larger, rather than smaller, in absolute value in
subsequent years. Here, the null under the default t-test for the
intercept term is implicitly testing whether a nation with a Fraser
ranking of 0 has significantly lower GDP per capita than the United
States in general, rather than a particular (arbitrary) percentage.
Again, fully consistent with the "free-market argument," the
answer is always yes. This interpretation comes about because when the
constant term is equal to zero, the predicted dependent variable for a
nation with a Fraser rating of 0 again would be log(1), but in this case
the value of 1 is the value always assigned to the United States.
Statistical significance of the intercept term with an estimated
negative coefficient implies that a nation with a Fraser rating of 0 has
a predicted value of relative income that is less than log(1) = 0, and
therefore less than that of the United States. As before, the
"shrinking" intercept term implies that the relative income
gap for such a nation is growing over time.
In terms of the relevance of the Fraser regressions, there is
absolutely no reason to prefer a normalization of 100 over a
normalization of 1 for the dependent variable. The Fraser index
coefficient estimates and regression coefficients of variation are not
affected by the change in scale to the dependent variable. In the latter
case, however, anyone who might fret over a low default t-statistic for
the intercept term can rest easy.
Alternatively, Hanson could simply have used the actual percentage
values for relative income as given in the Penn World Tables, rather
than converting them into log values (no justification is given for
doing this). In cross-country studies, the log form is often used for
per capita income in order to put all nations on a similar scale, but
because Hanson uses relative income, all nations are already on the same
0-100 scale, so there is no reason to believe that the log conversion is
necessary or even useful. If relative income is kept unlogged, then
again the intercept would be statistically significant for 1995. This is
shown in the bottom portion of Table 1. Here, the reverse result occurs,
with the intercept falling from a positive value, but not statistically
different from zero, to a negative and statistically significant value
in later years.
Neither of these alternative specifications for the dependent
variables alters the time pattern of a diminishing (in absolute value)
intercept. However, as stated above, this result is actually fully in
accord with a "free-market argument." Furthermore, the
specific concern expressed by Hanson for nonsignificance of the
intercept in 1995, although not troubling to "free-market"
advocates when properly interpreted, relates to a finding that is unique
to his arbitrary choice of functional form for the income dependent
variable. This choice, of course, is completely unrelated to
construction of the freedom rankings, but critical for understanding the
proper interpretation of the intercept term.
This is not to say that all relative-income regressions are above
reproach. The time-varying results may very well amount to
"statistical nonsense," but not for the reasons Hanson gives.
Rather, as discussed in the previous section, Hanson's concerns for
reverse causality are still relevant here. Failure to correct for
endogeneity can certainly lead to inconsistent parameter estimates. To
avoid the endogeneity pitfall, economic freedom rankings should be used
as an explanatory variable to explain only subsequent growth, and not
the level of concurrent wealth. The purpose of this section has been
simply to counter Hanson's claim that his findings that regression
estimates relating freedom to relative income can change over time in
any way diminishes the relevance of other empirical studies utilizing
the Fraser rankings.
5. Conclusions
Hanson is very clear in his criticism of the Freedom House
rankings. "The high correlations of the Freedom House index with
the other indexes [Fraser Institute and Heritage Organization] are
interesting but meaningless because of the different definitions of
economic freedom and other philosophical differences inherent in their
construction. The similarities in the regression results based on them
are likewise misleading." Furthermore, although he shows that all
three rankings are significantly positively correlated with a
nation's level of wealth, Hanson claims these relationships are
spurious. Neither conclusion is justified.
Although most of Hanson's arguments are shown to be specious,
he does raise valid concerns over the possibility of endogenity bias.
However, regressions using subsequent economic growth instead of the
current level of GDP should address this particular concern, and
numerous studies consistently find a positive correlation to exist
between economic freedom and economic growth.
No body of literature is without its share of questionable studies,
but by calling out the work of Hanke and Waiters (1997) in particular,
Hanson seems to have focused his attention on perhaps the weakest link
in the economic freedom canon. Because most other studies are not
subject to the same criticisms he levels at this one, this calls into
question the general importance of many of his concerns. Furthermore,
Hanson himself makes numerous mistakes in interpreting his own
regression analysis. Proper interpretation is shown to actually validate
the relationship between economic freedom and prosperity that he seems
so desperate to undermine.
The rebuttal to Hanson's criticisms does not mean that the
economic freedom literature is without flaw. De Haan (2003) has
complained that many studies have not given proper attention to
robustness testing or parameter heterogeneity. Heckelman and Stroup
(2000) argue that reliance on any summary rating comprised of disparate
elements may result in a misspecification bias, and advocate that
individual components should remain distinct in regression analysis
rather than first combined into a single index. Doucouliagos and
Ulubasoglu (2004) suggest that there may be selection and publication
bias toward significant findings. These concerns all apply to the bulk
of the empirical literature on economic freedom and should be taken
seriously. But with the possible exception of the potential for reverse
causality, Hanson's criticisms are either wrong or severely limited
in their applicability.
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(1) See especially pages 5-8 of the Freedom House volume.
(2) In this sense, compulsory education is also a form of coercion
and dictates how a child's labor is to be spent. Neither Freedom
House, Fraser, nor Heritage includes measures for compulsory education.
(3) In fact, in a recent policy briefing at the Fraser Institute,
specific attention was drawn to a perceived inverse relationship between
a nation's freedom ranking (by quintile) and the percentage of
child labor present in the country. This would seem to indicate
disapproval of child labor. The briefing is available for viewing online
at 2004PolicyBriefing.ppt (see slide 75).
(4) See in particular, Berggren's table 3. All studies listed
there pertain to the Fraser index of economic freedom.
(5) Such tests are not possible for the Freedom House ranking
because it exists for only a single year.
(6) Hanson's regressions use the Is1 version of the summary
ratings, which are based on survey-determined weights for the different
components which comprise the index. To replicate his analysis, the Is1
index is used here as well.
(7) The Fraser ratings appear in Gwartney, Lawson, and Block
(8) Some of the individual nation ratings are marked by Fraser to
draw attention to the large number of missing data for specific
components. Dropping those nations which were marked in such a way for
any of the years reduces the sample size to 81, but does not
substantially alter the findings reported in Table 1, except that the
coefficient for the freedom index in 1980 is no longer statistically
significant. The time patterns for the magnitudes of the estimated
coefficients for the intercept and freedom ranking, and the [R.sup.2]
measure, remain the same.
(9) Hanson's statistically insignificant intercept term for
1995 is positive in the matched sample of 78 nations, but negative in
his full sample of 100 nations, which is closer in sample size to the
92-nation matched sample used here.
(10) Hanson reports [R.sup.2] values of 0.08 (1975), 0.22 (1980),
0.10 (1985), 0.27 (1990), and 0.40 (1995), which are comparable to those
given in Table 1.
Jac C. Heckelman, Wake Forest University, 110 Carswell Hall,
Winston-Salem, NC 27109, USA; E-mail:
I thank Michael Stroup and three anonymous referees for their
careful reading and detailed comments that helped to focus the paper.
Any remaining errors are my own responsibility.
Received September 2004; accepted April 2005.
Table 1. Fraser Institute Ranking: Relationship to Relative Income
per Capita in the Same Year (Matched Samnle: n = 92)
1975 1980 1985
Dependent variable: log of relative per capita income in
percentage terms
Constant 2.09 ** 2.30 ** 1.88 **
(6.09) (6.78) (5.47)
Economic freedom 0.22 ** 0.17 ** 0.24 **
(2.91) (2.29) (3.25)
[R.sup.2] 0.086 0.055 0.10
Dependent variable: log of relative per capita income in ratio terms
Constant -2.51 ** -2.31 ** -2.72 **
(-7.33) (-6.81) (-7.90)
Economic freedom 0.22 ** 0.17 ** 0.24 **
(2.91) (2.29) (3.25)
[R.sup.2] 0.086 0.055 0.10
Dependent variable: relative per capita income in percentage terms
Constant 8.25 15.22 * 2.78
(0.82) (1.63) (0.31)
Economic freedom 5.67 ** 4.06 ** 6.31 **
(2.53) (1.93) (3.24)
[R.sup.2] 0.066 0.040 0.10
1990 1995
Dependent variable: log of relative per capita income in percentage
Constant 0.97 ** -0.018
(2.64) (-0.053)
Economic freedom 0.40 ** 0.55 **
(5.40) (8.59)
[R.sup.2] 0.24 0.45
Dependent variable: log of relative per capita income in ratio terms
Constant -3.63 ** -4.62 **
(-9.84) (-13.28)
Economic freedom 0.40 ** 0.55 **
(5.40) (8.59)
[R.sup.2] 0.24 0.45
Dependent variable: relative per capita income in percentage
terms (unlogged)
Constant -18.79 ** -35.99 **
(-2.00) (4.16)
Economic freedom 10.24 ** 12.77 **
(5.47) (8.59)
[R.sup.2] 0.24 0.42
t-statistics are shown in parentheses below coefficient estimates.
* Significant at the 10% level.
** Significant at the 5% level.